Glass (Archaeology) Research Papers - (original) (raw)
Die Lage und der grobe Anlageplan der Glashütte im Mönchgraben zwischen Bernstein, Salmannsdorf und Günseck konnte durch ALS-Daten erfasst und kartiert werden. Fundstücke geben Hinweise auf die Ofenbauweise, die Größe und Beschaffenheit... more
Die Lage und der grobe Anlageplan der Glashütte im Mönchgraben zwischen Bernstein, Salmannsdorf und Günseck
konnte durch ALS-Daten erfasst und kartiert werden. Fundstücke geben Hinweise auf die Ofenbauweise, die Größe
und Beschaffenheit der Tiegel sowie die Formen und das Farbspektrum der Glasproduktion. - ROHVERSION - PUBLISHED VERSION ALSO ONLINE AT ACADEMIA.EDU
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- Glass, Glass (Archaeology), Medieval Glasses (Archaeology), Burgenland
Resumen: El vidrio de al-Andalus ha recibido poco interés por parte de la investigación especializada. Sin embargo, recientes avances han puesto de manifiesto su interés no solo desde un punto de vista meramente formal sino también como... more
Resumen: El vidrio de al-Andalus ha recibido poco interés por parte de la investigación
especializada. Sin embargo, recientes avances han puesto de manifiesto su interés
no solo desde un punto de vista meramente formal sino también como un medio auxiliar
para conocer diversos aspectos de la sociedad andalusí.
En este trabajo se recopilan de manera muy sintética lo que sabemos en la actualidad
sobre el vidrio en al-Andalus. Partiendo de una breve introducción sobre la producción
y comercialización del vidrio en al-Andalus a partir de las investigaciones arqueométricas,
se bosqueja la evolución de sus formas y decoraciones a lo largo de la historia de
al-Andalus. Con ello tratamos de poner de relieve las grandes posibilidades que ofrece
su estudio multidisciplinar aunando la información de las fuentes escritas, la arqueología,
la tipológica y la composición química del vidrio. Una investigación que aún se
encuentra en un estado incipiente pero que ya se está constituyendo como una herramienta
muy relevante para el estudio de la evolución y difusión de las modas estéticas,
la tecnología, mecanismos de producción y el comercio en la historia de al-Andalus.
Palabras clave: Vidrio, Arqueometría, Tipología, al-Andalus, Arte Islámico.
Abstract: Glass from al-Andalus has received little attention from specialized research.
Recent progress has shown its interest not only from a formal perspective, but
also as an auxiliary source in understanding various aspects of Andalusian society. In
this paper, we have compiled in a very synthetic way what we know so far about glass
in al-Andalus. Starting with a brief introduction on the production and commercialisation
of glass in al-Andalus based on archaeometric research, we outline the evolution
of its forms and decorations throughout the history of al-Andalus. The aim is to
highlight the great potential offered by a multidisciplinary approach combining information
from written sources, archaeology, typology, and the chemical composition of
glass. The research on glass in al-Andalus is its infancy but is already becoming a relevant
tool for studying the development and diffusion of aesthetic trends, technologies,
mechanisms of production and trade in the history of al-Andalus.
Keywords: Glass, Archaeometry, Typology, al-Andalus, Islamic Art.
