Intersexuality Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Cet essai contextualise l'autobiographie d'Adélaïde Herculine dite Alexina et devenue Abel Barbin (1838-1868) en la replaçant dans l'histoire de ce que les médecins ont appelé "les erreurs de sexe" qualifiant ainsi les personnes... more

Cet essai contextualise l'autobiographie d'Adélaïde Herculine dite Alexina et devenue Abel Barbin (1838-1868) en la replaçant dans l'histoire de ce que les médecins ont appelé "les erreurs de sexe" qualifiant ainsi les personnes "hermaphrodites" présentant une discordance entre leur sexe biologique et leur sexe social au XIXe siècle.

Entre ver e não ver: uma análise sobre as imagens médicas da intersexualidade RESUMO Em meados de 2013, fui a um hospital especializado em cuidados materno -infantis, localizado na Zona Sul do Rio de Janeiro, para entrevistar um... more

Entre ver e não ver: uma análise sobre as imagens médicas da intersexualidade RESUMO Em meados de 2013, fui a um hospital especializado em cuidados materno -infantis, localizado na Zona Sul do Rio de Janeiro, para entrevistar um geneticista, que chamarei de GEN 1 . No decorrer do encontro, ele contou sobre o caso de um bebê que, na ocasião, tinha quarenta dias de vida e estava internado na enfermaria pediátrica para realizar uma laparotomia exploratória 2 . Antes disso, essa criança já havia passado por uma ultrassonografia, na qual se via a presença de testículos internos, e por um exame de cariótipo 3 , com resultado indicando 46, XY. Além disso, O presente artigo examinará o papel das imagens médicas nas (re)definições do sexo e gênero no contexto da assistência em saúde oferecida às pessoas intersexo. Os instrumentos de visualizaçãoescalas visuais, fotografias, exames de imageamento -utilizados em momentos variados dessa assistência pretendem ser uma ferramenta supostamente neutra de revelação do "verdadeiro sexo". O argumento a ser desenvolvido é que a perspectiva visual médica, mais do que revelar o "sexo", parte e reforça noções tradicionais de gênero e sexualidade, levando a uma apreensão estritamente patológica das variações dos corpos sexuados. No caso das imagens produzidas pela medicina sobre a intersexualidade, convivem outras expectativas, como o controle das normas de gênero e da sexualidade. O material analisado consiste em pesquisa bibliográfica sobre o tema (artigos e manuais médicos) e entrevistas feitas com profissionais de saúde. Por meio deste material, reúno pistas para responder como as imagens médicas concorrem para a patologização dos genitais de pessoas intersexo.

L'objectif de cet article est celui d'illustrer quelques résultats obtenus au cours d’une recherche doctorale, réalisée entre 2008 et 2010 à l'Université de Turin, qui visait à décrire et analyser les comportements quotidiens,... more

L'objectif de cet article est celui d'illustrer quelques résultats obtenus au cours d’une recherche doctorale, réalisée entre 2008 et 2010 à l'Université de Turin, qui visait à décrire et analyser les comportements quotidiens, l'imaginaire et les attitudes liées à la construction du Soi corporel sexué, dans une phase de vie qui est constamment en évolution. Grace à une stratégie de recherche intégrée (Porrovecchio, 2011, 2012a), au centre de laquelle j’ai inséré une ethnographie appliquée aux communautés virtuelles, j’ai pu faire prendre la parole (De Certeau, 1994) aux ados, en essayant de surmonter le filtre du regard des adultes. Grâce à cette stratégie, j’ai pu reconstruire l’aspect évolutif de la construction du Soi corporel sexué, objet d’un livre (Porrovecchio, 2012b) dont je propose ici quelques conclusions.

In May 2011, more than a decade after the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) abandoned sex testing, they devised new policies in response to the IAAF’s treatment of... more

In May 2011, more than a decade after the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) abandoned sex
testing, they devised new policies in response to the IAAF’s treatment of Caster Semenya, the South African runner whose sex was challenged because of her spectacular
win and powerful physique that fueled an international frenzy questioning her sex and legitimacy to compete as female. These policies claim that atypically high levels
of endogenous testosterone in women (caused by various medical conditions) create an unfair advantage and must be regulated. Against the backdrop of Semenya’s
case and the scientific and historical complexity of “gender verification” in elite sports, we question the new policies on three grounds: (1) the underlying scientific
assumptions; (2) the policymaking process; and (3) the potential to achieve fairness for female athletes.We find the policies in each of these domains significantly flawed
and therefore argue they should be withdrawn.

