Maps and Society Research Papers (original) (raw)

Cet article propose une synthèse sur les différentes formes de cartographie participatives, qui ont émergé à partir des années 1980 dans le cadre de l’aide au développement, et se sont épanouies dans un tout autre contexte technique, avec... more

keywords: Rjabchikov, archaeology, Scythian, Sarmatian, Meotian, Sindian, Kingdom of the Bosporus, script, symbolism, map, coin, decipherment

Resumen La Mapoteca Virtual de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica es una actividad permanente de extensión que busca promover el uso de las TIC (Tecnologías de la información y la comunicación), así como de las TIG (Tecnologías de la... more

Resumen La Mapoteca Virtual de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica es una actividad permanente de extensión que busca promover el uso de las TIC (Tecnologías de la información y la comunicación), así como de las TIG (Tecnologías de la información geográfica) en Costa Rica. Sus funciones están concentradas en un sitio web que se exhibe a través de la ideología del Open Access (Acceso Abierto), el cual cuenta con una serie de productos de cartografía temática, manuales sobre cartografía, recursos electrónicos y publicaciones relacionadas a las Ciencias Geográficas y otras afines. Abstract The Virtual Map Library of the National University of Costa Rica it's a permanent connection activity that looks to promote the use of ICT (Information and communications technology) and GIT (Geographic information technology) in Costa Rica. Its functions are concentrated in a website that's exhibits through an Open Access ideology a series of products of thematic cartography, manuals about cartography, electronic resources and publications related to the Geographical Sciences and others related.

Oltre 100 mappe e grafici originali per comprendere la complessità dei Balcani (Albania, Bosnia-Erzegovina, Bulgaria, Croazia, Grecia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Repubblica di Macedonia, Serbia, Romania, Slovenia) e i rivolgimenti all'opera a... more

Oltre 100 mappe e grafici originali per comprendere la complessità dei Balcani (Albania, Bosnia-Erzegovina, Bulgaria, Croazia, Grecia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Repubblica di Macedonia, Serbia, Romania, Slovenia) e i rivolgimenti all'opera a partire dagli anni Novanta. La creazione degli Stati e la loro evoluzione. Il problema dell'integrazione europea. La profonda influenza culturale dei Balcani sul mondo intero. Gli autori ben si guardano dall'offrire l'immagine fuorviante di una regione intrinsecamente violenta: essi presentano gli spettacolari cambiamenti che la trasformano, insieme alla vita quotidiana dei suoi abitanti.

The earlybird registration deadline - February 18th - is fast approaching. There are still some places available for this exciting new Summer School! "Cultural Mapping and Connecting with Place" 21 to 25 March 2022, Caldas da Rainha,... more

The earlybird registration deadline - February 18th - is fast approaching. There are still some places available for this exciting new Summer School! "Cultural Mapping and Connecting with Place" 21 to 25 March 2022, Caldas da Rainha, Portugal. For info and registration, visit:

Trough out the centuries cities have been constantly changing, together withtheir image, their imageability, therefore their graphic representation is beingconstantly adapted to those changes too. The evolution of digital technologies... more

Trough out the centuries cities have been constantly changing, together withtheir image, their imageability, therefore their graphic representation is beingconstantly adapted to those changes too. The evolution of digital technologies enables now new forms of visualizing the city: from the geo-referenced representations of data to dynamic cartographies, that describe cities displaying inreal-time flows of data, information, things and people. Te tools that onceallowed the cartographer to make maps have radically changed: the empiricalanalysis of the environment has been transformed into a true work of digitalization, in a data flow, led by the evolutions of technologies and tools, such as GPS and GIS; inks and prints on traditional media are now visual representa-tions obtained through computers and softwares. Cities can be represented on a three levels model. Te level of the territory, which can nowadays be describedin detail; then the layer of activities, which shows the city through the analysis,the elaboration and the visual representation of data; and the level of sense, in which the subject is no longer external to the map: it is the centre of the visualization, the main point of view. In particular, the first level of territory becomesa political problem once the represented city is divided, segmented. For the sake of visualizing the divided city through maps, the dimension of the territory canbe overtaken. Showing a city without its territory can lead to a different focus: the meaning of a place in the construction of identity, the values shared by thepopulation, its habits, its everyday life. Mapping a divided city to obtain a ‘different’ visualization can be a way to deal with its complexity, with its layers of sense, generating a new idea of the territory

