Karst Geomorphology Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

In Great Britain, gypsum karst is widespread in the Late Permian (Zechstein) gypsum of north-eastern England. Here and offshore, a well-developed palacokarst with large breccia pipes was formed by dissolution of the underlying Permian... more

In Great Britain, gypsum karst is widespread in the Late Permian (Zechstein) gypsum of north-eastern England. Here and offshore, a well-developed palacokarst with large breccia pipes was formed by dissolution of the underlying Permian gypsum. Farther south, around Ripon, the same rocks are still being dissolved, forming an actively evolving phreatic gypsum-maze cave system. This is indicated by the presence of numerous active subsidence hollows and sulphate-rich springs. In the English Midlands, gypsum karst is locally developed in the Triassic deposits south of Derby and Nottingham. Where gypsum is present, its fast rate of dissolution and the collapse of overlying strata lead to difficult civil-engineering and construction conditions; these can be further aggravated by water abstraction. Salt (halite) occurs within British Permian and Triassic strata, and has a long history of exploitation. The main salt fields are in central England and the coastal areas of northwest and northeast England. In central England, saline springs indicate that rapid, active dissolution occurs that can cause subsidence problems. In the past, subsidence was aggravated by shallow mining and the uncontrolled extraction of vast amounts of brine. This has now almost stopped, but there is a legacy of unstable buried salt karst, formed by both natural and induced dissolution. The buried salt karst occurs at depths ranging from about 40 m to 130 m; above these depths, the overlying strata are foundered and brecciated. In the salt areas, construction and development are hampered by both abandoned mines and by natural or induced brine runs, with their associated unstable ground.

Different kinds of Paramoudras, cannonballs and related concretions in sandstone of Eocene age are described. The Paramoudras adopt spherical, subcylindrical, serpent and sponge shapes, and aggregate masses or magmas, with odd designs.... more

Different kinds of Paramoudras, cannonballs and related concretions in sandstone of Eocene age are described. The Paramoudras adopt spherical, subcylindrical, serpent and sponge shapes, and aggregate masses or magmas, with odd designs. These concretions present conspicuous tubular drillings and structures. Their morphology and spatial development are described on the basis of field observations and experimental sections. The ichnofossils of Paramoudras, probably of marine polychaetes, contain tubular drillings and structures with glauconite and magnesite. It is also probable the presence of iron and
manganese oxides. The concretions don’t have a concentric structure but their external cover may present Liesegang bandings. Several aspects about their origin, characteristics and bioichnology are discussed.

Karbonatlı anakayanın çözünmesi sonucunda oluşan dolin ve uvalalar (karstik depresyonlar) Toros Dağları'ndaki yüksek karstik alanların hakim yerşekillerindendir. Bu şekillerin oluşumu, yoğunluğu, şekil geometrisi ve dağılım deseni... more

Karbonatlı anakayanın çözünmesi sonucunda oluşan dolin ve uvalalar (karstik depresyonlar) Toros Dağları'ndaki yüksek karstik alanların hakim yerşekillerindendir. Bu şekillerin oluşumu, yoğunluğu, şekil geometrisi ve dağılım deseni üzerinde yapısal unsurların büyük etkisi bulunur. Özellikle dolin-lerin yönelimi üzerinde sıkışma, gerilme ve makaslamaya dayalı tektonik deformasyon yapılarının doğrultuları belirleyici olur. Bu araştırmada Geyik Dağı kütlesi üzerinde tektonizmanın dolin yoğun-luğu, geometrisi ve dağılışlarında nasıl bir etkiye sahip olduğunun ortaya konulması amaçlanmıştır. 1/25000 harita ölçeğinde tespit edilen tüm karstik şekiller coğrafi bilgi sistemleri ortamında poligon olarak sayısallaştırılmıştır. Ardından her şekle ait 7 farklı parametreden oluşan veri seti oluşturul-muştur. 1x1 km'lik gridler aracılığıyla dolin yoğunluğunun ve 2.5x2.5 km'lik gridler aracılığıyla dolin yöneliminin alansal dağılışı ortaya konulmuştur. Topografya haritalarından gerçekleştirilen sayısal-laştırma işlemi sonucunda 2.108 km 2 'lik alan içerisinde toplam 25.599 dolin ve uvala tespit edil-miştir. Kütle üzerinde karstik şekillerin yoğunluğu maksimum 145 adet/km 2 'ye kadar ulaşmaktadır. Tüm depresyonların uzun eksenlerinin yönelimleri dağın ve tektonik hatların genel uzanımına paralel olarak KB-GD doğrultusundadır. Tüm haritalar ve tektonik yapılar arasındaki ilişkilere göre bindirme faylarının yoğunluk üzerinde, yanal ve düşey atımlı fayların depresyonların şekilleri üzerinde daha fazla etkili olduğunu gösterir. Doline and uvala (closed karstic depressions) formed as a result of dissolution of the carbonate rocks are dominant landforms on the high karstic plateaus in the Taurus Mountains. Structural fac­ tors have great effects on development, geometric shape, density and distribution of these land­ forms. Especially orientation of tectonic weaknesses such as compression, extension and shearing are determinative on orientation of dolines. In this study, effects of tectonic structures on density, shapes and distribution of depressions on the Mount Geyik are investigated. All karstic depressions in 1/25.000 scaled topographic maps were digitized as polygon in geographic information system (GIS). Then, for each depression, a data set comprising seven different parameters was created. 1x1 km and 2.5x2.5 km grids were used to determine spatial distribution of density and orientations, respectively. As a result of mapping process, 25,599 doline and uvala were detected in 2,108 km 2. Maximum density is reaches to 145 depressions/km 2. The azimuth of the all depression long axes is NW­SE, which parallel to the general orographic extent and direction of tectonic lines. According to relationship between all morphometric maps and tectonic structures, the fault and joint systems between thrust faults are affected the doline density, while lateral and vertical strike­slip faults are more effective on the geometric shapes of depressions.

