Cork Oak Research Papers - (original) (raw)

The trajectories of internationalisation followed by family firms can be viewed from several theoretical approaches – phases and models of the internationalisation process; international entrepreneurship, sociological perspective, family... more

The trajectories of internationalisation followed by family firms can be viewed from several theoretical approaches – phases and models of the internationalisation process; international entrepreneurship, sociological perspective, family business theory. An historical perspective of the internationalised family firms, allowing the integration of these several approaches, is useful to a deep understanding of the internationalisation process of different sectors and countries. The main purpose of this paper is to identify the facilitating and the restricting factors during the internationalisation path of family firms, considering their competitive advantages, ownership structure and management attitudes, innovation and intangible assets and other relevant factors, internal and/or external to the firm. It makes a long run analysis (more than one century) of two companies acting in the cork business in Spain and Portugal: Mundet&C.ª, Lda and Corticeira Amorim. One of these companies

Hybrids between cork oak and holm oak occur in a large range of overlap between these two species in Portugal, and the subsequent crosspollination involving the hybrids and cork oak has been postulated to result in some of the worst... more

Hybrids between cork oak and holm oak occur in a large range of overlap between these two species in Portugal, and the subsequent crosspollination involving the hybrids and cork oak has been postulated to result in some of the worst cork-producing trees in Portugal. A methodological framework was set for the routine large scale detection of hybrid genotypes using isoenzyme analysis. The effectiveness of isoenzyme markers enabling the discrimination of the hybrid trees from both parent species was probed on the ...

El negocio corchero extremeño ha tendido a aglomerarse en torno a la localidad pacense de San Vicente de Alcántara (Badajoz). En este estudio nos proponemos como objetivo principal analizar el proceso histórico que ha seguido esta... more

El negocio corchero extremeño ha tendido a aglomerarse en torno a la localidad pacense de San Vicente de Alcántara (Badajoz). En este estudio nos proponemos como objetivo principal analizar el proceso histórico que ha seguido esta aglomeración industrial corchera desde la perspectiva de las aglomeraciones industriales, y más concretamente apoyándonos en las teorías del ciclo de vida de las aglomeraciones. El objetivo es comprobar si se han cumplido en el seno de esta aglomeración los factores y condicionantes que ha marcado la teoría. De forma transversal queremos conocer cuál es el estado actual de la aglomeración y como está se encuentra iniciando una fase de declive marcar las posibles soluciones para revertir esta situación habida cuenta de que no se trata de una fase de declive del sector a nivel global.

Tunisie, outre la sécheresse, de nombreux autres facteurs vont à l'encontre de la pérennité de la subéraie et dont les principaux sont: l'absence de régénération naturelle, le dépérissement du Chêne-liège (Quercus suber L.) et... more

Tunisie, outre la sécheresse, de nombreux autres facteurs vont à l'encontre de la pérennité de la subéraie et dont les principaux sont: l'absence de régénération naturelle, le dépérissement du Chêne-liège (Quercus suber L.) et essentiellement la pression anthropozoogène. A cet effet, des programmes de reboisement ont été mis en place. L'objectif de ce travail consiste à évaluer les effets des abris-serres, de hauteur (1,2 m et 1,8 m) et de type (avec ou sans trous d'aération à la base) différents, et de la taille du paillage plastique sur le taux de survie et sur la croissance des plants de chêne-liège dans le jeune âge. Le dispositif a été installé dans la forêt de Bellif, région de Nefza (nord-ouest de la Tunisie). Cette étude a duré deux saisons après la plantation (2005 et 2006). Au cours des deux saisons de croissance, les différents paramètres de croissance mesurés ont été généralement influencés d'une manière significative par le type d'abri-serre. Toutefois, durant la saison 2005 le pourcentage de survie a été relativement élevé (91%) et n'a pas été affecté par les facteurs contrôlés. Durant la saison 2006, ce pourcentage a été réduit en général de 5% et n'a été influencé significativement par le type d'abri-serre qu'au sein de ceux de 1,2 m de long ; il a été plus faible pour les plants non abrités (78%) que pour ceux abrités (93% et 95% pour les plants dans les abris aérés et standards non-aérés, respectivement). Les plants protégés dans des abris standards étanches ont montré, après deux saisons de la plantation, une meilleure croissance en hauteur (111,17 ± 2,95 cm), suivis de ceux installés dans des abris-serres aérés (93,63 ± 2,89 cm). Les plants témoins ont présenté la croissance en hauteur la plus faible (39,55± 3,22 cm). Concernant la croissance en diamètre, les plants témoins avaient, à la fin de la première saison, le diamètre moyen le plus élevé (6,1± 0,18 mm), suivis de ceux installés dans des abris aérés (5,51 ± 0,17 mm). Ceux protégés dans des abris standards avaient le diamètre moyen le plus faible (5,2 ± 0,17 mm). Cependant, à la fin de la deuxième saison de croissance, les plants abrités dans des abris aérés avaient montré le diamètre moyen le plus élevé (10,6 ± 0,34 mm), suivis des plants témoins (10,19 ± 0,38 mm). Ceux abrités dans des abris standards avaient le diamètre moyen le plus faible (8,47 ± 0,34 mm). Compte tenu de la croissance disproportionnée (hauteur/diamètre) des plants protégés dans des abris étanches, un taux relativement élevé de plants qui n'arrivent pas à se maintenir verticalement sans tuteur (47%). Ce taux est faible pour ceux installés dans des abris aérés (7%). Le paillage plastique n'a influencé significativement la croissance en hauteur qu'à la deuxième saison de croissance. Les plants poussant sur sol protégé par un film noir de 1,3 m de large ont montré une meilleure croissance en hauteur (89,33 ± 4,32 cm), toutefois cette hauteur ne différait pas significativement de celle conférée par un film de 1 m de large (84,37± 4,24 cm). Les possibilités de l'utilisation des abris et du paillage dans les reboisements de chêne-liège ont été discutées.