The ocean terrain spanning the globe is vast and complex – far from an immense flat plain of mud. To map this terrain accurately and wisely, we must understand how cartographic abstraction and generalization work both in analog... more

The ocean terrain spanning the globe is vast and complex – far from an immense flat plain of mud. To map this terrain accurately and wisely, we must understand how cartographic abstraction and generalization work both in analog cartography and digital GIS. This chapter explores abstraction practices such as selection and exaggeration with respect to mapping the oceans, showing significant continuity in such practices across cartography and contemporary GIS. The role of measurement and abstraction—as well as of political and economic power, and sexual and personal bias—in these sciences is illustrated by the biographies of Marie Tharp and Bruce Heezen, whose mapping of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge precipitated a paradigm shift in geology.

Participatory cartographies allow people to show on a map different situations that form the territory where they live. This process is carried out wiyhout intermediaries. Concerning heritage, participatory cartographies are being used to... more

Participatory cartographies allow people to show on a map different situations that form the territory where they live. This process is carried out wiyhout intermediaries. Concerning heritage, participatory cartographies are being used to reflect those highly valued buildings, spaces or events that contribute to create the identity of a community. Moreover, these processes are useful to give expression to the relations and conflicts related to local heritage. In this article, four experiences concerning heritage and participatory cartographies are exposed: the sound map of Malaga, the Mapeandonos initiative, the workshop called “What maps don’t show” and the Malagaturismo project. In all cases goals, methodology and conclusions are presented.

This paper explores the Internet as a metaphor for the city and raises some issues associated with its use in relation to pervasive computing. It goes on discuss the idea of the electronic panopticon [1,2] and pervasive surveillance. It... more

This paper explores the Internet as a metaphor for the city and raises some issues associated with its use in relation to pervasive computing. It goes on discuss the idea of the electronic panopticon [1,2] and pervasive surveillance. It is presented as part of a workshop experience and juxtaposed against a series of pervasive technologies that are being developed at the Mixed Reality Lab. This gives attendees a platform on which to discuss theory and practice. Within our day to day existence duality occurs between the corporeal and our cyber (machinic) existence. Whilst browsing through the detritus of out of date pages, dead links and not safe for work (NSFW) images blowing through the streets of Cyberville, we become part of a system that has risks, [3] threats and thrills [4] associated with its use...

It has long been acknowledged that there is a gap between the advancement of GIS in the research field and its application in planning practice. This paper demonstrates the potential for employing simple GIS mapping overlays as a way of... more

It has long been acknowledged that there is a gap between the advancement of GIS in the research field and its application in planning practice. This paper demonstrates the potential for employing simple GIS mapping overlays as a way of communicating complex planning issues in a ‘language’ that is easily understandable and effective at stimulating policy debate, critical thinking, and learning. The analysis focuses on capturing the synergies and conflicts in two key planning challenges in England, progrowth and housing delivery agendas. In a political context where spatial evidence-based policy making has been eroded in recent years, the analysis demonstrates the need for policy makers to ‘think spatially, act spatially’ when developing different policies and programmes. The paper concludes that only by making spatial relationships of policies and programmes explicit in a manner that is easily understood by a range of actors, can different spatial scenarios and metaphors of future opportunities and challenges be developed to inform long-range development and planning.

Many literary or scientific works had reached immortality by either its content or the author. Without a shadow of a doubt, Pîrî Reis' major work, a navigation book titled Kitab-ı Bahriye is one of those works that are passed down from... more

Many literary or scientific works had reached immortality by either its content or the author. Without a shadow of a doubt, Pîrî Reis' major work, a navigation book titled Kitab-ı Bahriye is one of those works that are passed down from generation to generation, light the way of historical process with the intense knowledge it contains, and guide researches and navigators. In Kitab-ı Bahriye which was written as a guide for navigators, sea towns are plotted in maps, bays are denoted, and information about ports for ships to berth, shoals, castles and habitants of these places are given.

