Horticulture (Vegetable Production) Research Papers (original) (raw)
Commercial horticulture in many regions of the world depends upon Sphagnum peat as a potting-media substrate, but extracting peat has serious environmental consequences. Composts may be able to serve as effective substitutes for peat and... more
Commercial horticulture in many regions of the world depends upon Sphagnum peat as a potting-media substrate, but extracting peat has serious environmental consequences. Composts may be able to serve as effective substitutes for peat and offer potential environmental advantages. The suitability of compost as potting media depends upon the raw materials as well as processing methods used. This study includes two related experiments—one with beet (Beta vulgaris L.) and the other with tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)—aimed at assessing the potential viability of farm-produced, food-residuals compost as a replacement for peat-based potting media in the production of organic vegetable transplants. The experiments were conducted in 2021 on the Berea College Farm in Kentucky, USA, a USDA certified organic farm. The results indicated that potting media composed of 75% to 100% compost performed as well as fertilized, peat-based growing media for plant growth. Further, although weeds were pre...
The terrace ecosystem is considered as hotspot of jackfruit tree (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam) in Bangladesh having potential for understory cropping. However, most of the jackfruit orchards are often found utilized or underutilized. A... more
The terrace ecosystem is considered as hotspot of jackfruit tree (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam) in Bangladesh having potential for understory cropping. However, most of the jackfruit orchards are often found utilized or underutilized. A field experiment was conducted under the jackfruit orchard to study the performance of aroids (Colocasia esculenta L.) from April to October, 2017 in Belabo upazila of Narsingdi district. Four distances (1, 2, 3 and 4 m) from the base of jackfruit tree were considered for aroid planting to evaluate its performance as agroforestry crop in comparison to sole aroid. Land use and economic performances of agroforestry and sole systems were also evaluated. The results indicated that the production of jackfruit increased by 62.73%, while the yield of aroid reduced by 33.48% in agroforestry systems as compared to the yields of sole (non-agroforestry) systems. In agroforestry system, the photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) was severely reduced by 85-77%...
RESUMEN El chile de agua es una hortaliza endémica de los Valles Centrales de Oaxaca, que a pesar de su importancia económica y para la nutrición humana, su contenido de compuestos bioactivos está poco estudiado. El objetivo fue... more
RESUMEN El chile de agua es una hortaliza endémica de los Valles Centrales de Oaxaca, que a pesar de su importancia económica y para la nutrición humana, su contenido de compuestos bioactivos está poco estudiado. El objetivo fue determinar el contenido de compuestos bioactivos en el fruto del chile de agua (Capsicum annuum L.), cultivado en macrotúneles con diferentes materiales de cubierta. Plántulas de chile de agua del genotipo "Ejutla" fueron cultivadas con acolchado plástico y fertirriego, en macrotúneles con cubiertas de plástico transparente, plástico verde y malla blanca. Cada cubierta correspondió a un tratamiento y el cultivo a cielo abierto fue el testigo. Se utilizó un diseño experimental completamente al azar con tres repeticiones. Las variables respuesta fueron a) climáticas: temperatura, humedad relativa y radiación fotosintéticamente activa integrada (RFAI); b) compuestos bioactivos: fenoles totales, flavonoides y capacidad antioxidante. La temperatura diurna, nocturna y humedad relativa bajo plástico verde aumentaron 28.0, 6.7 y 0.5 % con respecto a campo abierto. La RFAI en campo abierto superó en 28.3 % a los materiales de cubierta. El plástico verde incrementó significativamente la concentración de fenoles totales y capacidad antioxidante, superando al testigo en 489.1 y 39.0 %, respectivamente. La concentración de flavonoides totales de los frutos cultivados en campo abierto fue mayor en al menos 47 % a los materiales de cubierta evaluados. La concentración de fenoles de los frutos de chile de agua y la capacidad antioxidante se incrementan cuando se cultivan en macrotúneles con cubierta de plástico verde. SUMMARY The "Chile de agua" is an endemic vegetable of the central valleys of Oaxaca, but despite its importance in the economic and human nutrition field, its bioactive compounds has been poorly studied. The objective of this research was to determine the content of bioactive compounds into the fruit of the "Chile de agua" (Capsicum annuum L.), grown under macro tunnels with different cover materials. Seedlings of the "Ejutla" genotype were planted in soil with plastic mulch and fertigation under macro tunnels using transparent and green plastic covers, and white mesh. Each cover corresponded to a treatment, and the open-air cultivation was the control. The response variables were grouped into a) climatic: temperature, relative humidity and Integrated Photosynthetically Active Radiation (IPAR); b) bioactive compounds: total phenols, flavonoids and antioxidant capacity. The daytime and nighttime temperatures and relative humidity under green plastic cover increased 28.0, 6.7 and 0.5 % with respect to the control. The IPAR in open-air cultivation exceeded the cover materials by 28.3 %. The green plastic significantly increased the concentration of total phenols and antioxidant capacity by 489.1 and 39.0 % with respect to the control. The concentration of total flavonoids of the fruits grown in open-air cultivation was greater than at least 47 % to the cover materials evaluated. The phenols concentration of "Chile de agua" fruits and their antioxidant capacity increased when they are grown in macro tunnels with green plastic covers. INTRODUCCIÓN El chile de agua (Capsicum annuum L.) es una horta-liza endémica de los Valles Centrales de Oaxaca, de im-portancia económica, social y cultural (Montaño-Lugo et al., 2014), muy apreciado por los habitantes de esta región quienes lo consumen todo el año. Los chiles contienen una amplia variedad de compuestos bioactivos como el ácido ascórbico, vitaminas C, A y E, carotenoides, capsai-cinoides y compuestos fenólicos (Bae et al., 2014). Los compuestos fenólicos poseen propiedades antioxidantes que pueden ayudar a reducir los daños causados por los procesos de oxidación de los radicales libres en el organis-mo y las enfermedades asociadas a estos daños (Hervert-Hernández et al., 2010). En las plantas, los fenoles tienen funciones como pigmentación, crecimiento y adaptación a condiciones de estrés (Tucuch-Haas et al., 2017). Estos compuestos y sus proporciones en los frutos de Capsicum spp. pueden variar debido a distintos factores, entre los más importantes son: la variedad o genotipo, la tempora-da y las condiciones ambientales en que se cultivan y las prácticas agronómicas (Deepa et al., 2007). El manejo de la luz solar en las plantas puede aumentar el rendimien-to en biomasa y componentes químicos (Nishimura et al., 2007). La fotosíntesis en la mayoría de las plantas C 3 se satura a los 500 µmol·m-2 ·s-1 y tanto mallas como plásti-cos reducen la intensidad de la radiación solar, al mismo
Bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria L. 2n = 2x = 22) commonly known as lauki, kadu, ghiya or doodhi is grown extensively in India, might have originated in Tropical Africa. It is a vegetable with a good source of carbohydrates, vitamin A,... more
Bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria L. 2n = 2x = 22) commonly known as lauki, kadu, ghiya or doodhi is grown extensively in India, might have originated in Tropical Africa. It is a vegetable with a good source of carbohydrates, vitamin A, vitamin C and minerals(7). Total area under vegetable in India during 2018-19 was 10436 thousand hectare and the production was 187474 thousand metric tons. The total area of cultivation under vegetables in Uttar Pradesh is 1479.42 thousand hectare and the production was 28621.67 thousand metric tons. The bottle guard was cultivated over 185 thousand hectare area and the total production was 3072 thousand metric tons (12). Efficient use of nitrogen plays a major role in successful crop production. Nitrogen is an
Malaysian agriculture is generally divided into two categories which are lowland area and highland (temperate) area. Cameron Highland is the main state that highly produces vegetable in the highland area in Malaysia. Based on the... more
Malaysian agriculture is generally divided into two categories which are lowland area and highland (temperate) area. Cameron Highland is the main state that highly produces vegetable in the highland area in Malaysia. Based on the statistic, vegetable productions in Malaysia is an important industry due to high demand from consumers. Consumers worldwide are increasingly concerned about nutrition, health, and the quality of their food. In dealing with specific quality based on the consumer and retailer specifications, farmers have to overcome pest and disease problems by all means. Thus a survey was conducted among 65 highland vegetable farmers to get information on their pest management practices in farms. The result showed that almost all farmers relied on chemical pesticides for the management of pest and diseases and most of them use moderately toxic chemicals. The main pesticide used by farmers is chlorothalonil and other important pesticides mentioned were insecticide propineb. The average combinations were 3-4 agrochemicals in a single tank. Lack of knowledge on the ill effects of agrochemicals made them to overuse chemicals and affects the sustainability of agriculture and the environment. Eventually, to ensure keeping food safe fresh produce, well planned and coordinated approach in the area for improving the knowledge status of vegetable growers towards pest management will reduce their heavy reliance on pesticides. This current paper critically analysed to get a better understanding on the level of pesticide utilization among highland vegetable farmers.
The present investigation entitled "Response of capsicum (Capsicum annuum L. var. grossum) to different levels of spacing and training system under foot hills of Arunachal Pradesh". The experiment was laid out in two factorial RBD using... more
The present investigation entitled "Response of capsicum (Capsicum annuum L. var. grossum) to different levels of spacing and training system under foot hills of Arunachal Pradesh". The experiment was laid out in two factorial RBD using three replications with three levels of spacing and training. The standard cultural practices were done regular interval for better crop growth and good yields. The closer spacing resulted in maximum plant height, LAI, and total yield per plot and wider spacing recorded maximum number of branches, number of leaf, earliness in fruit flowering and fruit set and yield per plant. Among all levels, two shoot training showed maximum plant height, minimum days required to first flowering, first fruit set, days to first harvest and size of fruit and four shoots resulted in maximum number of branches, number of leaf, LAI, fruits per plant (10.06), yield per plant (0.54 kg) and yield (0.75 Kg/m 2). Among all interactions, closer spacing with four shoot training produced more number of branches and leaves per plant resulted in maximum of per plant and per plot yield due to more number of shoots contributed in producing more number of fruits. In contrast, wider spacing with two shoot training produced highest plant height, early flowering and fruit set. The quality parameters and fruiting percentage had not significant to interaction of both training and spacing. It is concluded that for higher yield of capsicum under polyhouse conditions, the closer spacing with four shoots training maybe suggested for foot hills of Himalayas. Highlights m Four shoots with closer spacing positively correlated with yield per unit area but wider spacing and less no. of shoots produced higher yield per plant.
outbreak of Amaranthus caterpillar, Spoladea recurvalis was observed on weed, Trianthema portulacastrum, in cotton, pigeon pea, okra, gaur and black gram fields during July and August 2012. Caterpillar were observed feeding voraciously on... more
outbreak of Amaranthus caterpillar, Spoladea recurvalis was observed on weed, Trianthema portulacastrum, in cotton, pigeon pea, okra, gaur and black gram fields during July and August 2012. Caterpillar were observed feeding voraciously on leaves and caused complete destruction of weed. The caterpillar also showed parasitization by Apanteles sp.
Increasing use of agro-chemicals, higher production cost and deteriorating ecosystem health have advocated the need to change traditional and external input use agriculture towards safe and sustainable organic production. Since the... more
Increasing use of agro-chemicals, higher production cost and deteriorating ecosystem
health have advocated the need to change traditional and external input use
agriculture towards safe and sustainable organic production. Since the consumers’
level of awareness towards the harmful effects of agro-chemicals has been increasing,
the demand for organic food has increased thus emphasizing the need of organic
farming. This report presents the current status, scope and obstacles of organic
farming in Kathmandu valley on the basis of sample data taken from Tarkeshshwor,
Budhanilkantha, Tokha and Chandragiri municipalities of the valley where we could
observe much of the agricultural productions being done. The organic farms in
Kathmandu valley were found to come in practice past 4-5 years. Most of the organic
farmers have started their business after receiving trainings organized by Ministry
of Agriculture (MOA) but still information gap or extension gap about agricultural
techniques can be seen widely. Large involvement of ladies and women can be seen in
the commercial farming where they possess wide knowledge about farming practices.
Mostly the organic farmers are interested in vegetable farming.The organic products
from farms are sold to five star hotels, supermarkets, etc. while the small holder
farmers take their product to market via middle man. Some of the farms sell their
products to the local consumers directly as well. The awareness among consumers
regarding their health issues have shown willingness to pay good for organic products
thus having a good market price. On the other hand, consumers think that plastic
farming is more fresh and organic although they use chemicals and pay more. Thus
there exists the misconception about organic farming and organic products. Utilizing
this benefit, many of the farms use intermediate method where they use manuring
for fertilizers and chemical pesticides for insect and pest control while only few of
them very use totally organic method. On the next scenario, many of the farmers are
forced to depend on organic methods due to lack of money for affording chemical
pesticides. Farmers are complaining about the seed producing more male plants and
a large incidence of insect and pest. Organic industry is too small and a long way to
go in Nepal. The lack of organic agriculture extension among farmers has been the
hindrance for agricultural development.More than this the carelessness of experts in
producing quality seed has discouraged the farming community.Thus initiatives need
to be done for extension of organic farming providing subsidy to farmers and awaring
and ensuring them about organic practices and its importance. Women involvement,
increasing organic practices though in slow trend are some of the positive changes
seen in the research. Considering the positivity and negativities, and solving the
problems, organic agriculture can have a good possibility in city area like Kathmandu.