Changes of consumption habits regarding glass vessels (13th-20th century) in Tallinn. Popular science article based on MA thesis
Archeologické památky zaniklých skláren obecně představují rozsáhlý a komplexní soubor typů archeologických nálezů, situací a reliktů staveb. Produkce skla v českých zemích od středověku neustále rostla a české sklářství zažilo v... more
Archeologické památky zaniklých skláren obecně představují rozsáhlý a komplexní soubor typů archeologických nálezů, situací a reliktů staveb. Produkce skla v českých zemích od středověku neustále rostla a české sklářství zažilo v minulosti několik období konjunktury, během nichž se počet sklářských provozů rozšiřoval, až násobil. Od první velké konjunktury v druhé polovině 16. století tak na území České republiky existovalo vždy několik desítek skláren a v některých obdobích 18. a 19. století se počet současně fungujících podniků blížil téměř ke stovce. Když k tomu přičteme skutečnosti, že mnohé podniky byly záměrně zakládány jen na krátké období nebo po krátkém fungování díky nepříznivým podmínkám zanikly a dlouhodobě existující sklárny se při obnově svých provozů často stěhovaly na nové místo, můžeme počítat jenom v případě novověkých zaniklých skláren s existencí stovek archeologických lokalit. Vzhledem ke značnému počtu známých skláren, ať už lokalizovaných nebo ne, vznikl v roce 2014, v rámci projektu Národního památkového ústavu na průzkum areálů zaniklých novověkých skláren,1 záměr vytvořit souhrnnou evidenci historických sklářských lokalit. Aby orientace v databázi sklářských lokalit byla co nejefektivnější, byla tato evidence vybudována na platformě geografi ckých informačních systémů, která zabezpečuje propojení popisných údajů k jednotlivým lokalitám s jejich prostorovým mapovým vymezením. Tato evidence s názvem Sklářská geodatabáze obsahuje v současnosti záznamy o více než 500 sklářských lokalitách, představujících archeologické, ale i stavební památky sklářství v České republice. Z tohoto počtu se více než 300 položek váže k lokalitám zaniklých skláren z období novověku. Množství záznamů geodatabáze zdaleka není konečné a na základě dosavadních zkušeností ze získávání dat při jejím vytváření lze předpokládat, že reálné množství výskytu tohoto druhu archeologických lokalit v zemi může být ještě výrazně vyšší. Základní evidence zaniklých skláren s lokalizací co největšího počtu z nich je podstatná pro jejich následný terénní průzkum, respektive komplexnější archeologický výzkum. Jedině snaha o co nejkomplexnější poznání stavu zachování této složky archeologického kulturního dědictví může vytvořit předpoklady pro defi nování způsobů její smysluplné a efektivní ochrany.
The book’s three sections reflect modern approach to archaeology and glass studies. The first presents the results of archaeological excavations, archive studies and the processing of find assemblages connected with northwest Bohemia. The... more
The book’s three sections reflect modern approach to archaeology and glass studies. The first presents the results of archaeological excavations, archive studies and the processing of find assemblages connected with northwest Bohemia. The second section is devoted to glassworks, furnaces and the relevant equipment, their identification in the field and historical evidence of their operation. The third section then presents the elegance and colour of glass products, the typology and chronology of a broad spectrum of artefacts and the results of their scientific analyses. The chronological framework of the book stretches from the La Tène period in the 2nd and 1st century BC up to the 20th century and the geographic frame is central and eastern Europe with excursions to the Mediterranean and Near East. The publication documents the necessity of a multidisciplinary approach to modern archaeological research, especially in the study of glass and glassmaking. Both the work with archaeological and historical sources, including iconography and heraldry, and archaeometric and technological issues and the application of dendrochronology and magnetometry are presented
It can be argued that the Era of “Patent” (or better Proprietary) Medicines roughly corresponds with what literary historians and others have termed the “long 19th century” (roughly the 1780s -1910s). This was a period of increasingly... more
It can be argued that the Era of “Patent” (or better Proprietary) Medicines roughly corresponds with what literary historians and others have termed the “long 19th century” (roughly the 1780s -1910s). This was a period of increasingly formalized commodification of medicinal practices. These were processes that culminated with the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 and the hegemony of professionalized medicine. Harpers Ferry, WV, provides a case study for the second half of the 19th century. Archival records and local newspapers have been used to develop a localized market context. Two collections from late 19th-century privies provide an opportunity to evaluate proprietary medicines within a changing environment of medicine’s practice. Proposed is a way for archaeologists to interpret medical assemblages at a household level.
Ancient glass samples from Greece were studied by a combination of SEM/EDX to determine their chemical composition and infrared (IR) and Raman spectroscopy for their glass structure. The archaeological samples consisted of three blue... more
Ancient glass samples from Greece were studied by a combination of SEM/EDX to determine their chemical composition
and infrared (IR) and Raman spectroscopy for their glass structure. The archaeological samples consisted of three blue
vitreous Mycenaean relief fragments from the Late Bronze Age. The chemical composition of the samples is consistent
with typical soda–lime–silica glasses, with the possible use of plant ash instead of soda in preparation. The deep blue
colour of the samples is due to tetrahedrally coordinated Co2+ ions. The infrared spectra of the Mycenaean relief fragments
deviate from all other previously measured ancient samples as the spectra resemble those of highly polymerized silica
or highly polymerized low alkaline borosilicate glasses. Only spectra taken on relatively fresh cuts are consistent with
the analyzed soda–lime–silica glass composition. Measurements on cuts on the sides of the fragments show that only a
very thin layer (<1 μm) on the front and back of the samples has a fully polymerized glass network. Strong background
fluorescence hindered Raman spectroscopy in the highly polymerized surface layer. Boron could not be detected by SEM/
EDX (scanning electron microscopy/energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy) because of the thinness of the outer layers,
whereas reflectance infrared measurements were not impacted by the bulk glass composition. Possible chemical reaction
mechanisms, conditions and likely boron sources leading to the formation of this outer layer are discussed.
