Collection Development Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Zin en vormgeving van een museaal verzamelbeleid: collectie en selectie in het Provinciaal Openluchtmuseum Bokrijk

O tema do Dia Internacional dos Museus proposto pelo Conselho Internacional de Museus (ICOM) para 2014 é muito pertinente pois, como já dissemos, a Museologia tem um forte papel de mediação, entre referência patrimonial e sociedade, entre... more

O tema do Dia Internacional dos Museus proposto pelo Conselho Internacional de Museus (ICOM) para 2014 é muito pertinente pois, como já dissemos, a Museologia tem um forte papel de mediação, entre referência patrimonial e sociedade, entre conhecimento científico e público leigo, e entre os diferentes campos do conhecimento que se articulam no museu (Duarte Cândido, 2009). Assim, o museu é um lugar de conexões. Não que elas ocorram de forma natural, é preciso criar as condições, mas o museu é um lugar potencial para que ocorram, em vários sentidos.

Hallel. Carmel. Bezalel The Exhibitions: Halel. Carmel Winery 'Judaica Now!': Goblets and Kiddush Cups of the Bezalel School These two exhibitions: "Halel. Carmel Winery" and "'Judaica Now!': Goblets and Kiddush Cups of the Bezalel... more

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a time of reflection, changing the ways in which many of us live and work. Prominent campaigns by Black Lives Matter during the first lockdown mainstreamed discussions around anti-racism within museums,... more

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a time of reflection, changing the ways in which many of us live and work. Prominent campaigns by Black Lives Matter during the first lockdown mainstreamed discussions around anti-racism within museums, while many institutions have had to find ways of interacting with their audiences online. For one independent museum in Argyll, Scotland, these twin concerns have prompted a renewed look at work undertaken since 2014, when a member of the Gypsy/Traveller
community was employed as Farm Supervisor. This member of staff has gone on to re-evaluate how Gypsy/Traveller communities are represented with the museum’s collection and interpretation.
In this co-authored article Auchindrain’s Farm Supervisor, Assistant Curator and a PhD student researching the material culture of Gypsy/ Travellers in Scottish museums bring their individual perspectives to a collection, which began with only intangible accounts but has since begun to develop a Gypsy/Traveller-led museum collection, unique within the context of Scottish museums. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the importance of the intangible connections of these objects has been
highlighted as the museum has moved to communicating its collection through social media. Included here are examples of how a small museum has re-envisaged historical collections that have ties to a minority ethnic community, including by researching and creating an underlying historical narrative that confirms their presence both tangibly and intangibly, employing and working with the community themselves, and creating engaging online content.

The purpose of this research is to identify objects in the collection of the Mongolian that illustrate the effects the human and the climate as well as climate change in Mongolia and Central Asia. After identification, the author will... more

The purpose of this research is to identify objects in the collection of the Mongolian that illustrate the effects the human and the climate as well as climate change in Mongolia and Central Asia. After identification, the author will examine them in order to determine if and how these objects relate to the human experience of relationships with environmental issues, ecological sustainability, culture, and ways that these objects helped to preserve economic, environmental and social capital for the generations that followed. Түлхүүр үг: Хүн, байгаль орчин, музей, хадгалалт хамгаалалт Монгол улсад музей үүсч хөгжсөн " 20-р зуун бол монголын нийгмийн тэр дотроо соёлын модернизацийг түргэвчилсэн хэлбэрээр амжилттай хэрэгжүүлсэн зуун " 1 байж соёлын нэгэн төлөөлөл болон хөгжсөн нь манай улс дэлхийн музейн ертөнцөд нэвтрэх үүд хаалгыг нээсэн юм. Мөн Соёл урлаг судлалын хүрээлэнгийн 2010-2012 онуудад хэрэгжүүлсэн Монгол улсын соёл урлагийн хувьсал өөрчлөлтийг тодруулах төслийн хүрээнд тус улсын музейн нийгмийн оролцоо, хүний нөөц, цуглуулгын хадгалалт хамгаалалт бүрдүүлэлтэнд нийгэм эдийн засаг, байгаль орчны хамаарал, нөлөөллөөр хувьсал өөрчлөлтийг шинжлэх зорилтууд тулгарсан юм. Нийгэм, эдийн засгийн хамаарал нөлөөллийг Олноо өргөгдсөн Монгол улс, БНМАУ, Монгол улсын гэсэн түүхэн замналын гурван үечлэлд " ертөнцийг үзэх материалист үзэл, социалист эх оронч, пролетарийн интернационалч үзлээр хөдөлмөрчдийг хүмүүжүүлэх гэсэн дуу хоолой төрт ёс, түүх, соёлынхоо уламжлалыг нандигнан өвлөх, үндэсний соёлоо үр удамдаа өвлүүлэх, Монголын соёлын өв, түүх, соёлын дурсгалт зүйлсийг нээн илрүүлэх, цуглуулах, хадгалах хамгаалах гэж өөрчлөгдөж " 2 , " социалист нийгмийн

