Imperial Russia Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Baha’u’llah’s Bishārāt (Glad-Tidings): A Proclamation to Scholars and Statesmen Christopher Buck and Youli A. Ioannesyan Baha’i Studies Review 16 (2010): 3–28. This article is a historical and textual study of the one of the major... more

The article deals with the English language historiography of Russian liberalism of the middle of the 19 th century: the monographies as well as the articles published in the leading scientific journals (f.e., "Russian Review", "Slavic... more

The article deals with the English language historiography of Russian liberalism of the middle of the 19 th century: the monographies as well as the articles published in the leading scientific journals (f.e., "Russian Review", "Slavic Review", etc.) at the second half of the 20 th and the beginning of 21 st century. The author carries out the historiographical analyzis of the works by C. Timberlake, M. Raeff, D. Offord, G. Hamburg, R. Pipes, etc., and comes to some conclusions about the extent of the studying of the early Russian liberalism in the modern English historiography. Keywords: foreign historiography, English language historiography, Russian liberalism, the middle of the XIX century, the ideology, American Russian studies.

The author draws reader's attention to the peasant migration from the European Russia to Siberia between the emancipation of serfs and the fall of the Romanovs' dynasty. The peak of this process at 1906–1911 is known as Stolypin's... more

The author draws reader's attention to the peasant migration from the European Russia to Siberia between the emancipation of serfs and the fall of the Romanovs' dynasty. The peak of this process at 1906–1911 is known as Stolypin's migration. Until now historians would consider it primarily as a more or less successful struggle of a man against wild nature. But it is the social conflict (clashes between migrants and old dwellers) that the author puts in the first place. The articles sums up the first experience of applying the case study method to the conflicts between Siberian old dwellers and migrants. The six cases chosen cover the period of 1880s – 1910s. The materials have been found in the archival fund of the Tomsk region governor's office. Complaints of old dwellers against newcomers, complaints of migrants against old dwellers, responses to the both from the governor's office, opinions of officials of different ranks and other relevant documents constitute the basis that made it possible to reveal the mechanism of the conflict's development in each of the six cases. It is for the first time that all of the cases are given a general overview; as result, some unexpected effects are found and explained. What appears surprising is the abundance of conflicts at the early stage of 1880s – 1890s when migrants' number was far from that of Stolypin's years. This effect can be explained by specific features of the migration mechanism of that period: namely, the cooperation of migrants and old dwellers which provoked further conflicts. It is not only the logic of migration processes but also the life of Russian peasant of the early 20th century that can be understood through a scrupulous study of relations between migrants and old dwellers.

В диссертации впервые проводится комплексное исследование представлений о России великих князей Николая и Александра Александровичей, воссоздается система их взглядов на население Российской империи, а также экономику и государственные... more

В диссертации впервые проводится комплексное исследование представлений о России великих князей Николая и Александра Александровичей, воссоздается система их взглядов на население Российской империи, а также экономику и государственные учреждения пореформенной России. Проведенное исследование позволяет лучше понять процесс формирования мировоззрения членов Российской императорской фамилии.

Сегодня Всехсвятский храм возле метро Сокол является одним из самых доходных в Москве. При это о том, что в XVIII-XIX вв. он служил усыпальницей грузинской аристократии, ныне почти не помнят из-за неоднократных изменений его интерьера и... more

Сегодня Всехсвятский храм возле метро Сокол является одним из самых доходных в Москве. При это о том, что в XVIII-XIX вв. он служил усыпальницей грузинской аристократии, ныне почти не помнят из-за неоднократных изменений его интерьера и произошедшего в 1981-м сноса прилегающего погоста. Анализ сохранившихся описаний и характеристики нескольких уцелевших надгробий позволяют составить – пускай дискретное – представление о том, каким был облик некрополя внутри храма и возле его стен. Данные же из метрических записей дают дополнительную информацию о социальном составе погребённых, а систематизация эпитафий позволяет понять, каким было их функциональное предназначение.
Nowadays the church of All Saints near subway station Sokol is one of if not the most profitable in Moscow. Due to the numerous changes of its interior and the demolition (partly removal) of the churchyard in 1981, the fact that this church located in XVIII-XIX centuries in the namesake village of Moscow county, had been also the necropolis for Georgian nobility, was deleted from the public memory. An analyze of archival descriptions and features of a very few remained tombstones enables to create – even discretely – the perception of how the cemetery looked like inside the church and around its walls. The data from the metric books of the parish provides us with an additional information about social accessory of the buried people, while the systematization of epitaphs shows its functional purpose.

