Mechatronics & Robotics Research Papers (original) (raw)

Este documento consiste de un brazo robótico de 3 grados de libertad llamado “ROBO-WRITER” el cuál tiene la característica de escribir. Se describen las características mecánicas del brazo robótico que se utilizaron para la... more

Este documento consiste de un brazo robótico de 3 grados de libertad llamado “ROBO-WRITER” el cuál tiene la característica de escribir. Se describen las características mecánicas del brazo robótico que se utilizaron para la implementación, la teoría de la cinemática, el análisis matemático de la cinemática directa e inversa implementado y el programa que contiene dicho análisis.
La finalidad de este prototipo es que el robot escriba letras para la formación de palabras que el usuario desee. Se usó una programación en MATLAB mediante el uso de una interfaz gráfica donde el usuario pueda determinar en qué posición del área de trabajo permitida desea que empiece a escribir el manipulador robótico, al mismo tiempo mandará una instrucción al brazo robótico para que plasme la palabra.

"A Roadmap for U.S. Robotics: From Internet to Robotics - 2013 Edition.". Robots are being used more widely than expected in a variety of sectors, and the trend is likely to continue with robotics becoming as ubiquitous as computer... more

"A Roadmap for U.S. Robotics: From Internet to Robotics - 2013 Edition.". Robots are being used more widely than expected in a variety of sectors, and the trend is likely to continue with robotics becoming as ubiquitous as computer technology over the next 15 years. That is the message Henrik Christensen, Georgia Tech's KUKA Chair of Robotics in the College of Computing, will bring to the Congressional Robotics Caucus on March 20 as he presents "A Roadmap for U.S. Robotics: From Internet to Robotics - 2013 Edition." The report, which outlines the progress of robots in multiple industries over the last five years and identifies goals for the coming decade, highlights robotics as a key economic enabler with the potential to transform U.S. society.

Endüstri 4.0 ile birlikte robotların öne çıkan önemli konulardan biri olacağı öngörülebilir. Bu çalışmada, önemli roller üstlenen özel amaçlı görev robotlarının tasarımlarının gerçekleştirebilmesi için performans parametrelerinin... more

Endüstri 4.0 ile birlikte robotların öne çıkan önemli konulardan biri olacağı
öngörülebilir. Bu çalışmada, önemli roller üstlenen özel amaçlı görev robotlarının
tasarımlarının gerçekleştirebilmesi için performans parametrelerinin belirlenmesi ve
geliştirilebilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bunun için arduino mikro denetleyici kartları
kullanılarak birden fazla fonksiyona sahip özel amaçlı biri suda hareket eden otonom
olmak üzere iki adet görev robotu geliştirilmiştir. Tasarlanan görev robotlarının bu
amaçlara ulaşabilmek için tanımlanan çeşitli zorlu parkur görevlerini başarı ile
gerçekleştirebilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada zorlu parkur senaryosunun
tasarımının yanında, ilgili görevler için gerekli olan bütün elektronik, mekanik,
pnömatik, optik, manyetik vb. bileşenleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Denge kaybı ve
devrilme ihtimaline karşın tasarımda mekanik olarak ta çeşitli önlemler alınmıştır.
Görev senaryosunun gerçekleştirilmesi için, donanımsal tasarıma ilaveten,
gerçekleştirilen yazılım algoritması ile kontrol işlemi etkin olarak
gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu çalışmada tasarlanan özel görev robotunun elektronik,
mekanik ve yazılımsal parametreleri ayrıntılı olarak incelenmiş ve başarılı sonuçlar
alınmıştır. Gerçekleştirilen robota, gerektiğinde sensörler kullanılarak sağlanacak
olan yapay duyular ile otonom çalışma özelliği de kazandırılabilir.

Currently, cerebrovascular diseases are one of the main health problems. Part of the patient’s rehabilitation process, affected by this disease, is manually performed by a physiotherapist, which, due to physical exhaustion, could affect... more

Currently, cerebrovascular diseases are one of the main health problems. Part of the patient’s rehabilitation process, affected by this disease, is manually performed by a physiotherapist, which, due to physical exhaustion, could affect the performance of patient recovery. In this paper is proposed a robotic exoskeleton for upper limb rehabilitation, which enables assist or supports the therapist’s work. In the first stage, the exoskeleton is controlled passively through programmed commands and routines. Later, a second stage is proposed for biofeedback control system using the exoskeleton and signals acquired through bioinstrumentation equipment. This system will allows the acquisition of the surface electromyography signals (sEMG), as well as proprioceptive information for signal processing and movement’s intention detection of upper limb. As results, are presented the implementation of robotic arm commanded passively and the bioinstrumentation equipment is presented. In the rehabilitation field, this assistive technology will enable to medical staff, to contribute to recovery and welfare of the patient, affected by some kind of muscular dysfunction, with major effectiveness.

