Neo-latin literature Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Introduction to a Jesuit play about the martyrdom of St. John Fisher

Introduction to a tragicomedy produced at the Venerable English College, Rome.

Introduction to the Latin version of Bacon's account of the reign of Henry VII

U radu se analizira Zamanjin prijevod Hesiodove Teogonije. Navode se okolnosti nastanka toga prijevoda, povezuje se Zamanjin odabir teksta sa značajkama vremena u kojemu je stvarao, a koje je izrazito sklono didaktičnim epovima, te se... more

U radu se analizira Zamanjin prijevod Hesiodove Teogonije. Navode se okolnosti nastanka toga prijevoda, povezuje se Zamanjin odabir teksta sa značajkama vremena u kojemu je stvarao, a koje je izrazito sklono didaktičnim epovima, te se uočavaju utjecaji Zamanjina obrazovanja. Analizira se Zamanjin stav prema Hesiodu i iznose se podatci koje Zamanja navodi o grčkome pjesniku u predgovoru svojemu prijevodu. Uočavaju se glavni problemi pri prevođenju s grčkoga na latinski te se analiziraju i prikazuju Zamanjina prevoditeljska rješenja. Utvrđuju se Zamanjini uzori analizom pojedinih specifičnih leksema te analizom klauzula i njihovom usporedbom s tekstovima u bazi Musisque Deoque.

"Praxis Grammatica : Showing the true and authentic use of declensions and conjugations, nicely organized for solid and rapid acquisition of a knowledge of the essential grammatical components of meaning. There are also attached a... more

"Praxis Grammatica : Showing the true and authentic use of declensions and conjugations, nicely organized for solid and rapid acquisition of a knowledge of the essential grammatical components of meaning. There are also attached a substantial number of both famous sayings and rather well-chosen witticisms. For the use of the students of Magdalene at Oxford."

Introduction to an academic version of an Elizabethan so-called "Turk play."

The thesis contains selected Latin poetry composed during the Great Northern War and attributed to the Swedish Neo-Latin poet Magnus Rönnow (c. 1665–1735). The Carolean age (1654–1718) was the hey-day of Latin literature, eloquence and... more

The thesis contains selected Latin poetry composed during the Great Northern War and attributed to the Swedish Neo-Latin poet Magnus Rönnow (c. 1665–1735). The Carolean age (1654–1718) was the hey-day of Latin literature, eloquence and poetry in Sweden. Rönnow was one of the last Latin poets in this tradition, and indeed one of the most outstanding. Stylistically and linguistically, his
works are truly ingenious pieces of Baroque Neo-Latin verse. Propagandistic in their contents, they comment upon the major events of the war and mirror the contemporary ideological debate in a most interesting way.
In Chap. One, Introduction, I give an account of the historical and socio-cultural situation that generated these poems. This is followed by a survey of leading ideas and motifs, ancient and
contemporary. In addition, a thorough analysis of Magnus Rönnow’s language and style is provided. Special attention is paid to Augustan poetry, primarily Horace, as the main source
of inspiration. All this is done on the basis of a comparative study of contemporary Latin texts from both Sweden and neighbouring countries, especially Denmark and Russia.
In Chap. Two, Edition, Translation and Commentary, the edited Latin poems are provided with an English translation in prose and a commentary. The latter part aims to elucidate
Rönnow’s possible models and sources and intertextual bounds to other Latin literature, both ancient and Early Modern.
This dissertation is the first modern edition of Magnus Rönnow’s Latin poetry and also the first comprehensive comparative study of Neo-Latin literature produced during the fatal struggle for supremacy in the Baltic Region at the turn of the 18th century.

Il volume è il risultato di una ricerca sull’atteggiamento di medici e filosofi di fronte alla peste, dalle prime reazioni nel ‘300 fino al maturo ‘400, con particolare attenzione all’umanesimo fiorentino e alla figura di Marsilio Ficino.... more

Il volume è il risultato di una ricerca sull’atteggiamento di medici e filosofi di fronte alla peste, dalle prime reazioni nel ‘300 fino al maturo ‘400, con particolare attenzione all’umanesimo fiorentino e alla figura di Marsilio Ficino. Si è voluto mostrare come l’avvento del morbo abbia profondamente inciso sulla produzione della letteratura filosofica, accelerando l’osmosi tra i saperi e le tendenze culturali, calamitando l’attenzione di molti sull’urgenza medica. La trattazione si concentra sulle opere di Marsilio Ficino, soprattutto sul Consilio contro la pestilentia, pubblicato per la prima volta a Firenze nel 1481 e da allora testo di riferimento per la tradizione posteriore. Attraverso l’analisi delle fonti e della fortuna di quest’opera si possono rileggere le questioni fondamentali che sono al centro della letteratura medico-filosofica contro la peste. In Appendice si presenta un’edizione accompagnata da alcune annotazioni critiche, con un Glossario essenziale di termini notevoli.