Серия «Русский Путь: pro et contra».

Galina Ulianova’s book offers a comprehensive investigation of charity at the high point of the Russian Empire’s social and economic development in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The study examines the terminology of... more

Galina Ulianova’s book offers a comprehensive investigation of charity at the high point of the Russian Empire’s social and economic development in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The study examines the terminology of philanthropy and poor relief, the evolution of legislation regarding charitable gifts, and the institutional development of philanthropy through particular voluntary civic associations. It also addresses economic mechanisms (including statistical data on property and capital gathered by charitable institutions) as well as regional dimensions of charitable activity. This synthetic picture of Russian philanthropy shows that independent philanthropic institutions in the highly centralized empire acted as elements of an emerging civil society. The study evaluates the contribution of civic associations and private individuals to the development of a public sphere in Russia, while charity - its structure, mechanisms, and motivations - is seen as a means of self-organization and self-identification for the progressive layers of Russian society.

The argument made by politically left-leaning historians that improvement has come to Russia since Yeltzin and Gorbachev neglects the continuity between Imperial Russian oppression and Soviet style repression. My paper is based on... more

The argument made by politically left-leaning historians that improvement has come to Russia since Yeltzin and Gorbachev neglects the continuity between Imperial Russian oppression and Soviet style repression. My paper is based on arguments from Richard Pipes, a right-leaning historian.

This article offers an extended critique of an ongoing debate over the concepts of modernity and neo-traditionalism among historians of Russia and the Soviet Union in the United States. The conceptual positions and historical research of... more

This article offers an extended critique of an ongoing debate over the concepts of modernity and neo-traditionalism among historians of Russia and the Soviet Union in the United States. The conceptual positions and historical research of both "modernists" and "neo-traditionalists" in recent years are analyzed in depth, with special attention to the challenges of defining the elusive concept of modernity in the Russian and Soviet context. The comparison reveals areas of overlap between the two groups in addition to divergences between their comparative perspectives, theoretical alignments, and conceptions of modernity. The contemporary dispute is put into the historiographical context of long-term divisions over particularism and universalism in Russian studies. In the course of the discussion, the concept of "multiple modernities" is engaged as a way of clarifying dilemmas faced by the modernity paradigm in the Russian context, and attention is paid to earlier German debates over "Nazi modernity" that have not yet been fully assimilated into the Anglophone discussion of Stalinism. Finally, the last section sketches out an alternative mode for the continuing internationalization of Russian studies: a move away from solely examining parallels or disjunctures with the "West" toward consideration of what might be called entangled modernities, that is to say mutual appraisal and interaction across borders.

This book, the first of its kind in English, examines an initiatic society known by various names—Illuminés d’Avignon, the Avignon Society, the Union, the New Israel Society—that flourished in several European locations, including Berlin,... more

The domestic policies of both of the Russian tsars had both resulted in a massive impact on Russia and the Russian people. There are many contrasts between both rulers, for instance they had completely different upbringings and Alexander... more

The domestic policies of both of the Russian tsars had both resulted in a massive impact on Russia and the Russian people. There are many contrasts between both rulers, for instance they had completely different upbringings and Alexander III was not trained to be a Tsar as the unexpected assassination of Alexander II had forcefully put him into power. However, as a historian studying this particular topic it is essential to review from an anachronistic approach, as each time period of each ruler had different motives and aims according to their specific time of rule. Alexander II was a liberalist as he created reforms that were based on freeing the citizens of Russia on the other hand; a later conservative ideology had turned against his earlier reformism. The emancipation act in 1861 that had a great influence on the Russian economy and his policies overall.

