Marine Tourism Industry Research Papers (original) (raw)

Tarihin en eski çağlarından bu yana denizler ticaretten tarıma, sanayiden turizme pek çok açıdan sahip olduğu önem ile özellikle kıyı ülkeleri açısından eşsiz bir kaynak haline gelmiştir. Bu doğrultuda ülkemizin de üç tarafının denizlerle... more

Tarihin en eski çağlarından bu yana denizler ticaretten tarıma, sanayiden turizme pek çok açıdan sahip olduğu önem ile özellikle kıyı ülkeleri açısından eşsiz bir kaynak haline gelmiştir. Bu doğrultuda ülkemizin de üç tarafının denizlerle çevrili olması günümüz küreselleşen dünyasındaki rekabete dayalı piyasalar açısından büyük bir avantaj teşkil etmektedir. Bir Akdeniz ülkesi olan Türkiye bir yandan coğrafi özellikleri ile denize dönük turizm türlerine yatkınlığı noktasında önemli bir artı değere sahipken diğer yandan coğrafi konumu ve kolay ulaşılabilir olması ile turistler için cezbedici bir özellik taşımaktadır.
Ülkemizde deniz turizmine olan ilgi akademik dünyada giderek artmaktadır. Bu kapsamda deniz turizmi üzerine akademik toplantılar tertip edilmeye başlanmış, yine aynı alanda tezli ve tezsiz olmak üzere yüksek lisans programları açılmıştır. Turizm bölümleri başta olmak üzere deniz ile alakalı bölümlerde “Deniz Turizmi” dersi müfredat içerisine eklenmiştir.
Elinizde tutmuş olduğunuz çalışma denizlerin turizm açısından önemini ortaya koymayı hedeflemiş, denizlerde yürütülen alternatif turizm faaliyetlerine odaklanmıştır. Altı bölüm olarak hazırlanan bu kitap, Türkiye’nin pek çok farklı coğrafyasından ve üniversitesinden akademisyenlerin titiz bir çalışması sonucu ortaya çıkmıştır. Bölümlerin yazımında sadece literatür üzerinden gidilmemiş aynı zamanda yasa ve yönetmeliklerden de mümkün olduğunca faydalanılarak güncel bir mevzuat bilgisi sunulmuştur. Ayrıca bazı bölümler yazarların tez çalışmalarından türetilmiş olup içerik olarak bu bölümlerin üzerinde daha çok durulmuştur.
Bu çerçevede kitabın sadece üniversitelerin turizm bölümleri için değil aynı zamanda “Yat İşletmeciliği ve Yönetimi”, “Deniz ve Liman İşletmeciliği” gibi dolaylı olarak turizm ile alakalı olan ve müfredatında “Deniz Turizmi” dersi dâhil olmak üzere pek çok turizm konulu dersi barındıran bölümlerin ihtiyaçları da dikkate alınarak hazırlanmıştır.

Öz Dünyada yat turizmine ilginin artması, yat limanlarına yönelik yatırımların ön plana çıkmasını sağlamıştır. Dolayısıyla dünyada ve Türkiye'de yat limanı işletmelerinin sayısı ve sundukları hizmetlerin nitelikleri değişerek işletmeler... more

Dünyada yat turizmine ilginin artması, yat limanlarına yönelik yatırımların ön plana çıkmasını sağlamıştır. Dolayısıyla dünyada ve Türkiye'de yat limanı işletmelerinin sayısı ve sundukları hizmetlerin nitelikleri değişerek işletmeler arasındaki rekabet her geçen gün artmıştır. Günümüz koşullarında yat limanı işletmelerinin varlıklarını sürdürebilmeleri ve rekabet üstünlüğü sağlayabilmeleri, işletmelerin başarılı rekabet stratejileri uygulamalarına bağlıdır. Bu nedenle çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye'de faaliyet gösteren yat limanı işletmelerinin uyguladıkları rekabet stratejilerinin belirlenmesidir. 42 adet yat limanı işletmesine yapılan anket çalışması sonucunda elde edilen verilere göre, işletmelerin en fazla farklılaştırma stratejisi uyguladıkları belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca işletmelerin belirli özellikleri ile uyguladıkları farklılaştırma stratejileri arasında istatistiksel açıdan anlamlı farklılıklar gösterdiği tespit edilmiştir.
The increase in interest to yacht tourism in the world, have been provided to investments toward marinas. Because of the fact that together with the change in the number of marina enterprises and qualification of their services in Turkey and in the world the competitive among them has also gradually increased. In today to sustain their existence and competitive strategies should be successfully practiced in marina enterprises in order to provide competitive advantage. Hence, the aim of this study is to determine competitive strategies of marina enterprises which are active in Turkey. According to the obtained data from surveys for 42 marina enterprises were conducted, it was found that enterprises use differentiation strategies at most. Also, it was determined that differentiation strategies which are practiced according to the some features of enterprises show statistically significant differences.

