HUMIDITY SENSORS Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Wireless Sensing Technology is widely used all over the scientific world today. With the technology growing and rapidly evolving, Wireless Sensing Network (WSN) is helping to update the system. The power efficient time is an important... more

Wireless Sensing Technology is widely used all over the scientific world today. With the technology growing and rapidly evolving, Wireless Sensing Network (WSN) is helping to update the system. The power efficient time is an important problem in the research field of wireless sensor networks. Using the ZigBee technology will overcome the issue. The key purpose of this is to understand how data uses wireless sensor network and monitoring system to move across a wireless medium transmission. This project designs an irrigation system that is automated by using controllable parameters such as temperature, soil moisture and air moisture because these are the important factors to be managed in PA(Precision Agricultures).

Wood is hygroscopic and exchange moisture with the surrounding air. There is a direct relationship between the relative humidity in air and the equilibrium moisture content (EMC) in wood. The mechanical properties, dimensions, the density... more

Wood is hygroscopic and exchange moisture with the surrounding air. There is a direct relationship between the relative humidity in air and the equilibrium moisture content (EMC) in wood. The mechanical properties, dimensions, the density and the mechanical damping in wood are all dependant on the moisture content (MC). At higher MC the wood becomes softer, heavier, more damped and it swells differently in the three principal directions. This influences the setup, the acoustics and the stability of musical instruments made of wood. Some empirical relationships from the literature are shown along with data from experiments exposing eight fiddles and some blanks to humidity variation while monitoring the changes of RH, MC, weights, compressional soundspeeds in the wood, neck projection, and some acoustical properties. The RH was increased from some 30-35 % to some 85-90 % over more than a week. The MC correction algorithm built into the Mini Palm Lucchi Elasticity tester is measured and discussed briefly. Most makers have experienced that the properties of free top and back plates vary with the relative humidity (RH) in the air. The plates become heavier and the tap tones decreases the higher the RH is [1, 2]. Wooden string instruments are sensitive to moisture variation. In bowed string instruments the neck projection changes as the wood swells more across the grain than along it and thus the arch heights will change. The fingerboard will "drop" from the strings rendering the instrument more difficult to play. Arch heights swell and the pressure on the soundpost decreases. The soundpost might need a reset while the instrument is wetter ("summer setup") and will tighten when the instrument dries again ("winter setup"). Large environmental changes to the instruments put stress on them. And the cyclic variation and too dry environments may lead to cracks and expensive repairs [3]. Too humid environments over time might lead to creep of the delicate wooden shapes under tension, which in some circumstances can give permanent deformations of the arch and setup requiring time consuming and expensive repair. For a maker and a workshop it is paramount to know at what conditions a new or used instrument will be exposed to when sold. Or imported instruments may travel from widely different climates than typical for your workshop. A performer needs a stable instrument stay in tune for a sufficient amount of time. Professional musicians travel by air visiting widely different climates travelling in extremely dry compartments of airplanes. Some musicians seem to prefer their instruments while more humid or drier, indicating that the acoustics of the instruments also are affected. The relative humidity in air varies with the temperature and the amount of water damp present. The hotter the air the more water damp it can hold. When the colder outdoor air are heated indoors it will become drier, more so when the difference between the outdoors and indoors temperatures are larger at the winter. Water molecules are relatively small and will penetrate the wood through almost any varnish or sealer, although thick layers can slow the process a little [5].

This study presents the electrical properties of Fe2O3 based humidity sensors fabricated by the use of Fe2O3 powder and silicone liquid adhesive. For the fabrication of Cu/Fe2O3-Adhesive/Cu sensors, Fe2O3 powder... more

This study presents the electrical properties of Fe2O3 based humidity sensors fabricated by the use of Fe2O3 powder and
silicone liquid adhesive. For the fabrication of Cu/Fe2O3-Adhesive/Cu sensors, Fe2O3 powder was mixed in a 50 wt. %
silicon liquid adhesive and then deposited between copper electrodes. These preliminary deposited Cu electrodes having
40 µm gap between them were deposited on glass substrates by vacuum thermal evaporation. The capacitance and
dissipation of the sensors were measured under the effect of relative humidity (RH) and the resistance was calculated. It
was found that with increase in humidity from 54%-94%, the resistance of the sensors decreases by 6375 times and
capacitance increases by 5714 times respectively. The resistance and the capacitance-humidity relationships show
significant change in the range of 54%-80% RH and 80%-94% RH respectively. The humidity dependent properties of the
sensor make it attractive to be use in capacitive and resistive type humidity sensors. Thus it can be used in the humidity
meters for environmental monitoring and assessment purposes.

