Medieval Spain Research Papers - (original) (raw)

This note describes a lipsanotheca (a small container of relics, placed within an altar) from the church of Santa Maria de Cap d’Aran. The container, now preserved in the Museu dera Val d’Aran, is of blown glass, and it has relief-cut... more

This note describes a lipsanotheca (a small container of relics, placed within an altar) from the church of Santa Maria de Cap d’Aran. The container, now preserved in the Museu dera Val d’Aran, is of blown glass, and it has relief-cut ornament. The form, color, and quality of the glass indicate that it was made in the ninth or 10th century, probably in Iran. Similar objects in The Corning Museum of Glass and The Metropolitan Museum of Art are noted. It is not known how the bottle reached Spain. The authors believe that it was used as a lipsanotheca at about the time the church of Santa Maria de Cap d’Aran was consecrated, in the first half of the 11th century.

Resumen: El vidrio de al-Andalus ha recibido poco interés por parte de la investigación especializada. Sin embargo, recientes avances han puesto de manifiesto su interés no solo desde un punto de vista meramente formal sino también como... more

Resumen: El vidrio de al-Andalus ha recibido poco interés por parte de la investigación
especializada. Sin embargo, recientes avances han puesto de manifiesto su interés
no solo desde un punto de vista meramente formal sino también como un medio auxiliar
para conocer diversos aspectos de la sociedad andalusí.
En este trabajo se recopilan de manera muy sintética lo que sabemos en la actualidad
sobre el vidrio en al-Andalus. Partiendo de una breve introducción sobre la producción
y comercialización del vidrio en al-Andalus a partir de las investigaciones arqueométricas,
se bosqueja la evolución de sus formas y decoraciones a lo largo de la historia de
al-Andalus. Con ello tratamos de poner de relieve las grandes posibilidades que ofrece
su estudio multidisciplinar aunando la información de las fuentes escritas, la arqueología,
la tipológica y la composición química del vidrio. Una investigación que aún se
encuentra en un estado incipiente pero que ya se está constituyendo como una herramienta
muy relevante para el estudio de la evolución y difusión de las modas estéticas,
la tecnología, mecanismos de producción y el comercio en la historia de al-Andalus.
Palabras clave: Vidrio, Arqueometría, Tipología, al-Andalus, Arte Islámico.
Abstract: Glass from al-Andalus has received little attention from specialized research.
Recent progress has shown its interest not only from a formal perspective, but
also as an auxiliary source in understanding various aspects of Andalusian society. In
this paper, we have compiled in a very synthetic way what we know so far about glass
in al-Andalus. Starting with a brief introduction on the production and commercialisation
of glass in al-Andalus based on archaeometric research, we outline the evolution
of its forms and decorations throughout the history of al-Andalus. The aim is to
highlight the great potential offered by a multidisciplinary approach combining information
from written sources, archaeology, typology, and the chemical composition of
glass. The research on glass in al-Andalus is its infancy but is already becoming a relevant
tool for studying the development and diffusion of aesthetic trends, technologies,
mechanisms of production and trade in the history of al-Andalus.
Keywords: Glass, Archaeometry, Typology, al-Andalus, Islamic Art.

This article explores the personal garments present in the probate inventories of 83 individuals that lived in the city of Valencia and its hinterland during the long fourteenth century. The paper explores the differences between both... more

This article explores the personal garments present in the probate inventories of 83 individuals that lived in the city of Valencia and its hinterland during the long fourteenth century. The paper explores the differences between both groups of individuals, the urban and the rural one, in aspects such as the typologies of the pieces of clothing, the colours, finishes, complements and fabrics employed in their design. It also tracks the spread of particular pieces of clothing across both groups of deceased before and after the Black Death, and discusses how far these changes were guided by emulative motivations.

