Consumer Law Research Papers - (original) (raw)

"It is important to establish the “Proto-dynamo” as concept that represents an entirely new paradigm of economic infrastructure. The concept alludes to the “dynamo” which is a machine that uses opposing magnetic forces to efficiently... more

"It is important to establish the “Proto-dynamo” as concept that represents an entirely new paradigm of economic infrastructure. The concept alludes to the “dynamo” which is a machine that uses opposing magnetic forces to efficiently produce/convert energy. The principle behind the dynamo is to use opposing forces within the same machine to get a consolidated output of energy. If the new paradigm of “protodynamism” can be represented by an electrical generator, the old paradigm of Keynesian theory can be represented by a meat grinder in which ten pounds of product goes in one side, and six ounces of tasteless sausage comes out the funnel possibly tainted with formaldehyde or some random pesticide that is unpronounceable. "

Área do Direito: Consumidor Resumo: Este trabalho tem o propósito de analisar o fenômeno da hipervulnerabilidade nas relações de consumo, bem como os critérios hábeis a sua caracterização e consequências no direito de danos. Ademais,... more

Área do Direito: Consumidor Resumo: Este trabalho tem o propósito de analisar o fenômeno da hipervulnerabilidade nas relações de consumo, bem como os critérios hábeis a sua caracterização e consequências no direito de danos. Ademais, buscamos os elementos formadores da concepção de hipervulnerabilidade com a pretensão de apresentar uma proposta de critérios que possam ser utilizados para que a hipervulnerabilidade seja reconhecida, com o objetivo de explicitar seu âmbito de aplicação e suas repercussões práticas. Palavras-chave: Direito do consumidor-Hipervulnerabilidade-Danos-Dignidade da pessoa humana-Dever de cuidado. Abstract: The purpose of this article is to analyze the hypervulnerability in consumption relations, as well as the criteria to point it out and its effects on civil liability. Moreover, it searches for elements of hypervulnerability concept, aiming to formulate criteria to be used for hypervulnerability to be recognized and to explicit its applicability and its practical repercussions.

O presente artigo analisa o IRDR e a possibilidade de fragilização das ações coletivas pela utilização do instituto, a partir de reflexões feitas por problemas teóricos e práticos. Por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental,... more

O presente artigo analisa o IRDR e a possibilidade de fragilização das ações coletivas pela utilização do instituto, a partir de reflexões feitas por problemas teóricos e práticos. Por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, analisou-se os reflexos da individualidade fictícia da pós-modernidade e da massificação do consumo na escolha do instrumento processual a ser utilizado. Através da metodologia de levantamento de dados, avaliou-se o Painel de Consulta ao Banco Nacional de Demandas Repetitivas e Precedentes Obrigatórios e no Banco Nacional de Dados de Demandas Repetitivas e Precedentes Obrigatórios, ambos do CNJ, oportunidade em que se obteve incoerências de informações nos resultados dos dois acervos, o que aponta para graves problemas em relação à atualização de banco de dados de demandas repetitivas consumeristas no Brasil.
This article analyzes the incident for resolution of repetitive demands and the possibility of weakening class actions by using the institute, based on reflections made by theoretical and practical problems. Through bibliographic and documentary research, were analyzed the reflexes of the fictitious individuality of post-modernity and the massification of consumption in the choice of the procedural instrument. Through the data collection methodology, the “Painel de Consulta ao Banco Nacional de Demandas Repetitivas e Precedentes Obrigatórios” and the “Banco Nacional de Dados de Demandas Repetitivas e Precedentes Obrigatórios”, both from CNJ, were evaluated, an opportunity in which information inconsistencies were found in the results of two databases, which points to serious problems in updating the databases of repetitive consumer demands in Brazil

O artigo tem por objetivo demonstrar que o consumismo na sociedade contemporânea, embora tenha sofrido influência da ética e dos valores morais consolidados na responsabilidade social empresarial, permanece com práticas... more