The effect of Y3+, La3+, Ga3+, Ti4+ and Nb5+ ions on the physical properties of stoichiometric Mg0.5Cu0.5Fe2O4 ferrite is investigated. The substitutions partially replace the Fe3+ ions and the chemical formula of the investigated... more

The effect of Y3+, La3+, Ga3+, Ti4+ and Nb5+ ions on the physical properties of stoichiometric Mg0.5Cu0.5Fe2O4 ferrite is investigated. The substitutions partially replace the Fe3+ ions and the chemical formula of the investigated ferrites is Mg0.5Cu0.5Fe2−xMe3x/nO4, where Me = Y, La, Ga, Ti and Nb, x = 0 and 0.2, and n is the valence of Me. It is found that the magnetic and electrical properties of MgCu ferrite change with the substituent species. La ions play an important role in increasing the density, while Nb ions favour ferritization at low temperature. Ga substitution increases the electrical resistivity and saturation magnetization, but decreases the density. The humidity sensitivity of the samples with and without substitutions is also investigated. The electrical resistance of Ga-containing ferrite decreases by two orders of magnitude when the relative humidity increases from 33 to 100%. The results are discussed in terms of microstructural changes induced by the substitutions. Conclusions are drawn concerning the optimization of response time to humidity change for the development of ceramic humidity sensors which are more chemically and thermally stable than polymeric sensors. (© 2004 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

Graphene oxide (GO) is a promising material for various sensing applications. In this contribution we propose a humidity sensing device based on GO grown on glass substrate. Different devices were fabricated in order to investigate the... more

Graphene oxide (GO) is a promising material for various sensing applications. In this contribution we propose a humidity sensing device based on GO grown on glass substrate. Different devices were fabricated in order to investigate the effect of deposition parameters to sensing capabilities of GO. Furthermore, thermal annealing process was applied to turn GO to reduced graphene oxide and measure its behavior as a humidity sensor

RESUMEN La presencia de plaguicidas en aguas subterráneas y acuíferos representa una situación frecuente, especialmente en aquellas regiones que tienen un elevado consumo de plaguicidas (Pasquarell y Boyer, 1996). La hipótesis aceptada de... more

RESUMEN La presencia de plaguicidas en aguas subterráneas y acuíferos representa una situación frecuente, especialmente en aquellas regiones que tienen un elevado consumo de plaguicidas (Pasquarell y Boyer, 1996). La hipótesis aceptada de que la fracción no saturada del suelo constituye una defensa efectiva contra la penetración de plaguicidas es por lo tanto cuestionable (Giuliano, 1995). Los modelos numéricos son herramientas que mejoran el conocimiento del transporte de pesticidas como atrazina y Acetoclor. Para determinar el nivel de contaminación del suelo y del agua debido al uso de productos agroquímicos, es necesario caracterizar tanto el movimiento del agua y el transporte de solutos en la zona vadosa, e identificar los parámetros característicos, así como ajustar el transporte de productos químicos a través de la zona no saturada. Hay una amplia variedad de instrumentos que pueden medir la humedad del suelo como las sondas de neutrones, tensiómetros, sensores de capacitancia, TDR, y otros. Se presentan los diferentes tipos de equipos y valores. Estos valores se compararon para definir los rangos de fiabilidad para las técnicas más simples y se utilizaron en los estudios de infiltración. Finalmente los resultados de los modelos matemáticos se compararon con los valores medidos en el campo. ABSTRACT The presence of pesticides in groundwater and aquifers is a common situation, especially in those regions which have a high consumption of pesticides (Pasquarell and Boyer, 1996). The accepted hypothesis that the unsaturated soil fraction is an effective defense against the penetration of pesticides is therefore questionable (Giuliano, 1995) by. Numerical models are essential tools to improve knowledge of the unsaturated in relation to transport of pesticides such as atrazine and Acetochlor area. This requires obtaining soil moisture data field that can be purchased with capacitance sensors (requiring prior calibration), which it will be used to validate the numerical model parameters. To determine the level of contamination of soil and water due to the use of agrochemicals, it is necessary to characterize both the movement of water and solute transport in the vadose zone, and identify the characteristic parameters and adjust the transportation of chemicals through the unsaturated zone. There is a wide variety of instruments that can measure soil moisture neutron probes including, tensiometers, capacitance sensors, TDR, and others. different types of devices and valuesare presented. These values were compared to define ranges for reliability and simpler techniques used in the studies infiltration. At the end the results of the mathematical models were compared with the measured field values. PALABRAS CLAVES: medición de humedad en suelo, estudios de campo, sensores y sonda de neutrones