Intending the Early Middle Ages as one of the most astonishing political and social laboratories in Europe's history, the main goal of this session is the study of social complexity between the 9th and 10th centuries, comparing societies... more

Intending the Early Middle Ages as one of the most astonishing political and social laboratories in Europe's history, the main goal of this session is the study of social complexity between the 9th and 10th centuries, comparing societies and political landscapes from two European macro-regions: Northern Iberia and Central Italy, in order to investigate social, economic and political complexities on a continental scale, with the main intention of interpreting 'landscapes of social and political inequality'; to deepen the concepts of social and political inequality in the historical evolution of societies and powers, which must be always considered as processes in progress.

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Ninguna parte de este libro puede ser reproducida o transmitida en cualquier forma o por cualquier medio, electrónico o mecánico, incluido fotocopias, grabación o por cualquier sistema de almacenamiento de información sin el previo permiso escrito de los autores.

Jews and Christians in Medieval Castile examines the changes in Jewish-Christian relations in the Iberian kingdom of Castile during the pivotal period of the reconquest and the hundred years that followed the end of its most active phase... more

Jews and Christians in Medieval Castile examines the changes in Jewish-Christian relations in the Iberian kingdom of Castile during the pivotal period of the reconquest and the hundred years that followed the end of its most active phase (eleventh to mid-fourteenth century). The study's focus on the Christian heartland north of the Duero River, known as Old Castile, allows for a detailed investigation of the Jews' changing relations with the area's main power players―the monarchy, the church, and the towns. In a departure from previous assessments, Soifer Irish shows that the institutional and legal norms of toleration for the Jewish minority were forged not along the military frontier with Islam, but in the north of Castile. She argues that the Jews' relationship with the Castilian monarchy was by far the most significant factor that influenced their situation in the kingdom, but also demonstrates that this relationship was inherently problematic. Although during the early centuries of Christian expansion the Jewish communities benefited from a strong royal power, after about 1250 helping maintain it proved to be costly to the Jewish communities in economic and human terms. Soifer Irish demonstrates that while some Castilian clergymen were vehemently anti-Jewish, the Castilian Church as a whole never developed a coordinated strategy on the Jews, or even showed much interest in the issue. The opposite is true about the townsmen, whose relations with their Jewish neighbors vacillated between cooperation and conflict. In the late thirteenth century, the Crown's heavy-handed tactics in enforcing the collection of outstanding debts to Jewish moneylenders led to the breakdown in the negotiations between the Jewish and Christian communities, creating a fertile ground for the formation of an anti-Jewish discourse in Castilian towns. Soifer Irish also examines the Jews' attitudes toward the various powers in the Christian society and shows that they were active players in the kingdom's politics. Jews and Christians in Medieval Castile breaks new ground in helping us understand more fully the tensions, and commonalities, between groups of different faiths in the late medieval period.

Reseña de los libros publicados por Diego Melo Carrasco: Las alianzas y negociaciones del sultán: Un recorrido por la historia de las "relaciones internacionales" del sultanato nazarí de Granada (siglos XIII-XV), Murcia, Editum, 2015;... more

Reseña de los libros publicados por Diego Melo Carrasco: Las alianzas y negociaciones del sultán: Un recorrido por la historia de las "relaciones internacionales" del sultanato nazarí de Granada (siglos XIII-XV), Murcia, Editum, 2015; Compendio de cartas, tratados y noticias de paces y treguas entre Granada, Castilla y Aragón, Murcia, Editum, 2016

Una de las líneas de investigación en historia económica que está cobrando mayor protagonismo en los últimos años es la dedicada al mercado de segunda mano, a la reventa y reciclaje de objetos utilizados anteriormente por otras per-sonas.... more