O artigo tem por objetivo demonstrar que o consumismo na sociedade contemporânea, embora tenha sofrido influência da ética e dos valores morais consolidados na responsabilidade social empresarial, permanece com práticas extremamente nocivas ao consumidor. Nesse contexto, são apresentadas as técnicas publicitárias greenwashing e bluewashing, as quais utilizam anúncios para demonstrar que a empresa, além de vender produtos e serviços, supostamente também detém comprometimento social com causas ambientais e sociais. Na prática, percebe-se que diversas operações empresariais não condizem com esta realidade, pelo contrário, encobrem práticas abusivas. Logo, a veiculação de publicidade enganosa deve ser coibida pelo Estado. Metodologicamente, a pesquisa é exploratória e de abordagem qualitativa, tendo o levantamento bibliográfico e documental como procedimentos adotados. Uma das principais conclusões apresentadas é que, apesar de existirem normas protetivas dos direitos humanos, estas se mostram insuficientes para sancionar as empresas violadoras de direitos humanos por meio do falso marketing social.

La ricerca si propone di lumeggiare l’esistenza di una linea di tendenza latinoamericana finalizzata all’unificazione della normativa a tutela del consumatore nell’area sub-regionale del MERCOSUR. Nel lavoro sono esaminate le esperienze... more

La ricerca si propone di lumeggiare l’esistenza di una linea di tendenza latinoamericana finalizzata all’unificazione della normativa a tutela del consumatore nell’area sub-regionale del MERCOSUR. Nel lavoro sono esaminate le esperienze di tutela del consumatore del Brasile, dell’Argentina, del Paraguay e dell’Uruguay, non solo per la conoscenza delle soluzioni offerte dai singoli ordinamenti giuridici ma anche per la valutazione del nucleo di principi, regole e norme comuni su cui si incardina la prospettiva comunitaria della disciplina tesa a tale fine. L’individuazione dei problemi e delle tecniche per l’unificazione del diritto è svolta con particolare attenzione all’analisi dei profili sistematici e dei presupposti dogmatici della nozione di relación de consumo, e prevede altresì alcuni raffronti tra l’esperienza giuridica latinoamericana e quella europea.

TITLE: Control of Transparency, Unfair Terms and Contractual Consent. Reflections from the last case law of the Supreme Court about novation and transaction of floor clauses. RESUMEN: El presente trabajo toma como punto de partida la... more

TITLE: Control of Transparency, Unfair Terms and Contractual Consent. Reflections from the last case law of the Supreme Court about novation and transaction of floor clauses. RESUMEN: El presente trabajo toma como punto de partida la jurisprudencia del TJUE respecto del control de transparencia del artículo 4.2 de la Directiva 93/13 para establecer un posible entendimiento del mismo en relación con el consentimiento del contrato que justificaría que las cláusulas no transparentes puedan ser declaradas abusivas, mientras que las mismas cláusulas, ajustándose a las exigencias de transparencia, sean tenidas por válidas. Esta vinculación entre transparencia y consentimiento se distingue, sin embargo, de los vicios del consentimiento y opera de un modo distinto en la mecánica contractual. A partir de este entendimiento, el presente estudio analiza y razona acerca del modo de resolver del TS en sentencias recientes que abordan la posible novación y transacción de cláusulas no transparentes a fin de proporcionar una explicación de las mismas que encuentre un adecuado encaje en el ordenamiento. ABSTRACT: This paper considers the CJEU case law related to the control of transparency of article 4.2 Directive 93/13 in order to establish an understanding of this matter attached to contractual consent that could justify the fact that non-transparent clauses may be declared as abusive, while the same clauses, respecting the requirements of transparency, would be valid. Nonetheless, his link between transparency and consent differs from vice of consent and works in a different way in the mechanics of contract law. From this understanding, this paper analyses and reflects on the way the Supreme Court resolves in recent judgements about the possible novation and transaction of non-transparent clauses, in order to provide an explanation of them that fits in our legal system. SUMARIO: 1. INTRODUCCIÓN. 2. EL CONSENTIMIENTO SOBRE EL OBJETO PRINCIPAL DEL CONTRATO Y LA ADECUACIÓN ENTRE PRECIO O RETRIBUCIÓN Y BIENES O SERVICIOS. 2.1. Las pautas marcadas por el TJUE a partir de la interpretación de la Directiva 93/13. 2.2. El control de transparencia y el consentimiento contractual: planteamiento teórico. 2.3. La jurisprudencia del TJUE y del TS sobre la transparencia vinculada al consentimiento contractual. 2.4. Distinción entre consentimiento y negociación individual. 2.5. La transparencia como parámetro abstracto de validez: delimitación de la transparencia frente a los vicios del consentimiento. 3. LA AUTONOMÍA DE LA VOLUNTAD DEL CONSUMIDOR SOBRE CLÁUSULAS NO TRANSPARENTES O ABUSIVAS: LA TRANSACCIÓN Y LA NOVACIÓN APLICADAS A ESTA MATERIA. 3.1. La novación de cláusulas no transparentes 3.2. La transacción sobre cláusulas no transparentes. 3.2.1. La consideración del acuerdo como novación o como transacción.

