Dental Health Research Papers - (original) (raw)

The objective of implementing newer techniques in dentistry is to overcome the shortcomings of traditional ones. Dentistry, being a dynamic field, is always on the lookout for innovative techniques, and embracing newer technology has... more

The objective of implementing newer techniques in dentistry is to overcome the shortcomings of traditional ones. Dentistry, being a dynamic field, is always on the lookout for innovative techniques, and embracing newer technology has indeed improved patient care in many ways. Lasersare being used as an adjunct or alternative tool to conventional dental procedures. Many dental disciplines such as oral surgery, oral medicine, periodontics, paediatric dentistry, implantology, and operative dentistry have benefitted from the use of laser technology. Lasers have become an invaluable tool in many procedures, including caries removal, caries decontamination, caries prevention, cavity preparation, soft tissue surgeries, root canal decontamination, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, to name a few. Laser treatment in dentistry can be quicker and more efficient. Other benefits would include markedly less pain, lack of bleeding, minimal need of anaesthesia and reduced postoperative discomfort. Also, patients may be able to resume
their daily activities shortly after the treatment is rendered, owing to faster healing. However, the caveat would be that adequate training is a mandatory prerequisite before handling patients with these powerful instruments.

Background: The retorqueing of fixing screws has become a routine in clinical practice, aiming to reduce the risk of screw loosening; however, there are not in vitro studies that evaluate the effect of this clinical practice in... more

Background: The retorqueing of fixing screws has become a routine in clinical practice, aiming to reduce the risk of screw loosening; however, there are not in vitro studies that evaluate the effect of this clinical practice in nanofilm-coated screws. The objective of this study was to verify the torque maintenance of prosthetic pillar screws coated with diamond-doped diamond-like nanofilm (DD-DLC), submitted to retorque, after mechanical fatigue, in external (EH) and internal hexagonal connections (IH). Materials and Methods: Different implants and treatments of the prosthetic screws resulted in eight experimental groups (n=5): untreated and not submitted to fatigue (EH-CON) (IH-CON); untreated and fatigued control (EH-F) (IH-F); with DLC nanofilm and fatigued (EH-DLCF) (IH-DLCF) and with DD-DLC nanofilm and fatigued (EH-DD-DLCF) (IH-DD-DCLF). The coatings were plasma-deposited through the Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition method. The samples were exposed to one million fatigue cycles; samples were submitted to reverse torque; samples were retorqued; then samples were re-submitted to another one million mechanical cycles. After fatigue, the reverse torque of the screws was performed to determine the torque maintenance. The screws were qualitatively analyzed through a scanning electron microscope. The statistical analysis used ANOVA. Results: There was no interaction between the studied factors. The treatment of screws and connection type did not present significant differences. The coatings did not interfere in the adaptation of the screw to the implant. Conclusion: The prosthetic screws with DLC and DD-DLC nanofilms, after retorque, did not present increased torque maintenance.

Objective: The objective of this study was to identify the prevalence of dental caries among children aged 8-12-years and to correlate it with the body mass index. Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. A... more

Objective: The objective of this study was to identify the prevalence of dental caries among children aged 8-12-years and to correlate it with the body mass index. Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. A total of 562 school children between the age of 8-12 years were selected from 3 schools. One examiner conducted the clinical examination using World Health Organization (WHO) criteria to diagnose dental caries. The body mass index (BMI) was also recorded. Results: A high prevalence dental caries was observed among Overweight and obese children compared to normal weight children. Conclusion: The results showed an association between Body mass index and dental caries in children.A higher prevalence of dental caries was experienced among Overweight and Obese children.

Background: One of the most challenging aspects of providing medical care is attending to patients who have been contaminated with hazardous materials. HAZMAT is a term used to describe incidents involving hazardous materials or... more

Background: One of the most challenging aspects of providing medical care is attending to patients who have been contaminated with hazardous materials. HAZMAT is a term used to describe incidents involving hazardous materials or specialized teams who deal with these incidents. Hazardous materials are defined as substances that have the potential to harm a person or the environment upon contact. These can be gases, liquids, or solids and include radioactive and chemical materials. Biological organisms, such as viruses and bacteria, are also included among hazardous materials. Hospitals are required to protect their employees from the exposure of these materials that may occur as a result of patient care. Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the knowledge and attitudes of healthcare professionals regarding Hazmat kit and its use in healthcare settings. Methods: A questionnaire comprising the KAP model's constructs, i.e. knowledge and attitude towards the use of Hazmat kit, as well as Hazmat kit practices, was used to collect data. The two constructs, knowledge and attitude, which are the main determinants of the KAP model were found to independently predict health care providers practices of managing hazardous spills. Knowledge of spill management was found to be the strongest predictor. Therefore, it is recommended that the hospitals and universities focus on the knowledge and attitude towards Hazmat kits in order to enhance their practices in hazardous spill management. Results: 750 members were chosen and were asked to participate in the survey, out of which only 161 responded. The rest denied due to lack of knowledge about it. 67.1% respondents were not aware of the Hazmat Kit and showed a favorable need of more strict policies towards safety for health care providers. They strongly recommended the need of conducting awareness through educational programs and emphasis on training be given to all health care professionals including the doctor, assistant, nurse and housekeeping staffs as well. 82.6% of the population believed that the difficulty in bringing this practice is due to lack of awareness despite other perceptions like the kit is expensive, consumes a lot of time, prefer disposing without kit. Though 94.4% of the population is currently not using Hazmat kits in their practice, 15.5% have positively responded towards its use. The respondent population consisted largely of Dental doctors, undergraduates and post graduates. Conclusion: It can be concluded from the study that the knowledge and awareness towards the usage of HAZMAT kits is inadequate among dental professionals. Hence, they were lacking regarding the practices of HAZMAT kit in the profession. However, the population showed a positive attitude towards learning through educational programs which gives hope in the better management of HAZMAT incidence. There is a need for hospitals to participate in community disaster planning for HAZMAT incidents. Therefore, it is recommended that the hospitals and universities focus on conducting hazardous spill management programs to enhance the preparedness of management of such events.

