Computer Assisted Language Learning Research Papers (original) (raw)

This multiliteracies-oriented test is currently being used in intermediate Italian courses at a large public university in the southwestern United States. It was designed to replace the traditional oral assessments that are... more

This multiliteracies-oriented test is currently being used in intermediate Italian courses at a large public university in the southwestern United States. It was designed to replace the traditional oral assessments that are question-answer based, during which learners are providing predictable short answers to predictable, predetermined questions. In the multiliteracies-oriented test presented here, students perform tasks designed using the pedagogy of multiliteracies (Cope & Kalantzis, 2009; Kern, 2000; New London Group, 1996). A multiliteracies framework perceives learning as a process of discovery (Paesani, Allen, & Dupuy, 2015, p. 23), and learners are not only preparing for an assessment, but they are also engaging in forethought, design, and reflection while reading, writing, listening, and speaking.

This study aims to address the question of how Web 2.0 can be shaped along educational lines. Our analysis specifically focuses on what the educational potential of Web 2.0 can be as far as the improvement of L2 students’ communication... more

This study aims to address the question of how Web 2.0 can be shaped along educational lines. Our analysis specifically focuses on what the educational potential of Web 2.0 can be as far as the improvement of L2 students’ communication skills are concerned, and on how education can be reimagined in the light of the new technologies.
The outcomes of a semester-long telecollaborative partnership between Italian university students studying Hungarian and Hungarian learners of Italian are considered. The operational protocol of the initiative called Danubadria was based on the reciprocal dependence and mutual support and was characterized by a task-based approach and a wiki counseling platform, in which the eTandem partners
and their foreign language teachers collaborated.
Web 2.0 tools appear to strengthen fundamental aspects of L2 acquisition and of intercultural communicative competence that may be difficult to stimulate in students in traditional classroom environments. They may offer scholars a more participatory practice of learning in which individuals have increased opportunities to interact.
While asserting the importance of learner autonomy, a major preoccupation in today’s educational climate, we claim that on-line collaboration allowed by the Internet cannot replace teachers’contribution. The complexity of Web 2.0 brings along significant challenges and teachers should be positioned to play a crucial role in managing this experience.

One of the key issues that need to be addressed in wireless sensor network field is how to create a most efficient energy system. Ad-hoc Networks are becoming an effective tool for many mission critical applications such as troop... more

One of the key issues that need to be addressed in wireless sensor network field is how to create a most efficient energy system. Ad-hoc Networks are becoming an effective tool for many mission critical applications such as troop coordination, situational awareness Etc. Ad-hoc Networks having limited computation and communication resources. To unguaranteed connectivity to trust authorities make known solutions for trusted authorities make knows solutions for single hop wireless networks. In this Project I am presenting A Distinct Authentication Key for New TAM Protocol For large scale dense ad-hoc networks. TAM exploits network clusters to reduce overhead and ensure scalability. Multicast traffic with in a cluster employs a “One way hash function” chain in order to authenticate the message source. Cross cluster multicast traffic includes Message Authentication Codes (MAC’s) that are based on a set of keys. Result in terms of bandwidth overhead and delivery delay

An introductory course on Software Engineering remains one of the hardest subjects to teach largely because of the wide range of topics the area encompasses. I have believed for some time that we often tend to teach too many concepts and... more

An introductory course on Software Engineering remains one of the hardest
subjects to teach largely because of the wide range of topics the area encompasses.
I have believed for some time that we often tend to teach too many
concepts and topics in an introductory course resulting in shallow knowledge
and little insight on application of these concepts. And Software Engineering
is finally about application of concepts to efficiently engineer good software

The purpose of this chapter is to describe the design of template for the design of an immersive virtual learning environment that includes collaborative learning virtual worlds as problem-solving scenarios that engage students in virtual... more

The purpose of this chapter is to describe the design of template for the design of an immersive virtual learning environment that includes collaborative learning virtual worlds as problem-solving scenarios that engage students in virtual explorations of worlds. The problem-based learning 3d model incorporates a curriculum design model that includes a real-world issue that correlates to the virtual scenarios or games. This virtual PBL design model also includes a learning assessment process that utilizes sociocultural learning theories to develop an ongoing feedback model for assessment of learning in a 3d problem-based learning environment. This problem-based learning model combines the benefits of games, such as high-levels of learner engagement, real-life simulations, with research on cognition and instructional design to create a design model that can be modified to develop advanced knowledge, skills and concepts in multiple educational settings.

