Modern Egyptian Literature Research Papers (original) (raw)
A survey of Arabic time-travel fiction, c. 1900 to 1990, with some comparative observations.
In this article, I argue that Mīrāl al-Ṭaḥāwī's Brooklyn Heights (Brūklīn Hāyts, 2010) and Salmān Nāṭūr's She, the Autumn and Me (Hiya, Anā, wa-l-Kharīf, 2011) call into question the very fixedness of the concepts of "homeland" and... more
In this article, I argue that Mīrāl al-Ṭaḥāwī's Brooklyn Heights (Brūklīn Hāyts, 2010) and Salmān Nāṭūr's She, the Autumn and Me (Hiya, Anā, wa-l-Kharīf, 2011) call into question the very fixedness of the concepts of "homeland" and "diaspora/abroad," and obscure the distinction between the indigene and the relocated diasporic subject. She, the Autumn and Me (Hiya, Anā, wa-l-Kharīf, 2011) is the most recent novel by Palestinian Israeli writer Salmān Nāṭūr (b. 1949), a seasoned writer of short stories, novels and critical writings. Brooklyn Heights is the fourth and most recent novel of the Egyptian Bedouin Mīrāl al-Ṭaḥāwī (b. 1969), who stands out as the first Egyptian Bedouin woman to publish modern Arabic prose. Through their portrayal of characters who are outcasts or loners, these contemporary novels complicate and deconstruct axioms which imply a reciprocal association between homeland and belonging, on the one hand, and exile/diaspora and foreignness or estrangement, on the other. In this study, I interrogate portrayals of the homeland in both texts, as it is conceived through shades of belonging and foreignness; and how "abroad" is portrayed vis-à-vis an originary homeland, in layered diasporic terms, and yet also conflated with home and homeland.
The generation of Egyptian writers and other culture makers whose creative work started to come out during the transformative 1990s produced new distinct discourses on identity, including those related to gender. This article closely... more
The generation of Egyptian writers and other culture makers whose creative work started to come out during the transformative 1990s produced new distinct discourses on identity, including those related to gender. This article closely examines Miral al-Tahawy's novel Blue Aubergine (1998) as representative of the New Age feminist writing of Jil al-Tisʾinaat. This antiestablishment form of feminism rebelled against the ideologies of previous movements. It distorted the conventional binaries, such as secular versus Islamic, and promoted hybridity. Finally, it prioritized individual constructions of female identity and plurality of representation. The article investigates the novel's narrative aspects—hybridity, polyphony, intertextuality— which illustrate the quest for a new Egyptian female identity.
This paper discusses the strong influence of Ancient Egyptian literature on both World Literature and Scripture. It inspects the uncanny similarity between between “The Instruction of Amenemope” written by ancient Egyptian scribe... more
This paper discusses the strong influence of Ancient Egyptian literature on both World Literature and Scripture. It inspects the uncanny similarity between between “The Instruction of Amenemope” written by ancient Egyptian scribe Amenemope sometime between 1300-1075 BC and the Book of Proverb, as well as the influence of "The Teaching of Amenemhat" and The Tale of Sinuhe on two of Egyptian Nobel Laureate Naguib Mahfouz's short stories titled "King Userkaf's Forgiveness" and "The Return of Sinuhe", respectively.
A decolonial reading presupposes provincializing the Eurocentric modernity/coloniality, which evaluates non-European cultural traditions exclusively in light of the European model, and from within the European tradition, instead of... more
A decolonial reading presupposes provincializing the Eurocentric modernity/coloniality, which evaluates non-European cultural traditions exclusively in light of the European model, and from within the European tradition, instead of perceiving these traditions from the outside, and from an external position. As a result, non-European cultures are recognized and framed as subordinate not for being unfamiliarly different to their Western counterpart, but for being a deformed aberration to the universalized monolithic norm. Under such coloniality of imagination, the particular complexities of the non-European imaginaire are devalued by the rhetoric of modernity. A decolonial reading of Khayri Shalabi’s imaginary travelogue Rehālāt al- Torshagi al-Halwagi fi al-Zamān (1983)1 embarks from exploring the poetics of deconstructing “the colonization of the imagination” (Quijano 23). The paper examines the revalidation of the local cultural heritage, and the restitution of narrative traditions as manifestations of alterity to modernity.
