Metallurgical Engineering Research Papers - (original) (raw)
В отходах пирометаллургического производства меди накоплено значительное количество отвальных шлаков. Даже при среднем содержании меди в них 0,30–0,80 %, видно, что потери металлы составляет значительных. В этой связи задача создания... more
В отходах пирометаллургического производства меди накоплено значительное количество отвальных шлаков. Даже при среднем содержании меди в них 0,30–0,80 %, видно, что потери металлы
составляет значительных. В этой связи задача создания рациональной и комплексной технологии переработки шлаков и промпродуктов медного производства является весьма актуальной. В статье рассмотрен инновационный метод снижения потерь меди со шлаком. Для проведения этого исследования
использованы восстановительно-сульфидирующих комплексы (ВСК), состоящие из клинкеров цинкового производства и хвостов обогатительных фабрик АГМК. Полученные результаты показывает, что внедрение данной технологии в промышленность позволит повысить комплексности использование сырья.
Har yili dunyo miqyosida insonlarning koʻpayishi, ishlab chiqarish va sanoatning kengayishi katta shaharlarning globallashuvi bu - oziq-ovqat tanqisligi, ishlab chiqarish va sanoat chiqindi gazlari, qattiq hamda suyuq chiqindilari,... more
Har yili dunyo miqyosida insonlarning koʻpayishi, ishlab chiqarish va
sanoatning kengayishi katta shaharlarning globallashuvi bu - oziq-ovqat tanqisligi, ishlab chiqarish va sanoat chiqindi gazlari, qattiq hamda suyuq chiqindilari, maishiy chiqindilarni hosil boʻlishiga olib kelmoqda. Misol qilib aytsak, yer yuzida har kuni 11 250 000 tonnadan ortiq chiqindi hosil boʻladi va bu balandligi 3 km, eni 1 km boʻlgan chiqindi togʻi deganidir. Bundan tashqari, sanoat va ishlab chiqarish chiqindilari hajmi maishiy chiqindidan bir necha marotaba koʻproq miqdorni tashkil etadi. Bu holat esa kelajakda inson va atrof-muhitni qanday katta ekologik muammolarga duch kelishi mumkinligini isbotidir.
Rotary degassing is one of the most frequently used melt treatment technologies used for processing liquid aluminum alloys. Despite this, the information available about the possible effects of this method on the double oxide-and nitride... more
Rotary degassing is one of the most frequently used melt treatment technologies used for processing liquid aluminum alloys. Despite this, the information available about the possible effects of this method on the double oxide-and nitride film (bifilm) content, especially when using different purging gases, is quite limited. For this reason, in this study, the effects of multiple rotary degassing treatments conducted with N 2 and Ar purging gases on the bifilm quantity of a casting aluminum alloy were compared. The characterization of the melt quality was realized by the computed tomographic (CT) analysis of reduced pressure test (RPT) specimens, image analysis, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of the fracture surfaces of K-mold samples. Based on the results, by the application of Ar as a purging gas, relatively low bifilm content can be achieved. On the other hand, while the use of N 2 leads to the formation of numerous small-sized nitride bifilms, which significantly increased the pore number density inside the RPT specimens. This can be associated with the nitride formation by the chemical reaction between the liquid aluminum alloy and the N 2 purging gas bubbles during the degassing treatments.
Stable smelter operation is critical for successful production of base metals from particulate ore. This work studies the operation of an industrial direct current electric arc furnace that operates as a smelter in a large-scale... more
Stable smelter operation is critical for successful production of base metals from particulate ore. This work studies the operation of an industrial direct current electric arc furnace that operates as a smelter
in a large-scale metallurgical process. Specifically, unexpected loss of the plasma arc is an important unresolved problem with a significant impact on the production efficiency of the process. Moreover, given that electric arc furnaces are highly energy intensive units, even minimal improvements to the overall production efficiency represent meaningful reductions in the environmental footprint of the process over the lifetime of operation. A predictive inferential sensor is proposed to avoid high risk operating regimes and reduce the overall environmental footprint of the process. The alarm identifies high risk situations and instructs operators to take corrective actions to avoid the loss of arc. Large amounts of historical industrial process data have been collected, pre-processed and leveraged in a cross-validated supervised learning framework that trains the inferential sensor model. New data, previously unseen by the model, are drawn from the historical database and used to test the ability of the model to generalize. This work showcases our progress to date including the training, validation and testing of competing inferential sensor models and their ability to predict arc loss on industrial data.
Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Plant plans to increase copper production to 400 thousand tons by 2029. Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Combine (AGMK) plans to increase copper production to 400 thousand tons in 2020-2028, follows from... more
Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Plant plans to increase copper production to 400 thousand tons by 2029. Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Combine (AGMK) plans to increase copper production to 400 thousand tons in 2020-2028, follows from the decree of the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev of May 26. According to the document, the project for expanding the production of non-ferrous metals at AGMK is divided into two stages. In 2020-2025, the plant plans to build an open pit at the Yoshlik-I deposit, as well as a new copper-processing plant (MOF) with a processing capacity of 60 million tons of ore per year. According to the calculations of the plant, it is planned to build a factory of such capacity for the first time in the CIS. For its implementation at AGMK, similar productions were studied at copper quarries in Chile and Peru. As was informed at the plant, "the uniqueness of the new factory will be in the use of a rational scheme for the enrichment of minerals, which, among other things, will increase the production of molybdenum and gold". The resolution approved the proposal of the AMMC to attract the Russian Renaissance Heavy Industries (a subsidiary of the Turkish Ronesans Holding) for the construction of the MOF. Two contracts will be signed with the company-for the execution of engineering works and design until the end of 2020, as well as for the supply of equipment on a turnkey basis. The implementation of the first stage will make it possible to increase the output of copper at the plant to 290 thousand tons, gold-up to 38 tons, silver-up to 203 tons. In February of this year, during the visit of Shavkat Mirziyoyev to Turkey with Ronesans Holding, agreements were reached on the implementation of projects in metallurgy, medicine and real estate in Uzbekistan worth about $ 8 billion. In particular, the modernization of the AMMC provides for the attraction of funds for $ 4.1 billion. The second stage of the project (2022-2028) involves the expansion of the Yoshlik-I open pit capacity and the construction of another MPF, already the fourth at the AGMK, to process 50 million tons of ore per year. This will increase the production of cathode copper-up to 400 thousand tons per year, gold-up to 50 tons, silver-up to 270 tons.
Based on very early occurring ruptures found in the first stage high pressure turbine blades of a turbo reactor in a local aviation company, this study has the aim to determine their safe life. The first stage blades are subjected to... more
Based on very early occurring ruptures found in the first stage high pressure turbine blades of a turbo reactor in a local aviation company, this study has the aim to determine their safe life. The first stage blades are subjected to simultaneous action of gas pressure coming from the combustion chamber, centrifugal forces in the case of the rotor blades and to important temperatures transients, which progress in a very aggressive environment due to hot gases. These combined parameters cause a high state of stress involving several complex mechanisms of damage, such as: fatigue caused by mechanical stress fluctuations, thermo-mechanical fatigue caused by temperature variations and corrosion caused on the stressed elements. Life cycle determination asks for stress evaluation of blades regarding several variables which are approached deterministically in the study. Heat exchange between combustion gases and metal blades is considered. The total stress on two kinds of blades is calculated by the addition of the thermal effect and the mechanical loading. The stress cycle is then calculated for different steps of the engine function during the operation by considering the variation of the thermal and the mechanical properties of the system. Safe life determination is done by two different approaches: the safe life approach by the initiation model and the damage tolerance approach considering the defect growth mechanics and considering the pitting corrosion effect. The calculation is applied for stator and rotor blades of an aero engine high pressure turbine made of NI 738. Since these parts are high risk components from the point of view of potential failure consequences, the risk is assessed as well. The results obtained are studied to determine the solution to the problem, and to propose a safe decision to be taken about the design or maintenance procedures.
Исследование относится к переработке металлсодержащих отходов металлургического производства с использованием отходов вторичной переплавки алюминиевых материалов. Процесс осуществляется в шлаковой ковш при 1250 о С с получением бедного... more
Исследование относится к переработке металлсодержащих отходов металлургического производства с использованием отходов вторичной переплавки алюминиевых материалов. Процесс осуществляется в шлаковой ковш при 1250 о С с получением бедного штейна и шлака. Это исследование позволит повысить интенсивность протекания процессов возгонки летучих металлов и восстановления железа и меди, повысить степень утилизации отходов металлургического производства. Ключевые слова: отходы металлургического производства, пирометаллургия, рециклинг, обеднение шлака.
Annotation. The study relates to the processing of metal-containing wastes of metallurgical production using wastes of aluminum producing plant. The process is carried out into the metallurgical ladle during 1250 о С with recovering depleted matte and slag. This study will increase the intensity of the processes of sublimation of flying metals and reduction of iron and copper, increase the degree of utilization of metallurgical waste.
Annotatsiya. Mazkur tadqiqot tarkibida metall saqlagan chiqindilarni alyuminiyli xomashyolarni ikkilamchi eritishdan olingan chiqindisi bilan birga qayta ishlab metall olish jarayoniga asoslangan. Jarayon metallurgik kovshlarda olib borilib harorat 1250 о С ni tashkil etadi va natijada metallga nisbatan kambag'allashgan shlak va shteyn olinadi. Ushbu tadqiqot haydash yo'li bilan olinadigan uchuvchan metallarni olish jarayonini jadallashtirishga va temir hamda misni tiklashga, metallurgiya chiqindilarini utilizatsiya qilish darajasini oshirishga yordam beradi. Kalit so'zlar: metallurgiya sanoati chiqindilari, pirometallurgiya, retsikling, shlakni kambag'allashtirish.