Despite lack of surface water resources, karst terrain stores abundant water sources. Karst water resources reside as groundwater rivers or emerge to the surface as karst springs. Karst aquifer is play an important role in providing water... more

Despite lack of surface water resources, karst terrain stores abundant water sources. Karst water resources reside as groundwater rivers or emerge to the surface as karst springs. Karst aquifer is play an important role in providing water supply, especially in the areas nearby that commonly dry and lack of water resources. The existence of karst springs is very essential due to their function as drinking water source. Karst spring hydrograph analysis is very fundamental step to asses and determine the condition of the catchment area in karst terrain. Recession curve is believed to be the most stable part in single flood hydrograph that represents the aquifer characteristics. Therefore, recession curves analysis has been used to determine the aquifer characteristics, including the degree of karstification. This paper is focused on how to determine the karstification degree based on literatures review. Karstification degree determination that is used in this paper introduced by Malik ...

Solution pipes are abundant in Late Pleistocene aeolian calcarenites at Cape Bridgewater in southwestern Victoria, and were studied using field work, morphometric analysis, thin sections, mineralogical and chemical analyses, and OSL... more

Solution pipes are abundant in Late Pleistocene aeolian calcarenites at Cape Bridgewater in southwestern Victoria, and were studied using field work, morphometric analysis, thin sections, mineralogical and chemical analyses, and OSL dating. The solution pipes are vertical tubes formed in aeolian limestone with matrix porosity. They are typically 0.1–1 m wide and 1–5 m deep, with rounded terminations and cemented rims up to 10 cm thick. They are overlain by palaeosols and filled mostly with palaeosol material; rhizoliths are commonly present in the solution pipe fills and the surrounding calcarenite. The solution pipes have formed by focused dissolution of aeolianite, relatively quickly after the sand deposition, and concurrently filled with soil as they developed. They most likely formed beneath trees (as a result of focused infiltration due to stemflow) or due to fingered flow (unstable wetting front that breaks into fingers as it moves downwards). Solution pipe formation was strongly dependent on climate; periods of solution pipe formation followed the deposition of aeolianites at the end of interglacials MIS 7, 9 and 11, when the dunes were stabilised by vegetation and there was sufficient rainfall for substantial subsoil dissolution. The cemented rims formed in the following drier glacial climates. Solution pipes are most abundant in the youngest aeolianite, probably reflecting the wetter climate at the end of MIS 7 that allowed a dense forest to cover the dunes. From MIS 5 to MIS 2 no deposition of calcareous sand occurred on Cape Bridgewater, and combined with a very wet interglacial period MIS 5e, resulted in additional karstification, allowing the pipes in the MIS 7 aeolianite to extend deeper and drill down into the underlying member. A well-developed calcrete layer drapes over these solution pipes, and probably formed during the dry, windy climate of the Last Glacial Maximum.

Eco-industrial developments with a special focus o n material cycles are usually concentrated on the level of the industrial estate/industrial park. However, the results of completed and ongoing research projects in Germany's Rhine-Neckar... more

Eco-industrial developments with a special focus o n material cycles are usually concentrated on the level of the industrial estate/industrial park. However, the results of completed and ongoing research projects in Germany's Rhine-Neckar region indicate that larger regional areas may be more suitable for closing material loops and creating sustainable industrial ecosystems. Nonetheless, this larger size also presents new challenges for industrial ecosystem development, such as establishing the necessary trust and coordination among actors, homogenizing and collecting data to enable comparisons within and between firms, and minimizing the transaction costs involved in searching for appropriate partners. Practical solutions and IT-tools suggested as a means of supporting eco-industrial development that emphasizes positive synergy effects for industrial actors. #

