Data Flow Diagram Research Papers (original) (raw)

The main aim of this article is to discuss how the functional and the object-oriented views can be inter-played to represent the various modeling perspectives of embedded systems. We discuss whether the object-oriented modeling paradigm,... more

The main aim of this article is to discuss how the functional and the object-oriented views can be inter-played to represent the various modeling perspectives of embedded systems. We discuss whether the object-oriented modeling paradigm, the predominant one to develop software at the present time, is also adequate for modeling embedded software and how it can be used with the functional paradigm. More specifically, we present how the main modeling tool of the traditional structured methods, data flow diagrams, can be integrated in an object-oriented development strategy based on the unified modeling language. The rationale behind the approach is that both views are important for modeling purposes in embedded systems environments, and thus a combined and integrated model is not only useful, but also fundamental for developing complex systems. The approach was integrated in a model-driven engineering process, where tool support for the models used was provided. In addition, model transformations have been specified and implemented to automate the process. We exemplify the approach with an IPv6 router case study.

Most of legacy systems use nowadays were modeled and documented using structured approach. Expansion of these systems in terms of functionality and maintainability requires shift towards object-oriented documentation and design, which has... more

Most of legacy systems use nowadays were modeled and documented using structured approach. Expansion of these systems in terms of functionality and maintainability requires shift towards object-oriented documentation and design, which has been widely accepted by the industry. In this paper, we present a survey of the existing Data Flow Diagram (DFD) to Unified Modeling language (UML) transformation techniques. We analyze transformation techniques using a set of parameters, identified in the survey. Based on identified parameters, we present an analysis matrix, which describes the strengths and weaknesses of transformation techniques. It is observed that most of the transformation approaches are rule based, which are incomplete and defined at abstract level that does not cover in depth transformation and automation issues. Transformation approaches are data centric, which focuses on data-store for class diagram generation. Very few of the transformation techniques have been applied o...

V. SUMMARY We have given parallel algorithms for recognizing and parsing context-free languages on a hypercube of p PE's, 1 5 p 5 n. The algorithms are both time-wise and space-wise optimal with respect to the most efficient... more

V. SUMMARY We have given parallel algorithms for recognizing and parsing context-free languages on a hypercube of p PE's, 1 5 p 5 n. The algorithms are both time-wise and space-wise optimal with respect to the most efficient sequential algorithm. The recognition algorithms were ...

... Sensory information comes from a Laser Range Finder also developed by the author [6]. Range data are made up of hundreds of 2D relative coordinate points of targets in the field of view of the sensor camera, already filtered and... more

... Sensory information comes from a Laser Range Finder also developed by the author [6]. Range data are made up of hundreds of 2D relative coordinate points of targets in the field of view of the sensor camera, already filtered and grouped ... [2] JC Garcı́a, M. Marrón, JA Garcı́a, J ...

In this work, we propose carrying out tests on the encoding sequence of a video sequence to improve data flow and average PSNR. We experiment with the choice of reference images, in the process of video compression, by using only the... more

In this work, we propose carrying out tests on the encoding sequence of a video sequence to improve data flow and average PSNR. We experiment with the choice of reference images, in the process of video compression, by using only the intra and predicted images extracted from sequences. For each intra and predicted image, we perform edge detection. Each image of the sequence is compared with the other images by subtracting corresponding edges. The choice of the reference image is based on the result of subtraction. We adopt the criterion of minimum pixels if the resulting images present only points and the criterion of minimum distance between the lines if they present parallel lines and possibly points. Testing this approach on News and Kiss cool video sequences revealed an improvement in data flow and average PSNR as compared to the original encoding and choosing reference images based on the mean square error.

The impact of image pattern recognition on accessing large databases of medical images has recently been explored, and content-based image retrieval (CBIR) in medical applications (IRMA) is researched. At the present, however, the impact... more

The impact of image pattern recognition on accessing large databases of medical images has recently been explored, and content-based image retrieval (CBIR) in medical applications (IRMA) is researched. At the present, however, the impact of image retrieval on diagnosis is limited, and practical applications are scarce. One reason is the lack of suitable mechanisms for query refinement, in particular, the ability to (1) restore previous session states, (2) combine individual queries by Boolean operators, and (3) provide continuous-valued query refinement. This paper presents a powerful user interface for CBIR that provides all three mechanisms for extended query refinement. The various mechanisms of manYmachine interaction during a retrieval session are grouped into four classes: (1) output modules, (2) parameter modules, (3) transaction modules, and (4) process modules, all of which are controlled by a detailed query logging. The query logging is linked to a relational database. Nes...

