Consumer Protection (Law) Research Papers (original) (raw)

"It is important to establish the “Proto-dynamo” as concept that represents an entirely new paradigm of economic infrastructure. The concept alludes to the “dynamo” which is a machine that uses opposing magnetic forces to efficiently... more

"It is important to establish the “Proto-dynamo” as concept that represents an entirely new paradigm of economic infrastructure. The concept alludes to the “dynamo” which is a machine that uses opposing magnetic forces to efficiently produce/convert energy. The principle behind the dynamo is to use opposing forces within the same machine to get a consolidated output of energy. If the new paradigm of “protodynamism” can be represented by an electrical generator, the old paradigm of Keynesian theory can be represented by a meat grinder in which ten pounds of product goes in one side, and six ounces of tasteless sausage comes out the funnel possibly tainted with formaldehyde or some random pesticide that is unpronounceable. "

J.F. Kennedy once said: “Consumers, by definition, include us all.” Indeed, no matter where we look in the Croatian legal system, we come across a new consumer. Sometimes this is a consumer protected by lex generalis for consumer... more

J.F. Kennedy once said: “Consumers, by definition, include us all.” Indeed, no matter where we look in the Croatian legal system, we come across a new consumer. Sometimes this is a consumer protected by lex generalis for consumer protection, the Consumer Protection Act. Another time it is a consumer protected by the Obligations Act or, more specifically, the Consumer Credit Act and even more specifically by the Mortgage Consumer Credit Act. If he pays for something he has bought, he is also a consumer protected by the Payment System Act, and if he has decided to travel around by means of a package travel arrangement, he is a consumer enjoying protection under the Act on Provision of Services in Tourism. The first part of this paper is devoted to legal development of the Croatian consumer protection law and presentation of consumer rights as guaranteed by the main source of consumer protection in Croatia, namely, by the Consumer Protection Act.

O presente artigo analisa o IRDR e a possibilidade de fragilização das ações coletivas pela utilização do instituto, a partir de reflexões feitas por problemas teóricos e práticos. Por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental,... more

O presente artigo analisa o IRDR e a possibilidade de fragilização das ações coletivas pela utilização do instituto, a partir de reflexões feitas por problemas teóricos e práticos. Por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, analisou-se os reflexos da individualidade fictícia da pós-modernidade e da massificação do consumo na escolha do instrumento processual a ser utilizado. Através da metodologia de levantamento de dados, avaliou-se o Painel de Consulta ao Banco Nacional de Demandas Repetitivas e Precedentes Obrigatórios e no Banco Nacional de Dados de Demandas Repetitivas e Precedentes Obrigatórios, ambos do CNJ, oportunidade em que se obteve incoerências de informações nos resultados dos dois acervos, o que aponta para graves problemas em relação à atualização de banco de dados de demandas repetitivas consumeristas no Brasil.
This article analyzes the incident for resolution of repetitive demands and the possibility of weakening class actions by using the institute, based on reflections made by theoretical and practical problems. Through bibliographic and documentary research, were analyzed the reflexes of the fictitious individuality of post-modernity and the massification of consumption in the choice of the procedural instrument. Through the data collection methodology, the “Painel de Consulta ao Banco Nacional de Demandas Repetitivas e Precedentes Obrigatórios” and the “Banco Nacional de Dados de Demandas Repetitivas e Precedentes Obrigatórios”, both from CNJ, were evaluated, an opportunity in which information inconsistencies were found in the results of two databases, which points to serious problems in updating the databases of repetitive consumer demands in Brazil

O artigo tem por objetivo demonstrar que o consumismo na sociedade contemporânea, embora tenha sofrido influência da ética e dos valores morais consolidados na responsabilidade social empresarial, permanece com práticas... more

O artigo tem por objetivo demonstrar que o consumismo na sociedade contemporânea, embora tenha sofrido influência da ética e dos valores morais consolidados na responsabilidade social empresarial, permanece com práticas extremamente nocivas ao consumidor. Nesse contexto, são apresentadas as técnicas publicitárias greenwashing e bluewashing, as quais utilizam anúncios para demonstrar que a empresa, além de vender produtos e serviços, supostamente também detém comprometimento social com causas ambientais e sociais. Na prática, percebe-se que diversas operações empresariais não condizem com esta realidade, pelo contrário, encobrem práticas abusivas. Logo, a veiculação de publicidade enganosa deve ser coibida pelo Estado. Metodologicamente, a pesquisa é exploratória e de abordagem qualitativa, tendo o levantamento bibliográfico e documental como procedimentos adotados. Uma das principais conclusões apresentadas é que, apesar de existirem normas protetivas dos direitos humanos, estas se mostram insuficientes para sancionar as empresas violadoras de direitos humanos por meio do falso marketing social.