Krš u Hrvatskoj zauzima polovicu našeg teritorija, trećini stanovništva predstavlja životni prostor te zauzima veliki značaj u ekološkim, financijskim, gospodarskim i prostornim problemima. Kroz povijesnu retrospektivu označavao je... more

Krš u Hrvatskoj zauzima polovicu našeg teritorija, trećini stanovništva predstavlja životni prostor te zauzima veliki značaj u ekološkim, financijskim, gospodarskim i prostornim problemima. Kroz povijesnu retrospektivu označavao je početke sustavnih krških istraživanja u svijetu, a njegova istraživanja nastavljena su i u novijem dobu. Rad obrađuje osnovne problematike izdvojenih cjelina prirodnih i društvenih aspekata krša.

The epikarst (also known as the subcutaneous zone) has a significant water storage capacity. It comprises the highly weathered carbonate bedrock which is located immediately beneath the surface or is exposed at the surface. Porosity and... more

The epikarst (also known as the subcutaneous zone) has a significant water storage capacity. It comprises the highly weathered carbonate bedrock which is located immediately beneath the surface or is exposed at the surface. Porosity and permeability are higher near the surface than they are at depth, and consequently, after recharge percolating rainwater is detained near the base of the epikarst, the detention ponding producing an epikarstic aquifer. The present article makes a summary of the essence of epikast and focuses especially on the factors that determine its formation, present state and development. Въведение Карстовият процес е сред основните и най-важни геоморфоложки процеси на Земята. На окарстяване са подложени около 20% от повърхността на нашата планета. Уникалното в карстовия процес е неговото развитие в дълбочина, което е свързано с формиране както на повърхностни, така и на подземни форми. Докато пещерите и свързаните с тях форми са обект на доста голямо внимание от страна на учените, то процесите, които стават на повърхността в окарстените територии, или в близост до нея, са по-слабо изучавани. В същото време състоянието на повърхностните части на карстовите масиви е важно както от екологична, така и от стопанска гледна точка.

Les spéléothèmes (concrétions carbonatées de grottes) sont des archives naturelles qui se caractérisent par leur capacité à enregistrer les environnements passés ainsi que par leur haute résolution temporelle, en particulier lorsqu’ils... more

Les spéléothèmes (concrétions carbonatées de grottes) sont des archives naturelles qui se caractérisent par leur capacité à enregistrer les environnements passés ainsi que par leur haute résolution temporelle, en particulier lorsqu’ils sont laminés annuellement. Leur potentiel d’étude ne se limite pas qu’aux recherches sur les reconstitutions paléo-climatiques. Les concrétions peuvent par exemple piéger des particules anthropiques comme de la suie, et ces concrétions fuligineuses ont un fort potentiel informatif en archéologie. Dans cet article, nous présenterons les potentiels d’application archéologique de l’analyse fuliginochronologique à travers plusieurs cas, dans des contextes temporels différents. Les cas les plus récents (en Belgique, en France et en Slovénie), pour lesquels nous disposons parfois d’informations historiques et textuelles autorisant un contrôle des faits archéologiques enregistrés, permettront de valider le potentiel d’archive micro-chronologique des spéléothèmes dans le cadre d’une étude fuliginochronologique. Ensuite, nous étendrons l’utilisation de cette méthode à un site paléolithique français afin de mettre en lumière le potentiel informatif de cette approche en préhistoire.

Krasno polje is one of the less typical karst poljes within the Dinaric Mountains. It is situated within Velebit Mountain. Our research utilized morphographic, morphostructural and morphometric analysis of the polje to present its mor... more

Krasno polje is one of the less typical karst poljes within the Dinaric Mountains. It is situated within Velebit Mountain. Our research utilized morphographic, morphostructural and morphometric analysis of the polje to present its mor phogenetic characteristics. It is completely filled with gravel and lacking any surface flows. Slopes above the polje were severely altered by glacial action during the colder periods of the Pleistocene. As a result, proglacial fans filled the karst depression, creating a piedmont type polje. Glacial evidence suggests that there were at least two separate phases of in tense proglacial deposition within the polje.

Throughout the late Pleistocene and early Holocene the landscape of Qatar was transformed by global climate changes, cycles of sea level rise and fluctuations in rainfall. The Peninsula is formed from Eocene limestone which was... more

Throughout the late Pleistocene and early Holocene the landscape of Qatar was transformed by global climate changes, cycles of sea level rise and fluctuations in rainfall. The Peninsula is formed from Eocene limestone which was subsequently shaped by geomorphological processes, leaving a gently undulating landscape featuring rock outcrops and sediment bowls. As a result of late Pleistocene and early Holocene sea level rise, the Arabian Gulf now surrounds the western, northern and eastern sides of the landmass, but for most of prehistory Qatar was part of a landlocked, hyper-arid region. Given these changes it is therefore important to consider both the changing external conditions that influenced human behaviour in prehistory and the varying taphonomic pathways that were favourable for site preservation. These are fundamental tenets of landscape archaeology, placing past human activities within the wider context of a landscape that is the product of climatic fluctuation and geomorphological change.

