Heritage Languages Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

In this special issue, authors provide theories, practices, and examples of how the arts are wonderful tool to teach literacies to emergent bilingual students, families, and communities. It concludes with a chapter of multiple resources... more

In this special issue, authors provide theories, practices, and examples of how the arts are wonderful tool to teach literacies to emergent bilingual students, families, and communities. It concludes with a chapter of multiple resources for those working with emergent bilingual learners.

Die Veränderungen der Grammatik des Russischen im Bereich des Nomens unter dem Einfluss des Englischen bzw. Deutschen This paper presents an analysis of noun attrition in Russian. This attrition occurs in the speech of Russian-speaking... more

Die Veränderungen der Grammatik des Russischen im Bereich des Nomens unter dem Einfluss des Englischen bzw. Deutschen This paper presents an analysis of noun attrition in Russian. This attrition occurs in the speech of Russian-speaking migrants under the influence of German and English. Two trends were noted: the reduction of noun declension and the appearance of article-like elements. The attrition of Russian declension in the USA is presented according to the research of Polinsky (1995, 1996, 2006, 2010), and the appearance of the article-like elements, according to . The description of attrition that occurs in the speech of migrants in Germany is the result of the author's own research.

In: Heltai János Imre – Oszkó Beatrix (szerk.): Nyelvi repertoárok a Kárpát-medencén belül és azon kívül: Válogatás a 20. Élőnyelvi Konferencia (Budapest, 2018. augusztus 30. – szeptember 1.) előadásaiból. Budapest: Nyelvtudományi... more

In: Heltai János Imre – Oszkó Beatrix (szerk.): Nyelvi repertoárok a Kárpát-medencén belül és azon kívül: Válogatás a 20. Élőnyelvi Konferencia (Budapest, 2018. augusztus 30. – szeptember 1.) előadásaiból. Budapest: Nyelvtudományi Intézet. 516–528.

Citation: Peña, E. D., Bedore, L. M., & Torres, J. (2021). Assessment of language proficiency and dominance in monolinguals and bilinguals. In W. S. Francis (Ed.), "Bilingualism across the lifespan: Opportunities and challenges for... more

Peña, E. D., Bedore, L. M., & Torres, J. (2021). Assessment of language proficiency and dominance in monolinguals and bilinguals. In W. S. Francis (Ed.), "Bilingualism across the lifespan: Opportunities and challenges for cognitive research in a global society" (pp. 88-105). New York: Routledge Press.

Die menschliche Sprachverwendung umfasst zwei Bereiche, die sehr unterschiedliche Anforderungen an die Sprachverarbeitung stellen: Die Rezeption und die Produktion von Sprache. Sie erscheinen uns oft als die selbstverständlichen und... more

Die menschliche Sprachverwendung umfasst zwei Bereiche, die sehr unterschiedliche Anforderungen an die Sprachverarbeitung stellen: Die Rezeption und die Produktion von Sprache. Sie erscheinen uns oft als die selbstverständlichen und untrennbaren zwei Seiten der Sprachtätigkeit: Wer redet, versteht auch und umgekehrt. Bei näherem Betrachten wird aber schnell deutlich, dass zwischen diesen beiden Bereichen oft Unterschiede bestehen, man denke nur an den Abstand zwischen Verstehen und Sprechen in erlernten Fremdsprachen. Aber nicht nur hier, sondern bei Bilingualen unterschiedlicher Typen können häufig große Asymmetrien zwischen produktiven und rezeptiven Fähigkeiten beobachtet werden, die so weit reichen, dass eine Person eine ihrer Sprachen überhaupt nur rezeptiv verwendet, während die gesamte Produktion in der anderen Sprache erfolgt. Dies gilt in besonderem Maße für Herkunftssprachen, für die das Phänomen oft beobachtet, aber bislang kaum erforscht wurde. Während rezeptiver Bilingualismus jedoch bei Fremdsprachen in jüngster Zeit sogar als wünschenswertes Kommunikationsmodell propagiert wird, ist seine Wahrnehmung bei Herkunftssprachen stark durch die negative Perspektive des Verlustes der L1 dominiert. Ich möchte dafür plädieren, den rezeptiven Bilingualismus auch bei Herkunftssprachen als ein Potenzial zu betrachten – auch hier liegt ja zunächst einmal im Vergleich zu Personen ohne herkunftssprachlichen Hintergrund eine zusätzliche Kompetenz vor.
Wie aber ist diese Kompetenz beschaffen, wieviel und was wird verstanden? Wie kam es zu dieser Sprachverwendung und wie nehmen rezeptiv Bilinguale diese Situation selbst wahr? Dies möchte ich im Folgenden anhand der Ergebnisse einer Pilotstudie mit drei in ihrer Herkunftssprache Russisch rezeptiv Bilingualen beleuch- ten. Mit diesen drei Personen wurde zunächst ein ausführliches Interview geführt und dann ein Sprachtest zu rezeptiven Kenntnissen sowie zum produktiven Wortschatz des Russischen durchgeführt.

