LGBT Issues Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Violence against lesbians and gay men has increasingly captured media and scholarly attention. But these reports tend to focus on one segment of the LGBT community—white, middle class men—and largely ignore that part of the community that... more

Violence against lesbians and gay men has increasingly captured media and scholarly attention. But these reports tend to focus on one segment of the LGBT community—white, middle class men—and largely ignore that part of the community that arguably suffers a larger share of the violence—racial minorities, the poor, and women. In Violence against Queer People, sociologist Doug Meyer offers the first investigation of anti-queer violence that focuses on the role played by race, class, and gender. Drawing on interviews with forty-seven victims of violence, Meyer shows that LGBT people encounter significantly different forms of violence—and perceive that violence quite differently—based on their race, class, and gender. His research highlights the extent to which other forms of discrimination—including racism and sexism—shape LGBT people's experience of abuse. He reports, for instance, that lesbian and transgender women often described violent incidents in which a sexual or a misogynistic component was introduced, and that LGBT people of color sometimes weren't sure if anti-queer violence was based solely on their sexuality or whether racism or sexism had also played a role. Meyer observes that given the many differences in how anti-queer violence is experienced, the present media focus on white, middle-class victims greatly oversimplifies and distorts the nature of anti-queer violence. In fact, attempts to reduce anti-queer violence that ignore race, class, and gender run the risk of helping only the most privileged gay subjects. Many feel that the struggle for gay rights has largely been accomplished and the tide of history has swung in favor of LGBT equality. Violence against Queer People, on the contrary, argues that the lives of many LGBT people—particularly the most vulnerable—have improved very little, if at all, over the past thirty years.

My heart is racing, and I am short of breath because I am hurrying to get ready to go. I am running late as usual. Finally, I slip on my shoes, jump in my car and race off. I am going to see my friend Marty for the first time in many... more

My heart is racing, and I am short of breath because I am hurrying to get ready to go. I am running late as usual. Finally, I slip on my shoes, jump in my car and race off. I am going to see my friend Marty for the first time in many years. We went to High School together, but I graduated before him. We lost touch for many years and then reconnected on Facebook. That is how I found out that he is the Drag Queen show hostess at the Raven, an openly gay bar and nightclub in the picturesque town of New Hope, Pennsylvania. He is going to help me with my research into Drag culture which is not typically done by someone outside the LGTBQ community. Drag culture is deeply misunderstood by the mainstream, and my hope is that this research will de-mystify it and help outsiders to appreciate its profound significance in creating social equality (Baker, 1994). The LGBTQ community knows how Drag Queens catapulted the issue of sexual liberation out of the Dark Ages into a new era and were the catalyst for changing the laws that allowed discrimination and persecution of LGBTQ people around the world (Wolf, 2017). It is a really beautiful drive to New Hope, along the Delaware River, and I am enjoying it. I love living in this area of Bucks County. Tourists come from all over to visit this area because of its natural beauty and history. New Hope itself is filled with boutiques, antique shops, great restaurants like Bitter Bob's and Marsha Brown. Little shops sell everything from handmade pottery and jewelry to risqué lingerie, adult toys, occult supplies and custom leather clothing. Friendly, waving, rainbow banners hang from every lamppost on Main Street and silently let visitors know that there is a vibrant, proud, gay community here. The Raven, having been around since the 1970's, is a cultural landmark and busy social gathering place for the local LGTBQ community and its friends.

Numerous scholarly works extol the use of LGBTQ themed literature as part of English language arts instruction with the implication that its use may improve the school climate for LGBTQ students; however, there is a dearth of research... more

