Evaluation Methodology Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Literature Based Discovery (LBD) is a process that searches for hidden and important connections among information embedded in published literature. Employing techniques from Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing, LBD has... more

Literature Based Discovery (LBD) is a process that searches for hidden and important connections among information embedded in published literature. Employing techniques from Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing, LBD has potential for widespread application yet is currently implemented primarily in the medical domain. This article examines several published LBD systems, comparing their descriptions of domain and input data, techniques

One of the major challenges in camera document analysis is to deal with the page curl and perspective distortions. In spite of the prevalence of dewarping techniques, no standard for their performance evaluation method exists with most of... more

One of the major challenges in camera document analysis is to deal with the page curl and perspective distortions. In spite of the prevalence of dewarping techniques, no standard for their performance evaluation method exists with most of the evaluation done to concentrate in visual pleasing impressions. This paper presents an objective evaluation methodology for document image dewarping techniques. First,

For a very long time, agricultural policy has been interested only in productive or economic aspects. Nevertheless, interventions aiming to support farmers’ income or to promote agricultural modernisation have resulted in several... more

For a very long time, agricultural policy has been interested only in productive or economic aspects. Nevertheless, interventions aiming to support farmers’ income or to promote agricultural modernisation have resulted in several ‘negative’ side-effects, such as increasing pollution, landscape depletion and deepening of regional disparities. Consequently, a need has emerged for confronting problems with a more comprehensive approach, taking into

Geographically-grounded situational awareness (SA) is critical to crisis management and is essential in many other decision making domains that range from infectious disease monitoring, through regional planning, to political campaigning.... more

Geographically-grounded situational awareness (SA) is critical to crisis management and is essential in many other decision making domains that range from infectious disease monitoring, through regional planning, to political campaigning. Social media are becoming an important information input to support situational assessment (to produce awareness) in all domains. Here, we present a geovisual analytics approach to supporting SA for crisis events using one source of social media, Twitter. Specifically, we focus on leveraging explicit and implicit geographic information for tweets, on developing place-time-theme indexing schemes that support overview+detail methods and that scale analytical capabilities to relatively large tweet volumes, and on providing visual interface methods to enable understanding of place, time, and theme components of evolving situations. Our approach is user-centered, using scenario-based design methods that include formal scenarios to guide design and valid...

The information society has developed with differing levels of success in Western Europe and the United States, as well as in Eastern Europe. E-government – a significant element of the information society – has an important and leading... more

The information society has developed with differing levels of success in Western Europe and the United States, as well as in Eastern Europe. E-government – a significant element of the information society – has an important and leading role in some countries, while elsewhere it lags well behind the development level seen in the private sector, non-governmental organisations, and even among citizens. Different strategies and action plans have been adopted in many countries, with different results being achieved against a backdrop of optimistic forecasts and hopes. Though Slovenia has become a new member of the European Union, Slovenian public administration still retains many characteristics of the old political system and is attempting to successfully apply egovernment in practice, both in terms of back-office and front-office operations. Its development has been underway for just a few years, and includes some areas that match the national strategy and plans, and some areas that d...

Human-robot interaction (HRI) for mobile robots is still in its infancy. Most user interactions with robots have been limited to tele-operation capabilities where the most common interface provided to the user has been the video feed from... more

Human-robot interaction (HRI) for mobile robots is still in its infancy. Most user interactions with robots have been limited to tele-operation capabilities where the most common interface provided to the user has been the video feed from the robotic platform ...

Two of the most critical requirements in support of producing reliable face-recognition systems are a large database of facial images and a testing procedure to evaluate systems. The Face Recognition Technology (FERET) program has... more

Two of the most critical requirements in support of producing reliable face-recognition systems are a large database of facial images and a testing procedure to evaluate systems. The Face Recognition Technology (FERET) program has addressed both issues through the FERET database of facial images and the establishment of the FERET tests. To date, 14,126 images from 1199 individuals are included in the FERET database, which is divided into development and sequestered portions. In September 1996, the FERET program administered the third in a series of FERET face-recognition tests. The primary objectives of the third test were to (1) assess the state of the art, (2) identify future areas of research, and (3) measure algorithm performance on large databases

Due to increasing demand for education and training in the information age, online learning and teaching is becoming a necessity in our future. However, lack of research goals to understand impact of online learning environments on... more

Due to increasing demand for education and training in the information age, online learning and teaching is becoming a necessity in our future. However, lack of research goals to understand impact of online learning environments on students is a problem in research on online learning environments. We identified four main research goals to pursue in online learning environments based on their impact on learner achievement, engagement, and retention (opposite of attrition). Those goals are (a) enhancing learner engagement & collaboration, (b) promoting effective facilitation, (c) developing assessment techniques, and (d) designing faculty development programs. Current promising work in those areas is presented. Four methods that are common in the instructional technology literature are recommended to pursue those goals. Formative research and developmental research are relevant for all four. Although appropriate for any of the goals, experimental research is a better fit for goals b and c, and activity theory is useful for goals a and b.