MODERN TÜRK VE MISIR EDEBİYATININ DOĞUŞ VE GELİŞİM EVRELERİNDEKİ BENZERLİKLER VE FRANSIZ EDEBİYATININ BU İKİ EDEBİYATA TESİRİ Öz Osmanlı Devleti ve Mısır'ın askeri alanda güç kazanmak maksadıyla genel an-lamda Batı, özel anlamda Fransa... more
MODERN TÜRK VE MISIR EDEBİYATININ DOĞUŞ VE GELİŞİM EVRELERİNDEKİ BENZERLİKLER VE FRANSIZ EDEBİYATININ BU İKİ EDEBİYATA TESİRİ Öz Osmanlı Devleti ve Mısır'ın askeri alanda güç kazanmak maksadıyla genel an-lamda Batı, özel anlamda Fransa ile teması, zamanla kültürel etkilenmeyi de be-raberinde getirmiş, ilim adamları arasında yaşanan bu hareketlilik, gazete ve derginin sosyal hayatta yerini almasıyla toplumun geneline yayılmıştır. Fransız edebiyatından yapılan çevirilerle gündeme gelen dilin sadeleşmesi ve söz konusu iki toplumun muhafazakâr yapısından kaynaklanan çeviri üslubu, Türk ve Mısır edebiyatında ortak iki sorunsal olarak karşımıza çıkarken, tercüme eserlere benzer telif eserler üretme ve milli edebiyat oluşturma süreci de iki ülkede aynı çizgide seyretmiştir. Edebi tekamülüne 16. yüzyılda İtalyan Rönesans'ını takip ederek başlayan Fransa, 18.yüzyılda dünya düşünce ve siyasi hayatını da etkileyen ihtilal ile değişimi çok önce tamamlamış, böylece Türk ve Mısır edebiyatının modern çiz-gilere kavuşmasında belirleyici unsur olmuştur. Esasen Türk ve Mısır edebiyatının doğuş ve gelişim sürecinde ortak noktaları tespit etmek için yapılan bu çalışma Fransız edebiyatının da söz konusu bu iki edebiyata benzer süreçler geçirdiğini göstermiştir.
The work provides discussion of the novel „Records of Provincial Investigator” by Egyptian writer Tawfik al-Hakim and story „Marita” by Georgian writer Giorgi Leonidze in one and the same context. The main characters of these works,... more
The work provides discussion of the novel „Records of Provincial Investigator” by Egyptian writer Tawfik al-Hakim and story „Marita” by Georgian writer Giorgi Leonidze in one and the same context. The main characters of these works, beautiful young women, Rim and Marita have numerous similarities, facing the rough life – both of them die. The works clearly demonstrate how the cruel world, emptied of any spirituality, kills the beauty… The article is focused on the specific negative phenomena characteristic for Egypt and Georgia that have caused death of such individuals.
This article deals with the latest novel of the contemporary Egyptian writer 'Alā' al-Aswānī which is called Jumhūrīya Ka'an (2018) (The So-Called Republic,). The novel depicts how the lives of various characters from different... more
This article deals with the latest novel of the contemporary Egyptian writer 'Alā' al-Aswānī which is called Jumhūrīya Ka'an (2018) (The So-Called Republic,). The novel depicts how the lives of various characters from different socioeconomic and religious backgrounds were shaped by the outbreak of the Egyptian revolution of 2011, with special emphasis on the darker side of the Egyptian struggle for democracy. In his novel, the author speculates about the reasons for the failure of the revolution and tries to identify the main culprits. The article aims to provide a thorough analysis of al-Aswānī's novel with the main focus on how his portrayal of the revolutionary events and the fates of individual characters reflect his own disillusionment with the outcome of the revolution and his shift from sceptical optimism to pessimism.