The KU Leuven Dayr al-Barsha project worked in al-Shaykh Sa'id, just north of Amarna, in 2007-2010 and 2014, and discovered on the hillside, north of the mouth of the Wadi Zabayda, archaeological remains of a royal domain, dating to the... more
The KU Leuven Dayr al-Barsha project worked in al-Shaykh Sa'id, just north of Amarna, in 2007-2010 and 2014, and discovered on the hillside, north of the mouth of the Wadi Zabayda, archaeological remains of a royal domain, dating to the reign of Khufu. Afterwards, royal workshops were established on top of the Old Kingdom remains to supply the New Kingdom city of Amarna with a range of different goods. Due to severe erosion, hardly any traces of buildings survive, but the industrial waste left behind provide sufficient clues that besides a vast stone artefact industry, the artisans were also making objects in faience, glass and copper. Objects relating to the textile industry were also uncovered. The presentation will give an overview of the archaeological finds relating to the various industries active at al-Shaykh Sa'id during the Amarna-period, and a comparison will be made with the faience and glass industry in the city of Amarna.
This thesis seeks to illuminate the movement of material goods and people through the socially and physically complex landscape of the Great Dismal Swamp and in so doing to expose some of the detail obscured by existing maps and popular... more
This thesis seeks to illuminate the movement of material goods and people through the socially and physically complex landscape of the Great Dismal Swamp and in so doing to expose some of the detail obscured by existing maps and popular conceptions of the area. Multiple lines of evidence, including ultraviolet fluorescence of glass artifacts and details gleaned from a variety of maps and remote sensing images of the area, contextualize the presence of historic glass at archaeological sites representing canal adjacent enslaved laborer camps and interior maroon settlements. A landscape archaeology perspective foregrounding people, time-depth and scale guides the analysis of glass distribution amongst five historic sites.
The article publishes the results of a chemical and technological study of objects from the circle of East European champlevé enamels in the collection of the State Hermitage Museum. The metal bases of most of the jewelry items were made... more
The article publishes the results of a chemical and technological study of objects from the circle of East European champlevé enamels in the collection of the State Hermitage Museum. The metal bases of most of the jewelry items were made of multicomponent alloys with a low zinc concentration – an evidence of a permanent alloy remelting. Traces of tinning have been preserved on some items. The cells for the enamel are carved along the grooves marked during the casting process. No territorial or chronological differences in the technique and composition of metal bases were identified based on the available material. Polychrome jewelry demonstrates a wide range of enameling techniques, including those not typical for “Barbarian” enamels. The study revealed some features in the composition of the red enamel that mark items of an early period of the style development and objects presumably associated with East Baltic production centrs.
In 2015 excavations in Pereyaslavl Ryazansky (now Ryazan) yielded a rare find from the layers dating to the second half of the 12th – early 14th centuries. It is a raised border of a glass beaker shaped as a drinking glass and decorated... more
In 2015 excavations in Pereyaslavl Ryazansky (now Ryazan) yielded a rare find from the layers dating to the second half of the 12th – early 14th centuries. It is a raised border of a glass beaker shaped as a drinking glass and decorated with golden figures of small fish encircled with a red line. The researchers believe that the beaker was imported from the Near East, probably, Syria. Such figures of small fish serve as a dating attribute of the second half of the 13th–14th centurys. Fragments of beaker decorated with figures of fish had been found in Pereyaslavl Ryazansky before. Interestingly, this item indicating a high status of its owner was found in 2015 on the periphery of the future capital of the Ryazan Principality.
ILYAN GUTA AND ITS PLACE IN THE HISTORY OF THE GUTTEN FISHING OF EASTERN EUROPE (PRELIMINARY RESULTS OF INTEGRATED RESEARCH) P.S. Kurlovich, A.A. Chubur, V.N. Guryanov, S.V. Kuznetsov, E.I. Luksha A comprehensive study of Ilyanskaya Guta... more
P.S. Kurlovich, A.A. Chubur, V.N. Guryanov, S.V. Kuznetsov, E.I. Luksha
A comprehensive study of Ilyanskaya Guta - a place where the manufacture of glass and crystal was located in the 18th - early 19th centuries - was carried out. Written, archaeological, archaeozoological sources were analyzed, and a spectral analysis of samples of products was carried out. New data have been obtained on the gut fishing and everyday life of the people who served it.
