Byzantine monasticism Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Taft R. F. The Great Entrance. A History of the Transfer of Gifts and other Preanaphoral Rites of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. [A History of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, vol. II]. Roma, 1975. (Orientalia Christiana Analecta;... more

Taft R. F. The Great Entrance. A History of the Transfer of Gifts and other Preanaphoral Rites of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. [A History of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, vol. II]. Roma, 1975. (Orientalia Christiana Analecta; 200).

Carigrad kao centar romejskog kulturnog kruga bio je mesto odakle su se širili kulturni uticaji na Balkan i Mediteran. Takav je slučaj bio i sa manastirskim tipicima i organizacijom manastirskog života i svakodnevice monaha. Evergetidski... more

Carigrad kao centar romejskog kulturnog kruga bio je mesto odakle su se širili kulturni uticaji na Balkan i Mediteran. Takav je slučaj bio i sa manastirskim tipicima i organizacijom manastirskog života i svakodnevice monaha. Evergetidski tipik bio je model za tipike pisane za carigradske manastire i za manastire u srednjovekovnoj Srbiji koja je kao balkanska zemlja bila deo mediterantskog kulturnog kruga. Najveći broj tipika carigradskih ženskih manastira sačuvan je iz kasnovizantijskog perioda. Tipik manastira Bogorodice Sigurne Nade čiji su autori Teodora Sinadena i njena ćerka Eufrosina nastao je u prvoj polovini 14. veka. Teodora je osnovala sestrinstvo od 30 monahinja, čija je svakodnevica bila oblikovana pravilima tipika. One su bile podeljene u dve grupe, horske sestre na čelu sa glavnom monahinjom vršile su svakodnevne službe, dok je druga grupa odabrana za fizičke poslove u manastiru. Glavna monahinja bila je zadužena za obrazovanje iskušenica koje su pripremane za monaški postrig, ali i za obrazovanje mlađih horskih sestara. Deo svakodnevice svih monahinja bila je privatna i zajednička molitva. One su se tokom privatnih molitvi u svojim kelijama molile kako za svoje spasenje tako i za spasenje duše ktitorke. Svakodnevica monahinja ovog carigradskog manastira i njegov tipik odabrani su kao primer na osnovu kojeg se može zaključiti kako su funkcionisali manastiri u Srbiji koja je bila deo mediteranskog kulturnog kruga. Metodi studija mreža konektivnosti korišćeni su u ovom radu.

Leone il Grande fu abate del monastero da lui fondato per alcuni anni, non oltre il novembre 991. Gli archivi benedettini del X e XI secolo non menzionano il proprio cenobio sul Monte Athos. Tuttavia essi ci offrono precise, pur se... more

Leone il Grande fu abate del monastero da lui fondato per alcuni anni, non oltre il novembre 991. Gli archivi benedettini del X e XI secolo non menzionano il proprio cenobio sul Monte Athos. Tuttavia essi ci offrono precise, pur se indirette, informazioni sul periodo iniziale e preziosi indizi sul complesso rapporto che intercorse fra Benevento e Montecassino attraverso Apothikon. In particolare, veniamo informati che il trentesimo abate dell'abbazia laziale era stato in precedenza uno dei primi monaci di Apothikon, dove arrivò a causa di uno scandalo. Sappiamo infatti dalla Chronica monasterii Casinensis che, mentre il monastero benedettino athonita era governato dall'abate Giovanni, un altro Giovanni - Giovanni il Beneventano (Joannes Beneventanus) - vi trovò rifugio. La sua permanenza si protrasse dal 993-994 al 996. Giovanni il Beneventano era fuggito da Montecassino, in una data fra il 14 novembre 985 e l'8 maggio 986, non appena Mansone fu nominato ventottesimo abate con un atto di nepotismo.

