Embedded System Design Research Papers (original) (raw)

Resumen Para optimizar el flujo vehicular en una intersección vial se diseñaron un algoritmo de control adaptativo y una base de datos que apoya la depuración del rendimiento del controlador, ambos alojados en el sistema embebido... more

Resumen Para optimizar el flujo vehicular en una intersección vial se diseñaron un algoritmo de control adaptativo y una base de datos que apoya la depuración del rendimiento del controlador, ambos alojados en el sistema embebido Raspberry Pi B+. El desempeño del algoritmo fue evaluado con un ins-trumento virtual, que emuló una intersección semafórica de la ciudad de Cúcuta, esto es, los sensores magnetorresistivos, el proceso de encendido en las luces de los semáforos y el flujo vehicular. La manipulación de los tiem-pos de encendido en las luces de los semáforos, aumentó el flujo vehicular hasta 5.5 % y, disminuyó el tiempo máximo de espera del vehículo para avanzar hasta 28 segundos y el largo de fila hasta un 18 %. Con base en el caso de estudio, se puede inferir que es posible integrar el control adaptativo y los sistemas embebidos como herramientas de software y hardware para mejorar el funcionamiento en los sistemas de regulación vial.

Due to the scientific and technological advances of the last decades, embedded systems have become central to modern life, which has led to a new reality in which the embedded systems market has been growing with a monthly or even weekly... more

Due to the scientific and technological advances of the last decades, embedded systems have become central to modern life, which has led to a new reality in which the embedded systems market has been growing with a monthly or even weekly emergence of new products with different applications across several domains. Focus on embedded systems design is driven by: (1)

International Conference on Internet of Things & Embedded Systems (IoTE 2020) will provide an excellent international forum for sharing knowledge and results in theory, methodology and applications of IoT and Embedded Systems. Authors are... more

International Conference on Internet of Things & Embedded Systems (IoTE 2020) will provide an excellent international forum for sharing knowledge and results in theory, methodology and applications of IoT and Embedded Systems. Authors are solicited to contribute to the conference by submitting articles that illustrate research results, projects, surveying works and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in the areas of Internet of Things and Embedded Systems.

Carbon monoxide poisoning exhibits an inordinate danger to lives and health of people and all life forms. It is a highly dangerous, colorless, odorless and tasteless gas that can intoxicate people in a very short span of time. A... more

Carbon monoxide poisoning exhibits an inordinate
danger to lives and health of people and all life forms. It is a
highly dangerous, colorless, odorless and tasteless gas that can
intoxicate people in a very short span of time. A statistics say
that around 400 Americans die a year due to unintentional
carbon monoxide poisoning. Carbon monoxide poisoning has
captivated a great threat through years. Some of these reported
cases of death include physically and mentally challenged
people, babies and infants.
A number of methodologies have been proposed to detect
carbon poisoning in the past, but the most prominent
conventional methodology of warning the user through an alarm
based detection system seems to be ineffectual in some cases
where the user is unaware of the alarm (in cases of babies,
infants left behind in the car) or not being able to realize a
possible threat, due to their disability, either physical deformity
(deafness) or mentally challenged cases.
This project provides a solution to such cases by suggesting a
multi-purpose detection system which makes use of latest
technology, by implementing Arduino Uno R3 Microcontroller
and Raspberry pi portable computer, to detect the carbon
monoxide level, once the critical level is reached the end user is
communicated through a warning text message. This system can
be implemented in cars, houses and other places where remote
monitoring plays a vital role and moreover, our primary target
users who are disabled will be highly benefited and their lives
can be saved by avoiding unintentional exposure to carbon
monoxide gas, thereby reducing the death toll.

– One of the most crucial steps in the design of embedded systems is hardware-software partitioning, ie deciding which components of the system should be implemented in hardware and which ones in software. In this paper, different... more

– One of the most crucial steps in the design of embedded systems is hardware-software partitioning, ie deciding which components of the system should be implemented in hardware and which ones in software. In this paper, different versions of the partitioning problem ...