Over the past 25 years, preventive conservation has increasingly employed risk management techniques to guide decisions on resource allocation within collection management. Risk management focuses on reducing loss of value to collections.... more

Over the past 25 years, preventive conservation has increasingly employed risk management techniques to guide decisions on resource allocation within collection management. Risk management focuses on reducing loss of value to collections. This paper introduces the concept of developing value as an equal choice in collection management, thus allowing collection management decisions to be made amongst a broader set of stakeholders bearing the potential for better buy-in for resource allocation. The concept of value assessment has been used to develop a framework for increasing such values. Within the framework, a number of 'development types' typically found in heritage collections are described. Once identified, options for developing value can be considered, weighed up against options for reducing value loss, and decided upon. Thus turning collection management into value management. This approach allows informed decision making and thus effective use of resources in an institution wide context.

Global amphibian declines associated with anthropogenic causes, climate change, and amphibianspecific infectious diseases (e.g., chytridiomycosis) have highlighted the importance of biobanking amphibian genetic material. Genetic resource... more

Global amphibian declines associated with anthropogenic causes, climate change, and amphibianspecific infectious diseases (e.g., chytridiomycosis) have highlighted the importance of biobanking amphibian genetic material. Genetic resource collections were the first to centralize the long-term storage of samples for use in basic science, including disciplines such as molecular evolution, molecular genetics, phylogenetics, and systematics. Biobanks associated with conservation breeding programs put a special emphasis on the cryopreservation of viable cells. These cell lines have a broader application, including the potential for genetic rescue and use in species propagation for population enhancement, such as captive breeding and reintroduction programs. We provide an overview of the most commonly used methods for the preservation of genetic resources, identify ways to standardize collection processes across biobanks, and provide decision trees to assist researchers in maximizing the potential use of their samples for both scientific research and the practice of species conservation. We hope that the collection and deposition of tissues preserved using methods that enable eventual cell line establishment will become routine practice among researchers, particularly herpetologists working in the field. While many major museums do not yet cryopreserve reproductive cells or cell lines, they contain the infrastructure and staff to maintain these collections if protocols and procedures are adapted. Collaboration between organizations can play an important future role in the conservation of amphibians, especially biobanks associated with research institutions and those pioneering techniques used in breeding programs.

La guida del Museo Gyspotheca Antonio Canova di Possagno, paese natale dello scultore, ripercorre l'itinerario artistico del genio del Neoclassicismo. Attraverso i modelli originali delle opere più celebri in esso conservati sono... more

La guida del Museo Gyspotheca Antonio Canova di Possagno, paese natale dello scultore, ripercorre l'itinerario artistico del genio del Neoclassicismo. Attraverso i modelli originali delle opere più celebri in esso conservati sono analizzati i temi e i soggetti più importanti della sua produzione.

The presentation served as a means to facilitate a workshop on the Rhodes Library Services collection development.

Public libraries emerged as educational institutions during the second half of the nineteenth-century. Their aim was the intellectual and moral improvement of individuals and societies. After several decades it became evident that public... more

Public libraries emerged as educational institutions during the second half of the nineteenth-century. Their aim was the intellectual and moral improvement of individuals and societies. After several decades it became evident that public libraries had failed as 'people's universities'. The reading public opted for entertainment instead of instruction. Public libraries came to acknowledge the provision of entertainment as a legitimate purpose and justification for their existence. 'Give them what they want!' replaced 'Give them what they need!' as the mission of the public library. The consequences of this choice are not always fully understood.

