Health Care Management Research Papers (original) (raw)

Medical disasters with significant numbers of burn injured patients create incredible challenge for disaster planners. North Carolina is served by two Burn Centers, with a similar ratio of resources (comparing staffed beds with the... more

Medical disasters with significant numbers of burn injured patients create incredible challenge for disaster planners. North Carolina is served by two Burn Centers, with a similar ratio of resources (comparing staffed beds with the population). Burn Centers of the ABA Southern Region created a plan should there be a need for additional hospital burn beds (capacity) and burn care (capability) in response to a disaster.
All disasters are local. Nevertheless, regional support is critical in burn disaster planning. This work identified intrastate capacity and a stochastic model was developed using Monte Carlo simulation to quantify the regional capacity.
Results confirmed the scarcity of burn bed capacity with a key finding including identification of the threshold for needing interstate surge capacity. Findings include a more finite understanding of regional capacity, capability, and when a surge of patients may require the practice of altered standards of care.

Įžanga. Didėjantis pacientų įtraukimas į savo sveikatos priežiūrą ir jos vertinimą yra svarbus šiuolaikinės sveikatos paslaugų plėtros ir jos kokybės aspektas (1-5). Laikomasi požiūrio, kad pirminės sveikatos priežiūros kokybė apima tiek... more

Įžanga. Didėjantis pacientų įtraukimas į savo sveikatos priežiūrą ir jos vertinimą yra svarbus šiuolaikinės sveikatos paslaugų plėtros ir jos kokybės aspektas (1-5). Laikomasi požiūrio, kad pirminės sveikatos priežiūros kokybė apima tiek klinikinę (techninę) kokybę, tiek tarpasmeninių santykių tarp gydytojo ir paciento kokybę. Ypatingai akcentuojama į pacientą centruota ir orientuota sveikatos priežiūra. Vis dėlto netrūks ta ir debatų apie tai, kas yra į pacientą orientuota sveikatos priežiūra, kaip gali būti išmatuota jos raiška ir kokybė. Viena iš siūlomų prieigų – laikyti, jog vertę klinikinei praktikai kuria konsultacijos kokybė.
Įvairūs tyrimai visame pasaulyje atskleidžia, kad gydytojai vis dar neretai nutraukia savo pacientus, vis dar dažnai vyrauja į gydytoją centruota konsultacija, kai gydytojas dominuoja ir priima visus esminius su gydymu ir/ar sveikatos palaikymu susijusius sprendimus. Tačiau toks požiūris kuria žemą paciento savivertę, o ypatingai tam jautrūs vyresniojo amžiaus pacientai. Tokių pacientų konsultavimui paternalistinį bendravimą ir biomedicininį požiūrį į problemą turi keisti holistinis požiūris ir centruota į pacientą konsultacija. Šiuolaikinis požiūris į pacientą orientuotos konsultacijos atžvilgiu, gerosios praktikos aspektų išryškinimas paskatino paciento įgalinimo koncepcijos atsiradimą.
Kas yra laikoma pacientų įgalinimu. Pirma, tai į pacientą centruotos sveiaktos priežiūros procesas, antra – tai paciento įtraukimo į sprendimų dėl jo sveikatos priėmimo ir atsakomybės už savo sveikatą rezultatas.
Tarptautinėje praktikoje egzistuoja sukurti pacientų įgalinimo instrumentai, suteikiantys galimybę įvertinti konsultacijos kokybę, gydytojo ir paciento bendravimo efektyvumą bei kitus faktorius, skatinančius ir stiprinančius paciento į(si)galinimo procesą.
Tikslas. Atlikti pilotinį tyrimą validuojant pacientų įgalinimo instrumentą Lietuvoje.