O consumidor tem, atualmente, sua vida regida por uma intricada teia de contratos, quase todos estabelecidos sob o regime da adesão. As transformações contemporâneas do Direito contratual passaram a exigir uma nova forma de conceber esta... more

O consumidor tem, atualmente, sua vida regida por uma intricada teia de contratos, quase todos estabelecidos sob o regime da adesão. As transformações contemporâneas do Direito contratual passaram a exigir uma nova forma de conceber esta relação, exigindo do Estado papel mais ativo e tutelando a figura jurídica do consumidor. Ganha expressivo relevo neste cenário o modelo negocial pautado pelo princípio da boa-fé objetiva e voltado à busca de equilíbrio negocial. Esta necessidade é especialmente premente nas relações havidas entre consumidores e prestadores de serviço de telefonia. Desses contratos despontam duas cláusulas a serem entendidas: a cláusula de fidelização e o prazo de instalação.

The influence that advertising has on contemporary society is undeniable. Its importance transcends the original boundaries of its area of activity to boldly assume a position as a sort of “magical wise woman-cum-mother of our time” ,... more

The influence that advertising has on contemporary society is undeniable. Its importance transcends the original boundaries of its area of activity to boldly assume a position as a sort of “magical wise woman-cum-mother of our time” , with a presence in and hold over a multitude of aspects of people’s lives.
Within a legal context, advertising was seen until a few decades ago as an alien phenomena in respect of the general theory of Contract Law and, in particular, to its content. The incidents produced by eventual discrepancies between advertising and reality – as a result of a contract – were commonly resolved through the notion of pre-contractual liability .
The reason why advertising – or, more correctly, the information advertised – remained on the margin of contractual terms stems from a voluntarist concept of contracts . This notion has been gradually whittled away, not only in the area of consumer contracts but also in other specific (non-consumer) ones, allowing terms to be extended in order to include the information advertised.
In this incorporation of advertising into the content of the contract, we should stipulate the cause and scope of its binding nature, as well as its interaction with the sources of contractual terms. We will discuss this, in that order.

Esta es una obra que tiene por objeto esquematizar la Ley nº 19.496 como la principal ley del ordenamiento jurídico chileno sobre protección de los derechos de los consumidores, incorporando una selección de los extractos de aquella... more

Esta es una obra que tiene por objeto esquematizar la Ley nº 19.496 como la principal ley del ordenamiento jurídico chileno
sobre protección de los derechos de los consumidores, incorporando una selección de los extractos de aquella doctrina nacional
que hemos estimado relevante, junto con un catálogo de las principales sentencias que tratan algún tema relacionado con la
norma respectiva. Además, a título personal, hemos comentado especialmente para este libro algunos títulos o párrafos de la
ley, a efectos de entregarle mayor valor al lector de este texto.
Estos esquemas han seguido muy de cerca la disposición de títulos y párrafos de la Ley sobre Protección de los Derechos de
los Consumidores en su versión actual y refundida con las últimas modi!caciones legales. Por eso, estamos en condiciones de
señalar que estos “Esquemas de Derecho del Consumo” ofrecen una estructura íntegra con todas las principales instituciones
del Derecho del Consumo chileno.

General Data Protection Law considers that there is a breach of the obligation of the controller and / or the operator of the processing of personal data without the legitimate interest or even without having evidenced the informed... more

General Data Protection Law considers that there is a breach of the obligation of the controller and / or the operator of the processing of personal data without the
legitimate interest or even without having
evidenced the informed self-consent of the
holder of personal data.
The impact of the principle of objective good faith for
the analysis and solution of specific cases that have as their object the legitimate interest or, still, informed self-consent is relevant,
even more in situations that do not have solutions directly indicated by law or by the legal business.