Key words: awareness, consumers, marketing, organic production, willingness to pay,
Ministry of Agriculture (MOA), extension
Deep learning constitutes a recent, modern technique for new variants in agriculture with quality yield, minimal resources, and large potential. As deep learning has been successfully applied in various domains, it has recently entered... more
Deep learning constitutes a recent, modern technique for new variants in agriculture with quality yield, minimal resources, and large potential. As deep learning has been successfully applied in various domains, it has recently entered also the domain of agriculture. In this paper, hydroponic farming is employed using deep learning techniques for tomato plant production addressing major challenges for increasing the production using a small area for cultivation and also in a short span of time. By examining the production and agricultural problems understudy the novel technology of smart farming techniques can be implemented for overall performance. Hydroponic system, multi-planned air flow, moisture, amount of nutrients thresholds of carbon dioxide and nitrogen can be controlled and operated using deep learning techniques. IoT sensors and use of UAVs assist in controlling the other aspects of production. The study evaluates the application of deep learning methods on tomato plants for optimizing high quality yields
of production. In this research study 1500 sq. ft. land was used for cultivating the hydroponic farming of tomato plants automating supply of nutrients, water and use of controlled environment with low cost. This study was conducted for about six months from March 2020 to September 2020. The results show that 27% production was increased yielding best quality tomatoes with minimum investment and time span.
This experiment was carried out to study the performance of tomato cultivars (Salar, and Sandal) grafted on various rootstocks (Mocow; Solanum nigrum, Brinjal; Solanum melongena, and Chili; Capsicum annuum) at National Agricultural... more
This experiment was carried out to study the performance of tomato cultivars (Salar, and Sandal) grafted on various rootstocks (Mocow; Solanum nigrum, Brinjal; Solanum melongena, and Chili; Capsicum annuum) at National Agricultural Research Centre Islamabad, Pakistan during the cropping season 2016 using experimental design Complete Randomized Design (CRD) with two factors having 6 treatments replicated three times. The analysis of experimental results revealed that maximum number of days to 1 st flowering, plant height, total soluble solid, fruit dry matter content and disease incidence were recorded in chilli rootstock while more number of flower plant-1 , and maximum stem diameter were recorded in Mocow rootstock. Maximum number of fruits plant-1 , pH and graft take success were recorded in brinjal rootstock. Regarding cultivars, maximum number of days to 1 st flowering, plant height, stem diameter, fruit dry matter content and disease incidence were recorded in sandal cultivar while maximum number of flower plant-1 , fruits plant-1 , total soluble solids, pH and graft take success were recorded in Salar cultivar. Interactive effect of cultivar and rootstock revealed that maximum number of days to 1 st flowering, plant height, TSS, fruit dry weight matter content, with minimum number of flowers plant-1 , stem diameter and fruit juice pH were recorded when sandal cultivar was grafted onto chilli rootstock. Furthermore, minimum number of fruits plant-1 and total soluble solids were recorded when sandal cultivar was grafted onto brinjal rootstock. From the present research findings it could be concluded that salar cultivar grafted on brinjal rootstock has a potential for enhancing maximum yield and graft take success.
Field experiment was conducted during the wet season of 2014 at the research farm station of the Institute for Agricultural Research (I.A.R), Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria to study the effect of soil and foliar applied NPK fertilizers to... more
Field experiment was conducted during the wet season of 2014 at the research farm station of the Institute for Agricultural Research (I.A.R), Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria to study the effect of soil and foliar applied NPK fertilizers to growth and yield of Celosia (Celosia argentea L.). The treatments consist of five soil applied NPK fertilizer rates (0, 50, 100, 150, and 200 kg ha-1), and three foliar applied NPK fertilizer rates (1.5, 2.0, and 2.5 litres ha-1). Application of NPK fertilizer, significantly increased most of the growth, yield and yield components of Celosia as compared to the untreated control, and the highest obtained when 200 kg ha-1 of soil applied NPK fertilizer. Application of 2.5 litres ha-1 of foliar applied NPK fertilizer resulted in increased in plant height and number of branches, while application of 2.0 litres ha-1 of the same fertilizer resulted to increase other growth parameters. The results of the interaction between soil and foliar applied NPK fertilizers at 200 kg ha-1 and 2.0 litres ha-1 result in increased in most of the growth parameters. The interaction between soil and foliar applied NPK fertilizers on the yield at 150 kg ha-1 and 2.0 litres ha-1 on leaf yield resulted in the highest yield. Based on the result obtained in this study, farmers in the savanna can adopt the application of 200 kg ha-1 and 2.0 litres ha-1 gave the maximum fresh shoot yield.
Winged bean (Fabaceae) is a tropical crop that has high nutrient content, and almost all parts of the plant are edible. The research aimed to evaluate the growth and production of winged bean in an intercropping system with tomato. The... more
Winged bean (Fabaceae) is a tropical crop that has high nutrient content, and almost all parts of the plant are edible. The research aimed to evaluate the growth and production of winged bean in an intercropping system with tomato. The study was conducted at the Cikabayan Experimental Field of Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor, Indonesia, in a randomized block design with three replications during the rainy season of December 2017 to June 2018. Winged beans were planted in high and low population densities and intercropped with three tomato genotypes, "Tora", F70030081-12-16-3 and "Apel Belgia". Monoculture winged bean was assigned as control. Tomatoes were planted between the rows of the winged beans in the intercropping treatment. The results showed that the growth of winged bean in monoculture and intercropping systems was not significantly different. The photosynthetic activity of winged bean at three to five weeks after planting remained high, indicating that the vegetative growth was optimal in both systems. Intercropping increased the winged bean number of pods per plant by 12.66-19.52% compared to monoculture, irrespective of population density. Therefore, winged bean could be considered as suitable to grow in intercropping systems.
Abstract Twelve genotypes of bush type french bean were evaluated to study the genetic variability, correlation and path analysis for twenty- three yield and yield contributing parameters. Significant differences were observed among all... more
Twelve genotypes of bush type french bean were evaluated to study the genetic variability, correlation and path analysis for twenty- three yield and yield contributing parameters. Significant differences were observed among all the genotypes. Both GCV and PCV corresponded closely for all the characters which indicate low environmental influence. Higher phenotypic and genotypic co-efficient of variability were observed for leaf fresh weight, leaf dry weight, pod weight, ascorbic acid, total chlorophyll, reducing sugar, total sugar and pod protein. Characters like primary branches/plant (no.), leaf fresh weight (g), leaf dry weight (g), flowers/Inflorescence (no.), pod set/Inflorescence (no.), pods/plant (no.), pod girth (cm), pod weight (g), ascorbic acid (mg/100g), total chlorophyll (mg/100g), reducing sugar (%), total sugar (%), pod protein (mg/100g) and green pod yield/plant (g) exhibited high heritability coupled with high genetic advance as percent over mean indicating the presence of additive gene action and thus selection based on phenotypic performance may prove useful. Pod weight and pods/plant exhibited high positive significant correlation with green pod yield/plant as well as high positive direct effect on green pod yield/plant. Hence, these traits can be directly considered for yield improvement programme in french bean.