Now a day’s embedded systems are more complex and complicated as compared to the old one. Low power microcontrollers are limited to a specific task. But current time demand is data specific which requires more data processing. Re... more

Now a day’s embedded systems are more complex and complicated as compared to the old one. Low power microcontrollers are
limited to a specific task. But current time demand is data specific which requires more data processing. Re configurability is also an
interesting feature of current time embedded system. So we have to develop a system that is easily re configurable as per our requirement.
Cost is also a design factor; we have to develop a system that its cost will not increase. High power microcontrollers are able to process
higher data at a higher speed taking higher amount of power. But when our task is limited to power, cost; high power microcontrollers can’t
be used. High power microcontrollers become problematic for the battery operated embedded systems where power backup is limited. To
overcome this problem we are developing Multi-microcontroller System on Programmable Chip (MMSoPC). Synchronization is a key
problem in multi-microcontroller systems to operate simultaneously. To synchronize the buses of the microcontrollers, network on chip
(NoC) is the solution. Local system buses are connected to a common system bus i.e. global system bus. Global buses are externally
available to the outside for different interfacing of various components/peripherals etc. So there is a need of synchronization of local system
buses to the global system bus.

This book collects the proceedings of the International Congress on Health Sciences and Medical Technologies (ICHSMT), held in Tlemcen, Algeria, from December 5 to 7, 2019. The proceedings present a forum for the latest projects and... more

This book collects the proceedings of the International Congress on Health Sciences and Medical Technologies (ICHSMT), held in Tlemcen, Algeria, from December 5 to 7, 2019. The proceedings present a forum for the latest projects and research in scientific and technological development with an emphasis on smart healthcare system design and future technologies. ICHSMT brings together researchers, students, and professionals from the healthcare, corporate, and academic sectors. It includes a far-reaching program supported by a variety of technical tracks that seek to promote medical technologies and innovation at a nationwide level. • Presents the proceedings of the International Congress on Health Sciences and Medical Technologies (ICHSMT 2019) • Offers technology-driven solutions to overcome obstacles in the research and development of medical technologies • Includes multidisciplinary society sectors and knowledge reflecting a humanistic and inclusive approach to medical technology.

Locomotion is a very important part of our daily life and due to locomotion, both kinetic and potential energy is used which can be used instead of wastage of energy during movement and hence the idea of using this energy during... more

Locomotion is a very important part of our daily life and due to locomotion, both kinetic and potential energy is used which can be used instead of wastage of energy during movement and hence the idea of using this energy during locomotion into something useful is developed. Therefore, a piezoelectric transducer-based charging device is designed which can charge small-scale gadgets. Along with the charging device, an additional feature is added to the system which is an electrical muscle stimulator that is helpful to relieve muscle pain, headache, and revive frozen muscles that impair movement. In this paper the analysis and design of research have been presented, two parts involved piezoelectric transducer-based charging device and electrical muscle simulator simulated first and satisfactory results were obtained. Then they were combined together and the combined results were analyzed. Required low output voltage obtained and the expected vibrational sine waves were observed in Oscilloscope which shows the viability of the work presented.

As new paradigms, such as pervasive computing and ambient intelligence change the nature of the computer application market place, so do the skills and educational technology needed by students and teachers. The once dominant PC now finds... more

As new paradigms, such as pervasive computing and ambient intelligence change the nature of the computer application market place, so do the skills and educational technology needed by students and teachers. The once dominant PC now finds itself outnumbered by several orders of magnitude by much smaller and cheaper embedded computers which can extend the internet from being just a means of connecting personal computers together, to enabling a world of connected “things”; the so-called “internet of things”. In this world hundreds and even thousands of tiny service providing embedded-computers deliver a variety of services to us (some physical, some information) in ways that enable exciting new lifestyles and business opportunities. Applications range from the creation of digital homes (with their myriad of high-tech appliance), smart vehicles (cars aeroplanes & robotics) through to telecommunications (mobile phones, personal navigation or mobile learning). At the heart of this new te...

