History of Public Administration Research Papers (original) (raw)
Esta pesquisa investiga o período de formação do direito administrativo brasileiro, procurando compreender o modo como ele se desenvolve e as funções que cumpre no país, em comparação com as sociedades européias onde ele foi construído... more
Esta pesquisa investiga o período de formação do direito administrativo brasileiro, procurando compreender o modo como ele se desenvolve e as funções que cumpre no país, em comparação com as sociedades européias onde ele foi construído originariamente. Parte-se da premissa de que, surgindo na Europa como racionalização a posteriori de uma realidade já existente, a lógica de formação do direito administrativo em seu continente natal é presidida por uma racionalidade disciplinar/normalizadora, que exprime as novas formas de organização do governo dos homens que surgem com a consolidação do Estado Administrativo moderno no ocidente. Pretende-se, então, compreender de que maneira se desenvolve um direito administrativo brasileiro, diante das especificidades do dispositivo de poder vigente no país durante todo o período Imperial, e especialmente no Segundo Reinado. Para isso, será investigada a hipótese de que a ciência do direito administrativo, no Brasil, não cumpriu a função de fortalecimento do Estado que cumpriu na Europa do século XIX; importado principalmente da França, o conjunto de conceitos, teorias e vocabulários do discurso jurídico administrativista, ao ser recebido no Brasil é reterritorializado, passando a desempenhar uma função diversa: em vez de regular o exercício das funções executivas visando ao fortalecimento de um Estado já existente, fundar a legitimidade de um Estado inexistente e ainda por ser construído. Para testar essa hipótese será necessário compreender o processo que deu origem à formação de um discurso científico sobre o direito administrativo no Brasil, examinar o conteúdo desse discurso, e verificar de que maneira as características próprias da realidade brasileira aparecem em seus interstícios.
This essay attempts to integrate the local paradigm of the Ionian State into the general structures of the British Empire, while at the same time examines the institutional continuities deriving from the Venetian dominion. An overall plan... more
This essay attempts to integrate the local paradigm of the Ionian State into the general structures of the British Empire, while at the same time examines the institutional continuities deriving from the Venetian dominion. An overall plan of the Ionian State's administration, focusing on governmental practices from the institutional point of view, is also being undertaken. The essay was based on primary and secondary sources' elaboration, referring to the administrative organization and to the state system in the Ionian Islands under the British Rule. Reflecting that, the social structure of the local society was interconnected to administrative mechanism. From a methodological perspective, the use of administrative archives is instrumental in synthetic process, in an effort to portray social networks and to clarify the formation of both individual and collective identities. Developing, however, the empirical work in the factual context is deemed necessary. The text is arranged in two parts: the first refers to the local economic realities, as well as to the economic mechanisms shaped in the context of the British Rule. Both subject matters are examined in very general terms. Public finance, the banking sector and the monetary system are research objects, aiming at a grosso modo description of Ionian State's economic practices. In this framework, a special mention is made to the financial mission of Gladstone to the Ionian Islands. British Rule's economic policy is also being considered with regard to the changes in property rights: although the policy of the abolition of the feudal rural estate is not completed during the period of the Ionian State, it is nevertheless indicative of the market's transition to more liberal (or more monetarized) forms. Finally, the economic reforms taking place between 1834 and 1836 are analyzed, with special focus on the protection of local agricultural products. A reference to commercial and maritime activity is also included, with emphasis on government interventions to support (or not support) private initiative. The second part of the essay examines the gradual articulation of the state mechanism and the way this is reflected to the intended rationalization of legislative and executive authorities. In this context, the language used in administration (Italian, English, and then Greek) elucidates reforms and alterations of the State mechanism, and is also related to the emergence of a local identity. The statecraft of the Ionian State is also being examined, with a reference to the previous constitutional texts of the Septinsular Republic, as an encounter of both institutional continuity and discontinuity. Thus, the administrative mechanisms of the Ionian State are analyzed in their interaction with the local society, as an indicator of British colonial practices. Beyond the articulation of the executive, juridical and legislative authorities, as expressed in the Constitution of 1817 but also as reflected in the relevant archive material, the text contains an analysis of the reforms of 1848/1849 that basically correspond to a more proportional representation of the local population and to alterations concerning the executive authority expressed by the Commissioners, the Senate and local governors (prefects). Finally, as the administration is ran by individuals, a special reference to the relevant social network deriving from governmental practices is made: The State's administration staffing during the period of the British Rule constitutes a qualitative indicator for the social formation of the Ionian Islands and for social mobility, mainly in the context of the higher and middle-class bourgeoisie.