Keywords: French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), Genetic variability, correlation, path analysis, yield and quality attributes
In this paper I have tried to explain the present status and future scope of horticulture in Pakistan.
The objective of the study was to understand the different value chains existing in fruits and vegetables business in and around Hyderabad metro. It also covered in depth analysis of each value chain in terms of the actors involved in it,... more
The objective of the study was to understand the different value chains existing in fruits and vegetables business in and around Hyderabad metro. It also covered in depth analysis of each value chain in terms of the actors involved in it, domain factor conditions, flow of goods and prices and net benefit to farmers. The study also aimed at finding out feasibility of organizing small farmers in the vegetable production clusters on the outskirts of Hyderabad district. It includes an analysis of value proposition that can be distributed to farmers and identifying elements that can be leveraged for expansion of farmer’s share in consumer rupee.
Today, tourism is considered as one of the most important components of development and one of the largest industries reference to volume of the business and employment generation globally. It has been observed that " tourism has emerged... more
Today, tourism is considered as one of the most important components of development and one of the largest industries reference to volume of the business and employment generation globally. It has been observed that " tourism has emerged as one of the central means by which rural areas can adjust themselves economically, socially and politically to the new global environment. This paper examines the current rural environment exclusively horticultural products of Arunachal Pradesh, showing the unique relationship between tourism sector and horticulture sector for the rural development. The purpose and objectives of this paper is to connect the horticulture with tourism for the rural development in the state of Arunachal pradesh. The research objectives are: to identify horticulture products in the rural areas and attempt to bring those products and tourism in the common platform where both the sectors meet so as to solve the marketing aspect of the horticulture for sustainable rural development.
Moringa oleifera is the most nutritious tree that has ever been found. Almost all parts of the plant can be used as an eco-friendly nutrient supplement and natural biopesticide to improve crop growth and yields. Based in this fact this... more
Moringa oleifera is the most nutritious tree that has ever been found. Almost all parts of the plant can be used as an eco-friendly nutrient supplement and natural biopesticide to improve crop growth and yields. Based in this fact this review article aims to focus on the possible role of Moringa oleifera as an alternative source of the environmentally friendly product in organic vegetable production. It is evident that the plant is rich in antioxidants, antibiotics, nutrients, including vitamins and minerals, protein, and carotenoids. Due to the presence of high concentration of different hormones mainly zeatin, it can be used to improve the yield of many types of crops by 10–45 per cent apart from the lowest cost of production. Many research papers demonstrate the benefits of the tree in different aspects like livestock production, medicine, manufacturing, water purification, source of nutrients in poor nations, and food technology.
Turmeric is an herbaceous evergreen plant in the Zingiberaceae (ginger) family. Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is extensively used as a spice, food preservative and colouring material in India, China and South East Asia. Turmeric powder is best... more
Turmeric is an herbaceous evergreen plant in the Zingiberaceae (ginger) family. Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is extensively used as a spice, food preservative and colouring material in India, China and South East Asia. Turmeric powder is best known as one of the main ingredients used to make the curry spice; it also gives ballpark mustard its bright yellow colour. Apart from its culinary uses, turmeric has been used widely in the traditional medicine all over the world. Curcumin (diferuloylmethane), the main yellow bioactive component of turmeric has been shown to have a wide spectrum of biological actions. These include its antiinflammatory, antioxidant, anticarcinogenic, antimutagenic, anticoagulant, antifertility, antidiabetic, antibacterial, antifungal, antiprotozoal, antiviral, antifibrotic, antivenom, antiulcer, hypotensive and hypocholesteremic activities. For traditional Ayurvedics, turmeric plant was an excellent natural antiseptic, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic, while at the same time the plant has been often used to aid digestion, to improve intestinal flora, and to treat skin irritations.
partisipasinya dalam menjaga suasana Kampus Unila sebagai tempat yang nyaman dan bersahabat. Kami juga berterima kasih kepada para reviewer, penyunting dan kepada berbagai pihak yang tidak dapat kami sebutkan satu persatu atas... more
partisipasinya dalam menjaga suasana Kampus Unila sebagai tempat yang nyaman dan bersahabat. Kami juga berterima kasih kepada para reviewer, penyunting dan kepada berbagai pihak yang tidak dapat kami sebutkan satu persatu atas partisipasinya memfasilitasi dan membantu, baik dana, sarana dan dukungan lainnya untuk terselenggaranya Seminar Nasional Sains dan Teknologi III tahun 2010 dan sehingga prosiding ini dapat diterbitkan. Atas nama Panitia, kami mohon maaf sebesar-besarnya atas keterlambatan penerbitan Proisiding ini disebabkan satu dan lain hal yang tidak dapat dihindari. Semoga prosiding ini bermanfaat bagi pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan, utamanya bagi pengambil kebijakan pembangunan di bidang Sains dan Teknologi dalam upaya Mencapai DAFTAR ISI PERANAN SUMBERDAYA HUTAN PULAU-PULAU KECIL DALAM MENGHASILKAN ENERGI TERBARUKAN DAN PENYIMPANAN CARBON Agustinus Kastanya Halaman 1 -16 AN ORGANIC AGROFORESTRY MODEL FOR SMALL ISLANDS IN THE MOLUCCAS Agustinus Kastanya Halaman 17 -31 PEMANFAATAN LIMBAH CAIR BIOGAS (SLURRY) SEBAGAI PUPUK ORGANIK PADA TANAMAN CABE MERAH Ahmad Rifai, Subiharta dan Budi Utomo Halaman 33 -40 INDUKSI EMBRIO SOMATIK DARI BERBAGAI BAGIAN BENIH DENGAN UMUR KECAMBAH TIGA HARI PADA DUA VARIETAS KACANG TANAH (ARACHIS HYPOGAEA L.) Akari Edy dan Hidayat Pujisiswanto Halaman 41 -47 PENYAKIT PASCA PANEN PADA PISANG (MUSA PARADISIACA) DAN UPAYA PENGENDALIANNYA Alvi Yani Halaman 49 -59 EVALUASI MUTU FISIK DAN NILAI GIZI BERAS MERAH VARIETAS AEK SIBONDONG SEBAGAI PANGAN FUNGSIONAL DI LAMPUNG Alvi Yani dan Junita Barus Halaman 61 -68 TOLERANSI BEBERAPA GENOTIPE JAGUNG HIBRIDA UMUR GENJAH TERHADAP INFEKSI CENDAWAN PERONOSPORA MAYDIS (PENYAKIT BULAI) Amrizal Nazar dan Andareas MM.