Forward Collision Avoidance (FCA) systems in automobiles is an essential part of Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) and autonomous vehicles. These devices currently use, radars as the main sensor. The increasing resolution of camera... more

Forward Collision Avoidance (FCA) systems in automobiles is an essential part of Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) and autonomous vehicles. These devices currently use, radars as the main sensor. The increasing resolution of camera sensors, processing capability of hardware chipsets and advances in image processing algorithms, have been pushing the camera based features recently. Monocular cameras face the challenge of accurate scale estimation which limits it use as a stand-alone sensor for this application. This paper proposes an efficient system which can perform multi scale object detection which is being patent granted and efficient 3D reconstruction using structure from motion (SFM) framework. While the algorithms need to be accurate it also needs to operate real time in low cost embedded hardware. The focus of the paper is to discuss how the proposed algorithms are designed in such a way that it can be provide real time performance on low cost embedded CPU's which makes use of only Digital Signal processors (DSP) and vector processing cores.

Real-time vision is central to many embedded applications (e.g. vehicle guidance). It is a computationally intensive task well beyond current general purpose computing platforms such as PCs and workstations. Thus, most real time vision... more

Real-time vision is central to many embedded applications (e.g. vehicle guidance). It is a computationally intensive task well beyond current general purpose computing platforms such as PCs and workstations. Thus, most real time vision systems need special high performance computing platforms, commonly provided in the form of parallel processing engines or dedicated hardware. The proposed architecture uses new generations of re-programmable logic devices and modularised hardware, thereby gaining the performance advantage of hard-wired logic with the flexibility and associated economies of programmable systems. The architecture takes the form of an extensive processing hierarchy consisting of a set of tightly coupled parallel processors, each processing a portion of the image using a classic pipeline arrangement. A programmable image splitting (and reconstruction) engine feeds this array and offers the potential of further enhancing the performance of the engines by restructuring the...

We summarize some current trends in embedded systems design and point out some of their characteristics, such as the chasm between analytical and computational models, and the gap between safety-critical and best-effort engineering... more

We summarize some current trends in embedded systems design and point out some of their characteristics, such as the chasm between analytical and computational models, and the gap between safety-critical and best-effort engineering practices. We call for a coherent scientific foundation for embedded systems design, and we discuss a few key demands on such a foundation: the need for encompassing several manifestations of heterogeneity, and the need for constructivity in design. We believe that the development of a satisfactory Embedded Systems Design Science provides a timely challenge and opportunity for reinvigorating computer science.

— MAX-038 is an IC which is used for generating high frequency waves from 1Hz to 20MHz.The basic principle for generation of high frequency waves is " Relaxation oscillator principle ". An external capacitor is used for selecting the... more

— MAX-038 is an IC which is used for generating high frequency waves from 1Hz to 20MHz.The basic principle for generation of high frequency waves is " Relaxation oscillator principle ". An external capacitor is used for selecting the frequency of waves. At constant current the charging and discharging of capacitor generates high frequency waves. A simple microcontroller is used to switch the different wave forms (Sine, Square and Triangle). This paper experimentally explains how the waveforms (sine, square and triangle) are generated using MAX-038 and selection of waves using microcontroller.

– One of the most crucial steps in the design of embedded systems is hardware-software partitioning, ie deciding which components of the system should be implemented in hardware and which ones in software. In this paper, different... more

– One of the most crucial steps in the design of embedded systems is hardware-software partitioning, ie deciding which components of the system should be implemented in hardware and which ones in software. In this paper, different versions of the partitioning problem ...

Modern mobile phones, featuring high performance microprocessors, rich set of sensors and internet connectivity are largely diffused all over the world and are ideal devices for the development of low-cost sensing systems, in particular... more

Modern mobile phones, featuring high performance microprocessors, rich set of sensors and internet connectivity are largely diffused all over the world and are ideal devices for the development of low-cost sensing systems, in particular for low-income developing countries and rural areas that lack the access to diagnostic laboratories and expensive instrumentation. In the design of a smartphone based sensing system different elements must be taken in consideration such as sensors performance, acquisition rate and privacy preserving strategies when personal data must be shared in the cloud. In this paper a sensor-centric survey on smartphone based sensing systems is presented, covering different fields of application. Two different development approaches will be discussed: 1) the exploitation of the large number of sensors embedded in modern smartphones (high-resolution camera, microphone, accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer, GPS); 2) the interfacing with external sensors that communicate with the smartphone by the embedded wireless or wired communication technology.

description of COMPUTATIONAL MODELS employed in Embedded System Design

Recent technological advances have greatly improved the performance and features of embedded systems. With the number of just mobile devices now reaching nearly equal to the population of Earth, embedded systems have truly become... more

Recent technological advances have greatly improved the performance and features of embedded systems. With the number of just mobile devices now reaching nearly equal to the population of Earth, embedded systems have truly become ubiquitous. These trends, however, have also made the task of managing their power consumption extremely challenging. In recent years, several techniques have been proposed to address this issue. In this paper, we survey the techniques for managing power consumption of embedded systems. We discuss the need of power management and provide a classification of the techniques on several important parameters to highlight their similarities and differences. This paper is intended to help the researchers and application-developers in gaining insights into the working of power management techniques and designing even more efficient high-performance embedded systems of tomorrow.