Design a nonlinear controller for second order nonlinear uncertain dynamical systems (e.g., Internal Combustion Engine) is one of the most important challenging works. This paper focuses on the design of a robust backstepping adaptive... more

Design a nonlinear controller for second order nonlinear uncertain dynamical systems (e.g., Internal Combustion Engine) is one of the most important challenging works. This paper focuses on the design of a robust backstepping adaptive feedback linearization controller (FLC) for internal combustion (IC) engine in presence of uncertainties. In order to provide high performance nonlinear methodology, feedback linearization controller is selected. Pure feedback linearization controller can be used to control of partly unknown nonlinear dynamic parameters of IC engine. In order to solve the uncertain nonlinear dynamic parameters, implement easily and avoid mathematical model base controller, Mamdani’s performance/error-based fuzzy logic methodology with two inputs and one output and 49 rules is applied to pure feedback linearization controller. The results demonstrate that the error-based fuzzy feedback linearization controller is a model-free controllers which works well in certain and partly uncertain system. Pure feedback linearization controller and error-based feedback linearization like controller with have difficulty in handling unstructured model uncertainties. To solve this problem applied backstepping-based tuning method to error-based fuzzy feedback linearization controller for adjusting the feedback linearization controller gain ( ). This controller has acceptable performance in presence of uncertainty (e.g., overshoot=1%, rise time=0.48 second, steady state error = 1.3e-9 and RMS error=1.8e-11).

Knowing the geometry of a space is desirable for many applications, e.g. sound source localization, sound field reproduction or auralization. In circumstances where only acoustic signals can be obtained, estimating the geometry of a room... more

Knowing the geometry of a space is desirable for many applications, e.g. sound source localization, sound field reproduction or auralization. In circumstances where only acoustic signals can be obtained, estimating the geometry of a room is a challenging proposition. Existing methods have been proposed to reconstruct a room from the room impulse responses (RIRs). However, the sound source and microphones must be deployed in a feasible region of the room for it to work, which is impractical when the room is unknown. This work propose to employ a robot equipped with a sound source and four acoustic sensors, to follow a proposed path planning strategy to moves around the room to collect first image sources for room geometry estimation. The strategy can effectively drives the robot from a random initial location through the room so that the room geometry is guaranteed to be revealed. Effectiveness of the proposed approach is extensively validated in a synthetic environment, where the results obtained are highly promising.

This Foreword, about robots, written in both poetry as well as prose, introduces the edited collection _Androids, Cyborgs, and Robots in Contemporary Culture and Society_, edited by Steven J. Thompson (IGI Global, 2018). The link on the... more

This Foreword, about robots, written in both poetry as well as prose, introduces the edited collection _Androids, Cyborgs, and Robots in Contemporary Culture and Society_, edited by Steven J. Thompson (IGI Global, 2018). The link on the thumbnail cover at will take you directly to the published Foreword, which is open access. The attached PDF, sent directly to me from IGI-Global to use here, is presented with written permission of the publisher.

This work presents the safety and verification arguments for the development of an autonomous robot platform capable of leading humans around a building. It uses Goal Structuring Notation (GSN) to develop a pattern, a re-usable GSN... more

This work presents the safety and verification arguments for the development of an autonomous robot platform capable of leading humans around a building. It uses Goal Structuring Notation (GSN) to develop a pattern, a re-usable GSN fragment, that can form part of the safety case surrounding the interaction of a mobile guide robot to: record the decisions taken during the design phase, ensure safe operation around humans, and identify where mitigation must be introduced.