A brief account of a translation experiment of the Scottish poet, historian, and fraud John Pinkerton presented in the context of the reception of Maciej Kazimierz Sarbiewski and his poetry in 18th century Scotland. The file is the... more

A brief account of a translation experiment of the Scottish poet, historian, and fraud John Pinkerton presented in the context of the reception of Maciej Kazimierz Sarbiewski and his poetry in 18th century Scotland.
The file is the original paper presented at the conference in 2012. It was later published as “Neo-Latin Poetry in 18th Century Scotland - John Pinkerton Translates Maciej Kazimierz Sarbiewski”, in: Korzeniowska, Aniela and Izabela Szymańska (eds.) Scotland in Europe / Europe in Scotland: Links – Dialogues - Analogies. Warszawa: Semper, 2013, pp. 143-153. and the book is available at:,product,20162236,scotland,in,europe,europe,in,scotland.html

The article deals with a Latin booklet published in 1914 by the German government. Its author, Matthias Erzberger (1875-1921), aimed to show to the cardinals, who were sitting in conclave in order to choose the successor of pope Pius X,... more

The article deals with a Latin booklet published in 1914 by the German government. Its author, Matthias Erzberger (1875-1921), aimed to show to the cardinals, who were sitting in conclave in order to choose the successor of pope Pius X, that Germany was not responsible for the outbreak of the First World War.

Il più rilevante e noto trattato rinascimentale sulle qualità morali, fisiche e divine dell'uomo fu redatto da uno fra i più poliedrici e dotti umanisti del Quattrocento. Il ''De dignitate et excellentia hominis'' è l'opera capitale di... more

Il più rilevante e noto trattato rinascimentale sulle qualità morali, fisiche e divine dell'uomo fu redatto da uno fra i più poliedrici e dotti umanisti del Quattrocento. Il ''De dignitate et excellentia hominis'' è l'opera capitale di Giannozzo Manetti (Firenze, 1396 - Napoli, 1459), ricco mercante, politico, autore di numerosi scritti in latino, e traduttore di Aristotele dal greco e dei Salmi dall'ebraico. Fu per un ventennio ambasciatore della repubblica fiorentina, quindi segretario pontificio e, infine, cortigiano presso la corte dei re d'Aragona a Napoli. Proprio su committenza di Alfonso il Magnanimo, Manetti portò a compimento nel 1452 la sua summa enciclopedica di quanto scritto dagli autori classici e cristiani sul miracolo del corpo umano e dello spirito divino che vi alberga. L'opera rappresenta un imperituro monumento alla più perfetta tra le creature divine, posta al centro delle meravigliose bellezze dell'Universo e dotata di un corpo e di un'anima che sono riflesso del macrocosmo. L'esaltazione dei prodotti dell'ingegno umano e delle arti figurative, la contestazione della tradizionale posizione medievale che individuava nella morte l'unica via d'uscita dalle sofferenze terrene, la glorificazione delle virtù e delle prerogative dell'uomo, e soprattutto la riflessione sui privilegi e gli oneri della ''dignitas hominis'' fanno di questo scritto il manifesto del Rinascimento italiano. Il volume offre per la prima volta al lettore italiano una traduzione integrale dell'opera a cura di Giuseppe Marcellino, specialista della letteratura latina umanistica, preceduta da un saggio introduttivo di Stefano U. Baldassarri, Direttore dell'ISI Florence e studioso del Rinascimento di fama internazionale.

Thomas More's Utopia continues to elicit scholarly interest and has retained a firm place in the literary canon and British literature survey courses. Originally printed in Latin in 1516, new translations appear regularly, and frequently... more

Thomas More's Utopia continues to elicit scholarly interest and has retained a firm place in the literary canon and British literature survey courses. Originally printed in Latin in 1516, new translations appear regularly, and frequently these translations reflect values altered by the ever-changing Western political climate. For instance, the new Penguin Classics edition of More's Utopia, translated and edited by luminary More scholar Dominic Baker-Smith, largely stays close to the spirit of earlier twentieth-century translations, but some of Baker-Smith's translation decisions reflect the contemporary political landscape of academia. In this essay I will compare several translations of More's Utopia to demonstrate the way in which English translations have changed over time. In particular, I will examine J.H. Hexter's translation for the Yale edition, the first modern edition and still an important version of the text, and explore subsequent translations of key Latin passages in the original. Indeed, even Robert Adams's relatively recent translation for the popular Norton edition contrasts greatly with Baker-Smith's new Penguin translation. In addition, I will look at a 1947 edition compiled by Mildred Campbell to demonstrate how she used gendered language in a manner similar to Hexter, Adams, and Baker-Smith. I argue that since the 1556 translation by Ralph Robynson, More's text has elicited a subjective reading experience that has resulted in subjective translation decisions. These decisions reflect unintentional consequences for More's text, and this aspect of its history and reception is what has kept Utopia an important text in higher education and part of the Western literary canon. Translation played a very prominent role in the Reformation. John Wycliffe translated the Vulgate Bible into English in the fourteenth century, but his translation did not find a widespread audience. Aided by the relatively recent appearance of the printing press in England in 1476, however, English scholar William Tyndale translated the Bible from Hebrew and Greek texts and, along with Martin Luther, advocated for widespread dissemination of scripture in vernacular languages. Such an aim amounted to heresy in the eyes of the Catholic Church, leading Thomas More to write, "Tyndale changed in his translation the common known words to the intent to