Статья содержит результаты исследования предпринимательства женщин в России XIX века.В XIX столетии наблюдалось интенсивное развитие российского предпринимательства и расширение купеческого слоя. Организация предпринимательской... more

Статья содержит результаты исследования предпринимательства женщин в России XIX века.В XIX столетии наблюдалось интенсивное развитие российского предпринимательства и расширение купеческого слоя. Организация предпринимательской деятельности в дореформенный период носила преимущественно династический (наследственный) характер. Рассмотрение сотен случаев приобщения женщин к предпринимательской деятельности показывает, что вначале в порядке исключения, а затем уже и привычно, начинают возникать ситуации, когда женщина была вынуждена фактически вставать во главе семейного бизнеса. К концу XIX в. женское предпринимательство стало играть важную роль в экономике. Результатом было появление слоя женщин, обладавших значительным личным богатством. Владение огромными капиталами влияло на трансформацию гендерных ролей женщин-предпринимателей, как в семейном, так и в общественном дискурсах. В последней трети столетия в рядах предпринимательской элиты имелась когорта женщин, стоявших во главе фирм и осуществлявших успешный менеджмент. Участие женщин-предпринимателей в экономической сфере достигло к рубежу XIX-XX вв. уровня от 10% до 20% и играло важную роль в модернизации России.

La “Route de la soie” et sa symbolique ont été créées au XIXe siècle à l'époque où le “Grand Jeu” entre Russes et Britanniques est à son apogée. La révision critique de ce concept aujourd’hui ne remet toutefois pas en cause l’une des... more

La “Route de la soie” et sa symbolique ont été créées au XIXe siècle à l'époque où le “Grand Jeu” entre Russes et Britanniques est à son apogée. La révision critique de ce concept aujourd’hui ne remet toutefois pas en cause l’une des caractéristiques essentielles de l’Asie centrale : celle d’être un carrefour vers lequel tout converge et d’où tout diverge, une plaque tournante de transferts de natures diverses, dans toutes les directions, un creuset exceptionnel d’influences lointaines observables au niveau des religions, des mœurs, des arts et des techniques.
Cette “grande” Asie centrale, qui chapeaute ici l’ensemble des anciennes républiques soviétiques centrasiatiques et les territoires avoisinants du Xinjiang, de la Mongolie, de l’Inde, de l’Afghanistan, de l’Iran, du Caucase et de la Turquie, offre, dans la très longue durée, de l’époque néolithique à nos jours, un terrain d’étude exceptionnel aussi bien pour les archéologues que pour les historiens ou les anthropologues. Que l’on considère les contacts d’Alexandre le Grand avec les Bactriens et les Scythes, des Sogdiens avec les Chinois ou les Arabes, ou encore les contacts entre les peuples modernes, comme ceux des Ouzbeks avec les Tadjiks ou les Persans, puis avec la Russie, on a affaire à une stratification extrêmement complexe de transferts culturels aussi bien synchroniques que diachroniques.
En décloisonnant la manière traditionnelle – plutôt européocentriste – d’approcher ces cultures, le présent ouvrage examine l’efficacité de la théorie des transferts culturels afin de faire découvrir ce centre du monde mythique qui a depuis des siècles fasciné voyageurs et savants.
Comptes rendus: Gaïdz Minassian, in Le Monde, 2016 ; Felix de Montety, in Abstracta Iranica, vol. 34-35-36, 2016 ; Felix de Montety, in Abstracta Iranica [En ligne], Volume 34-35-36 | 2016, document 1, mis en ligne le 15 juillet 2016 ; Guy Lecuyot, in Archicube, n° 21, décembre 2016, p. 165-166 ; Henri Marchal, in Académie des sciences d’outre-mer, mis en ligne le 19 mars 2017 (; Emmanuel Lincot, in Monde Chinois, nouvelle Asie, 2015, n° 44