Dt. Beiträge 15. Internat. Slavistenkongress Minsk 2013, 25-35 POLNISCH ALS HERKUNFTSSPRACHE: SPRACHSPEZIFISCHE GRAMMATISCHE KATEGORIEN BEI BILINGUALEN JUGENDLICHEN 1. Rahmen und Fragestellung der Studie Mit der starken Migrationsbewegung... more

Dt. Beiträge 15. Internat. Slavistenkongress Minsk 2013, 25-35 POLNISCH ALS HERKUNFTSSPRACHE: SPRACHSPEZIFISCHE GRAMMATISCHE KATEGORIEN BEI BILINGUALEN JUGENDLICHEN 1. Rahmen und Fragestellung der Studie Mit der starken Migrationsbewegung besonders von Sprecherinnen und Sprechern slavischer Sprachen ist die Mehrsprachigkeitsforschung in der Slavistik -wie auch in der Sprachwissenschaft allgemein -in den letzten Jahren ein zunehmend wichtiges und beachtetes Feld geworden. Das Polnische gehört allerdings trotz erheblicher Sprecherzahlen zu den bisher weniger erforschten Migrantensprachen in Deutschland; systematischere Untersuchungen liegen bisher nur von Brehmer (s. z.B. Brehmer & Czachór 2012; Brehmer i.Dr.) und Michalewska (1991) vor. Eine der zentralen Fragen der Mehrsprachigkeitsforschung ist diejenige nach Erwerb und Erhalt der mitgebrachten Sprache. Es wurde inzwischen vielfach gezeigt, dass für die zweite Einwanderungsgeneration (im neuen Land geboren bzw. vor der Pubertät eingereist) die neue Umgebungssprache die dominante Sprache ist. Die mitgebrachte Sprache wird hingegen individuell sehr unterschiedlich, in der Regel aber nicht vollständig erworben und zum Teil bereits im Kindes-und Jugendlichenalter wieder vergessen (s. Anstatt 2011). Für die Sprache dieser Gruppe hat sich jüngst die Bezeichnung "Herkunftssprache" (heritage language) eingebürgert, denn ihre Spezifika unterscheiden sich von denen der Erst-und der Zweitsprache (s. z.B. Polinsky 2008). Von besonderem Interesse und daher Gegenstand dieser Studie sind Kategorien, die spezifisch für die Herkunftssprache sind und nicht durch die Umgebungssprache gestützt werden. Im Polnischen bilden Verbalaspekt und die Genus-Subkategorie Belebtheit solche Kategorien. Die vorliegende Studie präsentiert einen Teil einer breiter angelegten Datenerhebung zur Sprachsituation von polnisch-und russisch-deutschen Jugendlichen, in deren Rahmen Grammatikalitätsurteile, Sprachproduktionsdaten und Fragebogendaten erhoben wurden. Hier stelle ich einen Teil der Daten aus der Erhebung von Grammatikalitätsurteilen (GU) vor. GU-Aufgaben sind ein in der Mehrsprachigkeitsforschung gängiges Verfahren (s. Schmid 2011). Es handelt sich hierbei um einen stark formalisierten Erhebungstyp, dessen Vorteile darin liegen, dass Daten unabhängig von Produktionsproblemen gewonnen werden können und die Ergebnisse gut vergleichbar sind (vgl. Altenberg & Vago 2004). Allerdings muss dieser Datentyp mit Vorsicht betrachtet werden: Für seine Bearbeitung ist ein gewisses metasprachliches Bewusstsein notwendig, dessen Erwerb sich bei Herkunftssprechern insbesondere wegen der fehlenden formalen Schulung anders gestaltet als bei Monolingualen (s. Orfitelli & Polinsky einger.); es sollte daher nicht ohne weiteres von den Ergebnissen der GU-Aufgaben auf die zugrunde liegenden grammatischen Kompetenzen geschlossen werden. Darüber hinaus weisen Herkunftssprecher eine große individuelle Spannbreite an Erwerbsbedingungen und Kenntnissen ihrer Erstsprache auf; es ist methodisch nicht möglich, eine repräsentative Stichprobe an Sprechern zu erheben. Erst das Zusammenfügen einer größeren Zahl von Studien wird daher letztlich ein realitätsnahes Bild ergeben, wozu diese Untersuchung beitragen möchte.