In this paper, a unique Armalcolite-PDMS-based flexible capacitive humidity sensor is designed by using spin coating technique, which uses interdigitated gold (Au) electrode and ultrathin (∼80 µm) flexible polyimide substrate. The... more

In this paper, a unique Armalcolite-PDMS-based flexible capacitive humidity sensor is designed by using spin coating technique, which uses interdigitated gold (Au) electrode and ultrathin (∼80 µm) flexible polyimide substrate. The structural and morphological properties of the Armalcolite nanocomposite are characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and SEM. The electrical characterization of the Armalcolite-PDMS-based flexible capacitive humidity sensor is performed at 25 • C, followed by relative humidity ranging from 33% to 95% and frequency varying 10 2 Hz to 10 6 Hz. The experimental investigation reveals a fast response time (8.53 s) and recovery time (11.25 s). The developed sensor exhibits a reversible response with ultra-low hysteresis of 0.92%. The sensor response is recorded for 30 days to confirm its long-term stability. The sensing mechanism is studied using impedance plots obtained at different humidity environments. The excellent sensing performance of the developed sensor could be beneficial for the researchers working in the area of flexible humidity sensors.

Irrigation is a very important factor when it comes to industrial farming. Here we introduce a system to monitor a single plant other than whole field. This method is very effective than normal field monitoring system. It can be used for... more

Irrigation is a very important factor when it comes to industrial farming. Here we introduce a system to monitor a single plant other than whole field. This method is very effective than normal field monitoring system. It can be used for monitoring expensive crop. Water is an expensive commodity when it comes to most of the places in the world. In this paper we proposed and implement a prototype automatic irrigation system with IoT. In this case sensors are used to determine whether it is time to water the field or not by measuring different parameters. Sensors are connected to arduino. These sensors can be placed at the plant side to read moisture, humidity and temperature. In this project, the sensors read the values and it is transmitted to the server through IOT. Based on the sensor details the motor will turn ON and OFF automatically.

In arising nation, the majority of the demise is due accident. The accident ratio is increases in the hilly area due to the fog and landslide. Also, in the hilly roads they have narrow U turns due to this the driver of a vehicle cannot... more

In arising nation, the majority of the demise is due accident. The accident ratio is increases in the hilly area due to the fog and landslide. Also, in the hilly roads they have narrow U turns due to this the driver of a vehicle cannot see vehicle coming from opposite site. Due to fog the driver cannot find the road if they are not familiar with the road and they got accident. Many of the people loses their life due to this problem. The solution of the problem of the vehicle comes from opposite way is solving by using of IR sensor, which sense the upcoming vehicle and blow up the red led opposite side of the road. Due to this the opposite side driver know about the vehicle coming from opposite side and it wait the passing of the vehicle. Those drivers who not able to see the road in the fog we install the red led around the road which indicate the position of the road and driver must have follow to it due to this the driver will avoid falling into the dich. We also install the humidity and the temperature sensor wo always indicate about the temperature and the humidity, Due to this those people who have this type of problem they avoid to go these places. Due to this the accident ratio is decreases. And the main point is the whole equipment is running on renewable energy resources.