We present the results of the geomorphological mapping of a region of the Dhofar (Sultanate of Oman) including two contrasting physiographic units sharing a common drainage system into the Arabian Sea: the Jebel Qara limestone massif and... more

We present the results of the geomorphological mapping of a region of the Dhofar (Sultanate of Oman) including two contrasting physiographic units sharing a common drainage system into the Arabian Sea: the Jebel Qara limestone massif and the coastal plain of Salalah. Neogene to Quaternary tectonic activity controlled the formation of an extensive system of faults and caused the uplift of the Jebel Qara, forming structural escarpments. The massif underwent karstification and subsequent linear erosion. Today the Jebel is cut by a dendritic net of dry valleys, occasionally dammed by calcareous tufa dams. The transition between the southern escarpment of the Jebel and the plain below displays flat alluvial fans, bordered by a strip of beachrock, coastal dunes, and coastal lagoons, located in correspondence to estuaries. Dramatic soil erosion is evident, linked to intense human-triggered zoogeomorphological processes started in the Mid-Late Holocene after the introduction of pastoral land-use.

Sixteen karst áreas, developed in limestone that ranges in age from Cretaceous to Pleistocene, are known to exist in Costa Rica. Whereas their geologic setting is known as a result of regional stratigraphic reconnaissance, detailed... more

Sixteen karst áreas, developed in limestone that ranges in age from Cretaceous to Pleistocene, are known to exist in Costa Rica. Whereas their geologic setting is known as a result of regional stratigraphic reconnaissance, detailed exploration of most of the karst áreas has not been accomplished, with one exception. Information on basic geologic conditions, geomorphology, speleology, ecology, and hydrogeology is available for the Barra Honda karst. General developmentof karst systems in Costa Rica has reached the young to moderately mature stage. They exhibit many of the classic karst features. The available data suggest that many more discoveries are waiting to be made.

Kawasan karst adalah bentanglahan yang didominasi oleh proses pelarutan batuan. Proses ini merupakan interaksi yang unik antara batuan yang mudah larut, karbondioksida dari atmosfer dan air, menciptakan suatu fenomena alam yang sangat... more

Kawasan karst adalah bentanglahan yang didominasi oleh proses pelarutan batuan. Proses ini merupakan interaksi yang unik antara batuan yang mudah larut, karbondioksida dari atmosfer dan air, menciptakan suatu fenomena alam yang sangat unik dan khas. Perkembangan loronglorong pelarutan termasuk diaklas-diaklas yang menghubungkan bagian permukaan dengan sistem sungai bawah tanah menyebabkan kondisi kering dijumpai di bagian permukaan, sedangkan di bagian bawah permukaan kawasan karst memiliki sumberdaya air yang melimpah.
Keunikan fisik kawasan karst tidak saja berpengaruh terhadap
kondisi lingkungan fisik yang berkembang di wilayah ini, tetapi
berpengaruh pula terhadap kehidupan makhluk hidup yang ada di dalamnya. Kawasan karst memiliki karakteristik lingkungan yang khas yang mungkin tidak akan ditemui di wilayah yang lain, Selain itu, keterbatasan
sumberdaya air dan lahan di bagian permukaan telah membentuk jiwa-jiwa
pantang menyerah yang mampu beradaptasi dengan menciptakan budayayang sangat unik dan khas pula.
Pada era perubahan global yang terjadi saat ini, kawasan karst
Indonesia memiliki peranan yang strategis. Adanya lapisan epikarst di bagian atas kawasan karst memungkinkan adanya waktu tunda sehingga mampu menyimpan dan mengalirkan air sampai pada mataair dan sungai bawah tanah pada musim kemarau. kondisi ini menyebabkan kawasan karst menjadi salah satu tandon air besar di bumi. Selain itu, proses pelarutan yang menyebabkan adanya penyerapan karbondioksida atmosfer menjadikannya salah satu kawasan yang sangat penting terkait dengan pencegahan dan mitigasi perubahan iklim.
Kawasan karst adalah kawasan yang sudah rusak 􀍞fragile􀍟 serta memiliki daya lenting yang sangat kecil. Kondisi demikian mengharuskan kawasan karst harus direncakan dengan sangat matang sehingga kerusakan lingkungan dapat diminimalisir. Buku ini hadir sebagai media berbagi pengalaman terkait penelitian di kawasan karst yang diharapkan mampu
memberikan sumbangsih dalam pengelolaan kawasan di Indonesia pada khususnya dan dunia pada umumnya. Buku ini terwujud atas prakarsa Karst Student Forum (KSF) Fakultas Geografi UGM dan Kelompok Studi Karst Fakultas Geografi UGM. Semoga buku ini bermanfaat