This article focuses on the pedagogical beliefs, practices and ideological assumptions of 15 teachers who work with mother tongue instruction in Sweden. Despite support through provisions in Swedish laws, mother tongue instruction is... more

This article focuses on the pedagogical beliefs, practices and ideological assumptions of 15 teachers who work with mother tongue instruction in Sweden. Despite support through provisions in Swedish laws, mother tongue instruction is clearly a marginalized subject, not least due to its non-mandatory status, the limited time allocated for it and the fact that the subject and its teachers are often contested in public debate. In this study, the teachers’ narratives center round issues of legitimacy, both for the subject per se and for the teachers’ right to be viewed as ‘real’ teachers. In this paper, we highlight how the teachers link mother tongue instruction to the notion of a ‘common heritage’ and how they see themselves as advocates and role models for the mother tongue. The teachers raise the status of mother tongue instruction in a transformational way, to a subject that is essential and can have a positive impact for a group of students who would otherwise be at a disadvantage in the school system. The undermining of mother tongue instruction was found to affect the pedagogical practices, as the teachers often took into consideration how their teaching would be viewed by parents and colleagues.

Children of heritage mother tongues have been experiencing educational disadvantage because of the language employed as medium of instruction in school is different from the language they speak at home. Nepal's educational language... more

Children of heritage mother tongues have been experiencing educational disadvantage because of the language employed as medium of instruction in school is different from the language they speak at home. Nepal's educational language policies favor mother tongues to be used as instructional medium in early basic grades and gradual transition to the languages of wider communication. However, the program has been able to address very few languages and most of the MTB MLE schools are concentrated in linguistically homogenous communities. But, the majority of schools in Nepal are linguistically heterogeneous. Nepal. A model of MTB MLE has to be explored in order to address the learning needs of students in linguistically heterogeneous classrooms and the students whose mother tongues are only living in oral tradition.

Migration, global mobility and language learning are well established as independent and interrelated fields of study. With nearly one fifth of children in British primary schools classed as speakers of English as an Additional Language... more

Migration, global mobility and language learning are well established as independent and interrelated fields of study. With nearly one fifth of children in British primary schools classed as speakers of English as an Additional Language (EAL), there remains much to explore in the field of heritage language research. This paper reports on a survey of 212 heritage language families and ten family interviews with families who, though not living in isolation, are not part of large, well-established, local communities. The study reported here explores the families' attitudes towards heritage language development, and their efforts to maintain, support or develop the heritage language in their families. The paper puts forward an original framework which can be used to conceptualise how different uses and perceptions of the heritage language use may be linked to identity, and concludes with recommendations on how relatively isolated heritage language families and their small community networks may be better supported to enable children more fully to benefit from the advantages of their multilingual, multicultural capital.

H ιστορική θρησκευτική αλλά και γλωσσική Ελληνορθόδοξη Μειονότητα της Κωνσταντινούπολης, με θεσμοθετημένη βάσει της διεθνούς Συνθήκης της Λωζάννης δίγλωσση εκπαιδευτική πολιτική, αντιμετωπίζει σήμερα σοβαρό πρόβλημα γλωσσικής αλλαγής... more

H ιστορική θρησκευτική αλλά και γλωσσική Ελληνορθόδοξη Μειονότητα της Κωνσταντινούπολης, με θεσμοθετημένη βάσει της διεθνούς Συνθήκης της Λωζάννης δίγλωσση εκπαιδευτική πολιτική, αντιμετωπίζει σήμερα σοβαρό πρόβλημα γλωσσικής αλλαγής (language shift). Η μέχρι πρότινος παγιωμένη διγλωσσική συμπεριφορά των ομιλητών της, με την Ελληνική ως μητρική και την Τουρκική ως δεύτερη γλώσσα, μεταστρέφεται με πολύ γρήγορους ρυθμούς προς μια μονόγλωσση συμπεριφορά υπέρ της κυριαρχούσας γλώσσας του κράτους στο οποίο είναι εγκατεστημένη, της Τουρκικής.
Ποικίλοι πολιτικοί, κοινωνικοί, οικονομικοί και εκπαιδευτικοί παράγοντες συμβάλλουν στην παρατηρούμενη αυτή αλλαγή. Στόχος της παρούσας ανακοίνωσης είναι να εντοπίσει και και να αναδείξει αυτούς τους παράγοντες εστιάζοντας στον εκπαιδευτικό τομέα. Στο πρώτο μέρος της ανακοίνωσης περιγράφουμε την ελληνορθόδοξη μειονοτική εκπαίδευση, τα ιδιαίτερα χαρακτηριστικά αυτής καθώς και τα απορρέοντα προβλήματα, και στο δεύτερο μέρος περιγράφουμε τις επιδράσεις της οικονομικής κρίσης επί του κοινωνιογλωσσικού προφίλ των μαθητών της μειονότητας, με απώτερο στόχο την εξεύρεση λύσεων στο πρόβλημα της παρατηρούμενης γλωσσικής μεταστροφής.

