Discovery Learning Research Papers - (original) (raw)

In this paper, the implementation of a neural network-based fuzzy modeling approach to assess aspects of students' learning style in the discovery learning environment “Vectors in Physics and Mathematics” is presented. Fuzzy logic is... more

In this paper, the implementation of a neural network-based fuzzy modeling approach to assess aspects of students' learning style in the discovery learning environment “Vectors in Physics and Mathematics” is presented. Fuzzy logic is used to provide a linguistic description of ...

In this paper the fuzzy knowledge representation of a neural network-based fuzzy model is presented. The model is used to assess student's motivational state in a discovery learning environment. Student's observable behavior and... more

In this paper the fuzzy knowledge representation of a neural network-based fuzzy model is presented. The model is used to assess student's motivational state in a discovery learning environment. Student's observable behavior and motivational factors are described with linguistic variables. The inputs of the model are tailored from real students' data, with the assistance of a group of expert teachers. Results of our preliminary study were encouraging, since data obtained from real students' log files, have been successfully used to form the membership functions that assign membership degrees to the linguistic values of the linguistic variables.

A case study of 10 PYP teachers of Mandarin as a foreign language in Hong Kong and the implementation of inquiry in their classes. The study seeks to find out how much is an inquiry-based approach, as designed by the IBO, applied in... more

A case study of 10 PYP teachers of Mandarin as a foreign language in Hong Kong and the implementation of inquiry in their classes. The study seeks to find out how much is an inquiry-based approach, as designed by the IBO, applied in Mandarin classes, which are its advantages and challenges and which kind of support is needed to overcome the difficulties faced by the teachers.

The authors advocate the teaching of history at an early age, working about learning of time, (already observed in the current curriculum), and historical contents and procedures to historical research. And from experimental experience... more

The authors advocate the teaching of history at an early age, working about learning of time, (already observed in the
current curriculum), and historical contents and procedures
to historical research. And from experimental experience
with positive results.

Discovery learning approaches to education have recently come under scrutiny , with many studies indicating limitations to discovery learning practices. Therefore, 2 meta-analyses were conducted using a sample of 164 studies: The 1st... more

Discovery learning approaches to education have recently come under scrutiny , with many studies indicating limitations to discovery learning practices. Therefore, 2 meta-analyses were conducted using a sample of 164 studies: The 1st examined the effects of unassisted discovery learning versus explicit instruction, and the 2nd examined the effects of enhanced and/or assisted discovery versus other types of instruction (e.g., explicit, unassisted discovery). Random effects analyses of 580 comparisons revealed that outcomes were favorable for explicit instruction when compared with unassisted discovery under most conditions (d ϭ -0.38, 95% CI [-.44, Ϫ.31]). In contrast, analyses of 360 comparisons revealed that outcomes were favorable for enhanced discovery when compared with other forms of instruction (d ϭ 0.30, 95% CI [.23, .36]). The findings suggest that unassisted discovery does not benefit learners, whereas feedback, worked examples, scaffolding, and elicited explanations do.

ÖZET: Yıllar boyunca pek çok araştırmacı ve eğitimci tarafından, farklı öğrenme yaklaşımları geliştirilmiş ve öğrenmenin nasıl gerçekleştiği açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır. Bu öğrenme yaklaşımlarını hayata geçirebilmek için, bu yaklaşımları... more

ÖZET: Yıllar boyunca pek çok araştırmacı ve eğitimci tarafından, farklı öğrenme yaklaşımları geliştirilmiş ve öğrenmenin nasıl gerçekleştiği açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır. Bu öğrenme yaklaşımlarını hayata geçirebilmek için, bu yaklaşımları temel alan öğrenme ortamları geliştirilmiştir. Bu makalede, matematik konularındaki öğrenmeleri açıklamaya daha uygun görülen iki öğrenme yaklaşımı, "Buluş Yoluyla Öğrenme" ve "Anlamlı Öğrenme" yaklaşımları, tanıtılmış ve karşılaştırılmıştır. Daha sonra bu iki öğrenme yaklaşımının sınıflara nasıl taşınabileceğine örnek oluşturmak amacı ile "İki Terimin Toplamının Karesi" konusu üzerine, bu yaklaşımları temel alan ders planları sunulmuştur.