A finales del siglo VIII, Beato de Liébana compuso el Comentario al Apocalipsis en el monasterio de San Martín de Turieno. Aunque no nos ha llegado en su estado original, esta obra es bien conocida gracias a las numerosas copias que se... more

A finales del siglo VIII, Beato de Liébana compuso el Comentario al Apocalipsis en el monasterio de San Martín de Turieno. Aunque no nos ha llegado en su estado original, esta obra es bien conocida gracias a las numerosas copias que se hicieron en los siglos posteriores y que la han encumbrado como una creación magna del arte medieval. Los Beatos –como se conoce el corpus– son especialmente aclamados por sus expresivas ilustraciones. Entre ellas destaca el maravilloso mappamundi que muestra la evangelización de los apóstoles alrededor del mundo. Esta imagen, presente ya en el manuscrito arquetipo, experimentó una interesante evolución a medida que el Comentario al Apocalipsis se fue copiando y editando entre los siglos X y XIII. Se conservan hoy catorce mappaemundi, a los que se pueden sumar otras obras cartográficas derivadas o emparentadas con ellos. Todos estos mapas constituyen el objeto de examen del presente libro, que estudia su evolución atendiendo tanto al contexto manuscrito en el que se inscriben, como al contexto cartográfico europeo, para plantear en última instancia la reconstrucción del mapa original del siglo VIII. Finalmente, la autora nos acerca a los detalles que componen estas imágenes para dar a conocer cómo se concebía el mundo en la Edad Media, y qué parámetros científicos, históricos, simbólicos y religiosos fueron empleados en su representación.

Una mirada a la historia de los mapas y la cartografía que han acomañado a la literatura de fantasía medieval en el último siglo. Publicado como artículo no arbitrado en el número doble de julio-agosto 2018 de la Revista de la Universidad... more

Una mirada a la historia de los mapas y la cartografía que han acomañado a la literatura de fantasía medieval en el último siglo. Publicado como artículo no arbitrado en el número doble de julio-agosto 2018 de la Revista de la Universidad de México.

The article explores the Jewish approach towards the biblical land as this was reflected in Jewish maps of that land, and points to the formation of the visual motif of Messianic Jerusalem in Jewish art. KEYWORDS: maps of the Promised... more

Colour is considered a key means of expression for use in cartographic works. This is because colours and the relations among them influence not only the aesthetic impression a map creates but also its overall utility. In addition to... more

Colour is considered a key means of expression for use in cartographic works. This is because colours and the relations among them influence not only the aesthetic impression a map creates but also its overall utility. In addition to Newton's spectral colour theory, today theories with origins in artistic technique are gaining ground in cartography. This article introduces J. Itten's colour theory (first published in 1961 in The Art of Colour [Kunst der Farbe]) with special attention given to his concept of seven colour contrasts. The article also discusses the suitability and unsuitability of their application in practical cartography, and it contributes original examples employing thematic maps, a discipline with broad possibilities for the application of these inventive methods by today's mapmakers.

Towards the end of the eighth century, Beatus of Liébana composed the Commentary on the Apocalypse in the monastery of San Martín de Turieno. Although it has not come down to us in its original state, this work is well known thanks to the... more

Towards the end of the eighth century, Beatus of Liébana composed the Commentary on the Apocalypse in the monastery of San Martín de Turieno. Although it has not come down to us in its original state, this work is well known thanks to the numerous copies of it that were made in succeeding centuries, and which have led to its status as one of the great creations of mediaeval art. The Beatus manuscripts are especially acclaimed on account of their expressive illustrations. Among them stands out the marvellous mappa mundi that displays the evangelization of the world by the apostles. This image, already present in the archetype manuscript, experienced an interesting evolution as the Commentary on the Apocalypse was copied and edited between the tenth and thirteenth centuries. Today fourteen of these mappae mundi are conserved, to which we may add other works of cartography derived from or related to them. All of these maps constitute the object of the scrutiny of this book, which studies their evolution attending not only to the manuscript context in which they appear, but also to the European cartographic context, so as to arrive duly at a reconstruction of the original eighth century Beatus map. Finally, the author focuses on the details that make up these images to help us to know how the world was conceived in the Middle Ages, and what scientific, historical, symbolic and religious parameters were used in its representation.