Introduction: The E-cigarette has enjoyed a great popularity but no standard is yet known for the liquid's composition and combustion system. Actually, the effect of conventional tobacco on oral health is well studied; however, the effect... more

Introduction: The E-cigarette has enjoyed a great popularity but no standard is yet known for the liquid's composition and combustion system. Actually, the effect of conventional tobacco on oral health is well studied; however, the effect of E-cigarette on oral health is not studied enough The aim of this literature review is to determine the effect of E-cigarette on periodontal. Material and methods: 23 articles are selected on PubMed, Cochrane and Google scholar data base. This literature review use in-vitro and vivo study with globally the same protocol of smoke exposition. Article older than ten years are excluded. Result: The E-cigarette is able to decrease the bacterial diversity and realize a selection pressure favorable for perio-agressive bacteria's. In addition, the E-cigarette is able to increase the invasion of perio-agressive bacteria's. In another way, the E-cigarette is able to place the periodontal in a pro-inflammatory condition with different way activation. The E-cigarette generates a decrease of fibroblast activity, growth and mobility. The same result is finding on bone cells and epithelial cells.

Background: While no single species has been implicated as the primary pathogen and the available evidence is consistent with a polymicrobial disease etiology, the red-complex bacteria consisting of Porphyromonas gingivalis, Treponema... more

Background: While no single species has been implicated as the primary pathogen and the available evidence is consistent
with a polymicrobial disease etiology, the red-complex bacteria consisting of Porphyromonas gingivalis, Treponema denticola
and Tannerella forsythia has been strongly implicated in the onset of periodontitis a chronic inflammatory disease affecting the
supporting tissues of the teeth in the oral cavity. Chronic inflammation is believed to act as catalyst for tumour development
and progression.
Objective: To study the presence of Tannerella forsythia in the tissue samples oforal squamous cell carcinoma.
Materials and Methods: Oral squamous cell carcinoma (n= 30) and oral mucosal non-cancerous tissue specimens (n=30)
were obtained from patients and controls separately. RNA was isolated from each aseptically deliquesced tissue specimen
and transformed to cDNA using the Trizol technique. Specific gene amplification of Tannerella forsythia was done byusing
synthesized cDNA as template for PCR reaction.
Results: Tannerella forsythia was detected in 5 oral squamous cell carcinoma tissuesamples and was not found in any of the
control tissue samples.
Conclusion: Tannerella forsythia could play a role in the pathogenesis of oral squamous cell carcinoma.

Objective: This review was performed to answer the controversial clinical situation of post endodontic restoration of severely mutilated teeth with a high degree of evidence. The review helps evaluate the type of post (custom made cast... more

Objective: This review was performed to answer the controversial clinical situation of post endodontic restoration of severely mutilated teeth with a high degree of evidence. The review helps evaluate the type of post (custom made cast post) that demonstrates superior clinical performance in endodontically treated teeth. Data Sources: Electronic databases (MEDLINE, CENTRAL, SCIENCE DIRECT, GOOGLE SCHOLAR AND LILAC) were screened upto April 2021. Only randomised controlled trials with at least a follow up of one year were included in this review.

This study evaluated the efficacy of replacing single missing teeth in the posterior quadrants of the maxilla and/or mandible with an implant-supported dental prosthesis. Material and methods: Three scientific literature databases-Medline... more

This study evaluated the efficacy of replacing single missing teeth in the posterior quadrants of the maxilla and/or mandible with an implant-supported dental prosthesis. Material and methods: Three scientific literature databases-Medline (Pubmed), Ovid Medline and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL)-were used to perform a search of publications over a period from 1985 to 2014. One hundred and forty one (141) articles were reviewed; 36 articles met the inclusion criteria and were included in the final review. Results: The survival rates, success rates and mean bone loss for immediate implant placement were 96.9%, 100% and 0.85 mm, respectively. The survival rates, success rates and mean bone loss for delayed implant placement were 96.8%, 94.1% and 0.55 mm respectively. The survival rate, success rate and the mean bone loss in studies comparing immediate versus delayed implant placement showed 96.8% and 96.3%, 85.8% and 93.3%, and 0.57 ± 0.57 mm and 0.55 ± 0.37 mm, respectively. Conclusion: The prognosis for single molar implants provides a viable treatment option for replacing a single missing tooth in the posterior quadrants of the maxilla and mandible. There does not appear to be a significant difference in the survival rates of immediately placed implants compared with delayed implant placement. However, the success rates were slightly higher with delayed loading protocols than immediate loading protocols.

Objective: This paper focuses on evaluating the frequency and distribution of dental malocclusion and its association with age, sex, and school of origin. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out on a sample of 399... more

Objective: This paper focuses on evaluating the frequency and distribution of dental malocclusion and its association with age, sex, and school of origin. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out on a sample of 399 schoolchildren between eight and eleven years old, and they were examined with the prior authorization of their parents. The examiner's calibration was performed to minimize intra-examiner variability. A kappa coefficient of 0.997 was observed for the assessment of the type of occlusion according to the criteria of Angle, Dewey and Anderson, which is a value that reflects a high degree of reliability. Results: 75.7% presented some type of dental malocclusion, showing no association with age, sex, or school of origin. Class I according to Dewey-Anderson types 1 and 2 were mostly present. Conclusion: In conclusion, it was observed that the educational level on dental malocclusion is a more decisive factor compared to the purchasing power of children...