In the present study, twelve varieties of CHRYSANTHEMUM collected from the National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow were evaluated under irrigated condition at Main Experiment Station, NDUA&T, Kumarganj, Faizabad during winter... more
In the present study, twelve varieties of CHRYSANTHEMUM collected from the National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow were evaluated under irrigated condition at Main Experiment Station, NDUA&T, Kumarganj, Faizabad during winter season (2011-12). A wide range of variation in the performance of the varieties were observed for various characters. Highest plant height (50.20 cm) and maximum number of florets per flower were observed in Suneel (339.67 cm). Genotype Dentiment showed maximum plant spread (34.74 cm), maximum number of flowers per plant (103.60 g), maximum flower diameter (10.40 cm), and highest weight of ten flowers (63.00 g). As for as suitability of particular genotypes is concerned, maximum number of primary branches in Jaya (10.30) and maximum flower vase life (16 days) in Jayanti was observed. Among all the 12 genotypes, few genotypes like Dentiment produced maximum flower yield (652.68 g per plant) Original Research Article
Cabai (Capsicum annuum L.) merupakan salah satu komoditas yang penting dan memiliki nilai ekonomi yang tinggi di Indonesia. Tanaman cabai berasal dari daerah tropika dan subtropika khususnya Kolumbia dan Amerika Selatan hingga Amerika... more
Cabai (Capsicum annuum L.) merupakan salah satu komoditas yang penting dan memiliki nilai ekonomi yang tinggi di Indonesia. Tanaman cabai berasal dari daerah tropika dan subtropika khususnya Kolumbia dan Amerika Selatan hingga Amerika Latin, kemudian disebarkan melalui perdagangan ke seluruh dunia termasuk Asia seperti Indonesia (Nurfalach, 2010). Di Indonesia, sekitar 64% dari semua cabai dihasilkan di Pulau Jawa. Cabai adalah jenis sayuran dataran rendah tropis yang khas, karena 69% dari daerah penanaman berlokasi kurang dari 200 m di atas permukaan laut (Vos, 1994).
Tomato leafminer (Tuta absoluta) is an economically and physiologically important oligophagous pest (a pest which feeds on plants of a particular group) of solanaceous crops, particularly tomato. The lifecycle of tomato leafminers... more
Tomato leafminer (Tuta absoluta) is an economically and physiologically important oligophagous pest (a pest which feeds on plants of a particular group) of solanaceous crops, particularly tomato. The lifecycle of tomato leafminers possesses complete metamorphosis, which means that all four phases are present in its lifetime. The larval stage, which feeds by mining the mesophyll of tomato leaves and fruits, is the most destructive of the four phases. The insect population is rapidly increasing, obliterating and consuming crop fields all over the world. Their expansion has reduced the quantity of high-quality tomato produce, resulting in an economic loss. To counteract this trend, the pest population must be controlled before it reaches crisis proportions. Several studies and experiments have been undertaken, and several management approaches have been applied to control T. absoluta, but they have gradually proved ineffectual due to their feeding and damage behaviour, reproductive potential, and resistance development to applied treatments. They have been subjected to a variety of chemical control approaches. But slowly, they became immune to the majority of contact insecticides and pesticides used against them. As a result, the emerging strategy for now is the integration of all management methods, including physical, biological, biochemical, cultural, genetic, and Integrated Pest Management (IPM), in order to discourage the development of resistance in them and obliterate their populations both inside greenhouses and open fields, which could be possible with the government's and concerned authorities' ongoing support.
- by Bramha Nand Kurmi and +1
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- Entomology, Agronomy, Agricultural Economics, Ecology
rangkuman seluruh materi teknologi produksi tanaman hortikultura UTS universitas brawijaya fakltas pertanian
A field experiment comprising five different supporting systems viz., T = vertical support system 1 by bamboo branches, T = vertical support system by rope wire, T = horizontal support system by bamboo 23 macha (trellis), T = horizontal... more
A field experiment comprising five different supporting systems viz., T = vertical support system 1 by bamboo branches, T = vertical support system by rope wire, T = horizontal support system by bamboo 23 macha (trellis), T = horizontal support system by bamboo branches just lying over ground, T = control 45 (without support) was conducted at the Hill Agricultural Research Station, Raikhali, Chandraghona, Rangamati Hill District during 2012 and 2013 to find out the proper supporting system for the growth and yield of honeydew melon (chinal) in hill valley of Chittagong Hill Tracts. The number of node at 1 male (8.63) st and female flowers (17.95) were higher in control. The maximum number of fruits (9.08) was found in T that was 3
This should be brief and self-explanatory. It should relate directly to the main objective of the proposed research. A more specific and descriptive sub-title can be added if necessary, for example to indicate the main methodology that... more
This should be brief and self-explanatory. It should relate directly to the main objective of the proposed research. A more specific and descriptive sub-title can be added if necessary, for example to indicate the main methodology that will be applied. The title of the final report can be different from the working title of the synopsis.
One of the major issues facing humankind is global food security. A changing climate, coupled with a heightened consumer awareness of how food is produced and legislative changes governing the usage of agrichemicals for improving plant... more
One of the major issues facing humankind is global food security. A changing climate, coupled with a heightened consumer awareness of how food is produced and legislative changes governing the usage of agrichemicals for improving plant health and yield, means that alternative, more integrated and sustainable approaches are needed for crop management practices. To this end, there is increasing recognition of the value of the role of microbial inoculants in agriculture. The focus of this review is to understand how plant-growth-promoting bacteria and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi can play a part in improving crop yield by promoting the health status of the plant through the sequestration of various nutrients and in the control of plant diseases.
The Journal of Krishi Vigyan is an official periodical of the Society of Krishi Vigyan being published regularly from July 2012. Presently, its NAAS rating is 4.55 w.e.f. 1/1/2021. Scientists related to agriculture and allied fields must... more
The Journal of Krishi Vigyan is an official periodical of the Society of Krishi Vigyan being published regularly from July 2012. Presently, its NAAS rating is 4.55 w.e.f. 1/1/2021. Scientists related to agriculture and allied fields must go through it and publish good work being carried out by them in this very important regular periodical.
An investigation was carried out to evaluate thirty sponge gourd genotypes including one check variety (Pusa Chikni) for eleven traits at Main Experiment Station, Department of Vegetable Science, Narendra Deva University of Agriculture &... more
An investigation was carried out to evaluate thirty sponge gourd genotypes including one check variety (Pusa Chikni) for eleven traits at Main Experiment Station, Department of Vegetable Science, Narendra Deva University of Agriculture & Technology, Kumarganj, Faizabad (U.P.), during Zaid 2012 with three replications in Randomized Block Design. Analysis of variance indicates that thirty diverse genotype of sponge gourd differed significantly for the eleven traits. The genotypes NDSG-3 (3.405 kg), NDSG-1 (3.252 kg), NDSG-60 (3.217 kg), Pusa chikni (3.162 kg) and NDSG-55 (3.048 kg) produced highest fruit yield per plant. These genotypes also exhibited average mean performance for fruit diameter, vine length and fruit length. The highest estimate of phenotypic (PCV) and genotypic (GCV) coefficient of variation were recorded in case of node number to anthesis of first staminate flower (PCV=40.09) and (GCV=36.20) followed by node number to anthesis of first pistillate flower (PCV= 31.82) and (GCV=30.26), and Average fruit weight (g) (PCV =27.07) while days to first marketable fruit harvest exhibited lowest value (8.89 and 7.07). The presences of high heritability with high genetic advance in per cent of mean were observed for node number to anthesis of first staminate flower (81.5 and 67.33), node number to anthesis of first pistillate flower (90.4 and 59.27), number of fruits per plant (92.8 and 49.83) and average fruit weight (89.4 and 49.85) exhibiting additive gene effect and selection for these traits is reliable for developing high yielding cultivar of sponge gourd. Highlights m Genetic evaluation of 30 sponge gourd genotypes indicated that highest GCV and PCV in association with high heritability and genetic advance was observed with node number to anthesis of first staminate flower. m The genotypes NDSG-3, NDSG-1, NDSG-60, Pusa chikni and NDSG-55 produced highest fruit yield per plant.