This paper deals with specific characteristics and needs of teaching the Serbian language in Diaspora, which derive from the fact that its target group are students of Serbian origin for which it usually represents a heritage language.... more

This paper deals with specific characteristics and needs of teaching the Serbian language in Diaspora, which derive from the fact that its target group are students of Serbian origin for which it usually represents a heritage language.
The data on teaching Serbian to migrants’ children in the last ten years, available to the competent ministries of Serbia, which, although quite partial, allow us to conclude that such teaching is not only unevenly distributed and under-represented, but also does not meet students' needs when its methodology or contents are concerned.
Based on these facts, we suggest that specific strategies for development of Serbian as a heritage language are to be created, and then, coordinated with the curricula and teaching materials. Such active conducting of language policy and planning would enable us to better ensure not only the maintenance and transmission of the Serbian language in the diaspora, but also the maintenance of ethnic / national identity of our migrants and their offspring.

Nesta tese pretendo descrever uma pesquisa cujo objetivo foi conhecer e interpretar as representações de um grupo de adultos vinculados à Associação de Pais de Brasileirinhos na Catalunha (APBC) sobre as políticas linguísticas familiares... more

Nesta tese pretendo descrever uma pesquisa cujo objetivo foi conhecer e interpretar as representações de um grupo de adultos vinculados à Associação de Pais de Brasileirinhos na Catalunha (APBC) sobre as políticas linguísticas familiares e institucionais relativas ao Português como Língua de Herança (PLH) nesse contexto. Para tanto, fez-se uso de subsídios advindos da Linguística Aplicada brasileira e da Sociolinguística catalã, áreas de estudo interdisciplinares. O PLH, isto é, o português usado por brasileiros emigrados quando ainda crianças ou jovens, ou por filhos de brasileiros nascidos fora do Brasil, se caracteriza por derivar de deslocamento geográfico e por ser língua minoritária em contato com a(s) língua(s) majoritária(s) da sociedade de acolhida. Seu aprendizado é intermitente e costuma se dar no interior da família, de modo informal e, em geral, pouco sistematizado. Os procedimentos metodológicos utilizados na investigação incluíram (i) questionários aplicados a um grupo de pais e professoras da instituição; (ii) entrevistas semiestruturadas, gravadas em áudio, com esses participantes da pesquisa; (iii) gravação de discussão ocorrida em um grupo focal com alguns desses sujeitos e (iv) observação participante de algumas das atividades desenvolvidas na APBC. Exceto pelos questionários, esse conjunto de dados foi analisado de uma perspectiva qualitativa. O aparato teórico utilizado como suporte para a análise desse corpus incluiu, dentre outras, reflexões sobre afetividade e multilinguismo (PAVLENKO, 2005), repertórios linguísticos (BUSCH, 2012), práticas translíngues (GARCIA, 2009; CANAGARAJAH, 2013) e políticas linguísticas (SPOLSKY, 2012; 2004). O corpus analisado sugere – ou corrobora achados já apontados em estudos anteriores – que (1) os níveis de fluência em PLH considerados nesse tipo de contexto tendem a ser bastante heterogêneos: eles compreendem desde entender um pouco do que é dito na língua a usá-la com desenvoltura em registros cultos; (2) o perfil do que se considera “usuário de língua de herança” se relaciona não apenas com o conhecimento da língua, mas, também, com o sentimento de identificação/pertencimento à cultura e nacionalidade do grupo que a usa; (3) a questão da afetividade emerge e determina muitas das relações construídas entre usuários de PLH. Observou-se ainda que a especificidade da sociedade de acolhida pode ser um fator determinante no modo como as ideologias linguísticas das famílias operam nesses contextos. Neste caso específico, em que o catalão opera como língua cooficial da Catalunha, ao lado do espanhol, parece haver uma tendência das famílias a valorizar o bi/plurilinguismo de seus filhos e o PLH é parte do que faz com que as crianças sejam identificadas como plurilíngues. Os dados analisados também parecem evidenciar que o papel dos progenitores não brasileiros do estudo tende a ser decisivo no processo de transmissão de PLH, mesmo quando eles não são fluentes em português. Por último, importa ressaltar que, em diversos momentos, as representações de falantes de PLH analisadas se aproximam mais dos paradigmas do que seria o cidadão global plurilíngue (JAFFE, 2012) do que daqueles que remetem ao cidadão nacional monolíngue, algo que nem sempre é percebido pelos progenitores participantes da pesquisa em pauta.