十六世紀半ばから十七世初頭にかけ、日本イエズス会により、日本語の教理書が出版されたということは周知の通りだ。世俗のヨーロッパ文学である『イソップ物語』の和訳、そして天草版『平家物語』、『太平記抜書』の存在もよく知られている。しかし、日本語で書かれたオリジナルのキリスト教説話が現存するということは案外知られていない。近年、このテキスト群を「異文化接触」というレベルで取り上げた研究が現れているが、漢訳仏典や漢籍の影響を受けた『日本霊異記』『今昔物語集』などとは対照的に、室町末期に... more


Sources, contexts and circumstances of the writing of An Ode on the Capture of Polatsk by Jan Kochanowski

The period known as the Italian Renaissance witnessed a rebirth of Greek learning and, along with it, a renewed impetus to translate the two epic poems, the Iliad and Odyssey, attributed to Homer in antiquity. During the course of one... more

The period known as the Italian Renaissance witnessed a rebirth of Greek learning and, along with it, a renewed impetus to translate the two epic poems, the Iliad and Odyssey, attributed to Homer in antiquity. During the course of one century (1362-1460s) there were more than a dozen attempts to translate Homer from Greek into Latin. These Latin versions were the first to be printed in the fifteenth century and in turn offered a template for the first vernacular translations well into the seventeenth century. In addition to translation practice, humanists also began to develop increasingly more sophisticated ways of thinking about the task of the translator and thus did much to advance the field of translation theory. Despite this decisive contribution to the history of Homer's reception and interpretation, critical commentary on the period as a whole has been largely negative. The argument of this dissertation is that much of the scholarship on Homer's reception in the Renaissance is still beholden to aesthetic assumptions inherited from the period in question. Chief among them is the assumption that translation can only take place between two texts (source and target) and that one of the most important features of a good translation is its fidelity to the source text, whether that be in word or sense. Additionally, scholars often expect a translation to stand alone as a piece of literature in its own right. Many humanists of the day and scholars thereafter held Homeric translations up to these standards and judged them a "failure." By applying a historical-contextualist methodology, I put pressure on the "failure thesis" by arguing that there was never any consensus about the standards to which translators ought to hold themselves; these standards changed over time; and in many cases they were simply impossible to fulfill. These translations can be divided into three phases: Literal ("The Feather") (1362-1440s), Oratorical ("The Wing") (1438-1460s), and Verse translation ("The Flight") (1440s-1500).

What follows will begin by introducing the two writers who are our subjects (Peter Martyr d'Anghleria and Francisco Cervantes de Salazar) before we consider their varied approaches to the indigenous settlements of the Caribbean and... more

What follows will begin by introducing the two writers who are our subjects (Peter Martyr d'Anghleria and Francisco Cervantes de Salazar) before we consider their varied approaches to the indigenous settlements of the Caribbean and Mesoamerica. Their accounts of these villages and cities will then be contrasted with their depictions of Spanish urban foundations. This examination reveals how the Roman colonial city could be used to understand the cities of the New World and to model Spanish imperialism in these lands. This in turn demonstrates the usefulness of the ancient city as a tool for thinking about colonial cities in later centuries

Artikeln ger en kort introduktion till en av de få, renodlat genealogiska dissertationer som hölls på 1700-talet. Det handlar om två mytiska hjältars uppdiktade dåd men som ändå fick stort genomslag i litteraturen, i synnerhet på... more

Artikeln ger en kort introduktion till en av de få, renodlat genealogiska dissertationer som hölls på 1700-talet. Det handlar om två mytiska hjältars uppdiktade dåd men som ändå fick stort genomslag i litteraturen, i synnerhet på 1700-talet. Rätt mycket i dissertationen verkar vara hämtat från ett otryckt manuskript av A. O. Rhyzelius' hand från ca 1740. Också Casströms dissertation kom att flitigt efterfrågas, och den totalt historiskt omöjliga släktkedja bak till vikingatiden kom att införlivas i Gabriel Anreps ättartavlor över den svenska adeln och har nu evigt liv på nätet.

