Biomolecular archaeology Research Papers - (original) (raw)

""Contents: S. Voutsaki & S.M. Valamoti Towards a better integration of archaeology and science in the study of ancient diet: an introduction J. Bintliff Archaeological science, scientific archaeology and the Big Questions in the... more


S. Voutsaki & S.M. Valamoti
Towards a better integration of archaeology and science in the study of ancient diet: an introduction

J. Bintliff
Archaeological science, scientific archaeology and the Big Questions in the long-term development of Greek society from prehistory to Roman times

A. Papathanasiou, T. Theodoropoulou & S.M. Valamoti
The quest for prehistoric meals: towards an understanding of past diets in the Aegean. Integrating stable isotope analysis, archaeobotany and zooarchaeology

M. Roumpou, N.S. Müller, N. Kalogeropoulos, P.M. Day, I. Nikolakopoulou & V. Kilikoglou
An interdisciplinary approach to the study of cooking vessels from Bronze Age Akrotiri, Thera

B. Derham, R. Doonan, Y. Lolos, A. Sarris & R. Jones Integrating geochemical survey, ethnography and organic residue analysis to identify and understand areas of foodstuff processing

S. El Zaatari, K. Harvati & E. Panagopoulou Occlusal molar microwear texture analysis and the diet of the Neanderthal from Lakonis

E. Kotjabopoulou
The horse, the lake and the people: implications for the Late Glacial social landscapes at the foot of the Pindus mountain range, north-western Greece

M. Pappa, P. Halstead,
K. Kotsakis, A. Bogaard, R. Fraser, V. Isaakidou, I. Mainland, D. Mylona, K. Skourtopoulou, S. Triantaphyllou, Chr. Tsoraki, D. Urem-Kotsou, S.M. Valamoti & R. Veropoulidou
The Neolithic site of Makriyalos, northern Greece: a reconstruction of the social and economic structure of the settlement through a comparative study of the finds

Κ. Psaraki, Μ. Roumpou, V. Aravantinos and N. Kalogeropoulos
Food storage and household economy at late Early Helladic II Thebes: an interdisciplinary approach

A. Papanthimou, S.M. Valamoti, E. Papadopoulou, E. Tsagkaraki & E. Voulgari Food storage in the context of an Early Bronze Age household economy: new evidence from Archontiko Giannitson

E. Papadopoulou & Y. Maniatis
Reconstructing thermal processing techniques: the application of FTIR spectroscopy in the analysis of clay thermal structures from Early Bronze Age Archontiko

T. Brogan, C. Sofianou, J. Morrison, D. Mylona, E. Margaritis & R. Beeston Living off the fruits of the sea: new evidence for dining at Papadiokampos, Crete

S. Voutsaki, S. Triantaphyllou, E. Milka & C. Zerner
Middle Helladic Lerna: diet, economy, society

A. Ingvarsson-Sundström, S. Voutsaki & E. Milka Diet, health and social differentiation in Middle Helladic Asine: a bioarchaeological view

A. Galik, G. Forstenpointner, G.E. Weissengruber, U. Thanheiser, M. Lindblom, R. Smetana & W. Gauß Bioarchaeological investigations at Kolonna, Aegina (Early Helladic III to Late Helladic III)

S. Andreou, C. Heron, G. Jones, V. Kiriatzi, K. Psaraki, M. Roumpou & S.M. Valamoti Smelly barbarians or perfumed natives? An investigation of oil and ointment use in Late Bronze Age northern Greece

D. Mylona, M. Ntinou, P. Pakkanen, A. Penttinen, D. Serjeantson & T. Theodoropoulou
Integrating archaeology and science in a Greek sanctuary: issues of practice and interpretation in the study of the bioarchaeological remains from the Sanctuary of Poseidon at Kalaureia

M. Tiverios, E. Manakidou, D. Tsiafaki, S.M. Valamoti, T. Theodoropoulou & E. Gatzogia
Cooking in an Iron Age pit in northern Greece: an interdisciplinary approach

C. Bourbou
Are we what we eat? Reconstructing dietary patterns of Greek Byzantine populations (7th-13th centuries AD) through a multi-disciplinary approach
R. Charalampopoulou The institutional framework of scientific analyses in Greece:
administrative procedures and some statistics for the period 2002 – 2009
S. Voutsaki, S.M. Valamoti & the participants Institutional framework and ethical obligations: the Round Table discussion on archaeological science in Greece