This thesis seeks to examine the practical impetus of the symphonia between the Church and Empire in the truest example yet of a Monarchic/Autocratic Theocracy that was Holy Rus’, namely, the Anointing of the Tsar at his Coronation by God... more

This thesis seeks to examine the practical impetus of the symphonia between the Church and Empire in the truest example yet of a Monarchic/Autocratic Theocracy that was Holy Rus’, namely, the Anointing of the Tsar at his Coronation by God in His Church. We primarily aim to highlight the ontological status of anointing as making the Tsar fit for his high ministry as great king and steward, particularly as it is manifest in Tsar-Martyr Nicholas II. We find in particular the neptic disposition of Nicholas II as informed by the early imperial ethos and ecclesial unity with Byzantium to reveal a pastoral character exemplary of the eternal podvig of the incorruptible Church. Tracing a path out of the late imperial period in Nicholas’ embrace of the awesome responsibility and accountability to God, we map a waypoint from the imperial rite of anointing to the limits of full and obedient reception of the will of God in the person of Tsar Nicholas II. We discover nothing less than a personal exemplarity to be emulated by any pious and right-believing king. With an eye toward critical historical sources, Church Typicon, as well as personal correspondence and archival documents, the inquiry unearths something of a manual for a passion-bearing approach to life and salvation at the behest of the Christian Monarchy.

Colonialism is both a practice and a worldview. As a practice, it involves the domination of a society by settlers from a different society. As a worldview, colonialism is a truly global geopolitical, economic, and cultural doctrine that... more

Colonialism is both a practice and a worldview. As a practice, it involves the domination of a society by settlers from a different society. As a worldview, colonialism is a truly global geopolitical, economic, and cultural doctrine that is rooted in the worldwide expansion of West European capitalism that survived until well after the collapse of most colonial empires.

In the aftermath of the riots that hit Tokyo at the conclusion of the Russo-Japanese War, the Japanese government embarked on a widespread campaign of re-indoctrination. The target was the seemingly frustrated public, and the means was... more

In the aftermath of the riots that hit Tokyo at the conclusion of the Russo-Japanese War, the Japanese government embarked on a widespread campaign of re-indoctrination. The target was the seemingly frustrated public, and the means was mainly displays of military prowess. The campaign began with a ceremonial review of the returning navy on October 23, 1905, followed by a series of marches and victory parades in the capital, and reached its climax in a huge victory review in the presence of Emperor Meiji on April 30, 1906. On the morning of that spring day, the 54-yearold monarch surveyed the vast spoils of enemy armaments arranged in precise order. Dressed in a new khaki uniform, he then passed through a triple triumphal arch 18.5 meters high that had been erected in honor of the event, and strode toward another grand spectacle. Waiting for him in the outer square were more than 30,000 soldiers, representing the 17 Japanese divisions that had taken part in the combat, as well as about 40,000 dignitaries and invited spectators. 1 The review was followed by a military parade through the city streets under the rapt gaze of hundreds of thousands of citizens, and lasting until the evening hours. Behind the emperor's open carriage some of his close relatives galloped on fine horses, accompanied by a Korean prince and the British military attaché. The choice of riders was not fortuitous. The emperor's family members symbolized the growing importance of the imperial establishment and its place in the hearts of the Japanese nation, while the presence of the two foreign representatives reflected the elevated international status of Japan in the aftermath of the long war. The representative from Great Britain, the world's foremost power still, signified Japan's strong and steadfast foreign relations, and the Korean representative in a secondary position served as an indication for the ascent of Japan to the level of a regional power.