Sexual harassment has been identified as a universal factor that can affect nursing performance and work productivity in any type of health care facility. Few studies in the area of sexual harassment have been conducted in developing... more

Sexual harassment has been identified as a universal factor that can affect nursing performance and work productivity in any type of health care facility. Few studies in the area of sexual harassment have been conducted in developing countries, and this is the first study of its type to be conducted in the country of Turkey. The general purpose of this study is to examine whether the problem of sexual harassment truly is 'universal' and to begin to address whether it exists among female nurses in Turkey. Translated surveys were distributed to selected nurses in Ankara, Turkey, asking about their experiences of sexual harassment during their nursing practice. With a response rate of 58% (n = 229), 75% of the respondents reported having been sexually harassed during their nursing practice. The most commonly reported forms of sexual harassment included sexual teasing, jokes, remarks or questions and pressure for dates. Harassment by physicians (44%), by patients (34%), by relatives of patients (14%) and others (9%) were noted. Further, a significant relationship was found between sexual harassment of nurses who work in inpatient or outpatient clinics. In general, these findings suggest that sexual harassment of female nurses remains a disturbing problem in this developing country. Based on the findings, implications for policy and further study are suggested.

El trabajo analiza la creación en la Argentina, entre los años 1930 y 1954, de una estructura administrativa nacional, orientada a la prevención y el tratamiento de las enfermedades venéreas. Dicho esfuerzo responde a un proyecto... more

El trabajo analiza la creación en la Argentina, entre los años 1930 y 1954, de una
estructura administrativa nacional, orientada a la prevención y el tratamiento de las enfermedades
venéreas. Dicho esfuerzo responde a un proyecto político de un grupo de médicos,
quienes intentaron dar respuesta a los problemas sociales desde el ámbito de la higiene y
colonizar la estructura burocrática del Estado en su calidad de expertos. Por otro lado,
indaga acerca del proceso de especialización de las disciplinas encargadas de estas enfermedades
y su reconocimiento oficial como especialidades médicas.
PALABRAS CLAVE: Enfermedades venéreas, profilaxis, legislación, burocracia, especialidades médicas.

Pedoman untuk Pertolongan Pertama Pada Kecelakaan

Concern among the public and policymakers about current and future major staff shortages is increasing. Strengthening Human Resource (HR) practices and adopting HR technologies such as Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS), that can... more

Concern among the public and policymakers about current and future major staff shortages is increasing. Strengthening Human Resource (HR) practices and adopting HR technologies such as Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS), that can collect, store and report workforce data are often described as a potential solution to this problem. Indeed, examples from other industries show that HRIS can help to launch or manage, as well as provide ongoing insights concerning the whole career cycle of an employee. However, few of the existing studies that discuss technology or its impacts on the future of work have focused on health organizations, and those that do have not received sufficient attention in health literature. Furthermore, such contributions as there have been have either prioritized a particular type of technology or focused mainly on the effect of automation on health professionals' work. They have thus overlooked the full range of possible uses of these technologies and, specifically, have neglected the topic of HR for Health (HRH) management in health organizations. The primary aim of this paper is to address this lacuna, with specific reference to the existing categorization of HR technological disruptions. To conclude, health organizations and the health and HR professionals who work within them need to use HRIS responsibly, finding a balance between the drive for innovation, productivity and efficiency and respect for all potential legal, ethical and compliance issues, as well as taking account of the importance of HRH wellbeing and satisfaction.

It is sometimes argued that the non-therapeutic, non-consensual alteration of children’s genitals should be discussed in two separate ethical discourses: one for girls (in which such alterations should be termed ‘female genital... more

It is sometimes argued that the non-therapeutic, non-consensual alteration of children’s genitals should be discussed in two separate ethical discourses: one for girls (in which such alterations should be termed ‘female genital mutilation’ or FGM), and one for boys (in which such alterations should be termed ‘male circumcision’). In this article, I call into question the moral and empirical basis for such a distinction, and argue that all children—whether female, male, or intersex—should be free from having parts of their genitals removed unless there is a pressing medical indication.

