Law and Social Science Research Papers (original) (raw)
Reliance on science is essential to proper legal process. The science of memory is particularly essential. Criminal investigations must often focus on individual memory reports in the absence of corroborative evidence. Controversial... more
Reliance on science is essential to proper legal process. The science of memory is particularly essential. Criminal investigations must often focus on individual memory reports in the absence of corroborative evidence. Controversial theories alleging “repressed-recovered memories” (RRM) including multiple personality disorder (MPD), dissociative identity disorder, traumatic amnesia, dissociative amnesia, betrayal trauma theory, and related notions have generated some of the most contentious, complex, and forensically challenging issues in the recent history of the mental health and legal systems.
Abstrak Konflik seolah-olah merupakan warisan kehidupan sosial yang selalu muncul dalam berbagai keadaan. Konflik dalam kenyataannya seringkali terjadi akibat dari menguatnya ketidakpuasan dan ketidaksetujuan atau kontroversi dan... more
Abstrak Konflik seolah-olah merupakan warisan kehidupan sosial yang selalu muncul dalam berbagai keadaan. Konflik dalam kenyataannya seringkali terjadi akibat dari menguatnya ketidakpuasan dan ketidaksetujuan atau kontroversi dan pertentangan di antara dua pihak atau lebih secara terus menerus. Adanya kelompok-kelompok di dalam masyarakat selain dapat menciptakan hubungan yang saling melengkapi akan tetapi dapat pula melahirkan konflik. Perbedaan pandangan antar kelompok masyarakat di suatu wilayah kerap menjadi pemicu pecahnya bentrok antar mereka. Terkadang di tengah konflik itu ada saja orang yang memanfaatkan situasi itu sehingga menjadi konflik berkepanjangan. Motif terjadinya konflik sosial dapat bermacam-macam diantaranya berupa: persaingan secara ekonomis, perbedaan keyakinan, persaingan politik, kesenjangan sosial, konflik perbatasan wilayah dll. Apapun motifnya setiap konflik sosial harus dapat dicegah dan diatasi. Kata kunci: konflik sosial, masyarakat, keadilan bermartabat. Pendahuluan Konflik berasal dari kata kerja Latin configere yang berarti saling pukul. Secara sosiologis, konflik sosial berarti suatu proses sosial antara 2 orang atau lebih (bisa juga kelompok) dimana salah satu pihak berusaha menyingkirkan pihak lain dengan menghancurkannya atau membuatnya tidak berdaya. Pada dasarnya konflik sosial merupakan bentuk interaksi yang ditandai keadaan saling ancam, menghancurkan, melukai, dan melenyapkan di antara pihak yang terlibat. Konflik sosial mengakibatkan rasa aman hilang, rasa takut, lingkungan dan pranata sosial rusak, kerugian harta benda, korban jiwa, dendam, benci, antipati antara pihak yang berkonflik. Tentu hal tersebut dapat menghambat terwujudnya kesejahteraan umum. Penyebab terjadinya konflik sosial adalah perbedaan yang dibawa individu dalam suatu interaksi. 2 Konflik sosial pada dasarnya adalah suatu bentuk interaksi yang ditandai oleh keadaan saling mengancam, menghancurkan, melukai, dan melenyapkan di antara pihak-pihak yang terlibat. Konflik sosial dapat menyebabkan hilangnya rasa aman, timbulnya rasa takut, rusaknya lingkungan dan pranata sosial, kerugian harta benda, jatuhnya korban jiwa, timbulnya trauma psikologis (dendam, benci, antipati), serta melebarnya jarak segresi antara para pihak yang berkonflik sehingga dapat menghambat terwujudnya kesejahteraan umum. Bagi bangsa Indonesia tentu hal itu dapat mengancam sendi-sendi kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara dalam wadah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI). 3 Motif terjadinya konflik sosial dapat bermacam-macam diantaranya berupa: persaingan secara ekonomis, perbedaan keyakinan, persaingan politik, kesenjangan sosial,
Some of Law and Economics’ basic claims have come to be criticized as a result of empirical findings that question their viability. Particularly, the premise that agents consistently act rationally and with their self-interest in mind... more
Some of Law and Economics’ basic claims have come to be criticized as a result of empirical findings that question their viability. Particularly, the premise that agents consistently act rationally and with their self-interest in mind seems problematic. What the consequences of the criticism mean for Law and Economics’ tenability depends largely on the questions whether (1) some elements are unassailable to the alternative’s objections and (2) the alternative is a systematic whole. It is argued that Law and Economics may be salvaged, if it is minimized and its ambitions are tempered. This means focusing on the stable, a priori, elements inherent to it.