This article describes a set of modules for Max/MSP for real-time sound analysis and synthesis combining various models, representations and timing paradigms. Gabor provides a unified framework for granular synthesis, PSOLA, phase... more

This article describes a set of modules for Max/MSP for real-time sound analysis and synthesis combining various models, representations and timing paradigms. Gabor provides a unified framework for granular synthesis, PSOLA, phase vocoder, additive synthesis and other STFT techniques. Gabor’s processing scheme allows for the treatment of atomic sound particles at arbitrary rates and instants. Gabor is based on FTM, an extension of Max/MSP, introducing complex data structures such as matrices and sequences to the Max data flow programming paradigm. Most of the signal processing operators of the Gabor modules handle vector and matrix representations closely related to SDIF sound description formats.

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ABSTRACT Classical views on testing and their associated testing models are not dealing with the question of fault repairing but only focus on fault detection. Diagnosis consists of determining the nature of a detected fault, of locating... more

ABSTRACT Classical views on testing and their associated testing models are not dealing with the question of fault repairing but only focus on fault detection. Diagnosis consists of determining the nature of a detected fault, of locating it and hopefully repairing it. Correlatively, the only standardized quality factors implied in the detection/repair aspects of software engineering are testability and maintainability: those quality factors are misleading since they do not pinpoint this question of the location/repairing effort, that can be identified under the concept of diagnosability. This paper is thus concerned with diagnosability, its definition and the axiomatization of its expected behavior. The paper aims at:•introducing and analysing diagnosability as a significant and complementary dimension of software testability,•producing a high-level definition and axiomatization of a diagnosability measurement generic enough to be adapted to various software paradigms: this property-based approach serves as a measurement “specification”, independent on the application context and thus reusable,•detailing a diagnosability measure dedicated to data-flow software and especially test strategies impact on diagnosis and testing effort (from measure implementation to case study),•illustrating the reuse of the high-level axiomatization to the specific question of measuring the impact of assertions (or contracts for a designed by contract OO system) on diagnosis effort and preciseness.Throughout the paper, the concepts are illustrated on a case study provided by an industrial partner. At last, the reusability of the axiomatization is illustrated by proposing a measure of the impact of assertions (or contracts in a design by contract approach) on global software diagnosability. Main lessons concern both the diagnosability significance as a quality factor and the interest of an axiomatization-based methodology for building trustable software measurement.

Campus Placement Process Automation Portal is a web-based system which is implemented on the basis of the placement process system being presently used in the University for storing and retrieving the information of students and... more

Campus Placement Process Automation Portal is a web-based system which is implemented on the basis of the placement process system being presently used in the University for storing and retrieving the information of students and companies. Placement process system maintains a large database of students wherein all the information of student including the personal records and the academic performance is stored and company information including a profile of company, eligibility criteria and facilities. The software developed retrieves this data and displays as per the user requirements. This placement process System is developed as an attempt to take a record of company and students. The Placement Portal provides the facility of viewing both the personal and academic information of the student and company. It also facilitates to search eligible students, company and insertion and deletion of records by the administrator. Eligible students will receive an email including the details of the company date and time of the interview and location will be provided.

This paper introduces monitoring network packets, which we will show differ substantially from conventional DBMS analysis. In many applications in the real world, data is not stored at a place(as in conventional DBMS) ie in this model,... more

This paper introduces monitoring network packets, which we will show differ substantially from conventional DBMS analysis. In many applications in the real world, data is not stored at a place(as in conventional DBMS) ie in this model, data does not take the form of persistent ...