O presente artigo possui o objetivo de analisar alguns dos graves efeitos da pandemia da Covid-19 nas relações consumeristas e laborais inseridas na estrutura estatal brasileira, que, atualmente, é assumidamente neoliberal, e que, em... more

O presente artigo possui o objetivo de analisar alguns dos graves efeitos da pandemia da Covid-19 nas relações consumeristas e laborais inseridas na estrutura estatal brasileira, que, atualmente, é assumidamente neoliberal, e que, em diversos aspectos, deixou os cidadãos desassistidos, senão mediante ampla pressão social. Há uma nova realidade em curso imposta pela pandemia, com novas tendências já se concretizando e se projetando para o futuro, a exemplo de um maior consumo pelas plataformas de consumo compartilhado, bem como a ampliação do trabalho remoto. Neste particular, cumpre ressaltar a importância da efetiva proteção da parte mais vulnerável das relações econômicas e produtivas, mormente os consumidores e trabalhadores. Como pergunta central do problema de pesquisa, questiona-se se é possível reconfigurar a realidade social, para melhor, dentro de um Estado Neoliberal, que possui um projeto que dificilmente coincide com os interesses dos cidadãos – vulneráveis se comparados ao mercado. O método da pesquisa foi o hipotético-dedutivo e a metodologia de pesquisa a qualitativa, de viés exploratório e transdisciplinar, suscitando-se as categorias do Direito do Consumidor, do Direito do Trabalho e no âmbito da Ciência Política que definem a atuação de um Estado Neoliberal. Também foram utilizados dados recentes sobre os impactos da pandemia em diversos setores. Conclui-se que não será possível alcançar uma nova realidade social senão por meio de uma reconfiguração da atuação estatal, buscando-se a compatibilização dos interesses dos cidadãos com as práticas econômicas, com vistas a uma sociedade mais solidária, inclusiva e preocupada com o meio ambiente.

It is not enough for conventional rules on traditional consumer protection to regulate remote contractual relations or online shopping. In the diversity and wide geographic environment of the global market through the Internet it can't... more

It is not enough for conventional rules on traditional consumer protection to regulate remote contractual relations or online shopping. In the diversity and wide geographic environment of the global market through the Internet it can't provide adequate protection for the e-consumer. Most global legislations have intervened to amend the legal texts to be consistent with this development. The new rules have provided protection for the consumer in the pre-contractual stage through protection from misleading advertising and promotion of goods and services, as well as providing adequate information to the consumer about the product and the terms of the contract.

La ricerca si propone di lumeggiare l’esistenza di una linea di tendenza latinoamericana finalizzata all’unificazione della normativa a tutela del consumatore nell’area sub-regionale del MERCOSUR. Nel lavoro sono esaminate le esperienze... more

La ricerca si propone di lumeggiare l’esistenza di una linea di tendenza latinoamericana finalizzata all’unificazione della normativa a tutela del consumatore nell’area sub-regionale del MERCOSUR. Nel lavoro sono esaminate le esperienze di tutela del consumatore del Brasile, dell’Argentina, del Paraguay e dell’Uruguay, non solo per la conoscenza delle soluzioni offerte dai singoli ordinamenti giuridici ma anche per la valutazione del nucleo di principi, regole e norme comuni su cui si incardina la prospettiva comunitaria della disciplina tesa a tale fine. L’individuazione dei problemi e delle tecniche per l’unificazione del diritto è svolta con particolare attenzione all’analisi dei profili sistematici e dei presupposti dogmatici della nozione di relación de consumo, e prevede altresì alcuni raffronti tra l’esperienza giuridica latinoamericana e quella europea.

To carry out any type of Business, there must be consumer. Without consumers, no goods can be sold, no services can be provided. So it is very important to take due care of the needs of the consumers. This study critically analyzed the... more

To carry out any type of Business, there must be consumer. Without consumers, no goods can be sold, no services can be provided. So it is very important to take due care of the needs of the consumers. This study critically analyzed the three tier mechanism of Consumer disputes redressal in India. This mechanism is present at District, State and National level. For the analysis of the functioning of these forums, secondary data was collected and analyzed. During the analysis, it was found that out of total cases filed in the district forums since inception, 92.43% cases were disposed of till date. The disposal rate of all State Commissions was 85.67%. However the disposal rate of the National Commission was better than State commissions i.e. 86.26%. Thus the disposal rate of district forums was found higher than national as well as state commissions. The overall level of functioning of the three tier mechanism was found satisfactory. Further to this out of 669 total District forums, 29 were found non-functional i.e. only 640 District forums are functional in India. As far as vacant positions are concerned there were 416 positions lying vacant in various forums. There is an urgent need to revive the non-functional Forums at the earliest to provide timely and speedy justice to the consumers.

Through its case law, the CJEU has developed and established various legal institutions and principles guaranteeing the effectiveness of EU law including consumer protection law. Although much time has passed since the CJEU required from... more

Through its case law, the CJEU has developed and established various legal institutions and principles guaranteeing the effectiveness of EU law including consumer protection law. Although much time has passed since the CJEU required from Member States' courts to give the "Community (now: Union) law its full effect within the framework of the judicial systems of the Member States", more recent cases demonstrate the serious struggles of the courts when it comes to the enforcement of the EU consumer protection law. The effectiveness of the judicial protection of consumer protection rights is sometimes undermined by the most basic questions, such as who qualifies a person as a "consumer" in a national civil law dispute, the court or the claimant? Moreover, recent studies of the European Commission demonstrate that the national courts are barely aware of their duty in an ex officio application of the EU consumer protection law. With the exception of the courts' duty to examine the unfairness of contract terms in business-to-consumer (B2C) relations of their own motion, they seem to be reluctant to the idea of an ex officio application of consumer protection law. This paper examines the position of courts in this new environment of allegedly more effective enforcement mechanisms and questions to what extent the Member States' courts are obliged to apply the EU consumer protection law ex officio.

