Cosmetics and Fragrance Marketing Research Papers (original) (raw)

I. STRUCTURE DU CHEVEU II. PRODUITS D’HYGIENE CAPILLAIRE : LES SHAMPOOINGS 1. Composition et propriétés des molécules de base 2. Propriétés et résultats attendus III. PRODUITS DE MODIFICATION DE LA FORME 1. Produits de modification... more

1. Composition et propriétés des molécules de base
2. Propriétés et résultats attendus
1. Produits de modification temporaire
1.1. Extension du cheveu mouillé et séchage sous tension
1.2. Produits de maintien de la coiffure
1.2.1. Formulation des laques et des gels
1.2.2. Ingrédients et fonctions d’une laque
2. Produits de modification durable de la forme
2.1. Produits de permanente
2.1.1. Principe de la permanente
2.1.2. Les principes actifs utilisés en permanente Les produits réducteurs Les produits fixateurs
2.1.3. Les oxydoréductions de la permanente
2.1.4. Formulation d’un produit de permanente
2.2. Produits de défrisage
2.2.1. Principe du défrisage
2.2.2. Principaux composants et leurs fonctions Défrisants thiolés Défrisants alcalins

Η εν λόγω παρουσίαση αφορά μια πρωταρχική όψη του σχεδιασμού , και τα πρώτα στάδια για την επέκταση μιας υπάρχουσας ψηφιακής επιχείρησης (της διεθνοποιημένης εταιρίας Κορρές). 1. Πρόταση μια ιδέας για ψηφιακή επιχείρηση . 2.... more

Η εν λόγω παρουσίαση αφορά μια πρωταρχική όψη του σχεδιασμού , και τα πρώτα στάδια για την επέκταση μιας υπάρχουσας ψηφιακής επιχείρησης (της διεθνοποιημένης εταιρίας Κορρές).
1. Πρόταση μια ιδέας για ψηφιακή επιχείρηση .
2. Τα επιχειρήματά ( προσωπική άποψη ότι είναι καλή & καινοτόμος επιχειρηματική ιδέα).
3. Μερίδιο της αγοράς στο οποίο απευθύνεται.
4. Αναφορά στον ανταγωνισμό.
5. Διαφορετικές & καινοτόμες προτάσεις για να αντιμετωπιστεί ο ανταγωνισμός.
6. SWOT ανάλυση ( Strengths ,weaknesses , opportunities, Threats ) για την ιδέα αυτή για ψηφιακή επιχείρηση.
7. Porter ανάλυση ανταγωνισμού.

The purpose of this research is aimed to study the factors affecting the marketing mix and the conservation of animals following the “Save Ralph” campaign. The questionnaire was used for data collection. The data was collected from a... more

The purpose of this research is aimed to study the factors affecting the marketing mix and the conservation of animals following the “Save Ralph” campaign. The questionnaire was used for data collection. The data was collected from a sample size of 500 people and was analyzed by using a statistical analysis program (SPSS) using the descriptive statistic method. The modal demographic in the survey are females who are 20 years old or younger in undergraduate programs. The survey also attempted to gain insights into which factors had the most influence in the decision process of purchasing beauty products. Aspects such as marketing mix or efforts taken for animal conservation have been examples of variables that this research paper has taken into account. When asked about factors that affect their decision in buying beauty products, whether it’s a marketing factor or a factor regarding animal conservation after the “Save Ralph “campaign. The results demonstrate that the sample group placed the most emphasis on animal conservation followed by marketing mix, which can be classified into product, price, place, and promotion.

Mentha piperita and Citrus sinensis was an aromatic plants well known for its fragrance and distinct aroma. In this prospective study to evaluate the chromatogram detection of ethanol extract of Mentha piperita and Citrus... more

Mentha piperita and Citrus sinensis was an aromatic plants well
known for its fragrance and distinct aroma. In this prospective study
to evaluate the chromatogram detection of ethanol extract of Mentha
piperita and Citrus sinensis with standard flavonoid marker eriocitrin
by HPTLC technique. HPTLC chromatogram was developed in
ethanolic extract of Mentha piperita, Citrus sinensis and standard
flavonoid marker eriocitrin by using Toluene-Ethyl acetate-Formic
acid-Methanol (3:6:1.6:0.4) as mobile phase. The identified bands of
compounds 1-9 in the ethanolic extracts of Mentha piperita and
Citrus sinensis was confirmed under the TLC scanner with the
standard marker eriocitrin at 254nm.