This essay explores Tawfáq al-Éakám's attitude to the collection of the popular stories known as the Thousand and One Nights, which was crucial to his further development as an author and playwright. Since these stories represent the... more
This essay explores Tawfáq al-Éakám's attitude to the collection of the popular stories known as the Thousand and One Nights, which was crucial to his further development as an author and playwright. Since these stories represent the cornerstone of many of his writings, the aim of the essay is to analyse the scope of influence of the Thousand and One Nights on al-Éakám's work and the way this inspiration is reflected in his most significant pieces of literature, such as ShahrazÞd or Solomon the Wise, as well as in some of his short stories and less known plays, such as HÞrãn ar-Rashád and HÞrãn ar-Rashád. The essay also deals with al-Éakám's portrayal of ShahrazÞd, whose character recurs in his writings the most; her character is thus the key to understanding many of his works.
Štúdia vychádza so subvenciou Agentúry na podporu výskumu a vývoja v rámci grantu APVV-15-0030.
"Writing about Writing about Alexandria---a Response to May Hawas."
This essay provides an alternative reading of modern Alexandria’s social and cultural history as a basis for a better contextualization of Cavafy’s poetry. It revisits the watershed year 1882, which marks the city’s destruction after its... more
This essay provides an alternative reading of modern Alexandria’s social and cultural history as a basis for a better contextualization of Cavafy’s poetry. It revisits the watershed year 1882, which marks the city’s destruction after its bombardment by the British fleet, using new evidence from a little-known diary by the nineteen-year-old Cavafy. It then examines the overlooked context of Alexandria’s late Ottoman cosmopolitanism and shows its decisive contribution to the city’s modern culture, including Cavafy’s own diasporic ethnic group, the Egyptian Greeks. Finally, the argument reassesses some prevalent misconceptions about the impact of British rule in Egypt, including the problematic view that it purportedly enhanced the city’s cosmopolitan life. Instead, the article shows that British colonialism sought to constrain Alexandrian cosmopolitanism, whereas Cavafy, and a circle of radical intellectuals around him, actively defended it through nuanced expressions of opposition to the injustices of colonial oppression.
Vedecká monografia Súčasná egyptská literatúra: Dystópia, cenzúra a Arabská jar sa venuje vybraným dielam súčasnej egyptskej literatúry a spôsobom, akými reflektujú aktuálnu spoločenskú, politickú a kultúrnu situáciu, predovšetkým... more
Vedecká monografia Súčasná egyptská literatúra: Dystópia, cenzúra a Arabská jar sa venuje vybraným dielam súčasnej egyptskej literatúry a spôsobom, akými reflektujú aktuálnu spoločenskú, politickú a kultúrnu situáciu, predovšetkým revolučné udalosti známe ako Arabská jar. Okrem analýzy literárnych textov sa do popredia dostávajú špecifické témy objavujúce sa v súčasnej tvorbe, ako generačná priepasť, odcudzenie, kolektívna trauma, cenzúra a nové literárne žánre. Pozornosť zameriava predovšetkým na literárne vyobrazenie životných skúseností a problémov mladej egyptskej generácie, ktorá mala zásadný podiel na vypuknutí protestov v roku 2011. Usiluje sa tiež o zobrazenie mechanizmov literárnej cenzúry a analyzuje jej vplyv na vývoj a charakter súčasnej literárnej tvorby. Osobitný priestor je venovaný pomerne novému žánru v egyptskej literatúre – dystópii. Práve tá sa pre vykreslenie temnej budúcnosti zvykne v arabskom prostredí často spájať s udalosťami Arabskej jari. Súčasťou publikácie je aj malá antológia tvorby súčasných egyptských autorov a autoriek, ktorých úryvky z diel sa v slovenskom preklade objavujú po prvý raz.
In the article we support the view, according to which, the main issue of Naguib Mahfouz’s novel “The Way” (الطريق, English-speaking readers know it as “The Search”) is search of God; and make attempt to clarify, what, in the... more
In the article we support the view, according to which, the main issue of Naguib Mahfouz’s novel “The Way” (الطريق, English-speaking readers know it as “The Search”) is search of God; and make attempt to clarify, what, in the writer’s opinion, is required for returning of the human to God.
Saber Rehaimi, the main character of the novel searches his father, about whom he knew nothing and about whom his mother told him before she died. Mother told him that Sayed Sayed Al-Rahaimi (Saber’s father) is very rich and Saber desires to find him mainly to improve his heavy financial situation. In the novel there is said about Sayed Sayed Al-Rahaimi that no one knows his whereabouts, as he travels permanently. They say that he is eternally young man that he has many children in different countries from different women and that he has abandoned them to their fate. Saber, arrived to Cairo from Alexandria, to find his father, sled into sin – he became a murderer and for this he was sentenced to death by hanging.