The clothing sector is a low wage, labour-intensive industry and a dynamic, innovative sector. Franchising is a business system in which a company (franchisor) sells an individual (franchisee) the right to operate a business using the... more

The clothing sector is a low wage, labour-intensive industry and a dynamic, innovative sector.
Franchising is a business system in which a company (franchisor) sells an individual (franchisee) the right to operate a business using the franchisor's established format. Franchising considerably helps enterprisers and companies in the clothing sector, because it assists them to cope with the problems connected with entering new markets. Franchising is also useful for entrepreneurs in strengthening their position on the market.

We often think about justice and social change in terms of refinement and better implementation of legal or economic theories and categories. Justice and change are often understood as more accountability and participation, as resistance... more

We often think about justice and social change in terms of refinement and better implementation of legal or economic theories and categories. Justice and change are often understood as more accountability and participation, as resistance to free movement/ autonomy considerations and an emphasis on social ones, as resistance to the ‘the market’, as a general protection of the weaker party, or a better theory or alignment of the entire legal system with general constitutional values and principles. Change is expected to follow from an overtly political discourse that should free us from the shackles of legal language and enable the concerns of the people to be voiced.
However, "Justice" cannot be understood in terms of any theory or concept. The word justice only makes sense because of the current unjust reality. Justice should be understood dynamically, as constant social transformation. Legal thinking misses the hierarchical structure of society and when considering justice too often assumes an abstract category or theory that can bring about “justice”.
For example, it is generally assumed in legal consciousness that the identity of the weaker party can be generalised and predetermined. Beside its reliance on constitutionalism and on conceptual understanding of the legal structure, the conceptualism of contemporary legal thought, this was one of the main weaknesses of the European Social Justice Manifestos. A legal system favoring an abstract “weaker party” is bound to struggle with concerns of justice.
We cannot rely on any theory or worldview when thinking about justice. Such thinking about "justice" often contributes to the reproduction of existing hierarchies - to the reproduction of the status quo, particularly when (hierarchical) reality is interpreted according to existing ideology. Justice means a dynamic change of the currently unjust hierarchical reality that needs to be constantly constructed and reconstructed. The aim of social transformation cannot be a final solution, a perfect social order, or ubiquitous affirmations of ‘social’ considerations, nor a stable state of justice, but rather a constant pursuit of “justice”.

Opublikowane w: Przegląd Legislacyjny nr 3/2010, s. 25-41.

Based on reading the, Case Connection, I cannot quite make a correlation for its relevance. Initially when it was introduce and put in place in 2007 it served a purpose due to the economic state our country was in at the time; however I... more

Based on reading the, Case Connection, I cannot quite make a correlation for its relevance. Initially when it was introduce and put in place in 2007 it served a purpose due to the economic state our country was in at the time; however I feel as though the boundary are overstepped and they are becoming designed to protect the corporations instead of the consumer rights. The CFPB’s core functions include writing and enforcing federal regulatory laws, restricting practices that it deems unfair or abusive, promoting financial education, and processing consumer complaints. (Warren) If this is the case why do new laws and regulation allow consumer agencies, collection agencies allow call to come in at any time of day, and most pose as lawyer offices or judicial magisterial and harass consumer even when they have the wrong number. If this is something that the taxpayer dollar is paying for than we need to do away with it.

Despite over 50 years of reform (Blandy and Robinson, 2001) leasehold as a tenure is in crisis (Brady & Co 2016, Property Mark 2018). The latest tranche of reform proposals (DCLG, 2017, MHCLG, 2019, Best 2019, TFG 2019, CMA 2020, Law... more

There have been several recent lawsuits in which problem gamblers (or those affected by problem gambling) have sued casinos or other gaming companies for damages relating to bankruptcies, suicides, and other negative consequences of... more

There have been several recent lawsuits in which problem gamblers (or those affected by problem gambling) have sued casinos or other gaming companies for damages relating to bankruptcies, suicides, and other negative consequences of compulsive gambling. Although the legal cases have been decided in favor of the gaming companies, it can seem as though there is a moral residue in some of these cases: perhaps some of the actions of the gaming companies, though legal, have been morally problematic. This case invites students to explore this possibility by introducing them to the facts surrounding the lawsuits and highlighting some of the most salient moral considerations. Students will also be asked to reflect on the public policy implications, if any, of their findings.

The outsourcing of client-related tasks to service providers in other countries is likely to generate malpractice claims against American law firms. This Article discusses the wide range of theories under which an outsourcing American... more

The outsourcing of client-related tasks to service providers in other countries is likely to generate malpractice claims against American law firms. This Article discusses the wide range of theories under which an outsourcing American law firm may be liable for its own negligence or for the actions of outsourcing providers. These theories include negligence by the outsourcing law firm, vicarious liability for the conduct of independent contractors, and vicarious liability for the conduct of business partners.