Advancement in wireless communication has set a new paradigm in healthcare management system which is based on sensing vital physiological parameters, collection of data and transmission of that data in real time and with optimum... more

Advancement in wireless communication has set a new paradigm in healthcare management system which is based on sensing vital physiological parameters, collection of data and transmission of that data in real time and with optimum precision. Going to the hospital every day for medical checkup can be tiresome, stressful and it also brings about the problem of congestion of hospital space and beds. Lack of human resources at the hospital aids the congestion of hospital space. This paper is based on monitoring physiological parameters of elderly people. A reliable and cost effective GSM based health Monitoring System is developed in this paper. The result obtained showed that the system is reliable and efficient with an average sensitivity of 0.5 seconds and response time of 6 seconds. The system is able to monitor heartbeat and blood pressure and send the data in real time to the mobile phone of the doctor. It enables the doctor to keep track of his patient’s health.

A CIP Catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress. ISUN I 4020-7690-8 Published by Kluwer Academic Publishers. PO Box 17. 3300 AA Dordrecht. The Netherlands. Sold and distributed in North. Central and South... more

A CIP Catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress. ISUN I 4020-7690-8 Published by Kluwer Academic Publishers. PO Box 17. 3300 AA Dordrecht. The Netherlands. Sold and distributed in North. Central and South America b\ Kluwer ...

At the beginning of taking a shower, the user needs to manually adjust a rotational handle or the ratio of cold and hot water to get the desired water temperature and the flow rate. In this paper, a temperature and flow rate sensor... more

At the beginning of taking a shower, the user needs to manually adjust a rotational handle or the ratio of cold and hot water to get the desired water temperature and the flow rate. In this paper, a temperature and flow rate sensor feedback smart shower is proposed which takes the target water temperature and flow rate from the user as input, and then automatically adjusts the ratio of the cold and the hot water during the shower to keep the temperature and flow rate fixed-even though there is fluctuation of supply water temperature and pressure. The proposed system contains distance sensor and automatically turns off the shower when the user is away for soaping or shampooing. The system generates a report on water usage and shower time – to promote awareness on saving water. An embedded system based prototype of the proposed shower has been developed and tested.

This paper proposed a smart dustbin using Arduino Nano, sensors, and servomotor which can work efficiently even in remote places since there is no requirement of the internet or telephonic connectivity. In the proposed system, an... more

This paper proposed a smart dustbin using Arduino Nano, sensors, and servomotor which can work efficiently even in remote places since there is no requirement of the internet or telephonic connectivity. In the proposed system, an ultrasonic sensor measures the distance between the user and the dustbin. Then, the passive infrared sensor detects whether the user is approaching the dustbin or not. If the user is approaching towards dustbin and the distance between the user and the dustbin is less than 15 cm, the dustbin would open automatically for 30 seconds with the help of a hinge and servomotor. In addition, another ultrasonic sensor determines the level of garbage inside the dustbin and indicates whether it is completely or partially filled. Subsequently, the smart dustbin generates a sound from a buzzer and emits light from a light-emitting diode if the dustbin is filled. The prominent advantages of the proposed smart dustbin are that it is very cost-effective, easy to use, and will lead to a hygienic environment.