Dạy học khám phá, dạy học khám phá định lý, phần mềm GeoGebra ABSTRACT Teaching theorems is one of the important tasks of the teachers ofmathematics. A problem which is under concerns of many teachers to conduct reseach is how to teach... more

Dạy học khám phá, dạy học khám phá định lý, phần mềm GeoGebra ABSTRACT Teaching theorems is one of the important tasks of the teachers ofmathematics. A problem which is under concerns of many teachers to conduct reseach is how to teach theorems of mathematics actively. Discovery teaching method has been studied by educators around the world and in Vietnam. Recently, several authors have proposed models for teaching theorems by discovery method and teachers can apply these models in teaching effectively. This paper introduces a model for teaching theorems by discovery method with the support of GeoGebra software. This model shows the main steps that teachers can apply in discovery teaching.

Our research is focused on the selection, classification and comparative presentation of the various proposals concerning the contribution of the history of physics in physics education, that have been designed and/or carried out as part... more

Our research is focused on the selection, classification and comparative presentation of the various proposals concerning the contribution of the history of physics in physics education, that have been designed and/or carried out as part of either research or curriculum development during the last century. The framework of the classification is the result of the study of the aims of the teaching-learning of physics, as they have been presented since the 1960s, coupled with the current trends in science education, including discovery learning in the 1960s and constructivism nowadays. The study of the various proposals concerning the contribution of the history of physics in physics education revealed different points of view and led to the creation of new sub-categories of the initial framework. In an attempt to havea better overall view of the classification, we designed a chart so that the various proposals reported could be observed and commented on in a comparative way. The framework of the classification is presented on the vertical axis of a chart, while time from 1893, the year of the earliest reference available (Lodge 1893), till today is presented on the horizontal axis.

This paper describes some of Jerome Bruner’s big ideas. His learning theory posits that learning is an active process in which learners construct new knowledge based on their current knowledge. A closer look at some of the basic... more

This paper describes some of Jerome Bruner’s big ideas. His learning theory posits that learning is an active process in which learners construct new knowledge based on their current knowledge. A closer look at some of the basic elements of Bruner’s ideas related to teaching and learning are included.

(2006:12) bahwa prinsip metode discovery dapat dijelaskan sebagai sebuah prosedur mengajar yang menekankan pada belajar perseorangan. Adapun prinsip discoverysebagai sebuah metode yaitu: 1) proses pelajaran pindah bergerak dari suatu... more