Background: The long term management of miniplate fixation osteosynthesis remains debatable and controversial with few authors advocating routine removal of the miniplates after 3-6 months of placement, while others recommend retention of... more

Background: The long term management of miniplate fixation osteosynthesis remains debatable and controversial with few authors advocating routine removal of the miniplates after 3-6 months of placement, while others recommend retention of the miniplates unless their removal is clinically indicated.
Objective: The aim was to study the incidence, indications, time gap, role of metallic composition and site of removal of miniplates in operated cases of maxillofacial region over a one-year period. Materials and Methods: Patients undergoing removal of miniplates over a one year period were studied and evaluated regarding the number of miniplates removed, time gap present between fixation and removal of miniplates, indications for removal, metallic composition of miniplates removed, sites of removal and complications. Correlations between indications
for miniplate removal based upon time gap, metallic composition, age of patients undergoing plate removal and number of miniplates present were determined using Chi-square test. Correlation between metallic composition of miniplate and time gap was also determined using Chi-square test
Results: The miniplates were removed in 31 patients (26 males and 5 females). Most common indication for removal was infection (45%). Forty-five percent of the patients underwent miniplate removal within 1 year of placement. The correlation between indications for miniplate removal and time gap was found to be statistically significant (P = 0.04).
Conclusion: Most of the hardware removal is performed subsequent to complications associated with hardware and local factors . There is no significant association between the composition of the hardware and pate removal . However there is a significant association between the time gap and indication for plate.Miniplate removal should be performed when hardware is causing various complications and physical symptoms. Infection, miniplate exposure, pain, palpability or any other morbidity that appears after bony union should be treated by miniplate removal.

Introduction: The success of endodontic treatment is complete obturation of the root canal system up to the cementodentinal junction. Obturation of the root canal is usually done with gutta-percha along with a root canal sealer. Sealers... more

Introduction: The success of endodontic treatment is complete obturation of the root canal system up to the cementodentinal junction. Obturation of the root canal is usually done with gutta-percha along with a root canal sealer. Sealers are used as binding agents, and they lubricant and aid in sealing of gutta-percha. The hermetic sealing of the root canal by means of a three dimensional obturation of the pulp space constitutes the key factor for successful endodontic therapy.
Aim and objective: The aim of the present study was to evaluate and compare the apical sealing ability of three root canal sealers using dye penetration method.

ABSTRACT : The root canal system is an arborizational, anastomotic, byzanthine, labyrinthine complexity, morphologically comparable to a mosaic. While primary canals exist, the tributaries, accessory branches and lumina of dentinal... more

ABSTRACT : The root canal system is an arborizational, anastomotic, byzanthine, labyrinthine complexity, morphologically comparable to a mosaic. While primary canals exist, the tributaries, accessory branches and lumina of dentinal tubules harbour extensive tissue and microflora which if left untreated remains vector for persistent and refractory pathology. Therefore root canal shaping and cleaning is of utmost importance in the success of root canal treatment. Number of systems are available for effective shaping accounting from hand files to nickel titanium rotary files to the new single file concept “WAVE ONE” KEYWORDS : Wave One, Reciprocating Motion, Nickel Titanium, Reverse Balanced Force Technique, vCJD

Dental school graduates have many options following graduation. Many are pursuing additional education and training by doing a residency program. As more graduates consider this career path, these programs have become more competitive.... more

Dental school graduates have many options following graduation. Many are pursuing additional education and training by doing a residency program. As more graduates consider this career path, these programs have become more competitive. This study evaluates the competitiveness of match programs in dental residency programs by assessing data over a 9-year period for programs in the National Matching Service. The number of applicants participating in the match, number of positions offered, number of positions filled, and number of positions unfilled were analyzed for General Practice Residency (GPR), Advanced Education in General Dentistry (AEGD), Oral Maxillofacial Surgery (OMS), Pediatric Dentistry (PED), Orthodontics (ORTHO) and Dental Anesthesiology (ANES). The result has been an overall increase in number of applicants for these programs. Based on positions offered, ORTHO, PED, and OMS are the most competitive programs. PED programs were the most competitive due to the increase in applicants and relatively unchanged available positions.

Bichectomy, or Bichat fat pad removal, is a surgical procedure indicated when there is excess volume on the middle third of the face (bellow the cheekbones / zygoma) giving it a chubby or round look. The ideal candidates are men and women... more

Bichectomy, or Bichat fat pad removal, is a surgical procedure
indicated when there is excess volume on the middle third of the
face (bellow the cheekbones / zygoma) giving it a chubby or round
look. The ideal candidates are men and women who wish to achieve
a slimmer face appearance in this area, and it is also recommended
for patients with chronic cheek biting. Extra-oral photographs are
part of the preoperative clinical assessment and will be compared
with photographs taken postoperative (immediately after the
procedure, after 15 days, 45 days and the final evaluation after 4
months), when the facial contour and volume reduction will be

Introduction and Aim: Flipped classrooms learning refers to teaching and learning activities where students watch a lecture video outside the class and have hands-on activities in the class. There is growing concern among medical and... more

Introduction and Aim: Flipped classrooms learning refers to teaching and learning activities where students watch a lecture
video outside the class and have hands-on activities in the class. There is growing concern among medical and dental educators
that conventional modes of teaching neither create interest in students nor imparts a life-long respect for learning. The aim
of this study was to

Profession is a paid occupation involving prolonged and specialized preparation and training at the level of higher education. Dentist is a profession that focused on serving the oral health needs of patients and society, with the... more

Profession is a paid occupation involving prolonged and specialized preparation and training at the level of higher education. Dentist is a profession that focused on serving the oral health needs of patients and society, with the financial gain derived from the service they provided. Entrepreneurship in dentistry is undertaking both innovations and business acumen to transform them into economic goods.