Establishment of new plant varieties is getting important due to tremendous increase in population and changes in the human food behaviors. This leads towards the demand of new techniques and varieties in plant productions. Therefore some... more
Establishment of new plant varieties is getting important due to tremendous increase in population and changes in the human food behaviors. This leads towards the demand of new techniques and varieties in plant productions. Therefore some of the wild species and some other important plants species are in the extinction condition. Germplasm conservation of some of the important species is essential. Cryopreservation is a technique, which is used to preserve the reservoirs of genetic materials of plants by ultra low temperature. During the cryopreservation all biochemical activities significantly reduced and biological deterioration are stopped. The preserved materials can be used after many years. This review details the cryopreservation of plant genetic materials.
El argumento de este artículo es que mientras hay paisajes valorados por su vistosidad, existen otros a los cuales debería enfocarse la mirada científica y gubernamental para reconocer entre otros valores, cómo es que contribuyen a... more
El argumento de este artículo es que mientras hay paisajes valorados por su vistosidad, existen otros a los cuales debería enfocarse la mirada científica y gubernamental para reconocer entre otros valores, cómo es que contribuyen a resolver el problema del sustento alimenticio así como su importancia en la formación de tejido social.
seed tubers, so the use of lrue polato seeds (t'PS) can be an alternativefor potato pryagqlion The experimenl was conducted at Bolai Benih In&tk Hortikultura (BBI) Sekincau, West Lampungfrom 1995--1997. The objectives of the research were... more
seed tubers, so the use of lrue polato seeds (t'PS) can be an alternativefor potato pryagqlion The experimenl was conducted at Bolai Benih In&tk Hortikultura (BBI) Sekincau, West Lampungfrom 1995--1997. The objectives of the research were to irwestigate fficts of true seed lines, planting media, plant poprlation, andfertilizers on yield of potato gruwnfrom true potato seeds (fPS) by using Aseedling tuber method@.
A field experiment was conducted in wheat during rabi season 2011-12 on sandy loam soil at.P.).The experiment was conducted in R.B.D with three replications comprising ten treatments of weed management, clodinafop 60 g a.i ha-1 ,... more
A field experiment was conducted in wheat during rabi season 2011-12 on sandy loam soil at.P.).The experiment was conducted in R.B.D with three replications comprising ten treatments of weed management, clodinafop 60 g a.i ha-1 , sulfosulfuron 25 g a.i ha-1 , metribuzin at 105 g a.i ha-1 , carfentrazone 40 g ai ha-1 , clodi.+ metri 60 + 122.5 g a.i ha-1 , clodi.+ metri 60 + 105 g a.i ha-1 , sulfo .+ metri 25 + 105 g a.i ha-1 , sulfo .+ carfen. 25 + 40 g a.i ha-1 as post emergence and weed free and weedy. The results indicated that plant population, plants height, maximum number of tillers/meter row length, dry matter accumulation, highest grain yield (55.13 q/ha-1).straw yield(78.08 q/ha-1) significantly reduced the weed population, dry weight of weed ,highest weed control efficiency and minimum loss of nutrient were recorded with the application of sulfosulfuron .+ metribuzin 25 + 105 g a.i ha-1 as post emergence established its superiority over rest of the herbicides. Similarly application of sulfosulfuron .+ metribuzin 25 + 105 g a.i ha-1 as post emergence resulted into higher gross return (90362.05), net return (63453.59 ha-1) and B: C ratio (2.48).
El chile de agua es una hortaliza de importancia económica y social en la región Valles Centrales de Oaxaca. Sin embargo, en los últimos quince años ha sufrido una significativa disminución tanto en superficie sembrada como en producción.... more
El chile de agua es una hortaliza de importancia económica y social en la región Valles Centrales de Oaxaca. Sin embargo, en los últimos quince años ha sufrido una significativa disminución tanto en superficie sembrada como en producción. Los principales problemas que han contribuido a su declive son la incidencia de enfermedades, el ataque de plagas, la escasez de agua para riego y el incremento en los costos de su producción por el uso indiscriminado de agroquímicos. Los macrotúneles son estructuras de protección de cultivos, de fácil instalación y manejo, que pueden ayudar a paliar algunos de los problemas actuales que presenta el cultivo del chile de agua a campo abierto. En este trabajo se evaluaron los cambios microclimáticos al interior de tres macrotúneles con distintos materiales plásticos de cubierta: malla antiafídos (M), polietileno transparente (PT) y polietileno verde (PV); así como su efecto sobre el rendimiento y la calidad de los frutos de chile de agua cultivados en su interior, en comparación al cultivo a campo abierto (CA). Los macrotúneles cubiertos con M, PT y PV, aumentaron la temperatura diurna, sin generar inercia térmica nocturna. No modificaron la humedad relativa, pero disminuyeron la radiación fotosintéticamente activa integrada incidente al cultivo y el déficit de presión de vapor aumentó significativamente. El rendimiento, diámetro, longitud de los frutos, así como los porcentajes de frutos de primera y de segunda calidad comercial fueron mayores bajo las tres cubiertas. En cuanto a la calidad nutrimental, el contenido de sólidos solubles totales fue mayor en los frutos cultivados dentro de las cubiertas M y PT; el contenido de fibra dietética fue mayor debajo de M; el contenido de fenoles totales, flavonoide y capacidad antioxidante fue mayor en los frutos cultivados dentro del macrotúnel con la cubierta PT; el contenido de proteína y el contenido calórico fueron mayores en los frutos cultivados en CA y dentro de las cubiertas PT y PV. No se encontraron diferencias en el contenido de humedad, cenizas, ácido cítrico, pH, grasas y carbohidratos, entre los frutos cultivados bajo las cubiertas plásticas y los frutos cultivados a campo abierto.