Una de las líneas de investigación en historia económica que está cobrando mayor protagonismo en los últimos años es la dedicada al mercado de segunda mano, a la reventa y reciclaje de objetos utilizados anteriormente por otras per-sonas. Se trata sin duda de un tema que se relaciona muy directamente con la historia del consumo y que expresa como pocos el nivel de comercialización al que llegaron algunas sociedades preindustriales europeas, las cuales se hallaban completamente integradas, hasta en sus niveles más bajos, en las redes del mer-cado. Han sido los modernistas los pioneros en este campo, con los estudios de P. Allerston, M. Ginsburg, B. Lemire, E. Sanderson, E. Welch, J. Stobart o H. Deceulaer, entre otros, pero ya antes, en los siglos finales de la Edad Media, es posible seguir los rastros de ese activo comercio de lo usado, que en mi caso llevo unos años estudiando a partir del ejemplo de la ciudad de Valencia en los siglos xIv y xv 1. Se ha podido así constatar que no estamos ni mucho menos ante un fenó-meno marginal, sino ante un mercado básico que dominó la mayor parte de los circuitos de intercambio de algunos bienes, como los muebles o las prendas de vestir, hasta bien entrado el siglo xIx, cuando la revolución industrial comenzó a introducir la producción en cadena de objetos de uso cotidiano, e hizo poco a poco menos necesario el exprimir al máximo su uso. Más incluso, el mercado de segunda mano contribuyó de forma decisiva a modelar los comportamientos y los modelos de consumo de las clases medias y bajas de aquella sociedad, y al mismo tiempo, si lo observamos desde el punto de vista de los vendedores, se convirtió en una fuente primordial de liquidez para buena parte de la pobla-ción, que conseguía así el dinero que necesitaba en un momento concreto de su vida, desprendiéndose de una parte de sus bienes o empeñándolos de forma 1 Véase, entre los estudios de los modernistas,

The genealogical connection of medieval kings of Spain to a specific people – the Visigoths – became among of the most important tools of legitimation used in the historiography written in the North-western Iberian Christian kingdoms.... more

The genealogical connection of medieval kings of Spain to a specific people – the Visigoths – became among of the most important tools of legitimation used in the historiography written in the North-western Iberian Christian kingdoms. Chronicles and documents written under the direct command of king Alfonso III of Asturias affirmed the Gothic origins of the Asturian dynasty, an ideological current known as Neogothicism. In the same manner, and throughout the 11th-12th centuries, chronicles and documents issued by kings of León, successors of the Asturian kings, also used continuity with the Gothic past to consolidate the power of that dynasty. However, texts coming from other geographies, namely the territories of the recently formed kingdom of Portugal, opted for an alternative view of the past and of the origins of the realm, establishing other kinds of connections to validate the emergence of this new political entity. The aim of this paper is to show how continuity and discontinuity were used as an identity mark and a legitimation strategy in a set of texts written between the 10th and 12th centuries in Asturias, León and Portugal.

Na Castela dos séculos XIV e XV, as vestimentas e os adornos das mulheres passaram a ser alvo de uma série de prescrições que visavam à sua moralização. Com o intuito de evitar as faltas no cuidado da aparência, foram estabelecidas,... more

Na Castela dos séculos XIV e XV, as vestimentas e os adornos das mulheres passaram a ser alvo de uma série de prescrições que visavam à sua moralização. Com o intuito de evitar as faltas no cuidado da aparência, foram estabelecidas, durante os dois séculos, diversas leis e regras por meio das quais as mulheres deveriam se guiar e serem guiadas por seus responsáveis para alcançarem um uso moderado, virtuoso e proveitoso dos vestidos e afeites. A partir dos problemas apontados em diversos escritos da época, normativos e edificantes, a proposta central do livro é inquirir sobre os valores e as especificações que deveriam pautar a conduta das castelhanas no trato de sua aparência. ISBN: 978-85-7600-481-3// [Dressed and adorned to be virtuous: women in Castile of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries]. In the Castile of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, the garments and adornments of women have been targeted in a series of prescriptions aimed at their moralization. In order to avoid such shortcomings were established during the two centuries, various laws and rules by which women should guide and be guided by their leaders to achieve a moderate, virtuous and useful use of dresses and adornments. From the problems identified in various writings of the time, normative and edifying, the central aim of this research is to inquire about the values and specifications that should guide the conduct of Castilian women in dealing with their appearance.// Imagem da capa/cover image: Sarga de Santa Ana, século XV, ©Museo de La Rioja, Espanha.