Recent research argues that robots could replace workers in dangerous work environments to reduce occupational injuries. However, robot development and usage in most developing countries remain at an infant stage, robots may increase the... more

Recent research argues that robots could replace workers in dangerous work environments to reduce occupational injuries. However, robot development and usage in most developing countries remain at an infant stage, robots may increase the likelihood of occupational injuries due to conditions such as limited human capital and defects. By using a city-level dataset based on the Guangdong Province in China, we find that robot application is associated with an increase in the rate of occupational injuries in the first two years, and then exhibits nonsignificant and even negative effects afterwards. We also find that local governments can reduce or even eliminate the effect of robot application on occupational injuries by strengthening safety regulations. In addition, although local governments are keen on pushing robot application and industrial intelligence, the wide application of robots may impose a burden on the public health expenditure of local governments due to occupational injuries. This study extends our knowledge by challenging the traditional view that robot application can reduce the rate of occupational injuries, and also provides suggestions on the safety regulations of developing countries at the early stage of industrial intelligence.

Significant advances in sensor technology, along with economies of scale due to large production volumes have supported the miniaturization of navigation sensors, allowing widespread low-cost integration on Unmanned Aircraft Systems... more

Significant advances in sensor technology, along with economies of scale due to large production volumes have supported the miniaturization of navigation sensors, allowing widespread low-cost integration on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS). In small-size UAS applications, standalone sensors are not a viable option since the reduction in navigation sensor form-factor, weight and cost typically results in lowered accuracy and precision. Fusion of multiple sensor measurements in UAS navigation systems can support greater accuracy, integrity and update rates than is achievable employing individual sensors. This chapter introduces the fundamentals of state-estimation methods employed on UAS and presents different sensor integration architectures, along with an assessment of their advantages and trade-offs. Attention is devoted primarily to recursive optimal estimation algorithms such as the Kalman Filter and its variants owing to its prolific employment in various classes of UAS. The need to support robust navigation performance in Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) denied environments, and the proliferation of visual sensors has led to the development of numerous methods for integrating visual sensor measurements (primarily) with inertial sensors. Therefore, the reader is introduced to the most popular system architectures for visual-inertial sensor integration, in order to provide an understanding of the current state-of-the-art and to support the identification of future research pathways.

Autonomous mobile robots have been used to carry out different tasks without continuous human guidance. To achieve the tasks, they must be able to navigate and avoid different kinds of obstacles that faced them. Navigation means that the... more

Autonomous mobile robots have been used to carry out different tasks without continuous human guidance. To achieve the tasks, they must be able to navigate and avoid different kinds of obstacles that faced them. Navigation means that the robot can move through the environment to reach a destination. Obstacles avoidance considers a challenge which robot must overcome. In this work, the authors propose an efficient technique for obstacles avoidance through navigation of swarm mobile robot in an unstructured environment. All robots cooperate with each other to avoid obstacles. The robots detect the obstacles position around them and store their positions in shared memory. By accessing the shared memory, the other robots of the swarm can avoid the detected obstacles when they face them. To implement this idea, the Authors used a MATLAB® and V-REP® (Virtual Robot Experimentation Platform).

1 Abstract-This is a research on the design of an automatic robot with the ability to dance. This biped robot has 10 joints to make the right moves that are required in the dance, because the dance is commonly known as "salsa choke". A... more

1 Abstract-This is a research on the design of an automatic robot with the ability to dance. This biped robot has 10 joints to make the right moves that are required in the dance, because the dance is commonly known as "salsa choke". A detailed description of the design was done with respect to the development of the structure of each piece from simulations and real parts; additionally, the movement of joints using the forward kinematics supported by Denavit-Hartenberg algorithm.

A planetary trains for multi-speed is mainly used for automation in industries of automobile. A planetary gear train is represented by a graph. It is identified by (i) number of vertices and their connectivity (ii) number of edges and... more

A planetary trains for multi-speed is mainly used for automation in industries of automobile. A planetary
gear train is represented by a graph. It is identified by (i) number of vertices and their connectivity (ii) number of edges and their types and values (iii) fundamental circuits, their size and adjancy. Connectivity of individual link is a property characteristic of kinematic chain. It is possible to identify a planetary gear,therefore of using sets of labele (decimal numbers representing connectivity ) of individual link. The
connectivity of vertices , edges values and circuit values, related to design invariants which in turn indicates the possible behavior of the gear train ( for example capacity of power transmission, speed ratio and power carculation). For a specified degree – of – freedom a number of planetary gear kinematic chain (PGKCs) are selected and hence planetary gear trains (PGTs) can be formed with a given number of links
and joints so that designer must be able to select to select the best train from the view point of say velocity ratio and capacity of power transmission, space requirements etc. Synthesis of planetary gear kinematic chain and planetary gear trains has been studied(1-9). Almost all reported work deals with only
identification of distinct chains. Besides providing an atlus of chains, this in itself does not provide any help to designer in the selection of best possible gear train. In the present paper a simple method based of circuit property ( based on link-link shortest path distance and degree of links) is presented to determine the topology values of power transmission efficiency and topology power transmission capacity of five-links PGKCs and their distinct inversions

