Late Antique Hagiography Research Papers (original) (raw)

• Illo Humphrey | PhD (2004) | HDR (2014) : Université Paris X-Nanterre • • Mediævalist | Musicologist | Proto-Philologist | Concert-Baritone • • Trilingual Simultaneous Interpreter (French A • English A • German C) • • Research Associate... more

• Illo Humphrey | PhD (2004) | HDR (2014) : Université Paris X-Nanterre •
• Mediævalist | Musicologist | Proto-Philologist | Concert-Baritone •
• Trilingual Simultaneous Interpreter (French A • English A • German C) •
• Research Associate | EA 4593 CLARE - LaPRIL | Université Bordeaux Montaigne •

His Influence on the European Unity of Culture:
from Alcuin of York (†804) to Thierry of Chartres (†1154) •
• Nordhausen | Deutschland | Verlag Traugott Bautz GmbH | 2010 | 2012 | 237 Seiten | 35 Euros •
• ISBN: 978-3-88309-603-2 •

• English Abstract •

[1] Anicius Manlius Torquatus Severinus Boethius (*Rome, ca. 480 – †Pavia, ca. 524) was one of the powerful bridges of education and general culture between European Antiquity and the Middle Ages. He was the ideal receptacle (ἡ ὑποδοχή | ἡ χώρα) for the threefold scientific-philosophical-ethical Tradition of Knowledge which led up to him, and the ideal reservoir and source (τὸ ὑποδοχεῖον | ἡ κρήνη) for the thirty-three generations of Masters and pupils which followed him. Given the completeness of his general culture and education, that is to say his humanitas, and eruditio institutioque in bonas artes, Boethius can thus be considered the Father of western mediæval scientific-philosophical thought, and indeed his research gave to the post-Roman period the key to understanding the substance of true ideas through the study of fundamental concepts, such as: animae generatio (genesis of the soul-consciousness), substantia numeri (essence of number), principalitas unitatis (primacy of the number 1, that is to say the absolute Unity), continuo proportio superparticularis (regime of the octave), sensuum perceptio et cognitio (sens perception and the cognitive process), summa bona or quattuor uirtutes animae (the wise management of happiness and suffering, of justice and injustice), decem categoriae or decem praedicamenta (the ten categories), quinque uoces (the five universals), et caetera. These important concepts were taught within the framework of the sevenfold canon of the artes liberales (liberal arts), which were divided into two distinct sections, namely: Quadruvium (ars arithmetica• ars musica• ars geometrica• ars astronomica) and Trivium (ars grammatica• ars dialectica-ars logica• ars rhetorica) •

[2] The veritable goal of this study, that is to say its true aim, is to bring better into focus the influence of the research and teachings of the Platonist Boethius on the European post-Roman civilisation between the last quarter of the 8th century and the first half of the 12th century, period during which Europe structured its basic educational, scientific, philosophical and ethical Unity of Culture, and during which took place the slow gestation of the first European universities, created in Italy, France, England, Spain, Germany, etc. Boethius, thus, comes to the forefront as one of the most important sources for the new Carolingian and post-Carolingian branches of the scientific–philosophical Tradition of Knowledge as of 782, the year in which Alcuinus Euboricensis (Alcuin of York, ca. 730 – Tours, 804), invited by Charlemagne, assumed his new functions as Praeceptor of the Schola palatina in Aachen, down to 1154, the year in which the last of the great dynasty of paeceptores of the Schola Carnotensis died, that is to say Theodoricus Carnotensis seu Brito, that is to say: Thierry of Chartres or Thierry the Breton •

[3] The intellectual and cognitive gestation periods of the 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th centuries were well-rooted in the very reliable corpus provided by the works of Boethius, and by their multiple glosses and commentaries, corpus which possessed very high standards for civilization management and civilization development. Thus, given the quality of his Opera omnia and his persona, the spirit of Boethius remained alive in his tangible and intangible intellectual patrimony, allowing him, posthumously, to exert a very positive influence on the founders of mediaeval universities of the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries. In this perspective, we can now better measure the legacy of Boethius within the framework of the European general culture from Alcuin of York to Thierry of Chartres, and, above all his subtle and fundamental influence on the European Unity of Culture, which contributed largely to the birth of the Studia generalia, or Uniuersitas magistrorum ac scholarium uel discipulorum [discipularumque], that is to say the European mediæval university, a fundamentally humanitarian institution born out of the mediæval urban society of the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries •

[4] Nota bene: This publication on Anicius Manlius Torquatus Severinus Boethius includes an Introduction with Bibliography (Boethius: Opera omnia | Boethius: Prosopgraphia | Boethius: Hagiographia), a Prologue, 12 chapters, an Epilogue, and 5 Appendices, namely: Bibliography (Boethius and the Liberal Arts), Index-Catalogue of the cited Manuscripts (128 primary sources), General Index-Glossary, Greek Index-Glossary, Index of the 14 Descriptiones (Illustrations, Diagrams, Figures, Charts). The 14 Descriptiones include two glossaries of 9th-century Boethian glosses in tironian notes, that is to say Latin stenography [p. 15, p. 104], and one glossary of 9th-century notae sententiarum, that is to say cross-reference signs or annotation signs [p. 108-110], which accompany the 9th-century Boethian glosses in an important family of 9th-century manuscripts containing the treatise Boethii De institutione musica libri quinque, namely, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Fonds latin: 7200 [origin: Laon – Soissons (?) via Fleury (?)] • 7297 [origin: Fleury – Auxerre (?)] • Orléans 293 (247) [origin: Fleury (?)] • Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Reginensis latinus 1638 [origin: Fleury (?)], cf. Marco Mostert, The Library of Fleury, Hilversum, 1989 • IH | ih • Explicit •

• Illo Humphrey, PhD-HDR •
• Mediävist | Musikwissenschaftler | Proto-Philologe •
• Médiéviste | Musicologue | Proto-Philologue •
• Mediævalist | Musicologist | Proto-Philologist •

His Influence on the European Unity of Culture:
from Alcuin of York (†804) to Thierry of Chartres (†1154) •
• Verlag Traugott Bautz GmbH | Nordhausen | Deutschland | Allemagne | Germany | 2010 | 2012 | 237 Seiten | 35 Euros •
• ISBN: 978-3-88309-603-2 •

• Inhaltsverzeichnis | Table des Matières | Table of Contents •

Abbreviations - p. 6
Introduction - p. 7
Latin Stenography | Critical Glossary | Bibliography - p. 15
• Boethii Opera omnia - p. 16
• Boethii Prosopographia - p. 21
• Boethii Hagiographia - p. 28
Prologue: Boethius. Powerful Bridge between Antiquity
and the Middle Ages - p. 41
Chapter 1: Boethius and Alcuin of York - p. 49
Chapter 2: Boethius and Amalarius - p. 61
Chapter 3: Boethius and Charles II “the Bald” - p. 71
Chapter 4: Boethius and Iohannes Scottus Eriugena - p. 79
Chapter 5: Boethius and the Cognitive Process - p. 91
Chapter 6: Boethius and Aurelianus Reomensis - p. 113
Chapter 7: Boethius and Hucbaldus Elnonensis - p. 119
Chapter 8: Boethii Consolatio Philosophiae - p. 137
Chapter 9: Boethius and Hrotsvitha Gandersheimensis - p. 157
Chapter 10:
(A) Boethius and Gerbertus Aureliacensis - p. 167
(B) Boethius and Abbo Floriacensis - p. 171
(C) Boethius and Notker Labeo seu Teutonicus - p. 172
Chapter 11: Boethius and Fulbertus Carnotensis - p. 175
Chapter 12: Boethius and Theodoricus Carnotensis - p. 179
Epilogue: The Legacy of Boethius - p. 187
Bibliography: Boethius and the Liberal Arts - p. 195
Index (Manuscripts) - p. 219
Index (General) - p. 226
Index (Greek) - p. 232
Index (Descriptiones) - p. 234
Dedication - p. 235
Acknowledgements - p. 237
Supplementary Bibliography (15-III-2016): 238
Notitia brevis | Abstracts (15-III-2016): 239-244

• Illo Humphrey | PhD-HDR • Explicit •