Sampling is a key component in mineral processing. It is the art of securing a small weight or fraction that is representative of a relatively large mass to ascertain the true value of a desired property of the material through its... more
Sampling is a key component in mineral processing. It is the art of securing a small weight or fraction that is representative of a relatively large mass to ascertain the true value of a desired property of the material through its sample. Normally, it is prone to a lot of errors which can be brought about by the sampling technique used. Thus, it is important to know which method is the most applicable and reliable to use. In this experiment, two sampling techniques were used – Coning and Quartering and Jones Riffle Splitting to sample a mixture of white and black pebbles and the composition of the mixture was determined. Through coning and quartering, the mixture was estimated to be 58.84265% white pebbles in terms of quantity and 48.79815% by weight while through Jones Riffle sampling, the mixture was estimated to be 57.08796% white pebbles by quantity and 48.80276% by weight.
- by Stella Maris Bautista and +1
- •
- Metallurgical Engineering, Metallurgy, Sampling
Методические указания составлены на основании типовых и рабочих программ по курсу «Теория гидрометаллургических процессов». Данное методическое указания написан на основе предмета "Теория гидрометаллургических процессов" и содержит в... more
Методические указания составлены на основании типовых и рабочих программ по курсу «Теория гидрометаллургических процессов». Данное методическое указания написан на основе предмета "Теория гидрометаллургических процессов" и содержит в своем составе текст лекций, практических занятий и других материалов. В нем рассматриваются такие темы как, общие сведения о термодинамике электролитных растворов, термодинамика простого выщелачивания, термодинамика процессов химического выщелачивания, кинетика и механизм процессов выщелачивания, методы ускорения процессов выщелачивания, кинетика и механизм процессов выщелачивания самородков, оксидов и сульфидов металлов, основы процессов экстракции, основы ионообменных процессов, а также основы выделения металлов и их соединений из водных растворов.
It was proposed the design of an artificial neural network (ANN) to estimate the yield strength in the welding zone of HSLA experimental steels. The input parameters of the ANN were the chemical composition and hardness. The information... more
It was proposed the design of an artificial neural network (ANN) to estimate the yield strength in the welding zone of HSLA experimental steels. The input parameters of the ANN were the chemical composition and hardness. The information needed to training and testing the ANN was obtained by searching the literature of the yield strength as a function of the input parameters. The design was of the type perceptron multilayer with a rule learning of backpropagation type and sigmoidal transfer function, varying the number of nodes in the hidden layer. It was determined that the design of the ANN with 11 nodes is able to estimate the yield strength of high strength low alloy steels and ultra-high strength steels according to their chemical composition and hardness.
В статье приводятся основные этапы создания автогенных технологий переработки сульфидных медных концентратов. Показано, что внедрение автогенных технологий существенно интенсифицирует процессы, создается возможность работы без расхода... more
В статье приводятся основные этапы создания автогенных технологий переработки сульфидных медных концентратов. Показано, что внедрение автогенных технологий существенно интенсифицирует процессы, создается возможность работы без расхода внешнего углеводородного топлива,
обеспечить все необходимое тепло для металлургической плавки исключительно за счет экзотермических реакций. Показана роль кислорода, как основного компонента, обеспечивающего полноту и скорость физико-химических превращений компонентов шихты. Коротко приведены сведения о таких процессах как «Outokumpu», «JMCO», КФП и другие.
Dunyoda ishlab chiqariladigan misning 80 % miqdori pirometallurgik usulga toʻgʻri keladi. Shu jumladan, Bizning mamlakatimizda ham mis eritish zavodida pirometallurgik usuldan keng foydalaniladi. Bu usul oʻzining qulayliklari bilan... more
Dunyoda ishlab chiqariladigan misning 80 % miqdori pirometallurgik
usulga toʻgʻri keladi. Shu jumladan, Bizning mamlakatimizda ham mis eritish zavodida pirometallurgik usuldan keng foydalaniladi. Bu usul oʻzining qulayliklari bilan birgalikda bir qancha kamchiliklarga ham ega. Shulardan biri mis ishlab chiqarishda juda katta miqdorda chiqindi-shlaklarning hosil
В Республике Узбекистан особое внимание уделяется горно-металлургической промышленности, разработки усовершенствованных технологий для переработки сульфидных упорных золотосодержащих руд. В пункте четыре четвертого направления Стратегии... more
В Республике Узбекистан особое внимание уделяется горно-металлургической промышленности, разработки усовершенствованных технологий для переработки сульфидных упорных золотосодержащих руд. В пункте четыре четвертого направления Стратегии действий по дальнейшему развитию Республики Узбекистан «… Эффективные механизмы стимулирования научно-исследовательской и инновационной деятельности, применения научных и инновационных разработок…»1 поставлены важные задачи. В этом аспекте при повышении выхода ценных компонентов и интенсификации процесса имеет важное значение доизвлечение золото при переработке труднообогатимых упорных золотосодержащих руд и молибдена из молибденитовых кеков АО Алмалыкского горно металлургического комбината.
