Image manipulations Research Papers - (original) (raw)

This is MATLAB's 10 most easy & most basic programs that I's supposed to submit in my practicals. In this document I've complied 10 MATLAB programs from basic to advanced through intermediate levels, But overall they are for beginners... more

This is MATLAB's 10 most easy & most basic programs that I's supposed to submit in my practicals. In this document I've complied 10 MATLAB programs from basic to advanced through intermediate levels, But overall they are for beginners only. It's only a 26 pages doc. for academic purposes. well, What else a student can offer you, huh? LOLz

İnsan-nesne ilişkisi ruhun bedene girdiği anda başlayıp, yine ruhun bedeni terk etmesiyle son bulur. Bu ilişki, tek yönlü değil, süje-obje arasında, karşılıklı bir bağ yoluyla gerçekleşir. Sanatçı, sanatsal faaliyetini gerçekleştirme... more

İnsan-nesne ilişkisi ruhun bedene girdiği anda başlayıp, yine ruhun bedeni terk etmesiyle son bulur. Bu ilişki, tek yönlü değil, süje-obje arasında, karşılıklı bir bağ yoluyla gerçekleşir. Sanatçı, sanatsal faaliyetini gerçekleştirme sürecinde nesneden faydalanır ve bu sürecin sonunda nesne de bir değere kavuşur. Bu araştırmanın amacı; sanatçı-nesne ilişkisi bağlamında, geçmişten günümüze, sanatçının " nesne " ye yüklediği görev ve anlam araştırılarak, bu durumun zamanla değişim biçimini tarama yoluyla sunmaktır. Ayrıca, biçim ve sorumluluğu sürekli değişse de nesnenin, resim sanatındaki varoluşu anlatılacak ve soyut sanat anlayışında bile, onun sürekliliğine vurgu yapılacaktır. Bu anlayışla resim sanatı için, nesnesiz sanatın olamayacağını ancak, " nesne değişkenliği " olabileceği gerçeğini ortaya koymaktır

Reklamcılık sektöründe genellikle görsel sanatlar, tasarım ve fotoğrafçılık alanlarında sık olarak kullanılan “manipülasyon” terimi teknik anlamda çeşitli fotoğraf işleme yazılımlarıyla, mevcut bir veya birkaç fotoğrafın; görsel... more

Reklamcılık sektöründe genellikle görsel sanatlar, tasarım ve fotoğrafçılık alanlarında sık olarak kullanılan “manipülasyon” terimi teknik anlamda çeşitli fotoğraf işleme yazılımlarıyla, mevcut bir veya birkaç fotoğrafın; görsel parçalarının farklı efektlerde kullanılarak birleştirilmesiyle olduğundan çok farklı, gerçek üstü bir dijital fotoğrafa dönüştürülmesi olarak ifade edilebilir. Kavramsal olarak incelendiğinde, reklamcılık ve medya alanında “manipülasyon” olgusu, kitle iletişim araçlarının toplumsal yaşam üzerindeki algı yanıltıcı gücü dikkate alındığında önem arz etmektedir. Medya ve Reklamcılık sektörünün dijital manipülasyon ile amaçları doğrultusunda kitleler üzerinde hakimiyet kurmakta olduğu inkar edilemez bir gerçektir. Dolayısıyla toplum zihniyeti, görsel tasarım ürün ve tekniklerinin kullanılmasıyla manipüle edilebilir durumdadır. Sanat ve tasarımda manipülasyon olarak tanımlanan sosyolojik kavram, propaganda veya endüstriyel ticari kaygı ile medyaya sunulan görsel ürünler olduğu kadar, marjinal ifadeler ile insanlığın gereksinim duyduğu sanata ve tasarım algısına da yol gösterebilir. Bu bağlamda yapılan çalışma ile medya, tasarım ve reklamcılıkta kullanılan manipülasyon örnekleri incelenerek, reklamcılık ve medya olgusu çerçevesinde ele alınması hedeflenmektedir.