Learning Kanji as a major obstacle to mastering Japanese is evident to any learner from a non-Kanji background including the presenters. In this poster, mainstream Kanji teaching methods and learning strategies such as repetition,... more

Learning Kanji as a major obstacle to mastering Japanese is evident to any learner from a non-Kanji background including the presenters. In this poster, mainstream Kanji teaching methods and learning strategies such as repetition, association, and visualization will first be reviewed. Then, the facilitating use of technology in retaining Kanji will be explored. Following that, several Kanji iOS and web-based applications (e.g., Perfect Master Kanji, Anki, WaniKani, and KanjiPictoGraphix) will be demonstrated to analyze the pedagogical methods and approaches behind them and the extent to which the developers of these applications have taken brain research into account. Finally, the use of mnemonics as one of the most effective methods in learning Kanji will also be explicated while referring to the ease of storing visual information in the brain.

Research on the use of mobile devices in the English as foreign language (EFL) classroom has tended to focus on perceptions or receptive skills like listening and reading more than on speaking and writing skills. This study aimed to... more

Research on the use of mobile devices in the English as foreign language (EFL) classroom has tended to focus on perceptions or receptive skills like listening and reading more than on speaking and writing skills. This study aimed to examine possible uses of the iPad to develop productive skills rather than receptive skills. In particular, this paper investigates the role of mobile devices as mediating tools in EFL by considering the use of the iPad in designing and performing speaking tasks by teachers and learners. It examines the quality of the mediation of the tool by looking at the interaction between learners and the iPad in the second language context. In particular, the mediation of the tool in this study is examined in the light of the quality and the type of support it potentially offers during the task performance. Results show the influence of the mobile device in the interaction between the learner and the tutor during the learning process.

Video dubbing as a method for French pronunciation training: theory and practice ABSTRACT. Pronunciation is an often-neglected aspect of language instruction. Teachers usually place the blame on lack of time and resources, as well as... more

Video dubbing as a method for French pronunciation training: theory and practice ABSTRACT. Pronunciation is an often-neglected aspect of language instruction. Teachers usually place the blame on lack of time and resources, as well as curricular restrictions. However, in recent years, we have witnessed a proliferation of various tools that can be used to render work on different aspects of pronunciation much more interesting. In the present paper, we will focus on one particular technique: video dubbing. By examining the answers provided by the participants of a dubbing project conducted by the author of the present study, we will try to reflect on the potential advantages of such activities, and determine whether they are considered stimulating and effective by language learners. KEYWORDS: computer-assisted language learning, pronunciation training, video dubbing. MOTS-CLÉS : apprentissage des langues assisté par ordinateur, enseignement de la pronunciation, doublage

This essay presents an overview of the history of DH and its applications in the teaching of Russian language and cultural studies.

European Journal of Social Sciences–Volume 6, Number 3 (2008) 306 Arab Postgraduate Students' Attitudes Toward Word Processing: A Case Study Saadiyah Darus E-mail: adi@ ukm. my Mohamed Bashir M. Ismail School of Language Studies and... more

European Journal of Social Sciences–Volume 6, Number 3 (2008) 306 Arab Postgraduate Students' Attitudes Toward Word Processing: A Case Study Saadiyah Darus E-mail: adi@ ukm. my Mohamed Bashir M. Ismail School of Language Studies and Linguistics Faculty ...

In the present study we call attention to the close connection between languages and globalization, and we also emphasize the importance of the Internet and online websites in foreign language teaching and learning as unavoidable elements... more

In the present study we call attention to the close connection between languages and globalization, and we also emphasize the importance of the Internet and online websites in foreign language teaching and learning as unavoidable elements of computer assisted language learning (CALL). We prepared a checklist by which we investigated 28 foreign language teaching websites (4 from each of seven languages including English, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish and Turkish). The participants were 14 third-year university students who were enrolled in the French Language teaching department, but had a basic knowledge of the related languages that was sufficient to read and write. All the students had taken CALL classes at university level, and had previous experience of website evaluation and assessment. As a result of the analyses of the language teaching websites, we observed that they were lacking physically, contextually and pedagogically. Consequently, we built a model foreign language website frame considering the feedback that we received from the subjects. We believe that our website evaluation checklist and model website frame might greatly serve the CALL field.