In the context of current pandemic crisis due, social distancing and quarantine measures were imposed by states due to the high risk of infection by going out of the house for buying the goods and services that are required. Naturally,... more

In the context of current pandemic crisis due, social distancing and quarantine measures were imposed by states due to the high risk of infection by going out of the house for buying the goods and services that are required. Naturally, there has been an increase in online acquisitions, use of online entertainment and online tools for professional purposes. This has increased the level of demand alongside the consumption in the online sector which forces the suppliers to become more inventive in order to sell their products and services and make them more accessible, price wise, in better meet the expectations. Unfortunately, this being a highly abrupt shift with no precedence, forcing the traders and providers in the online sector to cut corners in order to keep up and, as a consequence, may affect the consumers. All these being said, although we speak about unprecedented context, the European Union, over the last two decades, has enacted more directives and regulations in order to keep up with this market's unique and high innovation rate with the goal to ensure the consumer's protection. This papers analysis the evolution of the European Consumer Law starting with the minimum harmonisation approach and getting to new acts which try to fully harmonise the area for the attainment of a functional internal market, a Single Market which is, nowadays, pressured by the digital revolution and social distancing to change perspective, as customers are interacting with the business in different ways they did once and the digital content is becoming the main product or service to be supplied.

An unexplored area of the literature concerning home warranty contracts is an analysis of the types of contractual provisions that are actually found in home warranty contracts. This Article comprehensively examines the contractual... more

An unexplored area of the literature concerning home warranty contracts is an analysis of the types of contractual provisions that are actually found in home warranty contracts. This Article comprehensively examines the contractual provisions of the standard contracts of seventeen different home warranty companies to compare and contrast contractual provisions.

Analisis de las Libertades Fundamentales de Libre Iniciativa Privada, Empresa, Competencia y Libre Acceso al Mercado, e Instituciones Educativas en el Perú Publicado en Mayo de 2015 en la Revista Actualidad Civil, N° 11, Instituto... more

Analisis de las Libertades Fundamentales de Libre Iniciativa Privada, Empresa, Competencia y Libre Acceso al Mercado, e Instituciones Educativas en el Perú
Publicado en Mayo de 2015 en la Revista Actualidad Civil, N° 11, Instituto Pacifico Editores. Lima-Perú

This is a brief case note on the Munich County Court's Judgment of 1 March 2018 (Case 12 O 730) which held that the Amazon Dash Button device violates EU consumer law on several counts. The case note analyzes the Court's line of argument... more

This is a brief case note on the Munich County Court's Judgment of 1 March 2018 (Case 12 O 730) which held that the Amazon Dash Button device violates EU consumer law on several counts. The case note analyzes the Court's line of argument and argues that EU consumer law in its existing form is not sufficiently technically neutral and not ready for display-less devices such as the Amazon Dash Button and voice-activated digital assistants like Amazon Alexa or Google Home.

Results of the Repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act

For decades, consumer law has been the stepchild of the legal discipline, neither public nor private law, not classic but post-modern, not 'legal enough', 'too political', in short, a discipline at the margins, suffering from the haut... more

For decades, consumer law has been the stepchild of the legal discipline, neither public nor private law, not classic but post-modern, not 'legal enough', 'too political', in short, a discipline at the margins, suffering from the haut gout and striving to change society through law for the 'better'. Just like Atreyu, Frodo Baggins, Luke Skywalker, the Ghostbusters, Naruto Uzumaki, Dreamworks' dragon trainer, and many others, consumer law is the underdog carrying the burden of saving the day. Times are changing. We are perhaps reaching the point of the story where the world comes to understand the real value of consumer law in a society that is dominated and dependent on private consumption. Publishing houses and ever more numerous researchers from public and private law perspectives, working on national, European and international law are getting into what is no longer a new legal field. Now the time is ripe for a whole Handbook on Consumer Law Research which brings methodology to the fore. This first chapter pursues three aims, firstly to embed consumer law research into the overall development of legal research since the rise of consumer law in the 1960s, secondly to explain our choice to focus on the behavioural turn in consumer law and present the range of contributions in this volume that engage with the upcoming strand of research, thirdly to explore how the recent attention to behavioural insights can be combined with a pre-existing body of doctrinal research and social legal research in consumer law and outline avenues for further research.