A field experiment was conducted in order to explore the possibility of improving, growth and tuber yield of potato by the use of integrated nutrient management. Results obtained after statistical analysis of data revealed that the height... more
A field experiment was conducted in order to explore the possibility of improving, growth and tuber yield of potato by the use of integrated nutrient management. Results obtained after statistical analysis of data revealed that the height of plant, number of compound leaves/hill, number of haulms/hill, yield attributes and yield. Further number of A, B, C and D grade tubers/plot, percent of A, B, C and D grade tubers/plot, yield of A, B, C and D grade tubers/plot (kg), total number of tubers plot, total weight of tubers per plot (kg) and tuber yield (t/ha) showed the beneficial response by the use of integrated levels of NPK, FYM, Vermicompost and Neem Cake, however, on the basis of pooled data it was also further observed that the application of 150💯120 kg NPK, 20 t FYM, 5 ton Vermicompost and 3 ton Neem Cake/ha brought paramount of improvement in growth and tuber yield of potato.
Phosphorous and Potassium are the essential elements needed for growing plants. The aim of experiments are to investigate (1) the effect of TSP fertilizers on the growth and yield of dragon fruit and (2) the effect of KCL fertilizers on... more
Phosphorous and Potassium are the essential elements needed for growing plants. The aim of experiments are to investigate (1) the effect of TSP fertilizers on the growth and yield of dragon fruit and (2) the effect of KCL fertilizers on the growth and yield of dragon fruit The experiments consisted of 2 sub experiments. Experiment 1 as the effect of Phosphorous. The design of experiment was 2 x 5 Factorial within Randomly Complete Design with 3 replications. The first factor was TSP application, every two months (B1) and every 4 months (B2) with 2 times applications. The second factor was TSP doses consisted of 5 level. i.e. control without TSP (T0), 10 g TSP/plant (T1), 20 g TSP/plant (T2); 30 g TSP/plant (T3); 40 g TSP/plant (T4). Experiment 2 as the effect of Potassium. The design of experiment was 2 x 5 Factorial within Randomly Complete Design with 3 replications. The first factor was KCL application, every two months (B1) and every 4 months (B2) with 2 times applications. The second factor was KCL doses consisted of 5 level. i.e. control without KCL (T0), 10 g KCL/plant (T1), 20 g KCL/plant (T2); 30 g KCL/plant (T3); 40 g KCL/plant (T4).
Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. cv. Delta Star F1) plants were grown in 34 litre white plastic containers filled with sand at different levels of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium under a typical plastic-covered greenhouse. The experiment... more
Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. cv. Delta Star F1) plants were grown in 34 litre white plastic containers filled with sand at different levels of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium under a typical plastic-covered greenhouse. The experiment was carried out in the Protected Cultivation Experimental Site at Dokki, Giza during two successive seasons of 2002/2003 and 2003/2004. The objective of this study was to determine cucumber response and nutrient uptake under different treatments. Twenty seven combinations of nitrogen [90 (N1), 180 (N2) and 270 (N3) mg/l]; phosphorus [15 (P1), 35 (P2) and 70 (P3) mg/l] and potassium [120 (K1), 240 (K2) and 360 (K3) mg/l] were applied in a randomized complete block design with three replicates. Plant leaf samples (4th mature leaf from top) were removed in order to analyze nutrient concentration. Harvesting started after four weeks from transplanting and the total yield was accumulated every two weeks in order to find out the relationship between yield from one hand and N, P and K status from the other hand. The results showed that plant height, leaves area, stem diameter and chlorophyll content were increased with increasing nitrogen concentration in the nutrient solution accompanied with (P2K2), (P2K3), (P3K2) or (P3K3). The lowest early and total yields were obtained in N1 accompanied with different combinations of P and K. Meanwhile, N2 gave the highest early yield under different combinations with P and K but without significant differences with N3 treatments up till the 2nd week after beginning of harvest; N3 gave significantly the highest total yield followed by N2 accompanied with (P2K2), (P2K3), (P3K2) and (P3K3) in comparison with both N2 and N3 treatments with either P1, K1 or both of them. Plant analysis revealed that low concentrations of N, P or K in the 4th leaf were proportional to low vegetative growth parameters and total yields.
The objective of this research was to study the effect of bokashi livestock on the growth and yield of tomatoes. The experiment was conducted in Bandar Lampung from October 2009 until February 2010. The experimental design was randomized... more
The objective of this research was to study the effect of bokashi livestock on the growth and yield of tomatoes. The experiment was conducted in Bandar Lampung from October 2009 until February 2010. The experimental design was randomized complete block design with 3 replications. The treatments were: control; inorganic fertilizers at a recommended rate of (kg ha -1 ) 135 N , 75 P 2 O 5 , and 110 K 2 O (RR); chicken manure bokashi + RR; chicken manure bokashi + 50% RR; cow manure bokashi + RR; cow manure bokashi + 50% RR; sheep manure bokashi + RR; sheep manure bokashi + 50% RR; horse manure bokashi + RR; horse manure bokashi + 50% RR. Each bokashi treatment was applied at the rate of 20 ton ha -1 . The result of experiment showed that chicken manure bokashi was the best among bokashi livestock. The application of 50% RR combined with chicken, cow, sheep or horse manure bokashi gave a higher yield than treatment with inorganic fertilizer at recommended rates. These results demostrated that the application of bokashi livestock could potentially reduce the use of inorganic fertilizers while maintaining higher yield. ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak aplikasi bokashi kotoran ternak pada pertumbuhan vegetatif, hasil dan kualitas hasil tomat. Penelitian telah dilakukan di Bandar Lampung, sejak bulan Oktober 2009 sampai dengan Februari 2010. Perlakuan disusun dalam rancangan kelompok lengkap teracak dengan 3 ulangan. Perlakuan terdiri atas: kontrol; pupuk anorganik pada dosis rekomendasi (kg ha -1 ) 135 N , 75 P 2 O 5 , dan 110 K 2 O (RR); bokashi kotoran sapi 20 ton ha -1
This research provides basic scientific information about the growth and results of white oyster mushrooms to the dosage of bran and corn flour as source of nutritious white oyster mushroom plant. In addition, it is expected to be a... more
This research provides basic scientific information about the growth and results of white oyster mushrooms to the dosage of bran and corn flour as source of nutritious white oyster mushroom plant. In addition, it is expected to be a reference for future researchers about mushrooms white oyster. The method of this study was arranged in the design of this the study using Completely Randomized Design (RAL) with 7 as follows: D0 = media sawdust (100%), as control, D1 = sawdust (80%), and bran (20%), D2 = mixture of sawdust media (75%), and bran (25%), D3 = mixed sawdust (70%), and bran (30%), D4 = mixture of sawdust (80%), and cornstarch (20%), D5 = mixture of sawdust media (75%) and corn flour (25%), D6 = mixed sawdust (70%), and corn flour (30%). The results of this study showed that the addition of dosage of bran and corn flour to each treatment of sawdust media had a very significant effect on all parameters of observation that is on the first observation parameter growing mycelium, the number of white oyster mushroom fruit body, white fruits oyster mushroom cap dry weight of white oyster mushrooms.