被引用与否以及引用量的高低是图书发挥影响力的重要依据。本文利用Google Scholar,获取1995~2005年之间出版的教育类(G4-G7)学术图书的引文量并进行统计分析,得出教育学领域高影响力著作、出版社和作者,由此分析其在学科领域的影响力。

Videogames are important cultural and economic artifacts. They also present challenges that anticipate the problems inherent in any complex digital interactive system. Not only are they digital and hence very difficult to preserve but... more

Videogames are important cultural and economic artifacts. They also present challenges that anticipate the problems inherent in any complex digital interactive system. Not only are they digital and hence very difficult to preserve but they also are software systems that have significant hardware, peripheral, and network dependencies, which are difficult to collect and formally represent. This article reviews the literature related to videogame preservation. In addition to covering the traditional technology-related issues inherent in all digital preservation
endeavors, this review also attempts to describe the complexities and relationships between the traditional acts of technology preservation, representation, and collection development. Future work should include
the identification of important user groups, an examination of games’ context of use, and the development of representational models to describe interaction of players with the game and the interactions between players playing the game.

A good collection is the base of the academic library. Collection development is one of the most challenging processes in academic library. Collection development thus, becomes a dynamic ongoing cycle repeating the various functions in a... more

A good collection is the base of the academic library. Collection development is one of the most challenging processes in academic library. Collection development thus, becomes a dynamic ongoing cycle repeating the various functions in a systematic manner every year. The article explains about the working condition of the academic library in brief. It also highlights some of the major difficulties faced by the library. Further it also gives suggestions to overcome such difficulties and followed by conclusion.

Il volume raccoglie gli atti del convegno su Gestione delle raccolte e cooperazione nella biblioteca ibrida, organizzato a Firenze il 13 ottobre 2005 dall'Associazione Italiana Biblioteche (Sezione Toscana e Commissione Università e... more

Il volume raccoglie gli atti del convegno su Gestione delle raccolte e cooperazione nella biblioteca ibrida, organizzato a Firenze il 13 ottobre 2005 dall'Associazione Italiana Biblioteche (Sezione Toscana e Commissione Università e Ricerca). I contributi sono dedicati in particolare a cogliere le opportunità e le modifiche dovute ad Internet e alla possibilità di diffondere documenti elettronici sia nello sviluppo delle raccolte, sia nella pianificazione dei servizi, sia nello studio di nuove forme di cooperazione fra istituzioni.

В справочно-методическом пособии описана история создания и формирования экологически значимых ресурсов Ботанического сада Иркутского государственного университета - единственного в Прибайкалье ботанического сада. Рассмотрен... more

В справочно-методическом пособии описана история создания и формирования экологически значимых ресурсов Ботанического сада Иркутского государственного университета - единственного в Прибайкалье ботанического сада. Рассмотрен систематический, эколого-биологический, географический состав флоры Сада. Проводится сравнение с флорой основных зеленых зон Иркутска. Для специалистов-ботаников, географов, студентов и преподавателей профильных специальностей, педагогов общеобразовательных школ, озеленительных организаций, широкого круга любителей природы.

Karl Bridges has been a professional academic reference librarian for more than twenty years. He is the acting dean at Eli M. Oboler Library at Idaho State University. He holds master's degrees in history from Miami University and the... more

Karl Bridges has been a professional academic reference librarian for more than twenty years. He is the acting dean at Eli M. Oboler Library at Idaho State University. He holds master's degrees in history from Miami University and the University of Illinois, from which he also has an MLS. He has extensive professional writing experience, including scholarly articles in journals such as American Libraries and The Journal of Library Philosophy and Practice. He has also written three books (two as sole author, one as editor) and a book chapter on various library subjects including Web 2.0, library interviewing, and the future of libraries. He is also a book reviewer for publications including the Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship and Catholic Library World.

JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more

JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact

Libraries face new challenges. There is a new networked environment with access to more user-friendly search tools than those that exist in libraries, the OPACs, the On-line Public Access Catalogues. These became less intuitive and... more

Libraries face new challenges. There is a new networked environment with access to more user-friendly search tools than those that exist in libraries, the OPACs, the On-line Public Access Catalogues. These became less intuitive and difficult to use.
This work has the goal of showing how FRBR, the Functional Requisites for Biblio-graphic Records, can help libraries with a better display of search results on catalogues enhancing better conditions for information access. Current catalogues provide long alphabetical lists of records. These displays, with no evident organization, are becoming more and more confusing to the end users. FRBR is a study produced under the auspices of the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA), that recommends a new conceptual model of the bibliographic universe with a strong user focus.
Libraries can make use of FRBR to display bibliographic records grouping them into relevant categories or clusters, providing a better understanding of what is being re-trieved.
Though the implementation of FRBR may bring relevant advantages to the world of libraries in the future, there is a legacy of millions of records in an old format, MARC, Machine Readable Cataloguing, that cannot be forgotten. Converting all these records to a new FRBR system would be a daunting task. The solution may be in the design of a new search interface that may display the information according to the new model without changing the catalogue. Researching what is being done all over the world in with FRBR applications as related to different types of collections and information environments and a brief description of some of the issues that have been identified in each area, was accomplished and integrated in TELplus, a project created to provide value-adding services and products for The European Library, with which this thesis is connected to a certain point.
Further, this work gives a detailed report of how, with this knowledge, a FRBRization of a sample of records extracted from PORBASE, the national union catalogue, was implemented, and a development of a searching tool prototype took place.
Keywords: OPAC, catalogue, information searching, FRBR, IFLA, FRBRization, PORBASE, TELplus project, European Library.

1" nu"roronna di marmo informa di termine, in cui sono 1 intagliate lettere Etrusche, le quali oscurissime in que-1 sto tempo da nessuno sono intese". Con queste paro--," le, sul finire del Cinquecento, il Bocchi descriveva il cippo... more

1" nu"roronna di marmo informa di termine, in cui sono 1 intagliate lettere Etrusche, le quali oscurissime in que-1 sto tempo da nessuno sono intese". Con queste paro--," le, sul finire del Cinquecento, il Bocchi descriveva il cippo etrusco ritrovato a Capalle, in località Confini, qualche decennio prima da Francesco Strozzi'. Si tratta, sicuramente, del più celebre e al tempo stesso del più "misterioso" reperto etrusco proveniente dal territorio di Campi Bisenzio. Uno dei pochi, oltretutto, e fino a qualche anno fa I'unico: solo in anni recenti gli scavi condotti dalla Soprintendenza Archeologica detla Toscana a Gonfienti, nel territorio del comune di Prato, hanno rinverdito f ipotesi etrusca per gli insediamenti che si affacciano sul Bisenzio2. Un ritrovamento "misterioso", dicevamo, perché tra gli studiosi che negli u[timi venticinque anni si sono occupati con alterne fortune della storia del territorio, nessuno aveva mai avuto modo di vedere il celebre cippo etrusco: che invece era già conosciuto e studiato da nomi anche noti dell'etruscologia contemporanea. Ma andiamo con ordine. Per gli studiosi di storia locale, l'ultima ubicazione nota del cippo di Capalle era quella seicentesca indicata da1 Gori nel Settecento, che 1o dava come esposto a Firenze, nel cortile dr palazzo Valori (oggi palazzo Altoviri, via degli Albizi 18). Quello che si sapeva era che secondo la descri-:ione iai:ne lallc Stro::i doveva trattarsi di un cippo cLar-itcrme. cisrè a tbrma di clava: stretto alla base, più largo alla cima. Come le stele, i cippi etruschi rivestivano La iunzione di segnacoli funerari, indicando le sepolture di ricchi personaggi:

Collection development in academic libraries has many challenges and one of them concerns determining the number of copies of some books that are required in multiple copies in the library. In the present study, five major academic... more

Collection development in academic libraries has many challenges and one of them concerns determining the number of copies of some books that are required in multiple copies in the library. In the present study, five major academic libraries in New Delhi were surveyed to understand the prevalent policies and practices on determining the number of copies of books that are required in multiple copies. It was found that there was no consistency in the approach to deciding the number of copies in the libraries studied. Further it was noted that all the libraries arbitrarily decided on the number of copies to be purchased. The paper discusses a method that has been evolved to determine the number of copies. The method has been applied in one of the academic libraries under study which when combined with other measures have been found to be more effective in determining the number of copies required.