ABSTRACT Proper handling, treatment and disposal of biomedical wastes are important elements of health care office infection control programme. Pyperharin treatment and disposal of biomedical waste play a vital role in the hospital... more

Proper handling, treatment and disposal of biomedical wastes are important elements of health care office infection control programme. Pyperharin treatment and disposal of biomedical waste play a vital role in the hospital infection control programme. Objectives of BMW (Biomedical waste) management mainly involves preventing transmission of disease from patient to patient, from patient to health worker and vice versa to present injury to the healthcare worker and workers in support services, while handling biomedical waste, to prevent genital exposure to the harmful effects of the cytotoxic, genotoxic ,Anatomical Waste, Bio Technology Waste and chemical biomedical waste generated in hospitals. If properly designed and applied, waste management can be a relatively effective and effective compliance related practice. This review article discusses the collection situation, treatment and disposal of biomedical waste and its various types Hospital are one of the complex institutions which are frequently visited by people from every standard of life without any distinction between age, sex, race and religion. Most of these hospitals and health clinics produce waste which is increasing in its amount and type and leading to risk for patients and personnel who handle their wastes and the low threat to public health and environment.
KEYWORDS: Awareness, biomedical waste management, hospital waste management, anatomical waste, chemical waste, bio Technology Waste.

People abused by angry discipline as children, may tend to abuse or overly punish other people or themselves for perceived wrongs in their adult life. In some individuals, aggressive personality traits may be genetically inherited. The... more

People abused by angry discipline as children, may tend to abuse or overly punish other people or themselves for perceived wrongs in their adult life. In some individuals, aggressive personality traits may be genetically inherited. The aggressive personality may feel weakened by having guidelines or boundaries for anger. Anger is a normal human emotion, and these guidelines can help express anger in a healthy way.

O presente capítulo apresenta e discute os resultados da pesquisa Rede de Atenção às Urgências e Emergências: Avaliação da Implantação e Desempenho das Unidades de Pronto Atendimento (UPAs) no estado do Paraná. Os métodos incluíram... more

O presente capítulo apresenta e discute os resultados da pesquisa Rede de Atenção às Urgências e Emergências: Avaliação da Implantação e Desempenho das Unidades de Pronto Atendimento (UPAs) no estado do Paraná. Os métodos incluíram pesquisa documental e entrevistas (n=65) com gestores e profissionais de sete unidades visitadas no período de de dezembro de 2012 a março de 2013. São apresentados resultados relativos ao processo de implantação das UPAs no Paraná, ao perfil dos coordenadores, médicos e enfermeiros que trabalham nas unidades, à assistência prestada, à coordenação e continuidade do cuidado, aos sistemas de informação e à resolutividade da UPA.

Introdução: A Medicina de Emergência, embora ainda não considerada como tal no Brasil, é uma especialidade médica que objetiva o processo de atendimento ágil e eficaz em situações de agravo agudo à saúde das pessoas, pressupondo... more