In this research, the effect of PVP on magnetic properties and morphology of Fe 3 O 4 nanoparticle (Fe 3 O 4-NP S) is investigated. Also, the sensitivity of the humidity of the selected Fe 3 O 4-NP S is studied. X-ray diffraction (XRD),... more

In this research, the effect of PVP on magnetic properties and morphology of Fe 3 O 4 nanoparticle (Fe 3 O 4-NP S) is investigated. Also, the sensitivity of the humidity of the selected Fe 3 O 4-NP S is studied. X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscope (TEM), and vibration sample magnet-ometer (VSM) were used to characterize the synthesized Fe 3 O 4-NPs. The XRD and TEM results demonstrated that Fe 3 O 4-NPs were crystallized in cubic structure with spherical pores morphology. Superparamagnetic behavior was seen in the samples prepared with the maximum saturation of approximately 10 emu g −1 for the sample synthesized using PVP:Fe(ac ac) 3 ratio equal to 4. The outcomes of the humidity sensing of the selected sample revealed that the prepared Fe 3 O 4-NPs with a porous structure is a good candidate to be used for humidity sensing.

Ferrites are interesting magnetic materials with a wide applicability in current and emerging technologies. CoFe2O4 presents a high magnetostrictive response, important electrical resistivity, mechanical hardness and chemical stability... more

Ferrites are interesting magnetic materials with a wide applicability in current and emerging technologies. CoFe2O4 presents a high magnetostrictive response, important electrical resistivity, mechanical hardness and chemical stability making this material a suitable alternative for the development of sensors, actuators and magneto-optic devices. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of deposition conditions and rare earth substitution on the structural, magnetic and humidity sensing properties of cobalt ferrite thin films obtained by Pulsed Laser Deposition in vacuum. Preliminary results on the film thickness and uniformity were obtained by profilometry and scanning electron microscopy. Vibrational modes corresponding to cobalt ferrite were evidenced through Raman spectroscopy. Energy dispersive X-Ray analysis revealed atomic ratios close to stoichiometric ones and a uniform surface distribution of the main elements. Hysteresis loops obtained by vibrating sample magnetometry in parallel and perpendicular configurations showed no preferential magnetic ordering. Electrical resistance measurements in different relative humidity conditions (RH 0-100\%) and frequencies were done using a High Frequency LCR Meter. The doped films presented a decreased electrical resistance and a lower sensitivity compared to the pure ones. This result was correlated with the structural modifications induced by the substitution of iron cations with rare earth ions.

This study aimed to evaluate the parameters of thermal regulation and environmental variables of Santa Ines sheep and Morada Nova during the morning and afternoon during the dry and rainy, and show the influence of climate on the... more

This study aimed to evaluate the parameters of thermal regulation and
environmental variables of Santa Ines sheep and Morada Nova during the
morning and afternoon during the dry and rainy, and show the influence of
climate on the mechanisms of heat exchange sheep. The research was
conducted on campus Teacher Cinobelina Elvas Federal University of Piauí
(UFPI). We used five sheep Santa Ines and Morada Nova five in order to
measure the rectal temperature (RT), respiratory rate (RR) and sweating rate
(SR). The animals were measured in two rounds at 9 am and 15 pm, during
the dry season (August to November) and rainy season (January to May). In
the same time the environment was monitored for temperature (TA) and
humidity (AU) and index and the Globe and Humidity Temperature (BGT). AU,
TA and BGT obtained difference (P<0.05) for the periods of significance, but
the AU and the BGT did not differ (P<0.05) shifts in the collection. There was
no significant effect (P<0.05) for RF and TS between shifts and periods of collection. As for the TR differed (P<0.05) and shift periods, where the dry
season reached (39.40 pa) and was in the rainy (ab 38.91) respectively for the
afternoon shift. It was found that sheep in this study proved to be adapted in
relation to climate change of period, however, had higher body heat and
evaporative heat loss in the later rounds.