The unsteady flow can be analysed by Saint-Venant equations. These equations can be solved by characteristics and finite difference methods. The Saint-Venant equations are changed into four complete differential equations in... more

The unsteady flow can be analysed by Saint-Venant equations. These equations can be solved by characteristics and finite difference methods. The Saint-Venant equations are changed into four complete differential equations in characteristics method and these equations are solved by drawing two characteristics lines. The Saint-Venant equations are changed into set nonlinear equations and are solved using Preissman scheme in finite difference method. This set of equation is changed into linear equation using Newton-Rafson method and can be solved using Sparce method. In this research, the results of the two method were compared and this was shown that: 1) these two methods can draw the surface profiles and flow hydrograph as well; 2) the finite difference method is more accurate than that one; 3) the mesh size in finite difference method can be larger than that one; 4) the difference between two methods are increased by increasing the time and distance.. He is interested in the topics of: groundwater hydrology, irrigation and drainage engineering, sustainable development and environmental assessment, climate and integrated and sustainable water resource management, artificial neural network, and genetic algorithm. He has contributed to more than 80 publications in journals, books, or as technical reports. Currently, he is as a

In this paper, we argue that there is a gap to be bridged between the development and maintenance of services and the various internal and external policies that emerge and evolve outside of these systems. To bridge this gap, we propose a... more

In this paper, we argue that there is a gap to be bridged between the development and maintenance of services and the various internal and external policies that emerge and evolve outside of these systems. To bridge this gap, we propose a semantic model, i.e. ontology, for representing Data Flows and linking them with structured representations of the data that is processed (datasets, databases, queries, etc.). Data Flow Dia-gramming is a technique for capturing the various data and information flows between an information system and external stakeholders as well as within such a system. This technique is used in the analysis phase of information systems development and captures the inputs and outputs of various processes. Our model allows these data flows to be presented and linked with structured representations of the data that is to be used, consulted , processed, etc. We demonstrate that this model can facilitate compliance verification processes of (intelligent) systems by allowing these flows to be analyzed. Next to the ontology, which has been made available according to best practices in the field, we furthermore posit our contributions within the state of the art.

Modern power systems, in particular Control Center structures, involve more and more software applications in their normal operation. Such scenario urges for standardization of inter and intra processes communication and data exchange. In... more

Modern power systems, in particular Control Center structures, involve more and more software applications in their normal operation. Such scenario urges for standardization of inter and intra processes communication and data exchange. In this work we propose a solution for seamless Meter Data Management (MDM) integration with Control Center structures through Common Information Model (CIM). The solution is implemented in form of a wrapper that adopts messages (i.e. payloads) to the standard requested form. The proposed solution has been verified using a simulation framework which emulates regular control and data flow through predefined set of request patterns.

— This project is aimed at developing an online Intranet Portal system that is of huge importance to an organization. The Intranet Portal is an intranet based application that can be accessed throughout the organization or a specified... more

— This project is aimed at developing an online Intranet Portal system that is of huge importance to an organization. The Intranet Portal is an intranet based application that can be accessed throughout the organization or a specified group/Dept. This system can be used to automate the workflow of many company based applications and their approvals. The periodic crediting of leave is also automated. There are features like email notifications, automatic approval of leave, report generators, attendance management, human resource management, travel management etc. in this system. This project mainly aims to maintain the database of the employees working in an organization their salary, payrolls with a facility to edit and update it. Intranet Portal application will reduce paper work and maintains record in more efficient way. An intranet portal site is designed to allow information to be quickly disseminated to employees, to make common internal business processes more efficient and to provide a sense of community within an organization.

This article shows a pliable unified modeling scheme applying a materially based, distributed, integrated hydrological and water quality modeling organization. It is need to analyze the unsteady flow in open channels network is done... more

This article shows a pliable unified modeling scheme applying a materially based, distributed, integrated hydrological
and water quality modeling organization. It is need to analyze the unsteady flow in open channels network is done using
the computer packages, because solving the Saint-Venant equation is very difficult and sophisticated spatially for a
network of channels. The unsteady flow can be analyzed by Saint-Venant equations. These equations can be solved by
characteristics and finite difference methods. The HEC-RAS program applies the second method.
This program need to data such as: scheme of network channels, geometric properties of cross sections, initial discharge
and boundary condition. The outputs of this program are: Surface profiles, flow hydrograph and distribution of flow
velocity in each cross section etc. In this research an example was solved in unsteady flow using HEC-RAS. In this
procedure, the energy and duration equations are decided for steady, slowly diverse flow by the Newton–Raphson
procedure and the offered methodology is used to tree-type and looped-channel networks. An algorithm is introduced to
define numerous critical depths in a compound channel. Corrections in channel geometry are provided to prevent the
incidence of, many critical depths. The incidence of only one critical depth in an implicate cross section with improved
geometry is shown for a tree-type channel network.