RESUMO O presente artigo discute os direitos e garantias constitucionais da pessoa transexual e seu reflexo na seara previdenciária. Trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa, que utiliza do método dedutivo com suporte de fontes bibliográficas,... more
O presente artigo discute os direitos e garantias constitucionais da pessoa transexual e seu reflexo na seara previdenciária. Trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa, que utiliza do método dedutivo com suporte de fontes bibliográficas, históricas e documentais. Compreende existir uma diferença entre a identidade de gênero, o que leva as diferenças entre as pessoas cisgêneros, transgêneros, transexuais, travestis e não binários. Reconhece a batalha da pessoa trans em busca da despatolização da transexualidade. Visualiza a existência de direitos e garantias constitucionais das pessoas trans, ante a universalidade dos direitos fundamentais. Identifica que não há legislação específica sobre a matéria, o que conduz a uma incompatibilidade do sistema previdenciário atual com as questões constitucionais, identificadas pelos tribunais superiores e que são relativas à pessoa trans como sujeito de direito. Ao final, propõe como solução que seja tomado como critério para concessão da aposentadoria por idade o sexo constante no registro civil no momento da requisição do benefício.
Palavras-chave: transexualidade; despatologização; aposentadoria por idade de transgênero.
This article discusses the constitutional rights and guarantees of the transsexual person and their impact on social security. It develops a qualitative research, which employs the deductive method supported by bibliographic, historical and documentary sources. It understands that there is a difference between gender identity, which leads to differences between cisgender, transgender, transsexual, transvestite and non-binary people. It recognizes the battle of the trans person in search of the de-patholization of transsexuality. It visualizes the existence of constitutional rights and guarantees for trans people, in view of the universality of fundamental rights. It identifies that there is no specific legislation on the matter, which leads to an incompatibility of the current social security system with the constitutional issues, identified by the higher courts and which are related to the trans person as a subject of law. At the end, it proposes as a solution that the gender shown in the civil registry at the time of request of the benefit be taken as a criterion for granting retirement by age.
Keywords: transgender; name change; de-pathologization; transgenders’ retirement pension.
Federal and state laws present marijuana as a dangerous substance requiring coercive control and forbid private citizens from possessing, selling, or growing it. Possession cases brought under these laws depend on a forensic confirmation... more
Federal and state laws present marijuana as a dangerous substance requiring coercive control and forbid private citizens from possessing, selling, or growing it. Possession cases brought under these laws depend on a forensic confirmation of taxonomic identity as Cannabis sativa to establish and successfully prosecute a case. Hemp Industries Association v. DEA (2003), a recent federal appeals court ruling, is at odds with this forensic process. American citizens may legally possess and even consume a similar substance—hemp and its derivatives—which can be made into such everyday objects as clothing, rope, and food products. Yet these two plants are both Cannabis sativa and differ only in physical structure and degree of natural
L'anthropologie culturelle de facture interprétativiste a fait place à une variété d'approches: réaliste et critique (le droit doit être cherché au-delà de son apparence formelle), pluraliste (l'expression du droit ne se réduit pas au... more
L'anthropologie culturelle de facture interprétativiste a fait place à une variété d'approches: réaliste et critique (le droit doit être cherché au-delà de son apparence formelle), pluraliste (l'expression du droit ne se réduit pas au droit étatique), praxéologique (le droit s'observe dans sa performance pratique ordinaire).
About work and life of Ludwig Gumplowicz (one of the founders of sociology).
Steering between scientism and cynicism, this book offers a whole new approach, Critical Common-sensism, to understanding scientific evidence, the supposed "scientific method," and the metaphysical presuppositions of the scientific... more
Steering between scientism and cynicism, this book offers a whole new approach, Critical Common-sensism, to understanding scientific evidence, the supposed "scientific method," and the metaphysical presuppositions of the scientific enterprise. it proposes a new account of the relation between the natural and the social sciences, and of the proper relation of the epistemology and the sociology of science. Lavishly illustrated by examples from the history of molecular biology, it also includes chapter on science and religion, science and literature, and science and the law.; as well as on the values of science, and predictions that science will soon end.