(2006:12) bahwa prinsip metode discovery dapat dijelaskan sebagai sebuah prosedur mengajar yang menekankan pada belajar perseorangan. Adapun prinsip discoverysebagai sebuah metode yaitu: 1) proses pelajaran pindah bergerak dari suatu prasangka ke tingkat analisis terhadap segala sesuatu dan kemudian langsung meloncat ke pengetahuan yang mendasar dan kuat, yaitu dibuktikan dalam bentuk dokumen. 2) kelas berfungsi sebagai suatu laboratorium mini dan fenomena dalam masyarakat menjadi suatu laboratorium besar yang dapat digunakan untuk eksplorasi dan memperoleh temuan. 3) anak-anak belajar dari hasil pengamatan mereka dan segala sesuatu yang dialami. 4) anak-anak menemukan hubungan dan membuat generalisasi secara individual. Metode discovery menuntut penangguhan verbalisme atau penjelasan-penjelasan verbal yang dilontarkan guru tentang penemuan penting sampai siswa sadar akan suatu konsep. Metode discoverymerupakan bagian dari suatu praktik pendidikan yang lebih besar, yang sering disebut pengajaran yang heuristic, atau sejenis pengajaran yang mencakup metode-metode yang direncanakan untuk memajukan cara belajar yang aktif, yang berorientasi pada proses, diarahkan sendiri, menekankan temuan dari siswa, dan reflektif. Discovery inquiry itu sebenarnya dalam pengertian terpisah, namun tidak bisa dipisahkan karena dalam penerapannya harus senantiasa berdampingan bergandengan makna. Discovery merupakan metode penemuan, sedangkan inquiry adalah pemecahan masalah. Menurut pandangan Jerome Bruner dalam Herman J.Waluyo (2006:13) bahwa metode discoverysemakin efektif apabila di dalamnya difokuskan suatu pemecahan masalah. Pemecahan melalui discoveryatau penemuan ini mengembangkan daya berinquiryatau pemecahan masalah yang merupakan dasar dari segala tugas yang amat bermanfaat bagi kehidupan. Dikatakan pula bahwa banyak guru mengharapkan akan dapat menyederhanakan dan menjelaskan lebih rinci tentang metode discovery atau penemuan ini, tetapi dalam riset yang telah dilakukan oleh para ahli, ditemui hal-hal yang membingungkan tentang metode ini, antara lain sebagai berikut: 1) penemuan sering dipakai berganti-ganti denganinquiry dan pemecahan masalah. 2) beberapa ahli melihat perbedaan yang cukup nyata antara penemuan atau discovery dengan inquiry. 3) ahli lain melihat discovery sebagai bagian dari inquiry. 4) ahli yang lain lagi memandang inquiry sebagai bagian dari discovery. 5) ahli lain menulis tentang model heuristic sebagai mencakup discovery dan inquiry. Secara ringkas, walaupun metode ini sering dihubungkan dengan kebingungan-kebingungan, tetapi metode ini pantas menjadi salah satu metode yang harus dimiliki oleh guru jika ingin bekerja secara efektif dengan berbagai gaya belajar siswa yang berbeda. Jenis-jenis dari metode discovery adalah: 1) self-discovery, yaitu siswa dibantu untuk menemukan sosuli pemecahan masalah.

Abstrak: Artikel ini dilatarbelakangi oleh rendahnya hasil belajar siswa SMP dalam memahami materi dinamika partikel untuk menentukan contoh dari kasus-kasus yang ada di materi dinamika artikel. Sehingga terlihat bahwa kemampuan siswa... more

Abstrak: Artikel ini dilatarbelakangi oleh rendahnya hasil belajar siswa SMP dalam memahami materi dinamika partikel untuk menentukan contoh dari kasus-kasus yang ada di materi dinamika artikel. Sehingga terlihat bahwa kemampuan siswa dalam memahami materi dinamika partikel masih minim. Hal ini disebabkan oleh guru kurang melibatkan siswa dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut dilakukanlah upaya dengan menerapkan suatu model pembelajaran yaitu discovery learning dimana siswa diberikan kesempatan untuk menemukan konsep sendiri dan melakukan penemuan dalam proses pembelajaran, sedangkan guru berperan memberikan bimbingan. Dari hasil penelitian, dapat dilihat bahwa terjadi peningkatan hasil belajar siswa dinilai dari aspek pengetahuan setiap siklus yaitu, 67,04 untuk siklus I menjadi 73,93 untuk siklus II dan 79,13 untuk siklus III. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pelaksanaan pembelajaran dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran discovery learning dapat meningkatkan aktivitas dan hasil belajar fisika siswa pada materi gerak lurus serta hukum newton dan penerapannya. Kata-kata kunci: Dinamika Partikel, Discovery learning, Hukum newton.

Discovery Learning merupakan pembelajaran berdasarkan penemuan (inquiry-based), konstruktivis dan teori bagaimana belajar. Model pembelajaran yang diberikan kepada siswa memiliki skenario pembelajaran untuk memecahkan masalah yang nyata... more

Discovery Learning merupakan pembelajaran berdasarkan penemuan (inquiry-based), konstruktivis dan teori bagaimana belajar. Model pembelajaran yang diberikan kepada siswa memiliki skenario pembelajaran untuk memecahkan masalah yang nyata dan mendorong mereka untuk memecahkan masalah mereka sendiri. Dalam memecahkan masalah mereka; karena ini bersifat konstruktivis, para siswa menggunakan pengalaman mereka terdahulu dalam memecahkan masalah. Kegiatan mereka lakukan dengan berinteraksi untuk menggali, mempertanyakan selama bereksperimen dengan teknik trial and error.

