Environmental Analysis Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

MODELLING STUDY FOR CHARACTERIZING AND PREDICTING URBAN AIR POLLUTION Gregorio Andria, Giuseppe Cavone, Anna ML Lanzolla, Alessandro Rubino Department of Electrics and Electronics (DEE) – Politecnico di Bari Viale del Turismo 8, 74100... more

MODELLING STUDY FOR CHARACTERIZING AND PREDICTING URBAN AIR POLLUTION Gregorio Andria, Giuseppe Cavone, Anna ML Lanzolla, Alessandro Rubino Department of Electrics and Electronics (DEE) – Politecnico di Bari Viale del Turismo 8, 74100 Taranto ...

he presence of pesticide residues in the surface water of Bertam River located amidst the agricultural areas of Cameron Highlands in Pahang, Malaysia was monitored from May to October in 2014. The sampling sites were located at 10... more

he presence of pesticide residues in the surface water of Bertam River located amidst the agricultural areas of Cameron Highlands in Pahang, Malaysia was monitored from May to October in 2014. The sampling sites were located at 10 sampling points along the Bertam River in the agricultural areas. The method of extraction of the insecticides (organophosphate/pyrethroid) from the water samples consist of solid phase extraction followed by gas chromatography (with electron capture detector, ECD). As expected, insecticides, namely cypermethrin and chlorpyrifos were found in the surface water of Bertam River. High level concentrations of insecticides in the surface water were observed during the period from May to October 2014, a period which included both seasons (wet and dry seasons). The highest concentration of 2.66 μg/ml and 1.23μg/ml for cypermethrin was observed during the wet and dry seasons respectively. This could be due to the frequent usage of the above-mentioned insecticides coupled with contamination that could have originated from the application sites. Meanwhile, the lowest concentration detected in the surface water was for chlorpyrifos (0.11μg/ml and 0.17μg/ml) during the dry and wet seasons, respectively

A highly sensitive and reliable method for the enantioselective analysis of ibuprofen, ketoprofen and naproxen in wastewater and environmental water samples has been developed. These three pharmaceuticals are chiral molecules and the... more

A highly sensitive and reliable method for the enantioselective analysis of ibuprofen, ketoprofen and naproxen in wastewater and environmental water samples has been developed. These three pharmaceuticals are chiral molecules and the variable presence of their individual (R)- and (S)-enantiomers is of increasing interest for environmental analysis. An indirect method for enantioseparation was achieved by the derivatization of the (R)-

In 1997, low-level perchlorate contamination (<50 ng mL -1 or parts per billion) was discovered in the western U.S. Since that time, it has been found in sites scattered around the nation. Although the Environmental Protection Agency... more

In 1997, low-level perchlorate contamination (<50 ng mL -1 or parts per billion) was discovered in the western U.S. Since that time, it has been found in sites scattered around the nation. Although the Environmental Protection Agency has not established a regulation for perchlorate in drinking water, it has placed perchlorate on the contaminant candidate list (CCL) and the unregulated

This paper reports on the valuation of the marine halibut and salmon sport fishery of central and lower Cook Inlet, Alaska. The project was designed to simulate changes in economic value and regional economic impacts for environmental... more

This paper reports on the valuation of the marine halibut and salmon sport fishery of central and lower Cook Inlet, Alaska. The project was designed to simulate changes in economic value and regional economic impacts for environmental analysis but has also been used in fishery allocation management. This study develops a predictive model of participation rate changes for estimation of net benefits to anglers and links the resulting demand function to a regional input-output model for determining expenditure-based impacts of marine sportfishing to the Kenai Peninsula economy. The participation rate model is driven by changes in mean sport fishery attributes such as the expected catch rate and weight for various species as well as the average cost of a fishing day. The total estimated new money brought into the Kenai Peninsula as a result of 259,615 saltwater angler days in central and lower Cook Inlet was 37.4millionin1997,andthetotalcompensatingvariation,37.4 million in 1997, and the total compensating variation, 37.4millionin1997,andthetotalcompensatingvariation,25.4 million. Sim...

This study analyses the municipal solid waste management system of 172 countries from all over the globe with a population of 3.37 billion. This study indicates that we generate around 1.47 billion tonnes (436 kg/cap/year) of municipal... more

This study analyses the municipal solid waste management system of 172 countries from all over the globe with a population of 3.37 billion. This study indicates that we generate around 1.47 billion tonnes (436 kg/cap/year) of municipal solid waste each year and waste generation is increasing over time. This study also found that there is a positive correlation (r ¼ 0.539, p < 0.05) between per capita income gross domestic product(GDP/capita/year) and per capita waste generation (kg/capita/year) and a similar correlation is also observed (r ¼ 0.653, p < 0.05) between per capita income (GDP/year) and per capita resource recovery (kg/year). The findings of this study show that globally, about 84% of the waste is collected and only 15% of the waste is recycled and most of the global waste was still managed by landfills. This study tries to measure the environmental benefits of global waste management systems by applying a tool called the Zero Waste Index (ZWI). The ZWI measures the waste management performance by accounting for the potential amount of virgin material that can be offset by recovering resources from waste. In addition, the ZWI tool also considers the energy, greenhouse gas (GHG) and water savings by offsetting virgin materials and recovering energy from waste. The ZWI of the world in this study is measured to be 0.12, which means that the current waste management system potentially offsets only 12% of the total virgin material substitution potential from waste. Annually, an average person saves around 219 kWh of energy, emits about 48 kg of GHG and saves around 38 l of water. The global municipal solid waste management systems potentially contributed around 201.5billionoraround201.5 billion or around 201.5billionoraround60 per person of economic benefits annually.