- by FacComm Search and +1
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- Law, Decision Making, Law and Social Science, Medical Malpractice
The primary focus of this article entitled ”Electronic and Computer Evidence in Proceedings before Courts and Labour Tribunals” is on evidence emanating from computers and other electronic devices, which account to a major share of... more
The primary focus of this article entitled ”Electronic and Computer Evidence in Proceedings before Courts and Labour Tribunals” is on evidence emanating from computers and other electronic devices, which account to a major share of evidence that is adduced before Courts and other Institutions administering Justice including Labour Tribunals. The article, is an offshoot of a handout I prepared for my lectures at the Sri Lanka Judges Institute for Judicial Officers which included Magistrates and District Judges as well as Presidents of Labour Tribunals. In the course of these lectures, I was asked to concentrate on the provisions of the Evidence (Special Provisions) Act of 1995 relating to (1) contemporaneous recordings made by the use of electronic or mechanical means and (2) computer evidence. I was also expected to deal with in some detail with the provisions of the Electronic Transactions Act of 2006, and the overlaps between these two pieces of legislation, in the context of certain principles embodied in our Evidence Ordinance of 1895, in particular the Best Evidence Rule and the Hearsay Rule. The task entrusted to me was somewhat challenging, and I had to engage in considerable research prior to delivering these lectures, and I considered it useful to publish a more simplified version of my lectures for the benefit of the members of the Bar and even others who conducted trial in the Labour Tribunals. The resulting publication appears in (2011) Bar Association law Journal Vol. XV at page 9.
Hari Rabu Depan, tepat nya tanggal 17 Agustus 2016, bangsa Indonesia, akan memperingati hari kemerdekaannya yang ke-71 tahun. Tentunya, usia tersebut menunjukkan bahwa bangsa indonesia tak lagi muda. Oleh karenanya, untuk bisa... more
Hari Rabu Depan, tepat nya tanggal 17 Agustus 2016, bangsa Indonesia, akan memperingati hari kemerdekaannya yang ke-71 tahun. Tentunya, usia tersebut menunjukkan bahwa bangsa indonesia tak lagi muda. Oleh karenanya, untuk bisa mempertahankan kemerdekaan bangsa ini di perlukan partisipasi para remaja dan pemudanya sebagai generasi Penerus Bangsa. Tanpa generasi penerus, maka bangsa ini akan punah dengan sendirinya. Pemuda merupakan generasi penerus sebuah bangsa, kader bangsa, kader masyarakat dan kader keluarga. Pemuda selalu diidentikan dengan perubahan, betapa tidak peran pemuda dalam membangun bangsa ini, peran pemuda dalam menegakkan keadilan, peran pemuda yang menolak kekuasaan. Didalam masyarakat, pemuda merupakan satu identitas yang potensial sebagai penerus cita-cita perjuangan bangsa dan sumber insani bagi pembangunan bangsanya. Syekh Mustofa al-Ghalayaini seorang pujangga Mesir berkata : " Sesungguihnya pada tangan-tangan pemuda lah urusan umat dan pada kaki-kaki merekalah terdapat kehidupan umat. " Pengertian muda dalam hal ini adalah seseorang yang secara fisik mengalami perkembangan secara psikis dan mengalami perkembangan secara emosional. Sehingga pemuda ialah sumber daya manusia jangka panjang sebagai calon generasi penerus yang akan menggantikan generasi saat ini. WHO (World Health Organization) menyatakan bahwa seseorang yang dikatakan muda adalah bagi mereka yang berusia 10-24 tahun, sedangkan usia 10-19 tahun disebut dengan "adolescenea" atau remaja. Sementara itu, undang-Undang Nomor 40 Tahun 2009 tentang Kepemudaan mende-finisikan Pemuda sebagai sesorang yang berusia 18 hingga 35 Tahun. Usia muda merupakan masa perkembangan secara biologis dan psikologis. Selain itu, pemuda juga selalu memiliki aspirasi yang berbeda dengan aspirasi masyarakat pada umumnya. Dalam makna positif aspirasi yang berbeda ini disebut dengan semangat pembaharu yang kreatif dan inovatif. Ketua Asosiasi Pengelola Reksa Dana Indonesia Abipryadi Riyanto menyatakan bahwa populasi penduduk Indonesia berada di usia produktif yaitu pada umur 15-64 Tahun, merupakan modal besar bagi perekenomoan nasional. selain itu juga, Penduduk