Infinity Exists Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Possibility of Perpetual Source of Energy

The purpose of this work is to comprehend the importance and scope of chance in the poetry of Mallarmé. In order to do that, we will proceed according to a three-pronged approach; recompose the political, poetic and philosophical context... more

The purpose of this work is to comprehend the importance and scope of chance in the poetry of Mallarmé. In order to do that, we will proceed according to a three-pronged approach; recompose the political, poetic and philosophical context that made possible the emergence and establishment of chance as an event both revolutionary, creative and conceptual. Since Baudelaire, poetry sings the failed revolutions, but willing to preserve the desire for a different world. Chance in this context is the unpredictable bursts, lightning and transient of a desire that can not find its place within the social life, to keep alive and vivid the dream of a different world, poetry must: provide evidence that its action, even restricted, counts; make last chance doomed to fade, constituting a space where it can remain, multiply itself and thus find the consistency to remain. Prolonging a contingency that creates novelty is the task that Mallarmé attributes to his poetry. Philosophically, this approach requires a radical critique of reason and representation. In this context, Mallarmé has not only announced chance, but he sought to discover the logic of what escapes from reason composing a work capable of making real, visible and intelligible, the unpredictable and inexhaustible power that chance grips.

بر اساس دیدگاه وجودی، ما انسان ها از کسانی که دنیا را با آن ها سهیم هستیم، جدا نمی باشیم. تربیت عقاید شخصی ما تا حد زیادی از والدین ما سرچشمه گرفته اند. بنابراین، ما باید از کسانیکه در طی سالیان سال بر طرز فکرمان تأثیر گذاشته اند قدردانی... more

بر اساس دیدگاه وجودی، ما انسان ها از کسانی که دنیا را با آن ها سهیم هستیم، جدا نمی باشیم. تربیت عقاید شخصی ما تا حد زیادی از والدین ما سرچشمه گرفته اند. بنابراین، ما باید از کسانیکه در طی سالیان سال بر طرز فکرمان تأثیر گذاشته اند قدردانی فراوانی به عمل آوریم. کتاب حاضر مجموعه ای از آثار مربوط به روابط وجودی می باشد. این کتاب نتیجه کار گروهی با چندین نویسنده می باشد، کسانیکه به طور محسوس و مستقیم الهام بخش ما در گردآوری مجموعه حاضر بوده اند. ما (امی ون دورزن و یاکوو) به طور مشترک در مورد تألیف این کتاب برنیامدیم زیرا به دنبال مجموعه ای با خصوصیات متفاوت بودیم. از همین رو بر آن شدیم این کار را با مشارکت چندین مولف و در نظر گرفتن تجارب و دیدگاه های متفاوت انجام دهیم. مشارکت در این کار فرآیندی آزاد بوده و در مقایسه با کار انفرادی، نتیجه بدست آمده راضی کننده تر بوده است. ما از درمانگران وجودی مجربی که فصول این کتاب را نوشته اند بسیار سپاسگزار هستیم، به خصوص به خاطر تعهدشان در ارائه زمینه های جدید کار در درمان وجودی و همچنین به خاطر صبر و حوصله فراوانی که از همان ابتدای کار که ایده های گرد آوری این کتاب پرورش داده می شد تا مرحله چاپ از خود نشان دادند. به هرحال، افتخار واقعی این کتاب به گذشتگان تعلق دارد: از سقراط گرفته تا بودا، از ارسطو تا یاسپر، از کی یرکگارد تا سارتر و از کامو گرفته تا نیچه. اینان افراد بزرگی هستند که ما بر گفتار خردمندانه آن ها تکیه کرده ایم و دِینی بی حد و حصر به آن ها داریم. امیدواریم در این کتاب مطالب گذشتگان به نحو مطلوب ارائه شده باشند و در همین حال برای آیندگان نیز مطالب ارزشمندی به جا گذاشته باشیم.

