Islamic Organization Research Papers - (original) (raw)

The research aims at finding the communication climate of an organization in the Department of Infrastructures and Facilities of Wahid Hasyim Islamic Boarding School Yogyakarta. A pleasant communication climate of an organization is... more

The research aims at finding the communication climate of an organization in the Department of Infrastructures and Facilities of Wahid Hasyim Islamic Boarding School Yogyakarta. A pleasant communication climate of an organization is significant. A communication climate of an organization that works well will help it to achieve credibility and development. Communication climate, atmosphere, and environment, in one organization, are different from another. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research. This research explains various qualitative data with a careful and meaningful description analysis. This research shows that organizations' communication climate in the Department of Infrastructures and Facilities is supported by social climate. Although in the case of communication, there is still room for improvement. Since the lack of communication, some information might not access by all of the group members. The lack of communication can result in uneven workloads and lack of member responsibilities. Dynamic

ABSTRAK Isu-isu kewanitaan semakin mendapat perhatian pelbagai pihak di Malaysia. Selain pihak kerajaan, pihak NGO wanita juga turut terlibat secara aktif dalam mengetengahkan isu-isu kewanitaan. Antaranya adalah NGO-NGO wanita Islam yang... more

ABSTRAK Isu-isu kewanitaan semakin mendapat perhatian pelbagai pihak di Malaysia. Selain pihak kerajaan, pihak NGO wanita juga turut terlibat secara aktif dalam mengetengahkan isu-isu kewanitaan. Antaranya adalah NGO-NGO wanita Islam yang turut sama merangka program untuk memperkasakan wanita serta menyuarakan tuntutan bagi memelihara kebajikan dan hak-hak wanita. Oleh yang demikian, kajian bertujuan untuk meneliti keberadaan NGO-NGO wanita Islam di Malaysia serta penglibatan mereka terhadap isu-isu kewanitaan. Kajian ini mengaplikasikan kaedah kualitatif melalui kajian kepustakaan. Hasil kajian mendapati, terdapat terdapat 6 isu utama berkaitan wanita yang difokuskan oleh NGO wanita Islam iaitu isu pemerkasaan wanita, hak-hak wanita, kebajikan wanita, kepimpinan wanita, keagamaan wanita dan pendidikan wanita. Tambahan pula, sebahagian besar NGO-NGO wanita Islam mensasarkan golongan wanita secara umum tanpa membezakan
antara tahap umur, status sosial dan status perkahwinan, bahkan
termasuk status agama. Kesimpulannya, beberapa cadangan
telah diketengahkan bagi memperkasakan kontribusi NGO
wanita Islam di Malaysia seperti menjuarai isu-isu gender,
penguasaan media baru, keperluan kepada latihan dan
bimbingan, mewujudkan permaufakatan nasional dan sokongan
Kata Kunci: Non-Governmental Organisation, pemerkasaan
wanita, hak-hak wanita, wanita Islam

The emergence of Islamic organizations in Indonesia is much more caused by the encouragement started with the growing sense of patriotism and nationalism as well as the response to the imbalances that exists among the people of Indonesia... more

The emergence of Islamic organizations in Indonesia is much more caused by the encouragement started with the growing sense of patriotism and nationalism as well as the response to the imbalances that exists among the people of Indonesia in the 19th century which experienced the total declination as a result of the political exploitation of the Dutch East Indies colonial government. The first step to be realized is the awareness to be involved in the organizations. through those organizations, moslem people will be in turn to have a big role in the struggle for independence. Those people with persistence and self-sacrificing spirit and soul as well as treasures, had died as a hero. This paper will discuss on the role of these organizations in the field of education.

بە هەبوونی سیستەمی سیاسی سێکیولار دێمۆکراتیک لە ویلایەتە یەکگرتووەکانی ئەمریکا، ئەو هەلە بۆ هەموو گروپێکی کۆمەڵایەتی لەوانە ئایینە جۆراوجۆرەکان رەخساوە کە بە قبووڵکردنی دێمۆکراسی، چالاکی کۆمەڵایەتی و تەنانەت سیاسییان بۆ بەرگری لە مافەکانی... more

بە هەبوونی سیستەمی سیاسی سێکیولار دێمۆکراتیک لە ویلایەتە یەکگرتووەکانی ئەمریکا، ئەو هەلە بۆ هەموو گروپێکی کۆمەڵایەتی لەوانە ئایینە جۆراوجۆرەکان رەخساوە کە بە قبووڵکردنی دێمۆکراسی، چالاکی کۆمەڵایەتی و تەنانەت سیاسییان بۆ بەرگری لە مافەکانی خۆیان لە چوارچێوەی یاری و کەشی دێمۆکراتیکدا هەبێت.

Perkembangan dan perjalanan GP Ansor selama tiga dasawarsa kekuasaan Orde Baru tidak lepas dari pengaruh-pengaruh langsung maupun tidak langsung yang diakibatkan oleh perubahan-perubahan paradigma dan pendekatan yang dilakukan rezim... more

Perkembangan dan perjalanan GP Ansor selama tiga dasawarsa kekuasaan Orde Baru tidak lepas dari pengaruh-pengaruh langsung maupun tidak langsung yang diakibatkan oleh perubahan-perubahan paradigma dan pendekatan yang dilakukan rezim Soeharto terhadap kelompok Islam pada umumnya. Perubahan-perubahan ini demikian dinamis; dari koalisi antara kelompok-kelompok Islam, khususnya Ansor, dengan tentara selama masa-masa penumpasan PKI pada akhir 1960-an; upaya-upaya pemerintah untuk merepresi kalangan Islam pada dekade 1970-1980-an; hingga kecenderungan Orde Baru pada akhir-akhir kekuasaannya untuk lebih terbuka dan akomodatif terhadap Islam. Setiap perubahan yang diorkestrasi negara tersebut tak pelak berpengaruh pula terhadap dinamika keorganisasian Ansor.