The twentieth century was the century in which metallurgy evolved from a handicraft to an engineering science. In the last thirty years of that century and, in particular, the twenty-first century, the world's steel industry, including... more
The twentieth century was the century in which metallurgy evolved from a handicraft to an engineering science. In the last thirty years of that century and, in particular, the twenty-first century, the world's steel industry, including the Chinese steel industry, are facing with new challenges and opportunities for development. New propositions have been put forward mainly by developments of the times, advances in science and technology, and changes in the global ecology- environment. Where further development of the steel industry is concerned, these propositions cannot be resolved simply by providing answers to such individual issues as quality and variety. A more important and forward-looking proposition calls for the comprehensive resolution of a number of major integrated tasks such as the enhancement of market competitiveness-including such aspects as production costs, materials consumption, energy consumption, production efficiency and investment benefits-and issues of sustainable development, such as the availability of materials and energy resources, and ecological harmony. These propositions for the steel industry in the new century cannot be solved by focus- ing studies simply on the fundamental sciences (such as thermodynamics, kinetics of chemical reactions, etc.) and the applied sciences (such as the transport phenomena and reaction engineering), but have to be resolved in their entirety by studying the functions, structure, efficiency, and other process engineering issues of metallurgical manufacturing.
Multi-axial incremental forging and shearing (MAIFS), as a new severe plastic deformation technique, was successfully applied up to eight passes on the workpieces of commercially pure Al (AA1100). The microstructure evolutions and... more
Multi-axial incremental forging and shearing (MAIFS), as a new severe plastic deformation technique, was successfully applied up to eight passes on the workpieces of commercially pure Al (AA1100). The microstructure evolutions and mechanisms of the grain refinement in the billets deformed through various passes of process were studied using the electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) analysis. Microhardness measurements and tensile tests were carried out to evaluate the mechanical properties and deformation behavior of the material after successive passes of the MAIFS process. Measured microhardness evolution indicated that while the distribution of hardness was non-uniform after odd-numbered passes up to four passes, but thereafter outstanding deformation homogeneity was achieved when the consecutive MAIFS passes were applied. Tensile tests indicated that yield stress and ultimate tensile strength increased rapidly during the primary pass of process but thereafter there was only a minor increase up to four passes. After that, a little drop could be observed in strength and then it reached to a saturated magnitude. Measured microhardness distribution values exhibited the same trend, viz. it increased through successive passes to a limiting value beyond which it showed a minor decline by disappearance of points having maximum hardness. Some coarsening was taken place and the dislocation walls between the boundaries were reduced significantly in going from four to six passes. It was suggested that the absorption of the dislocations into grain boundaries as an effective recovery process under large deformations and short-range migration of grain boundaries might be significant mechanisms responsible for the softening observed after four passes of process.
Olmaliq kon-metallurgiya kombinati (OKMK) singari dunyoning aksariyat korxonalarida xomaki misni ishlab chiqarishning klassik pirometallurgik sxemasi qoʻllaniladi. Bunga koʻra, sulfidli mis rudalari dastlab flotatsion usulda boyitilib,... more
Olmaliq kon-metallurgiya kombinati (OKMK) singari dunyoning aksariyat korxonalarida xomaki misni ishlab chiqarishning klassik
pirometallurgik sxemasi qoʻllaniladi. Bunga koʻra, sulfidli mis rudalari dastlab
flotatsion usulda boyitilib, tarkibida 16 – 20 % mis tutgan konsentrat olinadi.
Olingan misli konsentrat yuqori haroratda termik qayta ishlash maqsadida
metallurgik pechlarga yuklanadi. Metallurgik zavodlarda misli xomashyolarni qayta ishlashga moʻljallangan bir necha xil eritish pechlari mavjud. Ularga Yalligʻ qaytaruvchi, Kislorod-mashʼalali va Vanyukov kabi eritish pechlarini misol tariqasida keltirish mumkin. Bu eritish pechlarining ishlash prinsiplari har xil boʻlishiga qaramay olinadigan mahsulotlari bir-biriga oʻxshash boʻladi, yaʼni
mahsulot sifatida misli shteyn (30 – 50 % Cu), shlak va sanoat gazlari hosil boʻladi. Oraliq mahsulot – misli shteynni konvertorlash jarayoniga beriladi, u yerda havo kislorodi ishtirokida shteyn tarkibidagi keraksiz elementlarni oksidlantirish yoʻli bilan misni tozalab xomaki mis olinadi (96 – 98 % Cu). Soʻngra xomaki misni olovli tozalash jarayonida anod qoliplarga quyib
elektroliz jarayoniga yuboriladi va natijada yuqori sifatli misli katodlar olinadi
(99,99 % Cu).