ABSTRAK Kajian ini adalah mengenai Pembangunan Mapan Pengurusan Pelancongan Marin di Pulau Redang. Ia melibatkan responden berbilang kaum yang berada di sekitar kawasan yang berhampiran dengan Pulau Redang seperti masyarakat yang tinggal... more

ABSTRAK Kajian ini adalah mengenai Pembangunan Mapan Pengurusan Pelancongan Marin di Pulau Redang. Ia melibatkan responden berbilang kaum yang berada di sekitar kawasan yang berhampiran dengan Pulau Redang seperti masyarakat yang tinggal di tanah besar dan sekitar Kuala Terengganu. Faktor kemudahan pengangkutan dan fasiliti yang disediakan menjadi satu tarikan pengunjung untuk datang ke Pulau Redang. Pengkaji telah mengedarkan borang soal selidik kepada 330 orang responden. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif untuk mendapatkan hasil kajian. Semua data yang diperolehi diterangkan dalam bentuk jadual serta rajah. Seterusnya, cadangan diusulkan kepada pihak-pihak berkaitan dan pengkaji berharap kajian ini akan dijalankan pada masa hadapan dengan lebih lengkap serta memberikan manfaat kepada masyrakat dan mana-mana pihak yang memerlukan. Kata kunci: Mapan, Pelancongan Marin, Pengurusan PENGENALAN Dalam hasil kajian ini, penyelidik telah mengkaji mengenai pelancongan mapan di Pulau Redang. Penyelidik telah menggunakan kaedah kuantitatif dan kualitatif untuk mendapatkan hasil kajian yang menyeluruh. Tujuan kajian ini dijalankan adalah untuk mengetahui adakah pembangunan yang dijalankan di sekitar pulau menjejaskan habitat laut dan darat dan secara tidak langsungnya mengekalkan kemapanan alam sekitar untuk generasi akan datang. Kaedah kajian yang dipilih adalah kerana ia memberikan sampel dan hasil kajian yang dapat diukur dengan lebih mendalam. Hasil penyelidikan yang didapati adalah menunjukan hasil yang positif. Pengurusan Pelancongan adalah satu aktiviti perkhidmatan yang disediakan oleh komponen-komponen industri pelancongan seperti agensi pelancongan, syarikat penerbangan, perhotelan, perkhidmatan makanan dan pusat-pusat rekreasi kepada para pelancong dalam dan luar negara. Selain itu, sektor pelancongan berkembang seiring dengan ekonomi global. Sektor pelancongan merupakan salah satu faktor penyumbang kepada ekonomi sesebuah negara. Kerajaan memandang sektor pelancongan sebagai peluang kepada pekerjaan kepada masyarakat tempatan di negara ini. Di samping itu, kebanyakan pelancong yang datang melancong ke pulau-pulau adalah untuk menghilangkan tekanan dan penat ketika berkerja di bandar-bandar dan ingin mencari ketenangan dengan berehat di pulau-pulau. Oleh itu, pengurusan pelancongan amat penting dalam sektor pelancongan kerana pelancongan merupakan salah satu faktor yang menjadi panduan kepada pelancong untuk datang melancong ke tempat mereka dan seterusnya dapat memperkenalkan pelancongan kehidupan marin.

As an archipelago, Indonesia has huge potential to become a marine tourism destination, including cruise tourism. Cruise tourism is a very segmented tour and has developed into a complete, complex tourism business and at the same time... more

As an archipelago, Indonesia has huge potential to become a marine tourism destination, including cruise tourism. Cruise tourism is a very segmented tour and has developed into a complete, complex tourism business and at the same time being able to make a significant and promising contribution in the global tourism industry. This study seeks to assess the readiness of the Belawan port in providing support services to the complex cruise tourism. As an analysis tool, the approach of Manzano (2014) was used. The results of the study show that Belawan already has sufficient readiness to support cruise tourism, but also faces significant challenges so that the services provided can run continuously.

Bu kitapta; denizlerin turizm açısından önemini ortaya koymayı hedeflemiş, denizlerde yürütülen alternatif turizm faaliyetlerine odaklanmıştır. Altı bölüm olarak hazırlanan bu kitap, Türkiye’nin pek çok farklı coğrafyasından ve... more

Bu kitapta; denizlerin turizm açısından önemini ortaya koymayı hedeflemiş, denizlerde yürütülen alternatif turizm faaliyetlerine odaklanmıştır. Altı bölüm olarak hazırlanan bu kitap, Türkiye’nin pek çok farklı coğrafyasından ve üniversitesinden akademisyenlerin titiz bir çalışması sonucu ortaya çıkmıştır. Bölümlerin yazımında sadece literatür üzerinden gidilmemiş aynı zamanda yasa ve yönetmeliklerden de mümkün olduğunca faydalanılarak güncel bir mevzuat bilgisi sunulmuştur. Ayrıca bazı bölümler yazarların tez çalışmalarından türetilmiş olup içerik olarak bu bölümlerin üzerinde daha çok durulmuştur.