Numerous scholarly works extol the use of LGBTQ themed literature as part of English language arts instruction with the implication that its use may improve the school climate for LGBTQ students; however, there is a dearth of research that empirically examines whether or not this type of instruction measurably impacts adolescents' homophobia. To address this paucity, this study examined the ability of a dialogically organized, reader response–based instructional unit of the young adult novel Geography Club to reduce adolescents' homophobia. A quasi-experimental design was used with eighth grade students in seven English language arts classes. Homophobia was measured using a researcher-created scale. Analysis of pretests revealed that girls had lower levels of homophobia than boys and that Black students had higher levels of homophobia than Hispanic students. Posttest results indicated that the intervention was successful in lowering homophobia. Exploratory factor analysis revealed a three factor solution: Interpersonal Homophobia, Attitudes toward Homophobia, and Sexuality as a Choice. Post-hoc tests revealed differing effect sizes for the aforementioned factors and showed that there was no backlash to treatment in participants with high pretest homophobia. This paper argues that schools and teacher education programs should make a serious effort to incorporate LGBTQ themed texts into curricula as part of a concerted effort to reduce the culture of homophobic violence that has become institutionalized in many schools.

La sessualità, oggi, si "vede" ovunque, non occorre andarla a cercare; ci troviamo di fronte ad un flusso costante di immagini più o meno velatamente riferite al sesso ma di sessualità non si parla. Forse la si balbetta, pressappoco,... more

La sessualità, oggi, si "vede" ovunque, non occorre andarla a cercare; ci troviamo di fronte ad un flusso costante di immagini più o meno velatamente riferite al sesso ma di sessualità non si parla. Forse la si balbetta, pressappoco, nelle pagine delle riviste, nelle conversazioni tra pari, nelle chat e nei forum. La reticenza nel riconoscere il giusto spazio ad un argomento come la sessualità è il sintomo di un disagio diffuso, che diventa malessere nel momento in cui viene associata all'adolescenza.
Il volume propone una ricostruzione articolata del processo di sviluppo della sessualità individuali, partendo dall'infanzia fino alla tarda adolescenza.
La riflessione condotta in queste pagine, incentrata sul contesto italiano ma con costanti raffronti ad altre realtà sociali, culturali e storiche, si sviluppa partendo da un insieme di testimonianze raccolte sul campo, attraverso la conduzione di interviste, focus group e l'analisi di materiale etnografico online. Lo scopo è dare la parola agli adolescenti per mostrare dall'interno il mutamento in atto; un cambiamento che, per certi versi, sta portando al superamento delle tradizionali dicotomie di genere.

Individuals with multiple devalued subordinate group identities can face different challenges related to those identities simultaneously, which may put them in risk psychologically. Despite these challenges, many disadvantaged minorities... more

Individuals with multiple devalued subordinate group identities can face different challenges related to those identities simultaneously, which may put them in risk psychologically. Despite these challenges, many disadvantaged minorities feel and function well, hence they are resilient. Research explaining the underlying mechanisms of resilience in the context of multiple subordinate identities are limited, especially from collectivist cultural contexts. The aim of this thesis was to investigate how social identifications play a role in the well-being of migrant sexual minorities. Arguments from the theories of social identity, acculturation and resilience were used to formulate hypotheses. This research tests the main hypothesis that while discrimination and acculturative stress are risk factors for the well-being of migrant sexual minorities, identifications with relevant social groups moderate this link. An alternative hypothesis was also tested in that social identifications mediate the link between risk factors and well-being. Self-reported questionnaires were administered to 193 sexual minorities who have migrated to metropolitan cities of Turkey from other towns of the country. The questionnaires which were used included demographic information questions, Perceived Discrimination Scale (Ruggiero & Taylor, 1995), Brief Psychological Adaptation Scale (Demes & Geeraert, 2014), Multicomponent Ingroup Identification Scale (Leach et al., 2008), Flourishing Scale (Diener et al., 2010) and Satisfaction with Life Scale (Diener, Emmons, Larsen, & Griffin, 1985). Moreover, to investigate culture-specific resilience resources Adult Resilience Measure was used (Resilience Research Centre, 2013). Moderated regression analyses revealed that interactions of risk and protective factors had no effect on well-being. The alternative mediation hypotheses revealed that protective factors were significant mediators for the relationship between risk factors of perceived group discrimination and acculturative stress and well-being. The results suggested that multiple group identities may not function as a buffering factor (moderator) but it facilitates dealing with the risks associated with being a sexual minority and migrant to increase well-being (mediator). This research contributes to (1) Resilience Framework on the basis of a strength-based perspective on disadvantaged groups, (2) Social Identity Theory through demonstrating mutual effects between social identities, and (3) applied fields of psychological consultation and social policy making in consideration of these findings.

