Exile Literature Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

At some point between the writing of 1 and 2 Corinthians, there has been a significant falling out between Paul and some in the Corinthian Christian community. As a result, Paul leaves Corinth with the intention of returning to deal with... more

At some point between the writing of 1 and 2 Corinthians, there has been a significant falling out between Paul and some in the Corinthian Christian community. As a result, Paul leaves Corinth with the intention of returning to deal with it at a later date. He then changes his mind, instead writing a letter known to us as the 'painful letter'. This letter was effective in bringing about reconciliation, but questions still lingered as to why he did not return in person, instead staying away and sending a harsh letter. The section of letter found in 2 Cor. 1.1-2.13 and 7.5-16 seeks to address these concerns. It is the contention of this article, however, that Paul does more than simply recount recent events. Instead, he reframes his behaviour as something akin to voluntary exile. By comparing the letter to exilic writings from Cicero, Ovid, Seneca and Demosthenes, it will be proposed that 1.1-2.13 and 7.5-16 resembles a letter from exile.

Letter to the Editor: Amerisov— is a vicious anti-Soviet emigre who is a master distortionist.

Este artículo analiza los testimonios: En estado de memoria de Tununa Mercado (1994), Una sola muerte numerosa de Nora Strejilevich (1997), Sueños sobrevivientes de una montonera: a pesar de la ESMA de Susana Jorgelina Ramus (2000) y... more

Este artículo analiza los testimonios: En estado de memoria de Tununa Mercado (1994), Una sola muerte numerosa de Nora Strejilevich (1997), Sueños sobrevivientes de una montonera: a pesar de la ESMA de Susana Jorgelina Ramus (2000) y Detrás de los ojos de Graciela Fainstein (2006) como formas de una escritura femenina en exilio que resiste los centros de poder impuestos por la cultura oficial. Estas mujeres sobrevivientes de la última dictadura argentina (1976-1983), a través de estos escritos, reflexionan sobre la memoria, la identidad, la escritura y el trauma en relación con la experiencia de ex detenidas desaparecidas y exiliadas. El exilio aparece en sus narrativas como un estado caracterizado por múltiples pérdidas. Sin embargo, será precisamente la inestabilidad identitaria, causada por estas pérdidas que empujará a estas mujeres a escribir, y a escribirse. El exilio, en tanto el espacio psicológico desde el cual recuerdan se convierte, en un disparador de un tipo de escritura que apunta a la elaboración psicológica del trauma y la construcción de identidad femenina alternativa. Situadas en los márgenes, desterritorializadas, las mujeres construyen identidades en perpetuo devenir que se resisten a tener una esencia única e inamovible.

Lors de la publication de l’Enfant noir en 1953, la domination coloniale française en Guinée s’essouffle en raison de la contestation de la population, des prises de position des leaders syndicalistes et des auteurs anticolonialistes.... more

Lors de la publication de l’Enfant noir en 1953, la domination coloniale française en Guinée s’essouffle en raison de la contestation de la population, des prises de position des leaders syndicalistes et des auteurs anticolonialistes. Alors que la quasi-totalité des auteurs africains « était presque unanimement orientée vers la dénonciation du fait colonial et du choc culturel qu’il engendre » , Camara Laye, lui, écrit un « livre intemporel qui s’est imposé comme un classique de notre temps » grâce à l’exclusion de toute référence au colonialisme français et au choc des civilisations. Dès lors, nous nous interrogerons dans un premier temps sur la finalité première du roman et sur les objectifs poursuivis par l’auteur et la maison d’édition. Dans un second temps, nous analyserons les éléments d’africanité qui s’opposent bien souvent à ceux hérités de la civilisation occidentale.

Eine Seminararbeit über die Exil- und Migrationsliteratur des russischen Exilautoren Vladimir Nabokov und des albanischen Autoren Gazmend Kapllani. Angefertigt für ein Seminar zu Albanischer Literatur. Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem... more

Eine Seminararbeit über die Exil- und Migrationsliteratur des russischen Exilautoren Vladimir Nabokov und des albanischen Autoren Gazmend Kapllani. Angefertigt für ein Seminar zu Albanischer Literatur. Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem Verhältnis der beiden Autoren zu ihren Heimatländern und der Möglichkeit einer Rückkehr in diese.