Desde el campo de la cultura y la política hispana, El otoño de la Edad Media en Castilla y Aragón ofrece un recorrido por los últimos años medievales en el tránsito hacia la temprana Modernidad para explicar el complejo proceso de... more

Desde el campo de la cultura y la política hispana, El otoño de la Edad Media en Castilla y Aragón ofrece un recorrido por los últimos años medievales en el tránsito hacia la temprana Modernidad para explicar el complejo proceso de conformación de estos reinos. Su autor, Ezequiel Borgognoni, es Doctor en Historia y Profesor de la Cátedra de Historia Medieval de la Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires. Así pues, a través de una perspectiva de larga duración, que no desdeña las vicisitudes y mutaciones que operan al nivel de la coyuntura, el libro está dividido en dos capítulos que abordan los cambios acaecidos en el espacio peninsular durante el denominado proceso de “Reconquista” llevado a cabo por los monarcas cristianos de los territorios aquí abordados.

The paper presents preliminary results of archaeobotanical studies carried out at the Madīnat Ilbīra site in Spain. The functioning of the town, which was the capital of one of the administrative districts (kūras) of alAndalus, falls in... more

The paper presents preliminary results of archaeobotanical studies carried out at the Madīnat Ilbīra site in Spain. The functioning of the town, which was the capital of one of the administrative districts (kūras) of alAndalus, falls in the period between the second half of the 9th century and the 11th century. However, the analysed soil samples were collected from archaeological contexts dated mostly to the last decades of the 10th century and to the 11th century. The samples yielded an interesting set of data about the preserved plant remains. Although the taxonomic diversity of the plants is not high, the analysis revealed remains of naked and hulled wheat (emmer wheat), millet, poppy seeds, perhaps peas, cucumber or melon, and grapevine. Although crop plants played an important role in the everyday diet of the town inhabitants, wild plants also were probably collected and used. The latter are represented in the analysed materials by, for example, wild strawberry, common mallow a...

This is a popular history article for Medieval Warfare Magazine's special issue about the World of Rodrigo Díaz "El Cid" de Bivar. It details the lead-up to and results of the annexation/conquest of the city of Toledo in 1085 by the... more

This is a popular history article for Medieval Warfare Magazine's special issue about the World of Rodrigo Díaz "El Cid" de Bivar. It details the lead-up to and results of the annexation/conquest of the city of Toledo in 1085 by the Leonese Empire.

Until recently, studies in the architectural history of medieval and early modern Europe have assumed an all-male labor force on the construction site and in the related building trades. Historical chronicles and manuscript illuminations... more

Until recently, studies in the architectural history of medieval and early modern Europe have assumed an all-male labor force on the construction site and in the related building trades. Historical chronicles and manuscript illuminations of construction sites support this notion, purporting the total exclusion of women from this complex industry. This chapter demonstrates the true nature of women's contribution to construction sites from the 13th to the 17th centuries in western Europe, uncovering a wide range of occupations in which they engaged: poor women hired for manual labor, women working as slaves, women working with their husbands and fathers in the building trades, widows continuing the workshops of their deceased husbands, and women supplying building materials for particular sites. There is a history to be told of women's repeated participation in and subsequent denial from working in the building trades that echoes a theme between towns and across language barriers and indicates a common experience shared by women in this era.