The process of collection development, collection generating and obtaining information is of basic debates in libraries and information centers which a lot of articles have been written about the methods of collection development of... more

The process of collection development, collection generating and obtaining information is of basic debates in libraries and information centers which a lot of articles have been written about the methods of collection development of information as well as the application of information technology, accordingly, to this day. This article, as opposed to other articles, which are about the prevailing methods of collection development and also the application of information technology in collection of libraries development and information centers, analyses the role of knowledge management, corporate culture, extension of relations as well as the development of human resources and their social role in the expansion of information collection; and finally, some scientific and studious centers and universities in Iran which started their collection of information development and their knowledge concerning the use of knowledge management and more noticing the human resources, are presented.

Fenomeno diffuso in tutto il mondo, il collezionismo di antichità ha origine nell'antichità stessa. Greci e Romani non sono stati solo i 'fornitori della materia prima' che ha permesso la costituzione delle grandi raccolte nell'età... more

Fenomeno diffuso in tutto il mondo, il collezionismo di antichità ha origine nell'antichità stessa. Greci e Romani non sono stati solo i 'fornitori della materia prima' che ha permesso la costituzione delle grandi raccolte nell'età moderna, ma gli elaboratori di questo rito sociale che racchiude in sé pulsioni intime e immateriali, esteriori e venali. Ma ogni fase storica ha sviluppato una propria dimensione nel rapporto con il passato e ciò è avvenuto con lunghe persistenze in alcuni momenti, mentre in altri con mutamenti così rapidi che hanno fatto percepire come 'antichità' anche ciò che cronologicamente non lo era. Alla luce di questa consapevolezza dobbiamo considerare come parte di una stessa linea di sviluppo sia quelle forme di collezionismo delle antichità che più somigliano alle categorie codificabili dalla seconda metà del XV secolo in poi, sia quelle di segno diverso che caratterizzano, ad esempio, alcune fasi del Medioevo. Alla base dell'attività collezionistica, in ogni caso, c'è sempre la volontà di tenere unite le esperienze del passato con le aspirazioni del presente e, se da un lato questo crea parallelismi tra collezionisti e collezioni di tutti i tempi, dall'altro ci invita a riflettere sulla necessità di un'attribuzione di senso che ha trasformato -di epoca in epoca -le 'cose' in 'beni' degni di essere perpetuati. Ripercorrere la storia del collezionismo di antichità significa, perciò, risalire anche ad una delle più importanti azioni costitutive di quello che globalmente definiamo 'patrimonio culturale', cioè di un insieme in continua trasformazione al quale spetta a noi oggi dare valore. Giuliana Calcani è Professore associato di Archeologia Classica presso il Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici -Università degli Studi Roma Tre e membro dell'International Council of Museums (ICOM Italia-Lazio). Per la Roma TrE-Press ha curato, dal 2014 ad oggi, l'edizione dei volumi nella collana 'Villa Maruffi. Materiali e Studi'. Ha pubblicato numerosi saggi dedicati ad artisti e opere d'arte antica, alla continuità delle iconografie classiche nella cultura figurativa moderna, al rapporto tra presente e passato rivelato dall'uso dei beni culturali. Tra le monografie si ricordano: L'antichità marginale. Continuità dell'arte provinciale romana nel Rinascimento (L'Erma di Bretschneider); Storia dell'archeologia. Il passato come ricerca di attualità (Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato); Skopas di Paros (Giorgio Bretschneider Editore); Un bronzetto al Metropolitan Museum of Art. Spunti antichi per una produzione moderna (Edizioni Efesto).