Interlanguage pragmatics concerns the inspection of interactions among people in society while they are aware of the effects that interaction imposes on them regarding culture, social values and individuals' peculiar interpretations. Of... more

Interlanguage pragmatics concerns the inspection of interactions among people in society while they are aware of the effects that interaction imposes on them regarding culture, social values and individuals' peculiar interpretations. Of high value in social interaction, politeness is an essential constituent of interlanguage pragmatics. If considered as a skill required to cope with social environmental demands, Emotional Intelligence (EI) may play a part in modifying the interlanguage pragmatics and hence individuals' politeness in response to social interaction. This study investigates how emotional intelligence of L1-Persian EFL learners relates to politeness strategies utilized in requests. To this end, 150 male and female undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate students majored in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) were randomly selected. Instruments of the study included Emotional Intelligence Appraisal Test, Multiple-choice Discourse Completion Task (MDCT), and a politeness questionnaire based on Brown and Levinson's theory of politeness. The results of correlational and regression analyses indicated that EI cannot predict politeness , whereas educational level and pragmatic competence can predict the EFL learners' politeness appreciated in requests in different scenarios. Of interest, the higher the level of education, the more pragmatic ability and politeness thereof.

During the last few years, Mobile Learning (m-Learning) has increasingly attracted the attention of scholars. m-Learning is defined as the use of mobile devices in learning such as mobile phones (smartphones), tablet PCs, pocket PCs and... more

During the last few years, Mobile Learning (m-Learning) has increasingly attracted the attention of scholars. m-Learning is defined as the use of mobile devices in learning such as mobile phones (smartphones), tablet PCs, pocket PCs and personal digital assistants PDAs. Several studies have pointed out that m-Learning is an interactive type of technology-based learning that can enhance students’ motivation. The emergence of new technological equipment and software has facilitated the creation and development of effective methods and materials for mobile assisted language learning (MALL) which is a specialization of mobile learning (m-Learning).
This paper focuses on the use and effectiveness of MALL in second and foreign language (L2) education and on the potential of mobile devices as effective tools for delivering language learning materials to the students in terms of gained linguistic knowledge and skills. To this end, we have carried out a field research on a sample of 50 applications for L2 learning, created for mobile devices, focusing on the most popular ones: smartphones and tablets. In particular, using the descriptors proposed by the Common European Framework (CEFR), we made an effort towards determining whether these applications contain activities that might successfully support collaborative reading, writing, listening and speaking skills and language acquisition in more general terms. Based on the findings we will suggest areas for further research.

Netnography (Kozinets, 2010) is an ethnographic approach to study communities that exist primarily online. Engaging in online participant observation, the netnographer connects to the online community through a computer screen, and the... more

Netnography (Kozinets, 2010) is an ethnographic approach to study communities
that exist primarily online. Engaging in online participant observation, the
netnographer connects to the online community through a computer screen, and
the field is located inside the screen. Although it has been used in marketing
research extensively, netnography is a relatively new methodology in educational
research. In this paper, I give an overview of netnography and its applicability in
studying online language teaching communities. Drawing upon a netnography
of a globally-distributed online community of practice of English language teachers,
Webheads in Action, I provide detailed accounts of my experiences during
data collection and particular methodological considerations in netnography in
order to shed light on the often untold aspects of an ethnographic design in online
research that involves participant observation. I conclude with a discussion of
possible benefits of a participant observer approach in netnography in understanding
the culture of online language teaching communities, and invite CALL
researchers to consider netnography and online participant observation in their
future studies.

Gutiérrez, B. F., & O’Dowd, R. (2021). Virtual exchange: connecting language learners in online intercultural collaborative learning. In T. Beaven & F. Rosell-Aguilar (Eds),Gutiérrez, B. F., & O’Dowd, R. (2021). Virtual exchange:... more

Gutiérrez, B. F., & O’Dowd, R. (2021). Virtual exchange: connecting language learners in online intercultural collaborative learning. In T. Beaven & F. Rosell-Aguilar (Eds),Gutiérrez, B. F., & O’Dowd, R. (2021). Virtual exchange: connecting language learners in online intercultural collaborative learning. In T. Beaven & F. Rosell-Aguilar (Eds), Innovative language pedagogy report (pp. 17-22). (pp. 17-22).

