Crime Scene Management Research Papers (original) (raw)

The evidence, which has been studied in this dissertation, is one of the essential instruments of criminal justice. The issue was limited to obtaining evidence, and the problems concerning to this issue have been specified and some... more

Bloodstain pattern analysis is inseparably present in forensic genetics, crime scene investigation, the examination of evidence, and paper casework. It times of pandemic related to COVID-19 it is crucial to be aware of obstacles,... more

Bloodstain pattern analysis is inseparably present in forensic genetics, crime scene investigation, the examination of evidence, and paper casework. It times of pandemic related to COVID-19 it is crucial to be aware of obstacles, barriers, and threats that await every expert who deals with forensic biological material. This new situation is an excellent time to go back and point out what are the primary guidelines that reduce the contamination of evidence and increase the protection of practitioners and experts during their work. Some evident principles that exist during crime scene investigation should be used in a more safe environment. The main goal of this article is to show what is the primary indicator that will help to reduce the danger of contamination by Coronavirus Diseases (COVID-19) during the prosecution of work. Bloodstain pattern analysis is a vast discipline. Other experts can use guidelines that will be shown in this article. Numerous forensic fields can benefit from this information. Subjects such as fingerprint, trace evidence, ballistics, forensic genetics, an examination of the evidence on a crime scene or during paper casework, even handwriting during crime scene investigation.

This chapter looks into the preliminary investigation phase which originates when a crime or incident is reported and continues until the scene of incident is processed and cleared. The preliminary investigation serves as the foundation... more

This chapter looks into the preliminary investigation phase which originates when a crime or incident is reported and continues until the scene of incident is processed and cleared. The preliminary investigation serves as the foundation of the case. It should therefore be accurate or may jeopardize the entire investigation. Although no hard and fast rules can be laid down for how each scene of incident should be approached and processed, the fundamental principles remain the same and should be adhered to at all times. The chapter relies on the tried and tested principles of forensic investigation by providing a guide for the approach to and processing of a scene of incident. It furthermore appreciates the complexities faced by investigators attending to a scene of incident and will introduce forensic investigation as a tool, which by its systemic and scientific nature, can assist the investigator in understanding the procedures that should be followed at a scene of incident. It is beyond the scope of this chapter to discuss specific methods for specific crimes or incidents, but rather to provide a generic overview of the preliminary investigation phase.

Forensic investigations involving animal scavenging of human remains require a physical search of the scene and surrounding areas. However, there is currently no standard procedure in the U.K. for physical searches of scavenged human... more

Forensic investigations involving animal scavenging of human remains require a physical search of the scene and surrounding areas. However, there is currently no standard procedure in the U.K. for physical searches of scavenged human remains. The Winthrop and grid search methods used by police specialist searchers for scavenged remains were examined through the use of mock red fox (Vulpes vulpes) scatter scenes. Forty-two police specialist searchers from two different regions within the U.K. were divided between those briefed and not briefed with fox-typical scavenging information. Briefing searchers with scavenging information significantly affected the recovery of scattered bones (χ2 = 11.45, df = 1, p = 0.001). Searchers briefed with scavenging information were 2.05 times more likely to recover bones. Adaptions to search methods used by searchers were evident on a regional level, such that searchers more accustom to a peri-urban to rural region recovered a higher percentage of sc...

Analiza Śladów Krwawych (AŚK) jest dziedziną kryminalistyki, która w najbliższych la-tach nabierać będzie coraz większego znaczenia. Przyczyną powyższego zjawiska jest intensywny rozwój nauk biologicznych i coraz częstsze wykorzystywanie... more

Analiza Śladów Krwawych (AŚK) jest dziedziną kryminalistyki, która w najbliższych la-tach nabierać będzie coraz większego znaczenia. Przyczyną powyższego zjawiska jest intensywny rozwój nauk biologicznych i coraz częstsze wykorzystywanie ich w procesie karnym. Krew jest jedną z substancji, które bardzo często są ujawniane i zabezpieczane na miejscu zdarzenia. Należy pamiętać, że oprócz informacji genetycznej krew może nieść ze sobą informację dotyczącą sposo-bu powstania danego śladu, dzięki czemu można dokonać rekonstrukcji zdarzenia. Sam fakt obec-ności krwi na miejscu zdarzenia/przedmiotach/ osobach, nie ma aż tak dużego znaczenia, ale istotą problemu może być, w jakich okolicznościach się ona tam znalazła, a na to pytanie odpowiada Analiza Śladów Krwawych. Obecnie stosowana polska terminologia, która pochodzi z lat sześć-dziesiątych, jest w znacznym stopniu niepełna i nieaktualna. Niniejsza publikacja ma na celu wprowadzenie czytelnika w tematykę Analizy Śladów Krwawych, przedstawienie i wyjaśnienie terminologii międzynarodowej, używanej w tej nauce, aby ujednolicić oraz unowocześnić obecnie stosowane polskie nazewnictwo. Artykuł ma na celu przedstawienie jedynie podstawowej terminologii, natomiast w przyszłości należy rozwinąć ten temat, poprzez przybliżenie charakterystyki poszczególnych śladów bardziej szczegółowo.