Latar belakang pemilihan kedua jurnal ini didasari pada bahasan yang menarik pada keduanya, jurnal pertama membahas mengenai pengembangan koleksi di perpustakaan akademik dengan di khususkan pada koleksi digital, sementara jurnal yang... more

Latar belakang pemilihan kedua jurnal ini didasari pada bahasan yang menarik pada keduanya, jurnal pertama membahas mengenai pengembangan koleksi di perpustakaan akademik dengan di khususkan pada koleksi digital, sementara jurnal yang kedua juga membahas mengenai pengembangan koleksi di perpustakaan akademik namun lebih di fokuskan pada koleksi tercetak serta proses dan langkah-langkah pengembangan tersebut.
Bahasan ini begitu menarik karena perpustakaan akademik merupakan perpustakaan vital yang memegang tanggung jawab besar sebagai perpustakaan pusat di setiap universitas. Terlebih mengenai masalah pengembangan koleksi di perpustakaan akademik. Perpustakaan harus mampu melakukan pengembangan koleksi secara profesional dan proporsional sesuai kebijakan yang telah ditetapkan. Karena mereka sebagai pusat pembelajaran seluruh mahasiswa, dosen, peneliti di universitas tersebut. Selanjutnya sistematika penulisan komparasi jurnal, sebagai berikut:
1. Pendahuluan, memuat latar belakang pemilihan jurnal
2. Identitas Artikel Ilmiah, memuat identitas mengenai jurnal seperti tema, volume, ISSN, pengarang, dll.
3. Pembahasan Artikel, memuat pembahasan utama yang diuraikan secara singkat dan padat dari kedua jurnal
4. Komparasi Jurnal, memuat perbandingan kedua jurnal serta kekurangan dan kelebihan kedua jurnal tersebut
5. Kesimpulan dan Saran, memuat kesimpulan akhir dari hasil komparasi serta masukan dari pereview untuk kesempurnaan dari jurnal tersebut
6. Daftar Pustaka, memuat daftar rujukan yang digunakan oleh pereview jurnal.

Məqalədə kitabxana fondlarının komplektləşdirilməsi və fond quruculuğu məsələləri akademik kitabxanaların fəaliyyəti nöqteyi-nəzərindən işıqlandırılmışdır. O cümlədən, komplektləşdirmə ilə birbaşa məşğul olan kitabxanaçılara verilən... more

Məqalədə kitabxana fondlarının komplektləşdirilməsi və fond quruculuğu məsələləri akademik kitabxanaların fəaliyyəti nöqteyi-nəzərindən işıqlandırılmışdır. O cümlədən, komplektləşdirmə ilə birbaşa məşğul olan kitabxanaçılara verilən peşəkar tələblər, fond quruculuğu prosesi zamanı istifadəçi sorğularının dəyərləndirilməsi, informasiya resurslarının öyrənilməsi və seçimi, komplektləşdirmə mənbələrinin müəyyən edilməsi, cari kitabxana fondunun istifadəlilik baxımından təhlili, büdcə və maliyyə məsələlərinin idarə edilməsi, komplektləşdirmənin yeni metod və vasitələri öz əksini tapmışdır.
В статье освещаются вопросы комплектования и разработки коллекции с точки зрения деятельностей академических библиотек. А также рассматриваются такие процессы как оценка запросов пользователей при разработки коллекции, изучение и выбор информационных ресурсов, определение источников комплектования, анализ употребляемости текущего библиотечного фонда, управление бюджетом и финансовыми ресурсами, новые методы и способы комплектовании, в том числе профессиональная компетентность библиотекарей, в прямую обязанность которых входит работа с библиотечным фондом.

This is an annotated bibliography of online databases that can be used for academic research in history. It can serve as a guide for research or collection development in history. Chapter I discusses issues related to online research... more

This is an annotated bibliography of online databases that can be used for academic research in history. It can serve as a guide for research or collection development in history. Chapter I discusses issues related to online research and history research, and the reasons for doing this study. Topics discussed include the definition of history as a discipline, changes in information seeking practices, problems finding quality sources online, how information professionals can address these issues, the goal of this study, which is to create a guide to online history databases, the justifications for this study and research questions considered in this study. Chapter II is a literature review, which covers history and social science subject guides, articles on evaluating pay databases, articles on evaluating free online content, articles that compare print and online resources and a summary of pertinent issues raised in these sources. Chapter III describes the methodology used in this paper, including an overview of the paper, selection criteria for the annotated bibliography, and the format of the annotated bibliography. Chapter IV contains the annotated bibliography, which is divided into sections according to the type of source. These types are: pay journal databases; open access journal databases; pay reference and primary source databases; and free reference and primary source databases. Chapter V is a summary of findings and conclusions. After Chapter V there is a works cited and title index.