Every historical account about Malta must make reference to what became known as the Language Question. Generally speaking this issue involved attempts by Britain, from the 1880s onwards to anglicize Malta by establishing English as the... more
Every historical account about Malta must make reference to what became known as the Language Question. Generally speaking this issue involved attempts by Britain, from the 1880s onwards to anglicize Malta by establishing English as the language of administration and education in place of Italian. While most studies argue that the defence of Italian mounted by the professional elites of Malta was about identity and local culture, this chapter points to the impact that British policy may have on the vested economic interests of the local elite. It does this mainly by reference to a set of official documents and correspondence that indicates that this same elite was ready to make concessions in the dispute in exchange for economic advantages.
By the end of the 19th century, the Prussian censuses registered regularly the nationality of the population according to a standard criterion: the mother tongue. The background to this institutionalization could be mapped out in terms of... more
By the end of the 19th century, the Prussian censuses registered regularly the nationality of the population according to a standard criterion: the mother tongue. The background to this institutionalization could be mapped out in terms of the early creation of the statistical office, the reform of the bureaucracy, and the political challenge following the annexation of the western part of the former Polish state. However, this paper gives a different account of that goes beyond a state‐level history of a statistical institution. At the beginning of the 19th century, nationality was already registered in some localities. The purpose was to measure the use of German in schools and churches and hence the effectiveness of the Germanization of the Poles. Although the statistical office was in existence, it had little influence on these local practices, and their heterogeneity prevailed for decades. This situation was modified by the centralization of the census in the 1860s in the hands of the statistical office, and the emergence of a demographic approach. This change occurred in the context of discussions with local authorities regarding their use of language statistics. The census has to be seen therefore as an integration on multiple levels of statistical practices.
Massimo M. Augello (1949) è professore ordinano di Storia del pensiero economico al-rUniversità di Pisa. Si è occupato dell'industrialismo francese dei primi decenni dell'Ottocenlo. CQn la monografia Charles Dunover: l'assolufizzazione... more
Massimo M. Augello (1949) è professore ordinano di Storia del pensiero economico al-rUniversità di Pisa. Si è occupato dell'industrialismo francese dei primi decenni dell'Ottocenlo. CQn la monografia Charles Dunover: l'assolufizzazione dell economia polilicit in Francia (Bi/./.arri, 1979). e della storiografia su Schumpeter, con il volume Joseph Alois Schumpeter. A Reference Guide (Springer Verlag, 1990). Il suo principale interesse di ricerca è la storia del pensiero economico italiano, nei cui ambito ha curato, con altri, i volumi Le cattedre di economia politica in Italia (Angeli, 1988), Le riviste di economia in Italia (Angeli. 1996), Associazionismo economico e diffusione dell'economia politica nell 'Italia dell 'Ottocento (Angeli, 2000) e The Spread of Politicai Economy and the Professionalisation of Econoniists (Routledge, 2001). E direttore della rivista // Pensiero economico italiano e membro delTAdvisory Board di History of Economie Ideas. Marco E.L. Guidi (1958) è professore straordinario di Storia del pensiero economico all'Università di Pisa. È autore di studi su Smith, Ricardo e sul pensiero economico degli utilitaristi classici. Ha pubblicato // sovrano e l'imprenditore. Utilitarismo ed economia politica in Jeremy Bentham (Laterza, 1991). Si è anche occupato di storia del pensiero economico italiano dell'Ottocento e del Novecento, curando ibsteme ad altri studiosi i volumi Le riviste di