Abstract In an era of burgeoning digitization and Internet usage, the ways by which consumers choose to explore, engage with, value, and share music are undergoing rapidly dynamic change, and the music industry endeavors to adapt. Music... more

In an era of burgeoning digitization and Internet usage, the ways by which consumers choose to explore, engage with, value, and share music are undergoing rapidly dynamic change, and the music industry endeavors to adapt. Music discovery plays an integral role in the realm of digital music, and this study explores how music consumers discover new music and what music discovery strategies they adopt, in addition to developing an understanding of how digital and Web 2.0 technologies are utilized in these discovery strategies. Six individuals provided data in the form of in- depth interviews, which were followed by second interviews for additional insight. This study posits five main categories of discovery strategies through which individuals find new music: (1) opinion seeking and word of mouth, (2) independent search, (3) algorithms and computer-based recommendations, (4) chance, and (5) amalgamate strategies which integrate multiple strategies. The findings of this study demonstrate the significance of Web 2.0 technologies in the process of music discovery, yet acknowledge the importance of offline sources. Ramifications for the music industry are drawn, encouraging record labels to embrace streaming, and for music services to improve on the overall user experience to entice greater levels of engagement with the music experience and the music discovery process.

In this current period, human beings are purchasing items from e-commerce sites, and many companies developed an online transaction mode for payment via credit cards. The usage of online credit card transactions is gradually increasing... more

In this current period, human beings are purchasing items from e-commerce sites, and many companies developed an online transaction mode for payment via credit cards. The usage of online credit card transactions is gradually increasing day by day. Generally, online credit card frauds are also happening more. To solve this problem, researchers used some machine learning methods. In this paper, we utilized European credit card fraud dataset for experimental analysis. The further dataset was divided into a training set and test set. The algorithms used in the experiment were Logistic Regression, Random Forest, and CatBoost. Results show that Random Forest and Catboost gives more accuracy and random forest give the best result with evaluation metrics among Logistic regression and Catboost methods.

Vocabulary can be taught and learned in a variety of ways. The purpose of this paper is elaborating on three different approaches to teaching and learning vocabulary: implicit learning, explicit learning and Data Driven Learning. Implicit... more

Vocabulary can be taught and learned in a variety of ways. The purpose of this paper is
elaborating on three different approaches to teaching and learning vocabulary: implicit learning,
explicit learning and Data Driven Learning. Implicit learning mainly happens when the mind
is not focused on learning vocabulary, but somewhere else, such as understanding a text. In
contrast, explicit learning occurs through instruction by which learners’ attention is focused on
vocabulary as a language item. Apart from explicit and implicit approaches to teaching and
learning vocabulary, learning vocabulary through Data Driven Learning (DDL) is discussed in this
paper. DDL is a kind of inductive learning approach through which learners become their own
researchers finding examples and developing their own rules for language learning. Included in
this paper are some practical suggestions for enhancing vocabulary learning through each of
these three approaches.

KOMPETENSI DASAR: 1.7 Mengelompokkan jamur berdasarkan ciri-ciri, cara reproduksi, dan mengaitkan peranannya dalam kehidupan INDIKATOR: 1.7.1 Menjelaskan ciri-ciri umum Divisio dalam Kingdom Fungi. 1.7.2 Menjelaskan dasar pengelompokkan... more

E-Lembar kerja peserta didik ini merupakan lembar kerja yang berbasis discovery learning yang telah di revisi . Untuk siswa SMA.

This LIA International Conference and Cultural Events 2015 proceeding elaborates how a freeware concordancer named AntConc facilitates teaching and learning of grammar to 21st century learners and it suggests some activities to encourage... more

This LIA International Conference and Cultural Events 2015 proceeding elaborates how a freeware concordancer named AntConc facilitates teaching and learning of grammar to 21st century learners and it suggests some activities to encourage students' self-discovery and induction of grammar structure