This book aims to analyze the genesis and evolution of late Gothic painting in the Crown of Aragon and the rest of the Hispanic kingdoms, examining this phenomenon in relation to the whole context of Europe in the second half of the... more

This book aims to analyze the genesis and evolution of late Gothic painting in the Crown of Aragon and the rest of the Hispanic kingdoms, examining this phenomenon in relation to the whole context of Europe in the second half of the fifteenth century. The authors consider the influence of the Flemish primitive movement on the art produced by their Spanish colleagues, the artistic relations and interchanges with the Netherlands and other countries, and the introduction and development of the Flemish language in the Spanish lands. The book also examines altarpieces, considering topics such as changes in shape and structure and liturgical links, along with offering stylistic analyses supported by new technologies. Contributors are Joan Aliaga, Maria Antonia Argelich, Marc Ballesté, Judith Berg Sobré, Carme Berlabé, Eduardo Carrero, Ximo Company, Francesca Español, Francesc Fité, Montserrat Jardí, Nicola Jennings, Fernando Marías, Didier Martens, Isidre Puig, Nuria Ramón, Pedro José Respaldiza, Stefania Rusconi, Tina Sabater, Albert Sierra, Pilar Silva, Lluïsa Tolosa, Alberto Velasco, and Joaquín Yarza (†).

This is a brief review of Spanish Society- 1400-1600 by Teofilo Ruiz.

És cert que Catalunya no va existir ins al Tractat de Corbeil de l'any 1258? O que va ser un comtat annexat i subsumit dins el regne d'Aragó? I que els catalans no van lluitar en la Guerra de Successió per defensar el seu autogovern? Són... more

És cert que Catalunya no va existir ins al Tractat de Corbeil de l'any 1258? O que va ser un comtat annexat i subsumit dins el regne d'Aragó? I que els catalans no van lluitar en la Guerra de Successió per defensar el seu autogovern? Són a irmacions àmpliament difoses en la premsa i en les xarxes socials, que es fonamenten en els plantejaments més extrems del cànon històric del nacionalisme espanyol.

Al igual que las grandes obras de arte, la moda personal es una manera de expresarse y exponerse ante la sociedad. Entre los estilos más “viajeros” y copiados en el siglo XV se encuentra la moda franco-borgoñona, la cual tuvo un enorme... more

Al igual que las grandes obras de arte, la moda personal es una manera de expresarse y exponerse ante la sociedad. Entre los estilos más “viajeros” y copiados en el siglo XV se encuentra la moda franco-borgoñona, la cual tuvo un enorme impacto en el traje femenino español.
Uno de sus elementos más representativos y llamativos es el tocado de cornes, pero todavía hay que esclarecer la vía por la cual esta prenda llega a España. Entre las pinturas góticas de la iglesia lucense de Vilar de Donas se destaca el busto de la que probablemente sea doña María de Aragón, esposa de Juan II y dos damas más, los cuales constituyen los que podrían ser la única representación de este peculiar tocado en Galicia. El cómo, el cuándo y el por qué de la llegada de la influencia franco-borgoñona son las preguntas que tratan de esclarecerse.

JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more

JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact This content downloaded from on Mon, 23 Nov 2015 18:21:18 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 1), the question of a comprehensive program can be more effectively resolved.

The analysis of matrimonial conflicts using the concept of gender, which goes beyond the verification of whether judges applied or not canonical law, draws more on socio-anthropological trends in the history of the married couple in the... more

The analysis of matrimonial conflicts using the concept of gender, which goes beyond the verification of whether judges applied or not canonical law, draws more on socio-anthropological trends in the history of the married couple in the middle ages than on legal trends. The new historiographical optimism present in recent works testifies to how women were able to refuse some matrimonial situations despite the existence of domestic violence, forced sexual abstinence (impotence) and limited sentimental exchanges with their husbands. Nonetheless, this article highlights how gender determined the nature of every matrimonial conflict and its description before the judge. Gender underwrote as well the expectations litigants had in using lawsuits, given the power relationship between the sexes, even when wives and husbands sought a judicial separation by mutual agreement.