dengan usia 15-64 tahun jumlahnya mencapai 60% dari total penduduk nasional yang mencapai 240 juta orang. Angka ini, hanya Indonesia yang memiliki populasi yang produktif hingga tahun 2030. Dengan adanya keuntungan populasi penduduk Indonesia dengan Usia Produktif yang mencapai 240 Juta Orang dari total penduduk Nasional. seharusnya generasi muda di Indonesia mampu menjadikan negara Indonesia menjadi lebih baik dibanding negara lain, karena negara kita memiliki usia produktif yang lebih unggul. Hanya saja dengan lebih banyaknya jumlah kaum muda harus disertai dengan pengembangan potensi khusus untuk kaum muda Indonesia agar mampu menyaingi kaum muda dari berbagai negara lainnya. Seperti kita ketahui bahwa generasi muda adalah salah satu komponen yang perlu dilibatkan dalam pembangunan baik secara nasional maupun di daerah, karena memiliki sumber daya manusia yang potensial yang mendukung keberhasilan pembangunan daerah, mengapa
Buku ini berupaya menyajikan berbagai gambaran umum serta kajian materi yang sederhana namun komprehensif, setidaknya dapat membantu mahasiswa untuk memahami proses belajar dan proses penciptaan pemahaman. Tulisan yang sederhana, coba... more
Buku ini berupaya menyajikan berbagai gambaran umum serta kajian materi yang sederhana namun komprehensif, setidaknya dapat membantu mahasiswa untuk memahami proses belajar dan proses penciptaan pemahaman.
Tulisan yang sederhana, coba ditampilkan dengan tujuan untuk menggugah rasa keingintahuan mahasiswa, agar nantinya upaya untuk menyempurnakan pemahaman Sosiologi Hukum lebih terjewantahkan lewat berbagai kajian yang ada
Routledge Handbook for Law and Theory attempts to reconceptualise legal theory in a material, socially contextualised, affectively engaged and politically radical way. Its main purpose is to offer a new collective approach to the theory... more
Routledge Handbook for Law and Theory attempts to reconceptualise legal theory in a material, socially contextualised, affectively engaged and politically radical way. Its main purpose is to offer a new collective approach to the theory of law, unbound by the grand legal abstractions of pure textuality, strict normativity, universalised judgement , abstract political thinking, theoretically poor doctrinal or empirical work, and decontextualised philosophical inquiry. This volume distinguishes itself from positivist legal theory, most strands of traditional philosophy of law, but also from most forms of by now more or less normalised sociolegal or critical legal theory. This is because the volume represents an attempt to escape the often superficial veneer of interdisciplinarity in legal theory, and seriously situate legal thinking in the open plane of other disciplines as well as non-disciplines (namely, boundaries between disciplines, conceptual advancements that belong to many disciplines at the same time and ethical calls for not settling in a discipline), determined by such new parameters as the post/nonhuman, the anthropocenic, the material, the ontological, the ecological and so on. To this effect, the volume engages with supradisciplinary debates on the areas of spatiality, temporality, materiality, cor-poreality and sensorial studies, anticipating and perhaps even shaping in this way future developments of current legal theory.
As part of an Erasmus+ transnational project (2017-2020) entitled 'Enhancing Social & Economic Inclusion through Independent Living, the editor of this work was entrusted, as the Secretary General of the Lead Project Organisation, to... more
As part of an Erasmus+ transnational project (2017-2020) entitled 'Enhancing Social & Economic Inclusion through Independent Living, the editor of this work was entrusted, as the Secretary General of the Lead Project Organisation, to liaise, oversee and execute extensive research related to the need of a uniform, Europe-wide set of modules to be used as educational tools for persons with intellectual disabilities. This document is thus the full research related to the project in question and analyses at length the structures, legal frameworks, state and civil society inputs and the unvarnished needs and wants of service providers and service users in this specific field throughout all the countries of the European Union.