The study of maps allows us to utilize information and technology to contribute to the betterment of society. New interactive forms of mapping are changing the way we understand natural and built spaces, and opening up new possibilities... more

The study of maps allows us to utilize information and technology to contribute to the betterment of society. New interactive forms of mapping are changing the way we understand natural and built spaces, and opening up new possibilities of development. At the same time, a deep understanding of the historical role of mapping is important to resisting and recovering from imperial domination. In order to subvert one form of knowledge production, one must understand the motives and methods of oppression. Maps reveal not only the geographic landscape, but also the landscapes of power and global politics. Just as they were essential to conquest, they are essential to liberation.

This is a the presentation delivered at the four-day meeting of members of the Brussels Map Circle with its Italian sister organization called Associazione Roberto Almagià in 2016. From 4 to 7 May map specialists from Belgium, Italy and... more

This is a the presentation delivered at the four-day meeting of members of the Brussels Map Circle with its Italian sister organization called Associazione Roberto Almagià in 2016. From 4 to 7 May map specialists from Belgium, Italy and Great Britain met at the Academia Belgica in Rome to exchange ideas on the so-called IATO atlases, otherwise known
as Lafreri atlases.
This contribution focused the importance of the "Priviliegio" asket to Venetian Senate and Roman Papal Court to protect the conceptual ideas and the formal aspect of maps in Rome and Venice during the early Renaissance.
A sample of the way of draw local maps from larger geographical context is provided with the Map of America by Paolo Forlani.

Google Maps’ satellite view of the Earth brings together photography and cartography to create an image that is deeply political. Despite the image’s ubiquity it remains without designation or theoretical framework. This essay seeks to... more

Google Maps’ satellite view of the Earth brings together photography and cartography to create an image that is deeply political. Despite the image’s ubiquity it remains without designation or theoretical framework. This essay seeks to situate Google Maps’ satellite view and will argue that the underlying cartographic projection combined with digital photography creates a representation that is potent and problematic yet somehow invisible.

Maps show the forms of power in a territory, but are also tools of that same power. They represent it and at the same time exalt it, consciously or not. With accessible language and the aid of many colour images, this book seeks to... more

Maps show the forms of power in a territory, but are also tools of that same power. They represent it and at the same time exalt it, consciously or not.
With accessible language and the aid of many colour images, this book seeks to introduce a theme that, whilst located in a field of study at the centre of social sciences today, that is of the symbolic dimension of power, is still too little analysed: spatiality of power and its cartographic expressions. It does this by telling stories and outlining characters, but aspires to be much more than just a simple collection of anecdotes: it in fact seeks to reconstruct historical evolution, from those cartographic products straddling science and art, heirs of the Renaissance tradition, to the graphic experimentations of geopolitical maps of today.
The protagonists of the book are therefore many: the maps as the objects themselves, their authors, the audience that utilises them, and the power that commissions them and that is portrayed, even if not appearing directly. However, in reality, the main protagonist is another still: the communicative act that is established between the map and the observer, which expresses all the richness and charm of cartographic language.
Le carte geografiche mostrano le forme del potere sul territorio ma sono anche strumenti di quello stesso potere. Lo rappresentano e allo stesso tempo lo esaltano, consapevolmente o meno.
Con linguaggio accessibile e l’ausilio di molte immagini a colori, questo libro vuole introdurre a un tema che, pur collocandosi in un campo di studi oggi centrale nelle scienze sociali quale quello della dimensione simbolica del potere, risulta ancora troppo poco analizzato: la spazialità del potere e le sue espressioni cartografiche. Lo fa raccontando storie e tratteggiando personaggi, ma ambisce ad essere molto più di una semplice raccolta aneddotica: vuole infatti ricostruirne l’evoluzione storica, a partire da quei prodotti cartografici a cavallo tra scienza e arte eredi della tradizione rinascimentale fino alle sperimentazioni grafiche delle carte geopolitiche di oggi.
I protagonisti del libro sono dunque molti: le carte come oggetti in sé, i loro autori, il pubblico che le sfoglia, il potere che le commissiona e vi viene ritratto anche quando non compare direttamente. Ma in realtà il protagonista principale è un altro ancora: l’atto comunicativo che si instaura tra la carta e l’osservatore, momento in cui si esprime tutta la ricchezza e il fascino del linguaggio cartografico.