In light of recent "bathroom bills" in several states, this essay addresses gender identity in the Bible, which proponents of the bills claim supports their legislation. However, this essay argues that the Bible challenges many aspects of... more

In light of recent "bathroom bills" in several states, this essay addresses gender identity in the Bible, which proponents of the bills claim supports their legislation. However, this essay argues that the Bible challenges many aspects of gender, especially in Roman perspective, and actually supports a more tolerant and communal respect for gender identity and the transgender community as a whole.

Within interpersonal and family communication, researchers have tended to construct and describe LGBTQ relationships in regards to a heterosexual norm. A review of recent research reveals the conceptual limitations of this framework,... more

Within interpersonal and family communication, researchers have tended to construct and describe LGBTQ relationships in regards to a heterosexual norm. A review of recent research reveals the conceptual limitations of this framework, “outing” heteronormativity’s influence on our understandings of non-heterosexual relationships. The author outlines the challenges of “queering” interpersonal and family communication research and argues that feminist theory can contribute to this process by (1) revealing the heteronormative assumptions perpetuated by dyadic models of communication, (2) challenging the public/private bifurcation, (3) complicating notions of identity, and (4) emphasizing intersectionality. The article concludes by discussing the implications a feminist queer perspective holds for interpersonal and family communication pedagogies and research.

Suicides among marginalised groups are one of the few occasions in which self-harm and suicide are framed as having cultural, social, environmental, historical or structural causes. Suicidology, psychology and public discourse typically... more

Suicides among marginalised groups are one of the few occasions in which self-harm and suicide are framed as having cultural, social, environmental, historical or structural causes. Suicidology, psychology and public discourse typically understand suicide causality to be grounded in individualised psychic pain and pathology, disavowing the social, cultural, environmental and linguistic contexts. However, public discourse on suicides of 'marginalised' groups such as asylum seekers, Indigenous people and queer/LGBT youth are 'authorised' to be discussed from social perspectives, informing opportunities to rethink suicidality, identity and liveability. Building on recent critical challenges to dominant theories, this article examines some of the ways the suicides of marginalised groups are described in social terms, demonstrating how cultural approaches to relationality, aspiration, performativity and mobility can expand current thinking on suicide cause and prevention.

This was a research paper for a course entitled Feminist and Multicultural Theologies. I unpack what gender complementarianism is, examine its history, and compare it to how Scripture and earlier Christian Tradition understood gender.... more

This was a research paper for a course entitled Feminist and Multicultural Theologies. I unpack what gender complementarianism is, examine its history, and compare it to how Scripture and earlier Christian Tradition understood gender. This allows me to establish that gender complementarianism is a recent innovation in secular and Christian thinking about gender, and that it can be described as a "trajectory" from Scripture and Tradition on gender, influenced by social, ideological, and intellectual developments in secular societies. I then pursue a critique of gender complementarianism, arguing that it is an "unsatisfactory trajectory" because it has troubling implications for orthodox theology, is not borne out by empirical experience and observation, and has harmful effects on human beings and societies and on ethical development.

As the health care needs of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) population become increasingly important, health care professionals require appropriate academic and clinical training in preparation for the increased demand... more

As the health care needs of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) population become increasingly important, health care professionals require appropriate academic and clinical training in preparation for the increased demand for culturally competent care. Nurses are of particular interest, as they are the core direct caregivers in many health care settings. This article explores the national climate around LGBT individuals and their related health needs. Educators and administrators who work with future nurses should strive to ensure they foster the development of knowledgeable practitioners who will be able to implement best practices in LGBT patient care. Attention should be paid to providing students with diverse clinical placements, access to LGBT interest groups, and clear expectations for LGBT-sensitive nursing care plans and course outcomes selection that promote cultural competence. Recommendations for nursing education and curricular reform are discussed.