This article focuses on France as a refuge for unaccompanied Central European Jewish children on the eve of World War II. Contrary to the United Kingdom, which accepted 10,000 Jewish children through Kindertransport, only 350-450 children... more

This article focuses on France as a refuge for unaccompanied Central European Jewish children on the
eve of World War II. Contrary to the United Kingdom, which accepted 10,000 Jewish children through
Kindertransport, only 350-450 children entered France. This article utilizes children’s diaries and organizational
records to question how children perceived and recorded their displacement and resettlement in France, a
country that would soon be at war, and then occupied, by Nazi Germany. By questioning how these events
filtered into and transformed children’s lives, I argue that the shifting political environment led to profound
transformations in these children’s daily lives long before their very existence was threatened by Nazi–Vichy
deportation measures. Most children were cared for in collective children’s homes in the Paris region in
which left-oriented educators established children’s republics. Yet the outbreak of war triggered a series of
events in the homes that led to changes in pedagogical methods and new arrivals (and thus new conflicts).
The Nazi occupation of France led to the children’s displacement to the Southern zone, their dispersal
into new homes, and the reconfiguration of their networks. This analysis of children’s contemporaneous
sources and the conditions under which they were produced places new emphasis on the epistemology of
Kindertransport sources and thus contributes to larger theoretical discussions in Holocaust and Childhood
studies on children’s testimony.

Este artículo discutirá la participación de las voces femeninas en la producción y debate de la cultura chilena en el exilio en quizás la más importante y prestigiosa publicación de este tipo: la revista Araucaria de Chile publicada en... more

Este artículo discutirá la participación de las voces femeninas en la producción y debate de la cultura chilena en el exilio en quizás la más importante y prestigiosa publicación de este tipo: la revista Araucaria de Chile publicada en Francia y España entre 1978 y 1989. Al analizar la presencia, ausencia y/o co-optación de la creación y reflexión de las mujeres sobre la cultura chilena, la violencia política y la violación a los derechos humanos, pretendemos demostrar si existe o no una marginación de sus voces en dicha revista. Por esto, esta publicación será estudiada en un doble contexto: en primer lugar, en relación a las batallas por la justicia y verdad de las violaciones a los derechos humanos en Chile que causaron tensiones entre discursos oficiales y civiles acerca del significado del régimen militar para el país y, en segundo lugar, en relación al pensamiento feminista que influyó profundamente a las mujeres chilenas exiliadas en Europa en las décadas de los 70 y 80 (periodo que coincide con la publicación de Araucaria de Chile en Francia y España).

Il saggio intende dimostrare che, subito dopo la pubblicazione, da parte di Alberico Gentili, dei De iuris interpretibus Dialogi sex (1582) e delle Lectiones et Epistolae (1583-1584) i rapporti fra Jean Hotman e il giurista di San Ginesio... more

Il saggio intende dimostrare che, subito dopo la pubblicazione, da parte di Alberico Gentili, dei De iuris interpretibus Dialogi sex (1582) e delle Lectiones et Epistolae (1583-1584) i rapporti fra Jean Hotman e il giurista di San Ginesio divennero molto difficili e burrascosi. Lo dimostrano alcune epistole scritte da Hotman ad autorevoli giuristi (ad es. Bodin), e ad alcuni umanisti (Bergmann, Payne, Cuffe, Th. Savile) contenenti critiche molto dure e severe ai Dialogi gentiliani. Malgrado ciò, e malgrado le opposizioni dei puritani, Gentili riuscirà ad ottenere la cattedra di Civil Law a Oxford.Il saggio contiene anche notizie circa il tentativo compiuto, dal Gentili, di ottenere un insegnamento a Tubinga nel 1580.

Although the first world, as seen through the lens of academia, seems to be prospering, and the third world has found its own place in the postcolonial intellectual order, the post-cold war world of semi-peripheries in East and Central... more

Although the first world, as seen through the lens of academia, seems to be prospering, and the third world has found its own place in the postcolonial intellectual order, the post-cold war world of semi-peripheries in East and Central Europe (ECE) has largely disappeared from the discourse of Comparative Literature. It sometimes appears as a convenient intellectual counterpoint or is included in postmodernist or postcolonial narratives; in both cases, however, it doesn’t convey regional specificity or allow local voices to speak. Both strategies – core and postcolonial – expropriate the semi-peripheral realm of second-world non-places.