Ambon Island is famous for its natural resources, especially in the Central Maluku Regency such as Hunimua Beach in Liang Village and Natsepa Beach in Suli Village which is famous for its white sand along the coast. Unlike the two... more

Ambon Island is famous for its natural resources, especially in the Central Maluku Regency such as Hunimua Beach in Liang Village and Natsepa Beach in Suli Village which is famous for its white sand along the coast. Unlike the two beaches, there is a beach in the western part of Ambon Island, precisely in the village of Lilibooi, namely Batu Kapal Beach or Batu Lobang. This beach has the potential to be developed as a tourist attraction. But besides its huge potential, this place still has several obstacles or challenges as a tourist destination. This research was conducted with the aim of identifying opportunities and challenges for developing the tourist attraction of Batu Kapal Beach. This study adopts a descriptive qualitative research method by observing tourism potential and Short Research Article Wiweka et al.; AIR, 19(3): 1-14, 2019; Article no.AIR.48934 2 supporting elements of tourism products at Batu Kapal Beach. In addition, the researchers also conducted interviews with the management of Batu Kapal Beach, the local community and the Lilibooi Village Chief regarding their views on the existence of Batu Kapal Beach attractions. Distribution of questionnaires to tourists was also carried out by involving 100 respondents who were randomly selected. The data collected is then processed and analyzed using the SWOT method. The results of this study are that based on calculations from the EFAS and IFAS Matrix, Batu Kapal Beach is in the quadrant point of 0.18 and 0.65 to be precisely in the quadrant I position, which is an aggressive strategy. Where the Batu Kapal Beach can utilize strengths and opportunities to progress, grow and develop in a better direction. Such as cooperating with the government and involving local communities to assist in the process of managing and developing Batu Kapal Beach.

Maritime tourism and especially cruising is one of the most dynamic forms of modern tourism. Cruise tourism is also a very significant sector of economic activity for coastal and insular Greece. Consequently tourist services on board... more

Maritime tourism and especially cruising is one of the most dynamic forms of modern tourism. Cruise tourism is also a very significant sector of economic activity for coastal and insular Greece. Consequently tourist services on board cruise ships should be constantly evaluated.
This paper seeks to make an appraisal of the services provided on board two cruise ships by means of a primary survey consisting in distributing questionnaires to passengers while on cruise in the Aegean Sea and the Eastern Mediterranean during the tourist season 2009. The results of this survey showed that the level of tourist services on board was high in contrast with that offered in the home port of Piraeus, where it was ranked from fair to bad.
This survey reveals that the tourism system of cruising is not exclusively determined by the cruise ship and the ports of call but also by the level of services provided in the cruise home port. Thus the improvement in the quality of services offered to cruise passengers in the port of Piraeus is more than necessary. This coupled with the geographical and cultural advantages of Greece could make the port of Piraeus the major Mediterranean cruise home port.
KEY WORDS: Cruising, Greece, Piraeus port, Aegean Sea

The objective of research was to determine the suitability and carrying capacity of Tanjung Pasir Coast and Untung Jawa Island for tourism. Research was conducted through survey descriptively and evaluative approaches to obtain primary... more

The objective of research was to determine the suitability and carrying capacity of Tanjung Pasir Coast and Untung Jawa Island for tourism. Research was conducted through survey descriptively and evaluative approaches to obtain primary data while secondary data also collected as supporting. The suitability of Tanjung Pasir Beach for
tourism was 83.33 (highly suitable), Untung Jawa Beach 78.57 and 85.71 (highly suitable), mangrove 56.14
(suitable), but snorkeling 42.11 (not suitable) and 56.14 (suitable). Carrying capacity for tourism in the beach of
Tanjung Pasir were 162 tourists/day, Untung Jawa 74 tourists/day, mangrove tourism 69 tourists/day, and
snorkeling 20 tourists/day. However, the actual numbers of tourists in the region have exceeded the carrying capacity. Therefore, the control of tourists number is needed in order to match the carrying capacity of its environment as a management measure.