ur on-going project, "Traces of the Past for Contemporary Creativity: Urban Archaeology and Küçükyalı ArkeoPark", supported by Istanbul Development Agency, is in progress at the Küçükyalı ArkeoPark, continues at full steam. Besides... more

ur on-going project, "Traces of the Past for Contemporary Creativity: Urban Archaeology and Küçükyalı ArkeoPark", supported by Istanbul Development Agency, is in progress at the Küçükyalı ArkeoPark, continues at full steam. Besides focusing our undergoing work on archaeology, restoration, architecture, drawing, photography, cultural routes and public archaeology, we have also organized free training workshops for university students at our site last month. Participants coming from various universities had the chance to attend two-day training workshops on marbling art and industrial and graphic design. During our very first free training program, we welcomed Asst. Prof. Dr. Seher Aşıcı, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sevim Arslan, Asst. Prof. Dr. Şehnaz Biçer Özcan and their students from Marmara University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Traditional Turkish Handicrafts. On the first day of their visit, after getting information on the on-going research and excavations at our site, students made drawings inspired by the archaeological finds and photos of the flora of our site. On the second day, a marbling art workshop held at our Visitors Center and our project team participated to this pleasant activity as well. The guests of our second free training program were Asst. Prof. Dr. Asım Evren Yantaç, Asst. Prof. Dr. Aykut Coşkun and their students from Koç University, Media and Visual Arts Department. The major goals of such training workshops were to emphasize the importance of the Küçükyalı ArkeoPark from the point of view of archaeology, architectural history and art history, to raise awareness on the sustainability of cultural heritage, to establish bonds with urban memory of Çınar neighborhood, where our site is located, to meet the needs of our site in terms of tourism, presentation and visibility and to produce 2D and 3D products by using traditional methods. Following the documentary screening and guided tour at the site, students focused on design work on the first day of the workshop and presented their sketches and ideas to the group at the end of the day. On the second day of the training, students continued working on the prototypes of their sketches. As the Küçükyalı ArkeoPark team, we sincerely would like to thank faculty members and their students for their active participation and interest in our workshops. O 15 April

The article deals with the ἄβατον, which is the prohibition for males to enter nunneries, and the everyday life of the convents, including their economic activities. The purpose of this paper is to analyze Byzantine law regarding the... more

The article deals with the ἄβατον, which is the prohibition for males to enter nunneries, and
the everyday life of the convents, including their economic activities. The purpose of this paper
is to analyze Byzantine law regarding the ἄβατον and to study the ways to reconcile the strict
interdictions and reality. Our sources were, in the first place, the legislation, and secondly, the
six typika, preserved up to date, of convents dating from the Komnenoi and Paleologoi era. We
also cite some examples from early hagiography and the Rules of Basil the Great.
The research has resulted in the following conclusions. The ktitors of the convents endeavoured
to make the life of the communities as closed as possible. The nuns of these (but not
of all the others, as may be deduced from some other sources) convents did not need to earn
their living (even the clothes in some convents were not made by the nuns but bought at the
market), thus their contacts with the outer world were easily to reduce to the minimum. But
even where participation in worldly life was required, e.g., managing the monastic household,
only a limited goup of people was involved.
The admission of males into the convent was practised in the following few cases: a steward
(often a eunuch), a medic (more often than not a eunuch), a priest (often also a eunuch),
labourers, authorities and the ktitor’s relatives (with a maximal frequency of once or twice a year).



A review of the 2016 English translation of the 2012 Russian work on Arab Orthodox Christians under the rule of the Ottoman Empire.

(pre-print) Μέρος του Μαρία Αλεξάνδρου (επιμ.), Κασσία, η βυζαντινή ποιήτρια και συνθέτιδα-Αφιέρωμα μουσικολογικό και ψαλτικό, στο 1ο Συμπόσιο Ορθοδόξων Ψαλτριών, με τίτλο Γυναίκες Ψάλτριες Βυζαντινής & Εκκλησιαστικής Μουσικής. Διδασκαλία... more

(pre-print) Μέρος του Μαρία Αλεξάνδρου (επιμ.), Κασσία, η βυζαντινή ποιήτρια και συνθέτιδα-Αφιέρωμα μουσικολογικό και ψαλτικό, στο 1ο Συμπόσιο Ορθοδόξων Ψαλτριών, με τίτλο Γυναίκες Ψάλτριες Βυζαντινής & Εκκλησιαστικής Μουσικής. Διδασκαλία & Διεύθυνση Γυναικείου Χορού Ψαλτριών, που οργάνωσε η Ακαδημία Θεολογικών Σπουδών Βόλου, σε συνεργασία με το Βυζαντινό Χορό Ψαλτριών «Αι Άδουσαι», υπό την αιγίδα της Ιεράς Μητρόπολης Δημητριάδος, Βόλος 22-24 Νοεμβρίου 2019 (υπό έκδοση στα Πρακτικά)

