Continental Tectonics Research Papers - (original) (raw)

ABSTRACT The first-order South American intraplate stress field was modeled through a finite element analysis to evaluate the relative contribution of plate boundary forces and intraplate stress sources. The finite element mesh consisted... more

ABSTRACT The first-order South American intraplate stress field was modeled through a finite element analysis to evaluate the relative contribution of plate boundary forces and intraplate stress sources. The finite element mesh consisted of 3100 nodes in a network of 5993 equal-area triangular elements which provided a spatial resolution of about 1° at the equator. An important aspect of our modeling is the inclusion of topographic forces due to the cooling oceanic lithosphere along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (e.g., ridge push), the continental margins along the east coast of Brazil and Argentina, and the elevated continental crust (e.g., the Andean Cordillera). Predicted intraplate stresses for two representations of the western collisional boundary forces are evaluated: pinned collisional boundaries and applied collisional boundary forces. Constraint for the modeling was provided by information about the orientation of the maximum horizontal compressive stress, SHmax, provided by 217 stress indicators from the World Stress Map Project as well as by SHmaxmagnitude estimates and torque information from previous investigations. Our modeling results demonstrate that the first-order features of the observed stress field can be explained with simple tectonic models which balance the torque acting on the plate either with a fixed western margin or drag forces applied along the base of the plate. The predicted intraplate stress field is characterized by a nearly uniform E-W SHmax orientation throughout most regions of the plate, with stress magnitudes generally less than 20 MPa averaged over a 100-km-thick lithosphere. Significant perturbation of this regional stress field occurs in the western part of the plate in response to forces associated with the high topography of the Andes. Although the magnitude of the collisional boundary forces acting along the western margin remains poorly constrained, we estimate a plausible upper bound on the force per unit length acting along the Peru-Chile Trench to be about 2.5×1012 Nm-1. While some of our models are consistent with a driving basal drag to balance the torques acting on the plate, the magnitude of the drag torque is small compared to the contribution from other sources of stress such as the ridge push force.

Despite the growing amount of data on surface horizontal displacement, the vertical movements of the lithosphere and exhumation processes at convergent plate boundaries are still poorly known. Petrological and geochronological data on... more

Despite the growing amount of data on surface horizontal displacement, the vertical movements of the lithosphere and exhumation processes at convergent plate boundaries are still poorly known. Petrological and geochronological data on High-Pressure to Ultra High Pressure Low-temperature metamorphic rocks provide invaluable constraints on the behaviour of convergent zone. On one hand, the development of in situ datings coupled with more and more precise and continuous pressure-temperature estimates allow the trajectory of subducted rocks to be followed in the 2D thermal-depth (T-Z) field. On the other hand, thermo-mechanical numerical model allow the trajectory of subducted rocks to be followed in the 4D X-Z- T-deformation space. The combination of worldwide natural data with numerical model emphasizes the following salient results: - Whatever their origin (continental or oceanic), the exhumation of HP to UHP rocks is related to convergent processes. - Exhumation of solid rocks requi...

This paper examines the relationship between seismogenic thickness, lithosphere structure and rheology in central and northeastern Asia. We accurately determine earthquake depth distributions which reveal important rheological variations... more

This paper examines the relationship between seismogenic thickness, lithosphere structure and rheology in central and northeastern Asia. We accurately determine earthquake depth distributions which reveal important rheological variations in the lower crust. These variations exert a fundamental control on the active tectonics and the morphological evolution of the continents. We consider 323 earthquakes across the Tibetan Plateau, the Tien Shan and their forelands as well as the Baikal Rift, NE Siberia and the Laptev Sea and present the source parameters of 94 of these here for the first time. These parameters have been determined through body wave inversion, the identification of depth phases or the modelling of regional waveforms. Lower crustal earthquakes are found to be restricted to the forelands in areas undergoing shortening, and to locations where rifting coincides with abrupt changes in lithosphere thickness, such as the NE Baikal Rift and W Laptev Sea. The lower crust in these areas is seismogenic at temperatures that may be as high as 600°C, suggesting that it is anhydrous, and is likely to have great long-term strength. Lower crustal earthquakes are therefore a useful proxy indicating strong lithosphere in places that are too small in areal extent for this to be confirmed independently by estimating effective elastic thickness from gravity-topography relations. The variation in crustal rheology indicated by the distribution of lower-crustal earthquakes has many implications ranging from the support of mountain belts and the formation of steep mountain fronts, to the localization and orientation of rifting. In combination, these processes can also be responsible for the separation of the front of the thin-skinned mountain belts from their hinterlands when continents separate.