Na segunda metade do século XIX, a cortiça ganhou uma importância preponderante na economia portuguesa e, especialmente, na economia regional alentejana, quer em termos industriais, quer do ponto de vista florestal, levando, por exemplo,... more

Na segunda metade do século XIX, a cortiça ganhou uma importância preponderante na economia portuguesa e, especialmente, na economia regional alentejana, quer em termos industriais, quer do ponto de vista florestal, levando, por exemplo, a que a área de sobreiro duplicasse e passasse a constituir-se como o principal fator de cálculo das propriedades alentejanas2.
Como iremos demonstrar, o distrito de Portalegre e, dentro deste, o concelho de Portalegre, eram importantes regiões produtoras de cortiça. Neste pequeno artigo, analisar-se-á a origem geográfica dos compradores de cortiça portalegrense, concluindo-se que apenas dois grandes grupos estiveram presentes. O primeiro, liderado pelos «homens» da corticeira Robinson, incluía agentes locais, enquanto o segundo era composto exclusivamente por compradores algarvios. A presença de outros industriais britânicos ou catalães, que à época compunham grande parte da indústria corticeira presente em Portugal, é muito pouco significativa ou mesmo nula.

This study evaluates the economic and financial feasibility of the sustainable management of the cork oak forest and discusses the agricultural practices that determine its strong or weak sustainability. The analysis is done based on the... more

This study evaluates the economic and financial feasibility of the sustainable management of the cork oak forest and discusses the agricultural practices that determine its strong or weak sustainability. The analysis is done based on the district of Sao Martinho das Amoreiras, in the south of the Alentejo region in Portugal. The data was obtained through nine interviews and participant observation by the author. Results show that the sustainable management of the cork oak forest is financial feasible although this feasibility is dependent on many factors, namely the area of the farm. In farms with 50 hectares (about the average size of the farms in this region) the financial feasibility depends on exploring the multifunctionality of the cork oak forest, named Montado. If the farm land is degraded to begin with, then financial aid to investment is determinant for financial feasibility. Animal grazing is one of the main factors that promote sustainability and profit but it is dependent on the existence of shepherds and the area needed for large herds that can create the shepherds income. Another important factor for financial feasibility is the integration of the real estate owner as a farm worker and manager of the farm. The more his income is a result of his work, the easier it becomes to have a profitable farm. Sustainability is dependent on the motivation of the farmer and rural workers. Public subsidies are considered to promote but also limit sustainability. There are still several solutions, practices and products to be explored in the cork oak multifunctional system that can support the strong sustainable management of this ecosystem. Since the strictly financial feasibility of the sustainable management of the Montado system is possible but difficult, public payment for ecosystem services should be considered in order to promote and support the choice of farmers in adopting strong sustainability management practices.

Esta comunicação apresenta-se assim como um primeiro passo de uma investigação mais ampla, na qual se pretende estudar o mercado florestal de cortiça do Sudoeste da Península Ibérica, no «longo século XIX», um assunto ainda por explorar.... more

Esta comunicação apresenta-se assim como um primeiro passo de uma investigação mais ampla, na qual se pretende estudar o mercado florestal de cortiça do Sudoeste da Península Ibérica, no «longo século XIX», um assunto ainda por explorar. Iniciamos este caminho com o estudo de alguns aspetos do mercado florestal de cortiça do Alto Alentejo e Extremadura, através de uma perspetiva comparada, que se estende, em alguns aspetos, à Andaluzia. Esta última região conta já, ao contrário das anteriores, com um estudo específico sobre o seu setor corticeiro (Serrano Vargas 2007; Serrano Vargas 2009).

Une histoire des liègeurs à travers les papiers à en-tête par Ignacio GARCÍA PEREDA Le papier à en-tête est un document iconographique intéressant pour l'histoire industrielle et économique, car il contient de nombreux détails, chacun... more

Une histoire des liègeurs à travers les papiers à en-tête par Ignacio GARCÍA PEREDA Le papier à en-tête est un document iconographique intéressant pour l'histoire industrielle et économique, car il contient de nombreux détails, chacun revêtant une signification particulière : informative, symbolique ou décorative. Dès le milieu du XIX e siècle, le papier à entête avait une place importante dans la communication des entreprises. Contrairement à l'affiche, tirée en de nombreux exemplaires mais éphémère par nature, « le papier à en-tête doit évoquer, pour un temps beaucoup plus long, la valeur d 'un produit, d'une technique, d'un nom » (LOCCI, 1995). Cet article fait l'analyse de plusieurs papiers à entête provenant de liégeurs de Catalogne, de la partie française et de la partie espagnole.

A identificação de diversas tampas de cortiça, associadas a ânforas de produção lusitana em naufrágios romanos no Mediterrâneo Ocidental, desperta questões relacionadas com a utilização e a exploração da cortiça em Portugal na época... more

A identificação de diversas tampas de cortiça, associadas a ânforas de produção lusitana em naufrágios romanos no Mediterrâneo Ocidental, desperta questões relacionadas com a utilização e a exploração da cortiça em Portugal na época romana. O presente artigo visa introduzir essas questões e apresentar, de forma sucinta, as primeiras evidências históricas e arqueológicas de que dispomos.