Over the past decade, the rise of online marketplaces such as has profoundly changed the retail landscape. The current pandemic has further accelerated consumers' shift towards online buying in general and online marketplaces... more

Over the past decade, the rise of online marketplaces such as has profoundly changed the retail landscape. The current pandemic has further accelerated consumers' shift towards online buying in general and online marketplaces in particular. As a result, traditional distribution chains have been replaced by a market structure which is dominated by digital intermediaries. While this development has increased consumer choice, it has also enabled the influx of unsafe and defect products to US and EU consumer retail markets. It is a matter of controversy whether and how product liability rules, which have been designed for the traditional distribution chain model, can be applied to online intermediaries. Against this background, this Article explores how courts and lawmakers on both sides of the Atlantic are trying to adjust the existing product liability framework to the new reality of the platform economy. The comparative analysis shows that the regulatory strategies in Europe and the US differ considerably. While US law focusses on indirect regulation through product liability, EU law puts its emphasis on direct regulation through public enforcement of product safety rules and market surveillance by public authorities. In this regard, the proposal for a Digital Services Act, published by the European Commission in December 2020, will not bring much of a change. The Article calls for a reform of the EU Product Liability Directive that takes inspiration from recent developments in US product liability law. This could lead not only to a more balanced regulatory framework within the EU, but also to a transAtlantic convergence in the field of product liability. Building on the findings of the comparative analysis, the Article outlines several options for law reform and discusses how the regulatory design of product liability rules could affect the market structure and competition in the platform economy.

The article critically analyses the Internet of Things (IoT) and its intersection with cloud computing, the so-called Clouds of Things (CoT). ‘Things’ are understood as any physical entity capable of connectivity that has a direct... more

The article critically analyses the Internet of Things (IoT) and its intersection with cloud computing, the so-called Clouds of Things (CoT). ‘Things’ are understood as any physical entity capable of connectivity that has a direct interface to the physical world (i.e. a sensing and/or actuating capability). From another perspective (especially product liability), Things can be seen as an inextricable mixture of hardware, software, and services. Alongside a clarification of the essentials, the six factors of the CoT complexity are described and light is shed on the regulatory options (regulation, co-regulation, self-regulation, holistic approach, fragmentation). Focussing on the British legal systems, the article reports on the state of the art of CoT deployment in the United Kingdom and deals with some of the main technical and legal issues emerging from CoT. Particularly, the core will be data protection, privacy, and consumer law. Indeed, these themes are considered the most relev...

The Consumer Protection (Definitions of Goods and Services) Bill, which has been enacted as the Consumer Amendment Act 2003, Consumer Guarantees Amendment Act 2003, Fair Trading Amendment Act 2003, and the Sale of Goods Amendment Act 2003... more

The Consumer Protection (Definitions of Goods and Services) Bill, which has been enacted as the Consumer Amendment Act 2003, Consumer Guarantees Amendment Act 2003, Fair Trading Amendment Act 2003, and the Sale of Goods Amendment Act 2003 amends the definition of ‘goods’ in various pieces of consumer and commercial legislation, to ensure that computer software, electricity, gas, and water are included within the scope of the respective legislation. The Bill also amends the definitions of ‘services’ in the Commerce Act 1986, the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 and the Fair Trading Act 1986. It amends the definition of ‘supplier’ in the Consumer Guarantees Act to clarify that the Act will apply to persons who supply services to consumers even if they do not have a direct contractual relationship with the consumer – something which had hitherto been presumed to have been the case.
It is the purpose of this article to briefly outline these changes. More detailed comment is given where warranted. Emphasis is on the consumer legislation most likely to have a direct bearing upon the general public – the Fair Trading Act and the Consumer Guarantees Act. Particular focus is on the proposed change to the definition of “goods” in the Fair Trading Act, for this latter may have unforeseen consequences.