Introdução: A Medicina de Emergência, embora ainda não considerada como tal no Brasil, é uma especialidade médica que objetiva o processo de atendimento ágil e eficaz em situações de agravo agudo à saúde das pessoas, pressupondo
hierarquização de estrutura. Está extremamente relacionada com outras áreas de atuação e deve garantir o fluxo de atendimento, tanto no aspecto estrutural (pré, intra e pós-hospitalar) como no aspecto inter-disciplinar. Fluxo é definido como acrescentar valor aos processos e serviços, aumentando os benefícios, diminuindo gastos ou pela combinação dessas duas estratégias, no atendimento de pacientes ao longo dos serviços e filas de espera que compreendem o moderno sistema de saúde. Métodos como planejamento de sistemas, gerenciamento da variabilidade, desenvolvimento de liderança e gerenciamento da demanda-capacidade são utilizados para compor estratégias de gerenciamento. São exemplo de estratégias de gerenciamento de fluxo já implantadas no Brasil a classificação de risco, a regulação médica, o atendimento pré-hospitalar e as unidades especializadas intrahospitalares.
No entanto, a compreensão desses conceitos é relativamente nova e devem ser estabelecidas metas de pesquisa para melhoria do processo.
Objetivos: 1)Caracterizar a importância do fluxo em sistemas de emergência; 2)Caracterizar métodos e estratégias de gerenciamento de fluxo em situações concretas de atendimento em emergência; 3)Caracterizar problemas e efeitos colaterais que a ausência de fluxo pode ocasionar aos serviços de emergência; 4)Propor um construto teórico para avaliar métodos e estratégias de fluxo em emergências em saúde na realidade brasileira.
Metodologia: Foram revistos cinco estudos de situações concretas de gerenciamento de fluxo em emergências, descrevendo-se exemplos de problemas a serem resolvidos no contexto de entrada, estadia e saída do sistema de emergências em saúde. A partir desses casos, construiu-se um mapa conceitual para nortear as iniciativas de pesquisa.
Resultados: Foram identificados problemas que exigem o equacionamento do fluxo em emergências, compreendendo a comunicação entre unidades do sistema, comunicação entre equipes de saúde, interação entre unidades intra-hospitalares,
planejamento de capacidade, preparo para situações de catástrofe, efeitos decorrentes de sistemas saturados (flutuação da relação demanda-capacidade; efeito Roemer; efeito de Porta-Giratória) e princípios éticos. Esse problemas obtidos por revisão de literatura foram contextualizados em casos concretos da realidade brasileira que auxiliaram na elaboração de um novo construto teórico para direcionar
as iniciativas de pesquisa na área, adaptando-as às necessidades culturais e sociais brasileiras.
Conclusões: Problemas relacionados a inexistência ou lentificação do fluxo em sistemas de emergência são identificáveis em casos concretos da realidade brasileira e devem ser equacionados através de pesquisa na áreas que leve em consideração peculiaridades culturais e sociais.

In the Aviation Field, safety is important and numerous steps had been taken to alleviate safety or retain it. The graduates from aviation institutions were trained to be efficient, skillful, and knowledgeable so that mistakes during jobs... more

In the Aviation Field, safety is important and numerous steps had been taken to alleviate safety or retain it. The graduates from aviation institutions were trained to be efficient, skillful, and knowledgeable so that mistakes during jobs could be minimized or maintained at zero. In order for these graduates to have those characteristics, their lecturers or academicians should be at their bests in order to train these graduate efficiently. Being at their bests require the lecturers to be fit and healthy. We had investigated the health and fitness of these academicians and the results varies.

Resultados de um estudo sobre crenças e tradições no decurso do primeiro ano de vida.

مقدمه: پرداختن به آميخته ي بازاريابي در بيمارستان ها و سازما نهاي ارايه دهنده ي خدمات درماني در عصر حاضر جهت رفع نيازهاي درماني واقعي، داشتن سهم بيشتر بازار، مشتري، درامد و افزايش كارايي و اثربخشي اين مراكز ضروري م يباشد. هدف از اين... more