The present work consists in the study of the cork business in Portugal during the second half of the «long» XIXth century (1848-1914), having the Alentejo as the concrete geographical space for it. Alentejo is defined as the sum of the... more

The present work consists in the study of the cork business in Portugal during the second half of the «long» XIXth century (1848-1914), having the Alentejo as the concrete geographical space for it. Alentejo is defined as the sum of the current Nomenclatures of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) III that use this designation – Alto Alentejo, Central Alentejo, Alentejo Litoral and Baixo Alentejo. The choice for this regional space is due to its representativeness in the Portuguese cork business, since in the XIXth century it was not only (as it still is) the main cork forest producer, but also where a great part of the cork industry was fixed. Knowing that Portugal nowadays controls all the facets of the cork business – forestry, industry and commerce – but that it did not happen in the nineteenth century, the main objective is to understand, from a detailed analysis of the forest sector, industry and economic policy, if in the Alentejo and, by extension, if in Portugal, the cork business exploited all its potentialities, by comparing it with what was then happening in the Spanish cork sector. In fact, the place that Portugal currently occupies in the cork business was, until the 1930s, occupied by Spain, although it is in Portugal that the cork tree better develops and consequently where there is a greater potential for the production of more and better cork. In order to answer to this problem, this research is based on a multiplicity of sources, both handwritten and printed, produced by private economic agents and public entities, as well as in the bibliography already published on the subject in question, specially about the performance of the Spanish cork industry. The dissertation is structured in six chapters, the first of which is an introductory one and includes the presentation of the theme, the objectives, the existing scientific literature, the sources used and its critique, the geographic and chronological delimitations of the thesis, and the characterization of Alentejo in terms of geography, demography, economy and socially. The second chapter presents a long run vision of the cork business, while the third, fourth and fifth chapters concretize the subject under study, focusing on forest exploitation, industry and economic policy respectively. The last chapter, taking into account the conclusions of each of the previous ones, responds the initial question, concluding that, although the Portuguese cork industry was not benefited from many of the institutional factors that will allow it to rise, as a world leader, in the mid of the twentieth century, in Spain this did not happen either. Thus, the lower economic performance of the Portuguese cork sector was due more to historical issues related to a later start of the sector than to other types of factors.
It is also worth mentioning that, because of the study of the cork business in the eighteenth century Alentejo, other questions were raised and the respective conclusions are presented. Specifically, in forestry, the option for fixed rent contracts as a way of obtaining raw materials and, in the industrial sector, the factors of location and industrial relocation.
Key-words: Cork forest exploration; Cork Industry; XIXth century Alentejo
JEL Codes: N63; N53.

Este artigo explora as possibilidades pelas quais o estudo de um jornal local pode oferecer uma alternativa útil na compreensão do lugar da freguesia da Azaruja na história da indústria corticeira de Portugal.

Edita: Observatorio para la Comercialización y la Industrialización del Corcho Extremeño Fecha de Edición: Noviembre de 2016 Por favor, si utiliza este trabajo, cítelo de la siguiente forma: RANGEL, J. F.; TEJEDA, A.; y PAREJO, F. M.... more

Edita: Observatorio para la Comercialización y la Industrialización del Corcho Extremeño Fecha de Edición: Noviembre de 2016 Por favor, si utiliza este trabajo, cítelo de la siguiente forma: RANGEL, J. F.; TEJEDA, A.; y PAREJO, F. M. (2016): Plan estratégico para la especialización en la transformación de productos corcheros Badajoz, Observatorio para la Comercialización y la Industrialización del Corcho Extremeño. D.O.

Environmentally conscious biomorphic ceramics (Ecoceramics) are a new class of material manufactured from renewable resources and wastes. Sustainable cork wastes were pyrolysed, and this activated carbon template infiltrated with a... more

Environmentally conscious biomorphic ceramics (Ecoceramics) are a new class of material manufactured from renewable resources and wastes. Sustainable cork wastes were pyrolysed, and this activated carbon template infiltrated with a sol-gel precursor (from aqueous green-chemistry) to form TiO 2 on heating in air, with the honeycomb microstructure of cork. Physical and optical band gap properties were characterised by XRD, SEM and Raman and UV-vis spectroscopy, and differences between alkaline and acidic activation of the carbon template also studied. With activation by HCl, HNO 3 or H 2 SO 4 , a mixture of anatase and rutile formed. NaOH activation resulted in pure anatase, but a large amount of Na was retained. At 1000 • C acid activated ecoceramics formed pure rutile, but the NaOH activated one formed Na 2 Ti 6 O 13 (sodium hexatitanate) as the major phase, coexisting with anatase, brookite and rutile. This material is worth further investigation, as Na 2 Ti 6 O 13 is reported as a photocatalyst in its own right.

The main purpose of this paper is to identify the facilitating and restricting factors during the internationalisation path of family firms, considering their competitive advantages, ownership structure, management attitudes and other... more

The main purpose of this paper is to identify the facilitating and restricting factors during the internationalisation path of family firms, considering their competitive advantages, ownership structure, management attitudes and other intangible assets, as well as external factors to the firms, like location. The research involved a long run analysis (of more than one century) of two cork producing firms operating in Spain and Portugal: Mundet & C.ª, Lda and Corticeira Amorim. One of these companies-Mundet-was closed down in the 1980s and the other – Corticeira Amorim – became, and still is, the leading firm worldwide in the cork industry. A detailed comparison of these two histories-one of failure, the other of success – allows an accurate identification of the determinants of successful internationalisation. This comparison is useful for understanding several characteristics of both firms and testing several hypotheses within the context of the theoretical approach to the internationalisation of family firms, as well as the location choices they made, which were an important cause of the opposing destinies of these two emblematic Iberian cork family firms.

The propose paper presents an ongoing research which main goal is to use cork in a customized modular façade system. Cork is used due to its ecological value, renewable characteristic, insulation properties and aesthetic value. The... more

The propose paper presents an ongoing research which main goal is to use cork in a customized modular façade system. Cork is used due to its ecological value, renewable characteristic, insulation properties and aesthetic value. The modular system design is bio-inspired in the microscopic cork pattern and the study aims at reproducing in the façade some of the natural characteristics that enable cork to be suitable for the function it plays in construction. Façades are design by a generative design process based on a parametric shape grammar which encodes shape rules and an algorithm to guide the generation. The developed cork modules are part of a back-ventilated façade system which is assembled upon a substructure that reproduces the cork cell structure and enables both the assemblage of the modules to the support wall and the connection between them.