This study explores the presence of Petrarchist poetic and rhetoric tools in Neo-Latin poetry writtenin, or connected to Hungary, between 1450 and 1550. As the term ’Neo-Latin Petrarchism’ itself iscontroversial, I shortly discuss the... more

This study explores the presence of Petrarchist poetic and rhetoric tools in Neo-Latin poetry writtenin, or connected to Hungary, between 1450 and 1550. As the term ’Neo-Latin Petrarchism’ itself iscontroversial, I shortly discuss the applicability of the terminology at the beginning. According totwo of his epigrams, Janus Pannonius (1434–1472) has translated a Petrarchist poetry cycle by Jacobo Antonio Marcello into Latin, which does not survive. Int he 1480s, Hieronymus Balbus (c.1460-c. 1535) composed several love poems during his stay in Paris, which clearly show the influenceof Petrarchist poetic diction, although his later poetry written in Hungary and Vienna is rather keenon subverting the Petrarchist values and ideals. Antonius Verantius (Verancsics, Vrančić, 1504–1573) composed a sonnetto and a madrigal in two languages (Italian and Latin), which are analyzed indetail. It is demonstrated that his Italian madrigal ’Si tolta è la speranza’ is a poetic paraphrase of Petrarch’s ’Amor quando fioria’, and he translated this text into a Latin madrigal in a unique Latinmeter which he created in order to express the sentiment of the Italian variant

Here is my glowing review of Anthony Gibbins' Latin lego novel "Legonium Season One: a Latin story, told entirely in bricks". In the review I explain why it's a great resource for teachers and Latin readers alike. I highly recommend this... more

Here is my glowing review of Anthony Gibbins' Latin lego novel "Legonium Season One: a Latin story, told entirely in bricks". In the review I explain why it's a great resource for teachers and Latin readers alike. I highly recommend this book and all the resources Mr. Gibbins produces over at

Opće je poznato da su renesansni intelektualci, potaknuti rimskim uzorima, revno izučavali klasičnu grčku književnost. Istodobno s osnivanjem grčkih katedri talijanski je Quattrocento svjedočio pojavi brojnih pomagala za učenje tog... more

Opće je poznato da su renesansni intelektualci, potaknuti rimskim uzorima, revno izučavali klasičnu grčku književnost. Istodobno s osnivanjem grčkih katedri talijanski je Quattrocento svjedočio pojavi brojnih pomagala za učenje tog jezika. Mnogi su se tako okušali u prevođenju s grčkog na latinski, pri čemu su djela grčkih prozaika uživala silnu popularnost. Među onodobnim prevodiocima i učiteljima na osobito visokoj cijeni bio je Demetrije Halkondil. U njegovoj školi stasao je i dubrovački humanist Miho Celije Gradić, autor najstarijeg sačuvanog prijevoda Ksenofontove Anabaze. Cilj ovog rada jest prikazati glavne značajke netom spomenutog prijevoda u okviru renesansnog prevođenja s grčkog na latinski. U tom smislu valja usporediti Celijeva prevodilačka načela s nagnućima njegova slavnog učitelja i potom vrednovati Dubrovčaninov prevodilački zahvat u kontekstu recep-cije Ksenofonta. Poslije skiciranja kulturno-povijesnih prilika u kojima je nastao Celijev pri-jevod, analiziraju se njegove prevodilačke tehnike, ocjenjuje se kvaliteta prijevoda Anabaze i, konačno, traga se za verzijom grčkog teksta kojom se Celije služio u prevođenju.

Rafael Landívar is the best known of all the poets from the Americas to write in Latin. In the Rusticatio Mexicana (1782), his masterpiece of didactic poetry, he drew extensively from Greek and Roman literature to describe in vivid epic... more

Rafael Landívar is the best known of all the poets from the Americas to write in Latin. In the Rusticatio Mexicana (1782), his masterpiece of didactic poetry, he drew extensively from Greek and Roman literature to describe in vivid epic verse the natural wonders, livelihoods and popular traditions of Mexico and his native Guatemala.
This book begins with a detailed account of Mexico's unique classical heritage, showing how humanists in colonial New Spain applied indigenous forms of knowledge and a multicultural perspective to their reading of ancient authors. Further information about Landívar's life and exile to Italy helps to illuminate the allegorical character of his work - and its important political dimension. This accessible study of 'the American Virgil' will encourage readers to discover for themselves the astonishing quality and sophistication of the Latin literature of Latin America. The present volume incorporates a complete text of the Rusticatio Mexicana (with Regenos' translation). Landívar's shorter works have also been collected and translated into English for the first time.

A Latin translation of the Greek original of Marcus Aurelius's Meditations.

Introduction to an edition of the epigrams of a popular Neo-Latin humorist

Brief introduction to Neo-Latin love elegy.