Ushbu uslubiy ko‘rsatma 5310300 “Metallurgiya” yo‘nalishi bo‘yicha bakalavr tayyorlashda o‘qitiladigan “Gidrometallurgiya jarayonlari nazariyasi” fani dasturi asosida tuzilgan va kafedra majlisida tasdiqlangan. Laboratoriya ishlarini... more
Ushbu uslubiy ko‘rsatma 5310300 “Metallurgiya” yo‘nalishi bo‘yicha bakalavr tayyorlashda o‘qitiladigan “Gidrometallurgiya jarayonlari nazariyasi” fani dasturi asosida tuzilgan va kafedra majlisida tasdiqlangan. Laboratoriya ishlarini bajarish uchun uslubiy ko‘rsatma “Metallurgiya” yo‘nalishida ta’lim olayotgan bakalavriat talabalari uchun mo‘ljallangan bo‘lib, shuningdek, yo‘nalish magistrantlari o‘zlarining ilmiy-tadqiqot ishlari yuzasidan tajribalar o‘tkazishda foydalanishlari mumkin.
The monograph presents theoretical approaches and concepts, analytical reviews, practical solutions in specific areas of metallurgy. The publication may be interesting to Uzbek and foreign scientists, managers and specialists of factories... more
The monograph presents theoretical approaches and concepts, analytical reviews, practical solutions in specific areas of metallurgy.
The publication may be interesting to Uzbek and foreign scientists, managers and specialists of factories and metallurgical organizations, engineers, technologists, teachers, masters and students of higher educational institutions.
Responsibility for the authenticity and accuracy of citations, names, titles and other information, as well as for compliance with intellectual property laws lies with the authors of published materials.
Uslubiy qo‘llanmada gidrometallurgiya jarayonlarining nazariy asoslariga tayangan holda bu jarayonlarda uchraydigan kimyoviy hamda termokimyoviy qonuniyatlar asosida ma’ruzalar matni ko‘rsatib o‘tilgan. Muhim gidrometallurgik jarayonlar:... more
Uslubiy qo‘llanmada gidrometallurgiya jarayonlarining nazariy asoslariga tayangan holda bu jarayonlarda uchraydigan kimyoviy hamda termokimyoviy qonuniyatlar asosida ma’ruzalar matni ko‘rsatib o‘tilgan. Muhim gidrometallurgik jarayonlar: eritmalarda uchraydigan qonuniyatlar, moddalarning ionlarga parchalanishi, tanlab eritish jarayonlarining asosiy termodinamik ko‘rsatkichlari, аsosiy va keng tarqalgan gidrometallurgik jarayonlarning mexanizmi va kinetikasining ajralib turadigan xossalari keltirilgan bo‘lib, jarayonlarni intensivlashtirishning asosiy yo‘llari bayon etilgan.
An investigation was conducted on the conformance of the mechanical properties of the reinforcement bars used in local building and construction with the BS8110 design standard adopted in Nigerian considering grade S460 reinforcement bars... more
An investigation was conducted on the conformance of the mechanical properties of the reinforcement bars used in local building and construction with the BS8110 design standard adopted in Nigerian considering grade S460 reinforcement bars and using Imo State as case study. In this paper, seven Local Government Areas in Imo State were considered as given in table 3.1. Two samples each of 12mm, 16mm and 20mm ribbed bars were collected from each of the seven Local Government Areas considered. The samples have 100cm gauge length and total length of 114cm each as recommended by the laboratory where they were analyzed. Tensile test was conducted on each sample using Universal Testing Machine (Avery Denison), while the chemical analysis was done after the tensile test using a spectrometer (spectromax). The results obtained show that out of 21 average result, only 5(24%) of the samples satisfy yield strength requirement based on the acceptability range of (420-475)N/mm 2 for grade S460 used, which has standard yield strength of 460N/mm 2 according to BS8110 code. 2(10%) satisfy elongation requirement based on acceptability range of (11-15)% against 14% for grade S460 steel according to BS4449:1997.(10%) satisfy both yield strength and elongation requirement. It was also observed through the chemical analysis that increase in carbon equivalence increases the strength of the steel but decreases its ductility and for a given carbon equivalence, increase in bar size results to decrease in strength but increase in ductility.
Hidrometalurgi merupakan salah satu cabang tersendiri dari metalurgi. Secara harfiah hidrometalurgi dapat diartikan sebagai cara pengolahan logam dari batuan atau bijihnya dengan menggunakan pelarut berair (aqueius solution) atau secara... more
Hidrometalurgi merupakan salah satu cabang tersendiri dari metalurgi. Secara harfiah hidrometalurgi dapat diartikan sebagai cara pengolahan logam dari batuan atau bijihnya dengan menggunakan pelarut berair (aqueius solution) atau secara detailnya proses hidrometalurgi adalah suatu proses yang menggunakan pemakaian suatu zat kimia yang cair untuk dapat melarutkan suatu partikel tertentu. Hidrometalurgi merupakan proses ekstraksi yang meliputi pemurnian dan daur ulang logam dengan menggunakan larutan aqueous pada temperature dibawah 200°. Reaksi kimia yang dipilih biasanya sangat selektif, artinya hanya logam yang diinginkan saja yang akan bereaksi (larut) dan kemudian dipisahkan dari material yang tidak diinginkan. Pelarut yang digunakan dalam pengolahan hidrometalurgi dapat berupa asam atau senyawa kompleks. Pelindian merupakan proses pelarutan selektif logam berharhga yang diinginkan dari bijih atau konsentrat dan memisahkannya dari mineral mineral pengotor menggunakan larutan aqueous, baik asam, basa maupun garam. Reduktan organik adalah hal yang sangat penting dalam proses ini. Reduktan organik adalah hal yang sangat penting dalam proses ini. Reduktan yang dipilih diusahakan tidak berbahaya bagi lingkungan, baik reduktan itu sendiri maupun produk hasil oksidasinya. Proses ekstarksi bijih nikel biasanya tidak dilakukan proses konsentrasi terlebih dahulu karena tidak ada NiO pada bijih yang terliberasi sempurna dan tidak ada NiO yang independen dalam bijih. NiO pada bijih sifatnya selalu berikatan dengan mineral lainnya sehingga akan sangat sulit jika dilakukan proses konsentrasi atau bisa disebut sebagai benefisiasi bijih. MHP adalah produk dalam pengolahan nikel laterite menggunakan proses hidrometalurgi.
