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Cíntia de Azevedo Lourenço graduated in librarianship (1991) and also earned a masters degree (1998) in librarianship at Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas, Brazil, PUC, and a doctoral degree (2005) in information science, at... more

Cíntia de Azevedo Lourenço graduated in librarianship (1991) and also earned a masters degree (1998) in librarianship at Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas, Brazil, PUC, and a doctoral degree (2005) in information science, at Federal University of the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, UFMG. She is a graduate professor in the Information Science School of Federal University of Minas Gerais State , Belo Horizonte , Brazil. Her current research interests include document description, documents representation , cataloging, metadata and FRBR. She is a member of a institutional research group on these themes. Her curriculum vitae can be found at jsp?id=K4773000E8. Lídia Alvarenga graduated in librarianship (1968) at Federal University of the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, UFMG, earned a masters degree (1984) in information science at Communication Faculty, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, UFRJ, and a doctoral degree (1996) in education, at Education School, UFMG. She is a graduate and undergraduate professor in the Information Science School of Federal University of Minas Gerais State, Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Her current research interests include knowledge organization, document representation and description, and bibliometric studies. She is a member of a institutional research group on these themes. Her curriculum vitae can be found at http:// de Azevedo Lourenço, Cíntia, and Alvarenga, Lídia. Metadata Standard of Theses and Dissertations according to the Entity-Relationship Model. Knowledge Organization, 36(1), 30-45. 17 references. ABSTRACT: With the automation of information systems and with the advent of digital libraries, norms, standards and techniques of library studies have been widely discussed, analyzed, reevaluated and reorganized. In this article the results of doctoral research, in which the Brazilian Metadata Standard for Theses and Dissertations (MTD-BR) was analyzed, is presented. This standard has been utilized in the digital Library of Theses and Dissertations Project, of the Instituto Brasileiro de Infor-mação em Ciência e Tecnologia, IBICT (Brazilian Institute for Scientific and Technological Information), with the methodology of data modeling, according to the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR), which is based on the Entity-Relationship Model. It was concluded that new studies should be carried out applying this methodology to other metadata standards, even if they are analyzed with other data modeling tools, such as the object-oriented model, and considering its relationship with the guidelines, principles and instruments of library studies.