An archaeological research excavation was conducted in the area immediately surrounding an upstanding glassmaking furnace near Shinrone, Co. Offaly, Ireland. It dates to the early to mid 17th century and was built and operated by French... more
An archaeological research excavation was conducted in the area immediately surrounding an upstanding glassmaking furnace near Shinrone, Co. Offaly, Ireland. It dates to the early to mid 17th century and was built and operated by French Huguenots, probably de Hennezells (de Hennezel/Henzeys/Hensie) who had settled in this region as part of the Crown plantation of King's County (now Co. Offaly). This furnace, which employed wood rather than coal as a fuel, is a very rare survival, with no other upstanding examples known in Ireland, Britain or the Lorraine region of France where the form probably originated. 17TH-CENTURY GLASSMAKING IN CO. OFFALY [] [Caimin.O'] [] [h.willmott@sheffi]
Auch nach 270 Jahren erregte eine Zeitungsmeldung noch besondere Aufmerksamkeit und führte zu einer weiteren Beschäftigung mit der Nachricht. Die "Göttingische Zeitungen von Gelehrten Sachen" berichteten im Jahre 1748, dass... more
Auch nach 270 Jahren erregte eine Zeitungsmeldung noch besondere Aufmerksamkeit und führte zu einer weiteren Beschäftigung mit der Nachricht. Die "Göttingische Zeitungen von Gelehrten Sachen" berichteten im Jahre 1748, dass "Cammerpräsident Freyherr von Wengede […] vor einiger Zeit unweit Höxter gleich bey dem Dorfe Gordelheim einen neuen Gesundbrunnen entdecket, der dem Pyrmontischen an Vortrefflichkeit, wo nicht vorzuziehen, doch wenigstens gleich zu schätzen ist." Von Wengede hätte bereits einiges zur Bequemlichkeit der Brunnengäste veranlasst und das Wasser der 1746 entdeckten Quelle von dem Arzt Dr. Scriba in Höxter untersuchen lassen. Auch das Versandgeschäft war nach diesem Bericht bereits aufgenommen worden und es sollen schon "mehr als 4000 Krüge" des Wassers nach England, Schottland und in andere Länder geliefert worden sein. 1 Eine weitere zeitgenössische Quelle bezieht sich auf diese Zeitungsmeldung, weiß aber ergänzend zu berichten, dass die Krüge in diesen Ländern "wohlbehalten angelanget, und das Wasser sehr dienlich befunden worden". 2 Godelheim ist heute ein Stadtteil von Höxter. Der genannte Entdecker des Brunnens, Sigismund von Wengede, war Kammerpräsident und Oberkellner beim Fürstabt zu Corvey, Caspar von Böselager, und handelte offenbar in dessen Auftrag. Der Brunnen befand sich auf einer Wiese oder Weide, über die der Fürstabt als Lehnsherr zwar das Eigentumsrecht, aufgrund des Lehnsvertrages aber nicht das Nutzungsrecht hatte. Dieses Recht brachte er als Landesherr in einer Verfügung vom 22. November 1746 mit Verweis auf die Regalienhier das Bergregal, wonach alle Bodenschätze dem Landesherrn zustehen 3 -an sich. Außerdem verfügte er, um allen möglichen Störungen seiner Ansprüche aus dem Weg zu gehen, dass diese Wiese gegen ein adäquates Grundstück zu tauschen sei. 4 Von Böselager veranlasste die Untersuchung der Heilquelle durch den Corveyer Hofarzt Dr. Franz Peter Scriba und finanzierte umfangreiche Baumaßnahmen aus seinem Privatvermögen. Unter anderem ließ er ein Brunnenhaus errichten, wozu ein Gärtnerhaus von Corvey nach Godelheim versetzt wurde. "Die bedeutendste ,wirtschaftspolitische Maßnahme' im Fürstentum Corvey, die gleichzeitig mit einer ausgedehnten Baumaßnahme einherging, ist zweifellos die Errichtung des ,Gesundbrunnens zu Godelheim' an der Nethe." 5 Was ist von der Nachricht, dass 1748 bereits mehr als 4000 Krüge des Brunnens in ferne Länder versandt wurden, zu halten? Auch bei Würdigung aller Bemühungen zur Emporbringung des Brunnens ist die in der Zeitungsmeldung genannte Versandmenge von 4000 Krügen innerhalb von zwei Jahren mehr als fraglich. Dass überhaupt ein Versand in Krügen 1 Göttingische Zeitungen von Gelehrten Sachen auf das Jahr MDCCXXXVIII (1748), 734 2 o.V. 1757, 45 3 In gleicher Weise brachte die Obrigkeit auch in Niederselters und Schwalbach die Brunnen an sich, vergl. Brinkmann 2018, 594-595 4 Brüning 1984, 217 5 Tiggesbäumker 2010
Catalogue de l’exposition, MuséoParc Alésia du 6 avril au 22 septembre 2019
İç Kalıp, Cam, Çanakkale Müzesi, Troas, Calvert Koleksiyonu, Core-Formed, Glass, Çanakkale Museum, Troas, Calvert Collection