Abstract: Automatic Modulation Recognition is considered significant in Communication Intelligence (COMINT) knowledge about the signal modulation type. The work at the output stage is concerned with information extraction, recording and... more

Abstract: Automatic Modulation Recognition is considered significant in Communication Intelligence (COMINT) knowledge about the signal modulation type. The work at the output stage is concerned with information extraction, recording and exploitation and begins with signal demodulation that requires accurate modulation type. Recently many algorithms have been proposed to distinguish digitally modulated signals In this paper, we present and evaluate some problems related to automatic recognition of digital modulation signals by using maximum likelihood algorithm to find feature extraction and simulation by using statistical parameters on ASK,PSK,FSK,QAM and OFDM in presence of some Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN). Automatic Modulation Recognition of Communications Signals describes in depth by using artificial neural networks with pattern recognition for trained the digital modulation signals features and find efficiency with MSE. For performance and comparison, in this paper we present fuzzy logic for Adaptive Network Based Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) with Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT).

ABSRACT Motor vehicles are the prime source of transportation where vehicles with A/C play a major part. This paper designs an embedded system for a vehicle cabin, which senses the gases like carbon-monoxide and oxygen and displayed at... more

ABSRACT Motor vehicles are the prime source of transportation where vehicles with A/C play a major part. This paper designs an embedded system for a vehicle cabin, which senses the gases like carbon-monoxide and oxygen and displayed at each and every second. If the level of the CO increases than the normal level (30ppm) or the level of the oxygen decreases than the normal level (19%) then an alarm is generated automatically and also ventilation is provided immediately. A warning message is sent to the authorized user via GSM. The advantage of this system is proper detection and faster response time leading to faster diffusion of the situation, compared with the manual methods.

A CIP Catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress. ISUN I 4020-7690-8 Published by Kluwer Academic Publishers. PO Box 17. 3300 AA Dordrecht. The Netherlands. Sold and distributed in North. Central and South... more

A CIP Catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress. ISUN I 4020-7690-8 Published by Kluwer Academic Publishers. PO Box 17. 3300 AA Dordrecht. The Netherlands. Sold and distributed in North. Central and South America b\ Kluwer ...

SCB is a low energy and small size initiator device with very small firing delay. A Semiconductor Bridge (SCB) can initiate unintentionally by Electro-Static Discharge (ESD) and high power RF. Detonators are compact devices that are... more

SCB is a low energy and small size initiator device with very small firing delay. A Semiconductor Bridge (SCB) can initiate unintentionally by Electro-Static Discharge (ESD) and high power RF. Detonators are compact devices that are designed to safely initiate and control the performance of larger explosive charges for blasting. Electronic detonators are being used that eliminate almost every drawback of the earlier inventions. In this project miniature programmable Electronic detonator is designed which is factory settable. The Electro explosive device(EED) used in the detonator is Semiconductor bridge(SCB) due to its excellent properties such as high safety, low ignition energy, fast ignition time, small size and low cost which is indigenously made by ARDE. The designed system consists of a microcontroller based setter for entering detonator number and passwords, and the detonator comprising of microcontroller based delay, boost convertor, firing circuit with Semiconductor Bridge and electro static discharge(ESD) and Radio Frequency(RF) interference protection circuitry for reliability and safety against unintended firing. The boost convertor will boost the input 3volts to 30 volts. To achieve miniaturization we have designed the firing and delay circuit for the detonator with PCB of size 6mm*40mm. The system will be secured with two passwords to avoid unauthorized .use and ensure better safety and reliability and system should work at distance of 2km 5km range using RF communication.

11th International Conference on Embedded Systems and Applications (EMSA 2022) will provide an excellent international forum for sharing knowledge and results in theory, methodology and applications of Embedded Systems. The goal of this... more

11th International Conference on Embedded Systems and Applications (EMSA 2022) will provide an excellent international forum for sharing knowledge and results in theory, methodology and applications of Embedded Systems. The goal of this Conference is to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to focus on understanding Modern Embedded Systems concepts and establishing new collaborations in these areas.

—Musical instrument sounds relaxes our mind and body. An attempt is made here to develop a system which is less complex and cheap and in a much more superior technology. We are presenting an electronic tabla instrument which is capable of... more

—Musical instrument sounds relaxes our mind and body. An attempt is made here to develop a system which is less complex and cheap and in a much more superior technology. We are presenting an electronic tabla instrument which is capable of playing four different taals (teentaal, jhaptaal, roopak and dadra) by using voice recorder ISD 1760 IC with SPI protocol. This instrument has provision for speed and volume variation, which will add rhythmic effect. Our project generates output in high quality audio format and LCD displays ongoing tabla beat and number which is useful for learning purpose.