El tratamiento de revenido consiste en calentar al acero después de normalizado o templado, a una temperatura inferior al punto crítico, seguido de un enfriamiento controlado que puede ser rápido cuando se pretenden resultados de alta... more
El tratamiento de revenido consiste en calentar al acero después de normalizado o templado, a una temperatura inferior al punto crítico, seguido de un enfriamiento controlado que puede ser rápido cuando se pretenden resultados de alta tenacidad, o lento para reducir al máximo las tensiones térmicas que pueden generar deformaciones.
Solder dross containing Sn, Ni, Cu, Zn, Fe and other impurities was leached with 0.1-1.0 M citric acid at 60 °C for 24 hours stirring times. Parameter affecting the tin recovery of suggested method such as acid concentration, stirring... more
Solder dross containing Sn, Ni, Cu, Zn, Fe and other impurities was leached with 0.1-1.0
M citric acid at 60 °C for 24 hours stirring times. Parameter affecting the tin recovery of suggested
method such as acid concentration, stirring time and temperature were investigated. Results
obtained revealed that the optimum leaching parameter were achieved using 250ml of citric acid
(C6H8O7)and 10 acid/g drossfor 24 hours at 60°Cof solution temperature. Recovery of tin from
solder dross was 99.0%.
- by Syarifah Aminah and +1
- •
- Metallurgical Engineering, Metallurgy
Qo‘llanma metallurgiya sohasiga qiziqadigan barcha kitobxonlarga mo‘ljallangan bo‘lib, xususan “Metallurgiya” yo‘nalishida ta’lim olayotgan talabalarga va metallurgiya korxonalariga ishga kirmoqchi bo‘lgan bakalavrlarga qo‘llanma sifatida... more
Qo‘llanma metallurgiya sohasiga qiziqadigan barcha kitobxonlarga
mo‘ljallangan bo‘lib, xususan “Metallurgiya” yo‘nalishida ta’lim
olayotgan talabalarga va metallurgiya korxonalariga ishga kirmoqchi
bo‘lgan bakalavrlarga qo‘llanma sifatida tavsiya etiladi.
Qo‘llanma o‘z tarkibiga metallurgiya sohasiga tegishli savoljavoblarni, metallar haqidagi eng zarur ma’lumotlarni, sohaga oid ilmiy
yangilik va qiziqarli ma’lumotlarni hamda mamlakatimizda ishlab
chiqariladigan metallarning qisqacha texnologik jarayonlari haqidagi
qismlarni oladi.
Ushbu qo‘llanmadan “Metallurgiya” sohasi bo‘yicha dars beradigan
o‘qituvchilar ham foydalanishlari mumkin.
Uslubiy qo‘llanmada gidrometallurgiya jarayonlarining nazariy asoslariga tayangan holda bu jarayonlarda uchraydigan kimyoviy hamda termokimyoviy qonuniyatlar asosida amaliy mashg‘ulotlar ko‘rsatib o‘tilgan. Muhim gidrometallurgik... more
Uslubiy qo‘llanmada gidrometallurgiya jarayonlarining nazariy asoslariga tayangan holda bu jarayonlarda uchraydigan kimyoviy hamda termokimyoviy qonuniyatlar asosida amaliy mashg‘ulotlar ko‘rsatib o‘tilgan. Muhim gidrometallurgik jarayonlar: eritmalarda uchraydigan qonuniyatlar, moddalarning ionlarga parchalanishi, tanlab eritish jarayonlarining asosiy termodinamik ko‘rsatkichlari, аsosiy va keng tarqalgan gidrometallurgik jarayonlarning mexanizmi va kinetikasining ajralib turadigan xossalari keltirilgan bo‘lib, jarayonlarni intensivlashtirishning asosiy yo‘llari bayon etilgan.
Toshkent davlat texnika universiteti ilmiy – uslubiy kengashi qaroriga asosan chop etildi.