Environmental education and interpretation became common components on wildlife viewing tours. Whale and dolphin watching tours are no exception and research suggests the implementation of educational interpretation as an agent for... more

Environmental education and interpretation became common components on wildlife
viewing tours. Whale and dolphin watching tours are no exception and research suggests the
implementation of educational interpretation as an agent for conservation. However, there is
little knowledge on how the tourists on those tours feel about interpretation, i.e. do tourists
want to be educated during their holidays? This study addressed this question on swim-withdolphin
tours at three locations in New Zealand. The distributed questionnaires included
specific questions, but also gathered open-ended data. Results support the demand for
structured interpretation programmes on marine mammal tours. Despite interpretation in
place (mostly about the dolphins), respondents clearly indicated that they would have liked to
receive more information, in particular about the wider marine environment.

Buku ini berisi tentang bagaimana implementasi Kampus Merdeka dan target pencapaian IKU Perguruan Tinggi dapat dioptimalkan dalam rangka mengatasi persoalan bangsa, khususnya stunting. Selain itu, buku ini juga berisi tentang hasil... more

Buku ini berisi tentang bagaimana implementasi Kampus Merdeka dan target pencapaian IKU Perguruan Tinggi dapat dioptimalkan dalam rangka mengatasi persoalan bangsa, khususnya stunting. Selain itu, buku ini juga berisi tentang hasil pemikiran kontributor dari berbagai latar belakang profesi dan keilmuan. Hasil pemikiran tersebut ada yang berupa hasil penelitian dan kajian literatur. Pembahasan dibagi menjadi empat bagian. Bagian satu menjelaskan tentang bagaimana Universitas Teuku Umar melaksanakan Program Kompetisi Kampus Merdeka (PKKM) tahun 2021 yang fokus pada penanganan stunting di enam kabupaten di Provinsi Aceh. Bagian dua berkaitan dengan kajian sosial dan ekonomi dalam ruang lingkup isu stunting. Bagian tiga berisi kajian hukum dan politik tentang penanganan stunting. Bagian empat pembahasan tentang industri pertanian dan marina sebagai alternatif solusi penanganan stunting.

Tourism business actors at Pulang Sawal Beach produce waste as many as tourists visit. The waste management issues at the beach area could affect the tourist’s comfort if the problems left unsolved. This study aims to determine the type... more

Tourism business actors at Pulang Sawal Beach produce waste as many as tourists visit. The waste management issues at the beach area could affect the tourist’s comfort if the problems left unsolved. This study aims to determine the type of waste generated, as well as the participation of tourism business actors in waste management. The type of research used in this study is descriptive qualitative. The population in this study is a tourism business actor at Pulang Sawal Beach. The sampling method used in this study is simple random sampling. Data collection techniques are through observation, interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. The data obtained is then analyzed using qualitative analysis. The type of organic waste produced is in the form of food leftovers, raw materials leftovers, paper, cardboard, cartons, newspapers, etc. While the types of inorganic waste produced are plastic bags, food packaging, plastic and glass bottles, etc. The results showed that tourism business actors participated in the decision-making stage as much as 37%, participated in the implementation of 67.8%, participated in taking benefits as much as 100%, and participated in the evaluation phase as much as 95%. Low participation in decision making due to the lack of knowledge related to waste management, so they choose to listen and accept every decision that is made. They have not implemented good waste management. Tourism business actors agree that a clean business environment benefits both the convenience of work and visitors and assesses that waste management is in accordance with planning.

Bu çalışmanın amacı, çevresel bir değişken olarak krizin yat kiralama acentalarının rekabet stratejilerinde yarattığı değişimi incelemektir. Bu amaçla, Güney Ege yöresindeki üç önemli yat turizmi merkezi olan Fethiye, Bodrum ve... more

Bu çalışmanın amacı, çevresel bir değişken olarak krizin yat kiralama acentalarının rekabet stratejilerinde yarattığı değişimi incelemektir. Bu amaçla, Güney Ege yöresindeki üç önemli yat turizmi merkezi olan Fethiye, Bodrum ve Marmaris'teki 73 acentadan anket tekniği ile veri toplanmıştır. Çalışmada, rekabet stratejileri, Porter'ın jenerik rekabet stratejileri esas alınarak " farklılaştırma, maliyet liderliği ve odaklanma " olarak ölçülmüştür. Krizin etkisiyle rekabet stratejilerinde yaşanan değişimi test etmek için paired t-testi yapılmıştır. Çalışmanın sonuçları, son üç yıl içinde maliyet liderliği stratejisinin anlamlı fark yaratacak derecede değiştiğini ve acentaların firma davranışı olarak daha fazla maliyet lideri olmaya yöneldiklerini göstermektedir. Farklılaştırma ve odaklanma stratejisinde ise, anlamlı fark yaratacak bir değişim yaşanmamıştır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Rekabet stratejileri, çevresel faktörler, kriz, yat kiralama, deniz turizmi.