While in the prison, in Saber’s life there occurred some events that seem encouraging in the novel. From the conversation with his attorney, Saber learnt that Sayed Sayed Al-Rehaimi had some human qualities (Al-Reihami has sympathy to his father’s old blind friend and supports him) and soon it becomes clear that he is interested in this man as his father. It is not clearly said in the novel but there is expectation that fraternal feelings can come to Sayed Sayed Al-Rehaimi and he will find his son. Mahfouz describes also the other events that give trust to the humans in Saber and give sense of being spiritually close to them…
Search for God is undoubtedly one of the main themes of Naguib Mahfouz’s novel. Though, we should not regard Sayed Sayed Al-Rehaimi as the allegory of God. The author describes him as “eternally young man” and gives him the name similar to the God’s epithet, to remind that an individual should fulfill his obligations… God loves the humans whom he has created and similarly, the humans should attempt to love their children. And the child should desire his parents for not only financial interests but also he should have human feeling of love. If such love exists between people, those, whose soul is frozen, will warm up and the lonely ones will find their peace and hence, all will feel that they are close to God.
The paper aims to attract attention of dialectologists to modern dialect poetry as linguistic material, suggesting that study of Haddad’s exploitation of registers of Egyptian Arabic for literary production contributes to better... more
The paper aims to attract attention of dialectologists to modern dialect poetry as linguistic material, suggesting that study of Haddad’s exploitation of registers of Egyptian Arabic for literary production contributes to better understanding of the living, ‘ordinary’ language, and helps to discover new horizons for research. Are units of this ordinary language capable of acquiring new meanings in poetry? How linguistic information helps the reader identify voices of various characters in a poem? The questions raised here relate to register and voice as applied to poetry, when seen as an act of communication. Yet, the question remains open, while the proposed discussion of Haddad’s verse offers some intimations for such experience.
By writing The Committee (1981) Sonallah Ibrahim constructs a short novel in which the theme of “secret” is crucial. Step by step he portrays the protagonist’s society adding elements to a story that appears out of the ordinary and ends... more
By writing The Committee (1981) Sonallah Ibrahim constructs a short novel in which the theme of “secret” is crucial. Step by step he portrays the protagonist’s society adding elements to a story that appears out of the ordinary and ends in the absurd. The relationship between writer and reader is in fact based on a gradual and incomplete disclosure of the knowledge that the former seems to want to reveal to the latter. The fundamental mechanism in the texture of the story is keeping identities and purposes secret, concealing possible truths but at the same time launching the protagonist in an exhausting search of clues and traces which are key issues in the modern Middle East history. The effects that certain events and situations have had and continue to have on the lives of Egyptians are associated with the enigmatic trials that a mysterious committee prescribes for an ordinary citizen. While the protagonist performs these tasks, images of a convulsive urban reality, marked by the policies undertaken in the Egypt of the seventies, run through the eyes of the reader, and an oppressive space takes shape. My contribution offers an interpretation of the novel which highlights the concept of secrecy in relation to the possible existence of a second reality, alongside the more obvious one (Simmel 1906), the maieutic strategy employed to arrive at the unveiling of the meaning, and the narrative structure regulated by a double direction process, on one hand the concealment and on the other the fragmentary revelation of information that apparently leads to the mystery’s solution, advancing and retreating with respect to the “essential secret” (Todorov 1971).