This chapter examines male beauty in contemporary Japan, specifically related to the fully clothed body. It argues that male beauty is often understood, especially outside Japan, in a binary of muscular maturity and slender youthfulness.... more

This chapter examines male beauty in contemporary Japan, specifically related to the fully clothed body. It argues that male beauty is often understood, especially outside Japan, in a binary of muscular maturity and slender youthfulness. However, in reality, male beauty is a continuum, as recent TV commercials created for the Shiseido men’s grooming product line Uno (2016–2017) indicate. These advertisements offer a male image that is situated somewhere in the middle of the continuum between a rugged, mature, and brawny image thought to be preferred by men, to the slender, delicate, and youthful images designed to appeal to women. While such appreciation may depend on the sexual orientation and class of those evaluating beauty, the different modes of male beauty in Japanese popular culture, this chapter proposes, also signal a degree of flexibility in appreciating male beauty in Japan.

Packaging has a crucial role in protecting and advertising your product throughout the marketplace. As production and consumption of the product take place at separate places, efficient packaging is necessary to keep the commodity intact.... more

Packaging has a crucial role in protecting and advertising your product throughout the marketplace. As production and consumption of the product take place at separate places, efficient packaging is necessary to keep the commodity intact. Custom packaging is a modified form of packaging that involves modern art and technologies to preserve and market the goods according to the latest trends in the market. Since urbanization is growing day by day, the distribution of the products to the targeted customers has increased drastically, and thus the waste produced by packaging is enormous. The trash produced by commodities like soap (a daily use item) is a significant concern. The packaging waste is not noticed by anyone unless the product is consumed and the wrapper is thrown into the trash. Now the custom soap boxes resting in the trash are seen as a waste of resources and labeled as a burden on the ecosystem. We will use the example of custom soap boxes to study how custom packaging impacts our biome.

Este trabalho apresenta uma análise semiótica do anúncio publicitário de Floratta Cerejeira em Flor, perfume da marca O Boticário. A publicidade é abordada como uma produção sígnica que reúne diferentes linguagens, na comunicação de... more

Este trabalho apresenta uma análise semiótica do anúncio publicitário de Floratta Cerejeira em Flor, perfume da marca O Boticário. A publicidade é abordada como uma produção sígnica que reúne diferentes linguagens, na comunicação de mensagens e imagens que constroem, reproduzem ou renovam valores culturais. O objetivo central é desvendar os signos associados à beleza, ao feminino e ao produto Floratta Cerejeira em Flor na peça em questão. Para tanto, são explorados os pontos de vista qualitativos icônicos, singulares-indicativos e convencionais-simbólicos, de maneira que a semiótica
peirceana embasa a reflexão. Inicialmente, discutimos a relevância da publicidade nos estudos semióticos da comunicação. Em seguida, apresentamos objetivos e conceitos que guiaram o trabalho, desenvolvemos a análise e concluímos com as considerações finais.
Palavras-chave: semiótica; comunicação; marca; publicidade; perfume feminino

Reklam, üzerine en çok konuşulan ve belki de kendisinden en çok şey beklenen etkili bir iletişim yöntemidir. Günümüz tüketicisi için reklam çeşitli mal ve hizmetleri tanıtan, ancak yalnızca bununla sınırlı kalmayıp, bunları nereden,... more