O Montado de Sobro é uma floresta autóctone em Portugal pelo que a cortiça tem sido desde sempre uma matéria prima disponível e até abundante. A construção vernácula e tradicional não foi indiferente a vários aspectos do desempenho este... more

O Montado de Sobro é uma floresta autóctone em Portugal pelo que a cortiça tem sido desde sempre uma matéria prima disponível e até abundante. A construção vernácula e tradicional não foi indiferente a vários aspectos do desempenho este material e naturalmente incorporou-o em estado original em diversos componentes dos edifícios.
Na presente comunicação iremos analisar alguns sistemas construtivos tradicionais que utilizam a cortiça não transformada (em pedaços ou em placas), com base em testemunhos históricos (fontes primárias e secundárias) e na observação de exemplos que chegaram aos dias de hoje. Assim, após um enquadramento mais amplo, serão caracterizados sistemas construtivos de paredes exteriores, de compartimentação interior e de coberturas, a partir de referências escritas e desenhadas, e vestígios atuais.

Understanding the proximate factors that govern the widespread mast-seeding process is a question of considerable interest that remains poorly understood. The identity and effect of these factors may vary among coexisting species that... more

Understanding the proximate factors that govern the widespread mast-seeding process is a question of considerable interest that remains poorly understood. The identity and effect of these factors may vary among coexisting species that differ in leaf habit, potentially resulting in temporally asynchronous patterns of seed production.
In this study, we aim to identify the proximate causes of mast-seeding using two oak species with contrasting leaf habit that coexist in southern Spain, the deciduous Quercus canariensis and the evergreen Q. suber. Simultaneously, we review the literature on environmental drivers of mast-seeding in Mediterranean oaks, distinguishing between evergreen and deciduous species.
Our results indicate that Mediterranean oaks are primarily sensitive to weather, mast-seeding being strongly correlated with water availability and air temperature, mainly in the spring and summer.
The two study oak species were affected by weather in quite different ways, most likely because of different abiotic requirements as well as contrasting functional strategies of resource use and biomass allocation. Specifically, annual seed production in Q. canariensis was more severely limited by drought than in Q. suber, but responded positively to warmer spring temperatures.
Q. canariensis showed a large interannual variability, whereas Q. suber exhibited much more constant seed production. These two species also exhibited a very low level of synchrony in their temporal patterns of seed crop size, most likely due to phenological differences in the processes of flowering and seed maturation.
Synthesis. Our results indicate that weather plays a crucial role as a proximate driver of mast-seeding in Mediterranean oaks. We hypothesize that the current abundance of co-occurring species that differ in leaf habit could be altered under future climate change scenarios. The decline of seed production with drier conditions will be potentially greater in deciduous species, particularly those inhabiting wetter sites. Alternatively, the expected warmer temperatures could negatively affect evergreen species as a consequence of their more conservative strategy of biomass allocation. Our findings suggest that understanding how species with different functional or phenological attributes adjust their reproductive abilities to weather may enable us to infer the effects of ongoing environmental changes on population recruitment and dynamics.

Cover article for Materials Today

La saca sistemática del corcho en los bosques mediterráneos con alcornocal supuso no sólo la reordenación de otras actividades agrarias asociadas, sino la adopción de unos nuevos procesos de trabajo con múltiples consecuencias sobre los... more

La saca sistemática del corcho en los bosques mediterráneos con alcornocal supuso no sólo la reordenación de otras actividades agrarias asociadas, sino la adopción de unos nuevos procesos de trabajo con múltiples consecuencias sobre los socioecosistemas mediterráneos. Los conocimientos precisos para llevar a cabo el “descorche” aparecen en los primeros países productores (Cataluña en el caso del estado español) donde experimentan diversos métodos hasta depurar técnicas concretas que luego trasladan a otras zonas del Mediterráneo. La comparación de las condiciones de trabajo y organización productiva de Cataluña y Andalucía a primeros del S.XX, nos sirve para dimensionar, las diversas circunstancias que hacen que esta actividad se halle en constante reajuste y adaptación a las condiciones específicas que se imponen en unos territorios que actualmente se considera parte del “patrimonio natural” andaluz. Se apuntan las razones que han especializado a los trabajadores dedicados a la saca del corcho en estos bosques a diferencia de otros contextos estudiados y se ahonda sobre su significación para los colectivos agrarios. Finalmente se reflexiona sobre la escasa importancia concedida a esta actividad desde los procesos de “patrimonialización natural” implementados.

Este livro, despretensioso, simples, mas feito de uma forma séria e com o maior rigor possível, tem como principal objectivo conceder ao leitor uma visão d a «construção» do montado de sobro, que, por sua vez, remete para grande parte da... more

Este livro, despretensioso, simples, mas feito de uma forma séria e com o maior rigor possível, tem como principal objectivo conceder ao leitor uma visão d a «construção» do montado de sobro, que, por sua vez, remete para grande parte da paisagem alentejana. A sua escrita foi pensada, sobretudo, para um público generalista que procura saber um pouco mais acerca do Alentejo. Limitaram-se, por este motivo, as notas de rodapé, bem como as referências bibliográficas e documentais. Contudo, na ténue esperança de que este livro desperte, no seu leitor, uma maior curiosidade e, quiçá, o interesse intelectual e científico por este tema, no final apresenta-se uma bibliografia um pouco mais exaustiva. Nesta, encontrar-se-ão os principais autores, nacionais e estrangeiros, que, nos seus estudos académicos, se debruçaram sobre o montado de sobro, o sobreiro e a cortiça, numa lógica transdisciplinar entre a agronomia, a economia e a história.