Detoks; vücudumuza aldığımız toksinlerin dokulara zarar vermeden atılmasına verilen isimdir. Detoks nedir? Faydaları nelerdir? Detoks çeşitleri şeklinde günümüzde son derece kullanılan sorular karşımıza çıkar. Özellikle son yıllarda... more

Detoks; vücudumuza aldığımız toksinlerin dokulara zarar vermeden atılmasına verilen isimdir. Detoks nedir? Faydaları nelerdir? Detoks çeşitleri şeklinde günümüzde son derece kullanılan sorular karşımıza çıkar. Özellikle son yıllarda sağlıklı beslenme ve doğal beslenme çeşitleri popüler bir haldedir. Bunların yanında sağlıklı olmak için detoks da eklenmiştir. Çünkü vücuda alınan besinlerden yararlı olanların yanı sıra zararlı maddeler bulunur. Bu zararlı maddelerin dokulara zarar vermeden vücuttan atılması gereklidir. Detoks nedir? Faydaları nelerdir? Detoks çeşitleri konusuna tüm hücrelerin ihtiyacı vardır. Radyasyon, hava kirliliği, sigara, alkol, virüsler nedeni ile tüm organlarda zararlı maddeler birikir. Bu maddeler dokulara hasar vermeden dışarı atılmalıdır. Detoksa başlayarak vücudu arındırmak gereklidir. Bunun için ilk olarak devam eden bir takım alışkanlıklardan vazgeçmek gereklidir. Yaşam tarzını zaman içerisinde kademe kademe düzene sokmak doğru olacaktır. Detoks Faydaları Detorksun faydası sadece dokuları korumak değildir. Genel olarak saymak gerekirse detoksun faydaları:-Detoks enerji arttırır. Birçok kişi için detoks programı sonrası kötü alışkanlıklardan kurtulmak ve enerji artışı söz konusudur.-Atıklardan arındırma durumu söz konusudur. Vücuttaki zararlı maddeler dışarı atılır. Karaciğer, böbrekler ve bağırsaklar en faydalı şekilde çalışmaya başlar.-Biriken tuz ve kötü maddeleri dışarı atması nedeni ile zayıflatıcıdır.-Organların çalışması düzene girer. Böylelikle de bağışıklık sistemi güçlenir. Toksinlerin atılması ile organlar normal sistemlerine uygun olarak çalışır.-Cildin parlak ve sağlıklı görünmesi sağlanır.-Sağlıklı şekilde nefes alınır.-Beyin fonksiyonlarını düzenler. Berrak bir zihin oluşturur.-Detoks ile vitaminler doğru kullanıldığından saçlar güçlenir. Detoks Çeşitleri Detoks çeşitleri karşımıza ilgili etkiye göre değişiklik göstererek çıkmaktadır. Örneğin, sindirimi kolaylaştıran detoks, zinde hissetmek için detoks, ağrıları gideren detoks şeklinde sayılmaktadır. Detoks karışımlarının iç kısmı bu şekilde belirlenmektedir. Detoks çeşitleri denildiğinde, nane ve limon, nar, limon ve ananas, karpuz ve nane, portakal, elma ve havuç, salatalık ve nane, çiçek ve nane, elma ve tarçın şeklinde sıralama yapabiliriz. Genel olarak kişinin kendi ihtiyacına uygun çeşit ile detoks uygulaması gereklidir. Kaynak :

Shade matching in dental practice has been a great challenge for years. Shade matching has been carried out visually which proved unreliable and subjective. Alternatively, digital devices as spectrophotometer, colorimeter and digital... more

Shade matching in dental practice has been a great challenge for years. Shade matching has been carried out visually which proved unreliable and subjective. Alternatively, digital devices as spectrophotometer, colorimeter and digital photography were introduced which proved reliable but increased cost and time. The combination of patients requesting more esthetic restorations with dentists not willing to invest in expensive solutions, motivated researchers to investigate in new technologies for cost effective shade matching. Dental companies have offered smart apps with proposed techniques to benefit from high resolution built-in cameras of smart phones to facilitate shade matching. These smartphone-based colorimeter apps offered a low-cost, portable shade matching alternative, and allowed storing and sharing of the results. Accuracy and reliability of smart apps in dental shade matching are still questionable and requires development and optimization. It is recommended that researchers and software companies identify professionals' needs and to design appropriate technologies, that would improve and accelerate performance in color selection for both clinicians and dental technicians.

Background: A disproportionately higher number of individuals who succumb to the adverse effects of tobacco use reside in low and middle-income countries and this disparity is expected to widen further over the next several decades.... more

Background: A disproportionately higher number of individuals who succumb to the adverse effects of tobacco use reside in low and middle-income countries and this disparity is expected to widen further over the next several decades.
Materials And Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in arts & science colleges in Chennai District. The study was conducted among 492 arts and students in Chennai district. Convenient sampling methodology was followed and the google form link was shared among the students in arts and science colleges. Responses were collected and the results were tabulated. Descriptive statistics was used to describe the frequency distribution of the responses.
Results: Among 492 students, 86 (17.5%) reported to use tobacco. Majority of them that is 60 (70%) used cigarettes. Among the tobacco users, 53 (61.6%) tried to quit tobacco. Nearly half of the study participants, 288 (58.5%) reported that smoking should not to be allowed in university campus. Among 492 study participants, only 208 (42.2%) were aware that tobacco use leads to cancer.
Conclusion: Prevalence of tobacco use among the study participants was low. The knowledge related to ill effects of tobacco has to be improved.