Esta es una obra que tiene por objeto esquematizar la Ley nº 19.496 como la principal ley del ordenamiento jurídico chileno sobre protección de los derechos de los consumidores, incorporando una selección de los extractos de aquella... more

Esta es una obra que tiene por objeto esquematizar la Ley nº 19.496 como la principal ley del ordenamiento jurídico chileno
sobre protección de los derechos de los consumidores, incorporando una selección de los extractos de aquella doctrina nacional
que hemos estimado relevante, junto con un catálogo de las principales sentencias que tratan algún tema relacionado con la
norma respectiva. Además, a título personal, hemos comentado especialmente para este libro algunos títulos o párrafos de la
ley, a efectos de entregarle mayor valor al lector de este texto.
Estos esquemas han seguido muy de cerca la disposición de títulos y párrafos de la Ley sobre Protección de los Derechos de
los Consumidores en su versión actual y refundida con las últimas modi!caciones legales. Por eso, estamos en condiciones de
señalar que estos “Esquemas de Derecho del Consumo” ofrecen una estructura íntegra con todas las principales instituciones
del Derecho del Consumo chileno.

V hospodárskej súťaži vystupuje niekoľko subjektov, ktorých záujmy sú na prvý pohľad diametrálne odlišné. V hospodárskej praxi do popredia najviac vystupujú organizácie, ktoré v dnešnom hyperkonkurečnom prostredí uplatňujú rôzne,... more

V hospodárskej súťaži vystupuje niekoľko subjektov, ktorých záujmy sú na prvý pohľad diametrálne odlišné. V hospodárskej praxi do popredia najviac vystupujú organizácie, ktoré v dnešnom hyperkonkurečnom prostredí uplatňujú rôzne, častokrát agresívne konkurenčné stratégie. Spotrebiteľ je v z hľadiska hospodárskej súťaže podceňovaným subjektom, napriek skutočnosti, že dobre nastavená a fungujúca hospodárska súťaž prináša prospech predovšetkým pre spotrebiteľa. Z uvedeného je možné odvodiť významnú charakteristickú črtu hospodárskej súťaže, resp. jeden z jej cieľov – spotrebiteľský blahobyt.

This article deals with the protection of consumers when they enter e-commerce transactions with foreign companies. Most states reacted to the growing importance of e-commerce by enacting data protection and consumer protection... more

This article deals with the protection of consumers when they enter e-commerce transactions with foreign companies. Most states reacted to the growing importance of e-commerce by enacting data protection and consumer protection legislation and by requiring registration of e-businesses. Companies have found a way to circumvent the consumer legislation by offering the consumers to agree to a choice of foreign courts and laws which are included in their terms and conditions. Consumers give away the protection of their home state simply by clicking to accept the general terms and conditions on the company's website. The purpose of this article is to examine if the solutions and the experience from the United States and the European Union could serve as a model for transnational protection of consumers in e-commerce. The authors discuss the different levels of protection offered in the United States and the European Union and consider unification of the standards by a multilateral convention.

Männer und Frauen dürfen beim Zugang zu und der Versorgung mit Gütern und Dienstleistungen nicht diskriminiert werden. Das ist im konsumentInnenschutzrechtlichen Teil des Gleichbehandlungsgesetzes eindeutig geregelt. Gleichwohl gibt es... more

Männer und Frauen dürfen beim Zugang zu und der Versorgung mit Gütern und Dienstleistungen nicht diskriminiert werden. Das ist im konsumentInnenschutzrechtlichen Teil des Gleichbehandlungsgesetzes eindeutig geregelt. Gleichwohl gibt es immer wieder geschlechtsspezifische Angebote, Leistungen, Räumlichkeiten oder Kurse und Programme nur für Frauen bzw. nur für Männer, z. B. Frauenhäuser, Herrenclubs, Toiletten. Ist das nicht Diskriminierung?

Opšte je prihvaćeno mišljenje da su od potencijalne povrede svojih prava zaštićeni samo informisani potrošači. Oglašavanje predstavlja jedan od osnovnih načina informisanja potrošača, te je od krucijalne važnosti da ono sadrži adekvatne... more

Opšte je prihvaćeno mišljenje da su od potencijalne povrede svojih prava zaštićeni samo informisani potrošači. Oglašavanje predstavlja jedan od osnovnih načina informisanja potrošača, te je od krucijalne važnosti da ono sadrži adekvatne informacije koje potrošačima mogu olakšati proces donošenja odluke o kupovini. U cilju sprečavanja povrede osnovnih prava potrošača, oglašavanje je regulisano zakonskim aktima, kako na nivou EU tako i u Srbiji, pri čemu je posebna pažnja posvećena definisanju oglašavanja koje može dovesti do obmane potrošača. Predmet analize autora u ovom radu su stoga zakonska regulativa i teorijska objašnjenja obmanjujućeg oglašavanja. Prezentovani su i rezultati istraživanja oglašavanja u Srbiji i stepena informisanosti potrošača i njihove osposobljenosti da se zaštite od manipulacije oglašivača. Osnovni cilj autora je da doprinesu povećanju nivoa samozaštite potrošača kroz podizanje nivoa njihove svesti o obmanjujućem oglašavanju i njegovim posledicama.

