Canaanite Religion in OT Times Research Papers (original) (raw)

SUMMARY: Lecture-14 provides an overview of Canaanite religion (selected deities and their attributes), some LB Age material culture (e.g., pottery; foreign forms [trade]; metallurgy; art; sculpture; seals; ivory carving; clay/ceramic... more

SUMMARY: Lecture-14 provides an overview of Canaanite religion (selected deities and their attributes), some LB Age material culture (e.g., pottery; foreign forms [trade]; metallurgy; art; sculpture; seals; ivory carving; clay/ceramic sculpture), writing & literature, burial customs, and features in Egypt's Empire in North Sinai and Canaan (e.g., forts) --especially in the Ramesside period (LB IIB - Iron IA). This lecture is designed mainly as an educational resource/aid for college students (i.e., normally posted only on my institution's course website), the public (e.g., people auditing my course), and interested colleagues from other disciplines (to whom I periodically provide copies privately). I am posting it here, both as a broader access, educational tool, and especially to promote the study of this region and its past societies. For further knowledge about this region and period, I refer interested parties to the textbooks and other sources from which the initial materials were extracted for this ppt. (see syllabus; e.g., initially Mazar, Archaeology of the Land of the Bible), and/or the bibliographies in these works and my online resource guides (see other files in my academia folders). Much of this and the other lectures summarize the pertinent materials in the course textbook(s), add in other data, including my own research materials, and furnish numerous images to clarify/illustrate the wealth of information encountered in the textbook(s). Some generic imagery (usually indicated as such) is posted to aid in transmitting various concepts visually, and/or when a specific image remains not located (temporarily). I update and revise such lectures each time, with such elective courses normally being taught once every two years. I try to cover the most current, mainstream views, and usually place summary notes at the end of each lecture (or in separate test study guides). Over time, each lecture is improved, errors rectified, and additional data placed within the lecture. These ppt. lectures take many hours to compile, but they have proved useful to many of my more serious students (who have since pursued graduate degrees), and a few colleagues, who, like me, often teach outside our main fields of specialty, and I hope they can be of benefit to others as well. My apologies for any errors I may have made (over time, as I teach this course every two years, I try to rectify any errors that might slip in inadvertently), and for my liberal usage of educational imagery from professional sources and vetted internet sources. UPDATES: Oct. 2023 reformatting, including new images and text.