Welding is a widely used process in industry because welding techniques have some striking features which are included in this project. In other way of saying, welding techniques will be so important in human life in the future because of... more
Welding is a widely used process in industry because welding techniques have some striking features which are included in this project. In other way of saying, welding techniques will be so important in human life in the future because of their unique specialties. For this reason, researches and studies on welding are increasing day by day.
Welding is used in different areas in industry and it has various features. Welding is especially used in the manifacturing area, as a connector between materials in the existence of heat and pressure (with or without additional materials). The main targets in this process are; lowest cost, highest satisfaction in performance and longest life.
In this project, the importance of choosing a suitable production regarding to the intended features and how to improve the mechanical features, tried to be explained. Therefore, the welding process which is going to be applied to the materials which has different metal content, are virtually modelled by using Ansys Workbench software.
Parameters as, used materials and chosen welding techniques within this project are widely explained. Experimental studies were done in order to help the project to enlighten the future studies and to make the project based on numerical data (simplifies prooving). In the other parts of the experimental studies, welding process is applied to the materials which have different metal contents by using Ansys Workbench software. Modelling a material using different welding techniques before production gives more practical and more proactive vision.
Maqolada oltinning sianli eritmalar chiqindilari bilan isrofini kamaytirishning innovatsion usuli ko‘rib chiqilgan. Bu tadqiqotni o‘tkazish uchun zararli unsurlardan tozalaydigan va oltin saqlovchi rudalardan oltinni tanlab eritish yo‘li... more
Maqolada oltinning sianli eritmalar chiqindilari bilan isrofini kamaytirishning innovatsion usuli ko‘rib chiqilgan. Bu tadqiqotni o‘tkazish uchun zararli unsurlardan tozalaydigan va oltin saqlovchi rudalardan oltinni tanlab eritish yo‘li bilan ajratib olish uchun qulay sharoit hosil qilinishiga yordan beradigan kimyoviy reagentlardan foydalanildi. Olingan natijalar shuni ko‘rsatadiki, bu texnologiyani sanoat miqyosida qo‘llash ishlab chiqarish unumdorligini oshirishga imkon beradi.
The common failures mechanisms of boiler components at elevated temperatures and monitoring techniques used in power plants to detect damaging or failures are generally well described in literature. Despite of different classification... more
The common failures mechanisms of boiler components at elevated temperatures and monitoring techniques used in power plants to detect damaging or failures are generally well described in literature. Despite of different classification concerning the principal failure mechanisms of boiler thermal power plant components, it is necessary to emphasize that essential difference between these classification does not exist. Concerning the different failures mechanisms it is obvious that the most of them are completely explained and clear in physical sense of process but some of them are not still so explicit. Therefore, until today there is a great interest to investigate the failures of power plant boiler components especially having in mind the all peculiarities of particular events. This efforts are necessary while a full assessment of the failure mechanism(s) is required to prevent further failures due to the same causes. The numerous case studies presented in this paper were done as a contribution to this efforts.
High-entropy alloys (HEAs) have recently become a vibrant field of study in the metallic materials area. In the early years, the design of HEAs was more of an exploratory nature. The selection of compositions was somewhat arbitrary, and... more
High-entropy alloys (HEAs) have recently become a vibrant field of study in the metallic materials area. In the early years, the design of HEAs was more of an exploratory nature. The selection of compositions was somewhat arbitrary, and there was typically no specific goal to be achieved in the design. Very recently, however, the development of HEAs has gradually entered a different stage. Unlike the early alloys, HEAs developed nowadays are usually designed to meet clear goals, and have carefully chosen components, deliberately introduced multiple phases, and tailored microstructures. These alloys are referred to as advanced HEAs. In this paper, the progress in advanced HEAs is briefly reviewed. The design strategies for these materials are examined and are classified into three categories. Representative works in each category are presented. Finally, important issues and future directions in the development of advanced HEAs are pointed out and discussed.
"Generally, in steel processing systems, steels are heated via induction or combustion furnaces. Natural gas fired furnaces have installation costs advantage while the induction furnaces have the advantages of less scale formation on the... more
"Generally, in steel processing systems, steels are heated via induction or combustion furnaces. Natural gas fired furnaces have installation costs advantage
while the induction furnaces have the advantages of less scale formation on the surface of the workpiece as well as less environmental pollutions. The
operation cost of both systems is a vital argument to be solved. In this paper, a natural gas fired and induction heating furnaces of a forging process were
studied. Thermodynamic analysis was performed for the furnaces which heat the steel workpiece up to 1,300 °C. The energy performances of both
systems were analyzed and compared. It is concluded that, instead of a natural gas fired or an induction furnace, a hybrid furnace may save more energy
and cost."
La lixiviación es un proceso Hidrometalurgico de extracción Sólido – liquido – Gas, por la disolución y/o oxi- reducción de los metales contenidos en las especies mineralogicas, mediante la acción de las soluciones lixiviantes.