Agriculture is the backbone of any nation’s economy and there is a dependency between agricultural growth and economic prosperity. As India is an Agriculture country where 70% of the population depends on farming, the storage of grains... more

Agriculture is the backbone of any nation’s economy and there is a dependency between agricultural growth and economic prosperity. As India is an Agriculture country where 70% of the population depends on farming, the storage of grains plays a crucial role in national economy. Due to the seasonality of grain production, the storage of grain is the top priority task for restoring and reusing. In the process of grain storage, temperature, humidity and carbon dioxide concentration (CO2) are major ecological factors that can influence directly on the quality of the Grain. Hence, there is a necessity to monitor the vital parameters continuously during storage and communicate the status to the manger in real time which becomes a challenging. The traditional methods are limited to simple manual temperature and humidity testing which are relatively backward since grain situation analysis are made without any effective means of processing and regulation hence there is a need for smart grain ...

This paper presents PV battery-powered solar water pumping system for irrigation in developing countries. Many of us are exploitation non renewable energy sources in high quantity of their desires. Some Minerals are exhausting with the... more

This paper presents PV battery-powered solar water pumping system for irrigation in developing countries. Many of us are exploitation non renewable energy sources in high quantity of their desires. Some Minerals are exhausting with the high usage, thus it's obvious to depend upon the renewable sources like star & wind etc. electrical phenomenon (PV) water pumping system has been turning into more and more vital in remote, isolated, and non-electrified population, wherever either accessibility to the grid is tough to ascertain or implementation value is so terribly high. In such location, PV water pumping application is critical space of interest for property development. Programmed water system framework utilizes elective vitality that drives water pumps to pump water from bore well to a tank and during this method the outlet valve of tank is of course managed abuse controller. A wet locater is employed to manage the stream of water from the tank to the water system field that upgrades the work of water. Since our nation positions second in farming and it gets sunlight systematically, it's educated use sun-based vitality for water system capacities.

A wireless passive integrated inductive capacitive (LC) sensor platform fabricated by low cost sol-gel thin film of γ-Al2O3 is presented. The resonance frequency shift of the sensor excited by high frequency ac signal is detected... more

A wireless passive integrated inductive capacitive (LC) sensor platform fabricated by low cost sol-gel thin film of γ-Al2O3 is presented. The resonance frequency shift of the sensor excited by high frequency ac signal is detected wirelessly by measuring the voltage output with change in relative humidity. The structure enabled us to measure the parameter of interest in sealed environment. This paper describes the design and fabrication of the LC sensor, operation of the sensor and its performance characteristics. The experimental results show that the output is linear (±1.8 %), reproducible and has small hysteresis error (± 3%).

ABSTRACT A device for surface acoustic wave (SAW) measurements, based on a polymeric sensitive membrane, that is polyethynylfluorenol (PEFl), has been realized. The SAW/PEFl sensor shows relatively fast and highly sensitive responses in... more

ABSTRACT A device for surface acoustic wave (SAW) measurements, based on a polymeric sensitive membrane, that is polyethynylfluorenol (PEFl), has been realized. The SAW/PEFl sensor shows relatively fast and highly sensitive responses in the range of relative humidity 0–60%. The enhanced sensitivity of the SAW/PEFl device, in comparison with that of a SAW sensor which utilized a polyphenylacetylene film, may be attributed to the presence of OH groups belonging to the polymer repeat unit.

Irrigation It is observed that most of the accidents occur due to the drivers negligence of traffic and safety rules. Speed restriction may be imposed on drivers from time to time; therefore a system monitoring the speed and other desired... more

Irrigation It is observed that most of the accidents occur due to the drivers negligence of traffic and safety rules. Speed restriction may be imposed on drivers from time to time; therefore a system monitoring the speed and other desired automobile parameters can be installed in the automobile to warn the driver. Automation is used to turn the system from manual to automatic in electronics and thus helps to control the parameters as per the inputs. The automation in this system used to monitor vehicles automatically using IoT. In this project the device is used to collect the details during the accidents and it is uploaded to the cloud and later transmitted to the police station. In this project the sensors like accelerometer, contact switch, alcohol sensor, potentiometer are used to identify the different status of the vehicle. It is uploaded on the web server and the insurance agencies can view all these details for their claim.