This theoretical essay uses Kurt Lewin’s gatekeeping theory to examine the decision-makers as well as the different pressures and constraints that are at issue in decisions regarding challenges and censorship attempts that occur in... more

This theoretical essay uses Kurt Lewin’s gatekeeping theory to examine the decision-makers as well as the different pressures and constraints that are at issue in decisions regarding challenges and censorship attempts that occur in regards to library collections. Knowing who the decision-makers, or gatekeepers, are in the decision-making process, whether it is library boards, library directors, or public officials, is crucial to the understanding of censorship in public libraries. Without a clear understanding of the function of gates and gatekeepers in the decision-making process, libraries may allow unintended censorship of ideas and information to persist.

The paper proposes some reflections moving from the reading of an essay by Paola Castellucci, Carte del nuovo mondo, published in Italy by Il Mulino in 2017. What we call databases, repositories and digital libraries are the end point of... more

The paper proposes some reflections moving from the reading of an essay by Paola Castellucci, Carte del nuovo mondo, published in Italy by Il Mulino in 2017. What we call databases, repositories and digital libraries are the end point of the historical and political path began in the 1960s that brought an expensive good, the prerogative of a few researchers, within the reach of many. The history of databases, of research open archives and of the Open Access Movement attests to the concreteness of these new models of scientific communication and shows that research results are humanity common goods, despite the awareness that there are still many obstacles to overcome.

This paper covers the relevance and quality of library collection in terms of user satisfaction and the need to providing electronic resources and related services at the main library of Eastern University, Sri Lanka. It is very... more

This paper covers the relevance and quality of library collection in terms of user satisfaction and the need to providing electronic resources and related services at the main library of Eastern University, Sri Lanka. It is very conspicuous that libraries are struggling between stringent budget cuts and voracious, complex user demands and ever-growing information media. Meanwhile, there is a noticeable transition of conventional to digital materials prioritized in the information business. In this regard, the researchers assessed the quality of the stock and its relevance by using ‘information audit’ model that was devised by Henczels. The study utilized survey methodology which included both quantitative and qualitative measures to analyze the data elucidated from questionnaires, interviews (focus group), and secondary information sources. It received 84.48% of the response rate for the questionnaire administration, whilst, focus group interviews elucidated data for qualitative assessment. The results revealed that there are issues to be taken care of, though the collection attained a reputation for updated editions in majority of the subjects, thus the user satisfaction in that aspect is high. However, the information audit process drew that the collection is not completely utilized by the users, which in turn, questions about the rationalization of expenditure on acquisition. It is found that users don't contend with the physical space of the library, which is insufficient to perform their reference services, and they demanded more electronic resources and their services. Therefore, the gaps should be narrowed to enhance the service quality of the library, for which the researchers proposed measures along with a well-refined collection development policy.

in Kemal Kahraman, Miyuki Aoki Girardelli, etc., (eds.), Japanese Wind in the Ottoman Palace, Milli Saraylar, Istanbul, 2016, pp.17-29

Evolutia colectilor bibliotecilor universitare din România în perioada 1989-2009 este studiata prin corelarea si analiza variatiei indicatorilor statistici referitori la numarul bibliotecilor universitare, numarul volumelor detinute... more

Evolutia colectilor bibliotecilor universitare din
România în perioada 1989-2009 este studiata prin
corelarea si analiza variatiei indicatorilor statistici
referitori la numarul bibliotecilor universitare, numarul
volumelor detinute de acestea, circulatia documentelor
si numarul cititorilor înscrisi.
Cuvinte-cheie: dezvoltarea colectiilor; biblioteci
universitare; date statistice; România

Collection development is one of the important aspect of library development. In the state of Maharashtra there are Madarsa libraries with huge collection. Apart from the language books there are also collection of Islamic books. These... more

Collection development is one of the important aspect of library development. In the state of Maharashtra there are Madarsa libraries with huge collection. Apart from the language books there are also collection of Islamic books. These books are main source of Islamic knowledge for the students of Madarsa.