RESUMO: A região Amazônica é rica em feições geomorfológicas resultantes da interação sistêmica de elementos da natureza, entre os quais se destacam os patrimônios espeleológicos. A Espeleologia é uma área de estudo que se dedica a... more

RESUMO: A região Amazônica é rica em feições geomorfológicas resultantes da interação sistêmica de elementos da natureza, entre os quais se destacam os patrimônios espeleológicos. A Espeleologia é uma área de estudo que se dedica a investigar a natureza, a gênese e os processos de formação das cavidades naturais subterrâneas (as quais incluem diferentes denominações como cavernas, grutas, abrigos, etc.) e suas feições relacionadas, incluindo ainda os aspectos biológicos (fauna e flora). Como exemplo, a pesquisa apresenta a Província Espeleológica Altamira-Itaituba (estado do Pará), situada na faixa de contato dos domínios geológicos da Bacia Sedimentar do Amazonas e do Embasamento Cristalino do Complexo Xingu. Na metodologia foi realizada uma análise geoecológica da paisagem da Província, por meio da utilização do enfoque sistêmico em escala regional. A inexistência de unidades de conservação na Província leva a uma preocupação inicial, uma vez que esses ambientes são configurados por formas de relevo desenvolvidas em rochas cársticas não carbonáticas (pseudocarste). Considerando-se que a Espeleologia é uma atividade de múltiplo sentido (científico, esportivo, turístico e sociocultural), faz-se necessário a proposição de planejamento ambiental aliada ao conceito de geoconservação. Tem-se, então, uma contribuição à pesquisa espeleológica e geomorfologia cárstica em rochas não carbonáticas, além de ampliar e aprofundar os estudos voltados para a conservação de patrimônios geológicos e a geodiversidade da Amazônia.

Introduction to the Special Issue, Geomorphology volume 229

En el estado de Quintana Roo, el sector terciario o de servicios, en el que se ubica el turismo, representa poco más del 80% de la generación de la riqueza del Estado, por lo que es ideal no solo mantener la oferta turística, sino planear... more

En el estado de Quintana Roo, el sector terciario o de servicios, en el que se ubica el turismo, representa poco más del 80% de la generación de la riqueza del Estado, por lo que es ideal no solo mantener la oferta turística, sino planear su diversificación de forma sustentable. El presente trabajo forma parte de un proyecto de investigación de la Universidad de Quintana Roo, que tiene como objetivo analizar el potencial y aprovechamiento turístico de los sistemas de cenotes ubicados en la Riviera Maya. La metodología aplicada es de tipo cualitativa y de carácter descriptiva. La recolección de datos se basa en trabajo documental y de campo, que incluye la utilización de fichas de identificación y observación, levantamiento de datos georreferenciados y pláticas con informantes clave. En los resultados alcanzados, se jerarquizaron los cenotes o dolinas identificados con algún tipo de potencial o aprovechamiento turístico y se representan a través de mapas y tablas. Esta jerarquización consta de cinco clases que permiten, entre otros aspectos, identificar el acondicionamiento de la infraestructura turística, la afluencia local nacional e internacional, el tipo de accesibilidad y las características naturales relevantes como potencial para su aprovechamiento turístico en el estado. A pesar de que es necesario verificar a profundidad, se concluye que si bien existe la intención de salvaguardar estos cuerpos de agua, la falta de indicadores y estudios relacionados con el manejo de estos sitios dificulta su gestión sustentable, sin embargo no existen estudios de capacidad de carga ni hay un seguimiento por parte de las autoridades municipales, por tanto no se puede hablar de un aprovechamiento turístico sustentable, debido a la falta de indicadores de medición y gestión que permitan dar seguimiento a la forma de uso y aprovechamiento de estos sistemas de agua.

This study is focused on speleogenesis of the Toca da Boa Vista (TBV) and Toca da Barriguda (TBR), the longest caves in South America occurring in the Neoproterozoic Salitre Formation in the São Francisco Craton, NE Brazil. We employ a... more