Il testo si propone di trattare l’evolversi del genere autobiografico nella letteratura araba moderna, concentrandosi sulla peculiarità del caso egiziano, il paese dell’opera autobiografica canone per eccellenza, al-Ayyām di Ṭāhā Ḥusayn,... more
Il testo si propone di trattare l’evolversi del genere autobiografico nella letteratura araba moderna, concentrandosi sulla peculiarità del caso egiziano, il paese dell’opera autobiografica canone per eccellenza, al-Ayyām di Ṭāhā Ḥusayn, dove con l’arrivo della spedizione francese di Napoleone Bonaparte nel 1798 gli egiziani e con loro tutto il mondo arabo vissero un nuovo scontro/incontro cruciale con l’Occidente, l’Altro per antonomasia. A partire da quella data, vari intellettuali egiziani, anche nei loro testi auto-biografici avviarono un lungo percorso di riscoperta del sé nello specchio e in luce della scoperta dell’altro, prima in Egitto come nel caso di ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Ǧabartī (1753-1825), e poi a Parigi come nel caso di Rifāʿa Rāfiʿ al-Ṭahṭāwī (1801-1873), nel suo Taḫlīṣ al-ibrīz fī talḫīṣ Bārīz del 1834. Questa relazione complicata di amore e odio tra gli intellettuali egiziani e l’Occidente continuò anche dopo la morte di Muḥammad ʿAlī e la distruzione del suo progetto di modernizzazione, specialmente con l’arrivo di Ismāʿīl Pascià (1830-1895). In questa prospettiva si può leggere l’opera autobiografica di ‘Alī Mubārak (1824–1893), sia quella tradizionale nel suo al-Ḫiṭaṭ al-Tawfīqiyya, che quella romanzata in ‘Alam al-Dīn (1882). Ultimo, ma non meno interessante ed importante, merita maggiore approfondimento l’autobiografia di Muḥammad ‘Abduh (1849-1905). Il tutto in base ad un approccio analitico storico-comparatistico che s’impegna a leggere le varie forme di scrittura auto-biografica nel suo contesto storico, e in quanto un ponte tra il mondo delle idee e delle teorie e quello intimo e più vicino ai sentimenti e alle emozioni di una intellighenzia che con il suo impegno ha spianato la strada alla nahḍah, e alla generazione di Ṭāhā Ḥusayn ed i suoi compagni.
Ahmed Muharram is one of the modern Arab poets. In his poetry, he followed the neo-classical school pioneered by Barudi. Expressing both current events and personal experiences through his poems, Muharram believed that poetry should have... more
Ahmed Muharram is one of the modern Arab poets. In his poetry, he followed the neo-classical school pioneered by Barudi. Expressing both current events and personal experiences through his poems, Muharram believed that poetry should have a function in general. This functionality is directly related to the awareness that the poet raises in his own society. In this context, Muharram focused on the poetry of political and social themes. He was known in Arabic literature with this feature. However, the poet did not neglect to verse poems only related to his personal experiences and emotions. The diversity of the themes he deals with in his poetry and the many of his poems in almost every genre are important in terms of reflecting the period in which Muharram lived in all aspects.
Öz Bu çalıĢma, modern Mısır edebiyatında roman sanatının, dönemin sosyal ve siyasal hareketliliğiyle birlikte, kendi iç dinamiğinden kaynaklanan sebeplerle etkisinde kaldığı toplumcu gerçekçi akım yazarlarından Abdurrahmân eĢ-ġarkâvî'nin... more
Öz Bu çalıĢma, modern Mısır edebiyatında roman sanatının, dönemin sosyal ve siyasal hareketliliğiyle birlikte, kendi iç dinamiğinden kaynaklanan sebeplerle etkisinde kaldığı toplumcu gerçekçi akım yazarlarından Abdurrahmân eĢ-ġarkâvî'nin romanlarında toplumsal eleĢtiri unsurlarını ele alacaktır. Roman, kısa hikâye, Ģiir, inceleme ve araĢtırma yazarı Abdurrahmân eĢ-ġarkâvî (1920-1987), el-Ard (Toprak, 1954), eş-Şevâriu"l-Halfiyye (Arka Sokaklar, 1958), Kulûb Hâliye (Boş Kalpler, 1956), el-Fellâh (Çiftçi, 1967) adlı dört romanıyla, Mısır sosyal ve siyasî hayatının yaklaĢık otuz yılına ayna tutmuĢtur. Makalede, yazarın romanlarına yansıyan eleĢtiri unsurları romanların yazıldıkları dönem göz önüne alınarak incelenirken karakter tahlili, zaman, mekân ve anlatıcı gibi roman öğeleri dikkate alınmadan, eleĢtiri hedefleri ilgili baĢlıklar altında değerlendirilerek, eserlerin toplumcu gerçekçi unsurlarla uygunluğu incelenmiĢtir. Abstract This study will research elements of social criticism in the novels of Abdurraḥmān Al-Sharqawi, one of the authors of the socialist realist movement in the novel art of contemporary Egyptian literature which is influenced by the social and political conditions of Egypt. The novel, short story, poetry and study author Abdurraḥman Al-Sharqawi has demonstrated the social and political life of Egypt in the novels of al-Ard, (Earth, 1954), al-Shevari al-Halfiyye (Back Streets, 1958), Kulub Haliye (Blank Hearts, 1956), al-Fallah (Farmer, 1967). The aim of this article is to propound the social and political issues of Al-Sharqawi's novels, therefore his novels not to be considered in terms of novel art.