Among the most difficult aspects of building visual literacy is creating awareness of manipulation, a task made continuously harder by the prevalence of ‘Photoshopped’ or digitally altered photos through fake news or our everyday usage of... more

Among the most difficult aspects of building visual literacy is creating awareness of manipulation, a task made continuously harder by the prevalence of ‘Photoshopped’ or digitally altered photos through fake news or our everyday usage of photo editing apps. So how are educators to build awareness of visual literacy when manipulation has become ubiquitous? I argue that understanding the credibility of visual content must go beyond viewing the image as identifying whether a photo has or has not been manipulated. Instead, it requires a technical comprehension of the process by which images are created, allowing educators to discern between visual lies and everyday image editing. To this end, I position Photoshop as a teaching tool, one that offers educators and students a backstage view at the mechanisms of image alteration technology. In building a technical and rhetorical understanding of three key Photoshop tools—airbrush, layers, and filters—I outline a guide for using these tools...

Among the most difficult aspects of building visual literacy is creating awareness of manipulation, a task made continuously harder by the prevalence of ‘Photoshopped’ or digitally altered photos through fake news or our everyday usage of... more

Among the most difficult aspects of building visual literacy is creating awareness of manipulation, a task made continuously harder by the prevalence of ‘Photoshopped’ or digitally altered photos through fake news or our everyday usage of photo editing apps. So how are educators to build awareness of visual literacy when manipulation has become ubiquitous? I argue that understanding the credibility of visual content must go beyond viewing the image as identifying whether a photo has or has not been manipulated. Instead, it requires a technical comprehension of the process by which images are created, allowing educators to discern between visual lies and everyday image editing. To this end, I position Photoshop as a teaching tool, one that offers educators and students a backstage view at the mechanisms of image alteration technology. In building a technical and rhetorical understanding of three key Photoshop tools—airbrush, layers, and filters—I outline a guide for using these tools...

Offshore Clipping Path is an outsourcing image editing company providing clipping path service in USA. The company is involved in the provision of all type of photo editing services. Additionally, it has a favorable price of $0.29. It is... more

Offshore Clipping Path is an outsourcing image editing company providing clipping path service in USA. The company is involved in the provision of all type of photo editing services. Additionally, it has a favorable price of $0.29. It is characterized by high turnaround time, high-quality services at a sophisticated level. It has been in this industry of the last 7-8 years.

Among the most difficult aspects of building visual literacy is cre- ating awareness of manipulation, a task made continuously harder by the prevalence of ‘Photoshopped’ or digitally altered photos through fake news or our everyday usage... more

Among the most difficult aspects of building visual literacy is cre- ating awareness of manipulation, a task made continuously harder by the prevalence of ‘Photoshopped’ or digitally altered photos through fake news or our everyday usage of photo edit- ing apps. So how are educators to build awareness of visual liter- acy when manipulation has become ubiquitous? I argue that understanding the credibility of visual content must go beyond viewing the image as identifying whether a photo has or has not been manipulated. Instead, it requires a technical comprehension of the process by which images are created, allowing educators to discern between visual lies and everyday image editing. To this end, I position Photoshop as a teaching tool, one that offers edu- cators and students a backstage view at the mechanisms of image alteration technology. In building a technical and rhetorical understanding of three key Photoshop tools—airbrush, layers, and filters—I outline a guide for using these tools grounded in critical considerations of how their use affects visual meaning. From this understanding, educators can move beyond blanket criticism of visual manipulation and into the ethical nuances of photo editing that distinguish meme from misinformation.

