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A discussion of the vibration mechanics behind the advent of consciousness of many sentient souls interacting with one another has been presented. It is emphasized that consciousness vibration is the most important phenomenon triggering... more

A discussion of the vibration mechanics behind the advent of consciousness of many sentient souls interacting with one another has been presented. It is emphasized that consciousness vibration is the most important phenomenon triggering and spearheading what we commonly refer to as organic ‘life.’ A brief account of the phenomenon of collective (unity) consciousness has been explicated, with more details being deferred to the publication of a companion paper on the subject matter. It is elucidated that the power of consciousness is not just confined to creationism or the necessity of ensuring the longevity of what has been created by a single being; consciousness is superpositional in nature, which means, it may be accentuated through the vibrations of the mind of many sentient beings who resonate harmoniously and synchronously with one another. In this respect, consciousness of one sentient being influences the consciousness of one or many other individuals. This is indeed, how we form the matrix of our reality. Moreover, consciousness has the propensity of multiplying or expanding, which is why the Prime Creator has only demanded one endeavor from all sentient beings, which is to strive to expand their consciousness. Thus, we are all potentially ‘consciousness generators.’ Accordingly, a discussion of the parameter of ‘consciousness expansibility coefficient’ introduced by the author before has been given, herein. It is explicated that the natural frequency of conscious vibration is proportional to the square root of the consciousness expansibility coefficient. In fact, the consciousness expansibility coefficient of a sentient soul describes a trait (or quality) of the soul that is analogous to the ‘stiffness’ of an elastic helical spring that could be loaded with life’s karmic forces. In this respect, it epitomizes the resilience of the soul to be able to withhold such forces. Moreover, it describes the capability of a sentient being to acquire more spiritual education, thus adding to the frequency of its consciousness. Clearly, the more resilient the soul of the conscious being is, the more propensity it has for enlightenment and ‘consciousness expansibility,’ without being prone to instability or buckling, falling out of Light. However, unlike the stiffness characteristic of a non-sentient material or being that acts as a ‘sink,’ it always undergoes a ‘conservative’ operation in which it never dissipates energy as long as the sentient being is allowed to experience life within a Tri-Wave or an open loop of free energetic dispensation as it is usually supplied by the progenitor God-SOURCE. The structure of the soul is so resilient that it can absorb and transform the residual inelastic karmic energies stored WITHIN, ensuring full recoverability. More specifically, a resilient sentient is capable of redeeming all its accumulated residual internal karmic energy stored WITHIN, through clearing and cleansing at a later date, without any eventual possibility of damage or degradation. This is in concert with what the author has introduced as the concept of ‘sentient vibration’ by way of a ‘conservative’ energetic transformation through returning to its initial equilibrium state of vibration in which it preserves its state of consciousness expansibility or natural frequency of consciousness. But, if the entity excessively expands away from its original equilibrium state (referred to as the Zero-Point Field), it may have to permanently shift its position from the initial Zero-Point Energetic Field (‘Neural Network of God,’ which also signifies the open loop or the energetic fountain supply provided by the God-SOURCE). This way, it behaves as a helical spring undergoing inelastic deformation, expanding away from the open loop energetic supply of God and eventually separating itself from the God-SOURCE (referred to as becoming ‘fallen’), changing to a non-sentient (non-organic) being. And, the clearing and cleansing of the soul’s emotional body of the accumulated residual inelastic karma culminates in effectively restoring its diminished consciousness expansibility, and thus, its frequency of consciousness. It may even lead to effectively raising its natural frequency to its full potential, being capable to Ascend, permanently shifting its anchored equilibrium (domicile) state to a higher dimension. It is then said that the soul undergoes syntropy (consciousness expansion), effectively increasing its propinquity with respect to the SOURCE. This is referred to as the state of ‘positive karma’ as opposed to ‘negative karma,’ a scenario in which the soul through the expenditure of entropic energies begins to deflect away from the God-SOURCE (diminishing its propinquity), effectively leading to reducing its consciousness expansibility and natural frequency of consciousness vibration. And, through syntropic energetic experience one eventually undergoes ‘Ascension’ through sequentially transmigrating its consciousness and anchoring itself to the higher (more inner) dimensions of consciousness. Note that the soul constitution (matter-antimatter), however, remains virtually constant. Thus, for all practical purposes, the natural frequency of the soul is determined by its extent of consciousness expansibility coefficient, which could constantly change. Ascension occurs when the body becomes crystalline, being comprised of a perfect structure without the presence of any defects or the possibility of ever developing any, rendering the body to become ageless. And, mathematically, crystallinity is synonymous with raising the ‘consciousness expansibility coefficient.’ And, with increasing consciousness expansibility coefficient, one becomes multidimensional, capable of exploring even higher dimensional realms of consciousness, with the dynamic position of equilibrium about which one usually vibrates being shifted higher or deeper in innerspace, gaining more propinquity with respect to the SOURCE. And, all this demands impeccability and gaining spiritual mastery. Since the prime directive specifies consciousness expansion, it is incumbent on the soul to acquire experiential endeavors that culminate in overall contraction to, versus deflection from, the SOURCE. And, this means positive karma, procured through creational endeavors and through benevolence and application of the principles of compassion and unconditional love and effectively having reverence for the provisions of the Law of One. Another aspect of consciousness expansibility is triggered through awareness and interaction of souls with one another in which one Soul Aspect acts as the Beacon of Light, spiritually awakening and enlightening its other Soul Aspects. Accordingly, the consciousness of a sentient being affects the consciousness of all other sentient beings, provided that they become aware of each other’s presence. Accordingly, the author has introduced a new parameter dubbed as the ‘consciousness expansibility linkage coefficient k_ij’, when the consciousness of one sentient entity i is envisaged to affect the state of consciousness of the sentient being j. Finally, equations are presented herein that describe the overall natural frequency and consciousness expansibility of a collective.