A Z Abushady was the founder of the Apis Club at Benson in Oxfordshire. He was the first editor of its journal which was first published in June 1919. That journal is this journal, Bee World. Here, from a manuscript in progress, his... more
A Z Abushady was the founder of the Apis Club at Benson in Oxfordshire. He was the first editor of its journal which was first published in June 1919. That journal is this journal, Bee World. Here, from a manuscript in progress, his granddaughter gives some insight into the life of this interesting man.
У приповеткама Тумач жеља (Просвета, 2003, превео с арапског С. Лештарић), Селва Бакр (1949), друштвено и феминистички врло ангажована египатска књижевница, бави се маргинализованим житељима Каира и његових предграђа и њиховом... more
У приповеткама Тумач жеља (Просвета, 2003, превео с арапског С. Лештарић), Селва Бакр (1949), друштвено и феминистички врло ангажована египатска књижевница, бави се маргинализованим житељима Каира и његових предграђа и њиховом свакодневном борбом с егзистенцијалним проблемима и изазовима, не само економске, већ и друштвене природе.
Због таквог књижевноуметничког усмерења Селву Бакр можемо сврстати у водећи пример ауторки које припадају такозваној генерацији седамдесетих египатске књижевности, а која је размеђу модернистичког и постмодернистичког израза искористила да се посвети проницљивој критици друштва која је и данас више него актуелна.
Кроз дескриптивно-аналитички приступ, у раду се бавимо начинима на које су представљени женски ликови у приповеткама у збирци Тумач жеља.
Scrittori egiziani e vernacolo: scelte e obiettivi verso la costruzione di una letteratura nazionale
This paper, though unfinished, connects the Nubian Diaspora to the Nubian literature, in a way that illustrates how literature plays the role of the Nubian archive. How the forced and arranged obliteration of any trace of the Nubian... more
This paper, though unfinished, connects the Nubian Diaspora to the Nubian literature, in a way that illustrates how literature plays the role of the Nubian archive. How the forced and arranged obliteration of any trace of the Nubian heritage happened and is happening through out the years, and how this is also reflected through means of language, mobilization, and other cultural and political forms.
Dr El-Qalamwai was a prominent literary figures in Egypt who influenced modern Arabic letters writers and critics in and out of the Middle East and Africa 50 years. was the lat of a generation of suffragettes of easy 20th century. A... more
Dr El-Qalamwai was a prominent literary figures in Egypt who influenced modern Arabic letters writers and critics in and out of the Middle East and Africa 50 years. was the lat of a generation of suffragettes of easy 20th century. A politician and tinker but was criticised for accepting Colonel Naser dictatorial regime posts which she saw as an opportunity to improve the lot of women .
Öz Bu makalede, Mısır edebiyatında romantizm ve realizm yazarları için vazgeçilmez bir unsur olan köy insanının, toprak reformunun yapıldığı 1952 yılına kadar hikâye ve romanlardaki görüntüsü ele alınacaktır. Mısır halkının % 82'sini... more
Öz Bu makalede, Mısır edebiyatında romantizm ve realizm yazarları için vazgeçilmez bir unsur olan köy insanının, toprak reformunun yapıldığı 1952 yılına kadar hikâye ve romanlardaki görüntüsü ele alınacaktır. Mısır halkının % 82'sini oluşturan çiftçi karakterinin toprak tutkusu, yaşam tarzı başta olmak üzere; Mısır'ın geçirdiği siyasî ve ekonomik şartların sonucu olarak ortaya çıkan fakirlik olgusunun ana temayı oluşturduğu bu romanlar, kullanılan dekor açısından da roman sanatının bütününde farklı bir yere sahiptir. Abstract Village Novels in Egyptian Literature This article concerns the literary image of Egyptian village people. Until 1952, when land reform was implemented, this image was an indispensable fact for authors of romance and realism in Egyptian literature. Novels and stories were based on farming people's way of life and ambition to have farmland, that is, on a group that comprised 82% of the Egypt populace. Poverty, along with Egypt's economic and political conditions, is the main theme of these novels. Thus the novels of Egypt have a unique place among literary novels.