Reklam, üzerine en çok konuşulan ve belki de kendisinden en çok şey beklenen etkili bir iletişim yöntemidir. Günümüz tüketicisi için reklam çeşitli mal ve hizmetleri tanıtan, ancak yalnızca bununla sınırlı kalmayıp, bunları nereden, nasıl, ne fiyatla elde edilebileceğini ve nasıl kullanılabileceğini tanımlayan ve tüketiciye zaman kazandıran bir unsurdur. Bu anlamda tüketicilerin satın alma kararlarını etkileyen reklamların doğru ve dürüst olmaları esastır. Türkiye’de reklamlarda aldatıcı ve yanıltıcı unsurların kullanımı ve haksız rekabet yaratacak ögelere yer verilmesinin yarattığı aykırılığın tespiti ve denetimi Gümrük ve Ticaret Bakanlığı’na bağlı Reklam Kurulu tarafından gerçekleştirilmektedir. 6502 sayılı Kanunun 63'üncü maddesi uyarınca kurulan Reklam Kurulu ticari reklamlarda uyulması gereken ilkeleri belirleme, bu ilkeler çerçevesinde ticari reklamları inceleme, haksız ticari uygulamalara karşı tüketiciyi korumaya yönelik düzenlemeleri yapma, inceleme ve denetimlerin sonucuna göre, aykırı reklamlar hakkında idari müeyyide uygulama hususlarında görevlidir.
Özellikle son yıllarda, tüm dünyada olduğu gibi ülkemizde de kişisel bakım kavramının popüler olmasıyla birlikte; kozmetik ürünlere yönelim, bu ürünlerdeki çeşitlilik, ürünlerin reklam ve pazarlama faaliyetleri önemli ölçüde artmıştır. Sektörde faaliyet gösteren çok uluslu firmaların çoğu Türkiye’de üretim ve pazarlama faaliyetleri yürütmekte olup, birçok yabancı yatırımcı lisans anlaşmaları ve ortak girişimler aracılığı ile üretim yapmaktadır. Sektör kapsamında yer alan ürünler; uçucu yağlar, sanayide
hammadde olarak kullanılan koku veren maddelerin karışımları, parfümler, güzellik/makyaj ve cilt bakımı, saç ve ağız/diş sağlığı ürünleri olarak sayılabilir. 2016 verilerine göre Reklam Kurulu'na yapılan başvuru sayısı baz alındığında en çok şikayetin gıda ve sağlık sektöründen sonra kozmetik sektörüne ilişkin olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bununla birlikte, kozmetik sektöründe ceza uygulama hususu en çok kozmetik ürün tanıtımlarında kullanılan sağlık beyanları ile ilgilidir. Kozmetik Mevzuatına tabi bulunan tüm kozmetik ürünler, insan vücudunun dış kısımlarına uygulanan ve etkileri geçici olan ürünlerdir. Bu bağlamda gerek sağlık gerekse reklam mevzuatı düşünüldüğünde, kozmetik ürün tanıtımlarında tedaviye yönelik ve endikasyon belirten ifadeler kozmetik ürün tanımını aşmakta ve yanıltıcı nitelikte değerlendirilmektedir. Ayrıca kozmetik ürün tanıtımlarında yer alan iddialar kanıtlanabilir nitelikte ise, bu durumda “kozmetik ürün” kapsamında değil, “beşeri tıbbi ürün” veya “ilaç” kapsamında ruhsatlandırılması gerekmektedir.
Bu çalışma, ülkemizde reklamların idari denetiminin kim tarafından nasıl gerçekleştirildiği, kozmetik ürün reklamlarında yer alan aldatıcı unsurların neler olduğu ve tüketicilerin korunması bağlamında bu reklamların aykırılıklarının nasıl giderilebileceğini ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır.

While packaging is a common marketing subject, this illustration paper provides an alternative perspective through the linguistic examination of packaging as discourse, focusing on male grooming, masculinity and metrosexuality. Male... more

While packaging is a common marketing subject, this illustration paper provides an alternative perspective through the linguistic examination of packaging as discourse, focusing on male grooming, masculinity and metrosexuality. Male grooming is often perceived as trespassing into feminine space and creating ambiguity in gender borders. This study aims to explore how packaging designers negotiate masculinity, in order to persuade men to accept grooming products through social interactions within the packaging of L'Oréal Men Expert. Employing Scollon's mediated discourse analysis and incorporating the Barthesian order of signification, the study analyses how different social actions within the packaging discourse are mediated by multimodal features. The findings reveal five negotiating strategies, i.e. constructing a hegemonic masculine image; negotiating (a masculinised) metrosexuality; empowering men; giving men a logical reason to groom; and a different portrayal of skincare products. The key aim of this paper is to illustrate the differences between marketing and linguistics and propose possible collaboration.