economia in Italia (Angeli, 1996), Associazionismo economico e diffusione dell'economia politica nell'Italia dell'Ottocento (Angeli, 2000) e E vietata la riproduzione, anche parziale o ad uso iniemo o didattico, con qualsiasi mezzo effettuata, compresa la fotocopia, non autorizzata. Per legge la fotocopia è lecita solo per uso personale purché non darineggi l'autore. Ogni fotocopia che evili l'acquisto di un libro è illecita ed è punita con una sanzione penale (art. 171 legge n. 633/41). Chi fotocopia un libro, chi mette a disposizione i mezzi per fotocopiare, chi comunque favorisce questa pratica commette un furto e opera ai danni della cultura. Stampa: Tipomonza. via Merano 18, Milano. ' Cfr. M. Soresina, "La corrispondenza dei demografi francesi Louis-Adolphe e Jacques Bertillon con Luigi Bodio", Storia in Lombardia, 1, 1996, pp. 63-139. ' L. Bodio, Della statistica nei suoi rapporti coli 'economia politica e colle altre scienze affini. Prelezione al corso di statistica nella R. Scuola superiore di commercio di Venezia li 3 dicembre 1868, Treves & C, Milano, 1869. ' Sui documenti statistici del Regno d'Italia. Cenni bibliografici presentati al VI Congresso internazionale di statistica. Tipografia Barbera, Firenze, 1867. * Su questo periodo cfr.: D. Marucco, L'amministrazione della statistica nell'Italia unita, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 1996; M.L. D'Autilia, G. Melis. "L'amministrazione della statistica ufficiale", in Statistica ufficiale e storia d'Italia. Gli «Annali di statistica» dal 1871 al 1997, {Annali di statistica, s. X, 21), Istat, Roma, 2000, specie pp. 19-56; M. Soresina, Conoscere per amministrare, cit-, pp. 27-39, 113-117.
El trabajo obligatorio de la población indígena, la prestación personal, jugó un destacado papel durante los más de tres siglos de presencia española en Filipinas, erigiéndose casi en el único mecanismo disponible para la construcción y... more
El trabajo obligatorio de la población indígena, la prestación personal, jugó un destacado papel durante los más de tres siglos de presencia española en Filipinas, erigiéndose casi en el único mecanismo disponible para la construcción y mantenimiento de la deficiente estructura de comunicaciones de las islas, además de para el sostenimiento de otros servicios públicos. En el presente artículo estudiamos los ensayos de regulación de esta forma de exacción tributaria articulados durante el siglo XIX, encaminados, al menos en teoría, a la eliminación, o al menos la reducción, de los innumerables abusos que caracterizan su administración a lo largo de toda la centuria, al igual que había ocurrido en las etapas anteriores.
"Le territoire d’Amsterdam a plus que quintuplé entre 1585 et 1663. Cette croissance a, au travers des siècles, attiré l’attention des historiens comme des urbanistes. Ils ont passé au crible fin le développement de la ville au XVIIe... more
"Le territoire d’Amsterdam a plus que quintuplé entre 1585 et 1663. Cette croissance a, au travers des siècles, attiré l’attention des historiens comme des urbanistes. Ils ont passé au crible fin le développement de la ville au XVIIe siècle, et ce sous de nombreux angles. Deux aspects les ont
particulièrement intéressés : l’échelle de la croissance et la planification. Ce dernier aspect a, à partir du XIXe siècle, été étudié du point de vue du paysage urbain. La ville était considérée comme une composition scénographique géniale, comme le Versailles du Nord. Plus tard, le
regard s’est surtout porté sur le plan de ville au sol. Amsterdam était considérée comme l’incarnation de la ‘città ideale’, le summum de la planification.
Dans cette étude, nous nous baserons sur une idée plus pragmatique de l’urbanisme. La ville idéale, théorique, cède la place à la ville réelle et, par voie de conséquence, à la ville optimale : une réalité physique rétive dotée d’une dynamique spatiale et sociale imprévisible, laquelle est aménagée et gérée le mieux possible en vue de son utilisation par les autorités municipales en fonction de la situation du paysage et des eaux, des opinions prédominantes, des connaissances techniques, de la méthodologie urbanistique et de l’instrumentation disponible."