"Foundation: The International Review of Science Fiction", Volume 47.3, number 131, 2018 - a study of the evolving nature of Egyptian science fiction through a case study of the director of the Egyptian society for Science fiction, Dr.... more
"Foundation: The International Review of Science Fiction", Volume 47.3, number 131, 2018 - a study of the evolving nature of Egyptian science fiction through a case study of the director of the Egyptian society for Science fiction, Dr. Hosam el-Zembely, and his three novels
Öz Arap şiirinin kadim temalarından biri olan "medih", Cahiliye' den Modern' e tüm zamanlarda değişmez bir konu olarak şiirde yerini almıştır. Kimi zaman bir kabile reisinin, kimi zaman da bir şehrin övüldüğü bu "medhiye"lerden modern... more
Öz Arap şiirinin kadim temalarından biri olan "medih", Cahiliye' den Modern' e tüm zamanlarda değişmez bir konu olarak şiirde yerini almıştır. Kimi zaman bir kabile reisinin, kimi zaman da bir şehrin övüldüğü bu "medhiye"lerden modern dönemde "Arap dili" de payını almıştır. Özellikle Mısır entelektü-elleri arasında 19. yüzyılın son çeyreğinden itibaren süregelen ve zaman-la kızışan "edebiyatta fasih-avam" tartışması Arap şiirine konu olmuştur. Napolyon'un 1798 yılında Mısır'ı işgali sonrası Arap modernizminin ortaya çıkışı ile halkçı ve reformist eğilimler bazı Arap aydınları arasında etkili olmuş ve halk dili olan Avamcanın yazı dili olarak kullanılmasına dair çağ-rılar yükselmeye başlamıştır. "Eski-yeni" ya da "fasih-avam" tartışmalarının gölgesinde bazı Arap şairleri teknolojik ve kültürel gelişmeler karşısında Arapçanın meziyetlerine ve yeniliklere uyum sağlayabilecek kapasitesine dair şiirler söylemişlerdir. Bu makalede, Arap şiirinde her ne kadar içerik olarak yeni bir konu olsa da aslında kadim bir tema olan "medih"in tezahürü * Dr. Öğr. Üyess, BBlecck Şeyh Edeball Ünnversstess, İslamm İllmler Fakültess, Temel İslam BB-llmlerr, Arap DDll ve Belâgatt Ana BBllm Dalı,
This talk visits four contrasting perspectives on the urban space of Downtown Cairo by the Greek poet George Seferis, the Palestinian scholar Edward Said, the Egyptian-Greek novelist Stratis Tsirkas and the Egyptian writer Radwa 'Ashour.... more
This talk visits four contrasting perspectives on the urban space of Downtown Cairo by the Greek poet George Seferis, the Palestinian scholar Edward Said, the Egyptian-Greek novelist Stratis Tsirkas and the Egyptian writer Radwa 'Ashour. The talk was given at the book launch of Vittoria Capresi and Barbara Pampe, 'Discovering Downtown Cairo: Architecture and Stories, Berlin, Jovis, 2015', organized by Royal Holloway, University of London and the British Society of Modern Greek Studies.
In den 1990ern dominierte in Ägypten eine Literaturströmung, die sich radikal gegen jede politische und ideologische Vereinnahmungwehrte. IhrThema war das Ich, dem sie sich fiktional und autobiographisch näherte, ihr Impetus lag auf... more
In den 1990ern dominierte in Ägypten eine Literaturströmung, die sich radikal gegen jede politische und
ideologische Vereinnahmungwehrte. IhrThema war
das Ich, dem sie sich fiktional und autobiographisch
näherte, ihr Impetus lag auf der Freiheit der Kunst
und ihrer Macht. Mit den «neuen arabischen Bestsellern
» kehrte in den 2oooern die flguren- und ereignisreiche
Geschichte zurück. In unterhaltsamem
Tonfall bricht diese Strömung gesellschaftliche Tabus
und erobert sich so ein großes neues Lesepublikum.