مقدمه: پرداختن به آميخته ي بازاريابي در بيمارستان ها و سازما نهاي ارايه دهنده ي خدمات درماني در عصر حاضر جهت رفع نيازهاي درماني
واقعي، داشتن سهم بيشتر بازار، مشتري، درامد و افزايش كارايي و اثربخشي اين مراكز ضروري م يباشد. هدف از اين مقاله، ارايه ي الگوي آميخته ي
بازاريابي در خدمات درماني، جهت بيمارستا نهاي دولتي ايران بود.
روش بررسي: پژوهش حاضر از نوع كاربردي و تحليلي بود. با توجه به خدماتي بودن عرصه ي بهداشت و درمان، در اين پژوهش از الگوي مفهومي بومز و بیتنر
استفاده گرديد كه مشتمل بر 7 بعد محصول، قيمت، مكان، ترويج، شواهد فيزيكي، فرايند و كاركنان Booms and Bitner آميخته ي بازاريابي خدمات
مي باشد. سپس با استفاده از مطالعات كتابخان هاي، متغيرهاي مربوط به هر بعد جمع آوري گرديد. ابزار جمع آوري داد هها در بخش مطالعات كتابخانه اي، فيش
كارت و در بخش مطالع هي ميداني پرسش نامه ي محقق ساخته بود كه سؤالات آن بر اساس طيف پنج گزين هاي ليكرت تنظيم گرديد. اعتبار محتوايي
استفاده گرديد. جامعه ي پژوهش را مديران Cronbachs alpha پرسش نامه توسط خبرگان موضوع پژوهش به شيو هي كيفي تأييد و جهت روايي آن از
بيمارستان هاي دولتي و خصوصي شهر تهران و كارشناسان حوزه ي معاونت سلامت وزارت بهداشت، درمان و آموزش پزشكي تشكيل دادند. داده ها با
و به روش تحليل عاملي اكتشافي و تأييدي مورد تحليل قرار گرفت. LISREL 8/ نسخه ي 18 و 50 SPSS بهره گيري از نر مافزارهاي
8 متغير، بعد « ترويج » 8 متغير، بعد « قيمت » 6 متغير، بعد « مكان » 9 متغير، بعد « نوع خدمت » يافته ها: در مرحله ي تحليل عاملي اكتشافي، در بعد
6 متغير شناسايي گرديد. در تحليل عاملي مرتبه ي اول، متغيرهايي كه بيشترين « فرايند » 8 متغير و در بعد « كاركنان » 10 متغير، بعد « شواهد فيزيكي »
الگوي آميخته بازاريابي خدمات ،LISREL تأثير را در هر بعد داشتند، شناسايي نموده و در تحليل عاملي مرتبه ي دوم، شاخص هاي برازش نرم افزار
0 بودند. / با ضريب 81 « قيمت » 0 و بعد / با ضريب 82 « مكان » درماني را با 7 بعد تأييد كرد. ابعادي كه بيشترين تأثير را در الگو داشتند، شامل: بعد
نتيجه گيري: مراكز ارايه دهنده ي خدمات درماني مي توانند آميخته ي بازاريابي را با 7 بعد و متغيرهاي مربوط به آ نها را با تمركز بر مكان و قيمت،
در مديريت بازاريابي خود استفاده نمايند.
واژه هاي كليدي: آميخته ي بازاريابي؛ خدمات بهداشتي درماني؛ بيمارستا نها؛ تحليل عاملي؛ ايران

Aim: To document the contribution of the Public Health Cooperation in South Eastern Europe (PH-SEE) Project during 2000-2010, to the development of the New Public Health in SEE. Methods: Critical analysis of the project activities and... more

Aim: To document the contribution of the Public Health Cooperation in
South Eastern Europe (PH-SEE) Project during 2000-2010, to the development
of the New Public Health in SEE.
Methods: Critical analysis of the project activities and outcomes based on the
relevant documents, Internet sources and published literature, as well as personal
experience and observations of the authors as active contributors to the PH-SEE
Network activities.
Facts and findings: Within the last 10 years South Eastern Europe (SEE)
countries have been experiencing a kind of renaissance or revolution of public
health in their region. There has been undergoing profound changes with raising
awareness, capacity building in public health and health management, and
preparing target-oriented public health practitioners, researchers, health policy
analysts and managers for health care institutions. A strong network for longterm
cooperation was established among public health institutions and
professionals in the SEE region.
Advancements in the teaching and research in public health and analysis/
formulation of national health policies were followed by curriculum development
for Master in Public Health and establishment of Public Health postgraduate
education programmes/centres/schools of public health in almost each country in
the SEE region.
Among the most tangible outcomes of the Project were the handbooks for
teachers, researchers and public health professionals. Six volumes were published
so far, and the seventh one will be published next year, 2011.
Conclusion: The PH-SEE project has been a real success, not only in terms
of achieving its goals related to public health development in the region by raising
training and research capacity, but also in terms of inter-country cooperation,
getting in the line with the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe main goal of
strengthening the efforts of the countries of the region in fostering peace,
democracy, respect for human rights and economic prosperity.
Key words: public health networking, Master in public health, public health
research, Forum for Public Health in South Eastern Europe