Apresentação do dossiê temático "Intersexualidade: desafios de gênero" publicado na Revista Periódicus (UFBA) em agosto de 2021.

Early Rabbinic Judaism is the name given to the group of people who produced, from the first to approximately the seventh century CE, the post Biblical canonic texts of Judaism. This 'new' Judaism, which grew in parallel to early... more

Early Rabbinic Judaism is the name given to the group of people who produced, from the first to approximately the seventh century CE, the post Biblical canonic texts of Judaism. This 'new' Judaism, which grew in parallel to early Christianity, was highly invested in the concept of law. This is reflected not only in interpreting the Hebrew Bible which is considered to be a book of laws, but also in the production of a legal codex of their own time (the Mishnah, edited in the early third century) 1 , and its interpretations (the Palestinian Talmud, edited in the fifth century, and the Babylonian Talmud, which had several layers of editing, the latest of which is in the seventh century). These legal codices still serve as the basis for any ruling on questions relating to intersex people in Jewish law, and often in Israeli law. 2

A NEMEK WEININGERI ÉS JUNGI ÁTMENETE Sokáig haboztam, írjak-e a nőkérdésről. Nem éppen újszerű, és idegesítő téma, különösen nőknek. A nőkérdés vitájára eddig is több tintát pazaroltak már az elégnél, a vita lezárult, ne is beszéljünk... more

A NEMEK WEININGERI ÉS JUNGI ÁTMENETE Sokáig haboztam, írjak-e a nőkérdésről. Nem éppen újszerű, és idegesítő téma, különösen nőknek. A nőkérdés vitájára eddig is több tintát pazaroltak már az elégnél, a vita lezárult, ne is beszéljünk róla többet. Pedig beszélünk róla. Az utóbbi száz évben elpufogtatott ostobaságok özöne a jelek szerint nem nagyon járult hozzá a kérdés tisztázáshoz. De van egyáltalán nőkérdés? És, ha van, hogy hangzik? Egyáltalán: vannak még nők? […] Az ember lassan maga sem tudja már vannak-e még nők vagy sem, lesznek-e mindig nők, kívánatos-e, hogy legyenek, mi a helyük, szerepük a világban, és miféle hely, szerep illeti meg őket. Mindenekelőtt: mi az, hogy nő? (Beauvoir 1969, p. 7.) Simone de Beauvoir fent idézett mondatai óta lassan hetven év telt el, de még mindig aktuálisak. A kérdés, hogy "mi az, hogy nő" ma is megválaszolatlan. Sőt, talán egyre kevésbé megválaszolható.

Abstract "Normal Abnormalities" Intersex and the Psychology of a two-sex system. "Perhaps Adults just don't take childhood seriously" This is a qualitative study involving intersex people and their parents. It asks them to talk about... more

"Normal Abnormalities" Intersex and the Psychology of a two-sex system.
"Perhaps Adults just don't take childhood seriously"
This is a qualitative study involving intersex people and their parents. It asks them to talk about how they experienced intersex. It investigated their views on the medical treatment and management of Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) or Androgen Insensitivity (AIS) Syndrome and the psychological effects of the medicalisation of intersex. This study involves 32 interviews with adults/parents from the AIS/CAH support groups around England and Wales. For an interdisciplinary audience, this paper aims to highlight briefly, some of the impact theories of intersexuality have had on a variety of theories of sex and gender and how intersex is accepted within society. It also unveils how society responds to intersex people. Intersex and Intersexuality are identifications that transgress socio-cultural meanings around boundaries of binary gender and in doing this, it disrupts our binary logic of the sexes. Intersex people do not conform to society’s fundamental assumption that there are two sexes and only two types of normal bodies. Nor do they conform to the idea, there are only two genders. My interest in this study is not just giving a voice to intersex people, but to highlight what the theoretical concept of intersex can illuminate about the everyday social construction of sex and gender for everyone. From a personal, theorist and intersex activist perspective this paper will highlight contemporary issues both in theory and practice for the psychology of intersex.