A Cortiça esteve presente na construção desde tempos imemoriais sem nunca se estabelecer verdadeiramente como um material de construção. A partir do século XVIII, com o advento da produção e exportação vinícola, o material vê-se... more

A Cortiça esteve presente na construção desde tempos imemoriais sem nunca se estabelecer verdadeiramente como um material de construção. A partir do século XVIII, com o advento da produção e exportação vinícola, o material vê-se valorizado economicamente pela indústria das rolhas, e outras indústrias subsidiárias, que utilizam os desperdícios da primeira numa miríade de materiais transformados e de usos, nos quais, mais tardiamente, se incluirá novamente a construção.
Neste artigo abordaremos o período inicial de afirmação da cortiça como material de construção a partir da análise das patentes internacionais, das referências aos novos produtos em bibliografia técnica e de divulgação nacional e de um conjunto de licenças de obra na cidade do Porto, onde se percebe que as novas utilizações decorrem do desempenho técnico (acústico e térmico) do material mas também de uma associação a uma imagem de modernidade.

Partindo de uma análise histórica e interdisciplinar da utilização dos produtos do montado, este livro pretende, por um lado, reunir e analisar os mais recentes resultados que a investigação científica produziu, e, por outro lado,... more

Partindo de uma análise histórica e interdisciplinar da utilização dos produtos do montado, este livro pretende, por um lado, reunir e analisar os mais recentes resultados que a investigação científica produziu, e, por outro lado, estimular a continuação da produção científica sobre o sector da cortiça nas diferentes áreas do conhecimento.

The importance of industrial products, most particularly the cork stopper, as the backbone of cork oak forest sustainability is addressed. The depreciation of the cork stopper economical value would trigger the decline of the cork oak... more

The importance of industrial products, most particularly the cork stopper, as the backbone of cork oak forest sustainability is addressed. The depreciation of the cork stopper economical value would trigger the decline of the cork oak forests and all their irreplaceable environmental values. Economical deterioration may be a serious declining factor for forests, in ultimate circumstances highly devastating. Cork is one of the finest barks at the forest realm, yet most of its uses are inconspicuous. In spite that cork and cork products are environmentally friendly an increase concurrence from synthetics is ongoing, specially at the stopper. The need to defend and promote cork and all its ecological values near the consumers drove the cork oak network from FAO/Silva Mediterranea to promote the creation of the CORK® mark. The CORK® mark logo patent in wine bottles to make the stopper "visible" is a must to allow the consumer to identify the type of closure. Discrimination of wines at the basis of natural/synthetic closure is an added value for cork oak forests as well as for wines.

Water splitting by solar energy-driven two-step thermochemical cycles is a promising approach for large-scale production of renewable fuels (e.g. hydrogen). The key challenge is developing materials capable of withstanding the harsh... more

Water splitting by solar energy-driven two-step thermochemical cycles is a promising approach for large-scale production of renewable fuels (e.g. hydrogen). The key challenge is developing materials capable of withstanding the harsh environmental conditions and to ensure high reliability in use, particularly in terms of redox kinetics and better activity at low operation temperatures. In this work, we demonstrate that cork-templated ceria can significantly enhance the hydrogen production performance under solar irradiation heating. Three types of ceria morphologies were synthesised and investigated in two-step thermochemical redox cycles, namely ceria granules (ecoceramics) prepared from cork templates based on either a green water-based or an acetone solvent-based approach, as well as ceria foams replicated from polyurethane templates. These materials were cycled in a high-temperature indirectly-irradiated solar tubular reactor, heated via concentrated solar light, using a temperature-swing process. Samples were typically thermally reduced at 1400–1450 °C and subsequently re-oxidised with H2O between 950–1150 °C. The green synthesis ceria granules had up to 25% and 32% higher average H2 production yields than the acetone-based ecoceramics and replicated ceria foams, respectively. On average, H2 production rates for cork-templated ceria granules (1.3 ± 0.2 mL min−1 g−1) were up to ∼60% higher than for ceria foams (0.8 ± 0.3 mL min−1 g−1), indicating that the morphology of this three-dimensionally ordered macroporous (3-DOM) CeO2 improves the reaction kinetics. This is attributed to the smaller mean cell size of the cork-derived ecoceramic (25 μm) compared to that of the replicated ceria foam (575 μm), suggesting that their semi-closed wall cells enhanced reaction rates. The increase in reduction temperature from 1400 to 1450 °C resulted in the highest H2 production rate (1.6 mL min−1 g−1) reported so far for 3-DOM ceria. Neither loss in redox performance nor change in grain morphology was observed from the first to the last cycle. These findings show that cork-like structural features are key to engineering efficient materials for enhanced solar thermochemical fuel production.

FREE DOWNLOAD FROM: This work addresses the solar-driven thermochemical production of CO and O2 from two-step CO2-splitting cycles, using both ceria granules prepared from cork... more

FREE DOWNLOAD FROM: This work addresses the solar-driven thermochemical production of CO and O2 from two-step CO2-splitting cycles, using both ceria granules prepared from cork templates (CG) and ceria foams from polyurethane templates (CF). These materials were cycled in a high-temperature indirectly-irradiated solar tubular reactor using a temperature-swing process. Samples were typically reduced at 1400 °C using concentrated solar power as a heating source and subsequently oxidised with CO2 between 1000–1200 °C. On average, CO production yields for CG were two times higher than for CF, indicating that the morphology of this three-dimensionally ordered macroporous (3-DOM) CeO2 improves the reaction kinetics. Their performance stability was demonstrated by conducting 11 cycles under solar irradiation conditions. Slightly increasing the reduction temperature strongly enhanced the reduction extent, and thus the CO production yield (reaching about 0.2 mmol g−1 after reduction at 1450 °C in inert gas), while decreasing the oxidation temperature mainly improved the CO production rate (up to 1.43 μmol s−1 g−1 at 1000 °C). Characterisation of the 3-DOM structure, by means of XRD and SEM, provided insights into the reactivity behaviour of the developed materials. The pre-sintered ceria granules retained their structure after cycling. The fact that the mean cell size of CG is smaller (at least one order of magnitude) than that of CF suggests that its exposed surfaces enhanced reaction rates by a factor of two. Moreover, the maximum fuel production rate of CG was roughly three times greater than that reported previously for a ceria reticulated porous foam with dual-scale porosity.