Currently the BMD is only considered a risk factor that must be assessed in the context of age, sex, smoking, body weight, family history and / or personal fracture, etc [11, 27]. Management of osteoporosis patient by using medication... more

Currently the BMD is only considered a risk factor that must be assessed in the context of age, sex, smoking, body weight, family history and / or personal fracture, etc [11, 27]. Management of osteoporosis patient by using medication (bisphonates(Alendronate-Risendronate), Glucose calcium 500-1000 mg and vit D3 600 units) [41].

The Periodontal Ligament (PDL) provides support to the tooth in the bonny socket, in connecting the cementum and alveolar bone. The PDL width vary around 25 mm, including collagens and oxytalan fibers (Sharpey's fibers).... more

The Periodontal Ligament (PDL) provides support to the tooth in the bonny socket, in connecting the cementum and alveolar bone. The PDL width vary around 25 mm, including collagens and oxytalan fibers (Sharpey's fibers). Metalloproteinases play role in the turnover of type I collagen and other matrix proteins. The PDL is implicated in bone remodeling, cells nutrition and sensory events, namely as periodontal mechanoreceptors. The PDL generates and controls tooth eruption and ensures homeostasis between fibroblasts and bone cells. The PDL form, maintain and repair this interface. After dissociation of the cells of the Hertwig's Epithelial Root Sheath, epithelial rests of Malassez represent a unique source of stem cells population within the periodontal ligament. Extracellular matrix proteins (collagen, fibronectin and Secreted Proteins Acidic and Rich in Cysteine (SPARC), Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and Proteoglycans (PGs), Metalloproteinases (MMPs) and Tissue Inhibitors of Metalloproteinases (TIMP-1 to-4) are structural components of the PDL. This review explore: 2

Residual ridge resorption is a term that is used to describe the changes which affect the alveolar ridge following tooth extractions, which continue even after healing of the extraction socket throughout the life. The present study aims... more

Residual ridge resorption is a term that is used to describe the changes which affect the alveolar ridge following tooth extractions, which continue even after healing of the extraction socket throughout the life. The present study aims to evaluate the prevalence of different types of residual ridge resorption and its relation with demographic data among the Chennai population. This retrospective study was conducted among the patients visiting the outpatient department of a private dental
college. The data of patients with edentulous mandibles were evaluated from there available case sheets. The collected data was statistically analysed using IBM SPSS Software (20.0). We observed that, It can be seen that high well rounded is the most prevalent among all the age groups; The age group of 60-69 years shows the highest incidence of all the three types of RRR;There is no or little significant association between age and the type of RRR(Pearson chi-square value- 8.260; p-value- 0.603;phi- 0.145). It is observed that RRR is more prevalent among the male population; There is no or little significant association
between gender and the type of RRR(Pearson chi-square value- 2.529; p-value- 0.282; phi- 0.2); It can be seen that there is a significant association between the history of using a denture and the type of RRR(Pearson chi-square value-15.511 ; pvalue-0.001 ; phi-0.19 ). Within the limits of the study, It can be seen that high well rounded is the most prevalent among all the age groups; The age group of 60-69 years shows the highest incidence of all the three types of RRR; t is observed that
RRR is more prevalent among the male population; It can be seen that there is a significant association between the history of using a denture and the type of RRR.

Tobacco use is one among the harmful habit that kills its consumers. Tobacco is a risk factor for various conditions and is associated with various cancers. Tobacco addiction is attributed to nicotine present in the tobacco products.... more

Tobacco use is one among the harmful habit that kills its consumers. Tobacco is a risk factor for various conditions and is associated with various cancers. Tobacco addiction is attributed to nicotine present in the tobacco products. Smoking not only harms the smokers but also the persons who doesn’t smoke by means of second-hand smoke. Though various measures been initiated and implemented to curb the tobacco use, yet the complete success is not achieved. Coordinated effort by government agencies, community organisations, professional organisations at the national and international level are required for achieving the goal of tobacco control.

Objectives: To investigate the effects of acidic beverages regarding brushing on surface roughness and erosion of bulk-fill restorative materials. Methods: Sixty-seven specimens of each bulk-fill resin composite and giomer were prepared.... more

Objectives: To investigate the effects of acidic beverages regarding brushing on surface roughness and erosion of bulk-fill restorative materials.
Methods: Sixty-seven specimens of each bulk-fill resin composite and giomer were prepared. Baseline data of surface roughness and erosion were recorded using a profilometer and surface characteristics were examined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Three groups of discs (n = 22) were alternately immersed in 300 mL of each beverage for 5 s and in 300 mL of artificial saliva for 5 s for 10 cycles. After immersion, specimens were divided into two subgroups, the brushing group with automatic toothbrush for 2 s with a force of 2 N and the non-brushing group. This process was repeated every 8 hours. Surface roughness and erosion was recorded again on day 7, 14, 21, and 28, and surface characteristics were examined on day 28. The specimens were
evaluated and data were analyzed by repeated analysis of variance (ANOVA), Tukey’s honestly significant difference and t-test (α= 0.05).
Results: Coca-cola caused significantly greater roughness and erosion than other groups (P < 0.05). Giomer had significantly greater roughness and erosion than the bulk-fill resin composite (P < 0.05). Brushing groups caused a rougher surface than nonbrushing groups (P < 0.05).
Conclusions: The effects of coca-cola and orange juice on the surface roughness and erosion of bulk fill restorative materials depended on the physical and chemical composition of the restorative materials, pH of the beverages and brushing.