Duff, P., Liu, Y., & Li, D. (2017). Chinese heritage language learning: Negotiating identities, ideologies, and institutionalization. In O. Kagan, M. Carreira, & C. Chik (Eds.), Routledge handbook on heritage language education (pp.... more

L’analyse des programmes en Heritage Languages Education, issus des expériences pédagogiques d’intégration de la diversité dans les contextes américains, mène à réfléchir à l’impact de cette notion sur les politiques linguistiques et à la... more

L’analyse des programmes en Heritage Languages Education, issus des expériences pédagogiques d’intégration de la diversité dans les contextes américains, mène à réfléchir à l’impact de cette notion sur les politiques linguistiques et à la didactique du plurilinguisme en contexte européen. Le binôme langue dominante/langue patrimoniale, maternelle ou « d’origine », dont la promotion est louable en contexte anglophone, dériverait-il vers un bilinguisme obligé anglais/langue personnelle où même les langues nationales deviendraient des « langues de la maison » à cultiver dans une perspective de seule sauvegarde du patrimoine linguistique et culturel européen ? Les dénominations des langues « autres » sont sujettes à des enjeux politiques qui touchent au vécu des sujets, à leurs droits linguistiques mais aussi au projet sociétal de l’Europe multilingue. Cependant la didactique des langues « non étrangères » suggère des pistes intéressantes pour un enseignement des langues attentif aux dimensions subjectives qui y sont liées.

This volume illustrates how language revival movements in Russia and elsewhere have often followed a specific pattern of literacy bias in the promotion of a minority's heritage language, partly neglecting the social and relational aspects... more

This volume illustrates how language revival movements in Russia and elsewhere have often followed a specific pattern of literacy bias in the promotion of a minority's heritage language, partly neglecting the social and relational aspects of orality. Using the Vepsian Renaissance as an example, this volume brings to the surface a literacy-orality dualism new to the discussion around revival movements. In addition to the more-theoretically oriented scopes, this book addresses all the actors involved in revival movements including activists, scholars, and policy makers, and opens a discussion on literacy and orality, and power and agency in the multiple relational aspects of written and oral practices. This study addresses issues common to language revival movements worldwide and will appeal to researchers of linguistic anthropology , sociolinguistics, education and language policy, and culture studies. Laura Siragusa is a linguistic anthropologist working within a program on Indigenous Studies at the University of Helsinki. She has co-edited a special issue on language sustainability for the journal Anthropologica and published miscellaneous articles on Vepsian matters in Sibirica, JEFUL , and Folklore.

This article aims at presenting the actions for the maintenance of the Hungarian language and its history in Brazil. The applied methodological pillar for the minority group's vitality and their distinguishing factors was extensive... more

This article aims at presenting the actions for the maintenance of the Hungarian language and its history in Brazil. The applied methodological pillar for the minority group's vitality and their distinguishing factors was extensive bibliographic research, quantitative and qualitative analysis with a vitality questionnaire and interviews. The formulated hypothesis was, that minority language does not prevail without inclusion and the reduction of the Hungarian language domains increases the risk of its extinction. Finally, the results demonstrate the need for the Brazilian official recognition, for which the promotion and revitalization of the language, and cooperation of the Hungarian-Brazilian communities.
REDIB Ranking: Q4:

This chapter offers a global perspective on heritage language education. It aligns with the expansion beyond the multilingual turn (May 2013) to a transdisciplinary perspective that recognizes how languages are learned, used, lost, and... more

This chapter offers a global perspective on heritage language education. It aligns with the expansion beyond the multilingual turn (May 2013) to a transdisciplinary perspective that recognizes how languages are learned, used, lost, and revitalized in a multilingual world shaped and being shaped by ideologies and political power dynamics (Ortega 2013; Douglas Fir Group 2015). This calls for consideration of social, historical, and political factors, as well as sociopolitical and historical ecologies that shape concepts of heritage language and approaches to research and pedagogic approaches to heritage language education (van Deusen-Scholl 2003; Hornberger 2005; Tifonas and Aravossitas 2014, 2018). To highlight these dynamics, this chapter focuses on the case of Spanish as a heritage language in the United States - the most commonly taught heritage language, and the heritage language with greatest representation in the literature.

This paper reports on an unusual situation in which the documentation of endangered and moribund languages of the Moluccas region of eastern Indonesia is being undertaken in a migrant community rather than in the indigenous setting. This... more

This paper reports on an unusual situation in which the documentation of endangered and moribund languages of the Moluccas region of eastern Indonesia is being undertaken in a migrant community rather than in the indigenous setting. This region has the highest level of language endangerment in Indonesia and perhaps throughout the Austronesian language family. However, the task of documentation is now severely restricted in the homeland because of interethnic violence, which erupted in the regional capital of Ambon City in late 1998 and has since spread throughout the Moluccan islands. Research by the authors among the community of Moluccan migrants in the Netherlands has uncovered remaining speakers of approximately twenty-®ve languages indigenous to the Moluccas. At least three of these languages (Amahei, Kamarian, and Seruan) are both locally and globally endangered and the presence of remaining speakers in the immigrant setting may provide the only opportunity to undertake salvage work.

In Diego Pascual y Cabo's edited volume: "Advances in Spanish as a Heritage Language."

This is a review of Silva-Corvalán's 2014 book "Bilingual Language Acquisition: Spanish and English in the First Six Years."