Price personalisation raises four policy concerns: building trust, fostering competitiveness, increasing access, and avoiding exploitation. The Modernisation Directive introduces an information requirement about personalised prices. The... more

Price personalisation raises four policy concerns: building trust, fostering competitiveness, increasing access, and avoiding exploitation. The Modernisation Directive introduces an information requirement about personalised prices. The research explains how this information requirement can and shall be used to make price personalisation pro-competitive and pro-consumers. The analysis can be divided into two main parts. First, disclosing the impersonal price is the simple and effective way to reap the benefits of price personalisation while counteracting its negative effects. Second, the legal grounds for the right to know also the impersonal price in EU law are identified. After having explained that consumers have a right to be offered a personalised price, it is shown that the principles of transparency and effectiveness in EU consumer law, together with the right granted by Article 22(3) GDPR, imply that consumers have the right to know also the impersonal price. The right to know also the impersonal price is a critical tile for solving the puzzle represented by the best governance of digital markets in the European Union.

Bitcoin is the most important and well known form of digital currency. It is not produced or backed by any single entity. Its production takes place in a decentralised manner and its value derives only from the fact that there is a... more

Bitcoin is the most important and well known form of digital currency. It is not produced or backed by any single entity. Its production takes place in a decentralised manner and its value derives only from the fact that there is a growing community that attributes value to it and chooses to transact using this innovative means of payment. However, its importance is increasing, especially in the field of e-commerce. The main aim of this article is to examine the consumer's right of withdrawal, as it is regulated in the Consumer Rights Directive (Directive 2011/83/EU), in case of payments with bitcoins. More specifically, it is examined whether a consumer's payment with bitcoins can be a hindrance to the consumer's protection, with respect to the withdrawal right provided by the aforementioned Directive in cases of distance and off-premises contracts. Furthermore, the consequences of the exercise of the withdrawal right are examined, particularly with regards to reimbursement. The main concerns derive from the bitcoin's disputed legal nature and its high value volatility.

On 3 July 2019 the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit handed down a ruling in the case Oberdorf v. Amazon which could have a seismic effect for online marketplaces on both sides of the Atlantic. The case not only puts a... more

On 3 July 2019 the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit handed down a ruling in the case Oberdorf v. Amazon which could have a seismic effect for online marketplaces on both sides of the Atlantic. The case not only puts a spotlight on how product liability law is applicable in the platform economy. It could also influence the broader transatlantic debate about the future of platform liability. This editorial for the Journal of European Consumer and Market law offers some European reflections on the Oberdorf case and its potential ramifications for the EU policy debate.

This short editorial considers how harmonized standards for digital service could be used as regulatory tool in the Digital Single Market. It is suggested that the regulatory policy of the "New Approach", which has been used for many... more

This short editorial considers how harmonized standards for digital service could be used as regulatory tool in the Digital Single Market. It is suggested that the regulatory policy of the "New Approach", which has been used for many years in the area of product safety law, could be transferred to the area of consumer and market practices law.

THE INVESTIGATION IN THE COMPARATIVE LAW PERSPECTIVE OF THE PREVENTIVE MEASURES PROTECTING THE DIPSOMANIAC CONSUMERS Assist. Prof. Özlem Tüzüner (Ph.D.) ABSTRACT Comparative law is cautious against the uncontrolled consumption of... more

Assist. Prof. Özlem Tüzüner (Ph.D.)
Comparative law is cautious against the uncontrolled consumption of alcoholic beverages of the dipsomaniac consumer. About the compensation for losses due to the dipsomaniac consumer, the aforementioned alcoholic beverages consumer may not be the only obligor. The consumer who drank over dose alcoholic beverages, the alcoholic drinks provider (business entity) and the workers in such enterprises may be subject to joint and several liability. Indeed, the provider, which serves excessive alcoholic beverage as well as the business manager, the waiters, the bartenders and even the security guards, can be found responsible all together. In Anglo-American jurisdictions, dipsomaniac consumer conflicts are studied under the title of dram shop law. Also in French and Swiss law, there exist measures to protect the dipsomaniac consumer from drinking too much alcoholic beverages. In many of the Swiss cantons, it’s illegal to serve alcohol to the consumer who has approached to become intoxicated. It’s essential to take this subject into consideration in the Turkish Consumer Law.
Keywords: Dipsomaniac consumer, excessive alcoholic beverages service, dram shop law, joint and several liability

E-commerce has changed conventional sale of goods through global access in an online marketplace. The borderless online marketplace provides a worldwide platform for sale of goods to consumers. A new group of tech-savvy consumers, also... more