This study is focused on speleogenesis of the Toca da Boa Vista (TBV) and Toca da Barriguda (TBR), the longest caves in South America occurring in the Neoproterozoic Salitre Formation in the São Francisco Craton, NE Brazil. We employ a multidisciplinary approach integrating detailed speleomorphogenetic, lithostratigraphic and geological structure studies in order to reveal the origin of the caves, their functional organization and geologic controls on their development. The caves developed in deep-seated confined conditions by rising flow. The overall fields of passages of TBV and TBR caves represent a speleogenetically exploited large NE-SW-trending fracture corridor associated with a major thrust. This corridor vertically extends across the Salitre Formation allowing the rise of deep fluids. In the overall ascending flow system, the formation of the cave pattern was controlled by a system of sub-parallel anticlines and troughs with NNE-SSW dominant orientation, and by vertical and lateral heterogeneities in fracture distribution. Three cave-stratigraphic storeys reflect the actual hydrostratigraphy during the main phase of speleogenesis. Cavities at different storeys are distinct in morphology and functioning. The gross tree-dimensional pattern of the system is effectively organized to conduct rising flow in deep-seated confined conditions. Cavities in the lower storey developed as recharge components to the system. A laterally extensive conduit network in the middle storey formed because the vertical flow from numerous recharge points has been redirected laterally along the highly conductive unit, occurring below the major seal – a scarcely fractured unit. Rift-like and shaft-like conduits in the upper storey developed along fracture-controlled outflow paths, breaching the integrity of the major seal, and served as outlets for the cave system. The cave system represents a series of vertically organized, functionally largely independent clusters of cavities developed within individual ascending flow cells. Lateral integration of clusters occurred due to hydrodynamic interaction between the flow cells in course of speleogenetic evolution and change of boundary conditions. The main speleogenetic phase, during which the gross cave pattern has been established and the caves acquired most of their volume, was likely related to rise of deep fluids at about 520 Ma or associated with rifting and the Pangea break-up in Triassic – Cretaceous. This study highlights the importance of speleogenetic studies for interpreting porosity and permeability features in carbonate reservoirs.

The book is a collection of 13 scientific articles presenting the problems of the weathering zone of anhydrite and gypsum rocks on the example of their exposures in western Ukraine, Poland, Spain, Canada and Russia. Most of the articles... more

The book is a collection of 13 scientific articles presenting the problems of the weathering zone of anhydrite and gypsum rocks on the example of their exposures in western Ukraine, Poland, Spain, Canada and Russia. Most of the articles are devoted to unusual forms of relief and associated caves, rare in the world, that are formed today as a result of the local increase in volume of the weathered rocks. Such forms (described in this book) are domes and hydration caves currently developing within anhydrites at Pisky near Lviv (Ukraine), as well as at Dingwall in Canada, and the so-called gypsum tumuli – developing in gypsum, near Sorbas in Spain. The book deals with various geomorphological, hydrogeological, microclimatic, petrographic, and speleological issues, as well as those related to the threats of active karst development. The articles were written in Polish, Ukrainian and English by 17 scientists from Poland, Ukraine and Germany.

On the Central Coastal Portugal, in the space of the Lusitanian Basin, the Jurassic carbonate rocks are responsible for a set of small limestone massifs, prominent in the landscape due to differential behavior of lithology, either by... more

On the Central Coastal Portugal, in the space of the Lusitanian Basin, the Jurassic carbonate rocks are responsible for a set of small limestone massifs, prominent in the landscape due to differential behavior of lithology, either by action of the Alpine tectonic. In these massifs, the karst processes, related to the solubility of the rock and its secondary permeability, are responsible for characteristics landscapes, wherein the tendency for formation of superficial closed landforms adapts to the proliferation of underground cavities. With this work we intend to establish a synthesis of geomorphological knowledge acquired about the forms and processes in the karstic massif of Sicó. The methodology that led to this work, in addition to literature on the subject and on the area, and the fieldwork, included cartographic work with Geographic Information System (Arc GIS 9.2) for mapping the results.
The morphological specificity of the Massif de Sico that, despite its small size (just over 400Km2) presents in its
different compartments, a huge variety of karst forms, comes mainly from its condition of a covered karst, with an incomplete exhumation. Karstic and fluvial processes interacted and interact to construct a landscape where
fluviokarstic valleys, closed surface forms, the caves, the “Buracas” and karren coexist in a complex system resulting
from a polyphasic and polygenic evolution, in which they are reflected different phases and environments. Many of these forms have a high geoheritage value, but also some problems of geoconservation.

The Balkan Conference of Speleology - Sofia’2014 was organized as one of the events, marking the 85th anniversary of organized caving in Bulgaria as well as the 50-year anniversary of the Caving Club “Helictite” - Sofia. It was held from... more

The Balkan Conference of Speleology - Sofia’2014 was organized as one of the events, marking the 85th anniversary of organized caving in Bulgaria as well as the 50-year anniversary of the Caving Club
“Helictite” - Sofia. It was held from 28 to 30 March 2014 in Sofia.
In this book find place 25 papers. They are written from 48 authors from Bulgaria, Greece, Iran, Russia, Turkey. In the poster session as listeners and participants in the excursions joined also colleagues from Montenegro, Poland, Puerto Rico, Romania and Serbia.
There are five main topics of the conference:
• History of Speleology and the study of karst
• Research and research methods of the karst and caves
• Archaeology and Palaeontology
• Biospeleology
• Ecology, Conservation and management of karst and caves; Geotechnical problems in karst
• Other Topics