La percepción remota desde sensores (multiespectrales e hiperespectrales) instalados a bordo de satélites espaciales aporta una visión global de la superficie terrestre. Esta visión es sistemática cuándo los programas de teledetección... more

La percepción remota desde sensores (multiespectrales e hiperespectrales) instalados a bordo de satélites espaciales aporta una visión global de la superficie terrestre. Esta visión es sistemática cuándo los programas de teledetección están diseñados para la observación periódica en el tiempo y en el espacio, hecho que permite estudiar los ciclos de la vegetación: la fenología. En este trabajo, analizamos una serie temporal basada en 15 años de imágenes del sensor MODIS en la que utilizamos como unidad mínima de observación el NDVI promedio mensual de los datos de reflectividad del citado sensor a una resolución espacial de 250 metros. De este modo, después de un riguroso pre-procesamiento de los datos, generamos una serie temporal con frecuencia mensual - una por cada mes- integrada por 180 imágenes, desde enero de 2002 hasta diciembre de 2016, y abordamos un análisis fenológico estacional aplicado a la superficie forestal con masas densas de alcornoque en el sur de la península Ibérica. Los resultados revelaron una primera aproximación a la caracterización de la fenología de estas masas forestales. A escala regional, la especie mostró un NDVI promedio de 0,68, alcanzando una cifra 0,76 en las poblaciones del suroeste de Andalucía donde los píxeles sólo informaron sobre copas. Considerando el conjunto de la región, los valores máximos se dieron en noviembre (0,74) y los valores mínimos en septiembre (0,62), mientras que en las poblaciones del suroeste donde se produce el óptimo de la especie y aparecen masas más densas, los extremos en el NDVI oscilaron entre 0,81 y 0,76.

Este texto é uma versão revista e aumentada de um outro intitulado "O sector da cortiça em Portugal do século XVIII ao século XIX. Elementos de caracterização económica e políticas públicas" que foi apresentado na reunião de trabalho da... more

Este texto é uma versão revista e aumentada de um outro intitulado "O sector da cortiça em Portugal do século XVIII ao século XIX. Elementos de caracterização económica e políticas públicas" que foi apresentado na reunião de trabalho da Acção Integrada Luso-Espanhola sobre "O sector da cortiça na Península Ibérica. Evolução recente e expectativas a média prazo" realizada nos dias 3 e 4 de Dezembro de 2001, no Porto, na Faculdade de Economia e Gestão da Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Por isso, este texto deve muito ao estímulo que esta acção integrada constitui, bem como ao que o autor tem podido aprender com os outros participantes neste processo.

Hydroxyapatite (HA, Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2) is the major mineral component of human bone, but has a wide range of interesting and useful properties, and many applications beyond biomedicine. Here we produce HA-based materials from a naturally... more

Hydroxyapatite (HA, Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2) is the major mineral component of human bone, but has a wide range of interesting and useful properties, and many applications beyond biomedicine. Here we produce HA-based materials from a naturally templated precursor which can have a variety of tailored microstructures and hierarchical porosities, and we investigate their use as designed functional materials for several applications. HA-based materials with different stoichiometries of Ca/P = 1.67 (HA) and 1.5 (Ca-deficient HA) were successfully synthesised from a previously prepared and reported cork-derived CaCO3. The CaCO3 was reacted with a phosphorus containing precursor solution at 60 °C, and also successively recalcined at 700 °C. The samples prepared at 60 °C maintained the 3D honeycomb structure of ∼20 μm hexagonal cells typical of cork, and showed high specific surface areas (SSA > 85 m2 g−1) and a high mesoporosity (average mesopores ∼10–15 nm). These features made them suitable for environmental remediation applications such as heavy metals (i.e. lead) removal from water, with calcium-deficient HA (higher degree of mesoporosity) adsorbing >99% of Pb(II) ions from solutions containing up to 1.5 g of lead per L. Recalcined samples (SSA = 29 m2 g−1), on the other hand, had very low cytotoxicity towards MG-63 osteoblasts, showing them to be biocompatible for biomaterials. All had cell viabilities of over 70% against a control, and the calcium-deficient HA proved to be even less cytotoxic than the control (>100% viability after 24 and 48 h). Therefore, cork was shown to be an excellent template agent for the design of HA materials with varied properties, tailored for different applications in the environmental and biomedical fields.

Esta publicación se realiza con el ánimo de contribuir a generar un mayor conocimiento, o, dicho de otro modo, un mayor debate en el seno científico y académico, sobre el sistema agrosilvopastoril mayoritario en algunas regiones de España... more

Esta publicación se realiza con el ánimo de contribuir a generar un mayor conocimiento, o, dicho de otro modo, un mayor debate en el seno científico y académico, sobre el sistema agrosilvopastoril mayoritario en algunas regiones de España y Portugal, que ha sido denominado dehesa en el caso de España y montado en Portugal. Concretamente el objetivo principal que nos marcamos es comprobar el estado en el que se encuentra la investigación sobre estas realidades, así como los temas que han sido obviados y los cuales son necesarios abordar. En este sentido, debemos adelantar que el desarrollo rural construido en base a las potencialidades que ofrecen estas realidades no han sido lo suficientemente abordados, de ahí que naciera la idea de realizar el Congresso Internacional O montado no desenvolvimiento rural do sudoeste peninsular del cual emana este monográfico.
Para ser más concretos en este artículo introductorio se pretende realizar un análisis de la bibliografía existente relativa a estas realidades con una triple finalidad. En primer lugar, conocer la situación en la que se encuentra el estado del arte de la investigación sobre esta temática desde un punto de vista cuantitativo, es decir, comprobar si se está generando en la actualidad debate científico. Y, en segundo lugar, realizar un análisis cualitativo que nos permita detectar los temas a debate en el seno científico sobre estas realidades. En tercer lugar, servir de introducción al lector para el resto de los artículos originales emanados del citado congreso.