When a firm chooses to enter or continue business in a foreign market, it becomes exposed to associated political risks which should be assessed and managed. Help is available for becoming aware of the level of macro political risk; that... more

When a firm chooses to enter or continue business in a foreign market, it becomes exposed to associated political risks which should be assessed and managed. Help is available for becoming aware of the level of macro political risk; that is, the political risk across industries or all businesses in entire countries or geographic regions. Yet, surprisingly little guidance exists by which to identify and assess firm-specific political risks, termed micro political risk. Herein, we offer some new perspectives on the nature of micro political risk within a host country, illustrating how it stems from economic, societal, and governmental forces. We have compiled a number of firm-specific variables which can affect the firm’s micro political risk profile, and advance an innovative methodology by which executives can address these variables and develop an assessment of their firm’s micro political risk. Examples of micro political risk situations are provided, along with discussion of implementing the proposed methodology.

Strategic Management Assessment 2 We are a Consultant and our objective is to evaluate and build on environmental analysis against organizational strategy. The audience expects to formulate and implement a succeeding strategy to achieve... more

Strategic Management Assessment 2
We are a Consultant and our objective is to evaluate and build on environmental analysis against organizational strategy. The audience expects to formulate and implement a succeeding strategy to achieve the objective.

Bu çalışmanın genel amacı, literatürde yer alan birbiriyle alakalı olduğunu düşündüğümüz kavramların aralarındaki ilişkileri anlatan bir süreç oluşturmak ve bu süreci yorumlamaktır. Öncelikle bu çalışmada kullanılan; işletme analizi,... more

Bu çalışmanın genel amacı, literatürde yer alan birbiriyle alakalı olduğunu düşündüğümüz
kavramların aralarındaki ilişkileri anlatan bir süreç oluşturmak ve bu süreci yorumlamaktır.
Öncelikle bu çalışmada kullanılan; işletme analizi, çevre analizi, Proaktif ve Reaktif yaklaşımlar,
Entropi- Negatif Entropi ve Rigor Mortis kavramları araştırılmıştır. Bu konular üzerine yazılmış
olan yazınlar incelenmiştir. Literatür destekli olarak bu kavramlar arasındaki ilişkileri gösteren
süreç tarafımızca hazırlanmış ve yorumlanmıştır. Bu süreç içerisinde literatürde yer almayan
“pembe gözlük” ve “net görüş” paradokslarının tanımlaması yapılmıştır.

Water is an essential resource for life and good health. It is the most common, most widely distributed and most useful liquid on earth. It is the most precious natural resource that exists on our planet. As with most developing... more

Water is an essential resource for life and good health. It is the most common, most widely distributed and most useful liquid on earth. It is the most precious natural resource that exists on our planet. As with most developing countries, access to safe water is a major challenge in Nigeria. Ground water and pipe borne (tap) water are the major sources of drinking water. These sources are said to be unsafe. Packaged and bottled water businesses in Nigeria are hindered by various challenges such as epileptic power supply, distribution problems, air and environmental pollution, integrity, or business feasibility concerns and inefficacy of government regulatory bodies etc. The aim of this research paper is to examine and discuss the hindrances to Packaged and Bottled Water Businesses in Nigeria with a view of identifying the hindrances and to extend the existing literature on hindrances to Packaged and Bottled Water Businesses in Nigeria. The main sources of data were journals, conference / seminar / text books, newspapers, and the internet sources etc., which were used to review literatures in the water business field. The result shows and discusses the hindrances affecting the packaged and bottled water businesses in Nigeria's business environment.

Report introduces remodeling of a single storey part of 1 West Building at the Claverton Down campus. New structure will accommodate Physics Department of the University of Bath and is required to have general teaching areas, meeting... more

Report introduces remodeling of a single storey part of 1 West Building at the Claverton Down campus. New structure will accommodate Physics Department of the University of Bath and is required to have general teaching areas, meeting spaces and offices. Focal point of the design was to provide modern and highly efficient building with regards to increasing environmental awareness. Also, new structure had to be architecturally integrated to the surrounding environment and improve aesthetics of the campus. All of the mentioned goals were achieved with particular attention to occupant comfort levels. Open floor plan introduced into the building is expected to
improve social interaction and efficiency of the department. In response to client`s requirements, proposed design showcases number of innovative features to provide high levels of natural daylighting, passive heating and environmentally friendly desiccant cooling system. Both, cooling and heating, work in conjunction with solar collectors, double façade and thermal mass of the structure. Improved environmental cautiousness is also highlighted by the of rain water harvesting, which is combined with a vacuum flushing system. High operational efficiency was achieved with cautious regard to embodied material energy and adequate waste management scheme.