Background: Laser photobiomodulation can be a useful adjunctive method in tissue engineering in enhancement of proliferation and differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells. Buccal fat pad-derived stem cells (BFPSCs)has been introduced as a... more

Background: Laser photobiomodulation can be a useful adjunctive method in tissue engineering in enhancement of proliferation
and differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells. Buccal fat pad-derived stem cells (BFPSCs)has been introduced as a promising
source for craniofacial bone tissue engineering. Current study aimed to evaluate the effects of near infra-red photobiomodulation
on (BFPSCs)behavior.
Conclusion: According to the results of this study a pulsed mode of irradiations showed better viability results. Although the 3J/
cm2 0.3W, Pulsed irradiation showed significantly better results for viability and proliferation, however no statistically significant
effect was observed in osteogenic differentiation.

Objective: This study focuses on investigating the influence of the interproximal contact area and width on periodontal parameters. Materials and Methods: A total of 30 periodontitis subjects were involved in the study, and 661 teeth were... more

Objective: This study focuses on investigating the influence of the interproximal contact area and width on periodontal parameters. Materials and Methods: A total of 30 periodontitis subjects were involved in the study, and 661 teeth were selected for analysis. Periodontal parameters such as plaque score, gingiva score, clinical probing depth and radiographic bone level were recorded for each tooth. Upper and lower impressions were taken for construction of study models which were used for the measurement of interproximal contact area and width. simple linear regression (SLR) and multiple linear regressions (MLR) analysis were used to evaluate the relationship between periodontal parameters and interproximal dimension. Results: The SLR analyses consistently showed that the interproximal contact area and width were both significantly related with plaque score, gingiva score and bone level, and MLR analyses confirmed that both the interproximal contact area and width were significant predictors for each plaque score, gingiva score and bone level model. Conclusion: Within the limitation of the study, we can conclude that the interproximal contact area and width have a significant relationship with the presence of dental biofilm, gingival bleeding and bone level in the subjects susceptible to periodontal disease.

Biodentine is bioactive endodontic cement. This case series report contains some common clinical indications where Biodentine been used successfully and some off-label usage of this material, which has enabled successful clinical... more

Biodentine is bioactive endodontic cement. This case series report contains some common clinical indications where Biodentine been used successfully and some off-label usage of this material, which has enabled successful clinical outcomes. Cases present in the report are from the year 2016 to the present date.

The most common indication for periodontal splinting is to improve the prognosis of mobile teeth and patient comfort and provide better control of the occlusion if the anterior teeth are mobile, which is much widely accepted by the... more

The most common indication for periodontal splinting is to improve the prognosis of mobile teeth and patient comfort and provide better control of the occlusion if the anterior teeth are mobile, which is much widely accepted by the patient rather than extensive and invasive long term periodontal surgery and regenerative procedures. The aim of the present study is to assess the Prevalence of the Fiber with composite vs wire with composite for splinting at Saveetha Dental College. Retrospective data of 281 patients was obtained and segregated. The inclusion criteria included 6-70 years age group, underwent frenectomy/frenotomy and visited between June 2019 to April 2020.

The survival of the tooth after endodontic treatment is extremely important for the overall success and improvement of quality of life of the patient. This depends on the choice of the post-endodontic restoration. In the past,... more

The survival of the tooth after endodontic treatment is extremely important for the overall success and improvement of quality of life of the patient. This depends on the choice of the post-endodontic restoration. In the past, post-endodontics, it was advised to crown all teeth with full coverage restorations. Over the years, minimally invasive dentistry has become more popular among restorative dentists. Evidence has made clinicians and researchers realize that full coverage restorations are not advisable and that tremendous amounts of healthy tooth structure may be lost in the process. Recently, many more minimally invasive options are available to restore endodontically treated teeth. They include, partial coverage restorations, inlays, onlays,
overlays, and even simple resin composite cores. Although this minimal approach is quite tempting, some teeth do require more coverage. There are numerous factors that must be studied before a choice of post-endodontic restoration is made including, the type of tooth, the occlusal load on the tooth, number of missing teeth, the amount of remaining healthy tooth structure, position of the tooth, etc. Apart from this, newer materials have been introduced by manufacturers like zirconias,
lithium disilicate, leucite ceramics, etc. that provide better properties to the restorations The clinical decision making process might become quite confusing due to these reasons. A proper guideline is thus required, which includes all the parameters that need to be assessed before making a choice of post-endodontic restoration. Hence, this paper aims at reviewing the various options available today for post-endodontic restorations as well as formulating clinical practice guidelines to aid clinicians in making the correct choice of restoration of endodontically treated teeth.

The core of endodontic instrumentation lies in the cleaning, shaping and canal preparation. It is contemplated as an important step as it removes the vital and necrotic pulp which contains the microflora that can cause failure of the... more

The core of endodontic instrumentation lies in the cleaning,
shaping and canal preparation. It is contemplated as an important step as it removes the vital and necrotic pulp which contains
the microflora that can cause failure of the endodontic treatment
[1, 2]. Furthermore, the debris that contains the chips of dentin,
other organic and inorganic content block the canals for proper
flow of sealer leading to a poor obturation. Several studies have
been conducted and regardthat the debris should be completely
removed for a successful endodontic treatment. For this purpose,
the canals are thoroughly instrumented with both hand and rotary
instruments in an effort to remove the debris totally.

Abstract Objective: To evaluate and compare the shear bond strength (in vitro) and survival rate (in vivo) of molar tubes with conventional and modified mesh base designs. Materials and Methods: Molar tubes of two different base design ie... more

Objective: To evaluate and compare the shear bond strength (in vitro) and survival rate (in vivo) of molar tubes with conventional and modified mesh base designs.
Materials and Methods: Molar tubes of two different base design ie conventional (American Orthodontics) and modified base design (Ortho Organizers) were evaluated and compared for shear bond strength and survival. 20 molar tubes of each type were bonded on freshly extracted first permanent molars. Shear bond strength was tested using a Universal testing machine. 20 patients requiring fixed orthodontic treatment were selected. Molar tubes with two different base designs were placed on alternate sides in the four quadrants so that each arch had molar tubes of both types. Survival of the bonded tubes was evaluated monthly for a period of six months.
Results: Molar tubes having conventional mesh base design showed greater shear bond strength (10.49 Mpa) as compared to modified mesh base design (10.41 Mpa). The difference was found to be statistically significant (p=0.004). However, tubes with a modified mesh base (OO) showed a greater survival rate (95%) compared to those with conventional mesh base (85%).
Conclusion: Molar tubes with conventional mesh base design bonded with Transbond XT showed greater shear bond strength than molar tubes with modified mesh base design. Molar tubes with modified mesh base design showed a greater survival rate than molar tubes with conventional mesh base design.
Keywords: Shear bond strength, Molar tubes, Universal testing machine.