Autor analizuje książkę Krzysztofa Izaka, Leksykon radykalnych organizacji i ruchów islamistycznych, Biblioteka Przeglądu Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego 6, Warszawa 2014, ss. 656. W jego ocenie praca ta posiada wiele walorów poznawczych i... more

Autor analizuje książkę Krzysztofa Izaka, Leksykon radykalnych organizacji i ruchów islamistycznych, Biblioteka Przeglądu Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego 6, Warszawa 2014, ss. 656. W jego ocenie praca ta posiada wiele walorów poznawczych i znacznie poszerza naszą wiedzę o islamskim radykalizmie.

To identify the human capital construct that significantly relates to the performance of Islamic organizations, this study obtained data from Islamic microfinance organizations in Malaysia using the survey questionnaire method. In... more

To identify the human capital construct that significantly relates to the performance of Islamic organizations, this study obtained data from Islamic microfinance organizations in Malaysia using the survey questionnaire method. In addition, we interviewed renowned scholars in the fields of Islamic accounting and Shariah law. Consequently, this study proposes an extended model of human capital that is applicable to Islamic organizations. Apart from knowledge and competency, this study includes spiritual value as another construct of human capital in Islamic organizations. Knowledge includes ideas that are relevant to the accounting and auditing spectra, as well as Shariah principles and jurisprudence. By contrast, competency refers to the ability to innovate unique Shariah-compliant products that are rare and difficult to imitate. Meanwhile, spiritual values embrace the elements of “Siddiq,” “Amanah,” “Fathonah,” and “Tabligh.” This study affirms that knowledge, competency, and satisfaction are the most significant constructs of human capital that explain performance. Factor analysis indicates that spiritual value is embedded in and forms part of the human capital construct. Hence, spiritual value is a key element in company culture and contributes significantly to organizational success. This model can be a platform for human capital reporting in the relevant Islamic and conventional organizations.

Based on the Islamic social enterprise (ISE) concept which is a combination of both social and economic objectives embedded with Islamic principles and values, this study aims to classify ISE based on economic sectors namely public,... more

Based on the Islamic social enterprise (ISE) concept which is a combination of both social and economic objectives embedded with Islamic principles and values, this study aims to classify ISE based on economic sectors namely public, private and non-profit sectors. In addition, eight organisations that represent ISEs in Malaysia are also discussed to support the classification of ISE based on economic sectors. To examine these eight ISEs, this study reviewed professional documents, online information and comprehensive literature to analyse selected ISEs in Malaysia. Based on the findings, this study concludes that ISEs in Malaysia can be classified based on all the three economic sectors identified. Therefore, this study contributes to the body of knowledge as the pioneer study that examines and explores classification of ISEs based on economic sectors specifically within Malaysia.


PBNU 2022-2027

Since its foundation in 1928, the Muslim Brotherhood has advocated a holistic vision of Islam as being both a political ideology and a social doctrine. This vision is now also propagated in Europe, where members and sympathizers of the... more

Since its foundation in 1928, the Muslim Brotherhood has advocated a holistic vision of Islam as being both a political ideology and a social doctrine. This vision is now also propagated in Europe, where members and
sympathizers of the Brotherhood form a largely informal but nevertheless quite influential movement. The author argues that the Muslim Brotherhood in Europe, while encouraging citizenship and integration within European
societies, still promotes the totalizing discourse of the days of Hassan al-Banna. Author : Brigitte Maréchal.

This study aims to describe that the Celestial Management (TCM) is an internalization process of Islamic values in the organizational culture and tries to answer the allegations of Branine and Pollard who said that organizations in Muslim... more

This study aims to describe that the Celestial Management (TCM) is an internalization process of Islamic values in the organizational culture and tries to answer the allegations of Branine and Pollard who said that organizations in Muslim majority are continued to apply the organizational management principle from western version, although unsynchronization was occurred. Long before that, Rahman and Al-Buraey has warned that paradox in the Arabic organizations that tend to adopt (mimesis isomorphis) western management rather than develop a model that respects to local culture which based on spirituality. This study becomes important because nearly three decades of Islamic organizations has grown and develop, but is still considered not to have " concept crystallization " models that could be adopted or become a referral source for the Islamic organizational culture implementation.

Public discourse in the mass media following the political contestation of the 2017 DKI Jakarta Governor election made the Islamic Defenders Front (Front Pembela Islam) become more popular in Indonesia. FPI had a central role in the... more

Public discourse in the mass media following the political contestation of the 2017 DKI Jakarta Governor election made the Islamic Defenders Front (Front Pembela Islam) become more popular in Indonesia. FPI had a central role in the victory of the candidates it supported: Anies Baswedan and Salahuddin Uno. Considered by some as one of the most influential Islamic mass organizations in post-Reformation Indonesia, especially since 2016 after organizing a demonstration event known as the 212 Demo Action, with various pros and cons surrounding it, FPI is a social movement phenomenon that is highly and widely debated in various circles. As a 'media-darling' (in its negative sense), it is interesting to highlight in this context how the mass media construct news stories for FPI and its leaders. Employing the critical discourse approach of ideological square and symbolic elites from Teeun A van Dijk, this paper examines how one of the largest mainstream media organizations in Indonesia, Detikcom, 'mediates' discourse about FPI through its reporting.