Le territoire du Bousquet d’Orb (Hérault), situé dans les hauts cantons héraultais, a connu un développement industriel florissant depuis la fin du XVIIIe siècle. L’implantation d’une activité verrière à partir de 1784 dans ce secteur,... more
Le territoire du Bousquet d’Orb (Hérault), situé dans les hauts cantons héraultais, a connu un développement industriel florissant depuis la fin du XVIIIe siècle. L’implantation d’une activité verrière à partir de 1784 dans ce secteur, s’inscrit dans cette dynamique industrielle et tient à la présence d’un vaste bassin houiller qui traverse cette région. Un peu partout dans le royaume, on assiste au développement des implantations de verreries, lié à l’adoption d’un nouveau combustible, le charbon, associé à un type de production sérielle, celui de l’emballage. Une étude archéologique réalisée en 2009 sur les vestiges d'une des halles de cet établissement a permis d'éclairer partiellement l'histoire de cette verrerie qui a perduré pendant plus de deux siècles
In the areas of Northern Illyricum more than 100 Early Christian churches were registered, but only a small number of them has been archeologically explored. The largest amount of data was obtained in the last decades, most prominently... more
In the areas of Northern Illyricum more than 100 Early Christian churches were registered, but only a small number of them has been archeologically explored. The largest amount of data was obtained in the last decades, most prominently from the areas of Naissus, Remesiana, Turres, at the sites of fortified hillforts of the Western or Southern Serbia, as well as the areas along the Danubian limes.
The discovered glass lamps belong to the most frequent types of cylindrical, conical of hemispherical vessels, with a hollow foot or a button-shaped bottom. The glass window panels suggest a wide-spread tendency of recycling raw materials – mostly of a relatively poor quality. The archaeological and archaeometric researches have provided certain indications on the existence of local glass workshops, which were able to meet the needs of the local population for objects made of glass, possibly used in the sacral context as well.
In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, ancient glass was frequently treated as though it was a prestigious product, owned only by the elites of society. Research was primarily art-historical, and focused on select museum pieces. As... more
In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, ancient glass was frequently treated as though it was a prestigious product, owned only by the elites of society. Research was primarily art-historical, and focused on select museum pieces. As archaeology developed, it became clear that glass vessels were used at many, if not most, Roman sites, from the late first century B.C. onward, and in many different social contexts, contradicting the idea that only the rich could afford them. Scholars began to explain the increased prevalence of glass by arguing that the invention of glassblowing (circa 50 B.C.) had increased production speed while lowering production costs, making glass vessels cheap and widely available across the social spectrum This thesis explores the role of blown glass by comparing the percentages and forms produced by older casting techniques in glass vessel assemblages from military sites, civilian sites, frontier settlements, and settings at the heart of the Roman world. It seeks to understand the social and economic status of blown glass and cast glass: why did cast glass persist after the invention of cheaper blown glass? Was cast and blown glass equally accessible to different levels of society? And to what extent can the invention of glassblowing bear responsibility for the rise in glass vessel use in the Roman world? By drawing comparisons between vessels from different production methods, and from different social and geographical contexts, this thesis begins to identify emerging patterns in glass use across Roman society and finds that both cast and blown vessels were used across all levels of society and that there was no strict divide between the use of casting for luxury wares and glassblowing for cheap utilitarian wares.