We investigate the humidity sensing performance and mechanism of few-layer-thick rhenium disulfide (ReS 2) field-effect transistors (FETs) under gate bias operation. Consequently, a negative gate bias exhibits the sensor response,... more

We investigate the humidity sensing performance and mechanism of few-layer-thick rhenium disulfide (ReS 2) field-effect transistors (FETs) under gate bias operation. Consequently, a negative gate bias exhibits the sensor response, exceeding 90% mainly in the low relative humidity (RH) range. Meanwhile, the threshold voltage change was discovered to be a superior sensing parameter to achieve a broad monitoring of RH range with high response and sensitivity. The approach obtained a practical sensitivity of 0.4 V per 1% RH, which exceed a majority of previous studies with the pristine 2D materials. Besides, our devices display reversible adsorption-desorption and long-term stability operations even after a one-month period. This suggests the sensor capacity to function in real-time applications with a short response and recovery times. These outcomes offer support in the development of adaptable tunable humidity sensors based on ReS 2 FETs.

The paper reports the relative humidity (RH) sensing response of a resistive sensor employing oxidized carbon na-nohorns-based sensing layer. The sensing layer is deposited on an interdigitated (IDT) structure, comprising a Si substrate,... more

The paper reports the relative humidity (RH) sensing response of a resistive sensor employing oxidized carbon na-nohorns-based sensing layer. The sensing layer is deposited on an interdigitated (IDT) structure, comprising a Si substrate, a SiO 2 layer, and IDT electrodes. The structure exhibits good RH sensitivity when varying RH from 0% up to 90%, either in humid nitrogen or in a humid air environment. The conductivity of the sensing layer decreases, while the RH level increases. During the interaction with the water molecules (acting as electron donors), the number of holes will decrease and oxidized single-walled carbon nanohorns (SWCNHs), considered normally p-type semiconductor, will become more resistive. The sensing mechanism is explained in terms of the Hard Soft Acid Base (HSAB) paradigm, building on the fact that water molecules are hard bases, while oxidized carbon nanohorns can be virtually assimilated with hard acids.

Resistive chemical sensors were developed having as sensitive film graphene oxide (GO) spin-coated on glass. Sensor electrical behaviour to room temperature relative humidity was evaluated. High sensitivity characterizes GO sensor.... more

Resistive chemical sensors were developed having as sensitive film graphene oxide (GO) spin-coated on glass. Sensor electrical behaviour to room temperature relative humidity was evaluated. High sensitivity characterizes GO sensor. However, it lacks repeatability and long term stability. To this end, we developed spin-coated GO sensors with different active layer thickness, which were subjected to subsequent thermal annealing steps. It was found that the resulting reduced GO (rGO) sensors demonstrate excellent stability compromising, though, the sensitivity which mainly depends on the number of annealing steps and film thickness. Finally, we propose a rapid, transparent, low-power consumption rGO sensor, enabling its use in relevant applications.

Agriculture is the back bone of Indian economy. Timely and sufficient supply of water is the most important requirement for agriculture. There is a continuous need of monitoring the moisture level at agriculture lands. The focus is on... more

Agriculture is the back bone of Indian economy. Timely and sufficient supply of water is the most important requirement for agriculture. There is a continuous need of monitoring the moisture level at agriculture lands. The focus is on developing project with a simple GUI system along with mathematical modelling of a new and cost effective irrigating system. This paper introduces an automatic module to supply appropriate amount of water to the field by sensing the crop humidity requirement. It even reduces probability of soil erosion and protects the crop rotting due to over irrigation during heavy rainfall with advanced rainfall unit. This system will be economical in terms of hardware cost and power consumption. It proposes a humidity level sensor at field where sprinkling has to be done w.r.t. the quantity of water needed. The circuit monitors the water level of the tank, to prevent dry run and damage to pump.