AbstractA largely unregulated seal-swim industry exists in Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, Australia. This study has documented four fur seal behaviours in response to vessel traffic and presence of swim-mers in order to determine the impact... more

AbstractA largely unregulated seal-swim industry exists in Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, Australia. This study has documented four fur seal behaviours in response to vessel traffic and presence of swim-mers in order to determine the impact of tourism activities on Australian fur seals (Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus). Behavioural responses of fur seals to the presence of a total of 135 vessels (tour = 61 and recreational = 74) were collected on 42 research trips over the peak austral summer tour-ist period (November 2007 to February 2008). After considering all studied variables, vessel dis-tance, the number of swimmers undertaking seal-swim activities, and the number of recreational vessels were found to influence seal behaviour. Aggressive behaviour displays by fur seals were influenced by the presence of recreational vessels within close proximity to the study site (< 200 m); haul-out events initially increased as a result of the presence of swimmers undertaking seal-swim activities; and occurrences of fur seals entering the water increased in response to the distance of approaching tourism vessels to the study site. Statistical analyses found no clear indicator influ-encing the number of threat postures displayed by fur seals. While a weak linear relationship was identified between the indicators (i.e., presence of recreational vessels, presence of swimmers, and the distance of tour vessels) and the three behav-iours displayed by fur seals, post hoc tests failed to achieve significantly different means for each of the indicators. This preliminary research into the impact of swim-with tourism upon A. pusillus doriferus will provide valuable baseline data for the future. The long-term research into the effects of this particular tourism industry on fur seal behaviour may ensure wildlife managers develop appropriate regulations for seal tourism interac-tions that promote a sustainable marine tourism industry within Port Phillip Bay.

With continuing growth of the tourism industry over the past decades, the demand for interpretive experiences and education on marine wildlife tours has increased as well. Research showed that tourists expect an educational component on... more

With continuing growth of the tourism industry over the past decades, the demand for interpretive experiences and education on marine wildlife tours has increased as well. Research showed that tourists expect an educational component on marine wildlife tours, but it remains somewhat vague what content tour participants expect. This study built on Lück’s (2003) work and investigated participants on whale and dolphin tours in New Zealand with regards to the satisfaction with, and the desired educational content on these tours. Distributed questionnaires at two locations in New Zealand included closed-ended questions in Likert-type scale format, and open ended questions. Results show that tourists on whale and dolphin tours in New Zealand display high satisfaction rates, but also would like to learn more about wildlife and the sea in general. Results support the introduction of well-developed interpretation programmes on whale and dolphin tours.

In the last two decades, coral reefs have become popular among recreational divers, especially inside marine protected areas. However, the impact caused by divers on benthic organisms may be contributing to the degradation of coral reefs.... more

In the last two decades, coral reefs have become popular among recreational divers, especially inside marine protected areas. However, the impact caused by divers on benthic organisms may be contributing to the degradation of coral reefs. We analyzed the behavior of 142 scuba divers in the Abrolhos National Marine Park, Brazil. We tested the effect of diver profile, reef type, use of additional equipment, timing, and group size on diver behavior and their contacts with benthic organisms. Eighty-eight percent of divers contacted benthic organism at least once, with an average of eight touches and one damage per dive. No significant differences in contacts were verified among gender, group size, or experience level. Artificial reef received a higher rate of contact than pinnacle and fringe reefs. Specialist photographers and sidemount users had the highest rates, while non-users of additional equipment and mini camera users had the lowest contact rates. The majority of contacts were incidental and the highest rates occurred in the beginning of a dive. Our findings highlight the need of management actions, such as the provision of pre-dive briefing including ecological aspects of corals and beginning dives over sand bottoms or places with low coral abundance. Gathering data on diver behavior provides managers with information that can be used for tourism management.

Ambon Island is famous for its natural resources, especially in the Central Maluku Regency such as Hunimua Beach in Liang Village and Natsepa Beach in Suli Village which is famous for its white sand along the coast. Unlike the two... more

Ambon Island is famous for its natural resources, especially in the Central Maluku Regency such as Hunimua Beach in Liang Village and Natsepa Beach in Suli Village which is famous for its white sand along the coast. Unlike the two beaches, there is a beach in the western part of Ambon Island, precisely in the village of Lilibooi, namely Batu Kapal Beach or Batu Lobang. This beach has the potential to be developed as a tourist attraction. But besides its huge potential, this place still has several obstacles or challenges as a tourist destination. This research was conducted with the aim of identifying opportunities and challenges for developing the tourist attraction of Batu Kapal Beach. This study adopts a descriptive qualitative research method by observing tourism potential and supporting elements of tourism products at Batu Kapal Beach. In addition, the researchers also conducted interviews with the management of Batu Kapal Beach, the local community and the Lilibooi Village Chi...