The paper shows the histroy of the concept of in infinity starting with the Aristotelian understanding and the way it was perceived by the church fathers. The watershed in the writings of Nicolaus of Cusa (Cusanus) is elucidated and show... more

The paper shows the histroy of the concept of in infinity starting with the Aristotelian understanding and the way it was perceived by the church fathers. The watershed in the writings of Nicolaus of Cusa (Cusanus) is elucidated and show how continually it changes from theology to metaphysics and mathematics culminating in Georg Cantors revolutionary mathematics

Given the abundance and prominence of infinities in Spinoza’s edifice, the limited amount of literature on the topic might surprise. But in fact, commentators have restricted themselves mostly to scattered remarks and partial analyses. In... more

Given the abundance and prominence of infinities in Spinoza’s edifice, the limited amount of literature on the topic might surprise. But in fact,
commentators have restricted themselves mostly to scattered remarks and partial analyses. In this chapter, I will review the most prominent existing views on infinity. By disproving them, I will argue that
(absolute) infinity must be understood as a simple, fully determined quantity, with a complicated relation to perfection (a term that I will elaborate on later), embodying total creative ontological priority. I will close with some pressing question.

In the introduction to his book The Infinite, A.W. Moore lists a number of apparent paradoxes that arise from the existence of infinity. This essay will examine these so-called paradoxes and attempt to defend infinity as a valid... more

In the introduction to his book The Infinite, A.W. Moore lists a number of apparent paradoxes that arise from the existence of infinity. This essay will examine these so-called paradoxes and attempt to defend infinity as a valid mathematical concept. This is done by clarifying that these so-called paradoxes are not truly paradoxical, they are merely examples in which human intuition of reality clashes with the mathematical concept of infinity. The counter-intuitiveness in Moore’s examples stem from three assumptions made by the human intuition. These three assumptions are identified and explained.

The second premise of William Lane Craig’s Kalam Cosmological Argument for the existence of God is that the universe began to exist. In support of an argument for this premise, Craig claims that an actual infinite cannot exist due to its... more

The second premise of William Lane Craig’s Kalam Cosmological Argument for the existence of God is that the universe began to exist. In support of an argument for this premise, Craig claims that an actual infinite cannot exist due to its absurdity. However Craig’s attempts to illustrate the absurdity of an actual infinite fall short of demonstrating any mathematical contradictions, and at best illustrate states of affairs that may be difficult to imagine or counter-intuitive. Yet there are many difficult to imagine or counter-intuitive features of reality. Craig’s fallback position is that mathematical consistency does not demonstrate metaphysical possibility. However that would at best preclude any inference from coherence to possibility, and would leave Craig’s assertion, that an actual infinite is impossible, without support. Ceteris paribus one ought to be neutral with respect to the impossibility of an actual infinite, and therefore the past-finitude of the universe may not be inferred from any argument premised on it. Furthermore when it comes to certain kinds of mathematical relations, mathematical possibility may suggest metaphysical possibility.

so clearly shows in his dissertation, between the 8 th and 14 th centuries there were illuminating phenomenological distinctions that were considered essential to understand the great perfection practice of awareness, becoming aware of... more