A língua de herança é um legado linguístico e cultural levado pelos emigrantes a outro país. A emigração brasileira se consolidou na década de 1980; por esta razão, o Português como Língua de Herança (PLH) ainda é um fenômeno recente.... more

A língua de herança é um legado linguístico e cultural levado pelos emigrantes a outro país. A emigração brasileira se consolidou na década de 1980; por esta razão, o Português como Língua de Herança (PLH) ainda é um fenômeno recente. Este artigo apresenta um levantamento atual do movimento de PLH no mundo e o trabalho da Associação de Pais de Brasileirinhos na Catalunha (APBC), fundada em 2009, que visa transmitir a língua e a cultura brasileira por meio de aulas de português e atividades sociais na cidade de Barcelona, Espanha.

Community education and weekend schools play a crucial role in supporting the preservation of diaspora communities and their identity. The aim of this study is to demonstrate how the teaching materials and educational curricula used in... more

Community education and weekend schools play a crucial role in supporting the preservation of diaspora communities and their identity. The aim of this study is to demonstrate how the teaching materials and educational curricula used in diaspora classrooms can be developed far more effectively through the application of research results acquired in the field of applied linguistics. This paper introduces and examines the change in pedagogical perspective that has been fostered via the professional aid made available by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Affairs (formerly the Balassi Institute) and is beginning to alter how volunteer instructors teach Hungarian in diaspora classrooms. Keywords: Hungarian as a Heritage Language, Hungarian as a Foreign Language, interlanguage
Kulcsszavak: magyar származásnyelv, magyar mint idegen nyelv, köztesnyelv

THE MAIN GOAL OF this chapter is to explore the acquisition and development of Spanish dative experiencer verbs (e.g., gustar-like) in Cuban and Cuban American children.

I present a linguistic effect by which heritage language speakers over-represent traditional input in their acquisition system. Data from native young adults that are children of the missing link generation is presented. Presence of... more

I present a linguistic effect by which heritage language speakers over-represent traditional input in their acquisition system. Data from native young adults that are children of the missing link generation is presented. Presence of dialectal features suggest that they disqualify the input of insecure L2 speakers of Standard Breton and prefer the input of linguistically secure speakers in the making of their own generational variety. Given the socio-linguistics of Breton, this effect goes both against statistical and sociological models of acquisition because speakers disregard features of Standard Breton, which is the socially valorised variety accessible to them and valued by school and media. I detail three case paradigms where grammars of native young adults present features of traditional dialects for which they had very rare input, together with consistent counter-influence in both Standard Breton or French. The article provides baselines for the investigation of the syntax of the generation of Breton speakers who received full Breton schooling in immersion schools. It shows that influence from both Standard Breton and French is not incompatible with native-like properties in their Breton syntax.

Der vorliegende Beitrag hat das Ziel, die Erklärungskraft von bisher beschriebenen Sprachwandelfaktoren in Kontaktsituationen zu diskutieren. Der Beitrag stützt sich sowohl auf einschlägige Forschungsarbeiten zu slawischen... more

Der vorliegende Beitrag hat das Ziel, die Erklärungskraft von bisher beschriebenen Sprachwandelfaktoren in Kontaktsituationen zu diskutieren. Der Beitrag stützt sich sowohl auf einschlägige Forschungsarbeiten zu slawischen Migrationssprachen als auch auf eine eigene korpusbasierte Studie, die Kontaktvarietäten Polnisch und Russisch in Deutschland aus systemlinguistischer Sicht analysiert. Die Relevanz der angestrebten Diskussion resultiert aus bestimmten methodisch-theoretischen und empirischen Defiziten im slawistischen Forschungskontext. Die präsentierte Studie zielt darauf ab, zur Schließung der beschriebenen Forschungsdefizite zunächst anhand einer Fallstudie beizutragen. Im Folgenden werden die bereits vorhandenen Erklärungshypothesen zum Sprachwandel in Kontaktvarietäten überprüft sowie weitere relevante Sprachwandelfaktoren ermittelt.

У раду се разматрају из перспективе примењене лингвистике и социолингвистике одлике корисника српског језика у дијаспори. Спроведена анализа (социо)лингвистичког профила корисника има за циљ да укаже на специфичне потребе наставе српског... more

У раду се разматрају из перспективе примењене лингвистике и социолингвистике одлике корисника српског језика у дијаспори. Спроведена анализа (социо)лингвистичког профила корисника има за циљ да укаже на специфичне потребе наставе српског као завичајног језика. Такође, дају се напомене о правној регулативи за организовање допунске наставе намењене поменутој циљној групи. Главни циљ рада је да истакне неопходност да се постојећа допунска настава знатно профилише и унапреди како би подстицала интеркултурну компетенцију и ефикаснији когнитивни, афективни и језички развој ученика. Предлаже се примена макро приступа коју нуди КЛИЛ (енг. Content Language Integrated Learning) јер се реализује кроз проактивно учешће ученика у наставном процесу