The ability to coordinate and manage a crime scene is very important to preserve evidence in reference to further investigation and legal proceedings

In the cold world of criminals and murders there is a person that is first-rate at what they do. This person isn't a policeman, a detective, or an attorney. This person is a member of an elite force of forensic crime scene investigative... more

In the cold world of criminals and murders there is a person that is first-rate at what they do. This person isn't a policeman, a detective, or an attorney. This person is a member of an elite force of forensic crime scene investigative criminologists. This special person sees and manages situations that an average person would not know how to handle. The duties of a crime scene investigator can be brutal and difficult duties that

This course was run in collaboration with the Montgomery Co, PA Bomb Squad and could not have happened without their assistance. The aim of this course was to train first responders, law enforcement, bomb squad and forensic personnel how... more

This course was run in collaboration with the Montgomery Co, PA Bomb Squad and could not have happened without their assistance. The aim of this course was to train first responders, law enforcement, bomb squad and forensic personnel how to process a post-blast, mass fatality scene in order to recover and positively identify all decedents. The agenda for the program can be found here. Other handouts can be found under "Teaching Documents".

We all know that nowadays the crime rate is frequently increasing day by day in our society. From this we have an idea to develop the system. Problem was that people got tired by going here and there to get justice. So our application is... more

We all know that nowadays the crime rate is frequently increasing day by day in our society. From this we have an idea to develop the system. Problem was that people got tired by going here and there to get justice. So our application is capable of registering FIR online, showing investigation updates, delivering news about crime etc. So it is an application which provides solutions to the problems faced during taking actions against crime. I.

Scopo: Analisi delle procedure e dei punti critici di un soccorso in caso di attacco terroristico, e le complicazioni che si hanno nella sua gestione in caso di attacco non convenzionale con armi CBRNe o in caso di evento CBRNe.... more

Scopo: Analisi delle procedure e dei punti critici di un soccorso in caso di attacco terroristico, e le complicazioni che si hanno nella sua gestione in caso di attacco non convenzionale con armi CBRNe o in caso di evento CBRNe. Background: Un evento terroristico o un evento CBRNe richiede una risposta coordinata dell’intero sistema di soccorso, protocolli interforze standardizzati, personale altamente qualificato ed addestrato periodicamente, oltre ad un sistema di smistamento vittime tra ospedali ampiamente collaudato. la Hot-zone è una zona del crimine circoscritta dai primi soccorritori e gli accessi devono essere controllati per prevenire la contaminazione delle prove da parte degli operatori e il trasporto della contaminazione al di fuori della zona controllata. In Italia, gli unici ad essere autorizzati al soccorso in zona rossa sono i Vigili del fuoco. Metodo e materiali: Studio ed analisi di “case studies” come le operazioni di soccorso alla “Costa Concordia” nel 2012. Analisi di procedure e protocolli di enti, istituzioni, ed organizzazioni ausiliarie e di volontariato sulla scena del crimine ed su eventi coinvolgenti materiale pericoloso (hazmat). Risultati (Finding): Molti soccorritori italiani di vari enti non hanno addestramento per la «scena del crimine» né per «rischio contaminazione/hazmat», e, durante gli interventi, sono stati riscontrati numerosi casi di discussioni e contrasti sulla linea di comando delle operazioni. Assenza di protocolli standardizzati di intervento, e gestione unificata dell’evento: Queste criticità creano significativi problemi durante le investigazioni e le indagini legali, oltre ad esporre gli operatori coinvolti e l’intera sicurezza nazionale ad incalcolabili rischi riguardanti contaminazioni e Hazmat. L’assenza di un appropriato management può portare alla contaminazione e compromissione di infrastrutture sensibili come trasporti ed ospedali. Conclusioni: L’incremento netto degli standard formativi di base di tutti gli enti, l’appropriata applicazione dei metodi di gestione eventi, l’applicazione di protocolli standardizzati, l’imposizione di una catena di comando efficiente e collaudata e del uso dell’ICS devono essere I punti di partenza per migliorare al più presto il sistema per garantire una risposta ed assistenza efficace, diminuire drasticamente I notevoli rischi per gli operatori e salvaguardare le prove per la gestione legale degli eventi. Il tutto al fine di migliorare la sicurezza nazionale. (2) SOCCORSO IN CASO DI ATTACCO TERRORISTICO / CBRNe. Available from: [accessed Oct 3, 2017].