to foreign policy and security issues. There is also a strong domestic dimension with a highly sensitive perception of historical legacy of the relations and rising societal tension toward each other. For that reason, minor problems may... more

to foreign policy and security issues. There is also a strong domestic dimension with a highly sensitive perception of historical legacy of the relations and rising societal tension toward each other. For that reason, minor problems may turn into serious debates and diplomatic scandals between the two states. In this sense, Russian-Polish relations preserve a unique mechanism of problem creation utilizing domestic and foreign policy issues. There is a tendency to explain the Russian-Polish relations through the impact of a number of recent and short term developments. However, the roots of the problematic situation should be found in more than a thousand years of historical relations. Poland has history has left traces of pain and suffering in the collective 27 28 East European Quarterly consciousness of Polish people. There is a common sense that Russia had been behind all these negative developments. We hold the idea that the relations have structural patterns and only a comprehensive analysis which goes beyond the myopic focus on current problems may help to discover the root causes and the determinants of the relations between these two states. In this article, we will discuss the Polish-Russian relations putting emphasis on the long-lasting influences of the burden of historical relations and clashing geopolitical concerns. In this sense, first part of this article outlines the historical development of these relations. We will next analyze the role and influence of the burden of history in the problematic relations. It will be followed by a further analysis of the clashing geopolitical concerns between Russia and Poland. Finally, we will discuss what lies ahead and how future relations wiil be shaped.

The book provides an insight into the dilemma of the "true right-wing position". It makes an attempt to describe the rightists' journey from conservative and religious universalism to narrow-minded ethnic nationalism by means of the the... more

The book provides an insight into the dilemma of the "true right-wing position". It makes an attempt to describe the rightists' journey from conservative and religious universalism to narrow-minded ethnic nationalism by means of the the analysis of the central stage of the process: the formation of conservative nationalism - a doctrine, which has already left the conservative coast but has not reached the racist or state-oriented fascism yet. The study of conservative nationalism goes through three stages. The first part describes the formation of conservative nationalism in the classical models worked out in France, Germany and Japan. Part two focuses on the most representative and historically consistent conservative nationalist country - Russia. The last part presents a case study of the political thought of Igor Shafarevich, a famous mathematician and prominent nationalist thinker of the 20th century.
The language of the text: Polish. However, comprehensive, 40-page abbreviations in English and Russian are added to the main text. The numbers in parentheses under the paragraphs of the abbreviations refer to the footnotes of the main text.

This series makes examples of the finest work of the most eminent historians in Russia today available to English-language readers. Each volume has been specially prepared with an international audience in mind, and each is introduced by... more

This series makes examples of the finest work of the most eminent historians in Russia today available to English-language readers. Each volume has been specially prepared with an international audience in mind, and each is introduced by an outstanding Western scholar in the same field.

Baron R.F. von Ungern-Sternberg (1885–1921) is almost a legendary figure. He was General of the Russian White Army fought against the Reds in Civil War after the October Revolution of 1917 in Russia. He participated in the Civil War in... more

Baron R.F. von Ungern-Sternberg (1885–1921) is almost a legendary figure. He was General of the Russian White Army fought against the Reds in Civil War after the October Revolution of 1917 in Russia. He participated in the Civil War in Russian Siberia, Manchuria and Mongolia. Baron Ungern, traditionalist and one of first eurasianists, became the key figure in finding the independence of modern Mongolia. This book is a full reconstruction of life and activities of Baron Ungern, based on all available materials, including those from Russian, Mongolian, Estonian, American, Japanese and other archives. These data, based in a large part of formerly unknown materials, are discussed in general context of events in Mongolia and Siberia of that time. Some legends related to Baron Ungern are also discussed. The book includes biography of the last Great Khan of Mongolia, whose power was restored by Ungern. Unpublished documents and memoirs added. The book may be interesting for historians, political scientists, ethnographers, orientalists and all interested in the history of Russia and Mongolia. English contents included.

Впервые в полном виде публикуются мемуары Розы Георгиевны Винавер (урожд. Хишина; 1872–1951), жены Максима Моисеевича Винавера (1862–1926), видного адвоката, политического и общественного деятеля, депутата I Государственной думы, члена ЦК... more

Впервые в полном виде публикуются мемуары Розы Георгиевны Винавер (урожд. Хишина; 1872–1951), жены Максима Моисеевича Винавера (1862–1926), видного адвоката, политического и общественного деятеля, депутата I Государственной думы, члена ЦК партии кадетов, редактора и издателя в предреволюционной России и в эмиграции.