KOMPETENSI DASAR: 3.5 Mengidentifikasi struktur, cara hidup, reproduksi dan peran bakteri dalam kehidupan INDIKATOR: 3.5.1 Menjelaskan ciri-ciri archebacteria dan eubacteria 3.5.2 Membedakan ciri-ciri archebacteria dan eubacteria. 3.5.3... more

penerapan discovery learning pada materi volume bangun ruang sisi lengkung

It is necessary to get involved actively in the process of acquiring knowledge to learn mathematical contents successfully. The theory of constructivism emphasizes student's individual activity in which he/she creates his/her own... more

It is necessary to get involved actively in the process of acquiring knowledge to learn mathematical contents successfully. The theory of constructivism emphasizes student's individual activity in which he/she creates his/her own knowledge through his/her own experience, while the teacher prepares and shapes the environment for learning and encourages and guides students in their independent learning. The aim of this approach is for students to learn how to learn, and Polya's problem-solving model provides an answer how to perform in practice -in 4 steps: understanding the problem, devising a plan, carrying out the plan and reflection.

Discovery learning is believed to be an effective method for learning motor, anticipation, and cognitive skills, but the mechanisms leading to improvements are not well understood in the context of real‐life decisions in sports. There is... more

Discovery learning is believed to be an effective method for learning motor, anticipation, and cognitive skills, but the mechanisms leading to improvements are not well understood in the context of real‐life decisions in sports. There is no agreement on whether implicit or explicit learning processes underlie discovery learning. We compared the performances of four groups of participants in a basketball decision situation: Two groups received training in perceptual or cognitive discovery learning, respectively; a third group received rule‐instructed guidance, and the fourth group was used as a control and received no specific training. We evaluated the relative effectiveness of these approaches and their common or distinct mechanisms. The rule‐instructed group was superior in decision quality to the other groups. In addition, we found that cognitive discovery learning is based more on explicit processes but perceptual discovery learning relies more on implicit processes. These results indicate that in sports the concept of discovery learning should be differentiated according to its perceptual and cognitive components

One of the learning materials that could help the students to do continuous and direct learning is a work book. The work book which is facilitated by the lecturer aimed to train the students to discover the concept. The guided discovery... more

One of the learning materials that could help the students to do continuous
and direct learning is a work book. The work book which is facilitated by the
lecturer aimed to train the students to discover the concept. The guided discovery
method is one of the learning process that could help the students in getting the
concept. The aim of this research is to create the valid, practice and effective work
The kind of this research is research development. This research used 4-D
model which are consist of four stages: define, design, develop, and disseminate.
The work book based on guided discovery was validated by geometry expert,
indonesian language and mathematic lecturer of UMMY solok.
The practical of the work book can be seen from the students' responses to
the questionnaire, observation analysis of the learning process, and interview to
the students. The work book's effectiveness can be seem from the result of the
observation analysis of the learning process and the result of the students' learning
process. Analysis result on the validation stage shown that the work book based
on the guided discovery was valid. The result of the students' responses to the
questionnaire, learning process observation, and interview to the students shown
that the work book based on the guided discovery was practical. The result of the
students' learning process shown that no one of the students got D or E. The result
of activities analysis and the students' learning result shown that the work book
based on the guided discovery was effective. Based on the result of the research,
the work book based on guided discovery on geometry space class was valid,
practice, and effective.

Penelitian Tindakan Kelas ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi siswa kelas 6D SDN Pakis V Surabaya dengan menggunakan model Discovery Learning. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas 6D. Pelaksanaan... more

Penelitian Tindakan Kelas ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi siswa kelas 6D SDN Pakis V Surabaya dengan menggunakan model Discovery Learning. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas 6D. Pelaksanaan penelitian sendiri dibagi menjadi 3 siklus yaitu siklus 1, 2 dan 3. Instrument yang digunakan adalah lembar tes dan lembar observasi keterlaksanaan Pembelajaran
Adapun hasil penelitian adalah sebagai berikut : 1) Kualitas Pembelajaran menggunakan Discovery Learning Secara berturut-turut dari siklus 1, 2 dan 3 adalah 79 %, 82 % dan 87 % ; 2) Sedangkan ketuntasan hasil belajar yang difokuskan kepada kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi siswa secara berturut-turut dari siklus 1, 2 dan 3 adalah 44 %, 55 %, dan 75 %;
Dari hasil tersebut dapat disimpulakn bahwa penggunaan model Discivery learning dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi siswa kelas 6D SDN Pakis V Surabaya.

