Evolution of Consciousness Research Papers (original) (raw)

The discussion of the Theory of EVERYTHING has been continued with a concerted interest on physicality, and in particular, the concept of Dark Matter and consciousness embodiment, making a reference to the advent of Core Manifestation... more

The discussion of the Theory of EVERYTHING has been continued with a concerted interest on physicality, and in particular, the concept of Dark Matter and consciousness embodiment, making a reference to the advent of Core Manifestation Body Template or concept of Morphogenetic Field. It is elucidated that contrary to the erroneous conjecture of the mainstream science, Dark Matter is not just something that is only simply responsible for gravity. Indeed, it is true that Dark Matter epitomizes what ‘holds’ everything together in physicality. Yet, Dark Matter is not just regular matter that is only indigenous to 3D physicality, nor is “dark” by any means, both in terms of its Light quotient and frequency of vibration. Dark Matter manifests itself as plasma waves that has a spectral density that begins from highly comparatively lower constitution, and thus, high Light quotient and frequency of particulate (as well anti-particulate) vibration, all the way making the fabric of the to the 81st space-time dimension, to that of our Harmonic Universes, as well as forming our consciousness embodiment. Indeed, it is better to altogether dispense with the terminology of “Dark” and replace it with “Stealth” matter. In fact, Dark Matter is the essence or the substance of what emerges from the eternal spirit of the God-SOURCE. And, Dark Matter epitomizes what constitutes and builds the layers of our Lightbody that, in turn, give rise to the formation of our material atomic body. Thus, the Dark Matter body may be viewed as the connection link that exists between the eternal spiritual Light SOURCE body of the Prime Creator and the finite level of our Light source body. The Core Manifestation Body is governed by the Dark Matter Template, the blueprint or the instruction sets that our Eternal Source Particle Atoms and Molecules are built in order to generate the layers of our Eternal Light Body determining our bioenergetics, in turn, giving rise to our morphogenetic field that forms the DNA and RNA structure of our genetics. And, all this entails is the conversion of energy into matter. Dark Matter Template holds a cell that has the instruction set for the Elemental Body that is specific to the matter substance that is connected to a specific Harmonic Universe (e.g., HU1, HU2, HU3, and even HU4), and thus, provides the very means for our very consciousness embodiment. Note that quantum field affects the organization of the
Space-time or ‘dimensions,’ which in turn, determines the structure of the timelines that forms the Nebadon Time Matrix that defines our 4 holographic Harmonic Universes. This is what is commonly referred to as the 12D Grid or Tree of Life, the blueprint matrices of the Time Matrix that make up the layers of the Morphogenetic Fields of the Earth, as a macrocosm, and in turn, us, as the microcosm that determine our Consciousness reality and evolution. This establishes a system of communication that connects and realigns Earth and its planetary Light body structure via certain portals and stargates to the rest of the Cosmos, something that may be described as ‘holographic geography,’ the geometric intelligence that connects all the star systems in our local universe to the surface grid of our planet. Note that any changes in the Dark Matter Template Body (the ‘Rasha Body’), signifies a shift occurring in our physical body and physicality. And, in turn, any change in our orientation in matter, signifies a change in the fabric of space-time dimension to which our consciousness is anchored. Accordingly, a review of our quantum consciousness embodiment structure within the Nebadon Universe that may be classified under the concepts of ‘Soul Aspects,’ ‘Soul Expression,’ ‘Oversoul,’ and ‘Avatar’ matrix that was initially depicted by the ‘Carousel-Wheel of Consciousness’ by the author, is re-articulated, herein. Finally, a brief discussion of the relevance of magnetic energies discharge to the Planetary Dark Matter Body Template and the nature of the subtle energies, as well as Gravity, Black-White Holes, and Wormholes has been presented.