Digestive and Liver Diseases Research Papers (original) (raw)

Pancreatic cancer is the fourth leading cause of cancer deaths in the USA in both sexes. Early diagnosis is difficult and the overall mortality rate is high. Individuals at high risk for pancreatic cancer include smokers, and persons with... more

Pancreatic cancer is the fourth leading cause of cancer deaths in the USA in both sexes. Early diagnosis is difficult and the overall mortality rate is high. Individuals at high risk for pancreatic cancer include smokers, and persons with all forms of chronic alcoholic, metabolic, tropical or hereditary pancreatitis. The duration of exposure to inflammation seems to be the major factor involved in the transition from benign to malignant condition. Smoking, which appears to further accelerate the carcinogenic transformation, remains the strongest risk factor amenable to preventive intervention.

Background. Use of sulphasalazine in ulcerative colitis patients is hampered by a variety of side-effects, including male infertility. 5-aminosalicylic acid is better tolerated and has been increasingly used to treat patients... more

Background. Use of sulphasalazine in ulcerative colitis patients is hampered by a variety of side-effects, including male infertility. 5-aminosalicylic acid is better tolerated and has been increasingly used to treat patients intolerant/allergic to sulphasalazine but it may also be associated with side-effects.Aim. To evaluate tolerance of long-term treatment with sulphasalazine and 5-aminosalicylic acid in ulcerative colitis.Methods. Side-effects to sulphasalazine (2–3

The available self-report questionnaire for the quality of life in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC-40) is currently validated only in the British population but it lacks an evaluation of its dimensionality.To validate the... more

The available self-report questionnaire for the quality of life in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC-40) is currently validated only in the British population but it lacks an evaluation of its dimensionality.To validate the Italian and Japanese versions of PBC-40 and to assess the dimensionality of the original structure of PBC-40 by a confirmatory factor analysis. PBC-40 was translated to Italian and Japanese using the forward–backward method and then reviewed in focus groups in the framework of a large multicentric study.A sample of 290 patients with PBC (125 Italian and 165 Japanese) was administered two questionnaires previously validated for PBC-specific (PBC-40) and general quality of life (SF-36).The confirmatory model failed to fit adequately the original hypothesized structure. A principal component analysis led to a seven-factor structure, with exclusion of 13 items characterized by lower load; PBC-27 questionnaire was the final instrument. The validity of the PBC-27 was supported by its strong correlation with the SF-36 scores.We here propose an alternative structure of the quality of life questionnaire for PBC, namely PBC-27, which appears to be effective in detecting the impact of PBC on quality of life in Italian and Japanese patients.

Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency has been observed in some diabetics with peripheral neuropathy and diarrhea. Several mechanisms may be responsible for this insufficiency: (1) pancreatic atrophy, (2) disruption of the cholinergic... more

Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency has been observed in some diabetics with peripheral neuropathy and diarrhea. Several mechanisms may be responsible for this insufficiency: (1) pancreatic atrophy, (2) disruption of the cholinergic enteropancreatic reflexes, or (3) elevated serum levels of peptides such as glucagon and pancreatic polypeptide which are known to inhibit pancreatic exocrine secretion. To clarify the mechanism(s) involved in this exocrine pancreatic impairment, we studied 10 diabetics with diarrhea and peripheral neuropathy. Their results were compared to those of eight normal volunteers. Each subject underwent a standardized pancreatic function study which assessed nonstimulated secretion, the response to intrajejunal infusion of a mixture of amino acids, and the output following intravenous administration of secretin and cholecystokinin (CCK). In separate studies, the effect of a background infusion of bethanechol and secretin on the pancreatic response to CCK was assessed in six patients and six normal controls. Compared to normals, all diabetics exhibited a significant reduction in both enzyme and bicarbonate secretion to all stimuli. This reduction was not corrected by administering bethanechol. Plasma glucagon and pancreatic polypeptide levels in diabetics were not significantly higher than those in controls. We conclude that diabetics with diarrhea and peripheral neuropathy exhibit impairment of their exocrine pancreatic secretion and possible mechanisms for this are discussed.

Cholangiocarcinoma (CC) is a rare cancer arising from the epithelium of the biliary tree, anywhere from the small peripheral hepatic ducts to the distal common bile duct. Classification systems for CC typically group tumours by anatomical... more

Cholangiocarcinoma (CC) is a rare cancer arising from the epithelium of the biliary tree, anywhere from the small peripheral hepatic ducts to the distal common bile duct. Classification systems for CC typically group tumours by anatomical location into intrahepatic, hilar or extrahepatic subtypes. Surgical resection or liver transplantation remains the only curative therapy for CC, but up to 80% of patients present with advanced, irresectable disease. Unresectable CC remains resistant to many chemotherapeutic agents, although gemcitabine, particularly in combination with other agents, has been shown to improve overall survival. Ongoing investigation of biological agents has also yielded some promising results. Several novel interventional and endoscopic techniques for the diagnosis and management of non-operable CC have been developed: initial results show improvements in symptoms and progression-free survival, but further randomised studies are required to establish their role in t...

This study reports the reliability and validity of the distress subscale of the GERD Symptom Assessment Scale (GSAS) and the acute SF-36 Health Survey in a clinical trial setting. Patients with moderately severe GERD completed the GSAS... more

This study reports the reliability and validity of the distress subscale of the GERD Symptom Assessment Scale (GSAS) and the acute SF-36 Health Survey in a clinical trial setting. Patients with moderately severe GERD completed the GSAS and SF-36 at baseline and four weeks following treatment. The age (mean +/- SD) of the 187 patients was 45.5 +/- 11.1 years and most were female (63%) and Caucasian (78%). All scales met the 0.70 reliability criterion except for the SF-36 bodily pain scale. Mean baseline GSAS scores were significantly (P < 0.001) poorer by 10-17% among patients reporting more severe levels of all symptoms. Mean baseline SF-36 physical component summary scores were significantly (P < 0.02) poorer among patients reporting more severe levels of regurgitation, early satiety, bloating, and nausea. Patients reporting complete and satisfactory heartburn relief reported improvements in GSAS scores that were 13% and 10% greater, respectively, than patients who did not ex...