Abstrak Bahasa Indonesia adalah salah satu mata pelajaran yang diberikan kepada seluruh peserta didik dari tingkat dasar hingga perguruan tinggi. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar dampak penggunaan bahasa... more

Bahasa Indonesia adalah salah satu mata pelajaran yang diberikan kepada seluruh peserta didik dari tingkat dasar hingga perguruan tinggi. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar dampak penggunaan bahasa Indonesia dikalangan siswa tingkat SMP. Model pembelajaran yang diterapkan adalah discovery learning. Discovery (penemuan) adalah proses mental ketika siswa mengasimilasikan suatu konsep atau suatu prinsip. Fokus penelitian ini adalah penggunaan gaya bahasa yang diterapkan dalam keterampilan menulis teks fabel. Teks fabel adalah cerita yang menggambarkan watak dan budi manusia yang pelakunya diperankan oleh binatang (berisi pendidikan moral dan budi pekerti). Hasil dari identifikasi penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa penggunaan gaya bahasa dalam keterampilan menulis teks fabel pada tingkat siswa SMP sudah cukup baik. Saran yang diperlukan adalah meningkatkan gaya bahasa untuk tingkat SMP dengan cara yang lebih menyenangkan dan mudah diingat oleh siswa.
Kata Kunci: model pembelajaran, discovery learning, keterampilan menulis, teks fabel

Pembelajaran yang berbasis tematik seperti yang ditetapkan oleh kurikulum 2013 dan menggunakan pendekatan berbasis saintifik dan ada 3 model pembelajaran yang dianjurkan yaitu, Discovery Learning, Project Based Learning, dan Problem Based... more

Pembelajaran yang berbasis tematik seperti yang ditetapkan oleh kurikulum 2013 dan menggunakan pendekatan berbasis saintifik dan ada 3 model pembelajaran yang dianjurkan yaitu, Discovery Learning, Project Based Learning, dan Problem Based Learning. Semoga dpt bermanfaat

Tinjauan penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat seberapa peningkatan kemampuan membaca siswa melalui metode demonstrasi dan metode discovery learning atau metode penemuan. penelitian ini menggunakan subjek siswa SMP N 1 Talang. Metode... more

Tinjauan penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat seberapa peningkatan kemampuan membaca siswa melalui metode demonstrasi dan metode discovery learning atau metode penemuan. penelitian ini menggunakan subjek siswa SMP N 1 Talang. Metode yang digunakan yaitu dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan peningkatan kemampuan membaca para siswa di SMP N 1 Talang dengan metode demonstrasi dan discovery learning. Dalam hal ini keefektifan metode demonstrasi lebih efektif dibanding dengan metode discovery learning dalam materi membaca yang hanya 40% keefektifannya. Solusi untuk metode discovery learning seorang guru bisa lebih memperhatikan siswanya baik yang duduk didepan ataupun dibelakang serta menanyakan kesuliatan yang dihadapi.

Historians occasionally use timelines, but many seem to regard such signs merely as ways of visually summarizing results that are presumably better expressed in prose. Challenging this language-centered view, I suggest that timelines... more

Historians occasionally use timelines, but many seem to regard such signs merely as ways of visually summarizing results that are presumably better expressed in prose. Challenging this language-centered view, I suggest that timelines might assist the generation of novel historical insights. To show this, I begin by looking at studies confirming the cognitive benefits of diagrams like timelines. I then try to survey the remarkable diversity of timelines by analyzing actual examples. Finally, having conveyed this (mostly untapped) potential, I argue that neglecting timelines might mean neglecting significant aspects of reality that are revealed only by those signs. My overall message is that, once we accept that relations are as important for the mind as what they relate, we have to pay closer attention to any semiotic device that enables or facilitates the discernment of new relations.