Analysis of one type of intersexuals in tannaitic literature (the androgynos) arguing that the early rabbis know three sexes but only 2 genders. A comparison between the Tosefta Bikkurim and the post-tannaitic Baraita inserted into some... more

Analysis of one type of intersexuals in tannaitic literature (the androgynos) arguing that the early rabbis know three sexes but only 2 genders. A comparison between the Tosefta Bikkurim and the post-tannaitic Baraita inserted into some manuscripts as fourth chapter of Mishna Bikkurim shows in my eyes that two different attitudes, one tending to a certain feminization of the androgynos (Baraita)as opposed to the Tosefta.

El presente diagnóstico recopila las historias que recolectamos desde marzo hasta agosto del 2014 en la ciudad de Lima con el fin de conocer la situación de las personas LGBTIQ y la violencia a la que nos enfrentamos, así como de... more

El presente diagnóstico recopila las historias que recolectamos desde marzo hasta agosto del 2014 en la ciudad de Lima con el fin de conocer la situación de las personas LGBTIQ y la violencia a la que nos enfrentamos, así como de presentar los principales argumentos y recomendaciones para políticas públicas que garanticen plenamente los derechos humanos de esta población

Relying on Monster Theory and biopolitics, this article presents an interpretation of the history of sexual medicine as it applies to two novels written about the intersexual maquis Florencio Pla Meseguer. We illustrate how intersexual... more

Relying on Monster Theory and biopolitics, this article presents an
interpretation of the history of sexual medicine as it applies to two novels written about the intersexual maquis Florencio Pla Meseguer. We illustrate how intersexual individuals have been monsterized so as to perpetuate the gender binary, while postfeminism and queer theory have succeeded in subverting such binary. We examine this process in two novels: "La Pastora: el maqui hermafrodita" by Manuel Villar Raso and "Donde nadie te encuentre" by Alicia Giménez Bartlett.

Against a backdrop of feminist and social scientific research on sex, female embodiment, and normality this thesis aims to discern how young women, who in adolescence have learned that their bodies are developing in ways considered... more

Against a backdrop of feminist and social scientific research on sex, female embodiment, and normality this thesis aims to discern how young women, who in adolescence have learned that their bodies are developing in ways considered ‘atypical’ for the female sex, make sense of their bodies and their situation. In focus are the ways in which the women make sense of and negotiate female embodiment; how they, particularly in stories about their interactions with others, position their embodied selves; and how norms and beliefs about sexed embodiment, heterosexual practice, and in/fertility are strengthened and challenged in the interviewees’ sense-making. The data comprise 23 in-depth interviews with women who in adolescence have learned that they do not have a uterus and a vagina, or who have learned that they do not have two X chromosomes and have no, or non-functioning, ovaries. Through narrative and thematic analysis the thesis shows how the women’s sense-making can be obstructed by norms about female embodiment, heterosexual practice, and in/fertility, expressed through medical terminology and practice and in interaction with family, friends, and peers, as described by the interviewees. Concomitantly, as the thesis demonstrates, medical terminology can be experienced and function as a resource in the women’s sense-making. Diagnostic categories enable them to put the specificities of sex development into words and raise awareness about bodily variation. Furthermore, in their stories about others’ reactions to their bodies and about their experience and management of certain medical treatments, the women question norms about female embodiment, heterosexual practice, and in/fertility that were previously taken for granted. The complexity of the women’s sense-making is demonstrated through the ways in which the interviewees, on the one hand, align with norms about female embodiment, heterosexual practice, and in/fertility, and in which they, on the other hand, succeed in challenging the same. In this ‘juggling’ of reinforcement and resistance, the thesis argues, the women are found to expand rather than dismiss beliefs about female embodiment. Thus, the thesis contributes with deepened knowledge about what it can be like to live with these specific conditions and with problematizations of how norms about female embodiment can be enacted and questioned.

Despite the increasing visibility of variations in sex/gender identities, society maintains a strict sex dichotomy. The commitment to the female/male sex distinction and the resistance to acknowledge or accept sex variability results in... more

Despite the increasing visibility of variations in sex/gender identities, society maintains a strict sex dichotomy. The commitment to the female/male sex distinction and the resistance to acknowledge or accept sex variability results in the silencing of people born intersex, the medicalization of the various "conditions," and their stigmatization. Although activists and scholars are beginning to educate the public and the medical community, sex and gender reassignment protocols and surgeries upholding the sex dichotomy remain intact. Due to contemporary trends and medical approaches, the authors argue it is necessary to explore how intersex is represented and communicated to the public by the mass media. Using textual analysis, the study examines how primetime television programs portray contemporary intersex patients, specifically in medical dramas that feature a storyline about the identification of intersex variation in infants and adolescent children. Altogether six episodes from five shows are analyzed. The authors find that, although some storylines "possibilize" some progressive portrayals of intersex, the shows' representations of sex variations are treated as violations of established sex and gender binaries, ultimately portraying intersex in such ways as a social transgression or medical threat, thereby neutralizing the existence of intersex attributes and recuperating and normalizing the sex dichotomy.

