Chinese Schools Research Papers - (original) (raw)
For much of the second half of 20th century, student political activism occupied a special place in the history of many countries and Singapore is no exception. Driven by their youthful energy, idealism and romanticism before they were... more
For much of the second half of 20th century, student political activism occupied a special place in the history of many countries and Singapore is no exception. Driven by their youthful energy, idealism and romanticism before they were tied down by the heavy burdens of family, career and property ownership, students of Singapore had also once surged to the forefront of national politics, exerted an influence out of proportion to their numbers and become a force to be reckoned with. Although student politics is an important part of the history of Singapore, the understanding of this topic has been much shackled and its positioning ambiguous. Under the influence of the Cold War rhetoric and with an eagerness to inscribe a victor’s version of events, the ruling People’s Action Party has scripted a national history which simplified the student community into the polarized binary of those who received education under the Chinese medium of instruction and those who learnt in English. The rigidity of this official articulation has led to the tendency of apportioning much greater attention to student activism associated with the former group, while sidelining parallel developments in the latter and largely ignoring the inter-connectivity between these two groups. It has also framed Chinese educated activists as being the natural agents of Communism. In recent years, this official paradigm has come under contestation by historical political memories, reinterpretation of sources, and emergence of alternative representations through popular culture. This revisionism exposes the disjuncture between the party’s current attempt to entice present-day students out of their deeply-seated political apathy and its omission to reconsider the nature and contribution of past student politics. It also opens up unprecedented space for reflections about civic culture and political maturity in Singapore today.
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- History, Education, Cold War, Identity (Culture)
Резюме За последние двадцать лет (1995–2015) китайская школа международных отношений (МО) про шла интенсивный путь развития от «копирования» и «переписывания» западных идей до выра ботки вполне самостоятельных концепций, некоторые из... more
Резюме За последние двадцать лет (1995–2015) китайская школа международных отношений (МО) про шла интенсивный путь развития от «копирования» и «переписывания» западных идей до выра ботки вполне самостоятельных концепций, некоторые из которых претендуют на универсаль ность. Ученые из КНР, опираясь на западные теории и часто полемизируя с их постулатами, привносят свой исторический опыт, философское осмысление и императивы традиционной культуры. В дополнение к западной рациональности они предложили «отношения», «мораль» и «семейные принципы» в качестве оснований новой организации мирового политического про странства. Процесс заимствования в китайском академическом сообществе продолжается, но китайские исследователи перешагнули порог интеллектуальной самоколонизации и стали «фабрикой по производству международных знаний». В Китае уже сформулированы главные концепции международных отношений «с китайской спецификой», которые можно рассматри вать как попытки создания собственной «большой теории». В статье дается краткая периодизация развития китайской теории международных отношений (ТМО) и рассматриваются основные положения концепции мирового института «Тянься» Чжао Тиняна, «теории морального реализма» Янь Сюетуна и «теории отношений» Цинь Яцина, кото рые сегодня представляют главные тренды китайской теории международных отношений, осмысленные в формате больших теорий – идеализма, реализма и конструктивизма, обогащен ные собственным научным языком и богатой политической практикой.
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk meninjau motivasi pembelajaran murid Bumiputera di empat buah Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina (SJKC) di Sarawak. Motivasi belajar ini melibatkan dua aspek utama iaitu motivasi intrinsik (dalaman) dan ekstrinsik... more
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk meninjau motivasi pembelajaran murid Bumiputera di empat buah Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina (SJKC) di Sarawak. Motivasi belajar ini melibatkan dua aspek utama iaitu motivasi intrinsik (dalaman) dan ekstrinsik (luaran). Dua jenis motivasi ini juga ditinjau dari segi jantina dan etnik. Kajian ini berbentuk tinjauan yang menggunakan instrumen soal selidik bagi mendapatkan maklumat mengenai aspek-aspek tersebut dari perspektif murid. Sampel kajian ini melibatkan 107 responden yang terdiri daripada etnik Melayu, Iban, Bidayuh dan Melanau yang berada di tahap dua sekolah rendah. Hasil dapatan mendapati tahap motivasi intrinsik dan ekstrinsik murid Bumiputera di SJKC adalah tinggi. Selain itu, analisis menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan dalam motivasi pembelajaran murid sama ada lelaki dan perempuan. Berdasarkan etnik pula, terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan dicatatkan antara motivasi intrinsik sahaja. Secara keseluruhannya, didapati bahawa tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara motivasi pembelajaran dengan pencapaian akademik. Walau bagaimanapun, motivasi belajar murid itu tidak harus dipandang rendah kerana sememangnya telah dibuktikan dapat mempengaruhi niat seseorang itu untuk mencapai kejayaan.
The popular culture of space exploration has been variously interpreted as individualistic (the “Right Stuff”), Cosmic (the Cosmists Fyedorov and Tsiolkovsky) and competitive (the “Space Race”). In China there is a fourth culture of the... more
The popular culture of space exploration has been variously interpreted as individualistic (the “Right Stuff”), Cosmic (the Cosmists Fyedorov
and Tsiolkovsky) and competitive (the “Space Race”). In China there is a fourth culture of the Land. This is seen in the Chinese cosmic
geography of installations worldwide, the reference to Apsarasas in cave paintings, and civilizational appeals to a Chinese history including
landscapes shown in advertisements.
This paper and presentation, part of continuing work, considers the Chinese inspirational rhetoric of space exploration and emphasises
four methods used in promoting itin China at home and in schools – the Chuang Hua (窗花), the Jian Bao (剪报), the HeibanBao (黑板报)
and the ShouchaoBao (手抄报).