Court is a judicial institution, which has the authority to settle cases between the parties. In carrying out these duties and authorities, this institution adheres to the simple, quick, and low cost principles as mandated in the judicial... more
Court is a judicial institution, which has the authority to settle cases between the parties. In carrying out these duties and authorities, this institution adheres to the simple, quick, and low cost principles as mandated in the judicial power law. The application of simple and quick principles in terms of making lawsuits or petitions is as practiced in a Religious Court of Manado. One of the elements that helps is the existence of Legal Aid Post (POSBAKUM) based in the Religious Court of Manado. As for the settlement of cases, the application of the principle has not been implemented properly. This is because the parties are less seriously coming at the trial that has been determined and the judges often postpone the hearing by several argumentations. The cost of litigation in a Religious Court of Manado is determined based on the radius or distance of the domiciled party territory. If the Plaintiff is incompetent and has a poor card, it may incur a court fee waiver. Abstrak: Pengadilan merupakan lembaga yudikatif yang memiliki kewenangan menyelesaikan perkara antar para pihak. Dalam menjalankan tugas dan kewenangan tersebut, lembaga ini menganut asas sederhana, cepat dan biaya ringan sebagaimana diamanatkan dalam undang-undang kekuasaan kehakiman. Penerapan asas sederhana dan cepat dalam hal pembuatan gugatan ataupun permohonan di Pengadilan Agama yang diteliti yaitu Pengadilan Agama Manado dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik. Salah satu unsur yang membantu adalah adanya Pos Bantuan Hukum (POSBAKUM) yang berkantor di Pengadilan Agama Manado. Adapun dalam hal penyelesaian perkara, penerapan asas tersebut belum dilaksanakan dengan baik. Hal ini disebabkan karena para pihak kurang bersungguh-sungguh hadir pada persidangan yang telah ditentukan dan majelis hakim sering menunda sidang dengan alasan dinas luar atau cuti.
- by Rosdalina Bukido and +1
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- Islamic Studies, Law and Social Science
Este capítulo analiza las principales estrategias que se han empleado para la diseminación de normas europeas y estadounidenses relativas a la mercantilización de semillas en América Latina, tomando como casos de estudio a Colombia y... more
Este capítulo analiza las principales estrategias que
se han empleado para la diseminación de normas europeas y estadounidenses
relativas a la mercantilización de semillas en América
Latina, tomando como casos de estudio a Colombia y Argentina,
y las razones por las cuales este proceso está teniendo un impacto desproporcionado sobre las comunidades rurales locales en términos de desigualdades socioambientales.
In the past, paradoxes and similar rhetorical figures, summarized in the term “essentially oxymoronic concepts”, have been frequently applied to describe mystical experiences or, more generally, “change” representing the uncertain or... more
In the past, paradoxes and similar rhetorical figures, summarized in the term “essentially oxymoronic concepts”, have been frequently applied to describe mystical experiences or, more generally, “change” representing the uncertain or unknown. Thus their usage was primarily a privilege of the arts, literature or the occult sciences. Today, however, essentially oxymoronic concepts are increasingly permeating scientific, legal and other public discourses as much as advertisements or daily conversations. Concepts like “globalization paradox”, “co-opetition”, “piracy paradox” or products labeled “ice tea”, “Sports Utility Vehicles (SUVs)” as well as films entitled “True Lies” are just a few examples testifying to this wider trend. Their usage appears especially prevalent in attempts to scientifically describe and understand the often complex relations between two or more different phenomena or fields. In this regard, the relation between law and magic may mean no exception as it can also be framed by or gives rise to several paradoxes. For instance, in early history and later in the context of colonialism, laws have often outlawed magic as “witchcraft” or “charlatanry” based on the belief in their irrational as opposed to law’s rational character. Paradoxically though, contemporary laws and legal practice still maintain a large degree of rites, rituals and rhetoric similar to those that were applied in magic. Similarly, as Jerome Frank remarked, despite the focus of law on certainty it striking to see how often uses its language uses “magical phrases”. The apparent contradictions in the nature and language of the law is therefore taken as an opportunity to cast some light at various issues linking law and magic in order to gain some insights about the nature, origin, and role of law generally.
May 20, 2016 came into force an amendment to the Law on Associations. It introduces numerous reforms in he functioning of associations in Poland. The biggest changes relate to ordinary associations of imperfect legal personality. The... more
May 20, 2016 came into force an amendment to the Law on Associations. It introduces numerous reforms in he functioning of associations in Poland. The biggest changes relate to ordinary associations of imperfect legal personality. The changes are so significant that they must be thoroughly characterized. We pay special attention to the process of creation of new ordinary associations, the new form of subjectivity and legal ways of legal representation, the issues of restructuring the organization, accountability and oversight entities. In addition, it is generally worth looking at the way to the amendment of the Act and its possible consequences. Legal analysis with practical comments gives the most complete picture of change.