An optical fiber humidity sensor was fabricated using a hydrophilic gel (agarose) deposited on the tapered plastic optical fiber (POF). The sensing element, agarose, can absorb and exude moisture from/to the ambience, thereby altering its... more

An optical fiber humidity sensor was fabricated using a hydrophilic gel (agarose) deposited on the tapered plastic optical
fiber (POF). The sensing element, agarose, can absorb and exude moisture from/to the ambience, thereby altering its
refractive index and changing its ability to modulate the intensity of light that propagates through the fiber. Thus, the
operating principle of the sensor is based on the intensity modulation technique, which utilizes a tapered POF probe
coated with agarose that is sensitive to humidity. The POF, which was fabricated using an etching method, has a waist
diameter of 0.45 mm and tapering length of 10 mm. As the relative humidity varies from 50% to 80%, the output
voltage of the sensor with agarose gel of 0.5% weight content decreases linearly from 2.24 mV to 1.55 mV. The
agarose-based sensor produces a sensitivity of 0.0228 mV/%, with a slope linearity of more than 98.36%. The tapered
fiber with agarose gel of 1% weight content produces a sensitivity of 0.0103 mV/% with a slope linearity of more than
94.95% and a limit of detection of 2.635%, while the tapered fiber with agarose gel of 1.5% weight content produces a
sensitivity of 0.0079 mV/% with a slope linearity of more than 98.53% and a limit of detection of 6.853%. The fiber
with agarose gel of 0.5% weight content shows higher sensitivity compared to that of 1% and 1.5% due to the effect of
pore size, which changes with concentration. The results demonstrate that agarose-based optical fiber sensors are both
sensitive and efficient for economical and flexible measurements of humidity.

ABSTRACT A humidity sensor made of tapered plastic optical fiber (POF) coated with agarose gel or hydroxyethylcellulose/polyvinylidenefluoride (HEC/PVDF) detects humidity from the change in the refractive index (RI) of its coating. The RI... more

ABSTRACT A humidity sensor made of tapered plastic optical fiber (POF) coated with agarose gel or hydroxyethylcellulose/polyvinylidenefluoride (HEC/PVDF) detects humidity from the change in the refractive index (RI) of its coating. The RI of the deposited agarose gel or HEC/PVDF coating changes when it swells after absorbing water molecules from the surrounding. Similarly, when a tapered POF seeded with ZnO nanostructure is exposed to ambient humidity, a rapid surface adsorption of water molecules into the ZnO surface occurs. Therefore, the effective RI of its coating, which consists of the thin ZnO nanostrtucture and air, changes with humidity variation. For all of these sensors, the change in the RI of the coating affects the ability of the fiber to modulate light, thereby altering the output light intensity. In this paper, the performances of the three coating materials used with tapered fibers to construct humidity sensors are investigated. The results of the experiments show that agarose gel, HEC/PVDF, and ZnO-based optical fiber sensors are both sensitive and efficient for humidity sensing. Dear readers, If you like to have the full paper, please send an email request to We will email the paper to you. Thank You.

Produksi pupuk tetes atau kompos adalah proses yang memerlukan nilai kelembapan dan temperatur yang mendukung proses fermentasi yang dilakukan oleh bakteri agar menghasilkan pupuk kompos dengan kualitas yang bagus. Dengan demikian peran... more