Gregory of Nyssa's use of his elder sister as an example of the dynamic progress of the soul

This book proposes an interpretation of the Pseudo-Dionysian corpus in light of the liturgical and ascetic tradition that defined the author and his audience. Characterized by both striking originality and remarkable fidelity to the... more

This book proposes an interpretation of the Pseudo-Dionysian corpus in light of the liturgical and ascetic tradition that defined the author and his audience. Characterized by both striking originality and remarkable fidelity to the patristic and late neoplatonic traditions, the Dionysian corpus is a coherent and unified structure, whose core and pivot is the treatise known as the Ecclesiastical Hierarchy. Given Pseudo-Dionysius fundamental continuity with earlier Christian theology and spirituality, it is not surprising that the church, and in particular the ascetic community, recognized that this theological synthesis articulated its own fundamental experience and aspirations.

A brief history of the diversity of monasticism, east and west, from its origins to the 'new monasticism'

Monepiscopacy definition: a form of church government in which a single governing bishop or leader is appointed in a local church, region, or over an entire denomination. This development was a departure from the earliest church model for... more

Monepiscopacy definition: a form of church government in which a single governing bishop or leader is appointed in a local church, region, or over an entire denomination. This development was a departure from the earliest church model for governing Christian communities typically having a collegial type of leadership in which a group of men share the responsibility of leading and teaching, as among a group of colleagues.

This paper aspires to understand the mystery of the spiritual father relationship through Christ’s teaching as recorded in John’s Gospel; and, in light of this, to better understand subsequent Orthodox teaching and practice regarding that... more

This paper aspires to understand the mystery of the spiritual father relationship through Christ’s teaching as recorded in John’s Gospel; and, in light of this, to better understand subsequent Orthodox teaching and practice regarding that mystery. As such, the first half of this paper surveys the teaching related to this subject (that is, how God in Christ is revealed to those who believe) as it is contained in John’s Gospel. Considering the way in which Jesus Christ is revealed will therefore require certain clarifications with regard to the role and purpose of both Christian priesthood and the office of prophet. More specifically, it will be important to understand how precisely these roles give effect to and extend the ministry and salvation of Christ with regard to those who believe in him. Within this discussion the prophetic gift and function will be identified with the relationship between fathers and sons as a spiritual relationship modeled directly after Christ’s own relationship with his Father. Though in a slightly different way, this will also involve careful examination of Christ’s own role as prophet and spiritual father— he who was sent—to his own disciples and audience. In the second half of the paper, other historic and modern theological witnesses are utilized to show that in light of the language in John’s Gospel, spiritual fatherhood for Orthodoxy has always and essentially been considered an extension of Christ’s selfless prophetic revelation of God the Father to the world. The significance of pointing out such observations is meant to indicate that the proper ministry and function of the spiritual father—but also that of the priest—ought to be located directly and unambiguously in Christ and his example.

DOBRUDJA IN OTTOMAN TIMES: THE KAZA OF HÂRȘOVA (16TH C) Abstract The Ottoman chancery documents, such as defters, orders, regulations, are a key source for studying Dobrudja under Ottoman rule, revealing its administrative, military and... more

The Ottoman chancery documents, such as defters, orders, regulations, are a key source for studying Dobrudja under Ottoman rule, revealing its administrative, military and economic structures. This paper draws on toponymical, topographical and administrative information taken from eight Ottoman registers, all dating from the sixteenth century. The toponymy and the rural habitat are interpreted from a long-time perspective, assessing the continuity between the Ottoman and the pre-Ottoman structures. The Dobrudja case is also placed in the larger image of the dynamics of the Ottoman rural landscape. This article identifies both military and non-military Ottoman institutions in Dobrudja, such a vozar, derbendci, ellici, gümrükçi, müsellem, akıncı. Consequently, it proposes a comparative analysis between the Ottoman power structures and the previous, imperial, Byzantine ones. A chronological and cartographic inventory of the human settlements in Ottoman Dobrudja argues for a reconsideration of their synchronic and diachronic evolution.

Publishes in 'Come to the Father', Journal of the Anglican Community of the Servants of the Will Of God, Sussex.