... 24. Muckle TJ: Low in-vivo adhesive-platelet count in hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia. ... Hanna W, McCarroll D, Lin D, Chan W, McDonald TP, Chen J, Congdon C, Lange RD: A study of a Caucasian family with variant von... more

... 24. Muckle TJ: Low in-vivo adhesive-platelet count in hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia. ... Hanna W, McCarroll D, Lin D, Chan W, McDonald TP, Chen J, Congdon C, Lange RD: A study of a Caucasian family with variant von Willebrand's disease in association with vascular ...

The use of angiotensin II antagonists in the treatment of portal hypertension remains controversial. Our aims were to assess the effect of Irbesartan on portal pressure and to evaluate its safety in cirrhotic patients with portal... more

The use of angiotensin II antagonists in the treatment of portal hypertension remains controversial. Our aims were to assess the effect of Irbesartan on portal pressure and to evaluate its safety in cirrhotic patients with portal hypertension. Twenty-five cirrhotic patients were treated in a pilot study with Irbesartan 300 mg orally once daily for 60 days. Hemodynamic evaluations and biochemical tests were performed before therapy and after two months of treatment. Three patients (12%) discontinued treatment for symptomatic arterial hypotension (mean arterial pressure -26.% +/- 3.1 versus basal). In the 18 responders, the hepatic venous pressure gradient diminished by a mean of 18.1% +/- 10.5 from baseline (p = 0.02); the gradient decreased by 20% or more in only 5 patients (23%). The mean arterial pressure decreased significantly during therapy (92 +/- 7 vs 109 +/- 25 mm Hg, P < 0.001). In conclusions, Irbesartan induced a marginal reduction in portal pressure and its safety was...

We quantified hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA at different times in plasma and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) in 51 patients with chronic hepatitis C undergoing inter-feron-α2a (IFN-α2a) therapy. HCV RNA loads in plasma correlated... more

We quantified hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA at different times in plasma and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) in 51 patients with chronic hepatitis C undergoing inter-feron-α2a (IFN-α2a) therapy. HCV RNA loads in plasma correlated with those in PBMC before and ...

Splanchnic and systemic arteriolar vasodilationplays an important role in ascites formation incirrhosis. Octreotide produces splanchnicvasoconstriction, but the effects on systemichemodynamics and renal function are controversial. This... more

Splanchnic and systemic arteriolar vasodilationplays an important role in ascites formation incirrhosis. Octreotide produces splanchnicvasoconstriction, but the effects on systemichemodynamics and renal function are controversial. This studyevaluated the effect of subcutaneous octreotideadministration on systemic hemodynamics, endogenousvasoactive systems, and renal function in cirrhoticpatients with ascites. Twenty patients were included: 10received octreotide 250 μg/12 hr subcutaneously (forfive days), and 10 did not. No statistically significantchanges were found in mean arterial pressure and cardiac rate. Octreotide induced astatistically significant decrease in plasma reninactivity (P < 0.01), plasma aldosterone (P = 0.01)and plasma glucagon (P < 0.05). No significantvariations were observed in other systemic vasoactivesubstances (nitric oxide and prostacyclin). Renalfunction was not modified in either group. Inconclusion, in cirrhotic patients with ascites,subcutaneous octreotide administration decreases plasma glucagon, reninactivity, and aldosterone without changing in systemichemodynamics or renal function.

Bile acid malabsorption (BAM) has been described in patients with collagenous colitis. There are no similar studies in lymphocytic colitis. The possibility that BAM might not necessarily be part of the microscopic colitis process and that... more

Bile acid malabsorption (BAM) has been described in patients with collagenous colitis. There are no similar studies in lymphocytic colitis. The possibility that BAM might not necessarily be part of the microscopic colitis process and that both entities could simply be concomitant has not been evaluated. Our aim was to assess the frequency and severity of BAM in patients with microscopic colitis as well as in patients with previously unexplained functional chronic diarrhea. Likewise, we wanted to investigate the effect of cholestyramine on the induction and maintenance of remission of these conditions. A [75Se]HCAT abdominal retention test was performed in 26 patients with collagenous colitis, 25 with lymphocytic colitis, and 32 with previously unexplained functional chronic diarrhea. Patients with microscopic colitis who had BAM as well as a subgroup of eight collagenous colitis patients without BAM received treatment with cholestyramine. All patients with previously unexplained chronic diarrhea who had BAM were treated with cholestyramine. Twenty-two (43.1%) patients with microscopic colitis and 24 (75%) patients with previously unexplained functional chronic diarrhea presented with BAM. The frequency of BAM was higher in lymphocytic colitis than in collagenous colitis (60% vs 27%; P = 0.025). Cholestyramine induced clinical remission in 19 of 22 patients with microscopic colitis and BAM, none of eight patients with collagenous colitis without BAM, and all patients with previously unexplained chronic diarrhea and BAM. In conclusion, BAM seems to be common in patients with microscopic colitis—mainly in lymphocytic colitis—and in those with previously unexplained functional chronic diarrhea, suggesting that idiopathic BAM and microscopic colitis are often concomitant conditions. In this setting, cholestyramine seems to be highly effective in stopping diarrhea.