Dispersion Compensation Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Chromatic dispersion is very serious issue for communication engineers while designing a wave division multiplexing for optical communication. In the present scenario there is a increasing demand of high speed internet which require more... more

Chromatic dispersion is very serious issue for communication engineers while designing a wave division multiplexing for optical communication. In the present scenario there is a increasing demand of high speed internet which require more capacity and more bandwidth. The effect of chromatic dispersion can be reduced by compensation technique. [1, 2] The chromatic dispersion also has inverse relationship with FWM. In this paper we used post dispersion compensation along with the fiber Bragg grating to reduce the effect of chromatic dispersion. Also we can compare the Bit error rate at different power levels 5 db, 10 db and 20 db while the length of fiber is fixed. After simulation it is proven that bit error rate is a function of input power level. The pulse broadening is a function of length of fiber which has been shown in this work When the BER increases quality factor decreases and overall fiber optic system degraded. In this paper we also prove that the BER is also a function of Length of Fiber. As the fiber length increases BER also increases. The whole simulationn is performed by Optisystem simulation software. Also by examine the eye diagram it is clear that link performance is improved by using dispersion compensation.

We measured the Raman gain efficiency for a dispersion compensating fiber (DCF) using a pump wavelength of 1240 nm and characterized the gain of a Raman amplifier in the O-band (1260-1360 nm) with a low pump power and a few kilometers of... more

We measured the Raman gain efficiency for a dispersion compensating fiber (DCF) using a pump wavelength of 1240 nm and characterized the gain of a Raman amplifier in the O-band (1260-1360 nm) with a low pump power and a few kilometers of fiber. In addition, a spectral analysis of the fiber loss and Raman efficiency revealed that the increase in Raman gain efficiency towards short wavelengths can compensate for the increase in attenuation, with the obtainable gain for a 6-km fiber peaking at the O-band.

In coherent optical systems, the phase noise due to transmit and receive lasers has a significant impact on the receiver performance - the sensitivity to phase noise and the capability of electronic processing to compensate for its... more

In coherent optical systems, the phase noise due to transmit and receive lasers has a significant impact on the receiver performance - the sensitivity to phase noise and the capability of electronic processing to compensate for its effects are reduced for increasing lasers'' linewidths. However, a detailed analysis of the effects of phase noise on the system performance cannot leave

Photonic devices with low insertion loss are important in dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) systems. Currently most of these devices, such as variable optical attenuators (VOA), switches, filters, and dispersion compensators,... more

Photonic devices with low insertion loss are important in dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) systems. Currently most of these devices, such as variable optical attenuators (VOA), switches, filters, and dispersion compensators, etc., involve bulk (or micro-optic) ...

We demonstrate an optical recirculating loop as a tool for performance evaluation of cascades of effects or elements in an optical communication system. We describe the critical issues to operate the recirculating loop properly and we... more

We demonstrate an optical recirculating loop as a tool for performance evaluation of cascades of effects or elements in an optical communication system. We describe the critical issues to operate the recirculating loop properly and we present experimental results on the cascading of a dispersive fiber link and an optical amplifier. Additionally, we conduct a numerical simulation of the recirculating loop experimental conditions. Simulation and experimental results are in good agreement.

This is a study on the design of variable gain-flattened erbium-doped fiber amplifier operating in L-band transmission window. Four amplifiers divided into five stages became the basis of the design with distributed pumping configuration.... more

This is a study on the design of variable gain-flattened erbium-doped fiber amplifier operating in L-band transmission window. Four amplifiers divided into five stages became the basis of the design with distributed pumping configuration. A dispersion compensating module was incorporated into the architecture as a way to combat dispersion. The amplifier was able to generate variable gain from 15 up to 30 dB under different input signal powers with a maximum output power of 23 dBm. Excellent gain flatness averaging around 0.8 dB was accomplished while four-wave mixing effect was significantly reduced.

In this paper, single-mode 200-mW laser diodes have been demonstrated to be very effective pump devices for low-power Nd:glass lasers, yielding the remarkable continuous wave (cw) slope efficiency of 46.5% for silicate and 58.2% for... more

In this paper, single-mode 200-mW laser diodes have been demonstrated to be very effective pump devices for low-power Nd:glass lasers, yielding the remarkable continuous wave (cw) slope efficiency of 46.5% for silicate and 58.2% for phosphate glasses, respectively. Femtosecond operation has been investigated with both semiconductor saturable absorber mirrors (SESAMs) and a single-walled carbon nanotube SAM (SWCNT-SAM). Furthermore, a detailed comparison of the mode-locking performance with Nd:phosphate and Nd:silicate, employing either one of the SA devices is presented. Although not fully optimized for this particular application yet, SWCNT-SAs yielded sub-100-fs pulses for the first time in Nd:glass. With SESAM mode locking and a single-prism resonator for dispersion compensation, pulse duration as short as 92 fs has been measured, whereas shorter pulses down to 80 fs have been obtained with a two-prism resonator. Tuning range as broad as 30 nm and output power up to 55 mW have also been achieved, confirming the effectiveness of the proposed laser architecture.