В истории «даров волхвов» из монастыря святого Павла на Афоне можно проследить по историческим источникам следующие периоды: 1) «дароносивые златые сосуды, иже принесоша Христу с дары волсви» в XI-XII вв. хранились в ризнице св. Софии; 2)... more

В истории «даров волхвов» из монастыря святого Павла на Афоне можно проследить по историческим источникам следующие периоды: 1) «дароносивые златые сосуды, иже принесоша Христу с дары волсви» в XI-XII вв. хранились в ризнице св. Софии; 2) в 1470 г. Мара Бранкович, дочь сербского деспота Георгия Бранковича и Ирины Кантакузины, жена османского султана Мурата II, принесла «дароносивые златые сосуды, иже принесоша Христу с дары волсви» в дар сербскому монастырю св. Павла на Афоне, о чем гласил турецкий фирман, утраченный во время пожара 1902 г.; 3) в XVI-XVII вв. «дароносивые златые сосуды, иже принесоша Христу с дары волсви» были переделаны в золотой пояс, насчитывающий 9 золотых пластин и 69 бусин из смеси ладана и смирны; 4) после 1744 г., когда монастырь св. Павла вновь заселили греки, число пластин увеличилось до 28, а бусин убавилось на 7.

Les Apophtegmes des pères sont une source importante du monachisme primitif. Ces textes contiennent souvent des termes et des détails de la vie monastique qui sont obscurs et peu compréhensibles pour nos contemporains. Cet article est... more

Les Apophtegmes des pères sont une source importante du monachisme primitif. Ces textes contiennent souvent des termes et des détails de la vie monastique qui sont obscurs et peu compréhensibles pour nos contemporains. Cet article est consacré à l'un de ces termes liés à la pratique monastique 1. En 2006, J. Wortley a publié un article qui portait spécifiquement sur la pratique de la méditation (μελέτη) dans les Apophtegmes 2. Le problème duquel part Wortley est la non-conformité du sens contemporain du mot « méditation », par lequel on traduit traditionnellement le mot grec μελέτη, avec le sens ancien de ce terme en grec et en latin 3. À partir de cette opposition entre le sens contemporain et le sens ancien, en se référant à L. Regnault, Wortley définit la μελέτη, pour les textes des Apophtegmes, comme signifiant tout d'abord une pratique de type méditative et contemplative à haute voix et non pas silencieuse 4. C'est la récitation à haute ou à mi-voix des textes de la Sainte Écriture que Wortley, en suivant Regnault, attribue comme sens premier à la μελέτη. Il remarque aussi que, dans les Apophtegmes et dans les textes monastiques en général, ce terme est employé souvent en rapport avec les Psaumes. À partir de là, Wortley associe μελέτη et psalmodie en y trouvant un argument de plus pour le caractère non silencieux de la μελέτη. Ensuite, à partir du verbe ἀποστηθίζω qui est employé dans les textes comme expression de la μελέτη, Wortley, à la suite d'une tradition savante déjà bien établie, identifie la μελέτη avec la récitation par coeur des textes de la Sainte Écriture. Dans la pratique elle-même de la μελέτη, Wortley distingue deux variantes : la répétition constante d'une phrase (ῥητόν) de la Sainte Écriture et la récitation non répétitive d'un texte assez long. 1. Cet article est un petit extrait de la thèse consacrée à la prière dans les Apophtegmes des pères que j'ai préparée sous la direction de M. Bernard Flusin. Je lui suis très reconnaissant d'avoir accepté d'être mon directeur de thèse et de m'avoir aidé toutes ces années.

Aspekte des Alltagslebens im Pauloskloster (Deir el-Bachît) von Theben-West | Ina Eichner Abb. 1 Qurnat Marʻῑ, koptische Inschrift in einem pharaonischen Grab. -(Foto I. Eichner). Abb. 2 Deir el-Bachît, Lage des Klosters auf dem Hügel von... more

Aspekte des Alltagslebens im Pauloskloster (Deir el-Bachît) von Theben-West | Ina Eichner Abb. 1 Qurnat Marʻῑ, koptische Inschrift in einem pharaonischen Grab. -(Foto I. Eichner). Abb. 2 Deir el-Bachît, Lage des Klosters auf dem Hügel von Dra´ Abu el-Naga. -(Foto I. Eichner).