Queering Australian Museums addresses the problem of how queer or LGBTIQ communities can be further included in Australian museums on their own terms. It looks at four areas of museums—management, collections, exhibitions, and connections... more

Our scholarship on aids must be located at the crossroads of art and politics, life and art, and life and death.-Alberto Sandoval-Sánchez, "Response to the Repre sen ta tion of aids" Activism is an engagement with the hauntings of... more

Our scholarship on aids must be located at the crossroads of art and politics, life and art, and life and death.-Alberto Sandoval-Sánchez, "Response to the Repre sen ta tion of aids" Activism is an engagement with the hauntings of history, a dialogue between the memories of the past and the imaginings of the future manifested through the acts of our own pre sent yearnings. aids has surrounded us with the living memory of familiar ghosts, faces that haunt our intimate realities of being infected/not yet infected, sick/not yet sick, alive but not yet dead. As we wait for passage to the other side, we plan our revenge and chart strategies of re sis tance to head off the silence. Identity politics, as an organ izing tool and po liti cal ideology, has historically had specific investments for marginal-ized groups in this country. Po liti cal groupings based on identity categories, however, have become highly contested sites, splintering ever further into more specialized and discrete social and po liti cal units, based on more precise yet still problematic categories of identification and concomitant modes of definition. As a lived practice, strategic essentialism (and the policing of identity) that often defines it has become a messy and contentious organizing strategy that ultimately reveals the limits and problematic assumptions of identity politics. Identity politics formed in re sis tance to state power thus remains implicated in the perpetuation of the narratives upon which it is founded, specifically the conflation of identity, ideology, and po liti cal practices and the lived ramifications of the constructed and problematic duality of insider/outsider. Yet for many, it becomes impossible to conceive of po-liti cal organ izing without explicative narratives or definitive social positions.

From its inception, depiction of sexuality on screen outside of heteronormative behavior has consistently been met with censorship by the state and negative criticism from the media. Yet, beginning with mid 1960s and spanning latter... more

From its inception, depiction of sexuality on screen outside of heteronormative behavior has consistently been met with censorship by the state and negative criticism from the media. Yet, beginning with mid 1960s and spanning latter decades, Turkish filmmakers have become far more open and daring in their depiction of the gay and lesbian relationships. It is the aim of this essay to outline a history of LGBT representations in Turkish cinema over the last fifty years, depictions progressing from lesbian to transsexual and finally to homosexual males during the period, 1962 to the present.

This article addresses the identity politics that serve as a base for collective action for many groups active in fighting for LGBT rights and looks at queer theory and queer politics as an alternative to identity based politics. Queer... more

This article addresses the identity politics that serve as a base for collective action for many groups active in fighting for LGBT rights and looks at queer theory and queer politics as an alternative to identity based politics. Queer theory is discussed through the work of several prominent queer theorists, as well as in comparison with post-colonial theories. Some suggestions are then made for undertaking a queer politics.

Proposing a radical vision of cinema's queer globalism, Karl Schoonover and Rosalind Galt explore how queer filmmaking intersects with international sexual cultures, geopolitics, and aesthetics to disrupt dominant modes of world making.... more

Proposing a radical vision of cinema's queer globalism, Karl Schoonover and Rosalind Galt explore how queer filmmaking intersects with international sexual cultures, geopolitics, and aesthetics to disrupt dominant modes of world making. Whether in its exploration of queer cinematic temporality, the paradox of the queer popular, or the deviant ecologies of the queer pastoral, Schoonover and Galt reimagine the scope of queer film studies. The authors move beyond the gay art cinema canon to consider a broad range of films from Chinese lesbian drama and Swedish genderqueer documentary to Bangladeshi melodrama and Bolivian activist video. Schoonover and Galt make a case for the centrality of queerness in cinema and trace how queer cinema circulates around the globe–institutionally via film festivals, online consumption, and human rights campaigns, but also affectively in the production of a queer sensorium. In this account, cinema creates a uniquely potent mode of queer worldliness, one that disrupts normative ways of being in the world and forges revised modes of belonging.