Understanding behaviour of consumers is a key to the success of business organizations. Marketing personnel are constantly analyzing the patterns of buying behaviour and purchase decisions to predict the future trends. Consumer behaviour... more

Understanding behaviour of consumers is a key to the success of business organizations. Marketing personnel are constantly analyzing the patterns of buying behaviour and purchase decisions to predict the future trends. Consumer behaviour can be explained as the analysis of how, when, what and why people buy. Consumer behavior can be understood as: "The decision process and physical activity individuals engage in when evaluating, acquiring, using, or disposing of goods and services." (Loudon and Della Bitta, 1980). Nowadays, this phenomenon, can also be illustrated in the following way: "activities people undertake when obtaining, consuming, and disposing of products and services" (Blakwell, Minard and Engel, 2001). A study by Voss and Parasuraman (2003) suggests that the purchase preference is primarily determined by price than quality during pre-purchase evaluation. Given explicit quality information, price had no effect on pre-purchase or post-consumption quali...

0878 8787 7313, Pusat Grosir Kosmetik Termurah Dan Terlengkap, Pusat Grosir Kosmetik Di Jakarta, Pabrik Kosmetik Indonesia, Pusat Kosmetik di Surabaya, Grosir Kosmetik Termurah Tangan Pertama, Grosir Kosmetik Murah Dan Asli, Distributor... more

0878 8787 7313, Pusat Grosir Kosmetik Termurah Dan Terlengkap, Pusat Grosir Kosmetik Di Jakarta, Pabrik Kosmetik Indonesia, Pusat Kosmetik di Surabaya, Grosir Kosmetik Termurah Tangan Pertama, Grosir Kosmetik Murah Dan Asli, Distributor Kosmetik Import Termurah Dan Terpercaya, Distributor Kosmetik Di Makassar, Distributor Kosmetik Online, Supplier Kosmetik Import Termurah, Supplier Kosmetik Di Pekanbaru, Sentra Kosmetik Jawa Barat, Agen Kosmetik Online, Agen Kosmetik Termurah, Toko Kosmetik Di Tangerang, Toko Online Kosmetik Terpercaya, Counter Kosmetik Di Jakarta, Olshop Kosmetik Korea Terpercaya, Reseller Kosmetik Terpercaya, Dropship Kosmetik Termurah, Harga Kosmetik Wardah, Kosmetik Halal Best Selling, Kosmetik Herbal Halal, Kosmetik Artis Indonesia, Kosmetik Terbaik Dan Aman

0878 8787 7313, Pusat Grosir Kosmetik Termurah Dan Terlengkap, Pusat Grosir Kosmetik Di Jakarta, Pabrik Kosmetik Indonesia, Pusat Kosmetik di Surabaya, Grosir Kosmetik Termurah Tangan Pertama, Grosir Kosmetik Murah Dan Asli, Distributor... more

0878 8787 7313, Pusat Grosir Kosmetik Termurah Dan Terlengkap, Pusat Grosir Kosmetik Di Jakarta, Pabrik Kosmetik Indonesia, Pusat Kosmetik di Surabaya, Grosir Kosmetik Termurah Tangan Pertama, Grosir Kosmetik Murah Dan Asli, Distributor Kosmetik Import Termurah Dan Terpercaya, Distributor Kosmetik Di Makassar, Distributor Kosmetik Online, Supplier Kosmetik Import Termurah, Supplier Kosmetik Di Pekanbaru, Sentra Kosmetik Jawa Barat, Agen Kosmetik Online, Agen Kosmetik Termurah, Toko Kosmetik Di Tangerang, Toko Online Kosmetik Terpercaya, Counter Kosmetik Di Jakarta, Olshop Kosmetik Korea Terpercaya, Reseller Kosmetik Terpercaya, Dropship Kosmetik Termurah, Harga Kosmetik Wardah, Kosmetik Halal Best Selling, Kosmetik Herbal Halal, Kosmetik Artis Indonesia, Kosmetik Terbaik Dan Aman