Questo testo raccoglie parte del materiale didattico utilizzato nei corsi di Meccanica Applicata e Meccatronica svolti presso la Facoltà di Ingegneria di Firenze. Esigenza comune di questi corsi era la necessità di fornire allo studente... more

Questo testo raccoglie parte del materiale didattico utilizzato nei corsi di Meccanica Applicata e Meccatronica svolti presso la Facoltà di Ingegneria di Firenze. Esigenza comune di questi corsi era la necessità di fornire allo studente nozioni minime relative al funzionamento ed alla modellazione di alcuni dei più comuni sistemi di azionamento utilizzati in robotica, automazione e trazione di veicoli. Gli argomenti trattati sono un sotto-insieme di quella disciplina che dagli anni ’70 in poi viene definita meccatronica. In particolare sono inserite nozioni utili alla comprensione del funzionamento ed alla modellazione di alcune tipologie di attuatori elettrici, oleodinamici e pneumatici comunemente utilizzati in automazione. Alcune nozioni introduttive relative a meccanica delle trasmissioni, sensoristica, ed elettronica industriale sono inserite a complemento. In questa seconda edizione del 2015 alcune parti sono state emendate ed ampliate con particolare riferimento alla necessità di aggiornare il testo rispetto ai contenuti del corso. Trattandosi delle prime edizioni di un testo prodotto a partire da materiale didattico eterogeneo gli autori desiderano ringraziare tutti coloro che vorranno segnalare sviste ed inesattezze sicuramente presenti anche in questa seconda edizione che risulta ampliata rispetto alla precedente di oltre 100 pagine.

We would like to invite you to join this exciting new project as a chapter contributor. Since this is a textbook, a great deal of this chapter entails a survey on the topic under the paradigm of cyber-physical systems, what can be done... more

We would like to invite you to join this exciting new project as a chapter contributor. Since this is a textbook, a great deal of this chapter entails a survey on the topic under the paradigm of cyber-physical systems, what can be done onboard and remotely, the distributed nature of the system and some exercises on futurology (anticipating trends can shed some light on upcoming designs). IET will bring great visibility to your work. You are welcome to suggest another topic/chapter title if you feel it would be more suitable. Each chapter should be around 20-25 pages each and can be submitted as a Word or Latex File. The IET will send you additional information (formatting, permission form, etc.) with the contributor's agreement once you have agreed to contribute to the book. Visit http:// to get all information you need as a contributor to an IET research-level book. Each book is expected to have a total number of 500 printed pages (based on approximately 550 words per page with a 20% allowance for figures and tables). We have included a tentative schedule and list of topics below. If this is something you would consider, please send me the title of your chapter, a short description/abstract of the chapter content, and your full contact details. We will expect original content and new results for this book. You can, of course, reuse published material but the percentage of material reuse for the chapter should be less than 40%. The IET will run a piracy software on the full manuscript to control that you are including original material and will reject chapters who contain a large amount of already-published material so please do take this into consideration.

"The development of technology never stop , the robotic technology instead. Many tools and equipment was developed using robotic technology, so that can help people to do any work. Such as mining, lifting any load, produce a product, or... more

A more detailed state-space-based small-signal model is developed for peak current-mode controlled parallel-input/series-output buck-derived dc-dc converters operating in the continuous conduction mode. The model allows the control of... more

A more detailed state-space-based small-signal model is developed for peak current-mode controlled parallel-input/series-output buck-derived dc-dc converters operating in the continuous conduction mode. The model allows the control of each module individually; and it includes the sampling effect of the module current loop. The derived model is employed to assess the effect of mismatch between the output-filter inductors on the control-to-output voltage responses of a two-module converter. Results from the detailed cycle-by-cycle simulations are in good agreement with the predictions of the mathematical model up to half the switching frequency.