In the context of current pandemic crisis due, social distancing and quarantine measures were imposed by states due to the high risk of infection by going out of the house for buying the goods and services that are required. Naturally,... more

In the context of current pandemic crisis due, social distancing and quarantine measures were imposed by states due to the high risk of infection by going out of the house for buying the goods and services that are required. Naturally, there has been an increase in online acquisitions, use of online entertainment and online tools for professional purposes. This has increased the level of demand alongside the consumption in the online sector which forces the suppliers to become more inventive in order to sell their products and services and make them more accessible, price wise, in better meet the expectations. Unfortunately, this being a highly abrupt shift with no precedence, forcing the traders and providers in the online sector to cut corners in order to keep up and, as a consequence, may affect the consumers. All these being said, although we speak about unprecedented context, the European Union, over the last two decades, has enacted more directives and regulations in order to keep up with this market's unique and high innovation rate with the goal to ensure the consumer's protection. This papers analysis the evolution of the European Consumer Law starting with the minimum harmonisation approach and getting to new acts which try to fully harmonise the area for the attainment of a functional internal market, a Single Market which is, nowadays, pressured by the digital revolution and social distancing to change perspective, as customers are interacting with the business in different ways they did once and the digital content is becoming the main product or service to be supplied.

The EU Product Liability Directive (Directive 85/374/EEC-PLD) provides for strict liability of producers for defective products. This paper examines its applicability de lege lata and de lege ferenda to software updates of automated... more

The EU Product Liability Directive (Directive 85/374/EEC-PLD) provides for strict liability of producers for defective products. This paper examines its applicability de lege lata and de lege ferenda to software updates of automated vehicles. It is concluded that to regard software updates as 'products' under the PLD entails many legal and practical challenges. These relate to the notion of 'product', the time that the update is put into circulation, the notion of 'defect', the burden of proof especially as to causation, and the calculation of time bars. Applying the PLD to software updates seems to create more problems than the ones the Directive is meant to solve. Therefore, it is submitted that the PLD is inapplicable both de lege lata and de legel ferenda to software updates. It is simpler and more logical to consider software updates of automated vehicles as a maintenance service.

Pojem dôvera je v centre pozornosti viacerých humanitných vedných odborov. Týmto fenoménom sa zaoberajú psychológovia, sociológovia. Cieľom tohto príspevku je objasniť pojem dôvery s dôrazom na jeho osobitné postavenie v rámci moderného... more

Pojem dôvera je v centre pozornosti viacerých humanitných vedných odborov. Týmto fenoménom sa zaoberajú psychológovia, sociológovia. Cieľom tohto príspevku je objasniť pojem dôvery s dôrazom na jeho osobitné postavenie v rámci moderného marketingového riadenia. Organizácie, ktoré si uvedomujú význam fenoménu dôvery v ich riadení smerom k zákazníkom, a ktoré sú schopné rýchlo zareagovať a strategicky budovať a rozvíjať vzťahy s existujúcou bázou zákazníkov, získavajú konkurenčnú výhodu vyplývajúcu zo skutočnosti, že zákazníci ocenia racionálne, ale aj emocionálne dimenzie tohto obojstranne výhodného vzťahu.

Rad proučava uređenje materije potrošačkog kreditiranja u hrvatskom pravu i analizira osnovna prava korisnika kredita sukladno Direktivi 2008/48/EZ o ugovorima o potrošačkom kreditu i Direktivi 2014/17/EU o ugovorima o potrošačkim... more

Rad proučava uređenje materije potrošačkog kreditiranja u hrvatskom pravu i analizira osnovna prava korisnika kredita sukladno Direktivi 2008/48/EZ o ugovorima o potrošačkom kreditu i Direktivi 2014/17/EU o ugovorima o potrošačkim kreditima koji se odnose na stambene nekretnine. Također se osvrće na aktualne probleme u domaćoj sudskoj praksi i daje prikaz stajališta Suda EU o tumačenjima navedenih EU Direktiva.

This is a brief case note on the Munich County Court's Judgment of 1 March 2018 (Case 12 O 730) which held that the Amazon Dash Button device violates EU consumer law on several counts. The case note analyzes the Court's line of argument... more

This is a brief case note on the Munich County Court's Judgment of 1 March 2018 (Case 12 O 730) which held that the Amazon Dash Button device violates EU consumer law on several counts. The case note analyzes the Court's line of argument and argues that EU consumer law in its existing form is not sufficiently technically neutral and not ready for display-less devices such as the Amazon Dash Button and voice-activated digital assistants like Amazon Alexa or Google Home.