In this paper we report on the operation and results of a pilot trial on the use of Science-Fiction Prototyping (SFP) as a means to motivate students to engage with STEM and language learning courses. In particular we describe two case... more

In this paper we report on the operation and results of a pilot trial on the use of Science-Fiction Prototyping (SFP) as a means to motivate students to engage with STEM and language learning courses. In particular we describe two case studies. The first was conducted in Shijiazhuang University, China, and involved approximately 102 students following a course aimed at improving their English language abilities for computer science applications. The second case study concerned the use of micro science-fiction prototypes, in the form of Twitter-fiction, as a means of motivating pre-university students to take up STEM studies and careers. Finally, the paper concludes by describing future directions of this work

This thesis aims to improve quality of process and result of students’ ability in writing exposition text using inquiry discovery learning method and video at seventh grade students in smp n 3 colomadu. Based on the observation, the... more

This thesis aims to improve quality of process and result of students’ ability in writing exposition text using inquiry discovery learning method and video at seventh grade students in smp n 3 colomadu. Based on the observation, the increasing quality of teaching learning process in writing exposition text at the first cycle is 66 % and the second cycle is 75 %. The result of students’ ability in writing exposition text at the first cycle is 62.5 % and the second cycle is 84.4 %. The conclusion of this research is the implementation of inquiry discovery learning and using video can increasing quality of learning process and students’ result in writing exposition text at seventh G grade students in smp negri 3 colomadu.

The world of astronomy has always been indebted to amateur astronomers for their priceless contribution to the field of astronomy. Big organizations like NASA are constantly working in the field of space exploration and research. They... more

The world of astronomy has always been indebted to amateur astronomers for their priceless contribution to the field of astronomy. Big organizations like NASA are constantly working in the field of space exploration and research. They have heavy, modern and quality telescopes and other gears for their research. Yet the history is full of numerous examples of amateur astronomers who with their portable telescopes and limited capability, have made some amazing and path defining contributions in the field of astronomy and space exploration. These people not only contributed to the astronomy but also opened new possibilities to the scientist to understand and explore the vast space.

This research aimed to find out the difference of cognitive learning achievement between students taught with Concept Attainment Model and those taught with Discovery Learning model. This study was a quasiexperimental research. The... more

This research aimed to find out the difference of cognitive learning achievement between students taught with Concept Attainment Model and those taught with Discovery Learning model. This study was a quasiexperimental research. The population of research was the 12 th Science graders of SMAN 1 Karas of Magetan Regency in school year of 2016/2017. The sample was taken using cluster random sampling technique, consisting of two grades: the 12 th Science 4 grade as the first experiment class using Concept Attainment Model and the 12 th Science 3 grade as the second experiment class using Discovery Learning model. Technique of collecting data used was t-test technique for data of students' cognitive learning outcome. Data analysis was carried out using unpaired two-sample variance analysis. The result of research showed there was a difference of cognitive learning outcome between the students treated with learning using Concept Attainment Model and those treated with learning using Discovery Learning. The cognitive learning achievement of students taught with Concept Attainment Model was higher than that of those taught with Discovery Learning.

In the context of a design-based research effort to develop a technology-enabled constructivist algebra unit, a new activity architecture emerged that steps students through discovery levels. As they build a virtual model of a problem... more

In the context of a design-based research effort to develop a technology-enabled constructivist algebra unit, a new activity architecture emerged that steps students through discovery levels. As they build a virtual model of a problem situation, students figure out technical principles for assuring the model’s fidelity to the situation. These construction heuristics, we find, are precisely the conceptual foundations of algebra, such as tinkering with the model to assure that the variable quantity is of consistent size throughout the model. We articulated these principles as situated intermediary learning objectives (SILOs). At each interaction level, the student discovers a SILO, and then the technology takes over by automatizing that SILO, thus freeing the student for further discovery. We call this architecture reverse scaffolding, because the cultural mediator thus relieves learners from performing what they know to do, not from what they do not know to do. In a quasi-experimental evaluation study (Grades 4 & 9; n=40), reverse-scaffolding students outperformed direct-scaffolding students, for whom the technical features were pre-automatized. We speculate on the architecture’s generalizability.

