Classical Surplus Approach Research Papers (original) (raw)

Se trata de un intento de texto de divulgación de algunos aspectos de la obra de Piero Sraffa.

The purpose of this paper is to argue that this sharp slowdown in the growth rate of the Brazilian economy since 2011 can be explained predominantly as due to changes in the orientation of domestic macroeconomic policy, rather than to... more

The purpose of this paper is to argue that this sharp slowdown in the growth rate of the Brazilian economy since 2011 can be explained predominantly as due to changes in the orientation of domestic macroeconomic policy, rather than to changes in the external conditions of trade and finance. Moreover, we shall argue that, as the economy was neither constrained by foreign exchange nor by the general scarcity of labor or capital, these changes in macroeconomic policy led to a substantial decrease in the rate of growth of aggregate demand and are chiefly responsible for the lower growth of both output and business investment

Michal Kalecki es en este número homenajeado con la presencia de trabajos como los de Franklin Serrano referidos a la crisis de EEUU e importantes autores kaleckianos como Assous, López Gallardo, o Malcom Sawyer que se expresan sobre el... more

Michal Kalecki es en este número homenajeado con la presencia de trabajos como los de Franklin Serrano referidos a la crisis de EEUU e importantes autores kaleckianos como Assous, López Gallardo, o Malcom Sawyer que se expresan sobre el autor polaco y su línea de pensamiento. Otros trabajos en la misma visión kaleckiano son los de Hugo Azcurra y Florencia Medicis.
En una línea de pensamiento clásico-keynesiana, Roberto Ciccone expresa las condiciones formales del crecimiento dirigido por demanda, con deuda pública en moneda doméstica. Pablo Bortz nos relata su experiencia en la conferencia de historia del pensamiento en Praga.

Como reafirmación de la existencia de un cisma en el pensamiento económico, publicamos en este número, trabajos de economistas de la talla de Amit Bhaduri, vinculando crecimiento y distribución del ingreso; a Franklin Serrano y Marc... more

Como reafirmación de la existencia de un cisma en el pensamiento económico, publicamos en este número, trabajos de economistas de la talla de Amit Bhaduri, vinculando crecimiento y distribución del ingreso; a Franklin Serrano y Marc Setterfield desarrollando modelos de crecimiento dirigido por la demanda efectiva y distribución exógena; Mássimo Pivetti y Heinz Kurz explicando el pensamiento de Piero Sraffa y los fundamentos lógicos de una visión alternativa coherente lógicamente y empíricamente pertinente.
Publicamos un trabajo no publicado en español de Oscar Braun sobre su crítica a la teoría del valor trabajo, y otros artículos vinculados con la crítica al convencionalismo como el reportaje a Marc Lavoie, o el trabajo de Eduardo Crespo sobre los rendimientos a escala y su falta de coherencia dentro de la teoría marginalista.

This review-essay raises several important issues with the book Economics in the Twenty-first Century: A Critical Perspective (2016) by Robert Chernomas and Ian Hudson. I begin by summarizing the book, followed by a critical discussion of... more

This review-essay raises several important issues with the book Economics in the Twenty-first Century: A Critical Perspective (2016) by Robert Chernomas and Ian Hudson. I begin by summarizing the book, followed by a critical discussion of its content. The primary focus of this review-essay is on inequality. Using figures from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, I dispute three popular narratives characteristic of popular discourse on economic inequality. I also discuss problems with Dependency Theory, and the notion of "Comparative Advantage," which is often erroneously attributed to David Ricardo. Finally, I discuss issues with the author's critique of Acemoglu, Johnson and Robinson, and some broader issues with the school of thought known as New Institutional Economics. In general, Chernomas and Hudson present a fair critique of mainstream economics; however, many of their assertions throughout this book deserve critical scrutiny in light of existing empirical data.

agrarian justice is just a part, though a significant part of social justice agenda. an agenda of distributive agrarian justice is thus to be framed. the conception of agrarian justice is to be built upon the idea of equity-based... more

agrarian justice is just a part, though a significant part of social justice agenda. an agenda of distributive agrarian justice is thus to be framed. the conception of agrarian justice is to be built upon the idea of equity-based redistribution of surplus-generating capacity of production and labour units in the countryside. it is in this perspective that there is a need to chalk out the idea of producer surplus. this equalisandum has not yet been taken up in the literature till date. equalisation of this capacity via equality commensurate with the basic need for a reasonable minimum level of economic (disposable) surplus on the farms/disposable income of the households through the redistributive policy and scheme of a welfare state is what constitutes the agrarian justice. in instituting agrarian justice, a significant role is to be played by supplementing governmental attempt at equalisation of material capacity of farmers with additional endeavours to provide education, health, employment, insurance and social security and to ensure a sound delivery mechanism.
this article attempts to invoke the old tradition of american agrarianism of 18th century and clubs it with the surplus paradigm championed by the classical and marxian political economy. a human being is a rational agency who is capable of practicing impartiality, fairness and equality. there are but possibilities of moral failures, principal among which is the aristotelian ‘weakness of will’. there is possibility of a gap between dispositions and actions in the realm of civil society. in such cases, a prescription is made for the government to institute agrarian social distributive justice through proactive and inclusive social policy under the aegis of welfare (justice) state.

Este número está dirigido a mostrar la continuidad teórica entre la obra de Piero Sraffa y Carlos Marx y presentamos para ello los trabajos de eminentes representantes actuales de corrientes de pensamiento basado en ambos autores. Como el... more

Este número está dirigido a mostrar la continuidad teórica entre la obra de Piero Sraffa y Carlos Marx y presentamos para ello los trabajos de eminentes representantes actuales de corrientes de pensamiento basado en ambos autores. Como el Profesor Kurz y Salvatori que nos muestra la evolución del pensamiento de Sraffa con respecto al pensador alemán. El profesor Pierangelo Garegnani, demuestra la continuidad crítica de Smith, Ricardo y Marx, en punto a establecer la existencia de explotación del trabajo y de un excedente económico. Gary Mongiovi en un análisis de las falencias de las nuevas soluciones marxistas al problema de la transformación. Además sendos trabajos de representantes importantes del marxismo como Anwar Shaikh y Dumenil & Levy.