Produksi pupuk tetes atau kompos adalah proses yang memerlukan nilai kelembapan dan temperatur yang mendukung proses fermentasi yang dilakukan oleh bakteri agar menghasilkan pupuk kompos dengan kualitas yang bagus. Dengan demikian peran sensor sangat membantu proses monitoring ini. Namun harus digunakan sensor yang tepat yakni sensor yang sesuai dengan karakteristik kompos atau pupuk tetes itu sendiri. Percobaan-percobaan untuk kali ini bertujuan untuk mencari sensor yang tepat untuk proses pengolahan kompos berdasarkan grafik perubahan nilai pada sensor. Dasar Teori 1. DHT 11 Sensor DHT11 adalah module sensor yang berfungsi untuk mensensing objek suhu dan kelembaban yang memiliki output tegangan analog yang dapat diolah lebih lanjut menggunakan mikrokontroler. Module sensor ini tergolong kedalam elemen resistif seperti perangkat pengukur suhu seperti contohnya yaitu NTC. Kelebihan dari module sensor ini dibanding module sensor lainnya yaitu dari segi kualitas pembacaan data sensing yang lebih responsif yang memliki kecepatan dalam hal sensing objek suhu dan kelembaban, dan data yang terbaca tidak mudah terinterverensi. Sensor DHT11 pada umumya memiliki fitur kalibrasi nilai pembacaan suhu dan kelembaban yang cukup akurat. Penyimpanan data kalibrasi tersebut terdapat pada memori program OTP yang disebut juga dengan nama koefisien kalibrasi. Sensor ini memiliki 4 kaki pin, dan terdapat juga sensor DHT11 dengan breakout PCB yang terdapat hanya memilik 3 kaki pin.

Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) is now widely used in precision agriculture applications. Sensors play an important role in WSN. The traditional humidity sensors employed in the agriculture have a drawback that they acquire a large amount... more

Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) is now widely used in precision agriculture applications. Sensors play an important role in WSN. The traditional humidity sensors employed in the agriculture have a drawback that they acquire a large amount of data which is to be transmitted or processed. Whereas the intelligent sensor proposed in this paper uses a conventional sensor and an embedded processor that can process the data acquired using algorithms to reduce the amount of data collected, to extract only relevant information and to present this information in a format which minimizes post-processing latency. As a result of which the final processing end has to perform a little computation that too only on features (like significant changes in humidity) rather on the huge data hence reducing the power consumption. The intelligent humidity sensor reduces the amount of data processed by 50% (depending upon humidity variations) and thereby also reducing the power consumption.

Agriculture is the backbone of any nation's economy and there is a dependency between agricultural growth and economic prosperity. As India is an Agriculture country where 70% of the population depends on farming, the storage of grains... more

Agriculture is the backbone of any nation's economy and there is a dependency between agricultural growth and economic prosperity. As India is an Agriculture country where 70% of the population depends on farming, the storage of grains plays a crucial role in national economy. Due to the seasonality of grain production, the storage of grain is the top priority task for restoring and reusing. In the process of grain storage, temperature, humidity and carbon dioxide concentration (CO2) are major ecological factors that can influence directly on the quality of the Grain. Hence, there is a necessity to monitor the vital parameters continuously during storage and communicate the status to the manger in real time which becomes a challenging. The traditional methods are limited to simple manual temperature and humidity testing which are relatively backward since grain situation analysis are made without any effective means of processing and regulation hence there is a need for smart grain management system with automation which can also avoid hidden security risks. The Real-time monitoring of the grain storage system is designed based on ARM7 and using GSM module as lower level Control unit which improves the level of grains storage and reduce the grain losses during storage procedure and also reduce man power and labor intensity. I. INTRODUCTION Grain is our country's important strategic resources. The seasonal production of the grain makes it very difficult to maintain the grain quality level for a long time. Due to different environment conditions and the variation in the environment parameters in grain storage depot the quality level decreases also there is a loss of grain also. So the cost of labor increases. So the storage of grain in the proper environment should be our top priority event. Because it effects people's livelihood. The automatic monitoring of the grain storage will help us to improve the operation levels of grain storage, reduce the grain losses during stored procedure and reduce labor intensity. The sensors collect the information from environment, the collected signals through the analog to digital conversions. These conversions are sent to micro controller unit. This micro controller unit is connected to LCD to display the values of temperature, humidity, light and CO2 values and using GSM to achieve the system's remote control, it greatly improves the flexibility and scalability of the warehouse management which sends available data to grain depot manager in time and filters invalid data on the spot.