Il testo vuole incarnare una possibile mediazione tra universi culturali lontani ed essere una lettura propedeutica per chi intenda addentrarsi nella tematica, lasciando che la fede cristiana s’interroghi liberamente sul ‘gender’. Un... more

Il testo vuole incarnare una possibile mediazione tra universi culturali lontani ed essere una lettura propedeutica per chi intenda addentrarsi nella tematica, lasciando che la fede cristiana s’interroghi liberamente sul ‘gender’. Un approccio sereno e critico sia alla cultura laica di genere – della quale si esaminano i nodi principali – sia a quella cattolica, con l’intento di superare le reciproche diffidenze e cercare insieme una verità umanizzante per tutti. L’obiettivo è gettare delle basi condivisibili su cui costruire una sintesi teologica più ampia. Un testo che, nell’esaminare i nodi teoretici, volge lo sguardo alla recente campagna ‘anti-gender’, cercando di fornire le coordinate utili a svelenire il clima e muoversi al suo interno con padronanza di lessico e concettualità. In questo senso, l’opera vuole essere uno strumento per formatori, pastori e attivisti che vogliano introdursi nella complessità senza scorciatoie, per cogliere la ricchezza del ‘pensiero di genere’: nell’orizzonte della promozione di un benessere comunitario e individuale.

Tomando como referencia la geografía cultural del mundo ibérico entre los siglos xvi y xviii, este libro reconstruye un orden de los sexos y de los géneros que funcionó en ese periodo. Este régimen, muy diferente del nuestro, se pone al... more

Tomando como referencia la geografía cultural del mundo ibérico entre los siglos xvi y xviii, este libro reconstruye un orden de los sexos y de los géneros que funcionó en ese periodo. Este régimen, muy diferente del nuestro, se pone al descubierto atendiendo a sus márgenes, esto es, remitiendo al modo en que eran pensadas figuras como el hermafrodita o los individuos que cambiaban de sexo. Se analizan por una parte las prácticas jurídicas, científicas, artísticas y religiosas en las que estas figuras aparecen involucradas. Por otro lado, a través del estudio de algunos casos ejemplares, como los de Estebanía de Valdaracete, Elena de Céspedes, Catalina de Erauso, el padre Furtado o José Martins, entre otros, se explora este régimen de los sexos siguiéndolo en su funcionamiento concreto, estableciendo los límites de lo pensable pero abriendo al mismo tiempo, a través de sus incoherencias y paradojas, espacios de libertad y creatividad para los sujetos conformados dentro de sus fronteras. Se sigue desde cerca el modo en que este orden contribuyó a producir las masculinidades imperiales que acompañaron a los proyectos de expansión ultramarina de España y Portugal. Por último se examinan las fisuras y el eclipse final de este régimen de los sexos en el tránsito de la Ilustración al Romanticismo.

Os estados intersexuais e as decisões em torno de quais procedimentos devem ser adotados com pessoas nesta “condição” constituem tema de acirrado debate nos campos da biologia, psicologia e biomedicina e fonte de intensas disputas no... more