Conductors, insulators and semiconductors behave differently in the environment containing charged particles. For any sample substrate which consists either of these two or more has a specific charging property. In the charged... more

Conductors, insulators and semiconductors behave differently in the environment containing charged particles. For any sample substrate which consists either of these two or more has a specific charging property. In the charged environment, differential potential is built up on metal and insulators kept adjacent to each other. If the surface potential exceeds the specified threshold voltage, a breakdown occurs on the substrate's surface which results in to release of heat and light energy. This is termed as an electrostatic discharge or an arc. Thus discharges deteriorate the surface properties of the substrate and reduce its functional life. Hence understanding of such charging-arcing phenomenon on various substrate's surface is essential. For this purpose, a dedicated facility for creating charged environment using electron gun and plasma source is developed and various parameters of discharge are measured and analyzed. As the size of the substrate is an major concern of performing experiments, an algorithm for predicting arc current waveform is developed simultaneously. This software is based on the basic details provided by the user. Software is capable of generating a library of arc current waveforms on each arc favorable location. A dedicated database is obtained for each substrate having different geometrical shape. Generated arc waveform at any specified location is a function of its distance from substrate's edges. It is based on 'arc image pixel manipulation technique'. Both experimental and simulated results are obtained for smaller sample substrates initially. Software generated waveform and actual waveform are quite comparable with each other. On successfully identifying arc location on the surface using the algorithm, use of CCD camera for the same can be avoided. A unique approach for reproducing a different waveform at each location by breaking the symmetry of the substrate is also discussed in the paper. Index Terms-ESD on composites, arc current behavior, current location predictor, LabVIEW.

In this paper A Median Based Directional Cascaded with Mask (MBDCM) filter has been proposed, which is based on three different sized cascaded filtering windows. The differences between the current pixel and its neighbors aligned with... more

In this paper A Median Based Directional Cascaded with Mask (MBDCM) filter has been proposed, which is based on three different sized cascaded filtering windows. The differences between the current pixel and its neighbors aligned with four main directions are considered for impulse detection. A direction index is used for each edge aligned with a given direction. Minimum of these four direction indexes is used for impulse detection under each masking window. Depending on the minimum direction indexes among these three windows new value to substitute the noisy pixel is calculated. Extensive simulations showed that the MBDCM filter provides good performances of suppressing impulses from both gray level and colored benchmarked images corrupted with low noise level as well as for highly dense impulses. MBDCM filter gives better results than MDWCMM filter in suppressing impulses from highly corrupted digital images.

This is MATLAB's 10 most easy & most basic programs that I's supposed to submit in my practicals. In this document I've complied 10 MATLAB programs from basic to advanced... more

This is MATLAB's 10 most easy & most basic programs that I's supposed to submit in my practicals. In this document I've complied 10 MATLAB programs from basic to advanced through intermediate levels, But overall they are for beginners only. It's only a 26 pages doc. for academic purposes. well, What else a student can offer you, huh? LOLz

This is MATLAB's 10 most easy & most basic programs that I's supposed to submit in my practicals. In this document I've complied 10 MATLAB programs from basic to advanced... more

This is MATLAB's 10 most easy & most basic programs that I's supposed to submit in my practicals. In this document I've complied 10 MATLAB programs from basic to advanced through intermediate levels, But overall they are for beginners only. It's only a 26 pages doc. for academic purposes. well, What else a student can offer you, huh? LOLz

Images in scientific papers are used to support the experimental description and the discussion of the findings since several centuries. In the field of biomedical sciences, in particular, the use of images to depict laboratory results is... more

Images in scientific papers are used to support the experimental description and the discussion of the findings since several centuries. In the field of biomedical sciences, in particular, the use of images to depict laboratory results is widely diffused, at such a level that one would not err in saying that there is barely any experimental paper devoid of images to document the attained results. With the advent of software for digital image manipulation, however, even photographic reproductions of experimental results may be easily altered by researchers, leading to an increasingly high rate of scientific papers containing unreliable images. In this paper I introduce a software pipeline to detect some of the most diffuse misbehaviours, running two independent tests on a random set of papers and on the full publishing record of a single journal. The results obtained by these two tests support the feasibility of the software approach and imply an alarming level of image manipulation in the published record.