so clearly shows in his dissertation, between the 8 th and 14 th centuries there were illuminating phenomenological distinctions that were considered essential to understand the great perfection practice of awareness, becoming aware of awareness. These distinctions were primarily made by the Nyingma masters of meditation. The most basic distinction is between the mind of dualistic experience (sems) and the primordial awareness of naturalistic non-dualistic experience or primordial knowingness (ye shes) or (semde). This ye shes is non dualistic knowingness. Unfortunately, many Buddhist texts describe dualism as deluded and non-dualism as non-deluded. This language of delusion is highly prejudiced and is nihilistic in tone and devalues the oneness of the two truths (conventional and absolute reality). They devalue the indivisibility of appearance and awareness and moreover, challenge the validity of the foundational human experience of oneness and difference or duality within non duality. This negative use of language unhappily challenges the divinity of appearance and invalidates the human experience of the Nirmanakaya dimension which is ordinary life. The differentiation and distinction of mind from awareness prevents the bewildering confusion of mind and awareness resulting in the negation of either the experience of non-duality or the experience of duality. Much of the understanding about the difference between mind and awareness was presented in the unfolding of the seventeen Atiyoga tantras that brought forth the heart essence tradition (sying thig). These teachings and instructions are part of the instructional teachings of Dzogchen. These teachings are instructional in the forms of skillful means or praxis for bringing the experience of awareness of awareness into completion. This completion is experiencing the fullness of experience of personal awareness within the vast infinite and multidimensional field of awareness. The essential method is to experience directly and completely primordial knowingness as well as the manifestations of this primordial knowingness such as mind, innermost subjectivity and external phenomenal appearance. Mind, subjectivity and all appearance are the manifestation of primordial knowingness itself. Primordial awareness is the primordial and abiding pervasive condition. Our experience of non-conceptual knowingness or non-conceptual perception opens us to the direct understanding and direct non-conceptual experience that everything and anything is the manifestation of primordial or ground awareness. Primordial awareness is radiance openness or radiant emptiness. Primordial awareness is not simply emptiness alone but the oneness of openness and radiance spaciousness as light. The incompleteness of emptiness alone is recognized by the 14 th century Nyingma master Longchenpa. Awareness is the union of spaciousness and radiance.

Due to the 20th century mathematical and scientific developments of Georg Cantor, Max Karl Planck, Albert Einstein, and Werner Heisenberg, concepts once relegated to obscurity, such as irrationality, infinity, insolvability, and chaos,... more

Due to the 20th century mathematical and scientific developments of Georg Cantor, Max Karl Planck, Albert Einstein, and Werner Heisenberg, concepts once relegated to obscurity, such as irrationality, infinity, insolvability, and chaos, were brought to mainstream attention, ultimately changing the course of technological and scientific development into the 21st century. Before these seminal thinkers, concepts like numerical irrationality and infinity were considered by many to be worthless if not amoral; such attitudes can be found persisting back to the ancient Greeks under the Pythagoreans. Interestingly, the aesthetic of irrationality follows a similar historical trajectory, mostly finding relegation in peripheral movements and specific artists before the 20th century. However, the 20th century has seen the greatest and longest persisting resurgence in mathematically irrational thought within the arts. This paper compares the visual and musical experiments in irrationality, incommensurability, and infinity in the works of MC Escher and Conlon Nancarrow during the early and mid-twentieth century, showing a correlation between contemporary mathematical and physical innovations and specific aesthetic pursuits in art and music.

Philosophy has always been in the search for the order of infinity. From its inception it had anticipated the Cantorian revolution. It is in the spirit of that anticipation that it has always interrogated into the relation of discrete... more

Philosophy has always been in the search for the order of infinity. From its inception it had anticipated the Cantorian revolution. It is in the spirit of that anticipation that it has always interrogated into the relation of discrete numbers and the geometrical continuum. We can say now the abyss that it always faced between the two orders of infinites is none other than the difference between w0 and P(w0), the latter being the set that is capable of fixing points in space and the former of the ordinary arithmetic. No doubt there is a mystery in this abyss. One that thought has expressed in many different concepts and metaphors, as it was never clear to philosophy that this difference is in the ontological difference between orders of infinity, whose result was the magnificent speculative development of the dialectic of discrete and continuous from Plato to Husserl, via the inexorable path of Hegel's Logic. This abyss, as we saw in the previous sections, comes only into full attention of the thought if in fact we have a way to think about the being not only qualitatively but also precisely quantitatively. It is only with respect to the quantification of being that the gap of different orders of infinity, and thereby their potential qualitative differences open up. This gap, what Badiou refers to as the ontological errancy, is thereby a quantitative gap: the gap that the continuous (that is the quantitative aspect of its being) P(w0) has with respect to the denumerable w0, the gap about which ontology cannot make a decision. The antinomy of quantity is thereby the enigma of Being that defaults the science of ontology. The unsayable of Being, what defies the comprehension of Being qua Being and thereby what is not expressible by knowledge, lies in the quantitative gap between presentation and representation. Thought's dissatisfaction of the unmooring of being from knowledge-the errancy of representation-is manifested since Greeks in its efforts time and again to overcome the unsayable of being. It is the thought's tendency to avoid the errancy that is the guarantor of the recurrence of those orientations of thought to either mystify the errancy or make it comprehensible to, and thereby expressible in, knowledge. We have discussed one of these efforts at length in the form of transcendental infinity. The other tendency, which can be captured as the measurable or continuous infinity was also captured previously by what Badiou has dubbed linguistic idealism-the current dominant orientation of thought. But it was Cantor who for the first time discovered and formulated what is truly at stake in the form of his famous Continuum Hypothesis (CH). It is only now that by employing axiomatic thinking, ZFC and theory of cardinals-what has enabled us to think infinity quantitatively-that we have an adequate framework to think and formulate precisely the event at whose site the knowledge falters and the orientations by whose strife intelligibility