In this paper, I will focus on the following issues: - How is it possible to be free and at the same time be governed by others? - What is the legitimacy of authorities such as states and governments to impose laws that restrain people... more
In this paper, I will focus on the following issues:
- How is it possible to be free and at the same time be governed by others?
- What is the legitimacy of authorities such as states and governments to impose laws that restrain people from their freedom?
- Civil disobedience or: Does freedom means saying no to power?
¿Cuáles fueron los mecanismo de adquisición de la propiedad rural en los Andes peruanos durante el período colonial? ¿Qué estrategias legales fueron utilizadas por los terratenientes españoles y criollos para formar sus propiedades? ¿De... more
¿Cuáles fueron los mecanismo de adquisición de la propiedad rural en los Andes peruanos durante el período colonial? ¿Qué estrategias legales fueron utilizadas por los terratenientes españoles y criollos para formar sus propiedades? ¿De qué manera el derecho sirvió para plasmar y consolidar los intereses de los miembros de la sociedad colonial? ¿Cómo fue empleado el discurso jurídico en este proceso? A estas interrogantes responde este trabajo a partir del estudio de los documentos de la hacienda Santotis.
Se demuestra que el lenguaje y los documentos jurídicos coloniales no son transparentes, sino que reflejan prácticas discursivas complejas, coherentes y esenciales en la configuración de las relaciones sociales en torno a la propiedad de la tierra.
Theme and Purpose: The centrality of law for the study of political economy was widely recognized at the time of the emergence of the political economy discipline in the 18th century as well as throughout the 19th century. From the outset... more
Theme and Purpose: The centrality of law for the study of political economy was widely recognized at the time of the emergence of the political economy discipline in the 18th century as well as throughout the 19th century. From the outset law was considered an essential component of political economy studies because social phenomena such as capital, labor and power gain their form and basic characteristics from their status as legal institutions. Since then the economic discipline has however increasingly detached itself from neighboring disciplines leaving political economy to economic sociology and political science at the same time as these disciplines increasingly has underplayed the centrality of law in relation to their assessment of political economy institutions. On this background, the conference aims in general terms to reinvigorate the focus on law and reassessing the role of law in political economy contexts. More specifically it aims to increase our theoretical understanding of the function law fulfills between economy and politics and to historically assess the evolution of law and legal thinking in relation to the issue of how law contributes to the stabilization of economic and political processes at the local, national and transnational level of world society.
This article is devoted to the development of constitutional and legal foundations of a democratic welfare state of the Russian Federation at the present stage. The publication addresses the legal, political and scientific aspects of the... more
This article is devoted to the development of constitutional and legal foundations of a democratic welfare state of the Russian Federation at the present stage. The publication addresses the legal, political and scientific aspects of the socio-economic development of Russia.
Over the last several decades, law and social science scholars have documented persistent racial inequality in the United States. This review focuses on mechanisms to explain this persistent pattern. We begin with policy making, a... more
Over the last several decades, law and social science scholars have documented persistent racial inequality in the United States. This review focuses on mechanisms to explain this persistent pattern. We begin with policy making, a mechanism fundamental to all the others. We then examine one particularly important policy, the carceral state, which can be described as the most important policy response to the civil rights era. A significant body of scholarship on employment discrimination presents a site for explaining the transformation of law on the books into the law in action. Finally, we review scholarship on the persistence of segregation and concentrated neighborhood disadvantage and their attendant impact on racial inequality. We conclude with two themes that deserve special emphasis: the need for theory drawing these fields together and our need, above all at this moment in our history, for public scholarship changing the discourse, politics, and law perpetuating racial inequ...
This paper reports the results of a study investigating how jurors interpret and digest scientific evidence when it is presented to them in a trial setting and how differences in juror attitudes and education influence interpretation of... more
This paper reports the results of a study investigating how jurors interpret and digest scientific evidence when it is presented to them in a trial setting and how differences in juror attitudes and education influence interpretation of scientific evidence. The study involved a sample of mock jurors recruited from Amazon Mechanical Turk (n=91). Study subjects each viewed a transcript of a mock legal case involving DNA evidence. Results suggest that when presented with conflicting expert testimony, jurors will interpret evidence in a way that is consistent with pre-existing attitudes or beliefs (such as political predispositions). Importantly, results suggest that a juror’s ability to do this and therefore the polarization between jurors of different political pre-dispositions increases as level of education increases. For jurors classified as Conservative, as education levels increased, the prosecution expert was rated as more credible and the defendant was found guilty more often. ...