This review compares Yukon’s health system performance with other northern regions, including: Labrador, Saguenay (QC), Côte-Nord (QC), Nord (QC), Nunavik (QC), Baie-James (QC), Northwestern (ON), Porcupine (ON), Thunder Bay (ON),... more

This review compares Yukon’s health system performance with other northern regions, including: Labrador, Saguenay (QC), Côte-Nord (QC), Nord (QC), Nunavik (QC), Baie-James (QC), Northwestern (ON), Porcupine (ON), Thunder Bay (ON), Northern (MB), Mamawetan (SK), Keewatin (SK), Athasbasca (SK), North Zone (AB), Northwest (BC), North-Interior (BC), Northeast (BC), the Northwest Territories, Nunavut, and Yukon.

Background: Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the all regions of India, with the highest proportion in the Southern region (25%) and the lowest in the Central region (12%). People diagnosed with coronary heart... more

Background: Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the all regions of India, with the highest proportion in the Southern region (25%) and the lowest in the Central region (12%). People diagnosed with coronary heart disease (CHD) are at an increased risk for illness and death. Lifestyle related behavioural risk factors are mainly implicated for increased burden of cardiovascular diseases. To reduce this risk, it is recommended that people who are diagnosed with CHD improve their health behaviors. The objective of this study was to assess the prevalence of associated lifestyle risk behaviors such as diet, physical activity, sedentary lifestyle, stress and CVD.

The National Press presents a simplistic explanation that it is the ageing population which accounts for rising health care demand. However, growth in the proportion of admissions aged 75+ in different specialties shows seemingly... more

The National Press presents a simplistic explanation that it is the ageing population which accounts for rising health care demand. However, growth in the proportion of admissions aged 75+ in different specialties shows seemingly inexplicable very wide variation, and is characterized by non-linear and sometimes cyclic trends over time. Other studies have shown that age at first admission (for those aged 60+) increases in line with life expectancy. The question is posed regarding the role of infectious agents in these trends. Everyone will be well aware of the ageing population or the demographic shift and that the increase in admissions, A&E attendances and costs are often blamed on 'the ageing population'.

ÖZ Ülkemiz kamu sektörünün en önemli organizasyonlarından biri olan Sağlık Bakanlığı'nda da son yıllarda yeniden yapılanma çalışmaları gündeme gelmektedir. En son 15 08 2017 tarih ve 694 sayılı kanun hükmünde kararname ile yeniden... more

ÖZ Ülkemiz kamu sektörünün en önemli organizasyonlarından biri olan Sağlık Bakanlığı'nda da son yıllarda yeniden yapılanma çalışmaları gündeme gelmektedir. En son 15 08 2017 tarih ve 694 sayılı kanun hükmünde kararname ile yeniden yapılandırılan Sağlık Bakanlığı teşkilat yapısında önemli ve köklü değişiklikler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu çalışmada yeniden yapılandırılan Sağlık Bakanlığı'nda tüm örgütler için son derece önemli bir konu olan örgütsel bağlılığın analizinin yapılması hedeflenmektedir. Bu amaçla bu çalışmada Bartın Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı Merkezi evreninde gerçekleştirilen örgütsel bağlılık anketinden elde edilen bulgulara yer verilmektedir. Gerçekleştirilen anket uygulaması sonucunda ağız ve diş sağlığı merkezinde görev yapan kamu çalışanlarında örgütsel bağlılık, duygusal bağlılıkta 3,46, devam bağlılığında 3,38, normatif bağlılıkta ise 3,31 seviyesinde gerçekleşmektedir.
The Ministry of Health, which is one of the most important organizations of our country's public sector, has been in the process of restructuring efforts in recent years. Major and radical changes have been made in the structure of the Ministry of Health which was restructured with the decree of the last law dated 15 08 2017 and numbered 694. In this study, it is aimed to analyze organizational commitment, which is an extremely important issue for all organizations in the restructured Ministry of Health. For this purpose, in this article the findings obtained from the organizational commitment questionnaire conducted in BartınCenter of Dentistry and Dental Health are included to analyze. As a result of the survey, organizational commitment was 3.46 in the subscale of emotional attachment, 3.38 in the dimension of continuing attachment, and 3.31 in normative attachment dimension in the public employees working at Oral and Dental Health Center.