This article aims to qualify for the success of the Strategy and Learning Media Study Discipline. This article also aims to Explain what Discovery Learning is, How to use the Discovery Learning Model, and its Comparison in other learning... more

This article aims to qualify for the success of the Strategy and Learning Media Study Discipline. This article also aims to Explain what Discovery Learning is, How to use the Discovery Learning Model, and its Comparison in other learning models. Abstrak Artikel ini bertujuan untuk Memenuhi Syarat keberhasilan Disiplin Ilmu Strategi dan Media Pembelajaran. Artikel ini juga bertujuan untuk menjelaskan apa itu Discovery Learning, bagaimana penggunaan Model belajar Discovery Learning, dan Perbandingan Discovery Learning dengan Model belajar lainnya. Kata Kunci: teori belajar; model pembelajaran; discovery learning Pendahuluan

The relative effectiveness of explicit instruction, guided discovery, and discovery learning techniques in enhancing anticipation skill in young, intermediate-level tennis players was examined. Performance was assessed pre-and... more

The relative effectiveness of explicit instruction, guided discovery, and discovery learning techniques in enhancing anticipation skill in young, intermediate-level tennis players was examined. Performance was assessed pre-and postintervention, during acquisition, and under transfer conditions designed to elicit anxiety through the use of laboratory and on-court measures. The 3 intervention groups improved from pre-to posttest compared with a control group (n ϭ 8), highlighting the benefits of perceptual-cognitive training. Participants in the explicit (n ϭ 8) and guided discovery (n ϭ 10) groups improved their performance during acquisition at a faster rate than did the discovery learning (n ϭ 7) group. However, the explicit group showed a significant decrement in performance when tested under anxiety provoking conditions compared with the guided discovery and discovery learning groups. Although training facilitated anticipation skill, irrespective of the type of instruction used in this experiment, guided discovery methods are recommended for expediency in learning and resilience under pressure.

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The relative effectiveness of explicit instruction, guided discovery, and discovery learning techniques in enhancing anticipation skill in young, intermediate-level tennis players was examined. Performance was assessed pre-and... more

The relative effectiveness of explicit instruction, guided discovery, and discovery learning techniques in enhancing anticipation skill in young, intermediate-level tennis players was examined. Performance was assessed pre-and postintervention, during acquisition, and under transfer conditions designed to elicit anxiety through the use of laboratory and on-court measures. The 3 intervention groups improved from pre-to posttest compared with a control group (n ϭ 8), highlighting the benefits of perceptual-cognitive training. Participants in the explicit (n ϭ 8) and guided discovery (n ϭ 10) groups improved their performance during acquisition at a faster rate than did the discovery learning (n ϭ 7) group. However, the explicit group showed a significant decrement in performance when tested under anxiety provoking conditions compared with the guided discovery and discovery learning groups. Although training facilitated anticipation skill, irrespective of the type of instruction used in this experiment, guided discovery methods are recommended for expediency in learning and resilience under pressure.

In computational modeling activities, learners are expected to discover the inner workings of scientific and mathematical systems: First elaborating their understandings of a given system through constructing a computer model, then... more

In computational modeling activities, learners are expected to discover the inner workings of scientific and mathematical systems: First elaborating their understandings of a given system through constructing a computer model, then ''debugging'' that knowledge by testing and refining the model. While such activities have been shown to support science learning, difficulties building and using computational models are common and reduce learning benefits. Drawing from Collins and Ferguson (Educ Psychol 28(1):25–42, 1993), we conjecture that a major cause for such difficulties is a misalignment between the epistemic games (modeling strategies) learners play, and the epistemic forms (model types) a given modeling environment is designed to support. To investigate, we analyzed data from a study in which ten groups of U. S. fifth graders (n = 28) worked to create stop motion animations and agent-based computational models (ABMs) to discover the particulate nature of matter. Content analyses revealed that (1) groups that made progress— that is, that developed increasingly mechanistic, explanatory models—focused on elements , movement, and interactions when developing their models, a strategy well-aligned with both animation and ABM; (2) groups that did not make progress focused on sequences of phases, a strategy well-aligned with animation but not with ABM; and (3) struggling groups progressed when they received guidance about modeling strategies, but not when they received guidance about model content. We present summary analyses and three vignettes to illustrate these findings, and share implications for research and curricular design.