Berserkism in the Merovingian Empire? For three generations of research, impressive evidence has been available: the pressblech foils from Obrigheim and Gutenstein. ‘Wolf warriors’ thus seem to have been proven not only in the... more

Berserkism in the Merovingian Empire? For three generations of research, impressive evidence
has been available: the pressblech foils from Obrigheim and Gutenstein. ‘Wolf warriors’ thus
seem to have been proven not only in the Scandinavian and Anglo-Saxon regions, but also in
Christian south-western Germany. The article
attempts – based on the Obrigheim find – to retrace the history of the interpretation of these
pictorial works and to offer a new approach to interpretation.

Доклад «’’Звенигородский чин” прп. Андрея Рублева: современные проблемы изучения» на III Чтениях памяти В.А. Плугина на историческом факультете МГУ 14 ноября 2017 г. В докладе полностью доказана по данным всего комплекса источников... more

Доклад «’’Звенигородский чин” прп. Андрея Рублева: современные проблемы изучения» на III Чтениях памяти В.А. Плугина на историческом факультете МГУ 14 ноября 2017 г. В докладе полностью доказана по данным всего комплекса источников неоспоримая принадлежность знаменитого «Звенигородского чина» кисти великого иконописца прп. Андрея Рублева († 17.10.1428). Тем самым начисто развенчаны легковесные мнения молодых сотрудников ГТГ Л.В. Нерсесяна и С.В. Свердловой (поддержанных только А.М. Лидовым), прозвучавшие на круглом столе в Третьяковской галерее 21 июня 2017 г., что «Звенигородский чин» 1396 г. якобы не был написан прп. Андреем Рублевым и отличается от его общепризнанных икон, таких, как чудотворная икона «Живоначальная Троица». Такие незрелые суждения не соответствуют уровню современного научного знания об этих шедеврах и обусловлены недостаточной осведомленностью авторов «сенсации» о творческой биографии всемирно известного иконописца Древней Руси, которая взята ими для корреляции: «получается, что Рублев, будучи еще совсем молодым мастером, создал одно из самых совершенных и сложных по технике произведений древнерусской живописи, но через четверть века по какой-то неизвестной причине радикальным образом изменил свою манеру» (Софья Свердлова).
Доклад проф. О.Г. Ульянова, заведующего Сектором церковной археологии ФГБУК «Центральный музей древнерусской культуры и искусства имени прп. Андрея Рублева», подготовлен на базе научно-исследовательского проекта «Преподобный Андрей Рублев в Спасо-Андрониковом монастыре».

La plupart d'entre nous, ici, aujourd'hui, si non tous, sont des xénoi, des étrangers à cette terre. Ce n'est pas la terre de notre naissance. En fait, cela a été le cas depuis le début du monachisme en Terre Sainte, au quatrième siècle.... more

La plupart d'entre nous, ici, aujourd'hui, si non tous, sont des xénoi, des étrangers à cette terre. Ce n'est pas la terre de notre naissance. En fait, cela a été le cas depuis le début du monachisme en Terre Sainte, au quatrième siècle. La grande majorité des moines et des nonnes était ici toujours composée d'étrangers parlant beaucoup de langues différentes. Pour la dernière partie du quatrième siècle, il y avait de nombreux moines et des nonnes dont la langue maternelle était le grecque, le latin ou le syriaque. Plusieurs sont venus comme des pèlerins et ont décidé de rester. Dans son Épître 107.2, Jérôme a écrit avec quelque fleur de rhétorique que : " quotidiennement nous recevons à Jérusalem des troupes de moines venant de l'Inde, de la Perse, de l'Ethiopie... Arméniens, Huns, Goths, Scythes ". À la seconde moitié du quatrième siècle et la première moitié du cinquième siècle Jérusalem a respiré une atmosphère cosmopolite. Nous, qui appartenons au Patriarcat latin, pouvons voir nos ancêtres dans Mélanie l'Ancienne et Rufin d'Aquilée sur le Mont des Oliviers, Jérôme et Paula à Bethléem et nous ne devons pas oublier Jean Cassien, qui a passé trois ans à Bethléem avant de chercher des meilleures formes de monachisme en Égypte. La plupart de ces gens étaient aussi multilingues. En écrivant au milieu du sixième siècle, Cyril de Scythopolis (Beit Shéan) dépeint tous les héros fondateurs du monachisme en