O presente estudo descreve o perfil do visitante e avalia o potencial do peixe mero (Epinephelus itajara) como atrativo para o turismo subaquático no Parque Nacional Marinho dos Abrolhos. Foram aplicadas 198 entrevistas aos... more

O presente estudo descreve o perfil do visitante e avalia o potencial do peixe mero
(Epinephelus itajara) como atrativo para o turismo subaquático no Parque Nacional Marinho
dos Abrolhos. Foram aplicadas 198 entrevistas aos mergulhadores visitantes desta unidade
de conservação entre julho de 2008 e março de 2009. Novas informações poderão auxiliar
no direcionamento e divulgação da atividade de mergulho em ambientes recifais e áreas
marinhas protegidas. Os resultados do estudo do perfil do turista seguem o padrão mundial
da atividade, com um público de maior poder aquisitivo e nível superior de ensino. As
conclusões demonstraram um alto índice de satisfação dos visitantes (n=186, 98% das
respostas) e alto índice de interesse de realizarem o mergulho contemplativo/interpretativo
com o mero (n=142, 73%).

We examine divers' changes in marine life preferences and perceptions. Novice divers preferred megafauna and experienced divers, cryptic animals. Perceptions of decreasing in the quality of fish attributes were accompanied by the worst... more

We examine divers' changes in marine life preferences and perceptions. Novice divers preferred megafauna and experienced divers, cryptic animals. Perceptions of decreasing in the quality of fish attributes were accompanied by the worst expectations. Experience and perceptions can be used as a predictor to maximizing diver's enjoyment. We provide managerial implication for sustainable dive tourism. a b s t r a c t Understanding diver preferences and perceptions of environmental attributes can help inform dive tourism management. We interviewed 190 recreational divers and examined their preferences for marine life in the Abrolhos National Marine Park, eastern Brazil. We also assessed divers' perceptions of changes in fish abundance when they revisit the dive site. Marine life preferences changed according with the divers' experience level. Novice divers preferred encounters with megafauna, whereas experienced divers preferred to see cryptic species. Individual perceptions of decline in fish abundance were influenced by longer time interval between visits. Visitors elicited the end of fish feeding, and illegal fishing, as the main causes of decline. Strategies to limit decline in the quality of marine life attributes, such as zoning and visitation limits based on carrying capacity estimates should be also based in divers' preferences and perceptions. Therefore, understanding divers' motivations and preferences will help maximize visitors' enjoyment and guide the dive industry into a more sustainable mode in the future.

This chapter is an examination of cruise tourism in Vanuatu. Findings reported are drawn from medium-term ethnographic fieldwork from 2009 to the present across the small Pacific island nation. This fieldwork is related to a larger... more

This chapter is an examination of cruise tourism in Vanuatu. Findings reported are drawn from medium-term ethnographic fieldwork from 2009 to the present across the small Pacific island nation. This fieldwork is related to a larger project that examines the intersection between tourism and local-level livelihoods and the interface where traditional cultural frameworks intercede with the cash economy (Cheer, 2011 & 2014).
For the people of remote islands in the Vanuatu archipelago, cruise tourism promises opportunities for economic diversification, development and closer links to the mainstream economy. Yet despite several decades of cruise ship visits, the development of long-term legacies and evidence of advances in living standards remains unconvincing. Rhetoric from policy makers and the tourism sector promotes the notion that cruise tourism is generally ‘high yield and low impact’ at ports-of-call in Pacific island countries (Mihajlov, 2012). However, this contradicts the general experience of negligible outcomes from cruise tourism as evidenced in Vanuatu (SBS, 2013).

Sebagai negara kepulauan, Indonesia memiliki potensial sangat besar menjadi destinasi wisata bahari, termasuk wisata kapal pesiar. Wisata kapal pesiar merupakan wisata yang sangat segmented dan telah berkembang menjadi usaha wisata yang... more

Sebagai negara kepulauan, Indonesia memiliki potensial sangat besar menjadi destinasi wisata bahari, termasuk wisata kapal pesiar. Wisata kapal pesiar merupakan wisata yang sangat segmented dan telah berkembang menjadi usaha wisata yang lengkap, kompleks sekaligus mampu memberikan kontribusi yang cukup signifikan dan menjanjikan dalam industry pariwisata global. Penelitian ini berusaha mengkaji kesiapan pelabuhan Belawan dalam memberikan dukungan layanan kepada wisata kapal pesiar yang kompleks tersebut. Sebagai alat analisa, digunakan pendekatan dari Manzano (2014). Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa Belawan telah memiliki cukup kesiapan dalam mendukung wisata kapal pesiar, namun juga menghadapi tantangan besar agar layanan yang diberikan dapat berjalan secara berkesinambungan.Kata kunci : wisata kapal pesiar, manajemen pelabuhan, lalulintas pelayaran, cruise Indonesia