For decades, consumer law has been the stepchild of the legal discipline, neither public nor private law, not classic but post-modern, not 'legal enough', 'too political', in short, a discipline at the margins, suffering from the haut... more

For decades, consumer law has been the stepchild of the legal discipline, neither public nor private law, not classic but post-modern, not 'legal enough', 'too political', in short, a discipline at the margins, suffering from the haut gout and striving to change society through law for the 'better'. Just like Atreyu, Frodo Baggins, Luke Skywalker, the Ghostbusters, Naruto Uzumaki, Dreamworks' dragon trainer, and many others, consumer law is the underdog carrying the burden of saving the day. Times are changing. We are perhaps reaching the point of the story where the world comes to understand the real value of consumer law in a society that is dominated and dependent on private consumption. Publishing houses and ever more numerous researchers from public and private law perspectives, working on national, European and international law are getting into what is no longer a new legal field. Now the time is ripe for a whole Handbook on Consumer Law Research which brings methodology to the fore. This first chapter pursues three aims, firstly to embed consumer law research into the overall development of legal research since the rise of consumer law in the 1960s, secondly to explain our choice to focus on the behavioural turn in consumer law and present the range of contributions in this volume that engage with the upcoming strand of research, thirdly to explore how the recent attention to behavioural insights can be combined with a pre-existing body of doctrinal research and social legal research in consumer law and outline avenues for further research.

Over the past decade, the rise of online marketplaces such as has profoundly changed the retail landscape. The current pandemic has further accelerated consumers' shift towards online buying in general and online marketplaces... more

Over the past decade, the rise of online marketplaces such as has profoundly changed the retail landscape. The current pandemic has further accelerated consumers' shift towards online buying in general and online marketplaces in particular. As a result, traditional distribution chains have been replaced by a market structure which is dominated by digital intermediaries. While this development has increased consumer choice, it has also enabled the influx of unsafe and defect products to US and EU consumer retail markets. It is a matter of controversy whether and how product liability rules, which have been designed for the traditional distribution chain model, can be applied to online intermediaries. Against this background, this Article explores how courts and lawmakers on both sides of the Atlantic are trying to adjust the existing product liability framework to the new reality of the platform economy. The comparative analysis shows that the regulatory strategies in Europe and the US differ considerably. While US law focusses on indirect regulation through product liability, EU law puts its emphasis on direct regulation through public enforcement of product safety rules and market surveillance by public authorities. In this regard, the proposal for a Digital Services Act, published by the European Commission in December 2020, will not bring much of a change. The Article calls for a reform of the EU Product Liability Directive that takes inspiration from recent developments in US product liability law. This could lead not only to a more balanced regulatory framework within the EU, but also to a transAtlantic convergence in the field of product liability. Building on the findings of the comparative analysis, the Article outlines several options for law reform and discusses how the regulatory design of product liability rules could affect the market structure and competition in the platform economy.

Zavedenie prvkov manažérstva kvality TQM do prostredia školy ako organizácie a výučby odborného predmetu je jeden z moderných spôsobov zvýšenia jej kvality. Zasahuje komplexne celú školu so všetkými jej súčasťami a procesmi ako aj s jej... more

Zavedenie prvkov manažérstva kvality TQM do prostredia školy ako organizácie a výučby odborného predmetu je jeden z moderných spôsobov zvýšenia jej kvality. Zasahuje komplexne celú školu so všetkými jej súčasťami a procesmi ako aj s jej zamestnancami. Filozofia manažérstva kvality TQM je postavená na strategickom plánovaní, smerovaní činnosti školy a to prostredníctvom jej poslania, vízie a hodnôt. Škola s akceptáciou požiadaviek a prianí jej partnerov sa stáva flexibilnejšou a v prostredí stredných škôl sa jej konkurencie schopnosť zvyšuje. Jej ponuka prostredníctvom vzdelávacieho programu sa stáva z hľadiska potenciálnych partnerov atraktívnejšou, pretože rešpektuje ich požiadavky a priania.

People with allergies know how important it is to stay away from allergens to which they are sensitive. But what if those substances are in your food and you don't know it? The “natural flavor” loophole in ingredient labeling means that... more

People with allergies know how important it is to stay away from allergens to which they are sensitive. But what if those substances are in your food and you don't know it? The “natural flavor” loophole in ingredient labeling means that any food which lists “natural flavors” as an ingredient is potentially hazardous to sensitive people, and should be approached with caution.

The study aims to analyze the issue of credit worthiness which with the entry into force of Law 3 of 2012 first and the Codice della Crisi d’Impresa e dell’Insolvenza then, has an increasingly central role. This delicate issue, which has... more

The study aims to analyze the issue of credit worthiness which with the entry into force of Law 3 of 2012 first and the Codice della Crisi d’Impresa e dell’Insolvenza then, has an increasingly central role. This delicate issue, which has been the subject of studies since the issue of Directive 2008/48/EC, has decisive implications in the evaluation of the “unscrupulous” conduct of the borrower or the negligence of the
banker, as a consequence, with repercussions in the approval or rejection of the consumer recovery proposal. Finally, the author hopes that a detailed assessment of the entire financing operation remains unaffected also with the entry into force of the new Codice della Crisi d’Impresa e dell’Insolvenza.

