Dirac Notation Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Bu pdf fizik (veya astronomi, matematik) lisans öğrencilerine kuantum mekaniğinin kullandığı matematiğin göründüğü kadar karmaşık olmadığını göstermek amacıyla Cohen ve Shankar'ı kaynak alarak oluşturduğum yaklaşık 80 sayfalık bir... more

Bu pdf fizik (veya astronomi, matematik) lisans öğrencilerine kuantum mekaniğinin kullandığı matematiğin göründüğü kadar karmaşık olmadığını göstermek amacıyla Cohen ve Shankar'ı kaynak alarak oluşturduğum yaklaşık 80 sayfalık bir nottur. Parçacıkları artık doğrudan üç konum ve üç momentum ile tanımlamak (ara ara klasik mekaniğe de değiniyorum) yerine bir dalga fonksiyonu ile tanımlayarak başlayıp küresel harmonikler ile bitiriyorum. Spin operatörü için kuantum mekaniği II'de devam edeceğim.

Dopo i preliminari filosofici sulla dialettica da usare nella trattazione della relatività, la si analizza considerandone gli aspetti concettuali, formali, linguistici, fisici e matematici, con accenni di speciazione biologica, sino... more

Dopo i preliminari filosofici sulla dialettica da usare nella trattazione della relatività, la si analizza considerandone gli aspetti concettuali, formali, linguistici, fisici e matematici, con accenni di speciazione biologica, sino all'unificazione in un unico sistema.

In this paper we will try to provide arguments for the thesis that language is a physical system aiming at justificative adequacy: what architectural properties license the occurrence of certain emergent phenomena. We will claim that the... more

In this paper we will try to provide arguments for the thesis that language is a physical system aiming at justificative adequacy: what architectural properties license the occurrence of certain emergent phenomena. We will claim that the derivational dynamics that can be found in language (and other systems of the mind) should be analyzed from the perspective of complex non-linear systems, as an open dynamic system. We will propose an oscillatory engine for linguistic
computations, which yields cycles as a natural emergent property given mutually incompatible tendencies between output conditions: global semantic effects and local linearization requirements. This architecture, in which structure building is conditioned by irreconciliable conditions, configures a kind of dynamical system well known in physics: a dynamical frustration. We will attempt to show that interesting effects arise when we consider that there is a dynamical frustration at the core of cognitive dynamics.

In this paper, the Dirac-Feynman path calculation approach is applied to analyse finite time ruin probability of a surplus process exposed to reinsurance by capital injections. Several reinsurance optimization problems on optimum... more

In this paper, the Dirac-Feynman path calculation approach is applied to analyse finite time ruin probability of a surplus process exposed to reinsurance by capital injections. Several reinsurance optimization problems on optimum insurance and reinsurance premium with respect to retention level are investigated and numerically illustrated. The retention level is chosen to decrease the finite time ruin probability and to guarantee that reinsurance premium covers an average of overall capital injections. All computations are based on Dirac-Feynman path calculation approach applied to the convolution type operators perturbed by Injection operator (shift type operator). In addition, the effect of the Injection operator on ruin probability is analysed.

A basic reformulation of money theory, applying a slightly altered Dirac's algebra, which I am giving account for (particularly in composition of matrices and vectors); and applying the basic principles of quantum mechanics coded by... more

A basic reformulation of money theory, applying a slightly altered Dirac's algebra, which I am giving account for (particularly in composition of matrices and vectors); and applying the basic principles of quantum mechanics coded by Feynman, in order to explain how money flows through an economic system, meaning a circular model of money supply. That should explain why “natural” distributions of money (out of political control) tend to realize unfair or unsustainable solutions.

This article explores ‘Implicate Order’ and its application to understand the overall system’s behavior. Especially, in the light of major system transformations that might be on the anvil owing to multi-agent model based global... more

This article explores ‘Implicate Order’ and its application to understand the overall system’s behavior. Especially, in the light of major system transformations that might be on the anvil owing to multi-agent model based global integration of governmental and business systems becoming a possibility. This will certainly introduce a need for a pluralistic framework to incorporate individual behaviors stemming from its local agent model and finally building up into a global multi-agent model behaviors. Furthermore, this article exposes the inadequacies in the prevailing methods, such as the Cartesian system in describing the system and proposes ‘Implicate Order’ based system as an Ontology to describe and study the Enterprise Architecture.

The Hilbert book test model is a purely mathematical test model that starts from a solid foundation from which the whole model can be derived by using trustworthy mathematical methods. What is known about physical reality is used as a... more

The Hilbert book test model is a purely mathematical test model that starts from a solid foundation from which the whole model can be derived by using trustworthy mathematical methods. What is known about physical reality is used as a guidance, but the model is not claimed to be a proper reflection of physical reality. The mathematical toolkit still contains holes. These holes will be encountered during the development of the model and suggestions are made how those gaps can be filled. Some new insights are obtained and some new mathematical methods are introduced. The selected foundation is interpreted as part of a recipe for modular construction and that recipe is applied throughout the development of the model. This development is an ongoing project. The main law of physics appears to be a commandment: " Thou shalt construct in a modular way " .

The Hilbert book test model is a purely mathematical test model that starts from a solid foundation from which the whole model can be derived by using trustworthy mathematical methods. What is known about physical reality is used as a... more

The Hilbert book test model is a purely mathematical test model that starts from a solid foundation from which the whole model can be derived by using trustworthy mathematical methods. What is known about physical reality is used as a guidance, but the model is not claimed to be a proper reflection of physical reality. The mathematical toolkit still contains holes. These holes will be encountered during the development of the model and suggestions are made how those gaps can be filled. Some new insights are obtained and some new mathematical methods are introduced. The selected foundation is interpreted as part of a recipe for modular construction and that recipe is applied throughout the development of the model. This development is an ongoing project. The main law of physics appears to be a commandment: “Thou shalt construct in a modular way”. The paper reveals the possible origin of several physical concepts. This paper shows that it is possible to discover a mathematical structu...