Bílek, Petr A. - Nagy, Ladislav - Skalický, David: "Vše rozpadá se, střed se zevnitř hroutí": Lomy, vertikály, refrakce (K 60. narozeninám Vladimíra Papouška). České Budějovice: Jihočeská univerzita, 2017, 327 s. ISBN 978-80-7394-672-2.

Deadline September 30st, 2020

Џојсова драма Изгнаници (1918) сматра се његовим најмање успешним делом, нарочито када се упореди са комплексношћу симбола и техником „тока свести“ коју Џојс мајсторски експлоатише у романима Портрет уметника у младости, Уликс и... more

Џојсова драма Изгнаници (1918) сматра се његовим најмање успешним делом, нарочито када се упореди са комплексношћу симбола и техником „тока свести“ коју Џојс мајсторски експлоатише у романима Портрет уметника у младости, Уликс и Финеганово бдење. Изгнаници, међутим, документују две значајне ствари: с једне стране, аутобиографски елементи на којима је заснована радња драме пружају увид у Џојсову компликовану везу са Нором Барнакл, док с друге стране драма у целости открива утицај Хенрика Ибзена на Џојсову уметност. Пратећи ова два аспекта драме, у раду испитујемо начин на који је Џојс у Изгнаницима анализирао проблематичан однос између слободе и брака, слободе и егзила, слободе и достојанства, слободе и лепоте живљења. Рад заступа тезу да је Џојсов драмски експеримент, без обзира на његову недореченост и неразрешени драмски заплет, незаобилазно штиво које је утрло пут како ка техници „тока свести“ коју је Џојс усавршио у потоњим делима, тако и ка специфичном, надасве уметничком виђењу слободе, које представља основ за разумевање Џојсових прослављених романа.

This paper deals with literature written in places that are different from the origin places of authors. Exile literature, diaspora literature and other kinds of displacement literature are included within the concept of ectopic... more

This paper deals with literature written in places that are different from the origin places of authors. Exile literature, diaspora literature and other kinds of displacement literature are included within the concept of ectopic literature. A typology of ectopic literature is offered considering the language of writing, the language of the target place as well as other criteria.

La redefinició de les funcions i la projecció social de l’escriptor català promoguda als anys trenta pels membres més destacats del Grup de Sabadell va tenir una prolongació peculiar en el seguit d’iniciatives culturals que Francesc... more

La redefinició de les funcions i la projecció social de l’escriptor català promoguda als anys trenta pels membres més destacats del Grup de Sabadell va tenir una prolongació peculiar en el seguit d’iniciatives culturals que Francesc Trabal liderà des de l’exili xilè. L’article aporta dades inèdites sobre les relacions que Trabal va establir amb el PEN Club de Xile i sobre l’editorial de literatura infantil Rapa Nui. Ambdós són projectes paradigmàtics dels esforços de l’escriptor sabadellenc per donar continuïtat a un cert model d’activisme cultural i literari malgrat la dispersió i la manca de poder polític a l’exili. -- The redefining of the Catalan writer's functionsand social projection which the foremost members of the so-called "grup de Sabadell" embarked upon in the 1930s had a special continuation in the series of cultural initiatives which Francesc Trabal lead from his Chilean exili. This article provides previously unpublished data on Trabal's relationship with the Chilean PEN Club and on the children's book publishers Rapa Nui. Both projects were paradigmatic of Trabal's efforts to carry on with a certain type of cultural and literary activism in spite of the dispersion and the lack of political power attendant on the exiles' predicament.