Der Beitrag gibt eine erste Übersicht über die Richtlinie 2011/83/EU über die Rechte der Verbraucher. Das von der Richtlinie verfolgte Prinzip der Vollharmonsierung, wird nicht nur in den Mitgliedstaaten der EU sondern auch in der Region... more

Der Beitrag gibt eine erste Übersicht über die Richtlinie 2011/83/EU über die Rechte der Verbraucher. Das von der Richtlinie verfolgte Prinzip der Vollharmonsierung, wird nicht nur in den Mitgliedstaaten der EU sondern auch in der Region zu Reformen führen. Daher ist es das Ziel des Beitrags die Entsehungsgeschichte der Richtlinie, ihr Verhältnis zum Entwurf des GRR, die Hauptmerkmale sowie die wichtigsten Änderungen, die sich aus dem Inhalt der Richtlinie ergeben, der Rechtswissenschaft- und Praxis in der Region näherzubringen.
Nach langwieriger Vorbereitungsarbeit, mit dem erklärten Ziel der Vereinhetilichung des Verbraucherprivatrechts, fiel die endgültige Fassung der Richtlinie enttäuschend aus. Dennoch bilden die in der neuen Richtlinie geregelten Haustürgeschäfte, Distanzverträge sowie der Verbrauchsgüterkauf eine festen Bestandteil der Schuldrechtsordnungen in der Region. Bei der Kurzdarstellung der Neuigkeiten wurde besonderes Augenmerk auf die EuGH Rechtsprechung gelegt, die zu Reformen der Vorschriften geführt hat. Außerdem wird die in Aussicht gestellte Erweiterung der geregelten Gebiete betont, damit diese bei der Entscheidung über eine Reform im besonderen Verbraucherschutzgesetz oder im Schuldrechtsgesetz berücksichtigt werden kann.

La Direttiva 2019/2161/Ue (c.d. “Direttiva Omnibus”) prevede numerose novità sul fronte delle tutele dei consumatori che accedono al mercato unico digitale. In particolare, vengono apportate modifiche ed integrazioni alle discipline in... more

La Direttiva 2019/2161/Ue (c.d. “Direttiva Omnibus”) prevede numerose novità sul fronte delle tutele dei consumatori che accedono al mercato unico digitale. In particolare, vengono apportate modifiche ed integrazioni alle discipline in materia di pratiche commerciali sleali e di obblighi informativi precontrattuali al fine di garantire un corretto e trasparente svolgimento delle operazioni di consumo nei mercati online. Inoltre, viene ampliato il campo di applicazione della Direttiva 2011/83/Ue ai contratti di fornitura di servizi digitali che non prevedono un corrispettivo pecuniario, a cui però viene riservato un trattamento differenziato in merito ad alcuni aspetti disciplinari del recesso di pentimento. Il presente lavoro esamina gli interventi di riforma sopra richiamati, soffermandosi sia sui profili contenutistici che sul tipo di armonizzazione attuata dal legislatore europeo, della quale si mettono in risalto le sfumature cangianti. Si evidenzia, infine, come il moltiplicarsi di iniziative regolatorie del mercato digitale richieda all’interprete un notevole sforzo, che non consiste soltanto nel raccordare le nuove discipline europee ai sistemi nazionali, ma anche nel garantire una coerenza interna alle stesse regole di nuovo conio.
The Directive 2019/2161/Eu (the so-called “Omnibus Directive”) provides for numerous innovations in the field of consumer protection in the digital single market. In particular, there are some amendments and additions to the set of rules regarding unfair commercial practices and pre-contractual information duties and they aim to make B2C transactions work properly in online marketplaces. Moreover, the scope of the Directive 2011/83/Eu is changed to include digital service contracts which are provided free of monetary charge, but these contracts are treated differently with regard to some legal aspects of the right of withdrawal. The present work analyses the aforementioned changes in terms of both content details and the level of EU harmonization, whose different nuances are underlined. It eventually points out that the legal scholars are required to face the increased EU legislation on digital market, not only focusing on its coherence with national legal systems but also taking care of the consistency of the same new digital rules.

Príspevok sa zaoberá rôznymi pohľadmi odbornej verejnosti na princípy marketingového riadenia v súčasnosti. Tieto sa v mnohých prípadoch vyznačujú niekoľkými prívlastkami – dotieravé, rušivé, zavádzajúce, klamlivé. Na základe takýchto... more

Príspevok sa zaoberá rôznymi pohľadmi odbornej verejnosti na princípy marketingového riadenia v súčasnosti. Tieto sa v mnohých prípadoch vyznačujú niekoľkými prívlastkami – dotieravé, rušivé, zavádzajúce, klamlivé. Na základe takýchto asociácií v mysliach odbornej, ale aj laickej verejnosti, sa stáva marketing ako vedná disciplína i ako funkčná oblasť manažmentu často opovrhovaným, čo dokumentujú mnohé manažérske postupy a skúsenosti.