An innovative technique has been developed for treatment planning and treatment of patients with partial and total loss of teeth using artificial neural networks (ANNs) to optimize and predict the timing of early loading of implants.... more

An innovative technique has been developed for treatment planning and treatment of patients with partial and total loss of
teeth using artificial neural networks (ANNs) to optimize and predict the timing of early loading of implants.
Predicting the orthopedic loading at all stages of dental treatment makes it possible to speed up the patient's rehabilitation and
shorten the treatment time through a combined intelligent, digital, and automated approach.
The surgical and orthopedic treatment of 89 patients was performed using this technique. The control group consisted of
patients with total and partial secondary adentia, who underwent planning and subsequent surgical and orthopedic treatment
according to the traditional procedure.
It became possible to accurately predict the loadingofthe implants with a prosthetic restoration and to reduce the period
of permanent prosthetics compared to the control group, achieve early osseointegration, and quickly carry out orthopedic
rehabilitation of the patient. In most cases, the need for surgery to increase the volume of soft tissue around the implants
disappears, which excludes the possibility of causing additional injuries.

Background: Blue tea is a caffeine-free herbal infusion produced by dried or fresh Clitoria ternatea plant leaves. The blue tea is high in antioxidants, which shield the body from free radical damage. Aim: The aim of this study was to... more

Background: Blue tea is a caffeine-free herbal infusion produced by dried or fresh Clitoria ternatea plant leaves. The blue tea is high in antioxidants, which shield the body from free radical damage. Aim: The aim of this study was to prepare mouthwash using blue tea and to assess its cytotoxic activity. Materials and Methods: 5 gms of the dried leaves of Clitoria ternatea plant was taken in 100 ml of water and then boiled. It is later cooled down, filtered and thus forming the extract. For the mouthwash, 0.3 grams of sucrose, 0.001 grams of preservative and 0.01 gms of sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS) was added to 1 ml of concentrated extract and then 10 ml of distilled water was added. Brine shrimp lethality assay technique was used to assess the cytotoxic effect. Results: Unpaired t test showed that the number of brine shrimps alive after 24 hours in Clitoria ternatea mouthwash was significantly lesser when compared to the control at various concentrations even though the magnitude of difference was lesser at higher concentrations (p>0.05). Also, the comparison of the mean brine shrimp count alive after 24 hours between different concentrations and the control was calculated using a one way ANOVA test. There was a significant decrease in the number of brine shrimps from lower concentration to higher concentration (p>0.05). Conclusion: The present study reveals that the prepared blue tea extract based mouthwash exhibited cytotoxic activity at various concentrations even though the magnitude of difference was lesser at higher concentrations.

Periodontal dressings were first introduced by Dr. A.W Ward in 1923. Since then, they have been used as surgical dressings in periodontal surgical wounds. Protecting the wound from mechanical trauma and stability of the surgical site... more

Periodontal dressings were first introduced by Dr. A.W Ward in 1923. Since then, they have been used as surgical dressings in periodontal surgical wounds. Protecting the wound from mechanical trauma and stability of the surgical site during the healing process are important advantages of periodontal dressing application after surgery [7, 15, 16]. It also provides good adaptation to underlying gingival and bone tissue, prevents post-operative haemorrhage or infection and decreases tooth hypersensitivity in the first hours after surgery. The periodontal dressing is known to protect the clot from forces applied during speaking or chewing [17, 18].

Bu sunumda diş hekimlerinin çalışma koşulları ve daha sağlıklı ve güvenli nasıl çalışmaları gerektiği ele alınmıştır. temel olarak üç unsur ele alınmıştır. Çalışma koşullarının güvenliği ve özellikle de laboratuvar koşullarının güvenliği,... more

Bu sunumda diş hekimlerinin çalışma koşulları ve daha sağlıklı ve güvenli nasıl çalışmaları gerektiği ele alınmıştır. temel olarak üç unsur ele alınmıştır. Çalışma koşullarının güvenliği ve özellikle de laboratuvar koşullarının güvenliği, radyasyon ve radyolojik açıdan güvenlik ve ALARA PRENSİBİ, enfeksiyon ve çeşitli hastalıklara karşı sağlık açıdan güvenlik ile çalışma koşulları açıdan daha sağlıklı nasıl çalışılmalı konuları ele alınmıştır. Bu konuda belkide ilk kez hazırlanmış bu sunumun ilginizi çekeceğini düşünüyorum. Bu sunum 7 aralık 2017 tarihinde saat 19 da M.E.G.A SÜREKLİ VE ÜCRETSİZ EĞİTİMLER 6.OTURUMunda Diş hekimlerine anlatılmıştır. Sunumun adı DİŞ HEKİMLİĞİNDE İŞ SAĞLIĞI VE İŞ GÜVENLİĞİ olarak belirlenmiştir.