Die junge ägyptische Schriftstellerirr Mansoura Ezz
Eid in hat unlängst mit ihrem zweiten Roman Jenseits
von Eden (2009, Wara'al-firdaus) ein bemerkenswertes
Werk vorgelegt, das beiden Strömungengleichermagen
verpflichtet ist: Jenseits von Eden ist ein breiter
Generationenroman über die (Un)Tiefen der Innerlichkeit
und die Suche nach sich selbst.
Bu çalışmada Ahmet Mithat Efendi'nin Avrupa'da Bir Cevelan adlı eseriyle Muhammed Emin Fikri Bey'in İrşâdu'l-Elibbâ ilâ Mehâsin-i Urûbbâ adlı eserlerinden yararlanılarak, XIX. yüzyılın sonlarında yaşamış iki Doğulu aydının Avrupa'ya... more
Bu çalışmada Ahmet Mithat Efendi'nin Avrupa'da Bir Cevelan adlı eseriyle Muhammed Emin Fikri Bey'in İrşâdu'l-Elibbâ ilâ Mehâsin-i Urûbbâ adlı eserlerinden yararlanılarak, XIX. yüzyılın sonlarında yaşamış iki Doğulu aydının Avrupa'ya bakışları incelenmiştir. 1889 yılında Stockholm'de düzenlenen VIII. Uluslararası Müsteşrikler Kongresi'ne Doğulu ve Batılı pek çok saygın ilim insanı katılmış, kongrede Doğu dilleri, edebiyatları ve kültürü hakkında çeşitli toplantılar yapılmış, makale ve tebliğler sunulmuştur. Ahmet Mithat Efendi, Sultan II. Abdulhamit tarafından bu kongreye Osmanlı delegesi olarak katılmak üzere resmî olarak görevlendirilmiştir. Muhammed Emin Fikri Bey ise Mısır hıdivliğini temsilen dört kişiden oluşan bir heyetle İsveç'e gönderilmiştir. 19. yüzyılın sonlarında Osmanlı fikir dünyasının önemli ve öncü isimlerinden birinin (Ahmet Mithat Efendi) ve o dönemde hâlâ Osmanlı egemenliğinde bulunan Mısır'ın yetiştirdiği, Batıda eğitim gören ve Batılılaşma eğilimini benimseyen bir aydının (Emin Fikri Bey) Avrupa'ya bakışları, değerlendirmeleri ve Doğuyla mukayese etmeleri, bugünü doğru değerlendirebilmek açısından önem arz etmektedir. Bu çalışma söz konusu amaca katkı sunmayı amaçlamaktadır.
سلّطت أخيراً الضوء على ’مدينة «منف» القديمة في «الخطط التوفيقيّة» لـ «علي ﭙـاشا مبارك»: «دراسة مقارنة بين المصادر التاريخيّة والمُكتشفات الأثريّة»‘، أما العدد الحالي فسأتناول فيه بالدراسة ما ورد في كتابات أبي الآثاريّين المصريّين،... more
سلّطت أخيراً الضوء على ’مدينة «منف» القديمة في «الخطط التوفيقيّة» لـ «علي ﭙـاشا مبارك»: «دراسة مقارنة بين المصادر التاريخيّة والمُكتشفات الأثريّة»‘،
أما العدد الحالي فسأتناول فيه بالدراسة ما ورد في كتابات أبي الآثاريّين المصريّين، ’أحمد ﭙـاشا كمال‘ -حسب أقدمية صدورها- عن منف القديمة:
سكانها وأوجه عظمتها،
إداراتها وموظفيها،
معبوداتها وما يُمكن أن نستشفه -مما أورده- عن الدور الفلكيّ لكهنة معابدها؛
وذلك من واقع مقارنته بنتائج الدراسات الحديثة المتخصِّصة.