The history of American expatriation in post-World War II Paris offers a rich archive through which to explore historical tensions between notions of freedom and citizenship. Less known is that this history offers a valuable lens through... more

The history of American expatriation in post-World War II Paris offers a rich archive through which to explore historical tensions between notions of freedom and citizenship. Less known is that this history offers a valuable lens through which to explore national security and domestic intelligence-gathering practices in free, democratic societies such as the United States. The American government’s surveillance of American writers living and working in post-war Paris infringed upon their freedoms and complicated their notions of civic responsibility to and for the United States. This article will use the Gibson Affair (Paris, 1958), a major forgery case that French and American literary scholars have long suspected was instigated by American intelligence, to explore the “specter of surveillance” that existed between the two principal groups of American writers living and working in post-war Paris, namely the community of black American writers known collectively as Paris’s Rive Noire or Black Bank (Richard Wright, James Baldwin, Chester Himes) and the founders of the Paris Review (George Plimpton, Peter Ma hiessen, Harold L. “Doc” Humes).

Alberico Gentili (San Ginesio, 1552 – Londra, 1608), uno dei maggiori giuristi della prima Età Moderna, è ritenuto uno dei padri fondatori del diritto internazionale moderno. Perseguitato in patria per la sua adesione alle dottrine... more

Alberico Gentili (San Ginesio, 1552 – Londra, 1608), uno dei maggiori giuristi della prima Età Moderna, è ritenuto uno dei padri fondatori del diritto internazionale moderno. Perseguitato in patria per la sua adesione alle dottrine riformate, esule in Inghilterra dove ottiene la nomina a regius professor di civil law presso l’Università di Oxford (1587-1608), il Gentili dedica la sua riflessione al ruolo del giurista, in un momento di passaggio fra la tradizione del Diritto Comune e l’affermarsi degli Stati nazionali, in un ambiente, quello dell’Inghilterra elisabettiana, dalla peculiare tradizione giuridica. La severa critica dell’intolleranza religiosa; l’individuazione di una linea di demarcazione fra lo spirituale e il temporale, e delle corrispondenti rispettive competenze del teologo e del giurista profondamente diversa da quella dell’Età medievale; il ricorso, attraverso un continuo sforzo interpretativo, ai principii del diritto naturale inteso come complesso di regole di giustizia e di valori etico-sociali universali, ora fondati sulla razionalità umana, senza ignorare il lascito di sapienza giuridica che deriva dai Corpora iuris (dei quali si occupa anche sotto il profilo filologico) e dal lavoro interpretativo della dottrina, ma anche dalla lettura delle fonti letterarie, storiche, filosofiche, teologiche e patristiche, costituiscono alcune delle basi teoriche sulle quali si inizia a costruire l’Europa moderna. E Gentili ne è pienamente partecipe da giurista totalmente immerso nelle vicende della storia, ed attento ai suoi continui e profondissimi mutamenti. Strenuo difensore della funzione insostituibile dell’interprete del diritto identificato nell’autentico precetto normativo – e questo lo caratterizza, pur nelle mutate condizioni politiche, come appartenente alla vecchia scuola – allo stesso tempo egli è attento e sensibilissimo protagonista della nuova metodologia umanistica protesa alla storicizzazione del diritto in quanto espressione nel tempo e nello spazio della razionalità che determina l’intelligente comprensione e applicazione delle norme e dell’intero ordinamento.

Bremmer offers a much-needed reassessment of the career and biography of the famous outlaw. Asking “what national or ethnic sen- timents did the author [of the Gesta] entertain in his description of Hereward?” Bremmer concludes that he... more

Bremmer offers a much-needed reassessment of the career and biography of the famous outlaw. Asking “what national or ethnic sen- timents did the author [of the Gesta] entertain in his description of Hereward?” Bremmer concludes that he “consciously attempted to depict [Hereward] as a latter-day Anglo-Saxon but also that he eventually realized that in view of the new disposition such a characterization could not be maintained until the end of his narrative”. Bremmer situates the Gesta in relation to other later Anglo-Saxon texts concerned with cultural identity, including Ælfric’s Letter to Brother Edward and Wulfstan’s Sermo Lupi, yet he notes that that the author also engages in rhetorical flourishes more typical of Classical epic than early English historiography. Ultimately, Bremmer argues, the political realities of post-Conquest England overtake any nostalgia for the Anglo-Saxon past, so that the narrative’s somewhat deflating conclusion—Hereward’s reconciliation with William—s...