Scopo Analisi delle procedure e dei punti critici di un soccorso in caso di attacco terroristico , e le complicazioni che si hanno nella gestione del soccorso in caso di attacco non convenzionale con armi CBRNe o in caso di evento CBRNe... more

Scopo Analisi delle procedure e dei punti critici di un soccorso in caso di attacco terroristico , e le complicazioni che si hanno nella gestione del soccorso in caso di attacco non convenzionale con armi CBRNe o in caso di evento CBRNe Background: Un evento terroristico o un evento CBRNe richiede una risposta coordinata dell'itero sistema di soccorso, protocolli standardizzati interforze, personale altamente qualificato ed addestrato periodicamente, oltre ad un sistema di smistamento vittime tra ospedali ampiamente collaudato. la Hot-zone è una zona del crimine circoscritta dai primi soccorritori e deve essere controllata per prevenire la contaminazione delle prove da parte degli operatori e il trasporto della contaminazione al di fuori della zona controllata. In Italia, gli unici ad essere autorizzati al soccorso in zona rossa sono i Vigili del fuoco. Metodo e materiali: Studio ed analisi di "case reports" come le operazioni di soccorso alla "Costa Concordia&quo...

"The evidence, which has been studied in this dissertation, is one of the essential instruments of criminal justice. The issue was limited to obtaining evidence, and the problems concerning to this issue have been... more

"The evidence, which has been studied in this dissertation, is one of the essential instruments of criminal justice. The issue was limited to obtaining evidence, and the problems concerning to this issue have been specified and some suggestions for these problems have been offered. Once the law of TCP (The Act of Turkish Criminal Procedure – 2005) 5271 numbered came into use and it provided some novelty to the evidence system in criminal justice. Thanks to the scientific and technical progress, lots of methods of collecting evidence such as biological evidence from living body and molecular genetics examines, recording private communication, observation by technical devices and secret investigation methods have been included in TCP. Some regulations were legislated for rules of evidence collection and they were made effective. The role of the public prosecutors in the criminal investigations became more effective to maintain fair trail and protect the rights of suspect. The rule of rejecting indictment aims at collecting evidence in the prosecution stage faster and more effectively. And collecting methods of evidence have become more significant by the rule of cross examination. However, still some evidence rules are existing in the other codes and this violates the unity of evidence rules. And the rule of “crime scene investigation” has not been identified completely in TCP. Despite some novelties brought by TCP, the constructions of prosecution and law enforcement units should be strengthened to apply this law efficiently. Key Words: Evidence, Obtaining Evidence, Proofing, Criminal Evidence, the Law of Evidence."

Scopo Analisi delle procedure e dei punti critici di un soccorso in caso di attacco terroristico , e le complicazioni che si hanno nella gestione del soccorso in caso di attacco non convenzionale con armi CBRNe o in caso di evento CBRNe... more

Scopo Analisi delle procedure e dei punti critici di un soccorso in caso di attacco terroristico , e le complicazioni che si hanno nella gestione del soccorso in caso di attacco non convenzionale con armi CBRNe o in caso di evento CBRNe Background: Un evento terroristico o un evento CBRNe richiede una risposta coordinata dell'itero sistema di soccorso, protocolli standardizzati interforze, personale altamente qualificato ed addestrato periodicamente, oltre ad un sistema di smistamento vittime tra ospedali ampiamente collaudato. la Hot-zone è una zona del crimine circoscritta dai primi soccorritori e deve essere controllata per prevenire la contaminazione delle prove da parte degli operatori e il trasporto della contaminazione al di fuori della zona controllata. In Italia, gli unici ad essere autorizzati al soccorso in zona rossa sono i Vigili del fuoco. Metodo e materiali: Studio ed analisi di "case reports" come le operazioni di soccorso alla "Costa Concordia&quo...

This was a conference presentation given at the Society for American Archaeology annual meeting on the results of the post-blast training course from 2012. Due to the sensitivity of some of the images, I can not publicly post this... more

This was a conference presentation given at the Society for American Archaeology annual meeting on the results of the post-blast training course from 2012. Due to the sensitivity of some of the images, I can not publicly post this presentation.

This was the Prezi used during the Post-blast Investigation training program.