The discussion on the saying "In that moment, I swear we were infinite"

Most scientists within the global tribal subatomic peer review system grew up with no option but to accept that Isaac Newton held that the mass of objects in space was the first cause of gravitational force. They are unaware that he... more

Most scientists within the global tribal subatomic peer review system grew up with no option but to accept that Isaac Newton held that the mass of objects in space was the first cause of gravitational force. They are unaware that he conducted optical colour wheel experiments to describe the creative and destructive gravitational actions associated with electromagnetic subatomic particles of white light. Newton's study of optical physics embraced his colour "wisdom" that every color on the spectrum was a mix of dark and white light reality. He associated this optical research with Plato's Science-Art perspective, that the creative aspect of white light was evolving consciousness to infinity away from dark chaos.

Can we trace back consciousness, reality, awareness, and free will to a single basic structure without giving up any of them? Can the universe exist in both real and individual ways without being composed of both? This dialogue founds... more

Can we trace back consciousness, reality, awareness, and free will to a single basic structure without giving up any of them? Can the universe exist in both real and individual ways without being composed of both? This dialogue founds consciousness and freedom of choice on the basis of a new reality concept that also includes the infinite as far as we understand it. Just the simplest distinction contains consciousness. It is not static, but a constant alternation of perspectives. From its entirety and movement, however, there arises a freedom of choice being more than reinterpreted necessity and unpredictability. Although decisions ultimately involve the whole universe, they are also free in varying degrees here and now. The unity and openness of the infinite enables the individual to be creative while this creativity directly and indirectly enters into all other individuals without impeding them. A contrary impression originates only in a narrowed awareness. But even the most conscious and free awareness can neither anticipate all decisions nor extinguish individuality. Their creativity is secured.

Plato's Science-Art concept of women having equal power with men in economic government to instigate an educational system within his Republic for the health and well being of humanity's children was an irrational idea. Global tribal... more

Plato's Science-Art concept of women having equal power with men in economic government to instigate an educational system within his Republic for the health and well being of humanity's children was an irrational idea. Global tribal subatomic science, dedicated to the the development of weapons of mass destruction associated with the Science-Art of war, had no rational moral commitment for other tribes' children. This became a neurological disease when DNA during the 1950s demonstrated that human tribes belong to a single species dedicated to harming itself. Over a lifetime I have published some 200 papers toward rectifying this situation. Most can be located via and EzineArticles in which I obtained a recognized academic status as a Science-Artist.

É certa a finitude do corpo. Mas e quanto à finitude da consciência? Como suporte para várias reflexões e para procurar responder a esta questão foi analisado o filme “Se eu ficar” (IMDb, 2015). É explorada a consciência da finitude, os... more

É certa a finitude do corpo. Mas e quanto à finitude da consciência? Como suporte para várias reflexões e para procurar responder a esta questão foi analisado o filme “Se eu ficar” (IMDb, 2015). É explorada a consciência da finitude, os dilemas de um estado de coma, as angústias inerentes a uma decisão de «ir ou ficar», a luz atrativa relacionada com as intencionalidades das experiências de quase-morte, a importância do «deixar ir» e salientam-se estudos que poderão mudar o sentido da experiência humana sobre a vida e sobre a vida da consciência depois da finitude corpórea.
The finitude of the body is certain. But what about the finitude of consciousness? As a support for several reflections and to try to answer this question, the movie "If I stay" (IMDb, 2015) was analyzed. The awareness of finitude, the dilemmas of a coma, the anguish inherent in a decision of 'go or stay’, the attractive light related to the intentionalities of a near-death experience and the importance of ‘letting go’ are explored. Studies that may change the meaning of human experience about life and about the life of consciousness after bodily finitude is also emphasized.