This open access chapter introduces the Handbook on Gender and Public Administration. It is a starting point to better understand and promote gender equity in theory and practice. As such, this volume is about capturing the multiple... more
This open access chapter introduces the Handbook on Gender and Public Administration. It is a starting point to better understand and promote gender equity in theory and practice. As such, this volume is about capturing the multiple dimensions and evolution of gender and public administration (PA) to show how we got here and clarifying where we are heading. The 27 chapters consider PA and gender through a variety of topics such as housing and farm policy, budgeting, reform in Ethiopia, the rights of people who identify as non-binary, ethics, city government, masculinity and representative bureaucracy. These topics are imbedded in a unique organization containing three sections: Theoretical and Historical Roots, Pillars of Public Administration, and The Contexts of Gender and Public Administration. Our hope is that this Handbook provides a basis for seeing and understanding gender in new ways which establish public administration as a leader in practices that promote gender equity. Open access link https://www.elgaronline.com/view/edcoll/9781789904727/9781789904727.00008.xml
Les fonds d'Intendances sardes d'Ancien Régime conservés aux Archives départementales de la Haute-Savoie avaient été péniblement réunis puis classés entre 1867 et 1922, donnant lieu en 1923 à un inventaire où le principe primordial de... more
Les fonds d'Intendances sardes d'Ancien Régime conservés aux Archives départementales de la Haute-Savoie avaient été péniblement réunis puis classés entre 1867 et 1922, donnant lieu en 1923 à un inventaire où le principe primordial de respect des fonds sacrifiait à une logique thématique malheureuse. Précédé d'une introduction historique détaillée et assorti d'annexes destinées à faciliter le travail des chercheurs, ce nouvel instrument de recherche présente, pour la seule Intendance particulière du Faucigny, des descriptions remises aux normes et une réflexion proprement archivistique permettant de dégager plusieurs fonds indûment mêlés à celui de l'Intendance.
Franziska Neumanns Studie untersucht Formalisierungsprozesse und die Ausbildung formaler Organisationen in frühneuzeitlichen Verwaltungen. Am Beispiel der sächsischen Bergverwaltung im 16. Jahrhundert zeigt sie, dass Formalisierung nicht... more
Franziska Neumanns Studie untersucht Formalisierungsprozesse und die Ausbildung formaler Organisationen in frühneuzeitlichen Verwaltungen. Am Beispiel der sächsischen Bergverwaltung im 16. Jahrhundert zeigt sie, dass Formalisierung nicht nur verwaltungsintern, sondern auch mit Bezug auf Verwaltungsumwelten interpretiert werden muss: Die Bergverwaltung war in hohem Maße von auswärtigen Investoren abhängig. Mitgliedschaftsregeln, formale Regeln, Routinen, Verfahren, vor allem aber die Selbstdarstellung als formale Organisation dienten auch dazu, unter den Bedingungen von Abwesenheit Vertrauen herzustellen. Statt also Formalisierung mit Rationalität und Effizienzsteigerung gleichzusetzen, lädt die Studie dazu ein, genauer nach Formen und Funktionen von Formalisierungsprozessen zu fragen.
Wang Anshi (1021–1086) is well known as one of the greatest statesmen of classical China, but it is rarely recognized that his 1058 ‘Wan Yan Shu’ is one of the first texts of public management in the modern sense. This is because Wang... more
Wang Anshi (1021–1086) is well known as one of the greatest statesmen of classical China, but it is rarely recognized that his 1058 ‘Wan Yan Shu’ is one of the first texts of public management in the modern sense. This is because Wang addressed still current concerns of a civil service—selection, training, motivation, remuneration—often presenting solutions that are completely in line with today’s perspectives. Wang’s work is particularly relevant now given the current global state of public management—post-NPM but with no clear new paradigm having emerged.
The colonization of the Philippine lslands by the Spanish Crown will be continuously influenced by Spain's colonial experience in America. This is so not only due to the fact that the archipelago was vicariously administered thru... more
The colonization of the Philippine lslands by the Spanish Crown will be continuously influenced by Spain's colonial experience in America. This is so not only due to the fact that the archipelago was vicariously administered thru territories in the New World. This circum stance is made evident shortly after the arrival of Legazpi in 1565 by the direct control of the clergy, and sorne civilian authorities, over the occupation process and in the reduccion of [establishment of reservations for) the indigenous population.
The study of scribal hands, workshops and activities has offered a new insight to Mycenaean epigraphy. The role of the individual scribes has greatly been enriched by the study of palm and finger prints giving us additional information on... more
The study of scribal hands, workshops and activities has offered a new insight to Mycenaean epigraphy. The role of the individual scribes has greatly been enriched by the study of palm and finger prints giving us additional information on the preparation of Linear B tablets. Now we can also find out more on the collaboration of the scribes, but also on whether they are manual workers or other.