Aim: Dental Erosion is clinically defined as the progressive and irreversible loss of dental hard tissue caused by a chemical process of acid dissolution that does not involve bacteria. Dental Erosion can have intrinsic or extrinsic... more

Aim: Dental Erosion is clinically defined as the progressive and irreversible loss of dental hard tissue caused by a chemical process of acid dissolution that does not involve bacteria. Dental Erosion can have intrinsic or extrinsic causes. There is growing evidence of considerable increase in consumption of erosive drinks. This aim of this study was to assess the knowledge among the general public towards the awareness of the association between diet and dental erosion. Materials and Methods: The present study is a cross sectional, descriptive questionnaire study conducted among the general public in Tamilnadu, India. A descriptive questionnaire survey was conducted among 325 participants regarding dental erosion and its association with diet from August to October,2019. Data were analysed by using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) including Mean, Standard Deviation and Chi-Square Test.(p value<0.05). Results: Lack of awareness of the association between diet and dental erosion was found among the General Public. Since the p-value is significant there is a correlation between most of the groups and variables in this study. The Chi-square test results showed that there was significant impact in most of the variables of this study. Conclusion: This cross-sectional descriptive study shows a majority of the general public are associated with the consumption of potentially erosive drinks. They do not have adequate knowledge about dental erosion and its associated diet factors. Hence, establishing awareness among the general public regarding dental erosion and its association with diet is mandatory.

Background: Dry socket is the most common complication following tooth extraction. However, it is a painful and annoying condition for the patient, and up to the present time the causes of this condition have not been precisely... more

Background: Dry socket is the most common complication following tooth extraction. However, it is a painful and annoying condition for the patient, and up to the present time the causes of this condition have not been precisely determined, and the proposed treatments aim to relieve symptoms, until the socket heals itself. Aim: The main objective of this study is to compare the efficacy of Alo evera extract and Alvogyl in pain relief associated with dry socket. Materials and Methods: 40 patients (ranged from 29 to 60 years), who had dry socket after tooth extraction in the molar region, were included in the study. They were divided equally and randomly into two groups: group A (Aloe vera) and group B (Alvogyl). Pain values were recorded in the two groups after 2, and 7 days. Results: After 2, and 7 days Aloe vera showed a statistically significant difference in relieving pain compared to Alvogyl (pvalue < 0.05). Conclusion: The use of Aloevera extract shows promising results in terms of pain relief in patients with dry socket.

Objective: The purpose of this review was to present general data of cannabinoids, its function related to orofacial pain management, and its adverse effects. Methods: The data was searched through PubMed database and Google Scholars by... more

Objective: The purpose of this review was to present general data of cannabinoids, its function related to orofacial pain management, and its adverse effects. Methods: The data was searched through PubMed database and Google Scholars by various keywords without time limits. Hand searching and citation mining were also applied. Unpublished, incomplete, non-English data were excluded. Results: The presence of cannabinoids receptors throughout orofacial tissues has been reported, which could be a therapeutic site of action. Only in neuropathic pain, cannabinoids have been proven to be successful over conventional treatment. More clinical approvals of its analgesic effects are extremely required for pain originating from other tissues. When prescribing cannabis, dentists should be cautious about its adverse effects in many systems. Conclusion: Currently, cannabinoids have not been officially endorsed for analgesic effects in orofacial area. It can be useful for neuropathic orofacial pain especially when the standard treatment was unsuccessful.

The aim of this study was to evaluate the styloid process and its anatomical variations on the orthopantomographs (OPG) of patients who do not have symptoms of Eagle’s syndrome. The styloid process arises from the temporal bone. The... more

The aim of this study was to evaluate the styloid process and its anatomical variations on the orthopantomographs (OPG) of patients who do not have symptoms of Eagle’s syndrome. The styloid process arises from the temporal bone. The normal length of the styloid ranges between 20 to 30 mm. Any elongations beyond the normal range is considered as an elongated styloid process. Three muscles originate from the styloid process, the styloglossus, stylohyoid, and stylopharyngeus. This study was carried in a random sample of 100 patients (50 males and 50 females), who were divided into two age groups, 10-40 years of age and 41-70 years of age. The orthopantomographs used for the assessment of the styloid process was obtained by reviewing the case sheets of the patients visiting the hospital. The data was collected and tabulated in the excel sheets, and was transferred to the SPSS software for statistical analysis. From the present study, it was evident that the normal type of styloid process was observed on both sides.(right side- 40% and left side 38%). The most common type of calcification of styloid processes found in the right and left sides were the partially calcified type. (Right-48% and left-57%). Partially calcified type of styloid process was commonly observed in both age groups. (10-40 years :30%, 41-70 years:18% on the right side and 10-40 years:32%, 41-70 years: 25%).

Serial extraction treatment is interceptive treatment to resolve arch length / tooth mass discrepancy. It follows serial extraction of primary teeth to facilitate the eruption of the 1st premolar and then extract it. In our case we... more

Serial extraction treatment is interceptive treatment to resolve arch length / tooth mass discrepancy. It follows serial extraction of primary teeth to facilitate the eruption of the 1st premolar and then extract it. In our case we present modification for the serial extraction treatmentby extraction of the 2nd premolars instead of the 1rs premolars. We believe that this is good modification to the serial extraction patterns, especially in cases with abnormal eruption sequence.

The purpose of this review is to present the physiological background leading to the submission of the gingival melanosis or hyperpigmentation of the oral mucosa, which can occur very frequently in our community and the aesthetic... more

The purpose of this review is to present the physiological background leading to the submission of the gingival melanosis or hyperpigmentation of the oral mucosa, which can occur very frequently in our community and the aesthetic involvement that this causes in patients. Similarly all treatment alternatives that can help us address this altered mucosa are shown, highlighting a surgical procedure by mucoabrasion with scalpel blade and rotary devices held in a case showing how easy and effective can be this technique. KIRU. 2014;11(2):184-9.