Increasing attention has been paid to the lack of services and support afforded older lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) women in same-sex relationships, including caregivers. This study was designed to investigate the... more

Increasing attention has been paid to the lack of services and support afforded older lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) women in same-sex relationships, including caregivers. This study was designed to investigate the needs and perceptions of LGBTQ women from ages 35 to 91, including informal caregivers and older adults regarding services and support from health care providers. Questionnaires were ompleted by older LGBTQ women (N = 76), and follow-up interviews were conducted with 25% of caregiver respondents. The majority of subjects indicated a fear of future challenges and discrimination. Four main themes emerged when analyzing the open-ended responses: the need for health care workers who were both supportive and knowledgeable about LGBTQ issues; better and consistent recognition of same-sex partners and their rights to make decisions as primary caregivers; increased sensitivity training regarding the needs of LGBTQ patients and caregivers; and more open and accepting environments where LGBTQ patients and caregivers could feel comfortable discussing issues with the staff.

The health care needs of people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT) have received significant attention from policymakers in the last several years. Recent reports from the Institute of Medicine, Healthy People 2020, and... more

The health care needs of people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT) have received significant attention from policymakers in the last several years. Recent reports from the Institute of Medicine, Healthy People 2020, and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality have all highlighted the need for such long-overdue attention. The health care disparities that affect this population are closely tied to sexual and social stigma. Furthermore, LGBT people aren't all alike; an understanding of the various subgroups and demographic factors is vital to providing patient-centered care. This article explores LGBT health issues and health care disparities, and offers recommendations for best practices based on current evidence and standards of care.

【Now published: 】 Coming out in queer community is widely discussed and theorized in the West. While the burgeoning research on coming out has explored many of its aspects, ranging from parental reactions (Denes... more

【Now published:
Coming out in queer community is widely discussed and theorized in the West. While the burgeoning research on coming out has explored many of its aspects, ranging from parental reactions (Denes & Afifi, 2014; Fields, 2001) to online identity formation (Craig & McInroy, 2015; Gray, 2009), a notable gap exists pertaining to coming out in cross-cultural contexts. In other words, few studies address LGBTQ individuals’ lived experiences of coming out in diverse cultural backgrounds. This paper investigates the coming-out narratives of four gay Indian immigrants that were elicited in interviews; it highlights how the narrators bring about their social identities as they respond to available social constructs and the sociopolitical landscape in the U.S. Heeding Rust’s (1993) call for reconceptualization of coming out as “an ongoing dynamic process of describing one’s social location within a changing social context” (p.74), I use discourse analysis to examine the narrators’ use of linguistic devices to accomplish positioning in their coming-out stories, thus illuminating how gay immigrants negotiate the challenges and evaluations they face in migrating from India to the U.S. and revealing their reflections on these contrastive sociocultural contexts.
The analysis demonstrates three significant shared features in the coming-out stories. First, in responding to the interviewer’s question “what is coming out,” participants emphasize coming out to others, a departure from the Western theorization that coming out to self is the first and most important stage (e.g., Cass identity model, 1979). Second, their engagement in local queer communities in the U.S. reinforces their openness toward disclosure of their gay identities that would be impossible in India, indicating their identification with queer discourse and their understanding of the transition from one social context to another as facilitating coming out. Finally, they cast themselves against the backdrop of marriage to resist traditional Indian heteronormativity while affirming their gay identities in the U.S.

rezentovaná štúdia sa sústreďuje na vybrané behaviorálne a sociálne špecifiká homosexuálne orientovaných mužov v období dospievania a dospelosti. V behaviorálnej oblasti sa zameriavame predovšetkým na heterofaksimilitu, ktorá... more

rezentovaná štúdia sa sústreďuje na vybrané
behaviorálne a sociálne špecifiká homosexuálne
orientovaných mužov v období dospievania a dospelosti.
V behaviorálnej oblasti sa zameriavame predovšetkým na
heterofaksimilitu, ktorá predstavuje výrazný aktivačný
prvok pasívnych copingových stratégií, ako je napríklad
abúzus alkoholu, ktorého zdrojom je napríklad ego
obranný mechanizmus racionalizácie. Suicidálne konanie,
ako konanie, ktoré predstavuje útek pred niečím, čo môže
degradovať sebaúctu a môže Tieto fenomény predstavujú
najvýraznejšie dôsledky vplyvu vyššie uvedenej
heterofaksimility. V sociálnej oblasti analyzujeme
predovšetkým fenomény, ako je sociálna anxieta (úzkosť)
a sociálna izolácia, ktorých spúšťačom sú osamelosť,
pomyselné hodnotenie inými, či aj samotné fenomény
uvádzané v oblasti behaviorálnych špecifík.