The ending of the global economic crisis has left some sectors of the economy in the need to start-off with a more efficient and more competitive offer of the pre-crisis period. Rome offers urban and cul-tural tourism that presents... more

The ending of the global economic crisis has left some sectors of the economy in the need to start-off with a more efficient and more competitive offer of the pre-crisis period. Rome offers urban and cul-tural tourism that presents problems of over-crowding and risk of banalisation of the product. Thus, owing to all the tour-ism, Rome managed to overcome the cri-sis period without much difficulty. How-ever, the situation on the coast near Rome is still problematic. It extends along the sea between the Fiumicino Airport and the port of Civitavecchia. Coastal and marine tourism products have undergone major transformations, and to overcome the cri-sis, a profound renewal work is required. There is a need for a different regional development organisation to update sup-ply and offer new products to guests. Up until now, coastal entrepreneurs had only considered their territory and their busi-ness. A possible solution to the problem is suggested by greater integration between the coast and inland areas. In the case of Lazio, these areas are rich in tangible cul-tural goods, as a result of various civiliza-tions that developed over the centuries, and intangible cultural goods that are the result of sedimentation of different cul-tures. The situation of coastal and marine tourism on the north coast of Lazio is considered in relation to the development of the sector in the rest of Italy. The vari-ables under consideration are those of the tourism sector in the period 2001–2011 to check the effects of the global economic crisis on employment at each individual municipality. The analysis examined all municipalities in order to confirm how the crisis has had consequences, particularly on the coastal communes. Only the com-munes of the coast were taken into con-sideration. The indexation of occupants in tourism in comparison to the residents showed a clear difference between the municipalities in northern Italy and those in southern Italy. However, the study of the employment situation in the Latium region shows a lesser presence of occupi-ers in the coastal areas where the supply is potentially concentrated. In the seven communes of the North Coast, the situa-tion is even more worrying, as it is clear that many of the activities are carried out by companies that are located outside the area, as the ones inside are inadequate and unable to compete at national and in-ternational levels. Hence, there is a need to create networks of companies where cooperation and better organisation can enable them to be more competitive.

This documentary analysis provides an overview of the Turkish tourism industry with a view to identify the new product and destination development needs for Turkish tourism. An analysis of market trends shows that Turkish tourism... more

This documentary analysis provides an overview of the Turkish tourism industry with a view to identify the new product and destination development needs for Turkish tourism. An analysis of market trends shows that Turkish tourism industry is highly vulnerable. Based on the strengths and weaknesses of Turkish tourism industry and the threats posed and opportunities offered by the tourism market and trends, it is proposed that new tourism products and destinations in high-income generating marine tourism could alleviate some of the problems Turkish tourism industry faces. Based on the analysis implemented, the study makes a number of recommendations for developing new tourism products and destinations in Turkish marine tourism. The study has implications for practitioners both at macro level, i.e. policy makers in government bodies at various levels and local authorities, and for practitioners at micro level, i.e. for business managers operating in Turkish tourism industry.

Marine wildlife tourism on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) focuses on: (i) “swim-with” programs, (ii) surface watching activities (whales and dolphins), (iii) diving (corals, sharks, etc.), (iv) reef snorkeling trips, and (v) glass-bottom... more

Marine wildlife tourism on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) focuses on: (i) “swim-with” programs, (ii)
surface watching activities (whales and dolphins), (iii) diving (corals, sharks, etc.), (iv) reef snorkeling
trips, and (v) glass-bottom boat tours. A 4-year study indicated significant differences in travel
experiences and reef tour satisfaction between respondents (N = 3407) participating in different types
of activities. Non-divers were less likely to have been to other reefs, less motivated to visit the region
to see the GBR, and they were more likely to say that interpretation changed their appreciation of the
reef and their behavior. It is proposed that management, product design and experience, and outcome
will be different for each group and not all findings within marine wildlife tourism are transferable
between tourism types.

Coral reefs provide numerous ecosystem services and host more than 20% of marine biodiversity. However, the impact of recreational SCUBA diving on coral reefs is not often quantified in marine protected areas. We quantified the impact of... more

Coral reefs provide numerous ecosystem services and host more than 20% of marine biodiversity. However, the impact of recreational SCUBA diving on coral reefs is not often quantified in marine protected areas. We quantified the impact of divers on coral reefs in five sites within the National Park Reefs of Puerto Morelos, Mexico during high and low tourist seasons. We recorded the number and types of impacts on coral reefs done by divers during 30 minutes and the occurrence of endangered Acropora spp. The impacts most frequently recorded were "touching coral" and "creating sediment clouds" in the shallowest site, during the low season. A warning system was adopted by the Park based on the results. Making this information available for decision-making is crucial for ensuring the sustainable management of tourism, contributes to the conservation of fragile coral reef ecosystems, and ensures the sustianbility of livelihoods that rely on them.