The human being meets the idea of infinity very early, still a child, when he realises that he can go on counting using natural numbers until he can no longer. The idea of infinity attracts and rejects, sometimes becomes an object of... more

The human being meets the idea of infinity very early, still a child, when he realises that he can go on counting using natural numbers until he can no longer. The idea of infinity attracts and rejects, sometimes becomes an object of desire and sometimes of study and systematic study. It is the testimony that intellect, even starting from experience, can overcome limits and boundaries, yet it’s easier to list what infinity is not, but a real definition can be far more elusive. Philosophical approaches pose questions about the concept of infinity and are linked to other parts of the philosophical discourse such as ontology and epistemology and other important aspects of philosophy of mathematics. How, for example, do we represent infinite objects by finite means and how are infinite objects represented in the human mind.

What was there in first Place? What was there before Big Bang which possibly never happened? Is Universe Infinite or not? Is Universe living thing and grooving, instead of expending? Are we structural part of another life? Is this how and... more

What was there in first Place? What was there before Big Bang which possibly never happened? Is Universe Infinite or not? Is Universe living thing and grooving, instead of expending? Are we structural part of another life? Is this how and why Law of Attraction applies and works. Is Infinite Space fact or do we still believe that Universe is Infinite? Why is Universe shaped as its shaped? What are all those humongous Celestial Bodies? What are Stars and why do they ignite? Would there be enough of Hydrogen to feed all Stars and Galaxies in function? What types of energy is there really? How many Particles could there be? What is Matter and how it’s formed? And so on and on.

this is infinite lyrics and etc.

In this paper, a metaphysics is proposed that includes everything that can be represented by a well-founded multiset. It is shown that this metaphysics, apart from being self-explanatory, is also benevolent. Paradoxically, it turns out... more

In this paper, a metaphysics is proposed that includes everything that can be represented by a well-founded multiset. It is shown that this metaphysics, apart from being self-explanatory, is also benevolent. Paradoxically, it turns out that the probability that we were born in another life than our own is zero. More insights are gained by inducing properties from a metaphysics that is not self-explanatory. In particular, digital metaphysics is analyzed, which claims that only computable things exist. First of all, it is shown that digital metaphysics contradicts itself by leading to the conclusion that the shortest computer program that computes the world is infinitely long. This means that the Church-Turing conjecture must be false. Secondly, the applicability of Occam's razor is explained by evolution: in an evolving physics it can appear at each moment as if the world is caused by only finitely many things. Thirdly and most importantly, this metaphysics is benevolent in the sense that it organizes itself to fulfill the deepest wishes of its observers. Fourthly, universal computers with an infinite memory capacity cannot be built in the world. And finally, all the properties of the world, both good and bad, can be explained by evolutionary conservation.

In this article, we explore how geometric objects named fractals provide a perfect subject to understand the notion of the sublime. In doing so, we see how their definition as one-dimensional objects, two-dimensional objects, and then as... more

In this article, we explore how geometric objects named fractals provide a perfect subject to understand the notion of the sublime. In doing so, we see how their definition as one-dimensional objects, two-dimensional objects, and then as three-dimensional objects allows visual interpretation of their infinite nature. Then, we explore how many facets of their infinite nature can be linked to the definition and perception of the sublime. Finally, we seek for wider definition of these objects both as mathematical objects and as contemporary mythological objects of the digital age. This final step confirms the inherent connection between fractals and the sublime from both sides of their definitions: the creation and the perception. This connection is made clear through a list of references from the writings of German philosopher Immanuel Kant. The impossibility of constructing infinite geometrical objects embedded in an infinity of mathematical dimensions and the impossibility of perceiving fully the infinity of the sublime is finally stated as their deepest common root.