Of all the things to say about Mayor Pete, complaining about the staging of his photo shoots is the least important. What’s wrong with Buttigieg isn’t his performance of identity, but his apparently more- or-less complete devotion to... more

Of all the things to say about Mayor Pete, complaining about the staging of his photo shoots is the least important. What’s wrong with Buttigieg isn’t his performance of identity, but his apparently more- or-less complete devotion to capital. That devotion bodes ill for working-class people of all races, sexual orientations, and genders.

La lucha del movimiento LGBTI ha marcado las últimas dos décadas en el sistema de derechos humanos de la ONU. Una lucha marcada por un proceso de reconocimiento de sus derechos, reconocimiento que sigue siendo contestado y revertido por... more

La lucha del movimiento LGBTI ha marcado las últimas dos décadas en el sistema de derechos humanos de la ONU. Una lucha marcada por un proceso de reconocimiento de sus derechos, reconocimiento que sigue siendo contestado y revertido por diferentes países. El movimiento LGBTI ha procurado en la ONU promover su reconocimiento para eliminar la violencia, discriminación e injusticia hacia las personas LGBTI como un colectivo víctima de la opresión sexual en todo el mundo, que no les reconoce sus derechos humanos debido a prejuicios como el heterosexismo.

It is clear that Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender is new phenomena in Indonesia which is make a new controversy today. There are two perspective which debate about how society to accept and reject this phenomena. This study aims to... more

It is clear that Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender is new phenomena in Indonesia which is make a new controversy today. There are two perspective which debate about how society to accept and reject this phenomena. This study aims to promote the idea of affirmative action for LGBT in the school. A questionnaire was use to capture about the student opinion about LGBT and how to treat LGBT in the daily life. The survey result of the research shows that student in Yogyakarta had good tolerance and contribute to give affirmative action in the school. In addition, the enlightening spirit of Muhammadiyah is to make LGBT change their orientation by soft treatment especially in the Muhammadiyah school. In conclusion, this study assumption that affirmative action for LGBT based on Muhammadiyah value is the most effective strategy to make mental revolution will be success for LGBT especially in Yogyakarta.

The Internet is the preferred source of health information followed by healthcare providers, friends and family, print media, and television (Baxter & Egbert, 2008). Yet, previous research about online sexual health resources for LGBTQ... more

The Internet is the preferred source of health information followed by healthcare providers, friends and family, print media, and television (Baxter & Egbert, 2008). Yet, previous research about online sexual health resources for LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, queer) groups, especially lesbian and bisexual (LB) women, primarily consists of introductions and reviews of related websites rather than critique of the quality of the information present (e.g. Clark, 2003; Finlon, 2002; McKay, 2011). Thus, the goals of this study were to examine the LB women's sexual and relational health content in online sources and identify the degree to which the online sources considered LB women's identity and standpoint when presenting sexual and relational health messages. The analysis includes a comparison of text-based and video-based online messages related to LB women's sexual and relational health. We argue that there is an overall lack of quality in the online sexual and relational health messages for LB women, and that websites are not comprehensive enough in their coverage of LB women's sexual and relational health.