This article presents a new avenue for healthcare risk managers to drive improvement for patients and healthcare organizations alike: working to reduce avoidable patient suffering. It briefly describes the problem of patient suffering,... more

This article presents a new avenue for healthcare risk managers to drive improvement for patients and healthcare organizations alike: working to reduce avoidable patient suffering. It briefly describes the problem of patient suffering, differentiates between avoidable and unavoidable suffering, and suggests that common risk management tools can be used to tackle the problem. It also highlights a success story from one large health system.

The fact that internet companies may record our personal data and track our online behavior for commercial or political purpose has emphasized aspects related to online privacy. This has also led to the development of search engines that... more

The fact that internet companies may record our personal data and track our online behavior for commercial or political purpose has emphasized aspects related to online privacy. This has also led to the development of search engines that promise no tracking and privacy. Search engines also have a major role in spreading low-quality health information such as that of anti-vaccine websites. This study investigates the relationship between search engines' approach to privacy and the scientific quality of the information they return. We analyzed the first 30 webpages returned searching 'vaccines autism' in English, Spanish, Italian and French. The results show that alternative search engines (Duckduckgo, Ecosia, Qwant, Swisscows and Mojeek) may return more anti-vaccine pages (10 to 53 percent) than this http URL (zero). Some localized versions of Google, however, returned more anti-vaccine webpages (up to 10 percent) than this http URL. Our study suggests that designing a se...

In the UK, hospitals are being encouraged to introduce booked admissions policies for elective inpatient services whereby patients are given a date for hospital admission months in advance rather than being put on a waiting list and then... more

In the UK, hospitals are being encouraged to introduce booked admissions policies for elective inpatient services whereby patients are given a date for hospital admission months in advance rather than being put on a waiting list and then informed of their admission date at short notice. We address the question of what level of capacity is required to operate such a system if cancellations of booked elective patients are to be kept to a low level. Methods are presented for quantifying the day to day variation in bed demand due to emergency admissions, patient initiated cancellations and variable lengths of stay amongst patients.

Presentatie op Kennisdiner NIMA Noord, februari 2015

Summary Background Many causes of vision impairment can be prevented or treated. With an ageing global population, the demands for eye health services are increasing. We estimated the prevalence and relative contribution of avoidable... more

Summary Background Many causes of vision impairment can be prevented or treated. With an ageing global population, the demands for eye health services are increasing. We estimated the prevalence and relative contribution of avoidable causes of blindness and vision impairment globally from 1990 to 2020. We aimed to compare the results with the World Health Assembly Global Action Plan (WHA GAP) target of a 25% global reduction from 2010 to 2019 in avoidable vision impairment, defined as cataract and undercorrected refractive error. Methods We did a systematic review and meta-analysis of population-based surveys of eye disease from January, 1980, to October, 2018. We fitted hierarchical models to estimate prevalence (with 95% uncertainty intervals [UIs]) of moderate and severe vision impairment (MSVI; presenting visual acuity from <6/18 to 3/60) and blindness (<3/60 or less than 10° visual field around central fixation) by cause, age, region, and year. Because of data sparsity at...

T his paper examines the staffing, division of labor, and resulting profitability of primary care physician practices. Division of labor is viewed as a mechanism to increase the efficiency of production processes through specialization.... more

T his paper examines the staffing, division of labor, and resulting profitability of primary care physician practices. Division of labor is viewed as a mechanism to increase the efficiency of production processes through specialization. At the same time, division of labor also introduces coordination cost as handoffs and communication needs increase. We attempt to empirically assess the net effect in primary care physician offices. We collected data from a sample of these practices and tested two hypotheses: (H1) controlling for staff size, greater delegation through the use of more staff types will decrease the throughput of visits, and (H2) controlling for staff size, income per unit time generated by the practice is decreasing in the number of staff types. We find evidence supporting both hypotheses. We conclude that many physicians are gaining little financial benefit from delegating work to support staff. This suggests that small practices with few staff may be viable alternati...