Northern Attica in Greece is characterized by a set of north dipping, subparallel normal faults. These faults were considered to have low tectonic activity, based on historical earthquake reports, instrumental seismicity and slip rate... more

Northern Attica in Greece is characterized by a set of north dipping, subparallel normal faults. These faults were considered to have low tectonic activity, based on historical earthquake reports, instrumental seismicity and slip rate estimates. This study presents new data for one of these faults, the Milesi Fault. We run GIS based geomorphological analyses on fault offset distribution, field mapping of postglacial fault scarps and ground penetrating radar profiling to image hangingwall deformation. The first palaeoseismological trenching in this part of Greece allowed obtaining direct data on slip rates and palaeoearthquakes. The trenching revealed downthrown and buried palaeosols, which were dated by radiocarbon. The results of our investigations show that the slip rates are higher than previously thought and that at least four palaeoearthquakes with magnitudes of aroundM6.2 occurred during the last 4000–6000 yr.We calculate an average recurrence interval of 1000–1500 yr and a maximum throw rate of ∼0.4– 0.45 mm a−1. Based on the new geological earthquake data we developed a seismic hazard scenario, which also incorporates geological site effects. Intensities up to IX must be expected for Northern Attica and the southeastern part of Evia. Earthquake environmental effects like liquefaction and mass movements are also likely to occur. This scenario is in contrast to the official Greek seismic hazard zonation that is based on historical records and assigns different hazard zones for municipalities that will experience the same intensity by earthquakes on the Milesi Fault. We show that the seismic hazard is likely underestimated in our study area and emphasize the need to incorporate geological information in such assessments

S U M M A R Y Rifting in a cratonic lithosphere is strongly controlled by several interacting processes including crust/mantle rheology, magmatism, inherited structure and stress regime. In order to better understand how these physical... more

S U M M A R Y Rifting in a cratonic lithosphere is strongly controlled by several interacting processes including crust/mantle rheology, magmatism, inherited structure and stress regime. In order to better understand how these physical parameters interact, a 2 yr long seismological experiment has been carried out in the North Tanzanian Divergence (NTD), at the southern tip of the eastern magmatic branch of the East African rift, where the southward-propagating continental rift is at its earliest stage. We analyse teleseismic data from 38 broad-band stations ca. 25 km spaced and present here results from their receiver function (RF) analysis. The crustal thickness and Vp/Vs ratio are retrieved over a ca. 200 × 200 km 2 area encompassing the South Kenya magmatic rift, the NTD and the Ngorongoro-Kilimanjaro transverse volcanic chain. Cratonic nature of the lithosphere is clearly evinced through thick (up to ca. 40 km) homogeneous crust beneath the rift shoulders. Where rifting is present, Moho rises up to 27 km depth and the crust is strongly layered with clear velocity contrasts in the RF signal. The Vp/Vs ratio reaches its highest values (ca. 1.9) beneath volcanic edifices location and thinner crust, advocating for melting within the crust. We also clearly identify two major low-velocity zones (LVZs) within the NTD, one in the lower crust and the second in the upper part of the mantle. The first one starts at 15–18 km depth and correlates well with recent tomographic models. This LVZ does not always coexist with high Vp/Vs ratio, pleading for a supplementary source of velocity decrease, such as temperature or composition. At a greater depth of ca. 60 km, a mid-lithospheric discontinuity roughly mimics the step-like and symmetrically outward-dipping geometry of the Moho but with a more slanting direction (NE–SW) compared to the NS rift. By comparison with synthetic RF, we estimate the associated velocity reduction to be 8–9 per cent. We relate this interface to melt ponding, possibly favouring here deformation process such as grain-boundary sliding (EAGBS) due to lithospheric strain. Its geometry might have been controlled by inherited lithospheric fabrics and heterogeneous upper mantle structure. We evidence that crustal and mantle magmatic processes represent first order mechanisms to ease and locate the deformation during the first stage of a cratonic lithospheric breakup.