Os estados intersexuais e as decisões em torno de quais procedimentos devem ser adotados com pessoas nesta “condição” constituem tema de acirrado debate nos campos da biologia, psicologia e biomedicina e fonte de intensas disputas no campo social e moral. As disputas de saberes e práticas envolvem diferentes conflitos bioéticos, como o consentimento de pacientes e/ou familiares para as intervenções médicas, o acesso à verdade sobre a condição, os critérios para a designação sexual e a necessidade de definição do sexo para o registro civil do recém-nascido. Atualmente, o manejo clínico dos casos de intersexualidade está pautado em torno de dois modelos: a) Modelo Centrado no Sigilo e Cirurgia (MCSC), proposto por John Money, e b) Modelo Centrado no Paciente (MCP), proposto por Milton Diamond . O MCSC foi desenvolvido a partir dos anos 1950 com base no pressuposto da na preponderância da socialização e da centralidade da anatomia genital na definição da identidade de gênero do indivíduo. O MCP surge nos anos 1990 como uma proposta alternativa, tanto em termos de fundamentação teórica, como em termos éticos. Baseado na teoria da sexualidade inata definida pela influência hormonal durante o período pré-natal é decorrência de um processo de crítica e revisão ética desencadeados pela revelação dos desdobramentos negativos do caso John/Joan e pelo nascente ativismo intersexo nos Estados Unidos. As normativas que orientam esse manejo clínico, como a Resolução do Conselho Federal de Medicina, no Brasil, e o Consenso de Chicago, adotam aspectos desses modelos. Para melhor conhecer a problemática realizou-se uma análise dos diferentes argumentos mobilizados acerca desses modelos nos discursos biomédicos, teóricos feministas e do ativismo intersexo. Adotou-se como estratégia metodológica investigar as concepções de sexo, gênero e sexualidade nas obras de John Money e Milton Diamond, e compreender em que medida essas concepções se relacionam com e influenciam sua proposta de manejo clínico da intersexualidade, e apresentar uma reflexão crítica tanto a seus pressupostos teóricos, na voz de teóricas feministas, quanto às questões éticas implicadas em seus modelos de tratamento da intersexualidade, em diálogo com o movimento intersexo. Para tal, buscou-se a literatura dos originais dos principais teóricos/as identificados, combinada com a pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, nacional e internacional, de estudos sobre a intersexualidade disponíveis em bases bibliográficas acadêmicas na Internet. Para análise bioética dos dois princípios identificados como preponderantes na discussão do manejo clínico da intersexualidade – autonomia e beneficência - adotou-se a perspectiva da teoria ética biomédica dos quatro princípios, largamente conhecida e empregada no meio biomédico e bioético, facilitando o diálogo com diversos atores que atuam diretamente nesse manejo clínico. Conclui-se que a crítica feminista à acepção biomédica do binarismo de sexo e gênero, aliada à perspectiva do construcionismo social, foi importante subsídio para a formulação da perspectiva crítica do manejo clínico da intersexualidade, até então hegemonicamente definido pelo MCSC. O MCP defende o adiamento das cirurgias estéticas em genitálias ambíguas e o acesso integral do paciente e família aos históricos médicos. A problematização dos aspectos éticos implicados no MCSC e o surgimento do MCP e do ativismo intersexo denotam a transição do paradigma ético no gerenciamento biomédico da intersexualidade, com o paulatino fortalecimento do princípio da autonomia do/a paciente, em detrimento do princípio da beneficência.

The view that humans comprise only two types of beings, women and men, a framework that is sometimes referred to as the “gender binary,” played a profound role in shaping the history of psychological science. In recent years, serious... more

The view that humans comprise only two types of beings, women and men, a framework that is sometimes referred to as the “gender binary,” played a profound role in shaping the history of psychological science. In recent years, serious challenges to the gender binary have arisen from both academic research and social activism. This review describes 5 sets of empirical findings, spanning multiple disciplines, that fundamentally undermine the gender binary. These sources of evidence include neuroscience findings that refute sexual dimorphism of the human brain; behavioral neuroendocrinology findings that challenge the notion of genetically fixed, nonoverlapping, sexually dimorphic hormonal systems; psychological findings that highlight the similarities between men and women; psychological research on transgender and nonbinary individuals’ identities and experiences; and developmental research suggesting that the tendency to view gender/sex as a meaningful, binary category is culturally determined and malleable. Costs associated with reliance on the gender binary and recommendations for future research, as well as clinical practice, are outlined.

La crociata contro la teoria del gender inizia nel 1995 come una guerra contro i cinque sessi. Ma i difensori dell'ordine veteropatriarcale non hanno capito che a chi contesta binarismo sessuale ed eterosessualità obbligatoria cinque... more

La crociata contro la teoria del gender inizia nel 1995 come una guerra contro i cinque sessi. Ma i difensori dell'ordine veteropatriarcale non hanno capito che a chi contesta binarismo sessuale ed eterosessualità obbligatoria cinque sessi non bastano! Lo spettacolo MDSLX dei Motus è una magnifica occasione per spiegare perché.