Η παρούσα μελέτη καταπιάνεται με την ανάλυση της απόφασης 4/2019 της Ολομέλειας του Αρείου Πάγου. Μιας απόφασης που θεωρήθηκε ως τέμνουσα το ακανθώδες νομικό, οικονομικό και κοινωνικό πρόβλημα των δανείων σε ελβετικό φράγκο. Πέραν όμως... more

Η παρούσα μελέτη καταπιάνεται με την ανάλυση της απόφασης 4/2019 της Ολομέλειας του Αρείου Πάγου. Μιας απόφασης που θεωρήθηκε ως τέμνουσα το ακανθώδες νομικό, οικονομικό και κοινωνικό πρόβλημα των δανείων σε ελβετικό φράγκο. Πέραν όμως από τις σημαντικές πρακτικές συνέπειες της ΟλΑΠ 4/2019, πολύ μεγαλύτερο είναι το δογματικό ενδιαφέρον που παρουσιάζουν οι κρίσεις της Ολομέλειας του Αρείου Πάγου. Στην ανάλυση των δογματικών αυτών ζητημάτων που συνάπτονται με την ευρύτερη προβληματική του ελέγχου της καταχρηστικότητας των Γενικών Όρων Συναλλαγών σε καταναλωτικές συμβάσεις επιδίδεται και η παρούσα μελέτη. Με τη μορφή διαλόγου μεταξύ των απόψεων των αρεοπαγιτών δικαστών, των αποφάσεων του Δικαστηρίου της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης αλλά και των τοποθετήσεων της θεωρίας, η ανά χείρας μελέτη επιχειρεί να αναδείξει τα συζητούμενα επιχειρήματα χωρίς να διστάζει να πάρει θέση επί των αμφιλεγόμενων αυτών ζητημάτων.

Price personalisation raises four policy concerns: building trust, fostering competitiveness, increasing access, and avoiding exploitation. The Modernisation Directive introduces an information requirement about personalised prices. The... more

Price personalisation raises four policy concerns: building trust, fostering competitiveness, increasing access, and avoiding exploitation. The Modernisation Directive introduces an information requirement about personalised prices. The research explains how this information requirement can and shall be used to make price personalisation pro-competitive and pro-consumers. The analysis can be divided into two main parts. First, disclosing the impersonal price is the simple and effective way to reap the benefits of price personalisation while counteracting its negative effects. Second, the legal grounds for the right to know also the impersonal price in EU law are identified. After having explained that consumers have a right to be offered a personalised price, it is shown that the principles of transparency and effectiveness in EU consumer law, together with the right granted by Article 22(3) GDPR, imply that consumers have the right to know also the impersonal price. The right to know also the impersonal price is a critical tile for solving the puzzle represented by the best governance of digital markets in the European Union.

LA RICERCA SULLA DIFFUSIONE DELLA GIUSTIZIA ALTERNATIVA IN ITALIA NEL 2017 - Sommario: 1. Le novità normative in materia di ADR nel 2017. – 2. La giustizia alternativa in Italia nel 2017: individuazione e distribuzione del campione. – 3.... more

LA RICERCA SULLA DIFFUSIONE DELLA GIUSTIZIA ALTERNATIVA IN ITALIA NEL 2017 - Sommario: 1. Le novità normative in materia di ADR nel 2017. – 2. La giustizia alternativa in Italia nel 2017: individuazione e distribuzione del campione. – 3. La diffusione della giustizia alternativa in Italia nel 2017: numero delle domande, loro tipologia. – 4. L’arbitrato amministrato. – 4.1. L’arbitrato amministrato in Italia nel 2017. – 4.2. Le Camere Arbitrali delle Camere di Commercio. – 4.3. Le Camere Arbitrali esterne al sistema camerale. – 4.4. I modelli di arbitrato nel settore bancario e finanziario: 4.4.1. L’Arbitro Bancario Finanziario (ABF – Banca d’Italia). – 4.4.2. L’Arbitro per le Controversie Finanziarie (ACF – CONSOB). – 4.4.3. La Camera Arbitrale dei contratti pubblici (ANAC). – L’arbitrato A.N.AC. in favore degli investitori bancari. – 4.4.4. L’istituzione dell’arbitro assicurativo presso l’I.V.A.S.S. – 5. La mediazione civile e commerciale: i dati del Ministero di Giustizia. – 5.1. Le Camere di Mediazione e di Conciliazione amministrata delle Camere di Commercio. – 5.2. Le procedure ADR nel settore dei servizi e del consumo. Un quadro d’insieme. – 5.2.1. Il Servizio conciliazione clienti di energia elettrica e gas (ARERA). – 5.2.2. Le conciliazioni in materia di comunicazioni: i CO.RE.COM. – 5.2.3. Le conciliazioni paritetiche (cenni). – 5.2.4. L’Autorità di Regolazione dei Trasporti. – 6. Conclusioni.

Bitcoin is the most important and well known form of digital currency. It is not produced or backed by any single entity. Its production takes place in a decentralised manner and its value derives only from the fact that there is a... more

Bitcoin is the most important and well known form of digital currency. It is not produced or backed by any single entity. Its production takes place in a decentralised manner and its value derives only from the fact that there is a growing community that attributes value to it and chooses to transact using this innovative means of payment. However, its importance is increasing, especially in the field of e-commerce. The main aim of this article is to examine the consumer's right of withdrawal, as it is regulated in the Consumer Rights Directive (Directive 2011/83/EU), in case of payments with bitcoins. More specifically, it is examined whether a consumer's payment with bitcoins can be a hindrance to the consumer's protection, with respect to the withdrawal right provided by the aforementioned Directive in cases of distance and off-premises contracts. Furthermore, the consequences of the exercise of the withdrawal right are examined, particularly with regards to reimbursement. The main concerns derive from the bitcoin's disputed legal nature and its high value volatility.