Hydrogen embrittlement (HE) of steels is extremely interesting topic in many industrial applications, while a predictive physical model still does not exist. A number of studies carried out in the world are unambiguous confirmation of... more
Hydrogen embrittlement (HE) of steels is extremely interesting topic in many industrial applications, while a predictive physical model still does not exist. A number of studies carried out in the world are unambiguous confirmation of that statement. Bearing in mind multiple effects of hydrogen in certain metals, the specific mechanism of hydrogen embrittlement is manifested, depending on the experimental conditions. In this paper structural, low carbon steel, for pressure purposes, grade 20 - St.20 (GOST 1050-88) was investigated. Numerous tested samples were cut out from the boiler tubes of fossil fuel power plant, damaged due to high temperature hydrogen attack and HE during service, as a result of the development of hydrogen-induced corrosion process. Samples were prepared for the chemical composition analysis, hardness measurement, impact strength testing (on instrumented Charpy machine) and microstructural characterization by optical and scanning electron microscopy - SEM/EDX. Based on multi-scale special approach, applied in experimental investigations, the results, presented in this paper, indicate the simultaneous action of the hydrogen-enhanced decohesion (HEDE) and hydrogen enhanced localized plasticity (HELP) mechanisms of HE, depending on the local concentration of hydrogen in investigated steel. These results are consistent with some models proposed in literature, about a possible simultaneous action of the HELP and HEDE mechanisms in metallic materials.
В монографии изложены основные законы физической химии и металловедения, являющиеся основой анализа металлургических систем. Основное внимание уделено анализу изменения состояния вещества в ходе металлургического производства от исходного... more
В монографии изложены основные законы физической химии и металловедения, являющиеся основой анализа металлургических систем. Основное внимание уделено анализу изменения состояния вещества в ходе металлургического производства от исходного сырья до получения чистых металлов и их сплавов. В книге изложены теоретические основы восстановительных процессов оксидов металлов, вопросы взаимодействия в системах твердое тело – газ, твердое тело, жидкость, а также твердофазные процессы. Рассмотрены вопросы теплообмена и газодинамики в металлургических системах. Монография предназначена для студентов, магистров и докторантов, специализирующиеся в области металлургического образования. Может быть, полезна для молодых специалистов и научных работников для усовершенствования существующих технологий и создания новых.
The world yearly production of Silicon and Ferrosilicon is estimated in 2,4 1 and 8,2 mio 1 of tons respectively. China is responsible for 55% (Si) and 66% (FeSi) of the world production. The total amount of Submerged Arc Furnaces that... more
The world yearly production of Silicon and Ferrosilicon is estimated in 2,4 1 and 8,2 mio 1 of tons respectively. China is responsible for 55% (Si) and 66% (FeSi) of the world production. The total amount of Submerged Arc Furnaces that could be used to produce Silicon in different grades (metallurgical for Aluminium Industry, chemical for Polysilicon and Silicones Industries, mainly) are estimate in 295 furnaces 2 divided between the main producers of Silicon product along Chinese country. Based on the updated marketing information, there are 64 of that Submerged Arc Furnaces 3 in the Northeast china region, which around 13 SAF 3 are in normal operation by the first quarter of 2016. The Silicon and Ferrosilicon processes have some similarities in terms of equipment. Since the raw material handling system, the batching and feeding process, stocking process in the top of the furnace, the main smelting process, the tapping, refining and casting as well as the crushing, milling, grinding, screening and packaging process have different environmental emissions, qualitatively and quantitatively speaking. The target of this technical article is to provide a review of the different techniques applied in the metallurgical industry towards reducing those environmental emissions, via efficiency increase or new process and equipment implementation. Also to give a general ideal about return on investment for each separated system. The outcome of those optimization and assets improvement are the positive environmental profile plants increase that could be capitalized via the microsilica quality increase, the NOx and SOx and other gas emissions reduction and the increase of the overall plant efficiency. Although there is an analogy of this article and the direction of the 13 th Five Year Plan (2016-2020), the coverage of the initiatives mentioned are applicable in any Silicon/FeSi plant worldwide; iincluding within the general context of the efficiency drive sustainable practices to all production process through an environmental management system. The global geographic distribution of production plants for ferrosilicon and metallurgical grade silicon is typically a function of the availability of low (and clean) electric energy, as well as the possibility of a long term contract with the local utility company; logistic access to the raw material such as the iron and silicon ore, carbon source (reducing agent called as " reductant ") and also access to potential customers and for example, regional off-takers within the respective processing industries which use Ferrosilicon and Silicon as feedstock. In the case of Ferrosilicon, mainly Carbon and others alloys, iron casting, magnesium industry (die casting for example and primary production process) and Stainless Steel are responsible for more than 99% of FeSi usage. In the case of Silicon, the main industries are respectively Chemical Industry (Silicones and Polysilicon) and Aluminium Industry, responsible together for more than 99% too. Besides the typical oscillation into those markets (due to the economic crisis in 2008 and lower demand in 2015), the forecast for both sectors are positively evaluated by the industry worldwide. For the case of Silicon production, better than Ferrosilicon: