CAD/CAM/CAE Research Papers - (original) (raw)

In this paper we displayed the problematic of spring design, with usage of CAD/CAE (Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Engineering) methods. Spring 3D (Three-dimensional) parametric modeling is performed in CATIA (Computer Aided... more

In this paper we displayed the problematic of spring design, with usage of CAD/CAE (Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Engineering) methods. Spring 3D (Three-dimensional) parametric modeling is performed in CATIA (Computer Aided Three-dimensional Interactive Application) software for purposes of achieving fast manipulation of spring geometry, so various spring variants can be made. Using the same software, FEM (Finite Element Method) analysis is used to determine maximum stresses and deflections. Utility of developed parametrized spring system is best reflected for cases of new spring design, where new geometric and FEM models are created with simple parameter application and update feature. This research resulted in spring prototyping with utilization of 3D printing techniques and spring manufacturing.

Dental biocorrosion can produce a devastating impact on oral health. The restorative phase of the treatment should not cause additional damage of the remaining sound tooth structure. Ultrathin occlusal veneers are a conservative... more

Dental biocorrosion can produce a devastating impact on oral health. The restorative phase of the treatment should not cause additional damage of the remaining sound tooth structure. Ultrathin occlusal veneers are a conservative alternative to traditional onlays and complete crowns for the treatment of severe biocorrosive lesions. This strategy is explained in the present case report through a full-mouth rehabilitation of a patient with moderate biocorrosion. Maxillary anterior teeth were restored using the bilaminar technique (lingual direct composite veneers with labial ceramic veneers) and posterior teeth using ultrathin CAD-CAM ceramic occlusal veneers. The technical aspects required for the implementation of this new restorative design are presented with a special emphasis on the control of tooth preparation based on diagnostic wax-up, provisionalization, and the use of CAD-CAM technology.

U radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja mogućnosti geometrijskog parametarskog modeliranja realnih mašinskih dijelova koristeći trenutno najsavremeniji CAD/CAM/CAE softverski sistem CATIA V5. Popis slika, tabela i korištenih oznaka dat... more

U radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja mogućnosti geometrijskog parametarskog modeliranja realnih mašinskih dijelova koristeći trenutno najsavremeniji CAD/CAM/CAE softverski sistem CATIA V5. Popis slika, tabela i korištenih oznaka dat je na početku a indeks pojmova na kraju rada. Rad se sastoji od sedam poglavlja i dodatka. U prvom poglavlju opisano je područje istraživanja sa jasno definisanim ciljem, metodom i sadržajem istraživanja, te opisom korištene laboratorijske opreme (radnih stanica i CATIA V5 sistema). Prednosti konstruisanja podržanog računarom u odnosu na konvencionalni pristup, opis pojedinih faza procesa konstruisanja i pregled novih metoda projektovanja i konstruisanja sadržaj su drugog poglavlja. Osnovne postavke računarske grafike i transformacije na kojima se temelji modeliranje mašinskih dijelova pomoću računara izložene su u trećem poglavlju. Središnje četvrto poglavlje sadrži opis metoda geometrijskog i parametarskog modeliranja mašinskih dijelova. Praktična primjena izloženih metoda prikazana je u petom poglavlju na primjerima geometrijskog parametarskog modeliranja različitih vrsta zupčanika CATIA V5 sistemom. Zaključna razmatranja šestog poglavlja, koja su obuhvatila i faze implementacije CAD/CAM/CAE sistema i posljedice njegovog uvođenja, pokazuju da se funkcionalnost parametarske asocijativnosti obavezno mora primjenjivati u interakciji sa dosadašnjim tradicionalnim geometrijskim pristupom modeliranja. U posljednjem sedmom poglavlju dati su literaturni navodi.

Among the alternative fuels, biodiesel and its blends are considered suitable and the most promising fuel for diesel engine. The properties of biodiesel are found similar to that of diesel. Many... more

Among the alternative fuels, biodiesel and its blends
are considered suitable and the most promising fuel for diesel
engine. The properties of biodiesel are found similar to that of
diesel. Many researchers have experimentally evaluated the
performance characteristics of conventional diesel engines
fuelled bybiodiesel and its blends. However, experiments require
enormous effort, money and time. Hence, a cycle simulation
model incorporating a thermodynamic based single zone
combustion model is developed to predict the performance of
diesel engine. A comprehensive computer code using “C”
language was developed for compression ignition (C.I) engine.
Combustion characteristics such as cylinder pressure, heat
release, heat transfer and performance characteristics such as
work done, brake power and brake thermal efficiency (BTE) were analyzed.On the basis of first law of thermodynamics the properties at each degree crank angle was calculated. The simulated combustion and performance characteristics are found
satisfactory with the experimental results.

— This case report describes how CAD CAM technology can be used in a complex dental prosthetic treatment. The patient was a 62 years-old man with loss of the vertical dimension resulting in chronic pain in his temporo-mandibular... more

— This case report describes how CAD CAM technology can be used in a complex dental prosthetic treatment. The patient was a 62 years-old man with loss of the vertical dimension resulting in chronic pain in his temporo-mandibular articulations. All the fixed prosthetic elements were created using CAD/CAM technology using the 3Shape™Trios® system and vitro-ceramic blocs (IPS E.max CAD, IvoclarVivadent®) and (IPS Empress LT CAD, Ivoclar Vivadent®). The diagnostic setup and wax-up served as references for the CAD/CAM system. The two-implant bridge and the mandibular removable prosthesis were produced using a conventional technique. At the end of the treatment, the patient reported good functional comfort with no pain.

Multi-point forming is a flexible manufacturing method for 3-D surfaces. Its basic idea is to divide an entire die into many punches which can be arranged and adjusted precisely. These punches constitute a " configurable, multi-point die... more

Multi-point forming is a flexible manufacturing method for 3-D surfaces. Its basic idea is to divide an entire die into many punches which can be arranged and adjusted precisely. These punches constitute a " configurable, multi-point die ". Due to the deep drawing process of sheet metal forming methods most used in various industries, In this paper the procedure of multi-point forming for deep drawing of sheet metal parts has been studied and the forming mechanism proposed in the experimental and finite element simulation has been reviewed. In view of the widespread use of aluminum alloy AA2024 in the Aerospace Industry, this alloy sheet material has been used for testing and forming parts in various conditions. Common flaws with the process suggested by the conventional deep drawing process and those of this specific method potential has been identified and appropriate strategies to address these deficiencies has been provided. Ductile fracture criteria are used for predicting the tearing of the sheet. In addition, the influence of forming parameters such as the material and the thickness of the elastic layer, Sheet material, etc., on the process, defects and the final quality of the formed parts will be studied. The results show that deep drawing process with multi-point die is a flexible procedure compared with the conventional deep drawing process. This method can be formed more complex profiles with multiple pins and elastic layer while it is not possible in conventional deep drawing. During this procedure, by increasing the stiffness of the polyurethane layer, blank-holder force increases and the amount of dimples reduced. In general, in this method, with increasing of polyurethane layer stiffness, drawing depth of the work piece increases. Based on the ductile fracture criteria such as Cockcroft-Latham and Clift, the elements that related to the Clift criteria, rupture earlier.

On the example of stress analysis of model device for torsion, during the work, justification of Finite Element Method (FEM) application was shown by use of CAD/CAM/CAE software system CATIA V5 in the case when it is impossible to make a... more

On the example of stress analysis of model device for torsion, during the work, justification of Finite Element Method (FEM) application was shown by use of CAD/CAM/CAE software system CATIA V5 in the case when it is impossible to make a prototype in order to do its experimental testing. First, stress analysis of real model device was done by experimental tensometric method, and after that stress analysis was done by method of device modelled in CATIA V5 system. HBM digital measuring amplifier DMC 9012A were used for stress analysis done by experimental tensometric method, while stress analysis done by FEM method was done in Generative Structural Analysis module of CATIA V5 system. Justification of FEM method application for stress analysis, in the case when it is impossible to make a prototype, is shown by the same results of done stress analyse.