Resumen: El negocio corchero en la localidad de San Vicente de Alcántara (Badajoz, España) durante el siglo pasado y la primera década de éste ha estado marcado por un crecimiento del número de establecimientos, de empleados y del volumen... more

Resumen: El negocio corchero en la localidad de San Vicente de Alcántara (Badajoz, España) durante el siglo pasado y la primera década de éste ha estado marcado por un crecimiento del número de establecimientos, de empleados y del volumen de negocios. Pero esto no se ha visto refrendado en un paso hacia delante en la cadena de valor del producto, en tanto que el negocio corchero sanvicenteño nació especializado en la preparación del corcho en plancha, como materia prima para la industria corcho-taponera, y más de 150 años después, continua anclado en esta especialización productiva. Los cambios en el negocio corchero que se están produciendo en la actualidad apuntan a una reducción de la demanda internacional de corcho preparado. Ello se debe, por un lado, a que las grandes firmas están optando por un modelo de negocio en el cual integran toda la cadena de valor del producto, siendo cada vez más autosuficientes en el suministro de esta materia prima; y por el otro, a que la elaboración de tapones técnicos, cada vez mayor en los últimos años, prescinde del corcho en plancha como materia prima, en favor del corcho refugo o del corcho de trituración. El resultado de lo anterior es que San Vicente de Alcántara, que contaba con unos 60 establecimientos industriales hace apenas 5 años, ha visto reducido este número a cerca de la mitad en el último año. En esta comunicación se exponen los pasos que se están siguiendo para el desarrollo estratégico de la industria transformadora del corcho en San Vicente de Alcántara. Se propone esta estrategia como una solución a la apatía industrial que ha sacudido al sector en la localidad en los últimos años, y a las perspectivas negras que se ciernen en torno a él en el futuro inmediato. La estrategia se concreta en la institucionalización de un distrito industrial, la cual toma como referencia la aglomeración de establecimientos industriales corcheros existentes en esta localidad, y su impulso mediante la implementación de recursos susceptibles de ser compartidos y usados por las empresas de cara a facilitarles (económica y técnicamente) la reorientación hacia actividades con mayor valor añadido. Esto implica la adopción de un modelo en el que el empresario es el eje principal, pero en el que todos los actores económicos (empleados, administraciones, y asociaciones e instituciones vinculadas al negocio corchero) colaboran por el bien del negocio.

Resumen: En esta investigación se plasma un diagnóstico del negocio corchero extremeño a través del comercio internacional y de las estrategias empresariales. Donde podemos concluir que el negocio del corcho a nivel mundial, y más... more

Resumen: En esta investigación se plasma un diagnóstico del negocio corchero extremeño a través del comercio internacional y de las estrategias empresariales. Donde podemos concluir que el negocio del corcho a nivel mundial, y más concretamente, en la región extremeña está sufriendo un proceso de cambio. Es decir, se está produciendo un cambio de especialización en la comercialización de los productos corcheros que ha producido un descenso del comercio de los productos preparados en favor de los productos transformados que ha hecho que la industria corchera extremeña se vea resentida por su especialización productiva hacia la preparación. Además las estrategias empresariales están produciendo cambios en la localización de las empresas corcheras, especialmente la preparación del corcho en las localidades portuguesas de Coruche y Ponte de Sôr, lo que ha hecho que el negocio corchero extremeño vea incrementada su competencia.

Naturally occurring and sustainable materials can be used as a template to create biomimetic/biomorphic ceramics, known as Ecoceramics (environmentally conscious ceramics). In this work, cork was chosen as template to produce novel ceria... more

Naturally occurring and sustainable materials can be used as a template to create biomimetic/biomorphic ceramics, known as Ecoceramics (environmentally conscious ceramics). In this work, cork was chosen as template to produce novel ceria (CeO2) ecoceramics, for applications in water splitting for H2 production via direct concentrated solar thermochemical fuel production (TCFP). The cork powder was pyrolised at 900 °C and the resulting carbon skeleton was infiltrated with an aqueous CeO2 precursor, and then heated at 1000 °C for 2 h to produce the ecoceramic. The cellular structure of the cork was maintained, with hexagonal cell dimensions of 20-30 μm in diameter, but the grains were nanoscale at ≤100 nm. XRD data confirmed that CeO2 was the only crystalline phase obtained. An important feature was that, while the rectangular side walls were maintained to hold the three-dimensionally ordered macroporous (3DOM) cellular cork structure, the rear hexagonal walls were pierced repeatedly through the structure, unlike in the original cork structure, which will allow gasses such as H2 to permeate well into the structure, greatly increasing the reactive area available for catalysis. The next step will be to test the capabilities of both the regular, porous 3DOM structure and the nanoscale grains for thermochemical water splitting to produce hydrogen under direct concentrated solar energy.

Abstract • Context The Iberian cork oak Quercus suber montados are dynamic agro-silvo-pastoral systems, contrasting with the abandonment trend of other Mediterranean forested areas. • Aims We aimed to identify the effect of... more

• Context
The Iberian cork oak Quercus suber montados are dynamic agro-silvo-pastoral systems, contrasting with the abandonment trend of other Mediterranean forested areas.
• Aims
We aimed to identify the effect of management type and vegetation features on breeding insectivorous birds and leaf-chewing defoliator insects.
• Methods
In central Portugal, we selected two groups of 20 sites: dense montados (DM, high cover of cork oaks and low cattle impact) and sparse montados (SM, low cover of oaks and high cattle impact). We collected variables associated with vegetation features, bird community and chewing defoliators.
• Results
The two systems differed significantly in oak trunk diameter, oak and shrub cover, tree and shrub diversity. Ground bird densities were higher in SM with fragmented shrub cover. In DM, higher woody vegetation cover and diversity can promote shrub birds and leaf warblers. Oak defoliation was mainly attributed to the sawfly Periclista andrei. Sawfly defoliation was significantly higher in SM and negatively correlated with shrub cover.
• Conclusions
Our results highlight (1) the relevance of management activities conducted at the shrubby layer, (2) the need of an increase in tree diversity and density and (3) the maintenance of a mosaic landscape in order to improve the bird community richness and reduce the defoliation impact in montado system.