Understanding of the notion of microsociology and macrosociology and the relation between these two have great significance for comprehending the violence and challenging with it.The study of everyday behaviour in situations of face to... more

Understanding of the notion of microsociology and macrosociology and the relation between these two have great significance for comprehending the violence and challenging with it.The study of everyday behaviour in situations of face to face interaction is usually called microsociology. Macrosociology is the analysis of large scale social systems like the political system or the economic order. It also includes the analysis of long term processes which have complicated interaction web such as raise of violance and rage in a society. Violence in healthcare institutions is a common problem in the world. As the violence against healthcare workers is a microsociologic element which seems like simple individual small problems, we should look for reasons which are already made up by macrosociologic elements such socioeconomic status of the population. This logic can help us to understand the big picture underlying the main causes of violence in healthcare. In addition to this, there are some exacerbating factors which causes more violence in health field rather than other work places. After the understanding of those, we are going to focus on factors that alleviates violence in healthcare.

Le Service de santé des armées répond aux missions de soutien sanitaire des militaires mais aussi aux besoins de santé du territoire. L’encadrement paramédical des hôpitaux et centres médicaux des armées est réalisé par des cadres de... more

Le Service de santé des armées répond aux missions de soutien sanitaire des militaires mais aussi aux besoins de santé du territoire. L’encadrement paramédical des hôpitaux et centres médicaux des armées est réalisé par des cadres de santé diplômés, dont la majorité exerce sous statut militaire. La loyauté en milieu militaire n’est pas implicite, elle est clairement inscrite dans le Code de la défense. C’est un choix personnel fort, un engagement inscrit dès l’origine et constant
pour tout militaire.
Military Health Service, loyalty and management. The French Military Health Service provides healthcare services to members of the armed forces as well as meeting the healthcare requirements of the territory. The paramedical management of hospitals and military medical centres is carried out by qualifi ed healthcare managers, most of whom have military status. Loyalty in the military environment is not implicit, it is clearly written in the French Defence Code. It is a strong personal choice, a commitment made and upheld throughout the career of all members of the armed forces.

Population, community, and public health notions are addressed separately in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), have different foci and stakeholders, build on different frameworks to achieve their aims, and apply... more

Population, community, and public health notions are addressed separately in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), have different foci and stakeholders, build on different frameworks to achieve their aims, and apply different measures to determine the long-term impact of interventions. This paper attempts to clarify each concept and proposes a method of evaluating each of these sets of health-related activities based on the benefits that accrue to the respective stakeholders. In addition to indicating how to affect change and improvements in health, the ecological model of health also provides insight into how the benefits from health-related activities may or may not flow back to the entities sponsoring health interventions. By clearly defining each of the concepts and examining the methods and metrics being used to select activities and measure benefits, a valuation model is developed that measures the financial impact on the targeted population as well as the spon...

The health system should be endowed with adequate accessibility levels to each functional population cohort it envisages to serve. In the case we are before higher levels of elder population, those health necessities increase. The... more

The health system should be endowed with adequate
accessibility levels to each functional population cohort it
envisages to serve. In the case we are before higher levels
of elder population, those health necessities increase.
The location of health facilities should have in mind the
demographic structure of each territory. Accordingly, the
increase of elder people turns more needed public health
policies addressed to mitigate social exclusion processes
that can occur. Health public policies and planning practices
should promote accessibility to primary health care
facilities. In such a context, the location of those facilities
and its accessibility have a particular importance. In this
article, we envisage to evaluate the contribution of the
location models to identify the more adequate locations
of the health facilities and to check how the accessibility
levels vary according to the results obtained from those