Approximately, 40% of Turkey’s landmass consists of soluble rocks (limestone, dolomite, and gypsum) highly suitable for karstification. While presenting different lithological composition, lithostratigraphic and structural... more

Approximately, 40% of Turkey’s landmass consists of soluble rocks (limestone, dolomite, and gypsum) highly suitable for karstification. While presenting different lithological composition, lithostratigraphic and structural characteristics, these rocks reach in some places up to 4000 m in elevation. Tectonic movements since the middle Miocene have played, together with climate, a major role in the processes of karst development. Several factors intervene in the formation processes and history of the karstic landscapes of Turkey: structural dynamics (mainly extensional tectonics and block faulting) and its spatial distribution, relief rejuvenation responding to the combination of uplift intensity and sea-level changes and the stratigraphic/lithologic context. Resulting from the various combinations possible, there are large-scale differences in the evolution of the karstic landscape within short distances. Consequently, six karstic regions and eleven distinct sub-karstic areas can be identified on the basis of their different morphogenetic and morphometric characteristics.

Map of the continental shelff between Marseilles and Cassis , around Cosquer Cave

People are drawn to places where geology performs its miracles: ice-cold spring waters gushing from the rock, mysterious caves which act as conduits for ancestors and divinities traveling back and forth to the underworld, sacred bodies of... more

People are drawn to places where geology performs its miracles: ice-cold spring waters gushing from the rock, mysterious caves which act as conduits for ancestors and divinities traveling back and forth to the underworld, sacred bodies of water where communities make libations and offer sacrifices. This volume presents a series of archaeological landscapes from the Iranian highlands to the Anatolian Plateau, and from the Mediterranean borderlands to Mesoamerica. Contributors all have a deep interest in the making and the long-term history of unorthodox places of human interaction with the mineral world, specifically the landscapes of rocks and water. Working with rock reliefs, sacred springs and lakes, caves, cairns, ruins and other meaningful places, they draw attention to the need for a rigorous field methodology and theoretical framework for working with such special places. At a time when network models, urban-centered and macro-scale perspectives dominate discussions of ancient landscapes, this unusual volume takes us to remote, unmappable places of cultural practice, social imagination and political appropriation. It offers not only a diverse set of case studies approaching small meaningful places in their special geological grounding, but also suggests new methodologies and interpretive approaches to understand places and the processes of place-making.

This book illustrates the diversity of hypogene speleogenetic processes and void-conduit patterns depending on variations of the geological environments by presenting regional and cave-specific case studies. The cases include both... more

This book illustrates the diversity of hypogene speleogenetic processes and void-conduit patterns depending on variations of the geological environments by presenting regional and cave-specific case studies. The cases include both well-known and newly recognized hypogene karst regions and caves of the world. They all focus on geological, hydrogeological, geodynamical and evolutionary contexts of hypogene speleogenesis.
The last decade has witnessed the boost in recognition of the possibility, global occurrence, and practical importance of hypogene karstification (speleogenesis), i.e. the development of solutional porosity and permeability by upwelling flow, independent of recharge from the overlying or immediately adjacent surface. Hypogene karst has been identified and documented in many regions where it was previously overlooked or misinterpreted. The book enriches the basis for generalization and categorization of hypogene karst and thus improves our ability to adequately model hypogene karstification and predict related porosity and permeability. It is a book which benefits every researcher, student, and practitioner dealing with karst.

PRAVĚK 15. Civilizace a společnost středočeské oblasti v neolitu a eneolitu Všude samá archeologie • Věk prvních zemědělců • Příběh neolitizace • Bylany u Kutné Hory: rozsáhlý sídelní areál z doby prvních zemědělců • Od prvního domu k... more