auf Dinge ist facettenreich -mal kritisch, mal liebevoll, analysierend, genießerisch, detailver liebt oder rein oberflächlich. Etwas springt uns regel recht ins Auge, es fängt den Blick und wir werfen ein weiteres Auge darauf, wagen einen... more
auf Dinge ist facettenreich -mal kritisch, mal liebevoll, analysierend, genießerisch, detailver liebt oder rein oberflächlich. Etwas springt uns regel recht ins Auge, es fängt den Blick und wir werfen ein weiteres Auge darauf, wagen einen zweiten Blickzuweilen auch einen hinter die Kulissen. Wir ver schaffen uns einen Überblick, bemühen uns um funda mentale Einsichten und gewinnen mitunter an Ansehen; wir nehmen die Dinge in Augenschein, erarbeiten uns seltene Einblicke, schauen nachdenk lich oder denken vorausschauend. Wir durchbohren mit Blicken oder liebäugeln, sind vor-, ein-, rückoder nachsichtig und leider nicht selten betriebs blind. Und wahre Schönheit liegt natürlich im Auge des Betrachters! Bedauerlicherweise bleibt so manches dennoch ein fach undurchschaubar, daher wäre es ein unschätz barer Vorteil, allzeit den »richtigen Durchblick« zu haben. Ob und inwieweit die alten Ägypter diese Wert schätzung zu teilen vermochten, wissen wir nicht. Möglicherweise auf metaphysischer Ebene, in ihrem unermüdlichen Bemühen, die Dinge »dahinter«, jenseits der sinnlich wahrnehmbaren Welt oder des Offensichtlichen, zu verstehen, zu durchschauen und im Rahmen verschiedener Rituale oder in Form von Darstellungen und Bildwerken auch sichtbar zu machen -augenscheinlich Unsichtbares zu visuali sieren. Sicherlich aber schätzten sie bereits eine ganz beson dere, kunstvolle Art des »richtigen Durchblicks«die Kunst der Hinterglasmalerei.
Abstract THE BRYCE BROTHERS COMPANY IN MT PLEASANT Cassandra Vivian The history of glass manufacturing in the United States is older than the nation. It is one of the major industries of southwestern Pennsylvania where nearly 100 glass... more
This paper argues that fine glass dining vessels were prized aesthetic objects in the ancient Roman world. Where a post-Enlightenment bias against applied visual media has allowed these glass works to go under-treated, this paper... more
This paper argues that fine glass dining vessels were prized aesthetic objects in the ancient Roman world. Where a post-Enlightenment bias against applied visual media has allowed these glass works to go under-treated, this paper reexamines this medium through a combined methodological approach of close visual and textual analysis. Drawing upon the possibilities afforded by the development of searchable online databases of Roman texts, the paper analyses not only surviving explicit discussions of glass works (which are few), but also foregrounds references to the medium that are made in passing. It thereby identifies aesthetic emphases that only appear in brief mentions of this material, but which transpire to focus very consistently upon the same visual values. As a result, the paper proposes that works of Roman glassware were explicitly appreciated for the aesthetic effects of light mediated by their surface, both within the compass of the glass, and in the wider space around it. This conclusion is then practically applied to surviving examples of Roman glass objects to explore the visual effects that ancient lighting would have produced. Arguing that the Roman world was highly sensitive to this material's visual allure, the paper presents a new perspective on the medium, grounded in a distinctively Roman mode of aesthetic attentiveness to this art.
Статья посвящена первым результатам исследований стекольной мануфактуры середины 18 - начала 19 вв. на территории современного аг. Илья Вилейского района Минской области. Приводятся сведения о местонахождении памятника и характеризуются... more
Статья посвящена первым результатам исследований стекольной мануфактуры середины 18 - начала 19 вв. на территории современного аг. Илья Вилейского района Минской области. Приводятся сведения о местонахождении памятника и характеризуются находки, связанные со стекольным производством.
Despite the key role of the Ptolemaic period in the history of glass technology, very little is known on the workshop activities and on the organization of the production. This is mainly due to the limits of the documentation currently... more
Despite the key role of the Ptolemaic period in the history of glass technology, very little is known on the workshop activities and on the organization of the production. This is mainly due to the limits of the documentation currently available, consisting of very few archaeological contexts often poorly preserved. This contribution presents a first overview of the material and archival record related to the 1931 excavations in the Ptolemaic inlay workshop of Tebtynis (Fayum oasis, Egypt). Unlike other coeval sites, the data from Tebtynis revealed a complete set of evidence related to the stratigraphy and the topography of the craft area, to the shape and size of the kiln, to the furniture, the tools, the raw materials, and the finished products discovered. The interpretation of the data provides the opportunity to propose new hypotheses on the function of the spaces and the tools, but also on the chronology of the workshop, contributing to shedding light on the technological and empirical knowledge of the ancient Egyptian glassmakers in a crucial moment of glass history.