Stwierdzono, że u osób ze społeczności LGB (lesbijki, geje i biseksualiści) występują częściej niektóre problemy medyczne i psychologiczne w porównaniu do populacji osób heteroseksualnych. Istotne jest wskazanie możliwych przyczyn takiego... more

Stwierdzono, że u osób ze społeczności LGB (lesbijki, geje i biseksualiści) występują częściej niektóre problemy medyczne i psychologiczne w porównaniu do populacji osób heteroseksualnych.
Istotne jest wskazanie możliwych przyczyn takiego stanu rzeczy, z uwagi na to, że brak wyjaśnień może prowadzić do występowania poglądów bazujących na stereotypach, które nie oddają odpowiednio rzeczywistości.
Celem pracy jest określenie wybranych zagadnień medycznych dotyczących osób ze społeczności LGB ze wskazaniem hipotetycznego podłoża obserwowanej częstszego występowania wybranych trudności medycznych i psychologicznych.
Osoby ze społeczności LGB doświadczają dyskryminacji zarówno ze strony psychologów, jak i lekarzy. Również często sama orientacja seksualna jest postrzegana jako czynnik ryzyka chorób.
Wykazano, że u lesbijek i biseksualistek występuje większe ryzyko wystąpienia raka sutka. Możliwym wyjaśnieniem jest fakt, że lesbijki i biseksualistki rzadziej zachodzą w ciążę.
U osób ze społeczności LGB występują częściej zaburzenia lękowe, zaburzenia nastroju, czy też próby samobójcze. Różnice te mogą wynikać z tego, że osoby ze społeczności LGB doświadczają stresu mniejszościowego, który przekłada się negatywnie na ich funkcjonowanie psychiczne. Stwierdzono, że problemy ze znalezieniem partnera tej samej płci wiążą się z występowaniem zachowań samobójczych.
Wiele z problemów medycznych i psychologicznych spotykanych częściej wśród osób ze społeczności LGB może mieć źródło w braku akceptacji społecznej. Niezbędne są jednak dalsze badania empiryczne są niezbędne do zweryfikowania hipotez dotyczących możliwych wyjaśnień częstszego występowania zaburzeń w tej populacji.

Department of Media, Culture, and Communication, NYU This course is an introduction to approaches and practices used to analyze the content, structure, and context of significant media in our society. Specifically, we will examine how the... more

Department of Media, Culture, and Communication, NYU
This course is an introduction to approaches and practices used to analyze the content, structure, and context of significant media in our society. Specifically, we will examine how the relationship among the production, form and content, reception, and cultural context make up what we call media. Assignments include two papers, a video annotation, and creating a digital comic.

Anndretta Lyle Wilson (2019) Interview with Raniyah Copeland, President and CEO of the Black AIDS Institute Discussing Black Feminist Leadership, and Black Women at Risk. As the new President and CEO of the Black AIDS Institute, Raniyah... more

Anndretta Lyle Wilson (2019) Interview with Raniyah Copeland, President and CEO of the Black AIDS Institute Discussing Black Feminist Leadership, and Black Women at Risk. As the new President and CEO of the Black AIDS Institute, Raniyah Copeland offers insight on her commitment to the organization being a model for nonprofit community based advocacy and intervention. Copeland shares ideas about collaborative Black solutions for Black people, and including Hollywood influencers in the effort to
reach Black families. The Black AIDS Institute is the only national Black organization dedicated to ending HIV and supporting those living with HIV.

Hoje, cerca de 37 países no mundo reconhecem a perseguição contra pessoas LGBTI como base para o reconhecimento da condição de refugiado, incluindo o Brasil e os 28 países membros da União Europeia (UE). Entretanto, em alguns desses... more

Hoje, cerca de 37 países no mundo reconhecem a perseguição contra pessoas LGBTI como base para o reconhecimento da condição de refugiado, incluindo o Brasil e os 28 países membros da União Europeia (UE). Entretanto, em alguns desses países, o tratamento dispensado a esses solicitantes de refúgio é muito negativo, sendo recorrentes práticas que violam os Princípios de Yogyakarta. O objetivo deste trabalho é oferecer uma análise comparada entre o Brasil e a UE acerca dos seus dispositivos legais referentes ao reconhecimento de refugiados LGBTI e da prática dessas autoridades no processo de determinação da condição de refugiado (RSD). Além de uma revisão de literatura e de uma análise legal comparativa, a metodologia aqui utilizada também empregou entrevistas de caráter semiestruturado com quatro oficiais de elegibilidade do Comitê Nacional de Refugiados. Para isso, serão analisadas como variáveis a exigibilidade de discrição; o reenvio de solicitantes a países de origem criminalizadores; a utilização de listas de países seguros; as informações de países de origem; a anterioridade da proteção estatal vis-à-vis a proteção internacional; o argumento de alternativa de fuga interna; as questões de credibilidade; a “saída do armário” tardia; e os dispositivos de reunião familiar.