Este libro aspira a recoger y analizar de modo crítico la complejidad de la poesía de los exiliados republicanos de 1939. En este sentido, su horizonte de expectativas no se limita al establecimiento de un relato que clausure las... more

Este libro aspira a recoger y analizar de modo crítico la complejidad de la poesía de los exiliados republicanos de 1939. En este sentido, su horizonte de expectativas no se limita al establecimiento de un relato que clausure las indeterminaciones, problemas y silencios que han afectado a la poesía exiliada. Contrariamente, su objetivo último se orienta a la construcción de unos principios básicos a partir de los cuales, y sin exclusión del exilio, se pueda afrontar el reto de una lectura e interpretación de los sistemas literarios tanto de la poesía española contemporánea en su conjunto como de los distintos campos culturales de los países de acogida. Sin olvidar las distintas circunstancias personales de sus creadores, nos interesa cómo, cuánto, dónde y por qué se ha leído este corpus en temporalidades y lugares disímiles, en los sistemas culturales en que se inscribió, en las tradiciones de las que partía, en el interior peninsular (durante el franquismo, la transición y la democracia)… Y nos interesa asimismo historiar las recepciones que se han hecho de este corpus y sus condiciones de posibilidad en el presente, articulando una memoria crítica, no meramente testimonial o monumental, de estos legados del pasado.

A study of the limits of multilingual literary expression in print culture. Beginning with the insight that multilingual literature defies simple translation, Brian Lennon examines the resistance multilingual literature offers to book... more

A study of the limits of multilingual literary expression in print culture. Beginning with the insight that multilingual literature defies simple translation, Brian Lennon examines the resistance multilingual literature offers to book publication. Looking closely at the limit of multilingual literary expression and the literary journalism, criticism, and scholarship that comments on multilingual work, In Babel’s Shadow presents a critical reflection on the fate of literature in a world gripped by the crisis of globalization.

Mahmoud Darwish, palestinernes nasjonalpoet, skrev om savn, krig, flukt og eksil. Hans livshistorie rommet den palestinske kampen, og poesien manifesterer lengselen og lidelsen som banker i alle eksilhjerter: “an incurable malady called... more

Mahmoud Darwish, palestinernes nasjonalpoet, skrev om savn, krig, flukt og eksil. Hans livshistorie rommet den palestinske kampen, og poesien manifesterer lengselen og lidelsen som banker i alle eksilhjerter: “an incurable malady called hope”.

George M. Hoellering (1897-1980) was born the 20th July1897 as Georg Michael Höllering in Baden, Austria-Hungary, near Vienna. At the beginning of the 1920’s he moved to Berlin, , and worked in the film industry in different jobs, as... more

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En este estudio se analizan las figuraciones y construcciones de la voz poética en la obra de Tamara Kamenszain, en relación con su experiencia en el exilio y la necesidad de reconstruir una memoria tanto individual como colectiva en el... more

En este estudio se analizan las figuraciones y construcciones de la voz poética en la obra de Tamara Kamenszain, en relación con su experiencia en el exilio y la necesidad de reconstruir una memoria tanto individual como colectiva en el espacio de la escritura.

In this essay, I argue that the publication of this book opened up a symbolic space for Jewish immigrants in the lettered culture of Buenos Aires and also in the future of the country. Paradoxically, this is achieved, not through... more

In this essay, I argue that the publication of this book opened up a symbolic space for Jewish immigrants in the lettered culture of Buenos Aires and also in the future of the country. Paradoxically, this is achieved, not through a text thematizing the cosmopolitan life of Jews in the city, as has been the theme of Jewish modernist writers in other countries, but rather through a depiction of bucolic Jewish life following biblical prophecy. Published at a time when nationally a realist literature taking up rural themes was emerging in Argentina in contraposition to more avant-garde forms, Gerchunoff’s opera prima condensed Jewish life in the country as a usable past – albeit contrived – for the Jews of the city of Buenos Aires. To achieve inclusion in the literary and political world of the city, Gerchunoff claimed a past rooted in Argentinean traditions, and the Argentinean landscape for himself and for the nascent Jewish community by extension. This connection to the land distanced Jews from the anti-Semitic stereotypes of the time that portrayed them as money-hungry metropolitans. Gerchunoff’s literary strategy is not only set in the land as home, but in the domestication of identity by using Jewish women as the keys to integration into modern life in Argentina. As I will show, his female characters as home-savy characters are used to bridge the old and the new worlds.