A child born with ambiguous genitalia will discover early in life that being born different leads to association with the monstrous. This paper examines Jeffrey Eugenides’s exploration of the intersexed individual in his novel Middlesex.... more

A child born with ambiguous genitalia will discover early in life that being born different leads to association with the monstrous. This paper examines Jeffrey Eugenides’s exploration of the intersexed individual in his novel Middlesex. Usually, a bildungsroman follows a character’s journey into adulthood; a journey which requires assimilation into one of only two possible gender roles. For the intersexed child, however, the binary supposedly inherent in gender roles complicates this process. In Middlesex, the protagonist Calliope Stephanides is born with 5-alpha-reductase-deficiency syndrome, which means that although the
infant presents as female at birth, the child is, biologically-speaking, more male than female. Having been designated as female, Callie struggles to identify with the gender role which is expected of her, and consequently Eugenides begins an examination of the complex constitution of gender as Callie is caught in a struggle between societal expectation and biological fact. As Ann Fausto-Sterling has argued, the idea that there are only two sexes is erroneous, but those who cannot be
easily categorised have long been seen as a deviation from what is understood to be human. When Callie discovers the ‘truth’ about her biological make-up, s/he learns that hir very condition of existence is defined as a gruesome deviation from the norm. In Webster’s Dictionary, Callie finds “hermaphrodite” defined as: “Anything comprised of a combination of diverse or contradictory elements. See synonyms at
MONSTER”. At first Callie is convinced that the synonym is “official,
authoritative”; “the verdict that culture gave on a person like her”. But, as this paper will explore, through embracing the category of ‘monster’ and mapping its contradictory elements into existence on the body, Callie is able to achieve a stable, legitimate subject position in society and discover that intersexuality is a condition in some degree shared by all human beings

Pre-print, pre-copy edited version of the first three chapters.

Der Begriff "intersexuell" beschreibt Körper, die nicht eindeutig als männlich oder weiblich eingeordnet werden können, und in diesem eher weiten Sinne werde ich ihn in meinem Vortrag benutzen. Die moderne Medizin unterscheidet eine ganze... more

Der Begriff "intersexuell" beschreibt Körper, die nicht eindeutig als männlich oder weiblich eingeordnet werden können, und in diesem eher weiten Sinne werde ich ihn in meinem Vortrag benutzen. Die moderne Medizin unterscheidet eine ganze Reihe verschiedener Arten von Intersexualität und erklärt die meisten von ihnen durch bestimmte Chromosomenkonstellationen oder aber durch den jeweiligen Hormonhaushalt. Wenn es nach diesen Maßstäben ginge, also das Geschlecht von Menschen aus ihren Chromosonen bestimmt werden sollte, gäbe es nicht nur zwei und auch nicht nur drei, sondern deutlich mehr Geschlechter. Ich bin kein Arzt und kein Biologe, sondern Historiker. Als Historiker richtet sich mein Interesse nicht auf den Körper und die Frage, warum er uneindeutig ist, sondern auf die Gesellschaft, die nicht in der Lage ist, diese Körper als männlich oder weiblich zu klassifizieren. Als Historiker frage ich mich: Nach welchen Maßstäben wird ein Körper überhaupt als männlich oder weiblich kategorisiert, und in welchen Fällen ist die Gesellschaft bereit, einen Körper als "weder-noch" anzuerkennen? Und wer darf diese Entscheidung überhaupt treffen? Sind es die Eltern, die Kirche, die Hebamme, ein Arzt, der im Zweifelsfall das Geschlecht feststellt? Oder dürfen die Betroffenen selbst wählen, ob sie lieber Mann oder Frau sein wollen? Und warum und mit welchem Nachdruck besteht eine Gesellschaft darauf, dass es nur zwei Geschlechter geben darf? Die Antworten auf alle diese Fragen können sehr unterschiedlich ausfallen, ja nach dem, ob man sich westliche oder nicht-westliche Gesellschaften anschaut, ob man die Moderne, das Mittelalter oder die Antike in den Blick nimmt.

writing characters with intersex variations for television abstract Throughout history, people with intersex variations have been positioned somewhere between 'prodigy literature and pornography, mythology and medical discourse'.... more

writing characters with intersex variations for television abstract Throughout history, people with intersex variations have been positioned somewhere between 'prodigy literature and pornography, mythology and medical discourse'. Contemporary representations have changed in step with societal values, yet it could be argued there is still slippage towards sensationalism. This article explores the writing of fictional characters with intersex variations for television. It is posited that screenwriters must go beyond limiting, stereotypical representations, and write characters with intersex variations 'as an everyday social type'. Scripts that develop characters and narrative arcs in league with the intersex community rupture stigma and pre-inscription, defy current medical interference and promote ethical debates.