Research on the linguistic knowledge of heritage speakers has been concerned primarily with the advantages conferred by heritage language experience in production, perception, and (re)learning of the heritage language. Meanwhile,... more

Research on the linguistic knowledge of heritage speakers has been concerned primarily with the advantages conferred by heritage language experience in production, perception, and (re)learning of the heritage language. Meanwhile, second-language speech research has begun to investigate potential benefits of first-language transfer in second-language performance. Bridging these two bodies of work, the current study examined the perceptual benefits of heritage language experience for heritage speakers of Korean in both the heritage language (Korean) and the dominant language (American English). It was hypothesized that, due to their early bilingual experience and the different nature of unreleased stops in Korean and American English, heritage speakers of Korean would show not only native-like perception of Korean unreleased stops, but also better-than-native perception of American English unreleased stops. Results of three perception experiments were consistent with this hypothesis, suggesting that benefits of early heritage language experience can extend well beyond the heritage language.

In previous work examining heritage language phonology, heritage speakers have often patterned differently from native speakers and late-onset second language (L2) learners with respect to overall accent and segmentals. The current study... more

In previous work examining heritage language phonology, heritage speakers have often patterned differently from native speakers and late-onset second language (L2) learners with respect to overall accent and segmentals. The current study extended this line of inquiry to suprasegmentals, comparing the properties of lexical tones produced by heritage, native, and L2 speakers of Mandarin living in the U.S. We hypothesized that heritage speakers would approximate native norms for Mandarin tones more closely than L2 speakers, yet diverge from these norms in one or more ways. We further hypothesized that, due to their unique linguistic experience, heritage speakers would sound the most ambiguous in terms of demographic background. Acoustic data showed that heritage speakers approximated native-like production more closely than L2 speakers with respect to the pitch contour of Tone 3, durational shortening in connected speech, and rates of Tone 3 reduction in non-phrase-final contexts, while showing the highest levels of tonal variability among all groups. Perceptual data indicated that heritage speakers' tones differed from native and L2 speakers' in terms of both intelligibility and perceived goodness. Consistent with the variability results, heritage speakers were the most difficult group to classify demographically. Taken together, these findings suggest that, with respect to tone, early heritage language experience can, but does not necessarily, result in a phonological advantage over L2 learners. Further, they add support to the view that heritage speakers are language users distinct from both native and L2 speakers.

Learning “a heritage” language can be celebrated to enhance marginalized groups’ self-esteem, but a heritage can also encompass ideologies prevalent in the groups’ original homeland. Based on ethnographic fieldwork (2007-2011) at a... more

Learning “a heritage” language can be celebrated to enhance marginalized groups’ self-esteem, but a heritage can also encompass ideologies prevalent in the groups’ original homeland. Based on ethnographic fieldwork (2007-2011) at a weekend Japanese-language school in the United States, this article investigates how ideologies on race politics within a heritage language community’s homeland are reproduced or subverted through heritage language education. We analyze treatment of Korea–Japan power relations at school by focusing on the practice of guiding students (not) to shift their perspectives in three cases involving (a) discrimination against Resident Koreans in Japan, (b) gender-specific abortion in South Korea, and (c) South Korea and Japan’s dispute over possession of Tokdo/Takeshima. While social analyses of heritage language education tend to focus on a minority group’s place in mainstream society, this article suggests investigating the reproduction of ideologies from its homeland via heritage language education.

The present study examines knowledge of the discourse-appropriateness of Clitic Right Dislocation (CLRD) in a population of Heritage (HS) and Spanish-dominant Native Speakers in order to test the predictions of the Interface Hypothesis... more

The present study examines knowledge of the discourse-appropriateness of Clitic Right Dislocation (CLRD) in a population of Heritage (HS) and Spanish-dominant Native Speakers in order to test the predictions of the Interface Hypothesis (IH; Sorace 2011). The IH predicts that speakers in language contact situations will experience difficulties with integrating information involving the interface of syntax and discourse modules. CLRD relates a dislocated constituent to a discourse antecedent, requiring integration of syntax and pragmatics. Results from an acceptability judgment task did not support the predictions of the IH. No statistical differences between the HSs' performance and that of L1-dominant native speakers were evidenced when participants were presented with an offline task. Thus, our study did not find any evidence of "incomplete acquisition" (Montrul 2008) as it pertains to this specific linguistic structure.

Australia is a multicultural society in which over 300 different indigenous and migrant languages are spoken. While its cultural diversity is often celebrated, Australia's linguistic diversity is still at risk due to the inherent... more

Australia is a multicultural society in which over 300 different indigenous and migrant languages are spoken. While its cultural diversity is often celebrated, Australia's linguistic diversity is still at risk due to the inherent monolingual mindset (cf. Clyne 2005) of its population. In this paper, we use a cross-disciplinary approach, drawing on both historical and sociolin-guistic sources, to investigate some of the major causes of language shift among first-and subsequent generations of postwar German-speaking migrants in Australia. While historical and societal changes have provided greater opportunities for German to be maintained as a heritage language in Australia, these developments may have come too late or have not been effective in the face of English as the dominant language in Australia and as a global language. Our investigation indicates that Australians with German as a heritage language, like many other migrant groups, are still at a high risk of shift to English, despite recent opportunities for language maintenance provided by modern society.