Fatal Road accidents can be easily avoided by understanding the psychological state of drivers. Majority of road accidents occur during night driving due to drowsiness state of vehicle drivers (Subject). This paper provides Eye Blink... more

Fatal Road accidents can be easily avoided by understanding the psychological state of drivers. Majority of road accidents occur during night driving due to drowsiness state of vehicle drivers (Subject). This paper provides Eye Blink Monitoring System (EBM) that alerts the subject during state of drowsiness. An embedded system based on psychological state of Subject by monitoring eye movements and head movements are useful in warning drivers during initial sleep cycle phase of drowsiness. The physiological sleep state analysis of subject can be determined by monitoring subjects eye-blink rate using an IR sensor and head movement using an accelerometer. A normal eye blink rate has no effect on the output of the system. However, if subject is in extreme state of sleep-cycle, then IR sensor receives abnormal eye blinking rate & an alarm is initiated to wake the subject. An Internet of Things (IOT) enabled sensors are used to transmit the entire data collected by sensors over a smart grid network for quick response team to take actions under emergency conditions

The augmentation of knowledge demanded superior recital appliance to fulfill human desires and arcade. It is implemented to make human work easier and can reduce the use of human power because of its potential application.... more

The augmentation of knowledge demanded superior recital appliance to fulfill human desires and arcade. It is implemented to make human work
easier and can reduce the use of human power because of its potential application. Microcontroller based hand free duster for classrooms is device that clean the blackboard automatically and reduces the time consume in hand erasing. It puts forward a kind of mechanism design scheme. The
mechanism can automatically detect the blackboard chalk stains, and erase the font. Keep the blackboard clean. The duster includes a track the
structure to permit reciprocation of the duster laterally of an elongate blackboard frame. The chain which is connected to duster includes the drive
motors to effect rotation of a coerce duster located above the chalkboard structure. This appertains to new and useful improvements and more
particularly to an apparatus whereby blackboard can be cleaned it an easy and convenient manner. The principle object of the present handy free duster is to provide an attachment for blackboards in the form of a power driven erasing apparatus which can be set in operation by the throw of the switch. It is used to eliminate the drudgery of manually cleaning the blackboards.

In the exam, I wrote that there is no need in serial connection. However, 8051 always needs it. Mouse sends information in three packets. Each packet consists of 11 bits. As I understand, apart from 8 control bits, there should be 3... more

In the exam, I wrote that there is no need in serial connection. However, 8051 always needs it. Mouse sends information in three packets. Each packet consists of 11 bits. As I understand, apart from 8 control bits, there should be 3 signaling bits. Most significant bits are sent first. The port numbers can be interchanged, since I do not exactly remember which port I connected during the midterm exam.

Combined the method of magnetic beads with the characteristics of optical detection, this paper detected the blood coagulation time and overcame the shortcomings that optical method will get the abnormal sample interference easily to... more

Combined the method of magnetic beads with the characteristics of optical detection, this paper detected the blood coagulation time and overcame the shortcomings that optical method will get the abnormal sample interference easily to improve the system's anti-jamming performance. The system is designed based on ARM Cortex-M3 architecture chip STM32, and it mainly includes detection circuit, temperature control circuit, human-computer interaction circuit, and communication and storage hardware modules. And it used embedded real-time operating system µC / OS "as a platform to design the corresponding software. The experimental results showed that the accuracy and precision of this system are in line with industry standards

Embedded microcomputer systems have grown tremendously in recent years and influence almost every aspect of our lives. They increase not only in popularity, but also in complexity. Rising computation power combined with low energy... more

Embedded microcomputer systems have grown tremendously in recent years and influence almost every aspect of our lives. They increase not only in popularity, but also in complexity. Rising computation power combined with low energy consumption enables new breed of applications and services. More often their development requires significant effort for technology research. The goal of this publication is to provide brief description of embedded software development process which fits specific requirements of research projects. Although, the software lifecycle contains larger number of steps this document describes only those related to requirements specification, architecture planning and development. The part related to testing and maintenance are not covered and will be subject of separate publication. All techniques described in this paper are based on use of popular, well documented, open source tools. Even though, presented solution was described to be use by small - even one person teams, it can be easily scaled to larger projects.