A szerző tapasztalatai szerint a nyugati világban reménytelenül nem értik, illetve félreértik az orosz mentalitást. Ennek elemzése során kiemelt figyelmet fordított az orosz katonai gondolkodásmódra. Az orosz mentalitás kérdését... more

A szerző tapasztalatai szerint a nyugati világban reménytelenül nem értik, illetve félreértik az orosz mentalitást. Ennek elemzése során kiemelt figyelmet fordított az orosz katonai gondolkodásmódra. Az orosz mentalitás kérdését összekapcsolta a kortárs, putyini orosz birodalmiság elemzésével. Néhány katonai konfliktus tapasztalatai alapján igyekezett bizonyítani, hogy mennyire kifinomult mindkettő. Reményei szerint az orosz gondolkodásmód, illetve birodalmiság jobb megértése hozzájárul a nyugati, koncepcionális hibák elkerüléséhez a Nyugat–Oroszország reláció számos területén.

"Providential Empire: Russia's Religious Intelligentsia and the First World War" analyzes and contextualizes controversial commentary on the First World War by Russian religious philosophers, primarily Nikolai Aleksandrovich Berdiaev,... more

"Providential Empire: Russia's Religious Intelligentsia and the First World War" analyzes and contextualizes controversial commentary on the First World War by Russian religious philosophers, primarily Nikolai Aleksandrovich Berdiaev, Vladimir Frantsevich Ern, Sergei Nikolaevich Bulgakov, Prince Evgenii Nikolaevich Trubetskoi, and the Symbolist Vyacheslav Ivanovich Ivanov. Examining the prominence of the concept of Providence in their thought, the dissertation shows how Christian Providentialism can become the basis of an ideological worldview. Belief in the ability of the human mind to perceive the hand of God in history and unfolding events, along with belief in the need to interpret this ostensible evidence of the hand of God as callings to which individual believers or collective actors, such as nations, are meant to respond, leads to the emergence of a "politics of Providentialism." While expressed in a specifically Russian idiom and shaped by a specifically Russian context, the religious intelligentsia's politics of Providentialism was not unique to Russia, and was derived naturally from a traditionalist Christianity that arose in late modern Europe to stand against the perceived cultural threat of nihilism. This politics of Providentialism was one of the defining characteristics of the late imperial Russian religious intelligentsia, and, a socially significant phenomenon, it had a substantial presence in late imperial Russian civil society.

This thesis discusses the ideological makeup of the Russian right wing philosopher Alexander Dugin. Tracing Dugin’s ideological influences from early Eurasianism, the European New Right and esoteric religious beliefs such as Perennial... more

This thesis discusses the ideological makeup of the Russian right wing philosopher Alexander Dugin. Tracing Dugin’s ideological influences from early Eurasianism, the European New Right and esoteric religious beliefs such as Perennial Traditionalism, the thesis then goes on to place Dugin’s body of thought within a larger debate on defining fascism and whether Dugin can be considered a fascist. The thesis emphasizes that Dugin’s Neo-Eurasianist imperial project disqualifies him from any typical fascist taxonomy. Instead, Neo-Eurasianism represents a genuinely unique strain of extreme right wing thought that, though shares many similarities with historic fascism, nonetheless cannot be considered fascist due to Dugin’s profoundly anti-modern vision and the supranational emphasis of his imperial objectives in which Russia plays a major role - but a role that places the Russian nation in a greater cultural, geographical, and civilizational identity. Ultimately this thesis contests some scholars’ interpretations of Dugin’s worldview as a fundamentally ethnocentric or even racist Russian nationalism. Rather, this thesis argues that Dugin holds a fundamentally religious understanding of reality that sees nations as manifestations of a spiritual, rather than a biological, essence. Thus it precludes Dugin from any purely biological racism à la National Socialism.