Language and culture are part of the identity construction of individuals. When a child grows up in a different country of his parents, his identity will be more complex, since there's an alive language and culture in his familiar... more

Language and culture are part of the identity construction of individuals. When a child grows up in a different country of his parents, his identity will be more complex, since there's an alive language and culture in his familiar environment, nevertheless, different from the majority language and culture of the country he lives. This paper addresses to recognize the strategies of 11 Brazilian relatives immigrated to Spain to transmit the Portuguese as a heritage language to their children who live in Spain. The results point to an awareness about their primordial role in the heritage language transmission. Moreover, they recognize the support of an institution in order to minimize the communication restriction contexts in this language.

The increase in the number of Brazilian emigrants in the last thirty or so years has led to the development of the teaching of Brazilian Portuguese as a community language abroad. In other words, this type of teaching is new, and... more

The increase in the number of Brazilian emigrants in the last thirty or so years has led to the development of the teaching of Brazilian Portuguese as a community language abroad. In other words, this type of teaching is new, and consequently, the teachers working in community schools tend to have been trained only to work with monolingual pupils in Brazil. In this article, we reflect on the experience of one of these teachers who works with intermediate and upper-intermediate pupils aged 11 to 15 in London. The class that caters for this group of learners was initially created with the aim of preparing them to take mainstream examinations, i.e. GCSE and A-levels in Portuguese. In this article, we describe the contextual background for these lessons and contrast it to the teacher's expectations of teaching in this context. We then consider the few teaching courses available for teachers of Portuguese as a community language in London. Anderson's (2008) perceived 8-strand professional development needs of community language teachers are used as a framework for analysing the experience of this Brazilian teacher. We acknowledge the positive impact of these courses on teacher knowledge and practices and call for more of these initiatives.

Aims and Objectives/Purposes/Research Questions: Studies on incomplete first language (L1) acquisition emphasize restricted input, the low prestige of heritage/immigrant/minority languages , and age of acquisition as significant factors... more

Aims and Objectives/Purposes/Research Questions: Studies on incomplete first language (L1) acquisition emphasize restricted input, the low prestige of heritage/immigrant/minority languages , and age of acquisition as significant factors contributing to changes in L1. However, it is not always clear whether it is possible to distinguish results of incomplete acquisition and contact-induced language change. This article deals with two Yiddish-Lithuanian bilinguals who acquired both languages at home (recorded in 2010 and 2011). The focus of the article is the absence of the Yiddish past tense auxiliary in both informants and the replacement of Yiddish discourse-pragmatic words by their Lithuanian or English equivalents in the speech of the second informant. Design/Methodology/Approach: Qualitative analysis of the speech of two Yiddish-Lithuanian bilinguals. Data and Analysis: Two sets of recordings analyzed for the past tense use and other features mentioned in Yiddish attrition studies. Findings/Conclusions: Restricted input is to be considered as a factor in any case. However, it is argued that phenomena reported in the heritage language literature are often the same as in the contact linguistic literature: impact on non-core morphosyntax, prosody, and word order are usually mentioned as primary candidates of contact-induced structural change. Based on purely linguistic phenomena, it is not possible to distinguish between the results of acquisition under the conditions of limited input and in other contact situations where limited input is not necessarily the case. Many features of the informants' Yiddish are a result of Lithuanian impact. Originality: Yiddish-Lithuanian early bilingualism is extremely rare nowadays. The data and analysis contribute to a general understanding of the interplay between contact-induced language change and limited input. Significance/Implications: Unlike what is often presumed, it is not always possible to make comparisons to monolinguals or balanced bilinguals because monolingual speakers of Yiddish do not exist.

The identity of heritage language users represents a stimulating and challenging topic in the research related to this particular kind of minority language. It has been argued that narratives have an important role in this field since... more

The identity of heritage language users represents a stimulating and challenging
topic in the research related to this particular kind of minority language. It has been argued
that narratives have an important role in this field since they open channels for understanding
and interpreting the complex tissue of identity formation. It is, thus, through
a narrative that we try to unveil the personal story of Alex, a plurilingual individual and
a heritage speaker of Serbian. The central question that both the participant and the investigator
pose is the issue of identity understood as the personal sense of integrity and
continuity that serves to connect the self to the world. In the paper, we particularly focus
on the role of environment and the absence of formal education in the heritage language
for the construction of identity, and we try to establish possible implications for heritage
language maintenance.