Aim/purpose-Olfactory marketing is a phenomenon that is in the current trend of usage by marketing experts to ensure that consumers are more involved in the purchase decision-making process. This paper aims to review the studies involved... more

Aim/purpose-Olfactory marketing is a phenomenon that is in the current trend of usage by marketing experts to ensure that consumers are more involved in the purchase decision-making process. This paper aims to review the studies involved in consumer purchase intentions influenced by fragrance and develop a framework for modeling consumer responses. Design/methodology/approach-PRISMA technique was used as a methodological approach. First, the researchers made criteria for inclusion and exclusion of studies along with the application of a set of keyword research strings to identify the relevant research articles. Second, prominent scientific search databases like EBSCO Host, Scopus, and ScienceDirect were used to mainly search the relevant literature. Findings-This article advances knowledge on the topic of fragrance marketing and proposes an integrative framework of consumer purchase responses considering the mutual relationship shared between fragrance, the influence of control variables, and response outcomes focusing on cognitive responses, intentions and behavior. The results of the conducted review also suggest that retail consumers tend to develop a positive attitude and behavior towards the place where the product and service are being sold. Research implications/limitations-The paper would be particularly helpful for managers in designing the right strategy for creating loyalty for their retail outlets and thereby creating a niche for themselves. pact of olfactory marketing in increasing short-term and long-term retail sales and determines future research directions to enrich the existence of these theories to fathom the essence behind consumers' interpretations of olfaction in retail outlets.

0878 8787 7313, Pusat Grosir Kosmetik Termurah Dan Terlengkap, Pusat Grosir Kosmetik Di Jakarta, Pabrik Kosmetik Indonesia, Pusat Kosmetik di Surabaya, Grosir Kosmetik Termurah Tangan Pertama, Grosir Kosmetik Murah Dan Asli, Distributor... more

0878 8787 7313, Pusat Grosir Kosmetik Termurah Dan Terlengkap, Pusat Grosir Kosmetik Di Jakarta, Pabrik Kosmetik Indonesia, Pusat Kosmetik di Surabaya, Grosir Kosmetik Termurah Tangan Pertama, Grosir Kosmetik Murah Dan Asli, Distributor Kosmetik Import Termurah Dan Terpercaya, Distributor Kosmetik Di Makassar, Distributor Kosmetik Online, Supplier Kosmetik Import Termurah, Supplier Kosmetik Di Pekanbaru, Sentra Kosmetik Jawa Barat, Agen Kosmetik Online, Agen Kosmetik Termurah, Toko Kosmetik Di Tangerang, Toko Online Kosmetik Terpercaya, Counter Kosmetik Di Jakarta, Olshop Kosmetik Korea Terpercaya, Reseller Kosmetik Terpercaya, Dropship Kosmetik Termurah, Harga Kosmetik Wardah, Kosmetik Halal Best Selling, Kosmetik Herbal Halal, Kosmetik Artis Indonesia, Kosmetik Terbaik Dan Aman

0878 8787 7313, Pusat Grosir Kosmetik Termurah Dan Terlengkap, Pusat Grosir Kosmetik Di Jakarta, Pabrik Kosmetik Indonesia, Pusat Kosmetik di Surabaya, Grosir Kosmetik Termurah Tangan Pertama, Grosir Kosmetik Murah Dan Asli, Distributor... more

0878 8787 7313, Pusat Grosir Kosmetik Termurah Dan Terlengkap, Pusat Grosir Kosmetik Di Jakarta, Pabrik Kosmetik Indonesia, Pusat Kosmetik di Surabaya, Grosir Kosmetik Termurah Tangan Pertama, Grosir Kosmetik Murah Dan Asli, Distributor Kosmetik Import Termurah Dan Terpercaya, Distributor Kosmetik Di Makassar, Distributor Kosmetik Online, Supplier Kosmetik Import Termurah, Supplier Kosmetik Di Pekanbaru, Sentra Kosmetik Jawa Barat, Agen Kosmetik Online, Agen Kosmetik Termurah, Toko Kosmetik Di Tangerang, Toko Online Kosmetik Terpercaya, Counter Kosmetik Di Jakarta, Olshop Kosmetik Korea Terpercaya, Reseller Kosmetik Terpercaya, Dropship Kosmetik Termurah, Harga Kosmetik Wardah, Kosmetik Halal Best Selling, Kosmetik Herbal Halal, Kosmetik Artis Indonesia, Kosmetik Terbaik Dan Aman