E-commerce has changed conventional sale of goods through global access in an online marketplace. The borderless online marketplace provides a worldwide platform for sale of goods to consumers. A new group of tech-savvy consumers, also known as e-consumers has emerged and grown rapidly in recent years because e-commerce goods are cheaper, more accessible and convenient and offer greater variety and quality. E-commerce transactions for sale of goods involve many parties, among others the platform provider, the seller (either manufacturer, intermediary, wholesaler or retailer), the internet provider, the financial service provider that provides the transfer of money using data, the website, the logistics provider, the shipping company, the delivering company and the consumer as buyer at the end of the transaction. In some circumstances, consumers can even be the seller in e-commerce. It is essential to determine the rights and liabilities of the contracting parties in an e-commerce contract which raises the issue of privacy of contract and other related contract law issues. The nature and the complexity of e-commerce consumer contracts for sale of goods trigger many legal issues; from forming of the contract to the conclusion of the contract. This paper focuses on the emerging issue of e-commerce contract contractual rights and obligations for sale of goods. As pure doctrinal legal research which employs the content analysis method, this paper aims to map out the connection among the parties both directly and indirectly involved in the contract. This paper also seeks to identify and analyse the relationship of various parties involved in e-commerce consumer contracts for sale of goods. The relationship between the parties in an e-commerce contract, with regard to their rights and liabilities in the sale of goods, was examined and reviewed with the aim to ascertain coherence with the privacy of contract doctrine.

Quando falamos do direito do consumidor à informação e das consequências da sua não efetivação, situamo-nos normalmente no plano da relação jurídica de consumo, que se estabelece entre o consumidor e o profissional que fornece os bens ou... more

Quando falamos do direito do consumidor à informação e das consequências da sua não efetivação, situamo-nos normalmente no plano da relação jurídica de consumo, que se estabelece entre o consumidor e o profissional que fornece os bens ou presta os serviços de consumo. O presente trabalho, que se insere na nossa investigação doutoral, chama à reflexão um sujeito estranho à relação jurídica de consumo, mas que de alguma forma a medeia, em particular na fase pré-contratual, e que são os meios de comunicação social.

La nota analizza due recenti ordinanze con le quali e` stata dichiarata l’inammissibilità dell’azione di classe proposta nei confronti di Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena e relativa ai danni subiti da quegli investitori che, nel... more

La nota analizza due recenti ordinanze con le quali e` stata dichiarata l’inammissibilità dell’azione di classe proposta nei confronti di Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena e relativa ai danni subiti da quegli investitori che, nel sottoscrivere azioni di nuova emissione, hanno fatto affidamento, nella determinazione del valore di queste ultime, su bilanci e prospetti informativi che asseriscono essere viziati da irregolarità.

Acesso à ordem jurídica justa nas relações de consumo e a tecnologia

Consumer law attorney fee data, economics of practicing law, hourly rates, averages, means, Paralegal data, quartiles data, and more, data survey reported covering all 50 United States, Puerto Rico, and the United States Virgin Islands,... more

Consumer law attorney fee data, economics of practicing law, hourly rates, averages, means, Paralegal data, quartiles data, and more, data survey reported covering all 50 United States, Puerto Rico, and the United States Virgin Islands, 400 + pages of data and analysis. Free ebook download.

The article discusses critically pros and cons of branch specific arbitration proceedings as organized and financed by industry associations like the federal association of public banks with an independent Ombudsman according to its rules... more

The article discusses critically pros and cons of branch specific arbitration proceedings as organized and financed by industry associations like the federal association of public banks with an independent Ombudsman according to its rules of procedure. It sheds light on statistical chances to prevail. As to the directive 2013/11/EU for alternative dispute resolution no substantial improvements are to be expected.

In the aftermath of the introduction of a refined and more effective version of the Italian class action (the «azione di classe», as introduced by the law April 12, 2019, n. 31) this work explores the promises and pitfalls of enforcing... more

In the aftermath of the introduction of a refined and more effective version of the Italian class action (the «azione di classe», as introduced by the law April 12, 2019, n. 31) this work explores the promises and pitfalls of enforcing food information rules via tort law in the Italian legal system, paying comparative attention to how the same goal appears to be pursued in the «country of origin» of the class action model.