The automotive world is evolving. Ten years ago Nigel Thrift (2004: 41) made the claim that the experience of driving was slipping into our 'technological unconscious'. Only recently the New York Times suggested that with the rise of... more

The automotive world is evolving. Ten years ago Nigel Thrift (2004: 41) made the claim that the experience of driving was slipping into our 'technological unconscious'. Only recently the New York Times suggested that with the rise of automated driving, standalone navigation tools as we know them would cease to exist, instead being 'fully absorbed into the machine' (Fisher, 2013). But in order to bridge the gap between past and future driving worlds, another technological evolution is emerging. This short, critical piece charts the rise
of what has been called 'social navigation' in the industry; the development of digital mapping platforms designed to foster automotive sociality. It makes two provisional points. Firstly, that 'ludic' conceptualisations can shed light on the ongoing reconfiguration of
drivers, vehicles, roads and technological aids such as touch-screen satellite navigation platforms. And secondly, that as a result of this, there is a coming-into-being of a new kind of driving politics; a 'casual politicking' centred on an engagement with digital interfaces. We explicate both by turning our attention towards Waze; a social navigation application that encourages users to interact with various driving dynamics.

L’Università di Notre Dame Rome Global Gateway, la Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, e il Centro di Studi sulla Cultura e l’Immagine di Roma presso la Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Roma, hanno siglato un accordo di collaborazione per la... more

L’Università di Notre Dame Rome Global Gateway, la Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, e il Centro di Studi sulla Cultura e l’Immagine di Roma presso la Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Roma, hanno siglato un accordo di collaborazione per la realizzazione del “Progetto Frutaz/The Frutaz Project”: un programma di ricerca biennale che intende realizzare una revisione completa della cartografia a stampa di Roma dei secoli XV-XIX, aggiornando lo straordinario repertorio Le Piante di Roma, pubblicato a cura di Amato Pietro Frutaz nel 1962.
Nell’ambito delle attività del progetto il 29 e 30 novembre 2018 si è svolto il primo seminario internazionale “Roma e la sua immagine, XV-XIX secolo. Bilanci e prospettive a cinquant’anni da Le Piante di Roma di Amato Pietro Frutaz” con la presentazione del progetto, interventi e discussione su temi inerenti la produzione, diffusione, collezionismo e storiografia della cartografia di Roma in età moderna.

Üsküdar; hayal şehir...Kadim huzur beldesi... Asırları kucaklayan geçmiş, istikbale uzayan bir medeniyet beldesi...

This thesis has been developed with the main purpose of seeking a method that facilitates collaboration between the artist and the community within the creative process in Urban Art. Further, it has been considered essential, on the one... more

This thesis has been developed with the main purpose of seeking a method that facilitates collaboration between the artist and the community within the creative process in Urban Art. Further, it has been considered essential, on the one hand, to defend the importance of observing and understanding the urban context in which the artistic work will be developed. On the other hand, it is also encouraged to provide people with a tool for gaining an awareness and appreciation for the aesthetic atmospheres that surrounds them, while they participate in the artistic process itself.
To this end, a theoretical investigation has been carried out on the act of walking - a method studied over centuries as a technique of contemplation and meditation- as well as its role in contemporary art. Different artistic proposals in which walking has been performed in groups have also been studied. The research has so far been concluded with the analysis of a previous personal experience and with the realization of a co-creative walking project based on the studied concepts and referents. This involved various group experiments which were conducted inviting some inhabitants of the city of Dessau, Germany to take part. These experiences were accompanied by their respective interviews by the means of personal insights to be gathered.

In Jacques Poulin’s Volkswagen Blues maps are not only a fundamental part of a physical, imaginary and identity space, but also the pivotal structure of a complex narrative space. This paper will focus on how Saint-Laurent and other... more

In Jacques Poulin’s Volkswagen Blues maps are not only a fundamental part of a physical, imaginary and identity space, but also the pivotal structure of a complex narrative space. This paper will focus on how Saint-Laurent and other rivers find a place in this widest cartographic imagination, considered as the symbolic and ordering principle of the novel. Christian Jacob’s thoughts and reflections on the history of cartography will serve as the basis of our novel’s analysis, which aspires to create a dialogue between literature and cartography.