Research creates both knowledge and technology which are put into practical use through the process of innovation. The success in achieving applied scientific technologies can be measured in the form of technological solutions, patents,... more

Research creates both knowledge and technology which are put into practical use through the process of innovation. The success in achieving applied scientific technologies can be measured in the form of technological solutions, patents, inventions, published research papers, etc. The purpose of the research was to formulate an economic framework and develop technological solutions for Zimbabwe with respect to knowledge generation, innovation and enterprise development. This was compounded by an exploration for opportunities in cybersecurity and machine learning for use in the knowledge generation and dissemination business. Cybersecurity is an amalgamation of technologies, processes and operations purposed to preserve and protect computer information systems from cyber-attacks or unauthorized access. Machine Learning (ML) entails the automatic data analysis of large data sets and production of models for the general relationships found among data. The Pragmatism paradigm was used as the research philosophy in this research as it epitomizes the congruity between knowledge and action. The qualitative aspect was primarily used in the knowledge generation component which was based on an integral research architecture which combines descriptive, narrative, theoretical, and experimental survey methods, through focused group discussions as the major research design. The quantitative dimension used an experiment as a research design to explore prototype models for cybersecurity and machine learning. Priority projects for strategic investment were identified for commercialization and these were on post-harvest technologies; small scale mining/mineral value addition/bio mining; clean water alternatives; tiles technologies from mining waste; ICT innovations in Machine Learning and Cybersecurity; and defence technologies. A Bayesian Network model for Cybersecurity was developed to guide implementation of future cybersecurity systems in Africa. The research used the KDDCup 1999 intrusion detection benchmark dataset in order to build an efficient network intrusion detection system. The sample comprised primary data with 42 variables in a set of 494,020 instances that was analysed using mainly the SNORT open-source software and other Bayesian Network supportive platforms. A Bayesian Network model was developed which took into consideration the most efficient ML algorithms.

This paper deals with memory management issues of robotics. In our proposal we break one of the major issues in creating humanoid. . Database issue is the complicated thing in robotics schema design here in our proposal we suggest new... more

This paper deals with memory management issues of robotics. In our proposal we break one of the major
issues in creating humanoid. . Database issue is the complicated thing in robotics schema design here in
our proposal we suggest new concept called NOSQL database for the effective data retrieval, so that the
humanoid robots will get the massive thinking ability in searching each items using chained instructions.
For query transactions in robotics we need an effective consistency transactions so by using latest
technology called CloudTPS which guarantees full ACID properties so that the robot can make their
queries using multi-item transactions through this we obtain data consistency in data retrievals. In addition
we included map reduce concepts it can splits the job to the respective workers so that it can process the
data in a parallel way.

In dc motors, electrical power (Pel) is converted to mechanical power (Pmech). In addition to frictional losses, there are power losses in Joules/sec (Iron losses in coreless dc motors are negligible). Pel = Pmech + Pj loss Physically,... more

In dc motors, electrical power (Pel) is converted to mechanical power (Pmech). In addition to frictional losses, there are power losses in Joules/sec (Iron losses in coreless dc motors are negligible). Pel = Pmech + Pj loss Physically, power is defined as the rate of doing work. For linear motion, power is the product of force multiplied by the distance per unit time. In the case of rotational motion, the analogous calculation for power is the product of torque multiplied by the rotational distance per unit time. Prot = M x ω Where: Prot = rotational mechanical power M = torque ω = angular velocity The most commonly used unit for angular velocity is rev/min (RPM). In calculating rotational power, it is necessary to convert the velocity to units of rad/sec. This is accomplished by simply multiplying the velocity in RPM by the constant (2 x ∏) /60: ωrad = ωrpm x (2∏)/60

In this paper a preliminary analysis of the energetic performance of an industrial manipulator is presented. In particular, the paper investigates the effects of the trajectory planning on the overall energy consumption of the manipulator... more

In this paper a preliminary analysis of the energetic performance of an industrial manipulator is presented. In particular, the paper investigates the effects of the trajectory planning on the overall energy consumption of the manipulator in a pick & place task, focusing also on the location of the path within the workspace. An electro-mechanical model of the actuators and the inverse dynamic model of the robot have been developed and used to estimate the robot energy consumption when executing a basic motion task. Results are then collected into energy consumption maps, showing how the location of the task within the robot workspace affects the energetic performance of the robot.