French Historians never studied Norsemen south of river Loire. The strange thing is that nobody ever noticed this "oblivion". If Historians had crossed river Loire, they would have discovered the "kingdom" of Bjorn Ragnarsson in Gascony... more

French Historians never studied Norsemen south of river Loire. The strange thing is that nobody ever noticed this "oblivion". If Historians had crossed river Loire, they would have discovered the "kingdom" of Bjorn Ragnarsson in Gascony (Pays de Born, Pays de Bearn). This southern presence on a major commercial route between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean let us believe that Viking invasions were a commercial war centered on slave trade toward Spain.
Saga des Vikings, une autre histoire des invasions , Autrement, Paris, a paraitre le 7 fervrier 2018.

Suddenly Don Quijote doubts his squire’s embassy. It would be miraculous for Sancho to have returned in just over three days because El Toboso is more than thirty leagues away, seventy-five miles or one hundred and twenty-five kilometers... more

Suddenly Don Quijote doubts his squire’s embassy. It would be miraculous for Sancho to have returned in just over three days because El Toboso is more than thirty leagues away, seventy-five miles or one hundred and twenty-five kilometers from where Don Quijote was in the Sierra Morena.

After serving during turbulent times at the court of Pedro’s predecessor, Alfonso XI (r. 1312–50), Sem Tob de Carrión (c. 1290-c. 1369) advocates in "Proverbios morales" for sensible policies and toleration toward Jewish subjects. As a... more

After serving during turbulent times at the court of Pedro’s predecessor, Alfonso XI (r. 1312–50), Sem Tob de Carrión (c. 1290-c. 1369) advocates in "Proverbios morales" for sensible policies and toleration toward Jewish subjects. As a work that also conveys the urgency among Jews to set aside internal differences in the face of mounting anti-Judaism, "Proverbios morales" points out lessons to be learned concerning inter-religious tensions by recalling the late medieval intra-Jewish conflict between orthodox Rabbinism and a longstanding anti-Rabbinite tradition.

On 9 July 1391, a mob assaulted the Jewish quarter of Valencia, killing and forcibly converting its inhabitants. This attack, one of many across Spain that summer, is much debated as a turning point in medieval Jewish history, but little... more

On 9 July 1391, a mob assaulted the Jewish quarter of Valencia, killing and forcibly converting its inhabitants. This attack, one of many across Spain that summer, is much debated as a turning point in medieval Jewish history, but little attention has been paid to the role of the urban government. This article shows how the city council of Valencia shaped their narrative of the assault to further their goals for urban reform. In 1391, the Valencian council was in the midst of a reform initiative informed by the principles of Christian urban planning in Francesc Eiximenis' Regiment de la cosa pública. The jueria was seen as an impediment to reform. The council's retelling of the 1391 attack shifted responsibility onto the Jews and the jueria itself, considered a block to public order in the city. This laid the groundwork for the council's solution: the removal of the jueria from Valencia.

This article investigates the manifestations of anti-Judaism that informed fifteenth-century debates over the religious and civic status of the conversos. Insurgents in Toledo supported the persecution of the conversos and their exclusion... more

This article investigates the manifestations of anti-Judaism that informed fifteenth-century debates over the religious and civic status of the conversos. Insurgents in Toledo supported the persecution of the conversos and their exclusion from public life by insisting on their continued Jewishness despite baptism. Documents such as the “Petition” and the “Sentencia-Estatuto” issued by the rebel regime, the “Appeal and Supplication” written by Marcos García de Mora, and the anonymous “Privilege,” show that the conversos’ opponents developed a hermeneutic of the flesh founded in a reading of the epistles of Paul and informed by their own particular historical context. This hermeneutic afforded the conversos’ opponents a theological basis for shutting certain baptized Christians out of Spanish society based on their carnal descent, weaving race into Christian theology. So useful a conceptual and rhetorical tool was anti-Judaism, however, that even converso defenders employed it as a weapon against their opponents.