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Solar thermochemical conversion of H2O and captured CO2 is considered for the production of high-value solar fuels and CO2 valorization, using nonstoichiometric oxygen-exchange redox materials. This work aims to compare the thermochemical... more

Solar thermochemical conversion of H2O and captured CO2 is considered for the production of high-value solar fuels and CO2 valorization, using nonstoichiometric oxygen-exchange redox materials. This work aims to compare the thermochemical cycle performance of different ceria structures, including biomimetic cork-templated ceria (CTCe), ceria foams (CeF), and ceria bulk fiber boards (CeFB), to study the effect of the morphology on fuel production from two-step H2O and CO2 splitting via solar redox cycling. The considered materials underwent thermochemical cycles in a directly irradiated solar reactor under various operating conditions. Typically, a thermal reduction at 1400 °C under Ar at atmospheric pressure, using concentrated solar energy, was carried out followed by an oxidation step with H2O or CO2 between 800 and 1050 °C. The comparison of the fuel production rate and yield from the reactive materials highlighted the importance of the material thermal stability during cycling. CTCe and CeF showed good O2 and fuel production stability over repeated cycles, while CeFB exhibited a decrease of the production because of sintering and thermal gradient due to its low thermal conductivity. Biomimetic CTCe showed a higher fuel production rate compared to the other investigated materials, explained by the favorable microstructure of the cork-based ceramic. The morphology obtained from the cork structure led to the improvement of the redox activity, demonstrating the relevance of studying this material for thermochemical H2O and CO2 splitting cycles. In addition, the impact of the operating conditions was investigated. A decrease of the starting oxidation temperature, an increase of the CO2 molar fraction (lower CO/CO2 ratio), or a high total gas flow rate favoring gas product dilution had a beneficial impact on the CO (or H2) production rate.

A oferta de matéria-prima é, provavelmente, o aspeto mais importante no negócio corticeiro devido sobretudo à preponderância que apresenta na estrutura de custos da indústria. No século XIX, a qualidade e quantidade de cortiça era um... more

A oferta de matéria-prima é, provavelmente, o aspeto mais importante no negócio corticeiro devido sobretudo à preponderância que apresenta na estrutura de custos da indústria. No século XIX, a qualidade e quantidade de cortiça era um fator ainda mais importante que na atualidade pois, na ausência da produção de aglomerado, só as cortiças de maior calibre e qualidade tinham aproveitamento industrial. Neste trabalho analisa-se, numa perspetiva comparada entre Espanha e Portugal, uma prática cultural com elevada repercussão na produção florestal de cortiça, o uso do solo. O objetivo principal é identificar, durante a segunda metade do século XIX, práticas agroflorestais que possam ter reduzido o potencial suberícola dos países ibéricos, ajudando a explicar em parte o patamar diferenciado em que Portugal e Espanha se situavam no negócio corticeiro Oitocentista. Contudo, conclui-se, a partir da análise de diversas fontes que incidem nas principais regiões ibéricas com montados de sobro, que nos dois lados da fronteira ocorreram ações nocivas para o correto desenvolvimento da cortiça no sobreiro. A mobilização do solo e o arranque do mato, por exemplo, muitas vezes decorrentes da cerealicultura, provocaram a queda da fertilidade do solo e da utilidade da terra com repercussões económicas e ecológicas negativas.

FREE DOWNLOAD for 50 DAYS AT: In this investigation cork was used as a low density aggregate in the production of ultra-lightweight and low thermal conductivity inorganic polymer... more

FREE DOWNLOAD for 50 DAYS AT: In this investigation cork was used as a low density aggregate in the production of ultra-lightweight and low thermal conductivity inorganic polymer (geopolymer) composites. This novel and highly sustainable material, synthesised at room temperature (23 °C), may decrease the energy losses inside buildings, thus contributing to the United Nations development goals regarding energy and climate change. The ultra-low density (260 kg/m3) and low thermal conductivity (72 mW/m K) shown by the cork-composites are the second lowest ever reported for inorganic polymer composites, only being surpassed by that of polystyrene-inorganic polymer composites. However, cork is a fully renewable and sustainable resource, while polystyrene is manufactured from non-renewable fossil fuels, and for that reason our strategy has an additional sustainability advantage. Moreover, the cork-inorganic polymer composites do not release any toxic fume when under fire conditions, which is a major advantage over polymeric-based foams.

Free download for 50 days at: For the first time the feasibility of using an alkaline wastewater coming from the pulp and paper industry as an activator, partially (50 vol%) replacing... more

Free download for 50 days at: For the first time the feasibility of using an alkaline wastewater coming from the pulp and paper industry as an activator, partially (50 vol%) replacing commercial sodium hydroxide, in the production of cork-based activated carbons was evaluated. The activated carbons showed the highest value of specific surface area ever reported for cork-based activated carbons (1670 m2/g), surpassing several other commercial and waste-based ones. These eco-friendly cork and paper waste-based activated carbons were then evaluated as methylene blue adsorbent materials. The influence of contact time, methylene blue initial concentration and adsorbent amount on the methylene blue removal efficiency by the activated carbons was studied. Extremely fast (>99.9% removal in 5 min) and efficient methylene blue adsorption (uptake of 350 mg/g) by the cork and paper waste-based adsorbents was achieved, which demonstrates the huge potential of these innovative adsorbents. These activated carbons were produced using two unexplored industrial by-products (alkaline wastewater and cork) and, therefore, may be an inexpensive source of activated carbons, which can be used for the effective removal of dyes from wastewaters. Furthermore, despite the very large surface area and high removal efficiency this is not a nano material (being around 30–50 μm in size), its capabilities being due to its unique cork-derived microstructure, and hence it can be handled and removed/filtered much more easily than nanocarbons, and without any associated health or environmental risks.