Marine tourism, which is the most significant part of massive tourism movements has become important for the countries which consider tourism as a means of development thanks to its environment awareness, national and international... more

Marine tourism, which is the most significant part of massive tourism
movements has become important for the countries which consider
tourism as a means of development thanks to its environment
awareness, national and international investments, volume of business,
employment opportunities, foreign exchange earnings, socio-economic
and socio-cultural impacts, and the investments, and incentives for
marine tourism have accelerated in a number of countries. These rapid
developments have caused tourism to turn into a field which makes
the increase in consumption easier and itself becomes consumable,
as well as the environmental threats to reach a dimension that can no
longer be ignored especially in coastal countries.
This study refers to the postmodern consumption culture and
tourism practices that have turned into a vicious circle, investigates
the pollution islands that have swiftly spread in the world within a
conceptual framework as a result of marine tourism, and makes
suggestions with regard to some sustainable practices.

With the continuing growth of the tourism industry over recent decades, has come a change in tourist behaviour from the traditional stereotypical 3-S tourist (sun, sand, sex) to an increasingly sophisticated and demanding tourist. These... more

With the continuing growth of the tourism industry over recent decades, has come a change in tourist behaviour from the traditional stereotypical 3-S tourist (sun, sand, sex) to an increasingly sophisticated and demanding tourist. These ‘new’ tourists like to learn about history, nature, and wildlife, and they expect an educational component on wildlife tours. This study investigated swim-with-dolphin tours in Kaikoura, New Zealand with regard to the educational content and the overall anatomy of these tours, using data from observations on a total of 32 tours during December 2011. The resulting data were then compared with the data from Hrycik and Forestell’s (2013) study, which investigated the content of questions asked by passengers on whale-watching tours in Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary. Results of the on-tour observations indicate that the surveyed tours display a structured approach to interpretation, which is customised to the specific tour anatomy of a ‘swim-with’ tour, and varies in some parts significantly from ‘watch-only’ tour interpretation.

Restaurants also contribute to the generation of solid waste in tourism destinations. Participation needs to be identified because restaurants participate in utilizing and getting benefits from tourism development. This research aims to... more

Restaurants also contribute to the generation of solid waste in tourism destinations. Participation needs to be identified because restaurants participate in utilizing and getting benefits from tourism development. This research aims to analyze the participation of restaurants in solid waste management started from the planning stage, implementation stage, benefit stage, and evaluation stage. The research is located on the beach Ngrenehan, Ngobaran Beach, Baron Beach, Sepanjang Beach, Kukup Beach, and Drini Beach. The consideration that underlies location selection is the existence of restaurants and tourists. Quantitative data were collected using a questionnaire distributed to 48 restaurant owners. The data that has been collected is then processed using simple statistics to see the frequency and average. Simplified data were then analyzed using a qualitative descriptive approach and strengthened by the results of field observations and interviews. In general, it can be concluded that restaurant owners actively participate in solid waste management. Participation in the planning stage was 73%, the implementation stage was 66%, the benefit taking the stage was 100%, and the evaluation stage was 81%. Restaurant owners since the early stages of participation have shown positive activity. At the implementation stage, participation is influenced by the lack of knowledge and understanding related to the solid waste they have. Perception in taking benefits is influenced by how the cleanliness of restaurants is felt to be beneficial both directly and indirectly. Participation in the evaluation was shown by the majority of respondents feeling that solid waste management was in accordance with planning and expectations.

Denmark and Sweden due to its location. Because, for transportation of passengers and freight between these countries the Baltic Sea must use. Furthermore, the management and use of marine resources also belong to these nine countries... more

Denmark and Sweden due to its location. Because, for transportation of passengers and freight between these countries the Baltic Sea must use. Furthermore, the management and use of marine resources also belong to these nine countries bordering the Baltic Sea. It also has an important place for fishing due to the nature of the Baltic Sea water. For these reasons, this study examined the economic impact on Baltic Sea countries and proposals have been made in this direction. Danimarka ve İsveç için çok önemli bir yere sahiptir. Çünkü bu ülkeler arasındaki deniz üzerinden yolcu ve yük taşımacılığı için bu deniz kullanılmak zorundadır. Bunun yanı sıra bu denizin yönetimi ve kaynaklarının kullanımı da Baltık Denizine kıyısı olan bu dokuz ülkeye aittir. Ayrıca Baltık Denizi suyunun özelliğinden dolayı balıkçılık için önemli bir yere sahiptir. Bu nedenlerden dolayı bu çalışma da Baltık Denizinin bu ülkelerin üzerindeki ekonomik etkisi incelenmiş ve bu yönde önerilerde bulunulmuştur.