The use of qualified panels applying specific evaluation methods for sensory quality control increases the reliability of the results, even more if the method is accredited by official accreditation bodies.Based on the work developed with... more

The use of qualified panels applying specific evaluation methods for sensory quality control increases the reliability of the results, even more if the method is accredited by official accreditation bodies.Based on the work developed with young red wine, this paper describes all the steps carried out after having defined the method: assessor selection, basic and specific training, qualification of assessors

The authors report the findings of a survey of hospital managers on the utilization of various project selection and evaluation methodologies. The focus of the analysis was the empirical relationship between a portfolio of project... more

The authors report the findings of a survey of hospital managers on the utilization of various project selection and evaluation methodologies. The focus of the analysis was the empirical relationship between a portfolio of project evaluation(1) methods actually utilized for a given project and several measures of perceived project success. The analysis revealed that cost-benefit analysis and top management support were the two project evaluation methods used most often by the hospital managers. The authors' empirical assessment provides evidence that top management support is associated with overall project success.

Despite the advances of the electronic technologies in e-learning, a consolidated evaluation methodology for e-learning applications does not yet exist. The goal of e-learning is to offer the users the possibility to become skillful and... more

Despite the advances of the electronic technologies in e-learning, a consolidated evaluation methodology for e-learning applications does not yet exist. The goal of e-learning is to offer the users the possibility to become skillful and acquire knowledge on a new domain. The evaluation of educational software must consider its pedagogic effectiveness as well as its usability. The design of its interface should take into account the way students learn and also provide good usability so that student's interactions with the software are as natural and intuitive as possible. In this paper, we present the results obtained from a first phase of observation and analysis of the interactions of people with e-learning applications. The aim is to provide a methodology for evaluating such applications.

Art museums and galleries must increasingly demonstrate their social relevance and provide evidence of their educational value. A large number of audiences who repeatedly visit galleries are from public and private schools, including... more

Art museums and galleries must increasingly demonstrate their social relevance and provide evidence of their educational value. A large number of audiences who repeatedly visit galleries are from public and private schools, including university and adult education groups, who demand that museums maintain their relevance within the education curriculum. This paper examines the critical role of visitor studies to reveal how people are learning from their museum experiences. It argues for evaluation to become an integral and ongoing part of museum education programs by demonstrating the increasingly self-critical and self-enquiring role that museum education staff must adopt to better meet visitor needs within the context of increasing professionalism, accountability, customer service and educational reform. The paper is a summative evaluation case study that employs both qualitative and quantitative methods to evaluate the effectiveness of the National Gallery of Victoria’s literacy program, ‘Art and Language.’ The study outlines the methodology related to the design and implementation of an evaluation strategy that can be adopted for future evaluation processes. Based upon evaluation findings, the study lists suggestions for improving the program and reinforces the usefulness of evaluation in proving the importance of literacy programs in museum education. The paper concludes by providing recommendations to increase program evaluation activities across all museum education programs.

Background: The Course Experience Questionnaire (CEQ) provides general feedback from graduates on teaching quality in degree programs, but is not targeted to medical courses. This study aimed to develop and pilot graduate survey questions... more

Background: The Course Experience Questionnaire (CEQ) provides general feedback from graduates on teaching quality in degree programs, but is not targeted to medical courses. This study aimed to develop and pilot graduate survey questions that complement the existing CEQ questions, and that reflect issues relevant to medical courses.

Although many researchers have studied different factors which affect E-Learning outcomes, there is little research on assessment of the intervening role of readiness factors in E-Learning outcomes. This study proposes a conceptual model... more

Although many researchers have studied different factors which affect E-Learning outcomes, there is little research on assessment of the intervening role of readiness factors in E-Learning outcomes. This study proposes a conceptual model to determine the role of readiness factors in the relationship between E-Learning factors and E-Learning outcomes. Readiness factors are divided into three main groups including: technical, organizational and social. A questionnaire was completed by 96 respondents. This sample consists of teachers at Tehran high schools who are utilizing a technology-based educating. Hierarchical regression analysis is done and its results strongly support the appropriateness of the proposed model and prove that readiness factors variable plays a moderating role in the relationship between E-Learning factors and outcomes. Also latent moderated structuring (LMS) technique and MPLUS3 software are used to determine each variable’s ranking. Results show that organizational readiness factors have the most important effect on E-Learning outcomes. Also teachers’ motivation and training is the most important factor in E-Learning. Findings of this research will be helpful for both academics and practitioners of E-Learning systems.►A framework of the effects of readiness factors on E-Learning outcomes is proposed. ►Readiness factors include three categories: technical, organizational and social. ►A questionnaire was completed by 96 respondents. ►Organizational readiness factors have the most important effect on E-Learning. ►Also teachers’ motivation and training is the most important factor in E-Learning.

This article deals with the conceptual approach to optimize efficiency and power of a highly loaded gas turbine flow path design. Different problems were analyzed during low pressure turbine (LPT) preliminary design of high-bypass... more

This article deals with the conceptual approach to optimize efficiency and power of a highly loaded gas turbine flow path design. Different problems were analyzed during low pressure turbine (LPT) preliminary design of high-bypass aircraft jet engine.