Between 1585 and 1663, during Amsterdam’s Golden Age, the city’s built-up area increased by more than fivefold. This growth over the centuries captured the attention of historians and city planners who analysed Amsterdam’s development... more
Between 1585 and 1663, during Amsterdam’s Golden Age, the city’s built-up area increased by more than fivefold. This growth over the centuries captured the attention of historians and city planners who analysed Amsterdam’s development from a variety of angles. However, there are two aspects that have attracted most of the attention: the large scale of the city’s expansions and their methodical planning. This second aspect has, since the nineteenth century, been seen mainly from the point of view of the townscape as a whole. Amsterdam was presented as a large-scale,
scenographic composition, a ‘Versailles of the North’, and as a consequence, a work of genius. Later on, researchers began to study the city’s ground plan. Amsterdam’s development was seen as an elaboration of the ‘città ideale’, the apex of urban planning.
In this study, urbanism and city development are looked at from a more pragmatic point of view. The ideal, theoretical city was replaced by the actual city, and, therefore, the optimal city. This study views Amsterdam as an unruly physical reality with an unpredictable spatial and social
dynamism, that had to be organised and managed by the city’s officials, while they coped with the existing landscape, hydrological circumstances, the state of technology and the rudimentary legal instruments that were available to them at the time.
The city’s ground plan was the result of a complex process in which different, sometimes incompatible, interests had to be balanced. A city design is not an isolated work of art, but a solution (or an attempted solution) for a broad range of problems within a specific situation. The city’s government was responsible for Amsterdam’s defence, functioning traffic and water
infrastructures, the provision of sufficient numbers of empty lots for new construction and for the management of various other urban services. This task must be considered in relation to the circumstances in which urban development took place during this period: soil conditions, water
management, traffic, a shortage of space for housing, harbour activities, trade and industry, spontaneous urbanisation, private landownership, and the entire network of infrastructures in which the city was entangled. But the city’s ground plan was not just the result of physical factors. Indeed, the social reality was also a prominent factor in the constitution of Amsterdam’s ground plan. The field of urbanism was a game of interests, interactions and sometimes confrontations between the forces of urbanisation and city design. Each of these factors had its influence on the planning processes and their outcomes. Furthermore, there were also the various instruments of urbanism: the methodology behind fortification plans, city design and the apportioning of parcels, as well as the legislative options.
The subject of this article is the trial of reconstrution of the local law proclamation history during the 1st Polish Republic. The proclamation of local acts is important competence of the local self government organs that... more
The subject of this article is the trial of reconstrution of the local law proclamation history during the 1st Polish Republic. The proclamation of local acts is important competence of the local self government organs that determines its position and role in contemporary state. Local govenment is decentralized form of the public administration and according to legal instruments was provided with administrative power, which means the capability to execute public tasks manifested in ability to proclaim law acts, regulating many different spheres of social life. Besides the fact that the local self government as a law term came into being after the fall down of feudal state and after the creation of citizen community, author detects its origins in the medieval local governance. Political form and medieval and medieval cities organization, according to author, was a first stage of that, what in present days assumed a form of local self government. Parrallel to cities development in 1st Polish Republic, the legislative power of their organs formed its shaped. Many aspects of daily life were managed by obigatory common law which was valid only the territory of the city and its suburbs. Legislative activity of medieval cities organs contributed to the development of local selfgovernment institutions in later times.
The Commission for Order for the Krakow region was established as a result of the Kościuszko Uprising on 25 March 1794. It ended its activity together with the entrance to Krakow of the Prussian army in June of the same year. As opposed... more
The Commission for Order for the Krakow region was established as a result of the Kościuszko Uprising on 25 March 1794. It ended its activity together with the entrance to Krakow of the Prussian army in June of the same year. As opposed to its predecessor from the period of the Great Sejm – the Civil-Military Commissions of the counties of Krakow and Proszowice as well as Ksiąz and Lelow, during the Uprising, one administrative institution for the whole region was established. Its members, from the aristocracy, clergymen and the middle-class, were chosen by Tadeusz Kościuszko. The next reorganisation of the town hall specialised the work of order commissioners, assigning their activities to respective departments: Order, Public Safety, Treasury, Justice, Military Needs, Nutrition and Instruction. The tasks of the Krakow Commission included: supervision of the state of roads, postage, courier services, transport, the distribution of orders from the Uprising powers to civilians, issuing passports, investigating, questioning, arresting and taking those accused of crimes to court, custodial matters, supervision of the criminal courts, carrying out their sentences, collecting and storing donations for the Uprising from civilians, supervision of traitors in isolation, control of the treasury, supervision of land usage, maintaining a record of food supplies, administration of grain stores and responsibility for supplying forage for the needs of the military and civilians, administration of the food industry, issuing welfare
for the needy, and supervision of domestic and external trade.