Pensar la representación de las mujeres lesbianas implica retomar, aunque de forma incompleta, algunos debates que fueron delimitando el camino para identificar las formas en que las mujeres y luego las lesbianas, problematizaron el lugar... more

Pensar la representación de las mujeres lesbianas implica retomar, aunque de forma incompleta, algunos debates que fueron delimitando el camino para identificar las formas en que las mujeres y luego las lesbianas, problematizaron el lugar que ocupaban en un sistema organizado dicotómicamente. Tal como lo observa Martínez (2015): “las concepciones de género propias de la cultura occidental se encuentran configuradas por un conjunto de binarios concebidos jerárquicamente” (p. 119). Esa organización jerárquica, condenó históricamente a las mujeres a ser ciudadanas de segunda y expulsó la disidencia heterosexual hacia los márgenes, valiéndose de una serie de tecnologías de género (De Lauretis, 2000) que, en tanto tecnologías sociales, vehiculizan la producción de representaciones de género ligadas con prácticas socioculturales, discursos e instituciones capaces de crear efectos de significado en la producción de sujetos hombres y sujetos mujeres y por ende de construir marcos de aceptabilidad y abyección.

The article discusses the multiple discrimination, normalization and stigmatization experienced by deaf LGBT youth in Sicily, Italy, on the basis of a study of their everyday life (specifically school years and peer interactions). So far... more

The article discusses the multiple discrimination, normalization and stigmatization experienced by deaf LGBT youth in Sicily, Italy, on the basis of a study of their everyday life (specifically school years and peer interactions). So far in Italy, very little attention has been paid to multiple discrimination and, specifically, to homophobic violence towards disabled individuals. It is, therefore, impossible to consider any valid sampling of the desired population and very few reports have been produced. The authors, a sociologist and a psychologist, carry out an analysis of the results obtained from interviews with 15 LGBT individuals recruited through social networks, thematic chats, and associations. This preliminary analysis aims at identifying the key arguments which could form the basis for future strategic inclusion programs and further research projects.

Critically queer critique of the Queer Biennial in Los Angeles, this year subtitled, "What if Utopia," which fails to even answer the question visually or via the art talk. Published in Artillery Magazine and on their online site:... more

Critically queer critique of the Queer Biennial in Los Angeles, this year subtitled, "What if Utopia," which fails to even answer the question visually or via the art talk.
Published in Artillery Magazine and on their online site:

Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar o Programa Transcidadania da Prefeitura de São Paulo, descrevendo suas ações e formas de atuação para o enfrentamento da transfobia e promoção da cidadania de travestis e transexuais naquele... more

Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar o Programa Transcidadania da Prefeitura de São Paulo, descrevendo suas ações e formas de atuação para o enfrentamento da transfobia e promoção da cidadania de travestis e transexuais naquele município. Desta forma, analisamos esta política pública através do seu decreto de criação, o Decreto 55874/2015, que demonstra detalhes, seja da concepção adotada pelo atual governo do município de São Paulo, seja do desenvolvimento e execução desta política junto à população trans paulistana. Os resultados apontam que o Transcidadania é um programa em fase inicial, de experimentação que prevê um conjunto de medidas que garantam o acesso a direitos básicos do público-alvo como a Educação, Saúde, Assistência Social, entre outros e prevê o empoderamento identitário como elemento fortalecedor da cidadania.

The European Convention on Human Rights does not require European nations to redefine marriage to include same-sex relationships. However, the European Court of Human Rights may rule in the future that member states must recognize... more

The European Convention on Human Rights does not require European nations to redefine marriage to include same-sex relationships. However, the European Court of Human Rights may rule in the future that member states must recognize same-sex civil unions.