15. Civilizace a společnost středočeské oblasti v neolitu a eneolitu Všude samá archeologie • Věk prvních zemědělců • Příběh neolitizace • Bylany u Kutné Hory: rozsáhlý sídelní areál z doby prvních zemědělců • Od prvního domu k poslední katedrále • Interiér domů a jeho členění, mužská a ženská část domácnosti • Bílý kámen u Sázavy: neolitický lom na těžbu mramoru • Počátky dálkového obchodu v pravěku • Kly, Vrbno a Vliněves u Mělníka: časně eneolitická ceremoniální ohrazení na soutoku velkých řek • Mléčná revoluce • Megalitická hrobka z Nymburka • Makotřasy u Kladna: čtvercové příkopové ohrazení a počátky metalurgie • Dřevčice u Brandýsa: depot picího souboru badenské kultury • Velvary: unikátní pohřeb v kamenné skříňce • Denemark u Kutné Kory: výšinné ohrazení řivnáčské kultury • Bzí a Lopata: výšinné polohy chamské kultury v západních Čechách • Evropská „Pohárová unie“ 3. tisíciletí př. Kristem • Posvátná hora Bacín v českém krasu • Slaný: birituální kolektivní hrobka • Tišice: hrobka amazonky, ženy s lukostřeleckou výbavou • Pravěká turistika
16. Bronzy, depoty, mohyly a popelnicová pole – od doby bronzové po soužití s Římany. Věk mečů a pokladů • Holý vrch a Kozí hřbety u Únětic a Suchdola: eponymní pohřebiště a depot dýk starší doby bronzové • Skalka u Velimi: obětiště střední doby bronzové • Plzeň-Jíkalka: bronzový štít z mladší doby bronzové • Šťáhlavy-Hájek a Milavče: mohylová pohřebiště • Knovíz a Štítary: život a smrt v závěru doby bronzové • Doba železná: prakeltská a keltská Evropa • Bylany a Hradenín u Kolína: hrobky velmožů starší doby železné • Aristokracie dávných Keltů • Hradiště nad Závistí: nejstarší kamenná monumentální architektura severně od Alp • Tišice u Mělníka: hroby z doby historické keltské expanze • Stradonice u Berouna: laténské oppidum nad Berounkou • Doba římská: Čechy mezi dvěma světy • Pičhora a Třebická u Kolína: pohřebiště polabské společenské elity starší doby římské • Řeporyje a Ořech u Prahy: železářská osada starší doby římské • Beroun-závodí: hrob bojovníka z pozdní doby římské • Na prahu temného věku • Praha-Zličín: pohřebiště z doby stěhování národů • Jenštejn a Roztoky u Prahy v 6. století po Kristu: osady s různou etnicitou svých zakladatelů? • Osada doby stěhování národů v Jenštejně u Prahy • Pobřežní osada v Roztokách u Prahy • Barrandien a archeologické lokality

This paper analyzes different types of karst landforms and their relationships with fracture systems, sedimentary bedding, and fluvial processes. We mapped karst features in the Cretaceous carbonates of the Jandaíra Formation in the... more

This paper analyzes different types of karst landforms and their relationships with fracture systems, sedimentary bedding, and fluvial processes. We mapped karst features in the Cretaceous carbonates of the Jandaíra Formation in the Potiguar Basin, Brazil. We used high-resolution digital elevation models acquired using LiDAR and aerial orthophotographs acquired using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). We grouped and described karst evolution according to scale and degree of karstification. These degrees of karst evolution are coeval. Fractures are opened by dissolution , forming vertical fluid conduits, whereas coeval dissolution occurs along horizontal layers. This conduit system acts as pathways for water flow. The enlargement of conduits contributes to the collapse of blocks in sink-holes and expansion of caves during an intermediate degree of karstification. Propagation of dissolution can cause the coalescence of sinkholes and the capture of small streams. Fluvial processes dominate karst dissolution at an advanced degree of karstification. Comparisons with previously published ground-penetrating radar (GPR), borehole and seismic surveys in sedimentary basins indicate that these structures can be partially preserved during burial.

The operationalization of cocoa mass spraying program by the government which has the aim of fighting against pests and diseases in Ghanaians‟ cocoa farms would not just be adequate but rather uncovering the impact of the program on cocoa... more

The operationalization of cocoa mass spraying program by the government which has the aim of fighting against pests and diseases in Ghanaians‟ cocoa farms would not just be adequate but rather uncovering the impact of the program on cocoa production is worth considering. It is therefore important to find out the impact of the program in the lives of farmers, chief farmers, and Municipal Coordinator for CODAPEC in Sefwi Wiawso Municipality of Western North Region. However, the study reviewed pieces of literature to find more information and gaps in the existing body of knowledge. Purposive and simple random sampling techniques were used to select cocoa-growing communities benefiting from the program and farmers respectively. Primary and secondary data were the sources of data for the study. Interview and questionnaire were the tools for data gathering. The study involved 100 farmers, 6 chief farmers and one Municipal Coordinator for CODAPEC as its respondents. Descriptive statistics tools such as frequency and percentage distribution tables were used to analyze data through the aid of Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS) computer software. One of the major findings of the study demonstrated that accessibility of the program had been troubled by bribery, favouritism, to whom you know, quarrel, spraying team not ready and serious, spraying team demanding money, insufficient supply of pesticides, inadequate supply of fuel for spraying had made it inaccessible to majority of farmers in the study areas. Another major finding was that four times spraying had been stressed by CODAPEC yearly. Other findings were that sprayings were done between July and November; these had brought an increasing rate in cocoa outputs at the study areas. Based on the finding it was recommended that; government through CODAPEC should supply sufficient pesticides and adequate fuel for spraying. Bribery, favoritism, and to whom you know concepts should be prohibited and discouraged from the era of the spraying program and individuals who are caught in such actions should be prosecuted and jailed if the law demands.