The article analyzes the 1869 census in the Habsburg Empire as an eminent administrative and scientific operation, which provided knowledge that could be used in different contexts. The census not only produced a population and drafted... more
The article analyzes the 1869 census in the Habsburg Empire as an eminent administrative and scientific operation, which provided knowledge that could be used in different contexts. The census not only produced a population and drafted the outlines of a modern society, it forced different parts of state administration to work together and was a major step toward a self-understanding of the modern state. The article focusses on the practices that were put to use in the production of data and in the construction of a vast knowledge base. It puts up questions on how such an operation could be financed, how it was executed and which challenges had to be tackled in the course of the operation. It integrates recent theoretical approaches from science studies and shows how census was not only a major state operation, but also an opportunity to different groups for civil emancipation .
This Handbook is a study and consultation guide on Public Administration and Governance, aimed at students, public employees, public and political officials, and other professionals and people interested in administrative matters and... more
This Handbook is a study and consultation guide on Public Administration and Governance, aimed at students, public employees, public and political officials, and other professionals and people interested in administrative matters and public affairs in the public sector , and also private, cooperative and social sectors, regarding the public and administrative dimension of these.
According to Shafritz, Russell and Borick (2009) they state that Public Administration is an academic field that studies the art and science of management applied to the public sector, but this as long-established it goes further than the... more
According to Shafritz, Russell and Borick (2009) they state that Public Administration is an academic field that studies the art and science of management applied to the public sector, but this as long-established it goes further than the concerns of management and includes matters of political, social, cultural and legal environments that affects the running of public institutions. Thornhill and van Dijk (2010) argues that a theory is a summary statement providing an explanation of a phenomenon or range of phenomena that co-varies under particular conditions. Thus, this explains the practice of Public Administration which is the implementation of government policies by the public servants. Public Administration is an applied science. Therefore, the Discipline has to relate any theory to the practical situations within which public administration is practised (Thornhill & van Dijk, 2010). This essay will critically evaluate how the understanding of a Public Administration as a theory and practice influence this concept by looking at the relationship between the two.
The field of public policy involves two fields of study: "producing knowledge for public policy" and "producing knowledge of public policy". This distinction, which leads to defining public policy on the dualities of politics-knowledge,... more
The field of public policy involves two fields of study: "producing knowledge for public policy" and "producing knowledge of public policy". This distinction, which leads to defining public policy on the dualities of politics-knowledge, value-decision, participation-interference, goal-means, depends on the separate consideration of the state's regulatory functions and politics/political structure. While giving the causality of the genesis of the field, the approaches based on this distinction have endeavored to find a historical moment that explains their theoretical positions rather than discovering historical and theoretical roots. The denial of this distinction and the reception of public policy as the product of social relations occurred in a particular conjuncture that would have changed the determinations about the causality of the genesis. The field of public policy is an answer to be given to the political and administrative problems of the US during the period of the Second World War. The reflection of this problem oil the government as the strengthening of execution has realized the definition of public policy as political planning.
La culture vitivinicole en Algérie française entre 1871 et 1962 : Symbole de la colonisation et accélérateur de l'indépendance Pierre Berthault, un ingénieur agricole de la Direction de l'agriculture et de la colonisation, affirmait dans... more
La culture vitivinicole en Algérie française entre 1871 et 1962 : Symbole de la colonisation et accélérateur de l'indépendance Pierre Berthault, un ingénieur agricole de la Direction de l'agriculture et de la colonisation, affirmait dans son ouvrage Quelques aspects du problème viticole en Algérie de 1933 que « culture essentiellement colonisatrice, la vigne attache l'homme au sol, développe le peuplement. II suffit pour s'en convaincre de considérer la situation réciproque des villages du Sahel, de la Mitidja et des régions céréalifères des hauts plateaux ; alors que les premiers respirent l'aisance et habitent des foyers prospères, les seconds se dépeuplent et voient leurs maisons tomber en ruines » 1 .