0878 8787 7313, Pusat Grosir Kosmetik Termurah Dan Terlengkap, Pusat Grosir Kosmetik Di Jakarta, Pabrik Kosmetik Indonesia, Pusat Kosmetik di Surabaya, Grosir Kosmetik Termurah Tangan Pertama, Grosir Kosmetik Murah Dan Asli, Distributor... more

0878 8787 7313, Pusat Grosir Kosmetik Termurah Dan Terlengkap, Pusat Grosir Kosmetik Di Jakarta, Pabrik Kosmetik Indonesia, Pusat Kosmetik di Surabaya, Grosir Kosmetik Termurah Tangan Pertama, Grosir Kosmetik Murah Dan Asli, Distributor Kosmetik Import Termurah Dan Terpercaya, Distributor Kosmetik Di Makassar, Distributor Kosmetik Online, Supplier Kosmetik Import Termurah, Supplier Kosmetik Di Pekanbaru, Sentra Kosmetik Jawa Barat, Agen Kosmetik Online, Agen Kosmetik Termurah, Toko Kosmetik Di Tangerang, Toko Online Kosmetik Terpercaya, Counter Kosmetik Di Jakarta, Olshop Kosmetik Korea Terpercaya, Reseller Kosmetik Terpercaya, Dropship Kosmetik Termurah, Harga Kosmetik Wardah, Kosmetik Halal Best Selling, Kosmetik Herbal Halal, Kosmetik Artis Indonesia, Kosmetik Terbaik Dan Aman

0878 8787 7313, Pusat Grosir Kosmetik Termurah Dan Terlengkap, Pusat Grosir Kosmetik Di Jakarta, Pabrik Kosmetik Indonesia, Pusat Kosmetik di Surabaya, Grosir Kosmetik Termurah Tangan Pertama, Grosir Kosmetik Murah Dan Asli, Distributor... more

0878 8787 7313, Pusat Grosir Kosmetik Termurah Dan Terlengkap, Pusat Grosir Kosmetik Di Jakarta, Pabrik Kosmetik Indonesia, Pusat Kosmetik di Surabaya, Grosir Kosmetik Termurah Tangan Pertama, Grosir Kosmetik Murah Dan Asli, Distributor Kosmetik Import Termurah Dan Terpercaya, Distributor Kosmetik Di Makassar, Distributor Kosmetik Online, Supplier Kosmetik Import Termurah, Supplier Kosmetik Di Pekanbaru, Sentra Kosmetik Jawa Barat, Agen Kosmetik Online, Agen Kosmetik Termurah, Toko Kosmetik Di Tangerang, Toko Online Kosmetik Terpercaya, Counter Kosmetik Di Jakarta, Olshop Kosmetik Korea Terpercaya, Reseller Kosmetik Terpercaya, Dropship Kosmetik Termurah, Harga Kosmetik Wardah, Kosmetik Halal Best Selling, Kosmetik Herbal Halal, Kosmetik Artis Indonesia, Kosmetik Terbaik Dan Aman

The articles are a result of the original research on the topics, some of which are new for historiography: Children.- Consumption Patterns.- Cosmetics.- Diet and Nutrition Surveys.- Germ Theory of Disease.- History of Consumption and... more

The articles are a result of the original research on the topics, some of which are new for historiography: Children.- Consumption Patterns.- Cosmetics.- Diet and Nutrition Surveys.- Germ Theory of Disease.- History of Consumption and Waste, U.S. 1850-1900.- Household Consumption Patterns.- Magazines and Newspapers.-Miasma Theory of Disease.- Slow Food.-Social Sensibility.- Thallium. - Utah (consumption, waste collection and disposal)