The minimum rule base Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) Fuzzy Computed Torque Controller with application to spherical motor is presented in this research. The popularity of PID Fuzzy Computed Torque Controller can be attributed to... more

The minimum rule base Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) Fuzzy Computed Torque Controller with application to spherical motor is presented in this research. The popularity of PID Fuzzy Computed Torque Controller can be attributed to their robust performance in a wide range of operating conditions and partly to their functional simplicity. PID methodology has three inputs and if any input is described with seven linguistic values, and any rule has three conditions we will need 343 rules. It is too much work to write 343 rules and have lots of problem to design embedded control system e.g., Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). In this research the PID-like fuzzy controller can be constructed as a parallel structure of a PD-like fuzzy controller and a conventional PI controller to have the minimum rule base and acceptable trajectory follow disturbance to control of spherical motor. However computed torque controller is work based on cancelling decoupling and nonlinear terms of dynamic parameters for each direction of three degree of freedom spherical motor, this controller is work based on motor dynamic model and this technique is highly sensitive to the knowledge of all parameters of nonlinear spherical motor‟s dynamic equation. This research is used to reduce or eliminate the computed torque controller problem based on minimum rule base fuzzy logic theory to control of three degrees of freedom spherical motor system and testing of the quality of process control in the simulation environment of MATLAB/SIMULINK Simulator.
Index Term—PID

This paper presents a novel robotic painting system able to create artworks using the palette knife technique. The implementation of this method with a robotic system is particularly challenging, since the robot needs to precisely... more

This paper presents a novel robotic painting system able to create artworks using the palette knife technique. The implementation of this method with a robotic system is particularly challenging, since the robot needs to precisely manipulate the palette knife to pick up and release the color on the canvas. The painting system comprises a 6-DOF collaborative robot, a camera to acquire the information on the color position, and several algorithms for the artistic rendering of the images and for the planning of the trajectories that the robot has to follow. During the painting process the user can modify multiple parameters: both software, for example, stroke position and orientation, and hardware, for example, palette knife inclination and height, to obtain different stroke effects. Finally, the experimental results are discussed by analyzing the artworks painted by the novel robotic system.

International Journal of Recent advances in Mechanical Engineering (IJMECH) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that addresses the impacts and challenges of Mechanical Engineering. The journal documents practical and theoretical... more

International Journal of Recent advances in Mechanical Engineering (IJMECH) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that addresses the impacts and challenges of Mechanical Engineering. The journal documents practical and theoretical results which make a fundamental contribution for the development of Mechanical Engineering. This journal aims to bring together researchers and practitioners in all Mechanical Engineering aspects, including (but not limited to):

In this paper, it is described the design of seedling separation device with reciprocating movement of seedling cups and control system of the full automatic plug seedling transplanter. The analysis of the research indicates that the... more

In this paper, it is described the design of seedling separation device with reciprocating movement of seedling cups and control system of the full automatic plug seedling transplanter. The analysis of the research indicates that the specific strategic path seedling is plane and corresponding control system is formulated. It is put forward special intention on the specific designing of the main components (transplanting device, seedling device and seedling cup) of the seedling separation device. The linear driving motor and driving cylinder are used to control the reciprocating motion, open and close mechanism of mobile seedling cups. The control schemes of the seedling picking, seedling transmission and seedling dropping are designed in detail. It is assured the control program of picking of seedling in the fixed position and the transmission of seedling rapidly and dropping of seedling in the fixed position. The positioning accuracy tests of the linear transmission device and the success rate tests of the seedling device are carried out separately. It is found that the positioning accuracy of a linear transmission device decreased gradually with the increase of seedling speed, especially when the motor pulse frequency exceeds 20,000 Hz. The motor gets out of steps and the precision will drop rapidly. After that it is optimized the motor by setting different pulse frequencies, and fix the range of error values between 0.2 mm and 0.8 mm which is according to the requirement of seedling location. The results of seedling tests of seedling device indicate that the qualified rate of seedling decreases gradually with the increase of seedling speed and the success rate of 70 working cycles/min is 95.03%. This demonstrates that the structure of mechanical components of seedling separation device meets the sub-seed movement requirements. The optimization of the control system could increase the position accuracy according to requirements and achieve the goal of automated sub seedlings.