This paper describes a study examining the effects of the computer-adaptive Duolingo English Test (DET) among a small group of first and second year students in the Global Communication Department at Hiroshima Bunkyo Women's University.... more

This paper describes a study examining the effects of the computer-adaptive Duolingo English Test (DET) among a small group of first and second year students in the Global Communication Department at Hiroshima Bunkyo Women's University. This test provides a specific DET score and correlates to the widely utilized English language proficiency tests Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and International English Language Testing System (IELTS). In addition, the DET score is aligned with the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). Therefore, by undergoing the DET, an examinee can gauge her English language level in a variety of milieu. In this project, qualitative data in the form of interviews and anonymous surveys as well as the quantitative data of the participants' DET scores are examined in order to ascertain the participants' English proficiency levels, as well as their motivation and confidence levels for studying English. The results indicate that utilizing this DET assessment can positively affect participants' motivation for studying English and can be a beneficial tool for tracking English language progress.

This article takes a closer look at the notion of “anywhere anytime” learning as viewed through the lens of Ecological Constructivism, the paradigm put forth to explain contextembedded processes of learning (Palalas 2012), and... more

This article takes a closer look at the notion of “anywhere anytime” learning as viewed
through the lens of Ecological Constructivism, the paradigm put forth to explain contextembedded
processes of learning (Palalas 2012), and instantiated here by mobile-assisted
language learning (MALL). Starting with the theoretical framework of MALL and presentation
of Ecological Constructivism, the discussion delves into the concept of the flexibility of mlearning
and its constraints. A MALL Task Typology is proposed to outline the basic variants of the timeplace-grouping
interdependencies and highlight their significance in mlearning design and
practice. MALL tasks and activities that exemplify the time-place-grouping options are offered
along with practical guidelines pertaining to the design of MALL applications.

The purpose of this research is to explore and dig deeper into the new way of education assisted by computer and its technologies. It throws light on the new innovation of computer assisted education and its success in today's era.... more

The purpose of this research is to explore and dig deeper into the new way of education assisted by computer and its technologies. It throws light on the new innovation of computer assisted education and its success in today's era. Computer aided education refers to using computer and its devices. It does not mean replacing teachers but teachers using computer devices and its applications to teach like smart classes, videos and web tutoring. This paper highlights how in the situation of pandemic like this, we are only relying on the computer assisted education. Without computer facilitated education today, it would have been merely impossible for us to study and attain education. The world has open handedly accepted the new technology of computer assisted education. This paper is done with the objective to observe the success of computer assisted education.

This paper examines the effects that digital stories may have on the understanding of spoken English by a group of 6-year-old Spanish learners. To accomplish this aim, a quasi-experimental research study was launched in six state schools... more

This paper examines the effects that digital stories may have on the understanding of spoken English by a group of 6-year-old Spanish learners. To accomplish this aim, a quasi-experimental research study was launched in six state schools in Madrid. A pre-post test design was used to investigate whether internet-based technology could improve listening comprehension in English as a Foreign Language (henceforth, EFL). Findings indicate that the experimental group outperformed the control group in the final test administered. These results raise interesting issues related to the use of technology in the context of foreign language learning. Future research which includes other age groups and digital materials and which explores other linguistic areas could further substantiate the link between Information and Communication Technology (ICT) rich environment and improved language learning.

With a high-quality, user-friendly interface that is both easy to navigate and aesthetically pleasing, Busuu delivers, but the reason to choose Busuu over others would be to purchase the premium version for the social networking aspects.... more

With a high-quality, user-friendly interface that is both easy to navigate and aesthetically pleasing, Busuu delivers, but the reason to choose Busuu over others would be to purchase the premium version for the social networking aspects. Even as a native speaker of English, I was able to learn about dialectal differences. Interactions with native speakers of the target language is both interesting and motivating. This is one of the better apps on the market, but at $9.99 when paid per month, it might be a bit expensive for the casual language learner.