This paper was originally written around 2011, and it is now being adapted to the system of equations of difference between two arc lengths (a liberated system with without constraints) instead of difference between the circumferences of... more

This paper was originally written around 2011, and it is now being adapted to the system of equations of difference between two arc lengths (a liberated system with without constraints) instead of difference between the circumferences of two circles (a hinged system with paradox) .

The Infinity is not a thing. The Infinity is the empirical Conscious (noun), and not consciousness of a thing and/or object in either, potential, one dimensional time(energy)/space(matter); and/or, inflationary differentiating kinetic... more

The Infinity is not a thing. The Infinity is the empirical Conscious (noun), and not consciousness of a thing and/or object in either, potential, one dimensional time(energy)/space(matter); and/or, inflationary differentiating kinetic space/time.

some superfluous dreamthoughts . . .

Felsefi açıdan filmi üç başlıkta incelemek istiyorum: * David Lewis’in Modal Realizmi (Mümküm Dünyalar Görüşü) ve Çoklu Evrenler İlişkisi * Kurgusalın Ontolojisi * Sonsuz Olasılıklar, Çoklu Evrenler, Sadece 1 Olasılığı Temsil Etmek ve... more

Felsefi açıdan filmi üç başlıkta incelemek istiyorum:
* David Lewis’in Modal Realizmi (Mümküm Dünyalar Görüşü) ve Çoklu Evrenler İlişkisi
* Kurgusalın Ontolojisi
* Sonsuz Olasılıklar, Çoklu Evrenler, Sadece 1 Olasılığı Temsil Etmek ve Hayatın Anlamı

All Existence Has Become for Me All Suffering in Every Minute of My Existence, All and Nothing Less Than All.

Abstract: It is commonly assumed that Aristotle denies any real existence to infinity. Nothing is actually infinite. If, in order to resolve Zeno’s paradoxes, Aristotle must talk of infinity, it is only in the sense of a potentiality that... more

Abstract: It is commonly assumed that Aristotle denies any real existence to infinity. Nothing is actually infinite. If, in order to resolve Zeno’s paradoxes, Aristotle must talk of infinity, it is only in the sense of a potentiality that can never be actualized. Aristotle’s solution has been both praised for its subtlety and blamed for entailing a limitation of mathematic. His understanding of the infinite as simply indefinite (the “bad infinite” that fails to reach its accomplishment), his conception of the cosmos and even its prime mover as finite (in the sense of autarchic/self-contained) have been contrasted with the subsequent claim of God as ens infinitum (understood as a “positive” infinity).
The goal of this essay is to reexamine the major texts (notably De caelo) and to demonstrate that (1) Aristotle’s claim according to which there is no actual infinite concerns only substances, not processes. (2) That Aristotle does not deny an actual infinite as such. (3) That when considering time and God (qua eternal) Aristotle acknowledges an actual infinite.

On the 18th of November 1996, the late Professor Bert Cunnington, a Senior Social Security Research Officer at the Faculty of Commerce and Administration at the Griffith University, Queensland, and consultant to the Science-Art Research... more

On the 18th of November 1996, the late Professor Bert Cunnington, a Senior Social Security Research Officer at the Faculty of Commerce and Administration at the Griffith University, Queensland, and consultant to the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia wrote a ‘To whom it may concern’ document’ associated with Edmonson’s psychological safety research findings. Cunnington was involved “in the design and construction of a high rise telecommunication complex.” As a coauthor of the book ‘Managing the New Organisation’ he was concerned that the prevailing electromagnetic information structure was inconsistent with maintaining the health of the global community. He realised tribal physics was taking humanity towards a global medical pandemic that would collapse the existing global economy. This prediction of the Covid-19 pandemic is now of paramount importance.

As Christians we worship an infinite God. Great is our Lord and mighty and power, his understanding has no limit - Psalm 147:5 We humans meet the idea of infinity very early. As children we begin to realise that we can go on counting... more