Evolution of cooperation (Evolutionary Biology) Research Papers (original) (raw)

Contrary to the misinformation-disinformation or paltering, lies, and deception found on the internet surfacing under the general discipline of “New Age Spirituality” nowadays, the negative aliens do NOT only ‘live’ in the Astral Plane,... more

Contrary to the misinformation-disinformation or paltering, lies, and deception found on the internet surfacing under the general discipline of “New Age Spirituality” nowadays, the negative aliens do NOT only ‘live’ in the Astral Plane, nor are confined to the lowest 4 dimensions. In fact, they originate from the Wesa System comprised of the parallel (mostly Annunaki) as well as the antiparallel (mostly reptilians) dimensions going up to the 10D. Indeed, this is what is meant by the Sephiroth or the 10D False Tree of Life that forms the Metatronic Consciousness Reversal System, which is the impaled form of the 12D Grid or Universal Tree of Life. This means that upon their rank and hierarchy within their pyramidal societal structure, they can exist anywhere typically up to the 10th dimensions. Yet, they often prefer to lurk in the lower 3 dimensions that constitutes their ‘feeding grounds.’ In fact, through their reverse-spin light fields forming reverse-particle-spin matter fields, they can create Hyperdimensional zones in the fabric of space that epitomize a form of space-between-space dimension. For example, the negative aliens often hang in and inhabit within pockets in the atmosphere of Earth that are referred to as the ‘hibernation zones.’ Think of these ‘pockets’ as to exist in the reverse side of the curved space (say convex versus concave side), in line with what the author has introduced as the ‘conjugate-mirrored’ aspects of a space-time, with one epitomizing the ‘physical,’ and the other, the ‘ethereal’ side of the same space-time. In this respect, it is akin to making a mini wormhole to reach the ‘other side’ of the space-time, which provides a good ‘hiding space,’ as one would be ‘stealth’ and out of sight of whatever exists in the physical plane. The form of AI technology that is responsible to create the illusion of False white light is referred to as the ‘Nibiru Electrostatic Transduction (NET) Field Technology.’ Through this technology, it is possible to create a ‘shroud’ of False light through quantum reversal of spin of the fundamental particles of matter that encapsulates and clouds and distorts the natural organic holographic space and reality of humanity that is originally sourced from the base 12 Grid or Divine Tree of Life and is based upon the fundamental principles of the Law of One, by effectively forming a kind of ‘holographic inserts.’ This concept is akin to putting distortive lenses in front of the natural holographic projections of Light that would refract or bend the natural Light, effectively disfiguring the organic holographic reality, imposing self-destructive mind controlling impulses streamed upon humanity. And, a great deal of the nefarious work of the negative aliens in this part of universal dimensional planes, and in particular Earth, is conducted via the Astral Plane that comprises the lowest plane of the 4th dimension. Accordingly, a brief account of the foundation of operation of the negative aliens that includes ‘Light mimicry’ via forming ‘False white light’ and its usage in order to lower humans into the Astral Plane for repeated cycles of futile reincarnations has been explicated. In this regard, visualize yourself as having a ‘False umbilicus’ to the Astral Plane that after death uses an AI machinery that directs you to the Astral Plane through following the proverbial “white tunnel,’’ that culminates in you reincarnating on the 3D Earth so you can experience the same life sojourns of misery, pain, disease, ageing, and finally recurring death, negating any possibility for your multidimensional consciousness experience or consciousness expansibility and Ascension to the higher planes of existence. And, all this epitomizes misuse of technology effectuated mainly through mind control programming that condemns humans into a “sleeper state,” unaware of what is transpiring, while one’s precious divine consciousness energetics is being systematically harvested or siphoned for their consumption, leading to their survival and even longevity. Finally, it is explicated that through the benevolent interjection of the Guardian-Founders, this futile cycle of reincarnation is now ending. And, it is of paramount importance that via spiritual awakening, and striving to attain enlightenment, you finally develop an appreciation for your incredibly advanced God’s technological marvel design of consciousness embodiment as the ‘Crown Jewel of ALL this Universal Creation,’ by making at least a modicum of efforts in order to live up to your incredible possible potentials as an embodied form of God in whatever dimension that you may end up upon your Ascension.