A detailed study was carried out on crankshafts used in two wheeler made from C45 (EN 8/AISI 1042) steel. Undesirable noise was heard in crankshaft when the engine is in running. This was stated as failure of crankshaft. Material has been... more

A detailed study was carried out on crankshafts used in two wheeler made from C45 (EN 8/AISI 1042) steel. Undesirable noise was heard in crankshaft when the engine is in running. This was stated as failure of crankshaft. Material has been peeled off and seemed to be scraped at the central portion of the crankpin. It was the bearing seating place where oil hole also provided. Under analysis the crankpin was identified as tempered. Chemical composition, micro-hardness and microstructure were studied and compared with the specified properties of the crankpin material. Reason for failure is identified as wear due to lower hardness, improper lubrication and high operating oil temperature.

Designing a multi-robot system provides numerous advantages for many applications such as low cost, multi-tasking and more efficient group work. However, the rigidity of the robots used in industrial and medical applications increases the... more

Designing a multi-robot system provides numerous advantages for many applications such as low cost, multi-tasking and more efficient group work. However, the rigidity of the robots used in industrial and medical applications increases the probability of injury. Therefore, lots of research is done to increase the safety factor for robot-human interaction. As a result, either separation between the human and robot is suggested, or the force shutdown to the robot system is applied. These solutions might be useful for industrial applications, but it is not for medical applications as a direct interaction between the human and the machine is required. To overcome the rigidity problem, a soft robot arm is presented in this paper. Studying the structure and performance of a contraction pneumatic muscle actuator (PMA) is illustrated, then useful strategies are used to implement a multi PMA continuum arm to increase the performance options for such types of the actuator. Moreover, twin arms ...

The Internet of things is a platform, which connects and controls the real word objects through a wireless network. This paper presents a novel approach to collect the data from the sensors, which resides on a Mechatronic devices. Using... more

The Internet of things is a platform, which connects and controls the real word objects through a wireless network. This paper presents a novel approach to collect the data from the sensors, which resides on a Mechatronic devices. Using communication protocols these devices are integrated with the cloud based IoT data logger. There will be a communication between the data logger and the server. Android based application developed will monitor the action of devices.

This research presents some exceedingly challenging problems in a Robot Vacuum Cleaner (RVC) such as the inefficiency of power or energy supply, which deals with the el ectrical circuit and the problem of it missing some paths or gap... more

This research presents some exceedingly challenging problems in a Robot Vacuum Cleaner (RVC) such as the inefficiency of power or energy supply, which deals with the el ectrical circuit and the problem of it missing some paths or gap while cleaning the room, which is the kinematics of the RVC, they were mathematically modeled. The research work approaches each of the selected problems to be modeled mathematically by first formulating the problem as a mathematical expression in terms of variables, functions and equations. An ODE (Ordinary Differential Equation) was obtained for the electric circuit model and then simulated to obtain a sinusoidal result, while a matrix was a cquired for the kinematics and a graph plotted to see its behavior at seventytwo different angles with intervals of 0:5:360 degrees. The system was simulated using MATLAB to study and understand the behavior of the RVC. At the end of the research firstly, it was concluded from the sinusoidal graph obtained for the model of the electrical circuit, that when the Ordinary Differential Equation (ODL) provided is been applied in test running any RVC electrical circuit, there would not be any problem of power fa ilure or battery discharge. Secondly, it was concluded from observation that the graph gotten for the kinematics at the bases of every 5point interval in 360 degrees beginning with 0, that when the matrix provided is applied in building a robot vacuum cle aner, there would be no missing of some part of the room while executing its duty of cleaning

Although all roads have signboards indicating maximum speed limit for sake of driver’s safety, but still people does not obey speed limit rules and cause accidents. The project aims in designing an efficient system which can automatically... more

Although all roads have signboards indicating maximum speed limit for sake of driver’s safety, but still people does not obey speed limit rules and cause accidents. The project aims in designing an efficient system which can automatically monitor individual vehicle speed and also count vehicles on road. The system is designed using PIC microcontroller, IR sensors, LCD and LED indicators. The Microcontroller is programmed using Embedded C language.

This is the Eco Kart, Go Kart report format made for "INDO-ASIAN SOLAR CHALLENGE 2015"