The seed germination under control ranged up to 83%, where treatments enhanced up to an average of 90.5% germination. We have observed 94.7% seed germination seeds treated with ginger extract five per cent and 93.8% seed germination with... more
The seed germination under control ranged up to 83%, where treatments enhanced up to an average of 90.5% germination. We have observed 94.7% seed germination seeds treated with ginger extract five per cent and 93.8% seed germination with treatment of garlic extracts and extracts of turmeric showed 91% germination and shoot length (21.64 cm) and seedling vigour index (4941) was significantly superior in treatment of Ginger, followed by Garlic respectively. Compared to non-treated seeds, botanical priming wit h Ginger extract or garlic extracts increased early (3-day) germination
percentage at 25oC, and improved total germination percentage of low-
germination seed lot.
The plasticulture technology plays very important role in cultivation and post harvest management of horticultural crops. It helps in improving the crop yield and quality, growing off season crops and enhancing the shelf life of fresh and... more
The plasticulture technology plays very important role in cultivation and post harvest management of horticultural crops. It helps in improving the crop yield and quality, growing off season crops and enhancing the shelf life of fresh and process food product. But to take the full advantage of plasticulture technology its proper implementation is very important. Here a process flow chart has been discussed to implement the various plasticulture technologies in Jharkhand such as rain water harvesting, plastic protray, low tunnel technology, drip irrigation, plastic mulching, fertigation, temporary shadenet structure, insect net proof house, multipurpose green house, detachable roof green house, shrink wrapping technology, tent type ripening chamber and medium cost protected structure.
True shallot seed (Allium cepa var Aggregatum group) is an alternative way of growing shallot. Different environments and cultivars need a specific study. The aim of this research was to find out the best technology to grow Trisula true... more
True shallot seed (Allium cepa var Aggregatum group) is an alternative way of growing shallot. Different environments and cultivars need a specific study. The aim of this research was to find out the best technology to grow Trisula true shallot seed by managing plant densities and applying compost and biofertilizer in alluvial soils. The study was performed from May to October 2015, using a split-plot design with four replications. The main plot was plant density: 100 plants m-2 and 70 plants m-2. Subplots were five fertilizer application combinations, they were 100% recommended dose of NPK (R-NPK), 100% R-NPK + compost, 100% R-NPK + compost + biofertilizer, 50% R-NPK + compost and 50% R-NPK + compost + biofertilizer. Results showed that biomass and bulb yield were significantly affected by plant density and fertilizer application. The reduced 50% R-NPK by substituting with compost and biofertilizer was unable to maintain shallot bulb yield equal to 100% R-NPK, suggesting insufficient nutrients derived from compost to satisfy the shallot requirement. The best technology to grow true shallot seed of Trisula variety was 100 plants m-2 plant density and 100% NPK (consisting of 180 kg N ha-1 , 52 kg P ha-1 and 50 kg K ha-1) with 2.5 t ha-1 compost that achieved the highest bulb yield of 9.83 t ha-1 and increased the revenue. ABSTRAK Benih botani bawang merah (Allium cepa var Aggregatum group) merupakan salah satu alternatif dalam penanaman bawang merah. Lingkungan tumbuh dan penggunaan kultivar yang berbeda membutuhkan penelitian khusus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui teknologi terbaik untuk membudidayakan benih bawang merah varietas Trisula dengan cara mengatur kerapatan tanaman serta aplikasi kompos dan pupuk hayati di tanah aluvial. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Mei sampai Oktober 2015 menggunakan rancangan petak terpisah dengan empat ulangan. Petak utama yaitu kerapatan tanaman: 100 tanaman m-2 dan 70 tanaman m-2. Anak petak terdiri atas lima kombinasi pemupukan, yaitu 100% dosis anjuran NPK (R-NPK), 100% R-NPK + kompos, 100% R-NPK + kompos + pupuk hayati, 50% R-NPK + kompos, dan 50% R-NPK + kompos + pupuk hayati. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa biomassa dan hasil umbi dipengaruhi secara nyata oleh kerapatan tanaman dan pemupukan. Pengurangan 50% R-NPK serta kompos dan pupuk hayati tidak dapat mempertahankan hasil umbi bawang merah setara dengan 100% R-NPK. Hal ini menunjukkan kurangnya nutrisi yang berasal dari kompos untuk memenuhi kebutuhan bawang merah. Teknologi terbaik budi daya benih botani bawang merah Trisula yaitu kerapatan tanaman 100 tanaman m-2 dan pemupukan 100% NPK (terdiri atas 180 kg N ha-1 , 52 kg P ha-1 dan 50 kg K ha-1) serta 2,5 ton ha-1 kompos yang memberikan hasil umbi tertinggi 9,83 t ha-1 dan meningkatkan pendapatan.
The study analyzed adoption of improved crop production technology by Agricultural Development Programe (ADP) contact farmers in Anambra State, Nigeria. 120 contact farmers selected using multi stage random sampling technique. The... more
The study analyzed adoption of improved crop production technology by Agricultural Development Programe (ADP) contact farmers in Anambra State, Nigeria. 120 contact farmers selected using multi stage random sampling technique. The information needed for this study was captured using questionnaire and oral interview. Percentage response and Logit analytical model were adapted to capture the objectives. The result shows that the major determinants of farmers " adoption of technology were farm size, educational level and income. The result further revealed the major problems faced by the extension agents were poor motivation, organizational problem, problems of climate change and economic problems of the extension personnel families. More so, the major problems that faced the farmers were high cost of farm inputs, poor visits by extension agents, illiteracy.The employment of more qualified and experience extension agents, especially subject matter specialists and the adoption of more qualified and paradigm " approach to agricultural research and extension were recommended.
Weeds play an important role in the proper stand establishment of the growing crop, which ultimately affect the productivity and quality at the end of the growing season. Hand hoeing is still by far the most widely practiced cultural weed... more
Weeds play an important role in the proper stand establishment of the growing crop, which ultimately affect the productivity and quality at the end of the growing season. Hand hoeing is still by far the most widely practiced cultural weed control technique in field crop production throughout the traditional agricultural sector in Sudan, because of the prohibitive costs of herbicides and fear of toxic residue coupled with the lack of knowledge about their use. Fields studies were conducted at North Kordofan state, Sudan, on naturally infested fields within the same area, using three similar fields during 2007/2008 rainy season, to determine optimal weeding frequency for weeding management in two widely used cultivated varieties of Hibiscus sabdariffa L, (Elrahad and Elfashir). The majority of weeds in site were the broad leaves (dicotyledons), while grasses (monocotyledons) found in a lesser density. The dominant weed floras were Alhuskaneet (Cenchrus biflorus L), Sheilini (Zornia glochidiata L) and Alraba (Trienemara pentanture L). Weeds reduced yield of the crop by about 75 % compared to weeding twice during the season.