Since the early origins of Public Administration, scholars bemoan the absence of a grand, unifying theory for this applied, social science as a discipline. From their arguments it seems that the absence of a unified theory is largely to... more
Since the early origins of Public Administration, scholars bemoan the absence of a grand, unifying theory for this applied, social science as a discipline. From their arguments it seems that the absence of a unified theory is largely to blame for the identity, existential and academic crisis which the discipline arguably experiences. If such a unified theory does not exist, and there is a general consensus that it could add value by focusing research and generally facilitating a sharper demarcation of the study field, the appropriate question is: Why not simply attempt to construct one? The purpose of this article is to reflect on the feasibility of designing a unified theory as a coherent framework for the study of Public Administration. The reflection will include a deliberation on the desirability of such a unifying theory, contemplation on the possible methodology to pursue such a theory, as well as an exploration of the potential challenges which theorists will face in their attempts to design such an integrated and comprehensive foundational framework.
Il saggio ricostruisce le sorti del processo di epurazione al termine della seconda guerra mondiale in una realtà regionale del tutto peculiare, quella dell’Alto Adige/Südtirol. Tra 1922 e 1945 la provincia di Bolzano visse dapprima, come... more
Il saggio ricostruisce le sorti del processo di epurazione al termine della seconda guerra mondiale in una realtà regionale del tutto peculiare, quella dell’Alto Adige/Südtirol. Tra 1922 e 1945 la provincia di Bolzano visse dapprima, come il resto d’Italia, la dittatura fascista, cui si aggiunse, dopo l’8 settembre 1943, il dominio nazista. Durante gli ultimi venti mesi di guerra, pur senza una formale annessione al Reich, Bolzano e il suo territorio vennero governati a tutti gli effetti da un’amministrazione tedesca. Al termine del conflitto le autorità democratiche dovettero così procedere a una “doppia” epurazione, sia contro coloro che ebbero un ruolo di un certo rilievo durante il regime fascista, sia contro i collaborazionisti nazisti. Tale processo risultò influenzato da una parte dalle dinamiche nazionali del complessivo processo di epurazione, dall’altra dalla difficile e tesa situazione determinata dalla coesistenza sul territorio di due diverse comunità, una di lingua tedesca l’altra di lingua italiana, entrambe parzialmente compromesse con i due regimi e impegnate nel sottolineare solo ed esclusivamente i torti dell’altra.
Il saggio utilizza fonti degli archivi locali, di quelli nazionali e anche del National Archives di Washington.
- by F Rachel Magdalene and +1
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- Philology, Law, Legal History, Legal Theory
Il y a un lien entre une fonction publique engagée et une citoyenneté responsable. Le service public est un vecteur d'espoir pour toute société, y compris la société québécoise. Cet idéal, l'ENAP le transmeut aussi à l'internationalIl... more
Il y a un lien entre une fonction publique engagée et une citoyenneté responsable. Le service public est un vecteur d'espoir pour toute société, y compris la société québécoise. Cet idéal, l'ENAP le transmeut aussi à l'internationalIl s'agit d'un entretien entre Mélanie St-Hilaire et Guy Laforest, au début de mon mandat comme DG de l'ENAP.