Eocene magmatic breakup along the mid-Norway rifted margin was preceded by extreme Jurassic-Cretaceous crustal thinning in a magma-poor environment. Along the SE borders of the rift, "top basement" detachment faults with heaves on the... more

Eocene magmatic breakup along the mid-Norway rifted margin was preceded by extreme Jurassic-Cretaceous crustal thinning in a magma-poor environment. Along the SE borders of the rift, "top basement" detachment faults with heaves on the order of 15-40 km evolved in at least two stages to become the boundaries between moderately thinned (20-30 km thick) crust and a 100-200 km wide, highly extended area with crustal thicknesses generally between 2 and 12 km under the present-day Møre and Vøring basins. In the footwalls of the basin flank detachments, lower and middle crust was exhumed in extensional domes that became incised by a younger set of normal faults. Under the most highly thinned areas, a more distal set of deep-seated (basin floor) detachments incised and extended remnant crust and, probably, the upper mantle, leaving as little as <5 km of continental crust to be preserved under thick synrift and postrift deposits. We suggest that basin flank detachments such as the ones described above hold the potential to reduce the crustal thickness down to the critical value required for embrittlement of continental crust. Thus, they prepare the ground for incision by the basin floor detachments, which may become responsible for exhumation of deep crust or continental mantle if extension is allowed to proceed.

The Gibraltar Arc in the western Mediterranean consists of the Betic and Rif Alpine chains and the Alboran Sea Basin. Four types of stress indicators (wellbore breakouts, earthquake focal plane mechanisms, young geologic fault slip data,... more

The Gibraltar Arc in the western Mediterranean consists of the Betic and Rif Alpine chains and the Alboran Sea Basin. Four types of stress indicators (wellbore breakouts, earthquake focal plane mechanisms, young geologic fault slip data, and hydraulic fracture orientations) indicate a regional NW–SE compressive stress field resulting from Africa-Eurasia plate convergence. In some particular regions, deviations of SHmax are observed with respect to the regional stress field. They are gentle-to-moderate (22°–36°) anticlockwise rotations located along the North Alboran margin and moderate-to-significant (36°–78°) clockwise rotations around the Trans-Alboran Shear Zone (TASZ). This is a broad fault zone composed of different left-lateral strike-slip fault segments running from the eastern Betics to the Alhoceima region in the Rif and resulting in a major bathymetric high in the Alboran Sea (the Alboran Ridge fault zone). Some of these stress rotations appear to be controlled by steep gradients of crustal thickness variation across the North Alboran margin and/or differential loading imposed by thick sedimentary accumulations in basin depocenters parallel to the shoreline. Other stress perturbations may be related to active left-lateral, strike-slip deformation within the TASZ that crosscuts the entire orogenic arc on a NE–SW trend and represents a key element to understand present-day deformation partitioning in the western Mediterranean.

Apatite fission track analysis (AFTA) data are used to bring new light on the long-term and recent history of the Baikal rift region (Siberia). We describe the evolution of the topography along a NW-SE profile from the Siberian platform... more

Apatite fission track analysis (AFTA) data are used to bring new light on the long-term and recent history of the Baikal rift region (Siberia). We describe the evolution of the topography along a NW-SE profile from the Siberian platform to the Barguzin range across the Baikal-southern Patom range and the northern termination of Lake Baikal. Our results show that the