Konzeptionelle Überlegungen zu einem Forschungsprojekt über Normimplementation in der Praxis Ein so großes, die Abänderung der bisherigen Verfassung nebst der Ausrottung so vieler seit undenklichen Jahren an dem Hof wie in denen Ländern... more
Konzeptionelle Überlegungen zu einem Forschungsprojekt über Normimplementation in der Praxis Ein so großes, die Abänderung der bisherigen Verfassung nebst der Ausrottung so vieler seit undenklichen Jahren an dem Hof wie in denen Ländern in Übung gewesten Mißbräuchund Unordnungen zum Endzweck habendes Werk kunte, wie leicht vorzusehen ware, bei dem im voraus darwider praeventierten Publico nichts anderes als Unlust und Widerwillen anfangs verursachen. In der Tat schrie auch alles darüber, sonderlich die Miliz, die Stände, der Adel und die herrschaftlichen Beamten. 1
Starostas in the period of the Second Polish Republic were state officials standing at the head of the general administration as well as the local administrative institutions in the counties (powiats). They were responsible not only for... more
Starostas in the period of the Second Polish Republic were state officials
standing at the head of the general administration as well as the local
administrative institutions in the counties (powiats). They were responsible
not only for matters of the economic development in the area of their
administration but also for public safety, supervision over the municipal
self-government and other administrative matters. They were the ‘eyes
and ears’ of the central authorities; not only did they gather and communicate
information on the social and political life in the counties but
also responded to actions against public order. These issues are discussed
in the work ‘Starostas of Poland between the World Wars. A collective portrait’
(1st edition – 2012, 2nd edition – 2018).
Due to the considerable influence of the representatives of this professional
group on the functioning of the state, an attempt was made to
bring together all of them who held the office of starosta in the Second
Polish Republic. Its effect is the ‘Biographical dictionary of starostas of the
Second Polish Republic’, the first volume of which the reader has before him.
In its structure the dictionary follows the so-called Dutch system, i.e.
alphabetical order within each volume. The search for a person of interest
is facilitated by an index of surnames as well as information on where
the given official was a starosta, provided in bold in the lead to each bio.
Biographical entries, designed according to the general pattern, are
supplemented with information on bibliography and a photo if possible.
These findings were based on queries in several archives in Poland as well
as in Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania and Great Britain, and also on other
published sources and the literature of the subject. As an aid for the
reader, there is a list of counties (powiats) in the Second Polish Republic
which enables following the changes taking place in their structure.
The Solt district was the eastern part of the medieval Alba (Fejér) county, in the centre of the Hungarian Kingdom. The origin of the district leading to the end of the 13th century, when the royal counties transformed into nobiliary... more
The Solt district was the eastern part of the medieval Alba (Fejér) county, in the centre of the Hungarian Kingdom. The origin of the district leading to the end of the 13th century, when the royal counties transformed into nobiliary counties. This time, the influence of the nobiles in the eastern part had been increasing, and they had achieved relative independency from Fejérvár town, the centre of the county. That was the reason of the estabilishment of the Solt district. The existence of the district lasted from the beginning of the 14th century to the beginning of the 16th century. Around 1510 the district became an independent county, and because of the Turkish invasion it operated only for approximately three decades. Due to Turkish expansion the county administration was displaced to Eger, and in 1559 it was unified with Pest county’s administration by royal law. The political influence of the region was weak, as the society of the district/county consisted of landed gentries, who had only regional influence. The district’s history ended in 1659, when it was merged into Pest-Pilis-Solt county.
The aim of this study is to research the administration and border changes of Solt district, later called Solt county. An interdisciplinary methodology and a unique GIS system were used that were developed to manage, model and display the medieval settlement database.
Proclamarea Republicii Populare Române la 30 decembrie 1947 a deschis drumul spre ultima etapă a comunizării societății românești, proces reflectat prin modificări legislative de amploare, un alt sistem juridic și administrativ,... more
Proclamarea Republicii Populare Române la 30 decembrie 1947 a deschis drumul spre ultima etapă a comunizării societății românești, proces reflectat prin modificări legislative de amploare, un alt sistem juridic și administrativ, naționalizare, colectivizare și represiune. Modificarea structurii administrativ-teritoriale a țării era pentru comuniștii români un deziderat necesar și logic. Reforma administrativă din 1949-1950 a avut ca scop punerea în practică a noilor politici de stat, continuarea epurării aparatului administrativ și realizarea unei distincții clare față de perioada politică anterioară. S-a urmărit aplicarea unui alt tip de relație între puterea centrală și administrația locală și subordonarea totală a administrației centrale și locale față de Partid. Contextul internațional de la sfârșitul anilor ’40 recomandau sau mai degrabă impuneau adaptarea modelului sovietic, însă gradul de receptare a depins și de factori interni. Studiul își propune o analiză a procesului de transformare a instituțiilor administrative locale, a construcției legislative și a receptării modelului sovietic de către factorii decizionali români.